Taiwan Politics Database

Ministries and cabinet agencies

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🔴  Advice for the website user

In addition to the listed 31 cabinet-level agencies, 128 of their subordinate level-3 agencies are presented on this page. Users of this website who know the name of a subordinate level-3 agency they seek information about but are unsure to which cabinet-level agency it belongs may check the alphabetical Organizations index on the page Name Index.

The user can also refer to the Site Map for more details about which agencies are introduced on this page.

Information about other agencies of the ROC central government not under the direct supervision of the Executive Yuan can be found here.

A short list showing cabinet agencies that were abolished since 2006 can be found here.


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Ministries and cabinet agencies—an overview

There are currently 31 ministries and other cabinet agencies under the Executive Yuan. Please note that the Control Yuan and the Examination Yuan have ministries as well.

— — — (English) — — —
— — — (Chinese) — — —
Ministry / agency Abbrev. Ministry / agency Abbrev.
Ministry of the Interior MOI 內政部 ~
Ministry of Foreign Affairs MOFA 外交部 ~
Ministry of National Defense MND 國防部 ~
Ministry of Justice MOJ 法務部 ~
Ministry of Economic Affairs MOEA 經濟部 ~
Ministry of Finance MOF 財政部 ~
Ministry of Transportation and Communications MOTC 交通部 ~
Ministry of Education MOE 教育部 ~
Ministry of Culture MOC 文化部 ~
Ministry of Health and Welfare MOHW 衛生福利部 衛福部
Ministry of Labor MOL 勞動部 ~
Ministry of Digital Affairs MODA 數位發展部 數位部
Ministry of Agriculture MOA 農業部 ~
Ministry of Environment MOENV 環境部 ~
National Science and Technology Council NSTC 國家科學及技術委員會 國科會
Mainland Affairs Council MAC 大陸委員會 陸委會
National Development Council NDC 國家發展委員會 國發會
Ocean Affairs Council OAC 海洋委員會 海委會
Fair Trade Commission FTC 公平交易委員會 公交會
Public Construction Commission PCC 公共工程委員會 工程會
National Communications Commission NCC 國家通訊傳播委員會 通傳會
Financial Supervisory Commission FSC 金融監督管理委員會 金管會
ROC Central Bank 中央銀行 央行
Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics DGBAS 主計總處 ~
Directorate-General of Personnel Administration DGPA 人事行政總處 人事總處
Central Election Commission CEC 中央選舉委員會 中選會
Veterans Affairs Council VAC 國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會 退輔會
Overseas Community Affairs Council OCAC 僑務委員會 僑委會
Hakka Affairs Council HAC 客家委員會 客委會
Council of Indigenous Peoples CIP 原住民族委員會 原民會
National Palace Museum NPM 國立故宮博物院 故宮

In terms of administrative hierarchy of the ROC cabinet, the superordinate organization—the complete cabinet—is the Executive Yuan (xingzhengyuan 行政院). Cabinet-level agencies under the Executive Yuan include ministries (bu 部), commissions/councils (weiyuanhui 委員會), and directorate-generals (zongchu 總處); two independent cabinet-level agencies are the Central Bank (zhongyang yinhang 中央銀行) and the National Palace Museum (guoli gugong bowuyuan 國立故宮博物院). Subordinate agencies under a cabinet-level agencies, also called "level-3 agencies" (zhongyang sanji jiguan 中央三級機關), are mostly organized as administrations (shu 署), bureaus (ju 局), and offices (chu 處), and there are also a few centers (zhongxin 中心) and others; administrations being larger than bureaus and offices.

In particluar, level-3 agencies under the Executive Yuan are central government entities which are under the jurisdiction of a Cabinet-level agency but have a greater degree of independence than departments directly belonging to that Cabinet-level agency. Regarding their organizational structure, while most level-3 agencies have subdivisions tailored to the specific needs and professional tasks of the individual agency, they usually all have the following administrative units:

  Accounting (zhujishi 主計室),
  Civil Service Ethics (zhengfengshi 政風室)—in charge of countering corruption,
  Personnel (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室).

The last Chinese syllable identifying the kind of subdivision may vary, possible versions are office (shi 室), division (zu 組), et. al.


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◆ Ministry of the Interior (MOI)

Ministry of the Interior (MOI) 內政部
No. 5 Xuzhou Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10055, Taiwan ROC
[10055 台北市中正區徐州路 5 號]
🌏 MOI – Web link
Description: MOIx01b

The MOI (neizhengbu 內政部) was established in April 1928. In the ROC, the MOI is considered the most prestigious of all cabinet-level agencies, being dubbed "the first ministry in the world" (tianxia diyi bu 天下第一部).

MOI ministers

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
4/1928Hsueh Tu-pi 薛篤弼1892-1973Shanxi
10/1928 Yen Hsi-shan 閻錫山1883-1960Shanxi
12/1928Chao Tai-wen 趙戴文1867-1943Shanxi
9/1929Yang Chao-tai 楊兆泰1880-1936Shanxi
4/1930Niu Yung-chien 鈕永建1870-1965Jiangsu
1/1931Liu Shang-ching 劉尚清1868-1947Liaoning
1/1931 @Chang Wo-hua 張我華1886-1938Anhui
1/1932Li Wen-fan 李文範1884-1953Guangdong
1/1932Wang Chao-ming 汪兆銘1883-1944Zhejiang
2/1932 Feng Yu-hsiang 馮玉祥1882-1948Anhui
3/1932 @Peng Hsueh-pei 彭學沛1896-1949Jiangxi
5/1932Huang Shao-hung 黃紹竑1895-1966Guangxi
12/1934 Huang Fu 黃郛1880-1936Zhejiang
2/1935 @Tao Lu-tsien 陶履謙1890-1944Zhejiang
12/1935Chiang Tso-pin 蔣作賓1884-1941Hubei
11/1937Ho Chien 何鍵1887-1956Hunan
5/1939Chou Chung-yo 周鍾岳1876-1951Yunnan
11/1944Chang Li-sheng 張厲生1901-1971Hebei
6/1948—12/1948Peng Chao-hsien 彭昭賢1896-1979Shandong
12/1948—3/1949Hung Lan-yu 洪蘭友1900-1958Jiangsu
4/1949—1/1950Li Han-hun 李漢魂1895-1987Guangdong
1/1950—3/1950Ku Cheng-kang 谷正綱1902-1993Guizhou
3/1950—4/1952Yu Ching-tang 余井塘1896-1985Jiangsu
4/1952—6/1954Huang Chi-lu 黃季陸1899-1985Sichuan
6/1954—3/1958Wang Teh-pu 王德溥1897-1991Liaoning
3/1958—5/1960Tien Chung-chin 田炯錦1899-1977Gansu
5/1960—5/1966Lien Chen-tung 連震東1904-1986Taiwan
5/1966—5/1972Hsu Ching-chung 徐慶鐘1907-1996Taiwan
5/1972—6/1976Lin Chin-sheng 林金生1916-2001Taiwan
6/1976—5/1978Chang Feng-shu 張豐緒1928-2014Taiwan
5/1978—11/1981Chiu Chuang-huan 邱創煥1925-2020Taiwan
11/1981—5/1984Lin Yang-kang 林洋港1927-2013Taiwan
5/1984—7/1988Wu Po-hsiung 吳伯雄b. 1939Taiwan
7/1988—6/1991Hsu Shui-teh 許水德1931-2021Taiwan
6/1991—2/1994Wu Po-hsiung (second time)
2/1994—6/1996Huang Kun-huei 黃昆輝b. 1936Taiwan
6/1996—5/1997Lin Fong-cheng 林豐正b. 1940Taiwan
5/1997—2/1998Yeh Chin-fong 葉金鳳b. 1943Taiwan
2/1998—5/2000Huang Chu-wen 黃主文b. 1941Taiwan
5/2000—2/2002Chang Po-ya 張博雅b. 1942Taiwan
2/2002—4/2004Yu Cheng-hsien 余政憲b. 1959Taiwan
4/2004—1/2006Su Jia-chyuan 蘇嘉全b. 1956Taiwan
1/2006—5/2008Lee Yi-yang 李逸洋b. 1955Taiwan
5/2008—9/2009Liao Liou-yi 廖了以b. 1947Taiwan
9/2009—1/2012Jiang Yi-huah 江宜樺b. 1960Taiwan
2/2012—3/2014Lee Hong-yuan 李鴻源b. 1956Taiwan
3/2014—5/2016Chen Wei-zen 陳威仁b. 1953Taiwan
5/2016—7/2018Yeh Jiunn-rong 葉俊榮b. 1958Taiwan
7/2018—12/2022Hsu Kuo-yung 徐國勇b. 1958Taiwan
12/2022—1/2023 @Hua Ching-chun 花敬群b. 1967N/A
1/2023—5/2024Lin Yu-chang 林右昌b. 1971Taiwan
5/2024—Liu Shyh-fang 劉世芳b. 1959Taiwan

MOI structure

MOI has the following internal administrative units:

  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室);
  Department of Civil Affairs (minzhengsi 民政司),
  Department of General Affairs (zongwusi 總務司),
  Department of Household Registration Affairs (huzhengsi 戶政司),
  Department of Land Administration (dizhengsi 地政司);
  Department of Accounting (kuaijichu 會計處),
  Department of Civil Service Ethics (zhengfengchu 政風處),
  Department of Personnel (renshichu 人事處),
  Department of Statistics (tongjichu 統計處);
  Information Center (zixun zhongxin 資訊中心); and
  The Cooperative & Civil Associations Preparatory Office (hezuo ji renmin tuantisi choubeichu 合作及人民團體司籌備處).

Furthermore, there are two special committees in MOI:

  Legal Affairs Committee (fagui weiyuanhui 法規委員會), and
  Petitions and Appeals Committee (suyuan shenyi weiyuanhui 訴願審議委員會).

The following are subordinate organizations under the MOI:

  Architecture and Building Research Institute (neizhengbu jianzhu yanjiusuo 內政部建築研究所, abbrev. ABRI),
  Central Police University (neizhengbu zhongyang jingcha daxue 內政部中央警察大學, abbrev. CPU),
  Construction and Planning Agency (neizhengbu yingjianshu 內政部營建署, abbrev. CPA),
  Land Consolidation Engineering Bureau (neizhengbu tudi chonghua gongchengchu 內政部土地重劃工程處, abbrev. LCEB),
  National Airborne Service Corps (neizhengbu kongzhong qinwu zongdui 內政部空中勤務總隊, abbrev. kongqin空勤 in Chinese and NASC in English),
  National Conscription Agency (neizhengbu yizhengshu 內政部役政署),
  National Fire Agency (neizhengbu xiaofangshu 內政部消防署, abbrev. NFA),
  National Immigration Agency (neizhengbu ruchuguo ji yiminshu 內政部入出國及移民署, abbrev. NIA),
  National Land Surveying and Mapping Center (neizhengbu guotu cehui zhongxin 內政部國土測繪中心, abbrev. NLSC), and
  National Police Agency (neizhengbu jingzhengshu 內政部警政署, abbrev. NPA).

In addition, a National Housing and Urban Regeneration Center (guojia zhuzhai ji dushi gengxin zhongxin 國家住宅及都市更新中心, abbrev. zhudu zhongxin 住都中心) was inaugurated on Aug. 2, 2018 with the MOI as supervisory agency.

On Sept. 20, 2023 two new subordinate agencies were inaugurated:

  • National Land Management Agency, MOI (neizhengbu guotu guanlishu 內政部國土管理署), and
  • National Park Service, MOI (neizhengbu guojia gongyuanshu 內政部國家公園署).

Religious affairs

Article 13 of the ROC Constitution reads: "The people shall have freedom of religious belief." (renmin you xinyang zongjiao zhi ziyou 人民有信仰宗教之自由。) In today's ROC, people do indeed enjoy complete religious freedom.

Major religions in Taiwan include Buddhism (fojiao 佛教), Taoism (daojiao 道教), I-Kuan Tao (yiguandao 一貫道), Catholicism (tianzhujiao 天主教), Protestantism (jidujiao 基督教), and Islam (huijiao 回教). [The small but growing community of Jewish residents in Taiwan consists mostly of expats, e. g. diplomats, teachers, students, and businesspeople.]

Another religious tradition dominant in Taiwan is Chinese folk religion (minjian xinyang 民間信仰), e. g. worship of diverse popular deities, gods and immortals like the sea goddess Mazu 媽祖, the Earth God (tudigong 土地公), the Goddess of Mercy Kuan-yin (guanyin 觀音), Kuan Yu (Guan Yu 關羽) aka Guan Gong 關公 (a god of loyalty, justice, integrity and courage), the God of Pestilence (wangye 王爺), the God of Medicine (baosheng dadi 保生大帝), the Kitchen God (zaojun 灶君), the God of Wealth (caishenye 財神爺) and another local wealth god named Han Dan 寒單, the God of Marriage (yuexia laoren 月下老人), the Emperor of Heaven (yuhuang dadi 玉皇大帝), the two sea and door gods Thousand-Mile-Eyes (qianliyan 千里眼) aka General of Thousand Mile Sight and Follow-Wind-Ears (shunfeng'er 順風耳) aka General of Brillant Hearing, the True Warrior (zhenwu 真武) and many others. Furthermore, fortunetelling (suanming 算命) and geomancy (fengshui 風水) are widespread as well.

In this context it should be pointed out that Confucianism (rujiao 儒教) is not a religion but a philosophy and ethical concept concerning moral values, social organization and family relations. However, the rituals performed in Confucius Temples (Kong miao 孔廟) in Taiwan, e. g. those commemorating the birthday of Confucius 孔丘 (551-479 BC) on Sept. 28 each year, are reminiscent of religious worship.

In the past decades, devotees of those religions have lived and practiced their faiths in peaceful coexistence, and there were no problems with religious strife or incidents of violence motivated by fanatic religious dogmatism. The absence of disturbances caused by faith is also reflected by the fact that on the level of the ROC central government religious affairs are handled by a relatively small agency, the Religious Affairs Section (zongjiao fudaoke 宗教輔導科) under the MOI Department of Civil Affairs.

Selected level-3 agencies under MOI

Details about the following selected agencies under MOI are shown directly below.

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National Police Agency, MOI (NPA)

National Police Agency, MOI (NPA) 內政部警政署
No. 7 Zhongxiao East Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10058, Taiwan ROC
[10058 台北市中正區忠孝東路 1 段 7 號]
🌏 NPA – Web link
Description: NPAx01d

The NPA (neizhengbu jingzhengshu 內政部警政署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was initially established on Aug. 15, 1946 but was soon downsized to a police administration department under MOI in April 1949. On July 15, 1972 it was upgraded once more to a separate agency under the MOI.

NPA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1972—1976Chou Ju-cun 周菊村b. 1914, d. N/AHunan
12/1976—1980Kong Ling-cheng 孔令晟1918-2014Jiangsu
1980–1984Ho En-ting 何恩廷1920-2010Hebei
7/1984—8/1989Luo Chang 羅張1923-2006Jiangxi
8/1989—12/1993Chuang Heng-dai 莊亨岱b. 1926Fujian
1993—5/1995Lu Yu-jun 盧毓鈞1930-2011Shandong
1995—6/1996Yen Shih-si 顏世錫b. 1930Shandong
1996–1997Yao Kao-chiao 姚高橋b. 1938Taiwan
1997–2000Ding Yung-chin 丁原進1939-2009Shandong
2000—7/2003Wang Ginn-wang 王進旺b. 1947Taiwan
7/2003—4/2004Chang Si-liang 張四良b. 1941Taiwan
4/2004—6/2006Shieh Ing-dan 謝銀黨b. 1949Taiwan
6/2006—6/2008Hou Yu-ih 侯友宜b. 1957Taiwan
6/2008—3/2015Wang Cho-chiun 王卓鈞b. 1951Shandong
4/2015—9/2017Chen Kuo-en 陳國恩b. 1956Taiwan
9/2017—6/2022Chen Chia-chin 陳家欽b. 1958Taiwan
7/2022—5/2024Huang Ming-chao 黃明昭b. 1964Taiwan
5/2024—Chang Jung-hsin 張榮興b. N/AN/A

Apart from the police force units on all local levels, the organizational structure of the NPA features several subordinate entities, including the following:

  Aviation Police Bureau (hangkong jingchaju 航空警察局),
  Criminal Investigation Bureau (xingshi jingchaju 刑事警察局, abbrev. CIB),
  National Highway Police Bureau (guodao gonglu jingchaju 國道公路警察局),
  Railway Police Bureau (tielu jingchaju 鐵路警察局);
  First Special Police Corps (baoan jingcha diyi zongdui 保安警察第一總隊),
  Second Special Police Corps (baoan jingcha dier zongdui 保安警察第二總隊),
  Third Special Police Corps (baoan jingcha disan zongdui 保安警察第三總隊),
  Fourth Special Police Corps (baoan jingcha disi zongdui 保安警察第四總隊),
  Fifth Special Police Corps (baoan jingcha diwu zongdui 保安警察第五總隊),
  Sixth Special Police Corps (baoan jingcha diliu zongdui 保安警察第六總隊),
  Seventh Special Police Corps (baoan jingcha diqi zongdui 保安警察第七總隊);
  Hualien Harbor Police Department (Hualian gangwu jingcha zongdui 花蓮港務警察總隊),
  Kaohsiung Harbor Police Department (Gaoxiong gangwu jingcha zongdui 高雄港務警察總隊),
  Keelung Harbor Police Department (Jilong gangwu jingcha zongdui 基隆港務警察總隊),
  Taichung Harbor Police Department (Taizhong gangwu jingcha zongdui 臺中港務警察總隊);
  Civil Defense Office (minfang zhihui guanzhisuo 民防指揮管制所),
  Police Communications Office (jingcha dianxunsuo 警察電訊所);
  Police Equipment Maintenance Plant (jingcha jixie xiulichang 警察機械修理廠);
  Police Broadcasting Service (jingcha guangbo diantai 警察廣播電臺); and
  Taiwan Police College (Taiwan jingcha zhuanke xuexiao 臺灣警察專科學校).

In addition, the NPA on March 21, 2017 opened a Counterterrorism Center (fankong xunlian zhongxin 反恐訓練中心). A Special Tactical Unit (chubao teqindui 除暴特勤隊, abbrev. STU) aimed at combating fraud, the sale of narcotics, and other gang-related crimes was officially launched by the CIB on Dec. 25, 2017.

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Central Police University, MOI (CPU)

Central Police University, MOI (CPU) 內政部中央警察大學
No. 56 Shujen Road, Takang Borough,
Kueishan District, Taoyuan City 33304, Taiwan ROC
[33304 桃園市龜山區大崗里樹人路 56 號]
🌏 CPU – Web link

The CPU (zhongyang jingcha daxue 中央警察大學, abbrev. jingda 警大, 🏁—xiaozhang 校長) was established as Central Police College (zhongyang jingguan xuexiao 中央警官學校) in Nanjing on Sept. 1, 1936 by merging the MOI Police Academy (neizhengbu jingguan gaodeng xuexiao 內政部警官高等學校) and the Chechiang Provincial Police School (Zhejiangsheng jingguan xuexiao 浙江省警官學校), and today it is the highest police education institution in the ROC. When the ROC central government relocated to Taiwan in 1949, training and education for police officers was continued at the Training Course for Police Officers (Taiwan jingguan xunlianban 台灣警官訓練班) in Taipei, but the college was forced to close under government order in June 1950. The government reestablished the college in October 1954, and on Dec. 20, 1995 its current name was adopted.

CPU presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
9/1936—10/1947Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石1887-1975Zhejiang
10/1947—2/1949Lee Shih-tsen 李士珍1896-1998Zhejiang
2/1949—6/1949Chen Yu-huei 陳玉輝N/AN/A
7/1949—6/1950Lee Chian 李騫N/AN/A
10/1954—4/1956Lai Kan 樂幹1909-1986Sichuan
4/1956—11/1966Chao Long-wen 趙龍文1901-1968Zhejiang
12/1966—12/1973Mei Ko-wan 梅可望1918-2016Hunan
12/1973—4/1983Lee Hsing-tang 李興唐b. 1918Liaoning
4/1983—5/1987Chou Shih-pin 周世斌b. 1930Sichuan
5/1987—5/1995Yen Shih-si 顏世錫b. 1930Shandong
5/1995—6/1996Yao Kao-chiao 姚高橋b. 1938Taiwan
6/1996—7/1997Chen Bi 陳璧N/AN/A
7/1997—8/2000Hsieh Zui-chi 謝瑞智1935-2012N/A
8/2000—8/2001Chu Cheng-ming 朱拯民b. 1939Shandong
8/2001—3/2006Tsai Te-huei 蔡德輝N/AN/A
3/2006—6/2008Shieh Ing-dan 謝銀黨b. 1949Taiwan
6/2008—12/2010Hou Yu-ih 侯友宜b. 1957Taiwan
3/2011—1/2014Hsieh Hsiu-neng 謝秀能N/AN/A
1/2014—2/2019Tiao Chien-sheng 刁建生b. 1953N/A
2/2019—1/2021Li Wen-ming 黎文明N/AN/A
1/2021—Chen Che-wen 陳檡文b. N/AN/A

There are three academic subdivisions (faculties) and five research centers under CPU:

  College of Justice Administration (jingzheng guanli xueyuan 警政管理學院),
  College of Police Science and Technology (jingcha keji xueyuan 警察科技學院),
  General Education Center (tongshi jiaoyu zhongxin 通識教育中心);
  Crime Issues Research Center (fanzui wenti yanjiu zhongxin 犯罪問題研究中心),
  Criminal Investigation and Forensic Science Research Center (zhencha yu jianshi kexue yanjiu zhongxin 偵查與鑑識科學研究中心),
  Criminal Justice Research Center (xingshi sifa yanjiu zhongxin 刑事司法研究中心),
  Digital Forensics Research Center (shuwei jianshi yanjiu zhongxin 數位鑑識研究中心), and
  Terrorism Research Center (kongbu zhuyi yanjiu zhongxin 恐怖主義研究中心).

Please note that the HQ of the Asian Association of Police Studies (Yazhou jingcha xuehui 亞洲警察學會, abbrev. AAPS) is also based at the CPU.

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National Conscription Agency, MOI

National Conscription Agency, MOI 內政部役政署
No. 21 Guangming Road, Jhongsing Village,
Nantou City, Nantou County 54071, Taiwan ROC
[54071 南投縣南投市中興新村光明路 21 號]
🌏 National Conscription Agency – Web link

The National Conscription Agency (neizhengbu yizhengshu 內政部役政署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on March 1, 2002 when the former MOI Department of Conscription (neizhengbu yizhengsi 內政部役政司) was upgraded. Its tasks include effecting the basic concept of substitute service and also renovating the entire ROC military conscription program.

National Conscription Agency director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/2002—9/2004Chen Hui-wen 陳慧文N/AN/A
9/2004—8/2007 †Chung Tai-li 鍾台利b. N/A, d. 2007N/A
8/2007—9/2007 @Tu Chi-mei 涂其梅N/AN/A
9/2007—7/2012Kuo Ching-chuan 郭清泉N/AN/A
8/2012—12/2017Lin Kou-enn 林國演N/AN/A
1/2018—Kung Chang-jen 龔昶仁b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative offices, the National Conscription Agency has the following subdivisions:

  Administrative Division (guanlizu 管理組),
  Draft Division (zhengjizu 徵集組),
  Interests Division (quanyizu 權益組),
  Recruit Division (xunlianzu 訓練組), and
  Selection and Training Division (zhenxuanzu 甄選組).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOI]

National Immigration Agency, MOI (NIA)

National Immigration Agency, MOI (NIA) 內政部入出國及移民署
No. 15 Guangzhou Street,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10066, Taiwan ROC
[10066 台北市中正區廣州街 15 號]
🌏 NIA – Web link
Description: NIAx01b

The NIA (neizhengbu ruchuguo ji yiminshu 內政部入出國及移民署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on Jan. 2, 2007 as the ROC's government organization in charge of immigration and border control (but not customs, which falls into the MOF's jurisdiction). Previously, border control had been handled by military agencies since the 1950s. In 1972, the Entry and Exit Bureau under the MOI's National Police Agency (neizhengbu jingzhengshu ruchujing guanliju 內政部警政署入出境管理局) was established. For decades, Taiwan's border control and immigration had been separately administered by various agencies, resulting in administrative inefficiency. Eventually, the Immigration Act (ruchuguo ji yiminfa 入出國及移民法) was promulgated on May 21, 1999, then other statutes related to the NIA were passed by the Legislature Yuan on Nov. 8, 2005 and three days later promulgated by the ROC president.

NIA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2007—6/2008Wu Chen-chi 吳振吉1943-2020N/A
6/2008—12/2008Chien Tai-lang 簡太郎b. 1947Taiwan
12/2008—5/2014Hsieh Li-kung 謝立功N/AN/A
5/2014—5/2016Mo Tien-fu 莫天虎N/AN/A
5/2016—7/2017Ho Jung-chun 何榮村N/AN/A
7/2017—12/2018Jeff Yang 楊家駿b. 1958Taiwan
12/2018 @Bill Chung 鐘景琨N/AN/A
12/2018—Chiu Feng-kuang 邱豐光b. 1955N/A

In addition to its administrative units, NIA has following subdivisions:

  Entry and Exit Affairs Division (ruchuguo shiwuzu 入出國事務組),
  Immigration Affairs Division (yimin shiwuzu 移民事務組),
  Immigration Information Division (yimin zixunzu 移民資訊組),
  International Affairs Division (guoji ji zhifa shiwuzu 國際及執法事務組);
  Border Affairs Corps (guojing shiwu dadui 國境事務大隊),
  Central Taiwan Administration Corps (zhongqu shiwu dadui 中區事務大隊),
  Northern Taiwan Administration Corps (beiqu shiwu dadui 北區事務大隊),
  Southern Taiwan Administration Corps (nanqu shiwu dadui 南區事務大隊); and
  Planning and Training Division (xunlian zhongxin 訓練中心).

Since August 2018 a TV program called Taiwan Bravo (women yijiaren 我們一家人) with a focus on new immigrants is broadcast on SetTV by the NIA and sponsored by the MOI's New Immigrants Development Fund (xin zhumin fazhan jijin 新住民發展基金).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOI]

Construction and Planning Agency, MOI (CPA)

Construction and Planning Agency, MOI (CPA) 內政部營建署
No. 342 Bade Road Sec. 2,
Songshan District, Taipei City 10556, Taiwan ROC
[10556 台北市松山區八德路 2 段 342 號]
🌏 CPA – Web link
Description: CPA-001a

The CPA (neizhengbu yingjianshu 內政部營建署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on March 2, 1981 based on the Construction and Planning Department of the MOI (neizhengbu yingjiansi 內政部營建司). It is responsible for construction and building codes, urban planning, public housing, local infrastructure, land use and management.

CPA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1981–1988Chang Lung-sheng 張隆盛b. 1940Taiwan
1988–1991Tsay Jaw-yang 蔡兆陽1941-2008Taiwan
1991–1995Pan Lii-man 潘禮門N/AN/A
1995–1999Huang Nan-yuen 黃南淵b. 1933Taiwan
1/1999—7/2002Lin Yi-hou 林益厚b. 1943Taiwan
8/2002—10/2004Kuo Hsiang-tang 柯鄉黨N/AN/A
10/2004—5/2006Chen Kuang-hsiung 陳光雄N/AN/A
5/2006—7/2007Lee Wu-hsiung 李武雄N/AN/A
8/2007—7/2008Charles Lin 林欽榮b. 1957Taiwan
8/2008—6/2013Yeh Shih-wen 葉世文b. 1948Taiwan
6/2013—1/2014 @Hsu Wen-long 許文龍N/AN/A
1/2014—9/2014Ding Yuh-chyurn 丁育群1953-2015N/A
9/2014—2/2015Tseng Dar-jen 曾大仁N/AN/A
2/2015—Hsu Wen-long (second time)

In addition to its administrative units, the subdivisions of CPA include the following:

  Building Administration Division (jianzhu guanlizu 建築管理組),
  Building Engineering Division (jianzhu gongchengzu 建築工程組),
  Construction Division (gongwuzu工務組),
  Environmental Engineering Division (huanjing gongchengzu 環境工程組),
  Finance Administration Division (caiwuzu 財務組),
  Land Administration Division (tudizu 土地組),
  Management Administration Division (guanlizu 管理組),
  National Parks Division (guojia gongyuanzu 國家公園組),
  Planning Administration Division (qihuazu 企劃組),
  Planning Division (zonghe jihuazu 綜合計畫組),
  Public Housing Division (guomin zhuzhaizu 國民住宅組),
  Public Works Division (gonggong gongchengzu 公共工程組),
  Road Engineering Division (daolu gongchengzu 道路工程組),
  Urban Planning Division (dushi jihuazu 都市計畫組); and
  Central Region Office (zhongbu bangongshi 中部辦公室).

Furthermore, there are Task Force Units (renwu bianzu 任務編組) and Field Engineering Units (zhuwai gongcheng danwei 駐外工程單位). A National Housing and Urban Regeneration Center (guojia zhuzhai ji dushi gengxin zhongxin 國家住宅及都市更新中心, abbrev. HURC) was set up on Aug. 1, 2018.

The ROC's national parks are under the CPA's jurisdiction as well in the category of subordinate agencies (suoshu jiguan 所屬機關) but will be placed under a new agency called National Parks Administration (guojia gongyuanshu 國家公園署) in the future, a draft for that agency’s organizational act was completed on May 3, 2018. There are currently nine national parks in the Taiwan area:

Kenting National Park (Kending guojia gongyuan 墾丁國家公園), est. Sept. 1, 1982; land area 180.84 km², sea area 152.06 km²; HQ in Hengchun Town 恆春鎮, Pingtung County
Yushan National Park (Yushan guojia gongyuan 玉山國家公園), est. April 6, 1985; land area 1031.2 km²; HQ in Shuili Township 水里鄉, Nantou County
Yangmingshan National Park (Yangmingshan guojia gongyuan 陽明山國家公園), est. Sept. 1, 1985; land area 113.38 km²; HQ in Beitou District 北投區, Taipei City
Taroko National Park (Tailuge guojia gongyuan 太魯閣國家公園), est. Nov. 12, 1986; land area ca. 920 km²; HQ in Xiulin Township 秀林鄉, Hualien County
Shei-pa National Park (Xueba guojia gongyuan 雪霸國家公園), est. July 1, 1992; land area 768.5 km²; HQ in Dahu Township 大湖鄉, Miaoli County
Kinmen National Park (Jinmen guojia gongyuan 金門國家公園), est. Oct. 18, 1995; land area 35.287 km²; HQ in Jinning Township 金寧鄉, Kinmen County
Dongsha Atoll National Park (Dongsha huanjiao guojia gongyuan 東沙環礁國家公園), est. Jan. 17, 2007 in the area of the Pratas Islands 東沙群島; land area 1.7857 km², sea area 3534.8938 km²; HQ in Nanzi District 楠梓區, Kaohsiung City
Taijiang National Park (Taijiang guojia gongyuan 台江國家公園), est. Oct. 15, 2009; land area 49.05 km², sea area 344.05 km²; HQ in Annan District 安南區, Tainan City
South Penghu Marine National Park (Penghu nanfang sidao guojia gongyuan 澎湖南方四島國家公園), est. June 8, 2014 (official opening ceremony on Oct. 18, 2014); land area 3.7029 km², sea area 353.668 km²; HQ in Nanzi District 楠梓區, Kaohsiung City

Please note that the Marine National Park Headquarters (haiyang guojia gongyuan guanlichu 海洋國家公園管理處), established on Oct. 4, 2007 and located in Kaohsiung's Nanzi District, is tasked with the management of the Dongsha Atoll National Park and the South Penghu Marine National Park.

In addition to the nine national parks, protected areas in the ROC include one national nature park (guojia ziran gongyuan 國家自然公園), 22 nature reserves for special ecosystems (ziran baoliuqu 自然保留區), six forest reserve areas (ziran baohuqu 自然保護區), 20 wildlife refuges (yesheng dongwu baohuqu 野生動物保護區), and 37 major wildlife habitats (yesheng dongwu zhongyao qixi huanjing 野生動物重要棲息環境). altogether, more than 19 percent of the ROC's land area are under protection.

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOI]

Architecture and Building Research Institute, MOI (ABRI)

Architecture and Building Research Institute, MOI (ABRI) 內政部建築研究所
13 F., No. 200 Beixin Road,
Xindian District, New Taipei City 23143, Taiwan ROC
[23143 新北市新店區北新路 3 段 200 號 13 樓]
🌏 ABRI – Web link

The ABRI (neizhengbu jianzhu yanjiusuo 內政部建築研究所, 🏁—suozhang 所長) was formally set up on Oct. 30, 1995 and aims for promoting innovation and progress in architecture through nationwide research projects, policies and programs, to enhance the level of building technology and the quality of the overall infrastructure. Please note that according to the ABRI website, Ho Ming-chin served as director-general from April 2006 to February 2010 and again from January 2011 to August 2016, leaving an unexplained gap in his tenure.

ABRI director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1995—5/1998S. D. Chang 張世典b. 1937Taiwan
5/1998—7/2005Hsiao Chiang-pi 蕭江碧N/AN/A
7/2005—4/2006Ding Yuh-chyurn 丁育群1953-2015N/A
4/2006—8/2016Ho Ming-chin 何明錦N/AN/A
10/2016—1/2018Chen Jui-ling 陳瑞鈴N/AN/A
6/2018—Wang Rong-jing 王榮進b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, ABRI has the following subdivisions:

  Disaster Prevention Division (anquan fangzaizu 安全防災組),
  Engineering Technology Division (gongcheng jishuzu 工程技術組),
  Environment Control Division (huanjing kongzhizu 環境控制組),
  Planning Division (zonghe guihuazu 綜合規劃組);
  Fire Laboratory Center (fanghuo shiyan zhongxin 防火實驗中心),
  Materials Laboratory Center (cailiao shiyan zhongxin 材料實驗中心), and
  Performance Laboratory Center (xingneng shiyan zhongxin 性能實驗中心).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOI]

National Fire Agency, MOI (NFA)

National Fire Agency, MOI (NFA) 內政部消防署
8 F., No. 200 Beixin Road Sec. 3,
Xindian District, New Taipei City 23143, Taiwan ROC
[23143 新北市新店區北新路 3 段 200 號 8 樓(大坪林聯合開發大樓)]
🌏 NFA – Web link

The NFA (neizhengbu xiaofangshu 內政部消防署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on March 1, 1995 with fire prevention, disaster rescue and emergency medical service as its three primary missions.

NFA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/1995—1997Wang Yi-fei 王一飛N/AN/A
1997—8/2000Chen Hung-yi 陳弘毅N/AN/A
8/2000—9/2002Chao Kang 趙鋼b. 1945Beijing
9/2002—10/2009Huang Chi-ming 黃季敏b. 1952N/A
10/2009—7/2016Yeh Chi-tang 葉吉堂N/AN/A
7/2016—Chen Wen-lung 陳文龍b. N/AN/A

In addition to administrative units, NFA has the following subdivisions:

  Civilian Coordination Division (minli yunyongzu 民力運用組),
  Disaster Management Division (zaihai guanlizu 災害管理組),
  Disaster Rescue Division (zaihai qiangjiuzu 災害搶救組),
  Emergency Medical Service Division (jinji jiuhuzu 緊急救護組),
  Fire Investigation Division (huozai diaochazu 火災調查組),
  Fire Prevention Division (huozai yufangzu 火災預防組),
  Hazardous Material Management Division (weixian wupin guanlizu 危險物品管理組),
  Planning Division (zonghe qihuazu 綜合企劃組),
  Training & Education Division (jiaoyu xunlianzu 教育訓練組); and
  Rescue Command Center (jiuzai jiuhu zhihui zhongxin 救災救護指揮中心).

Internal units (paichu danwei 派出單位)

  Special Search and Rescue Team (tezhong soujiudui 特種搜救隊), and
  Training Center (xunlian zhongxin 訓練中心).

External units (fushu jiguan 附屬機關)

  Hualien Harbor Fire Brigade (Hualian gangwu xiaofangdui 花蓮港務消防隊),
  Kaohsiung Harbor Fire Brigade (Gaoxiong gangwu xiaofangdui 高雄港務消防隊),
  Keelung Harbor Fire Brigade (Jilong gangwu xiaofangdui 基隆港務消防隊), and
  Taichung Harbor Fire Brigade (Taizhong gangwu xiaofangdui 臺中港務消防隊).

Furthermore, the NFA's Central Emergency Operation Center (zhongyang zaihai yingbian zhongxin 中央災害應變中心, abbrev. CEOC) is activated in the event of major disasters like typhoons, earthquakes, landslides, aviation disasters, forest fires etc., and it coordinates rescue operations and relief efforts. Apart from its HQ, there are also backup centers (beiyuan zhongxin 備援中心) in northern, central and southern Taiwan as well as local centers in every ROC city and county.

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOI]

National Airborne Service Corps, MOI (NASC)

National Airborne Service Corps, MOI (NASC) 內政部空中勤務總隊
10 F., No. 200 Beixin Road Sec. 3,
Xindian District, New Taipei City 23143, Taiwan ROC
[23143 新北市新店區北新路 3 段 200 號 10 樓]
🌏 NASC – Web link

The NASC (neizhengbu kongzhong qinwu zongdui 內政部空中勤務總隊, abbrev. kongqin空勤, 🏁—zongduizhang 總隊長) was formally established on Nov. 9, 2005 based on the NASC Preparatory Office (kongzhong qinwu zongdui choubeichu 空中勤務總隊籌備處, 🏁—chuzhang 處長) which was set up when the NPA Air Police Department (neizhengbu jingzhengshu kongzhong jingchadui 內政部警政署空中警察隊), the NFA Airborne Fire Fighting Squadron (neizhengbu xiaofangshu kongzhong xiaofangdui 內政部消防署空中消防隊), the MOTC Aviation Team of Civil Aeronautics Administration (jiaotongbu minyong hangkongju hangkongdui 交通部民用航空局航空隊), and the CGA Air Patrol Squadron (xingzhengyuan haian xunfangshu kongzhong zhenxundui 行政院海岸巡防署空中偵巡隊) were merged on March 10, 2004.

NASC director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/2004—8/2005Chien Tai-lang 簡太郎b. 1947Taiwan
8/2005—9/2010Chen Chung-hsien 陳崇賢N/AN/A
9/2010—6/2013Kung Chang-jen 龔昶仁N/AN/A
6/2013—Tung Chien-cheng 董劍城b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, NASC has the following subdivisions:

  Aviation Affairs Division (hangwuzu 航務組),
  Aviation Safety Division (feian jianlihui 飛安監理會),
  Duty Command Center (qinwu zhihui zhongxin 勤務指揮中心),
  Maintenance Division (jiwuzu 機務組), and
  Service Brigades (qinwu dadui 勤務大隊), comprising Brigade 1 (diyi dadui 第一大隊), Brigade 2 (dier dadui 第二大隊), and Brigade 3 (disan dadui 第三大隊).

On Feb. 5, 2018 a Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter/NA-907 operated by NASC which had been deployed to bring a patient from Orchid Island (Lanyu) to Taitung crashed off Lanyu, killing all six people aboard.

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOI]

National Land Surveying and Mapping Center, MOI (NLSC)

National Land Surveying and Mapping Center, MOI (NLSC) 內政部國土測繪中心
4 F., No. 497 Liming Road Sec. 2,
Nantun District, Taichung City 40873, Taiwan ROC
[40873 台中市南屯區黎明路 2 段 497 號 4 樓]
🌏 NLSC – Web link

The NLSC (neizhengbu guotu cehui zhongxin 內政部國土測繪中心, 🏁—zhuren 主任) was established in February 1947 as Wasteland Survey Headquarter (huangdi kance zongdui 荒地勘測總隊, 🏁—zongduizhang 總隊長) under the Taiwan Provincial Government (TPG). In 1953 it was renamed Survey Headquarter (celiang zongdui 測量總隊, 🏁—zongduizhang 總隊長) under TPG and Land Survey Bureau (tudi celiangju 土地測量局, 🏁—juzhang 局長) under TPG on July 3, 1992. That agency was placed under the authority of the MOI on July 1, 1999 and reorganized as NLSC on Nov. 16, 2007.

NLSC director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2/1947—3/1951Shen Wen-hou 沈文侯N/AN/A
3/1951—9/1967Chang Chin-tu 張金土N/AN/A
10/1967—10/1968Liu Tung-ju 劉東如N/AN/A
10/1968—5/1971Chen Hsin-min 陳新民N/AN/A
5/1971—11/1975Yen Ching-teh 顏慶德b. 1921Taiwan
12/1975—2/1987Chang Yu 張煜N/AN/A
2/1987—7/1992Kuo Yu-shu 郭玉樞N/AN/A
7/1992—9/1996Huang Jung-feng 黃榮峰N/AN/A
10/1996—1/2003Tseng Teh-fu 曾德福N/AN/A
1/2003—9/2005Wu Wan-shun 吳萬順N/AN/A
9/2005—3/2007Hsiao Fu-tao 蕭輔導b. 1951Taiwan
3/2007—7/2011Lin Yen-shan 林燕山N/AN/A
7/2011—Liu Jeng-lun 劉正倫b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, NLSC has the following subdivisions:

  Cadastral Resurvey Section (dijitu chongceke 地籍圖重測課),
  Cadastral Survey Section (diji celiangke 地籍測量課),
  Control Survey Section (kongzhi celiangke 控制測量課),
  Planning & Technology Section (qihuake 企劃課),
  Survey Information Section (cehui zixunke 測繪資訊課),
  Survey Teams (celiangdui 測量隊), and
  Topographic and Hydrographic Survey Section (dixing yu haiyang celiangke 地形與海洋測量課).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOI]

Land Consolidation Engineering Bureau, MOI (LCEB)

Land Consolidation Engineering Bureau, MOI (LCEB) 內政部土地重劃工程處
4 F., No. 503 Liming Road Sec. 2,
Nantun District, Taichung City 40873, Taiwan ROC
[40873 台中市南屯區黎明路 2 段 503 號 4 樓]
🌏 LCEB – Web link

LCEB (neizhengbu tudi chonghua gongchengchu 內政部土地重劃工程處, 🏁—chuzhang 處長) was established in March 1968 as Farmland Rezoning and Planning Headquarter (nongdi chinghua guihua zongdui 農地重劃規劃總隊) under the Land Administration Bureau (Taiwansheng dizhengju 臺灣省地政局) of the Taiwan Provincial Government (TPG) and renamed Land Consolidation Engineering Headquarter (tudi chonghua gongcheng guihua zongdui 土地重劃工程規劃總隊) on Jan. 1, 1975. In June 1998 the name Land Consolidation Engineering Bureau (Taiwan shengzhengfu dizhengchu tudi chonghua gongchengju 臺灣省政府地政處土地重劃工程局) under TPG was adopted. On July 1, 1999 it was placed under the authority of the MOI as LCEB (neizhengbu tudi chonghua gongchengju 內政部土地重劃工程局), the current Chinese name was adopted on Nov. 16, 2007. Its main task is land rezoning.

LCEB directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
11/1968—11/1970Wang Kuo-chun 王國鈞b. 1914Zhejiang
11/1970—10/1971Yen Ching-teh 顏慶德b. 1921Taiwan
10/1971—2/1981Lan Tien-chiang 藍天鏘b. 1915Fujian
2/1981—6/1982Chen Tsung-tao 陳宗陶b. 1917Fujian
6/1982—7/1984Lee Tuan 李端b. 1919Fujian
11/1984—5/1986Huang Ching-chuan 黃慶銓b. 1923Taiwan
6/1986—2/1989Tsai Kuang 蔡光b. 1924Zhejiang
5/1989—12/2006Liu Juan-huang 劉瑞煌b. 1942Taiwan
12/2006—3/2007 @Liao Shu-pei 廖述培b. 1946Taiwan
3/2007—6/2010Hsiao Fu-tao 蕭輔導b. 1951Taiwan
8/2010—1/2012Liao Shu-pei (second time)
1/2012—Lee Chuen-ming 李舜民b. N/AN/A

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOI]

===== ===== ===== ===== =====

◆ Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) 外交部
No. 2 Ketagalan Boulevard,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10048, Taiwan ROC
[10048 台北市中正區凱達格蘭大道 2 號]
🌏 MOFA – Web link

The MOFA (waijiaobu 外交部) was established in May 1927 and manages the foreign relations of the ROC.

MOFA ministers

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
5/1927Wu Chao-shu 伍朝樞1887-1934Tianjin
2/1928Huang Fu 黃郛1880-1936Zhejiang
6/1928Thomas Wang 王正廷1882-1961Zhejiang
10/1931 Alfred Sao-ke Sze 施肇基1877-1958Jiangsu
11/1931Wellington Koo 顧維鈞1888-1985Shanghai
12/1931Eugene Chen 陳友仁1878-1944Guangdong
1/1932Lo Wen-kan 羅文幹1888-1941Guangdong
8/1933Wang Ching-wei 汪精衛1883-1944Guangdong
12/1935Chang Chun 張群1889-1990Sichuan
3/1937Wang Chung-hui 王寵惠1881-1958Guangdong
4/1941Kuo T'ai-ch'i 郭泰祺1889-1952Hubei
12/1941 @Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石1887-1975Zhejiang
10/1942T. V. Soong 宋子文1894-1971Shanghai
7/1945Wang Shih-chieh 王世杰1891-1981Hubei
12/1948Wu Te-chen 吳鐵城1888-1953Guangdong
4/1949—7/1958Yeh Kung-chao 葉公超1904-1981Guangdong
7/1958—5/1960Huang Shao-ku 黃少谷1901-1996Hunan
5/1960—5/1966Shen Chang-huan 沈昌煥1913-1998Jiangsu
5/1966—3/1971Wei Tao-ming 魏道明1900-1978Jiangxi
3/1971—5/1972Chow Shu-kai 周書楷1913-1992Hubei
5/1972—12/1978Shen Chang-huan (second time)
12/1978—12/1979Tsiang Yien-si 蔣彥士1915-1998Zhejiang
12/1979—4/1987Chu Fu-sung 朱撫松1915-2008Hubei
4/1987—7/1988Ding Mou-shih 丁懋時b. 1925Yunnan
7/1988—6/1990Lien Chan 連戰b. 1936Shaanxi/Taiwan
6/1990—6/1996Fredrick F. Chien 錢復b. 1935Beijing
6/1996—10/1997John Chang 章孝嚴b. 1941Jiangxi/Zhejiang
10/1997—11/1999Jason Hu 胡志強b. 1948Jilin
11/1999—5/2000Chen Chien-jen 程建人b. 1939Jiangsu
5/2000—2/2002Tien Hung-mao 田弘茂b. 1938Taiwan
2/2002—4/2004Eugene Y. H. Chien 簡又新b. 1946Taiwan
4/2004—1/2006Mark Chen Tan-sun 陳唐山b. 1935Taiwan
1/2006—5/2008James Huang 黃志芳b. 1958Taiwan
5/2008—9/2009Francisco Ou 歐鴻鍊1940-2021Taiwan
9/2009—9/2012Timothy Yang 楊進添b. 1942Taiwan
9/2012—5/2016David Y. L. Lin 林永樂b. 1950Taiwan
5/2016—2/2018David Lee Ta-wei 李大維b. 1949Taiwan
2/2018—5/2024Joseph Wu 吳釗燮b. 1956Taiwan
5/2024—Lin Chia-lung 林佳龍b. 1964Taiwan

Note: Between April and October 1949, Yeh Kung-chao was acting Minister of Foreign Affairs (daili buzhang 代理部長).

MOFA structure

MOFA has the following internal subdivisions:

  Department of East Asian and Pacific Affairs (dongya taipingyangsi 亞東太平洋司, abbrev. yataisi 亞太司),
  Department of European Affairs (ouzhousi 歐洲司),
  Department of International Cooperation and Economic Affairs (guoji hezuo ji jingji shiwusi 國際合作及經濟事務司, abbrev. guojingsi 國經司),
  Department of International Information Services (guoji chuanbosi 國際傳播司, abbrev. guochuansi 國傳司),
  Department of International Organizations (guoji zuzhisi 國際組織司, abbrev. guozusi 國組司),
  Department of Latin American and Caribbean Affairs (lading meizhou ji jialebihaisi 拉丁美洲及加勒比海司, abbrev. lameisi 拉美司),
  Department of North American Affairs (beimeisi 北美司),
  Department of Treaty and Legal Affairs (tiaoyue falüsi 條約法律司, abbrev. tiaofasi 條法司),
  Department of West Asian and African Affairs (yaxi ji feizhousi 亞西及非洲司, abbrev. yafeisi 亞非司);
  Department of Archives, Information Management and Telecommunications (zixun ji dianwuchu 資訊及電務處),
  Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (zhujichu 主計處),
  Department of Civil Service Ethics (zhengfengchu 政風處),
  Department of Personnel (renshichu 人事處),
  Department of Protocol (libinchu 禮賓處),
  Secretariat (mishuchu 秘書處);
  Department of General Affairs (jiyao shiwu bangongshi 機要事務辦公室);
  Department of Policy Planning (yanjiu shejihui 研究設計會);
  Central Taiwan Office (zhongbu banshichu 中部辦事處),
  Eastern Taiwan Office (dongbu banshichu 東部辦事處),
  Southern Taiwan Office (nanbu banshichu 南部辦事處), and
  Southwestern Taiwan Office (Yun Jia Nan banshichu 雲嘉南辦事處).

The following are subordinate organizations and agencies under the MOFA:

  Bureau of Consular Affairs (waijiaobu lingshi shiwuju 外交部領事事務局, abbrev. lingwuju 領務局 in Chinese and BOCA in English),
  Department of NGO International Affairs (waijiaobu fei zhengfu zuzhi guoji shiwuhui 外交部非政府組織國際事務會),
  Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs (waijiaobu waijiao ji guoji shiwu xueyuan 外交部外交及國際事務學院, abbrev. waijiao xueyuan 外交學院in Chinese and IDIA in English),
  Office of Parliamentarian Affairs (waijiaobu guohui shiwu bangongshi 外交部國會事務辦公室, abbrev. guohuishi 國會室),
  Public Diplomacy Coordination Council (waijiaobu gongzhong waijiao xietiaohui 外交部公眾外交協調會, abbrev. gongzhonghui 公眾會), and
  Taiwan Council for U. S. Affairs (Taiwan Meiguo shiwu weiyuanhui 台灣美國事務委員會, abbrev. TCUSA),
  Taiwan-Japan Relations Association (waijiaobu Taiwan Riben guanxi xiehui 外交部臺灣日本關係協會, abbrev. Tai Ri xie 台日協).

Please note that the MOFA also administrates the Taipei Guest House (Taibei binguan 臺北賓館) in Taipei City's Boai Special Zone (boai tequ 博愛特區), Zhongzheng District, a historical structure which was built between 1899 and 1901 and is used for receiving state guests or celebration activities.

Transferred to the MOFA from the GIO

MOFA's Department of International Information Services started its regular operations on Sept. 1, 2012 and is based on administrative units and personnel from the former Government Information Office (GIO) which had been abolished on May 20, 2012. Since its establishment, the Department has been headed by the following director-generals (sizhang 司長):

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
5/2012—2/2014 Michael Chen 陳天爵 N/A N/A
2/2014—6/2016 Manfred Peng 彭滂沱 b. 1956 N/A
6/2016—8/2016 @ Jeremy Liang Horng-sheng 梁洪昇 N/A N/A
8/2016—3/2018 Paul K. Chang 張國葆 b. 1956 Taiwan
3/2018—7/2021 Henry M. J. Chen 陳銘政 N/A N/A
7/2021—Hsu Yung-mei 徐詠梅b. N/AN/A

The Department's duties include creation and distribution of media contents in foreign languages, the most noteworthy publications are listed below.

  • Taiwan Review (TR)—bimonthly magazine in English, published since April 1951 as "Free China Review" (FCR), renamed "Taipei Review" in April 2000. The current name was adopted in March 2003. Publication intervals were reduced from monthly to bimonthly after the April 2016 edition.
  • Taiwan Journal—weekly newspaper in English, first published on March 1, 1964 as "Free China Weekly", renamed "Free China Journal" (FCJ) on Jan. 1, 1984 and "Taipei Journal" on Jan. 7, 2000; the final name was adopted on Jan. 24, 2003. The printed version was terminated on May 22, 2009 and transformed into the online news portal "Taiwan Today". Publication intervals of the printed newspaper: weekly, except of the period between July 4, 1988 and June 18, 1993 when it was produced as semi-weekly newspaper.
  • Les Echos de la République de Chine à Taïwan (short "Les Echos")—newspaper published three times a month in French, established on Oct. 20, 1968 as "Les Echos de la République de Chine". The final name was adopted on Oct. 1, 2001. The printed newspaper was terminated on Feb. 21, 2002 and replaced with the online news portal "Taiwan Info".
  • Noticias. Boletín informativo sobre Taiwan (short "Noticias")—newspaper published three times a month in Spanish, established on Jan. 6, 1971 as "Noticias de la República de China", renamed "Noticias de la República de China en Taiwan" on Oct. 6, 2001. The final name was adopted on April 6, 2003. The printed newspaper was terminated on May 26, 2014 and replaced with the online news portal "Noticias de Taiwan".
  • Taiwan Panorama (guanghua zazhi 光華雜誌)—bilingual magazines. The Chinese–English edition has been published monthly since January 1976 as Sinorama (guanghua huabao 光華畫報), the current name was adopted in January 2006. A monthly Chinese–Japanese edition ("台湾光華雑誌Taiwan Panorama") was created in January 1980, its September 2014 edition was the last one printed on paper, and it has been produced as an online publication only since. A bilingual printed Chinese–Spanish edition of Sinorama was published monthly between mid-1980 and 2001. Three bimonthly bilingual printed editions featuring Southeast Asian languages were launched in December 2015: Chinese–Bahasa Indonesia ("Majalah Taiwan Panorama"), Chinese–Thai ("นิตยสารกวางหัวไต้หวัน Taiwan Panorama"), and Chinese–Vietnamese ("Tạp chí Panorama").
  • Taiwan Hoy—bimonthly magazine in Spanish, published since September 1982 as "China Libre", renamed "Taipéi Hoy" in March 2000. The current name was adopted in January 2003.
  • Taiwan aujourd'hui—bimonthly magazine in French, first published in January 1984 as "La Chine libre", renamed "Taïpei aujourd'hui" in March 2000. The final name was adopted in February 2003. The printed magazine was terminated in May 2016. Publication intervals: bimonthly from its establishment to Jan./Feb. 2003, monthly April 2003 to October 2014, bimonthly Nov./Dec. 2014 until its termination.
  • Taiwan heute—bimonthly magazine in German, first published in September 1988 as "Freies China", renamed "Taipeh heute" in March 2000. The final name was adopted in January 2003. The printed magazine was terminated in September 2014 and replaced with a website that went online the following month, featuring daily news.
  • Taivanskaia Panorama (Тайваньская панорама)—bimonthly magazine in Russian, first published in May 1994 as "Svobodnyi Kitai" (Свободный Китай), renamed "Taibeiskaia Panorama" (Тайбэйская панорама) in March 2000. The final name was adopted in January 2003. The printed magazine was terminated in September 2014 and replaced with a website that went online the following month, featuring daily news.
  • Taiwan Headlines—electronic daily newspaper in English launched on Sept. 8, 1999 and updated each weekday. It contained selections from English-language newspapers in Taiwan, translations of articles printed in the local Chinese-language papers, photographs, informative graphics, and special reports on selected topics. The publication was terminated and its website shut down on Dec. 31, 2014.
  • Taiwan Info—online news portal in French launched on April 1, 2002 as successor of "Les Echos".
  • Taiwan Today (TT)—online news portal in English launched on June 1, 2009 as a successor of "Taiwan Journal". Please note that a Japanese version of Taiwan Today was launched on Aug. 1, 2011, and additional versions in Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese went online on May 21, 2018.
  • Noticias de Taiwan—online news portal in Spanish launched on June 1, 2014 as successor of "Noticias".

The image on the left shows a collection of logos belonging to the publications listed above (click on the image to enlarge).

Other foreign-language materials produced by MOFA include the annual booklet "Taiwan at a Glance" (Taiwan yipie 台灣一瞥), the Foreign Relations Yearbook as well as non-regular printed information, brochures, digital contents, promotional videos etc. Their main purposes are improving the visibility of Taiwan and the ROC in the international community, introducing and explaining government policies and conveying official positions of the current administration, tasks that were transferred from the GIO to the MOFA in May 2012.

The Republic of China Yearbook, a comprehensive reference which had been published annually since the 1950s, contained extensive information about politics, economy, society, culture and many other topics in English. For decades, this valuable source was compiled by the GIO. After the GIO was abolished, the section "Who's Who in the ROC" in the yearbook was discontinued in the 2013 edition, ending a tradition of more than six decades. Three years later the Executive Yuan decided to terminate the publication of the ROC Yearbook altogether following the 2016 edition.

Selected level-3 agencies under MOFA

Details about the following selected agencies under MOFA are shown directly below.

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Taiwan Council for U.S. Affairs, MOFA (TCUSA)

Taiwan Council for U. S. Affairs, MOFA (TCUSA) 台灣美國事務委員會
1 F., No. 133 Boai Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10048, Taiwan ROC
[10048 台北市中正區博愛路 133 號 1 樓]
🌏 TCUSA – Web link
Description: Nologo07

The TCUSA (Taiwan Meiguo shiwu weiyuanhui 台灣美國事務委員會, 🏁—zhuren weiyuan 主任委員) was established on March 1, 1979 as a subordinate agency under MOFA. TCUSA's original name then was "Coordination Council of North American Affairs" (waijiaobu bei Mei shiwu xietiao weiyuanhui 外交部北美事務協調委員會, abbrev. CCNAA), and it should not be confused with the MOFA Department of North American Affairs (waijiaobu bei Mei si 外交部北美司). The adoption of the current name was announced on May 25, 2019, a ceremony to unveil the new nameplate was held on June 6, 2019.

TCUSA chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/1979—1981Tsai Wei-ping 蔡維屏1911-1997Jiangsu
1981–1991Raymond S. H. Hoo 胡世勳1914-2000Zhejiang
1991–1994Edward Y. Kuan 關鏞b. 1925Shandong
1994—5/2000Liu Ta-jen 劉達人b. 1919Shanghai
5/2000—7/2002Steven F. Wang 王飛b. 1938Kirin
7/2002—9/2003Wu Tzu-dan 吳子丹b. 1937Fujian
9/2003—12/2003Ou-yang Jui-hsiung 歐陽瑞雄b. 1940Taiwan
5/2004—7/2007Lin Fang-mei 林芳玫b. 1961Taiwan
8/2007—5/2008Edgar Lin Chun-yi 林俊義b. 1938Taiwan
5/2008—5/2009 @Abraham Wen-shang Chu 朱文祥b. 1958Taiwan
5/2009—5/2012Shaw Yu-ming 邵玉銘b. 1938Heilongjiang
5/2012—10/2014David Lee Ta-wei 李大維b. 1949Taiwan
10/2014—5/2016Katherine Chang 張小月b. 1953Taiwan
7/2016—9/2017Tao Yi-feng 陶儀芬N/AN/A
9/2017—2/2018 @Paul Wen-liang Chang 章文樑b. 1959N/A
2/2018—5/2020Lin Liang-jung 林良蓉b. 1969N/A
5/2020—Yang Jen-ni 楊珍妮b. 1954N/A

* * * SEE ALSO * * *

More relevant contents pertaining to that subject can be found on the following pages of this website.

🔴 "Foreign relations of the ROC", The ROC and the US

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOFA]

Taiwan-Japan Relations Association, MOFA

Taiwan-Japan Relations Association, MOFA 外交部臺灣日本關係協會
4 F., No. 7 Roosevelt Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10092, Taiwan ROC
[10092 台北市中正區羅斯福路 1 段 7 號 4 樓]
🌏 Taiwan-Japan Relations Association – Web link
Description: Nologo07

The Taiwan-Japan Relations Association (waijiaobu Taiwan Riben guanxi xiehui 外交部臺灣日本關係協會, abbrev. Tai Ri xie台日協, 🏁—huizhang 會長) was established on Dec. 2, 1972 under the name "Association of East Asian Relations" (waijiaobu yadong guanxi xiehui 外交部亞東關係協會, abbrev. yaxie 亞協 in Chinese and AEAR in English) as an organization under MOFA to manage the inofficial relations with Japan. The current name was adopted on May 17, 2017.

Taiwan-Japan Relations Association chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
12/1972—5/1984Chang Yen-tien 張研田1910-1986Hebei
5/1984—12/1985Chang Kwang-shih 張光世1913-1989Jiangsu
12/1985—2/1988Wu Yu-liang 吳玉良b. 1916Tianjin
2/1988—8/1990Chang Pao-shu 張寶樹1911-1998Hebei
8/1990—9/1991Mah Soo-lay 馬樹禮1909-2006Jiangsu
9/1991—10/1996Ma Chi-chuang 馬紀壯1912-1998Hebei
10/1996—8/2001Lin Chin-ching 林金莖1923-2003Taiwan
8/2001—1/2002 †Chuang Ming-yao 莊銘耀1929-2002Taiwan
9/2002—7/2004Hsu Shui-teh 許水德1931-2021Taiwan
7/2004—11/2007Lo Fu-chen 羅福全b. 1935Taiwan
11/2007—2/2009Chen Horng-chi 陳鴻基b. 1949Taiwan
2/2009—2/2012Peng Run-tsu 彭榮次b. 1950Taiwan
2/2012—5/2013Liao Liou-yi 廖了以b. 1947Taiwan
5/2013—5/2016Lee Chia-chin 李嘉進b. 1957Taiwan
6/2016—5/2022Chiou I-jen 邱義仁b. 1950Taiwan
5/2022—Su Jia-chyuan 蘇嘉全b. 1956Taiwan

* * * SEE ALSO * * *

More relevant contents pertaining to that subject can be found on the following pages of this website.

🔴 "Foreign relations of the ROC", The ROC and Japan

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOFA]

Bureau of Consular Affairs, MOFA (BOCA)

Bureau of Consular Affairs, MOFA (BOCA) 外交部領事事務局
3-5 F., No. 2-2 Jinan Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10051, Taiwan ROC
[10051 台北市中正區濟南路 1 段 2 之 2 號 3~5 樓(中央聯合辦公大樓北棟)]
🌏 BOCA – Web link

The BOCA (waijiaobu lingshi shiwuju 外交部領事事務局, abbrev. lingwuju 領務局, 🏁—juzhang 局長) was established in May 1992 when MOFA's Department of Consular Affairs (lingshi shiwusi 領事事務司) was upgraded following the promulgation of the Organization Act of the Bureau of Consular Affairs (waijiaobu lingshi shiwuju zuzhi tiaoli 外交部領事事務局組織條例) on Jan. 22, 1992. It provides passport services, visa services, document authentication and the coordination of emergency assistance to ROC citizens abroad.

BOCA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
5/1992—1/1996David Hong 洪健雄b. 1938, d. N/AFujian
3/1996—2/1999Chu Chien-yi 朱建一b. 1938Fujian
4/1999—11/2000Ku Fu-chang 顧富章b. 1935Jiangsu
11/2000—3/2003Chan Hsien-ching 詹憲卿b. 1939Taiwan
3/2003—1/2004Yang Sheng-tsung 楊勝宗b. 1944Taiwan
2/2004—3/2007Chien Kang-tan 錢剛鐔b. 1942Fujian
4/2007—10/2008Frank R. H. Liu 劉融和b. 1948Taiwan
10/2008—9/2010Lo Yu-chung 羅由中N/AN/A
9/2010—9/2013Thomas J. C. Chen 陳經銓b. 1955Taiwan
9/2013—8/2016Kung Chung-chen 龔中誠b. 1956N/A
9/2016—12/2017Agnes Chen 陳華玉b. 1952N/A
1/2018—1/2020Antonio C. S. Chen 陳俊賢b. 1954Taiwan
1/2020—Phoebe Yeh 葉非比b. 1965N/A

In addition to its administrative units, BOCA has the following subdivisions:

  Document Authentication Division (wenjian zhengmingzu 文件證明組),
  Passport Administration Division (huzhao xingzhengzu 護照行政組),
  Passport Issuing Division (huzhao zhifa fuwuzu 護照製發服務組),
  Visa Division (qianzhengzu 簽證組);
  Congressional Liaison Unit (guohui lianluozu 國會聯絡組),
  Information Management Unit (zixun xiaozu 資訊小組),
  Legal Unit (fazhi xiaozu 法制小組); and
  Branch Office at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport/Emergency Call Center (Taiwan Taoyuan guoji jichang banshichu 臺灣桃園國際機場辦事處).

The design of the ROC passport’s front cover has been altered several times over the past decades, four of the most recent samples are shown below this paragraph (please note that some of those image files were slightly edited for aesthetics). Conventional passports from the 1980s were replaced with machine-readable passports in January 1995. Since September 2003 the word “Taiwan” has been added, and passports showing the newest design have been issued since Jan. 2, 2021.

1980s 1995 2003 2021

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Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs, MOFA (IDIA)

Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs, MOFA (IDIA) 外交部外交及國際事務學院
No. 280 Dunhua South Road Sec. 1,
Daan District, Taipei City 10691, Taiwan ROC
[10691 台北市大安區敦化南路 1 段 280 號]
🌏 IDIA – Web link
Description: Nologo07

The IDIA (waijiaobu waijiao ji guoji shiwu xueyuan 外交部外交及國際事務學院, abbrev. waijiao xueyuan 外交學院, 🏁—yuanzhang 院長) was formally established on Sept. 1, 2012. As an institution, it was preceded by the Foreign Service Training Institute (waijiaobu waijiao lingshi renyuan xunliansuo 外交部外交領事人員訓練所) which had been established in January 1969 and renamed Foreign Service Institute (waijiaobu waijiao lingshi renyuan jiangxisuo 外交部外交領事人員講習所) in May 1971.

The IDIA chancellor is concurrently the administrative vice minister (changwu cizhang 常務次長) of MOFA. Like most ministries in the ROC, MOFA's leadership comprises the minister and at least two deputy ministers—a political vice minister (zhengwu cizhang 政務次長) and an administrative vice minister. IDIA's day-to-day management is the responsibility of its president (fuyuanzhang 副院長).

IDIA chancellors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
9/2012—1/2016Vanessa Shih 史亞平b. 1962Taiwan
1/2016—5/2017Leo Chen-jan Lee 李澄然N/AN/A
5/2017—7/2020Paul Wen-liang Chang 章文樑b. 1959N/A
7/2020—Tien Chung-kwang 田中光b. N/AN/A

IDIA presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
9/2012—2013Ting Joseph Shih 石定N/AN/A
2013—8/2015Hsu Mien-sheng 徐勉生N/AN/A
8/2015—10/2016Benjamin Liang 梁英斌b. 1951Guangdong
10/2016—7/2018Anne Hung 洪慧珠N/AN/A
7/2018—Anna A. Kao 高安b. 1959N/A

In addition to its administrative units, IDIA has two subdivisions:

  Division of Research and International Exchanges (yanjiu jiaoliuzu 研究交流組),
  Division of Training and Planning (peixun guihuazu 培訓規劃組).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOFA]

===== ===== ===== ===== =====

◆ Ministry of National Defense (MND)

Ministry of National Defense (MND) 國防部
No. 409 Beian Road,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10462, Taiwan ROC
[10462 台北市中山區北安路 409 號]
🌏 MND – Web link
Description: MNDx01e

The MND (guofangbu 國防部) was established on June 1, 1946. Before that there was an agency called the "Ministry of War" (junzhengbu 軍政部).

MND ministers

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
10/1928Feng Yu-hsiang 馮玉祥1882-1948Anhui
3/1929 @Lu Chung-lin 鹿鍾麟1884-1966Hebei
5/1929 @Chen Yi 陳儀1883-1950 Zhejiang
10/1929 @Chu Shou-kuang 朱綬光1886-1948Hubei
2/1930—11/1944Ho Ying-chin 何應欽1890-1987Guizhou
11/1944—5/1946Chen Cheng 陳誠1898-1965Zhejiang
5/1946—6/1948Pai Chung-hsi 白崇禧1893-1966Guangxi
6/1948—12/1948Ho Ying-chin (second time)
12/1948—4/1949Hsu Yung-ch'ang 徐永昌1887-1959Shanxi
5/1949—6/1949 @Ho Ying-chin (third time)
6/1949—1/1950 @Yen Hsi-shan 閻錫山1883-1960Shanxi
1/1950—3/1950Ku Chu-tong 顧祝同1893-1987Jiangsu
3/1950—2/1951 David Yule 俞大維1897-1993Zhejiang
3/1951—5/1954Kuo Chi-chiao 郭寄嶠1901-1998Anhui
6/1954—1/1965David Yule (second time)
1/1965—6/1969Chiang Ching-kuo 蔣經國1910-1988Zhejiang
7/1969—5/1972Huang Chieh 黃杰1902-1995Hunan
6/1972—7/1973 Chen Ta-ching 陳大慶1905-1973Jiangxi
7/1973—11/1981Kao Kuei-yuan 高魁元1907-2012Shandong
11/1981—6/1986Soong Chang-chih 宋長志1916-2002Liaoning
6/1986—4/1987Wang Tao-yuan 汪道淵 ©1913-2011Anhui
4/1987—12/1989Cheng Wei-yuan 鄭為元1913-1993Anhui
12/1989—6/1990Hau Pei-tsun 郝柏村1919-2020Jiangsu
6/1990—2/1993Chen Li-an 陳履安 ©b. 1937Zhejiang
2/1993—12/1994Sun Chen 孫震 ©b. 1934Shandong
12/1994—2/1999Chiang Chung-ling 蔣仲苓1922-2015Zhejiang
2/1999—5/2000Frank Tang 唐飛b. 1932Jiangsu
5/2000—2/2002Wu Shih-wen 伍世文b. 1934Guangdong
2/2002—5/2004Tang Yiau-ming 湯曜明1940-2021Taiwan
5/2004—5/2007Lee Jye 李傑b. 1940Tianjin
5/2007—2/2008Lee Tien-yu 李天羽1946-2024Shandong
2/2008—5/2008Michael Tsai Ming-shian 蔡明憲 ©b. 1941Taiwan
5/2008—9/2009Chen Chao-min 陳肇敏b. 1940Taiwan
9/2009—7/2013Kao Hua-chu 高華柱b. 1946Shandong
8/2013Andrew Yang 楊念祖 ©b. 1955Taiwan
8/2013—1/2015Yen Ming 嚴明b. 1949Jiangxi
1/2015—5/2016Kao Kuang-chi 高廣圻b. 1950N/A
5/2016—2/2018Kent Feng 馮世寬b. 1945Jiangsu
2/2018—2/2021Yen De-fa 嚴德發b. 1952Taiwan/Jiangsu
2/2021—5/2024Chiu Kuo-cheng 邱國正b. 1953Taiwan/Jiangsu
5/2024—Wellington Koo 顧立雄b. 1958Taiwan

MND structure

The organizational structure of the MND is listed below.

🪖 Departments in the MND headquarters (bubenbu danwei 部本部單位):

 Department of Integrated Assessment (zhenghe pinggusi 整合評估司),
 Department of Military Justice (falü shiwusi 法律事務司),
 Department of Ressources Planning (ziyuan guihuasi 資源規劃司),
 Department of Strategic Planning (zhanlüe guihuasi 戰略規劃司);
 Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
 Administration Office (zhengwu bangongshi 政務辦公室),
 All-out Defense Mobilization Office (quanguo fangwei dongyuanshi 全民防衛動員室),
 Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
 National Defense Procurement Office (guofang caigoushi 國防採購室),
 Office of the Inspector General (zong duchazhang shi 總督察長室), and
 Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室).

On Dec. 30, 2021 the All-out Defense Mobilization Office was upgraded to All-out Defense Mobilization Agency (quanmin fangwei dongyuanshu 全民防衛動員署, abbrev. quandongshu 全動署) as part of Taiwan's ongoing efforts to improve the combat readiness of the country's reserve forces. The new agency began operations on Jan. 1, 2022, and its legal foundation is the Organization Act of the All-out Defense Mobilization Agency of the Ministry of National Defense (guofangbu quanmin fangwei dongyuanshu zuzhifa 國防部全民防衛動員署組織法).

The MND operates an Armed Forces Museum (guojun lishi wenwuguan 國軍歷史文物館, abbrev. junshiguan 軍史館) under the jurisdiction of the Military History Department (shizheng bianyichu 史政編譯處) of the MND Administration Office, established on Oct. 31, 1961.

On Oct. 11, 2016 the MND announced that it would establish a National Defense Technology Division (guofang kejishi 國防科技室) in 2017 which would be similar to the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), but as of January 2022 that division apparently has yet to be set up.

🪖 Secondary authorities (ciji junshi jiguan 次級軍事機關):

Armaments Bureau (guofangbu junbeiju 國防部軍備局),
 Comptroller Bureau (zhujiju 主計局),
Medical Affairs Bureau (junyiju 軍醫局), and
Political Warfare Bureau (zhengzhi zuozhanju 政治作戰局).

🪖 Military authorities (junshi jiguan 軍事機關):

 Army Command HQ (lujun silingbu 陸軍司令部),
 Navy Command HQ (haijun silingbu 海軍司令部), and
 Air Force Command HQ (kongjun silingbu 空軍司令部).

The Army Command HQ includes the Army Logistics Command (lujun houqin zhihuibu 陸軍後勤指揮部) which was known as Combined Logistics Command (guofangbu lianhe houqin silingbu 國防部聯合後勤司令部, abbrev. CLC) before Dec. 28, 2012 when it was placed under the Army Command HQ. A noteworthy organization under the Army Command HQ is the Ordnance Readiness Development Center (lujun binggong zhengbei fazhan zhongxin 陸軍兵工整備發展中心).

🪖 Military institutions (junshi jigou 軍事機構):

Armed Forces Reserve Command (houbei zhihuibu 後備指揮部)—Chinese name before Jan. 1, 2013: houbei silingbu 後備司令部, and
Military Police Command (xianbing zhihuibu 憲兵指揮部)—Chinese name before Jan. 1, 2013: xianbing silingbu 憲兵司令部.

The Armed Forces Reserve Command and the Military Police Command are allocated organizations under the MND's Chiefs of General Staff (CGS).

🪖 General staff headquarters (canmou benbu 參謀本部):

 Informative and Electronic Operations Command of the General Staff (zidian zuozhan zhihuibu 資電作戰指揮部),
 Office for Communications, Electronics and Information of the Deputy of the General Staff (tongxin dianzi zixun canmou cizhangshi 通信電子資訊參謀次長室),
 Office for Intelligence of the Deputy of the General Staff (qingbao canmou cizhangshi 情報參謀次長室),
 Office for Logistics of the Deputy of the General Staff (houqin canmou cizhangshi 後勤參謀次長室),
 Office for Operations and Planning of the Deputy of the General Staff (zuozhan ji jihua canmou cizhangshi 作戰及計畫參謀次長室),
 Office for Personnel of the Deputy of the General Staff (renshi canmou cizhangshi 人事參謀次長室), and
 Office for Training of the Deputy of the General Staff (xunlian canmou cizhangshi 訓練參謀次長室).

Another agency worth mentioning is the Military News Agency (guofangbu junshi xinwen tongxunshe 國防部軍事新聞通訊社, abbrev. MNA). Furthermore, the 205th Armory, MND (guofangbu di erlingwu binggongchang 國防部第205兵工廠) manufactures weapons and ammunition.

Please note that the ROC military for decades had its own judiciary, with three military courts—North District Court of Martial Law (guofangbu beibu difang junshi fayuan 國防部北部地方軍事法院), Military High Court (guofangbu gaodeng junshi fayuan 國防部高等軍事法院), and Supreme Military Court (guofangbu zuigao junshi fayuan 國防部最高軍事法院), each having its own prosecutors office (jianchashu 檢察署). Amendments to the Code of Court Martial Procedure (junshi shenpanfa 軍事審判法) were promulgated on Aug. 13, 2013 and went into force two days later; all military servicemen are now subject to the civilian justice system during peacetime.

Selected level-3 agencies under MND

Details about the following selected agencies under MND are shown directly below.

* * * SEE ALSO * * *

More relevant contents pertaining to that subject can be found on the following page of this website.

🔴 "Other central government agencies", The ROC military

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Military Intelligence Bureau, MND (MIB)

Military Intelligence Bureau, MND (MIB) 國防部軍事情報局
No. 74 Lane 62, Zhicheng Road Sec. 1,
Shilin District, Taipei City 11145, Taiwan ROC
[11145 台北市士林區至誠路 1 段 62 巷 74 號]

The ROC's first intelligence organization was instituted in 1928 as the "Clandestine Investigation Section" (michazu 密查組) directly under the Army's Headquarters (zong silingbu 總司令部). It was reorganized as "Special Works Department" (tewuchu 特務處) on April 1, 1932, and when in September of the same year the "Investigation and Statistics Bureau" (junweihui diaocha tongjiju 軍委會調查統計局, abbrev. juntongju 軍統局) was established under the Military Commission (junshi weiyuanhui 軍事委員會), the Special Works Department was incorporated into that Bureau and renamed the "Second Division" (dierchu 第二處). After the Second Sino-Japanese War began in 1937, the Special Works Department was expanded and took over the Investigation and Statistics Bureau. After Japan's defeat the Investigation and Statistics Bureau was reorganized as the "Counterespionage Bureau" aka Secrecy Bureau (baomiju 保密局) under the MND and again in 1955 as "Intelligence Bureau" (qingbaoju 情報局), which in turn was merged on July 1, 1985 with the Special Military Intelligence Office (tezhong qingbaoshi 特種情報室) to constitute today's MIB (guofangbu junshi qingbaoju 國防部軍事情報局, 🏁—juzhang 局長).

MIB chiefs

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1928–1937Tai Li 戴笠1897-1946Zhejiang
1937—3/1938Chen Li-fu 陳立夫1900-2001Zhejiang
3/1938—3/1946Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石1887-1975Zhejiang
3/1946—12/1956 Mao Jen-feng 毛人鳳1898-1956Zhejiang
1956–1960Chang Yen-yuan 張炎元1904-2005Guangdong
1960–1974Yeh Hsiang-chih 葉翔之1912-2001Zhejiang
1/1975—5/1978Wang Ching-hsu 汪敬煦1918-2011Zhejiang
6/1978—5/1983Chang Shih-chi 張式琦b. 1918Hunan
6/1983—12/1983Lee Hsiao-yao 李筱堯N/AN/A
1/1984—1/1985Wong Hsi-ling 汪希苓b. 1929Zhejiang
1/1985—7/1985 @Wang Ching-hsu (second time)
7/1985—8/1987Lu Kuang-yi 盧光義1928-2010Hunan
9/1987—12/1989Huang Shih-chung 黃世忠b. 1920Anhui
12/1989—5/1993Yin Tsung-wen 殷宗文1932-2003Jiangsu
6/1993—1/1998Hu Chia-chi 胡家麒b. 1938Jiangsu
2/1998—1/1999Ting Yu-chou 丁渝洲b. 1944Shandong
2/1999—8/2001Hsu Chu-sheng 徐筑生b. 1947Jiangsu
8/2001—8/2003Hsueh Shih-ming 薛石民b. 1943Jiangsu
9/2003—5/2004Tai Po-te 戴伯特b. 1947Hubei
6/2004—5/2005Yu Lien-fa 余連發b. 1947Taiwan
6/2005—3/2006Peng Sheng-chu 彭勝竹b. 1950Hubei
4/2006—3/2008Shen Shih-chi 沈世籍b. 1951Jiangxi
3/2008—10/2009Ker Kuang-ming 葛廣明N/AN/A
10/2009—9/2011Chang Kan-ping 張戡平N/AN/A
10/2011—8/2014Tang Chia-kun 湯家坤N/AN/A
8/2014—7/2018Liu Te-liang 劉德良N/AN/A
7/2018—2/2022Luo Der-min 羅德民N/AN/A
3/2022—Yang Jing-se 楊靜瑟b. 1965Taiwan

Please note that there are four intelligence-gathering secret services operating in today's ROC. Apart from the MIB, they include the National Security Bureau (guojia anquanju 國家安全局) as well as the MND Office of Telecommunications Development (guofangbu dianxun fazhanshi 國防部電訊發展室) and the Military Security Brigade (junshi anquan zongdui 軍事安全總隊) under the MND Political Warfare Bureau (guofangbu zhengzhi zuozhanju 國防部政治作戰局). The Military Security Brigade was run by the—now defunct—Taiwan Garrison Command before 1992.

TOP   HOME    [◆ MND]

Political Warfare Bureau, MND

Political Warfare Bureau, MND 國防部政治作戰局
No. 409 Beian Road,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10462, Taiwan ROC
[10462 台北市中山區北安路 409 號]
🌏 Political Warfare Bureau – Web link

The origins of the Political Warfare Bureau (guofangbu zhengzhi zuozhanju 國防部政治作戰局, 🏁—juzhang 局長) can be traced back to 1924 when the Whampoa Military Academy (Huangpu junxiao 黃埔軍校) was established and had a Political Staff Bureau (zhengzhibu 政治部) included in its organizational structure. When the National Military Council (junshi weiyuanhui 軍事委員會) under the local ROC government in Canton was established in July 1925, it had a Department for Political Training (junshi weiyuanhui zhengzhi xunlianbu 軍事委員會政治訓練部) which would become the Political Department (zhengzhibu 政治部) of the National Military Council in February 1928. In June 1946, the National Military Council was restructured as MND, and in February 1948 the Political Staff Bureau (guofangbu zhenggongju 國防部政工局) under the MND was set up.

After the ROC central government relocated to Taiwan, the Political Staff Bureau was transformed to the MND Political Department (guofangbu zhengzhibu 國防部政治部) in April 1950 and renamed General Political Department (guofangbu zong zhengzhibu 國防部總政治部) in May 1951. That entity was renamed again in August 1963 to General Political Warfare Department (zong zhengzhanbu 總政戰部) with some modifications to its structural agencies. On Jan. 29, 2000 it was reorganized as General Political Warfare Bureau (guofangbu zong zhengzhi zuozhanju 國防部總政治作戰局), an agency under MND, and its current name was finally adopted on Jan. 1, 2013.

Political Warfare Bureau director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/1950—6/1954Chiang Ching-kuo 蔣經國1910-1988Zhejiang
7/1954—6/1956Chang Yi-ting 張彝鼎1902-1992Shanxi
7/1956—1/1961Chiang Chien-jen 蔣堅忍1902-1993Zhejiang
1/1961—8/1965Kao Kuei-yuan 高魁元1907-2012Shandong
9/1965—12/1968Tang Shou-chih 唐守治1907-1975Hunan
1/1969—4/1975Lo Yu-lun 羅友倫1912-1994Guangdong
4/1975—5/1983Wang Sheng 王升1915-2006Jiangxi
5/1983—11/1987Hsu Li-nung 許歷農b. 1921Anhui
12/1987—11/1990Yen Pai-chien 言百謙1922-2009Zhejiang
11/1990—12/1994Yang Ting-yun 楊亭雲b. 1928Hubei
12/1994—12/1997Tu Chin-jung 杜金榮b. 1932Zhejiang
12/1997—5/2000Tsao Wen-sheng 曹文生1943-2022Hunan
6/2000—1/2003Teng Tzu-lin 鄧祖琳b. 1942Hubei
2/2003—1/2005Chen Pang-chih 陳邦治b. 1942Taiwan
2/2005—2/2006Hu Chen-pu 胡鎮埔b. 1948Jiangsu
2/2006—1/2007Wu Ta-peng 吳達澎b. 1950Penghu/Shandong
3/2007—2/2008Chen Kuo-hsiang 陳國祥b. 1953N/A
3/2008—2/2009Yang Tien-hsiao 楊天嘯b. 1950Anhui
2/2009—10/2009 @Cheng Jui-chien 鄭瑞堅b. 1954Fujian
11/2009—12/2015Wang Ming-wo 王明我N/AN/A
12/2015—10/2018Wen Chen-kuo 聞振國b. 1959Taiwan
11/2018—8/2019Huang Kai-sen 黃開森b. 1959N/A
9/2019—9/2022Chien Shih-wei 簡士偉N/AN/A
10/2022—9/2023Yang An 楊安N/AN/A
10/2023—Chen Yu-lin 陳育琳b. 1966N/A

Please note that Wang Ming-wo 王明我 was acting director-general between November 2009 and December 2012.

TOP   HOME    [◆ MND]

Armaments Bureau, MND

Armaments Bureau, MND 國防部軍備局
No. 409 Beian Road,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10462, Taiwan ROC
[10462 台北市中山區北安路 409 號]

The Armaments Bureau (guofangbu junbeiju 國防部軍備局, 🏁—juzhang 局長) was set up on March 1, 2002 and is in charge of supervision over production, procurement and quality control of arms, munitions and weapons systems.

Armaments Bureau directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/2002—8/2003Tony Sun 孫韜玉b. 1943Shandong
9/2003—5/2004Pang Yu-tung 龐豫銅N/AN/A
6/2004—9/2005Lu Lin-tsu 盧林賜N/AN/A
10/2005—3/2006Tung Hsiang-lung 董翔龍b. 1952Taiwan
4/2006—3/2008Wu Wei-rong 吳偉榮N/AN/A
4/2008—1/2010Chen Li-chia 陳立嘉N/AN/A
2/2010—2/2012Liu Fu-long 劉復龍N/AN/A
3/2012—6/2015Chin Shou-feng 金壽豐N/AN/A
7/2015 @Huang Jong-chyi 黃仲奇N/AN/A
8/2015—10/2016Ho An-chi 何安繼N/AN/A
11/2016—12/2016 @Chang Chung-cheng 張忠誠N/AN/A
1/2017—6/2018Mei Chia-shu 梅家樹b. 1963N/A
6/2018—10/2020Fang Mao-hung 房茂宏b. 1963Taiwan
11/2020—6/2023Wu Ching-chang 吳慶昌N/AN/A
7/2023—Lin Wen-hsiang 林文祥b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, the subdivisions of the Armaments Bureau include the following:

  Acquisition Management Division (huode guanlichu 獲得管理處),
  Construction and Real Estate Division (gongcheng yingchanchu 工程營產處),
  General Administration Office (zonghe shiwuchu 綜合事務處), and
  Program Evaluation Division (jihua pingguchu 計畫評估處).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MND]

Medical Affairs Bureau, MND (MAB)

Medical Affairs Bureau, MND (MAB) 國防部軍醫局
No. 409 Beian Road,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10462, Taiwan ROC
[10462 台北市中山區北安路 409 號]
🌏  MAB – Web link

While institutions responsible for medical affairs in the ROC military can be traced back to 1925 with varying names and structures, the current MAB (guofangbu junyiju 國防部軍醫局, 🏁—juzhang 局長) was set up under the General Staff on Sept. 1, 1970 and transferred to the MND on March 1, 2002.

MAB director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
9/1970—12/1974Liu Ching-chang 劉青彰N/AN/A
12/1974—3/1979Teng Shu-wei 鄧述微N/AHubei
3/1979—12/1981Chou Tzu-tu 周咨度N/AN/A
12/1981—7/1983Pan Shu-jen 潘樹人1924-1992Jiangxi
7/1983—5/1985Chu Ping-yi 朱炳圻b. 1925Zhejiang
5/1985—11/1986Pan Shu-jen (second time)
11/1986—3/1989Yin Tsai-hsin 尹在信b. 1928Zhejiang
3/1989—12/1991Ma Cheng-ping 馬正平N/AN/A
12/1991—4/1995Yu Chian-hsian 于建賢N/AN/A
4/1995—6/1996Shen Kuo-liang 沈國樑b. 1940Zhejiang
6/1996—8/2002Lee Hsian-kai 李賢鎧b. 1942Fujian
9/2002—12/2004Chang Sheng-yuan 張聖原b. 1949Hunan
12/2004—2/2008Chen Hung-yi 陳宏一b. 1949Taiwan
2/2008—5/2011Fan Bao-lo 范保羅N/AN/A
6/2011—1/2014Chang Deh-ming 張德明b. 1955Jiangsu
1/2014—1/2018Wu Yi-chang 吳怡昌N/AN/A
2/2018—10/2022Chen Jiann-torng 陳建同b. 1962Taiwan
11/2022—Tsai Chien-sung 蔡建松b. 1964Taiwan

The organizational structure of the MAB includes the following subdivisions:

  Department of Medical Management (yiwu guanlichu 醫務管理處),
  Department of Medical Planning (yiwu jihuachu 醫務計畫處),
  Department of Medical Readiness and Healthcare (weiqin baojianchu 衛勤保健處),
  Department of Pharmaceutical Management (yaozheng guanlichu 藥政管理處); and
  Comptroller Office (zhujishi 主計室).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MND]

===== ===== ===== ===== =====

◆ Ministry of Justice (MOJ)

Ministry of Justice (MOJ) 法務部
No. 130 Chongqing South Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10048, Taiwan ROC
[10048 台北市中正區重慶南路 1 段 130 號]
🌏 MOJ – Web link
Description: Just01d

The MOJ (fawubu 法務部) was established on Nov. 16, 1928 under the Chinese name sifa xingzhengbu 司法行政部. In 1944 it was transferred from the Judicial Yuan to the Executive Yuan, and in June 1980 its current Chinese name was adopted.

Main tasks and functions

While the Legislative Yuan has the power to pass all ordinary legislation and to review legislative bills proposed by the four other Yuan, and the Judicial Yuan as the highest judicial organ of the ROC is charged with interpreting the ROC Constitution and supervising the lower courts, the MOJ is responsible for carrying out various judicial functions in the ROC. These functions include the following:

  • formulating and reviewing legal proposals,
  • participating in the legal preparations and activities of the Executive Yuan and its ministries and agencies,
  • revising the Civil Code (minfa 民法) and the Criminal Code (xingfa 刑法),
  • planning the prosecutorial system and supervising prosecutorial affairs, and
  • executing anti-corruption work.
Additionally, the MOJ is tasked with research on the causes and prevention of crime, propagating the knowledge of law, protecting crime victims, and also handling and processing international and cross-strait legal affairs.

Division of labour
As general principles of modern democratic systems apply in the ROC as well, the basic difference between MOJ and the Judicial Yuan can be described as follows.
  • The MOJ is an institution of the executive branch, i. e. part of the central government with authority in matters concerning the legal system, prosecution, the correctional system and other duties. It has no authority to interfere in court proceedings and trials (especially in reaching a verdict and rendering judgment).
  • The Judicial Yuan operates the court system of the ROC, interprets the Constitution and is vested with disciplinary power. Courts on different levels adjudicate legal disputes between parties and carry out the administration of justice in civil, criminal, and administrative matters in accordance with the rule of law. As justice is supposed to be blind, courts are independent from government interference and must remain neutral in terms of party politics.
Since amendments to the Ministry of Justice Organization Act (fawubu zuzhifa 法務部組織法) were passed in 1980, the administration of the courts and the prosecution have been separated. This arrangement was devised in order to draw a clear line between the judicial power and the administrative power by placing the prosecution and judgment under the jurisdiction of two different branches.

MOJ ministers

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
11/1928—4/1930Wei Tao-ming 魏道明1900-1978Jiangxi
4/1930—12/1931 @Chu Lu-ho 朱履龢1877-1945Zhejiang
12/1931—10/1934Lo Wen-kan 羅文幹1888-1941Guangdong
10/1934—12/1934Chu Chen 居正1876-1951Hubei
12/1934—8/1937Wang Yung-ping 王用賓1881-1944Anhui
8/1937—12/1948Hsieh Kuan-sheng 謝冠生1897-1971Zhejiang
12/1948—1/1949Mei Ju-ao 梅汝璈1904-1973Jiangxi
1/1949—3/1949 @Chao Chen 趙琛1899-1969Zhejiang
3/1949—3/1950Chang Chih-pen 張知本1881-1976Hubei
3/1950—6/1954Lin Pin 林彬1893-1958Zhejiang
6/1954—5/1960Ku Feng-hsiang 谷鳳翔1907-1989Chahar
5/1960—12/1967Cheng Yin-fun 鄭彥棻1902-1990Guangdong
12/1967—7/1970Cha Liang-chien 查良鑑1905-1994Hebei/Zhejiang
7/1970—6/1976Wang Jen-yuan 王任遠1910-1996Hebei
6/1976—5/1978Wang Tao-yuan 汪道淵1913-2011Anhui
5/1978—6/1984Li Yuan-zu 李元簇1923-2017Hunan
6/1984—7/1988Shih Chi-yang 施啟揚1935-2019Taiwan
7/1988—10/1989Hsiao Tien-tzang 蕭天讚1934-2017Taiwan
10/1989—2/1993Lu Yu-wen 呂有文1926-1999Sichuan
2/1993—6/1996Ma Ying-jeou 馬英九b. 1950Hong Kong/Hunan
6/1996—7/1998Liao Cheng-hao 廖正豪1946-2022Taiwan
7/1998—2/1999Cheng Chung-mo 城仲模b. 1938Taiwan
2/1999—5/2000Yeh Chin-fong 葉金鳳b. 1943Taiwan
5/2000—2/2005Chen Ding-nan 陳定南1943-2006Taiwan
2/2005—5/2008Shih Mao-lin 施茂林b. 1950Taiwan
5/2008—3/2010Wang Ching-feng 王清峰b. 1952Taiwan
3/2010 @Huang Shih-ming 黃世銘b. 1950Taiwan
3/2010—9/2013Tseng Yung-fu 曾勇夫b. 1943Taiwan
9/2013 @Chen Ming-tang 陳明堂b. 1954Taiwan
9/2013—5/2016Luo Ying-shay 羅瑩雪1951-2021Taiwan
5/2016—7/2018Chiu Tai-san 邱太三b. 1956Taiwan
7/2018—5/2024Tsai Ching-hsiang 蔡清祥b. 1953N/A
5/2024—Cheng Ming-chien 鄭銘謙b. 1958Taiwan

MOJ structure

MOJ has the following internal administrative units:

  Department of Government Employee Ethics (zhengfengsi 政風司),
  Department of International and Cross-Strait Legal Affairs (guoji ji liang'an falüsi 國際及兩岸法律司),
  Department of Legal Affairs (falü shiwusi 法律事務司),
  Department of Legal System (fazhisi 法制司),
  Department of Planning (zonghe guihuasi 綜合規劃司),
  Department of Prevention, Rehabilitation and Protection (baohusi 保護司),
  Department of Prosecutorial Affairs (jianchasi 檢察司);
  Department of Accounting (kuaijichu 會計處),
  Department of Information Management (zixunchu 資訊處),
  Department of Personnel (renshichu 人事處),
  Department of Statistics (tongjichu 統計處), and
  Secretariat (mishuchu 秘書處).

The following are subordinate organizations under the MOJ:

  Academy for the Judiciary (fawubu sifaguan xueyuan 法務部司法官學院),
  Administrative Enforcement Agency (fawubu xingzheng zhixingshu 法務部行政執行署, abbrev. AEA),
  Agency Against Corruption (fawubu lianzhengshu 法務部廉政署, abbrev. AAC),
  Agency of Corrections (fawubu jiaozhengshu 法務部矯正署, abbrev. MJAC),
  Institute of Forensic Medicine (fawubu fayi yanjiusuo 法務部法醫研究所),
  MOJ Investigation Bureau (fawubu diaochaju 法務部調查局, abbrev. MJIB),
  Supreme Prosecutors Office (zuigao jianchashu 最高檢察署),
  Taiwan High Prosecutors Office (Taiwan gaodeng jianchashu 台灣高等檢察署), and
  Training Institute for Correctional Officers (jiaozheng renyuan xunliansuo 矯正人員訓練所).

Capital punishment in the ROC

The MOJ is the government agency in charge of administering the death penalty (sixing 死刑), and the Minister of Justice also approves pending executions and signs execution orders. Although the minister does have the authority to refuse to sign an execution order, only a court of law can overturn a death sentence. Since the end of martial law more than 500 persons were executed in the ROC (see table below), the last execution to date took place on Jan. 16, 2025 in the Taipei Detention Center.

1987: 10  1995: 16  2003: 7  2011: 5  2019: 0
1988: 22 1996: 22 2004: 3 2012: 6 2020: 1
1989: 69 1997: 38 2005: 3 2013: 6 2021: 0
1990: 78 1998: 32 2006: 0 2014: 5 2022: 0
1991: 59 1999: 24 2007: 0 2015: 6 2023: 0
1992: 35 2000: 17 2008: 0 2016: 1 2024: 0 
1993: 18 2001: 10 2009: 0 2017: 0 2025: 1 
1994: 17 2002: 9 2010: 4 2018: 1  

Executions are usually carried out by gunshot; the condemned prisoners receive anaesthesia and are unconscious before they are shot. Prisoners who agreed to donate organs following their deaths are shot in the head, those who did not are shot in the heart. New rules announced by the MOJ which took effect on July 15, 2020 require prisoners being executed wearing hoods to make the job of the executioner less traumatic.

Since the ROC resumed executions on April 30, 2010 after a 52-month hiatus, delinquents were put to death at the following five locations (the "body count" refers to the number of persons executed there since early 2010).

Taipei Detention Center
No. 2 Lide Road, Tucheng District, New Taipei City 23648, Taiwan ROC [23648 新北市土城區立德路 2 號] 🌏 Web link
Body count—14
Taichung Prison
No. 9 Peide Road, Nantun District, Taichung City 40852, Taiwan ROC [40852 台中市南屯區培德路 9 號] 🌏 Web link
Body count—7
Tainan Prison
No. 1 Mingde New Village, Guiren District, Tainan City 71150, Taiwan ROC [71150 臺南市歸仁區明德新村 1 號] 🌏 Web link
Body count—6
Kaohsiung Second Prison
No. 1 Zhengde New Village, Yanchao District, Kaohsiung City 82444, Taiwan ROC [82444 高雄市燕巢區正德新村 1 號] 🌏 Web link
Body count—5
Hualien Prison
No. 700 Ji'an Road Sec. 6, Ji'an Township, Hualien County 97362, Taiwan ROC [97362 花蓮縣吉安鄉吉安路 6 段 700 號] 🌏 Web link
Body count—4

The following table lists all executions carried out in the ROC since 2010.

Year, date Count Name(s) of executed convict(s) Location
2010, April 304Chang Wei-long (張慰龍), Hong Chen-yao (洪晨耀)Taipei
Chang Wen-wei (張文蔚)Taichung
Ko Shih-ming (柯世銘)Tainan
2011, March 45Kuan Chung-yan (管鍾演), Chung Teh-chu (鐘德樹)Taipei
Wang Chih-huang (王志煌)Taichung
Wang Kuo-hua (王國華), Chuang Tien-chu (莊天祝)Kaohsiung
2012, Dec. 216Tseng Si-ru (曾思儒), Hung Ming-tsung (洪明聰)Taipei
Chen Chin-huo (陳金火), Kwang Teh-chiang (廣德強)Taichung
Huang Hsien-cheng (黃賢正)Tainan
Tai Te-ying (戴德穎)Kaohsiung
2013, April 196Lin Chin-te (林金德)Taipei
Chen Jui-chin (陳瑞欽)Taichung
Chen Tung-jung (陳東榮)Tainan
Chang Pao-hui (張胞輝), Chi Chun-i (紀俊毅), Lee Chia-hsuan (李嘉軒)Hualien
2014, April 295Teng Kuo-liang (鄧國樑)Taipei
Liu Yen-kuo (劉炎國)Taichung
Tu Ming-hsiung (杜明雄), Tu Ming-lang (杜明郎) [brothers]Tainan
Tai Wen-cheng (戴文慶)Hualien
2015, June 56Cheng Chin-wen (鄭金文), Wang Hsiu-fang (王秀昉), Tsao Tien-shou (曹添壽)Taipei
Huang Chu-wang (黃主旺)Taichung
Wang Chun-chin (王俊欽)Tainan
Wang Wu-lung (王裕隆)Kaohsiung
2016, May 101Cheng Chieh (鄭捷)Taipei
2018, Aug. 311Lee Hung-chi (李宏基)Kaohsiung
2020, April 11Weng Jen-hsien (翁仁賢)Taipei / Taoyuan
2025, Jan. 161Huang Lin-kai (黃麟凱)Taipei

While opinion polls suggest that a large majority in Taiwan's society has been consistently supporting capital punishment, groups like the Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty (TAEDP), the Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR), the Judicial Reform Foundation (JRF) and others promote the reform of Taiwan's penal system and advocate the abolition of the death penalty. On June 20, 2018 MOJ minister Chiu Tai-san stated that abolishing capital punishment was not a government policy, and following the most recent execution the MOJ commented that 'abolishing the death sentence is an international trend and a long-term goal for the justice ministry, but there is no consensus in our country'. On Sept. 20, 2024 the ROC Constitutional Court affirmed the constitutionality of capital punishment for 'most serious' crimes.

One particular case widely discussed in that context was the wrongful execution of airman Chiang Kuo-ching 江國慶 (1975-1997): Chiang was accused of raping and killing a 5-year old girl on Sept. 12, 1996 at Air Force Command Headquarters in Taipei and pleaded guilty after being tortured. He was executed on Aug. 13, 1997 at the age of 21. On Sept. 13, 2011 the Military Northern District Court (beibu difang junshi fayuan 北部地方軍事法院) exonerated Chiang in a posthumous trial. On Dec. 12, 2011 the Taipei District Court sentenced another airman named Hsu Jung-chou 許榮洲—a pedophile with mental health issues—to 18 years imprisonment for the crime.

Selected level-3 agencies under MOJ

Details about the following selected agencies under MOJ are shown directly below.

TOP   HOME    [Jump to next cabinet-level agency]

MOJ Investigation Bureau (MJIB)

MOJ Investigation Bureau (MJIB) 法務部調查局
No. 74 Zhonghua Road,
Xindian District, New Taipei City 23149, Taiwan ROC
[23149 新北市新店區中華路 74 號]
🌏 MJIB – Web link

The MJIB (fawubu diaochaju 法務部調查局, 🏁—juzhang 局長) was established in 1927 as Bureau of Investigation and Statistics (diaocha tongjiju 調查統計局) of the KMT. In April 1949 it was reorganized as an agency under the ROC MOI and placed under the authority of the ROC MOJ in June 1956. Its current name was adopted on Aug. 1, 1980. MJIB is a law enforcement, criminal-investigation and counter-intelligence agency, and its primary missions are protecting national security, maintaining social stability and investigating major crimes.

MJIB director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1927Chi Yuan-pu 季源溥1906-1979Jiangsu
1958Chang Chin-eng 張慶恩1900-1995Shanxi
5/1964—1/1978Shen Chih-yueh 沈之岳1913-1994Zhejiang
1/1978—6/1984Juan Cheng-chang 阮成章1919-2004Hubei
7/1984—5/1989Wong Wen-wei 翁文維b. 1920Fujian
5/1989—2/1995Wu Tung-ming 吳東明b. 1935Guangdong
2/1995—6/1996Liao Cheng-hao 廖正豪1946-2022Taiwan
6/1996—3/1998Wang Rong-jou 王榮周b. 1946Taiwan
7/1998—8/2001Wang Kuang-yu 王光宇N/AN/A
8/2001—7/2008Yeh Sheng-mao 葉盛茂b. 1943Taiwan
7/2008—7/2010Wu Ying 吳瑛N/AN/A
7/2010—7/2012Chang Ji-ping 張濟平N/AN/A
7/2012—5/2014Wang Fu-lin 王福林b. 1949N/A
5/2014—7/2016Wang Chung-yi 汪忠一N/AN/A
7/2016—7/2018Tsai Ching-hsiang 蔡清祥b. 1953N/A
7/2018—9/2018Lin Ling-lan 林玲蘭N/AN/A
9/2018—11/2021Leu Wen-jong 呂文忠N/AN/A
11/2021—Wang Chun-li 王俊力b. N/AN/A

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOJ]

Supreme Prosecutors Office

Supreme Prosecutors Office 最高檢察署
No. 235 Guiyang Street Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10048, Taiwan ROC
[10048 台北市中正區貴陽街 1 段 235 號]
🌏 Supreme Prosecutors Office – Web link
Description: Nologo07

The Supreme Prosecutors Office (zuigao jianchashu 最高檢察署) is under the jurisdiction of the ROC MOJ and headed by the ROC Prosecutor-general (zuigao jianchashu jiancha zongzhang 最高檢察署檢察總長, abbrev. jianchazhang 檢察長)—sometimes called "Chief Prosecutor" in English. Before May 25, 2018 the Chinese name of the agency was zuigao fayuan jianchashu 最高法院檢察署.

ROC Prosecutor-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
12/1928—1948Cheng Lieh 鄭烈1888-1958Fujian
1949 @Yang Chao-lung 楊兆龍1904-1979Jiangsu
12/1949—1/1952Chu Hwang-ping 朱煥虨b. 1895, d. N/AJiangsu
1/1952—9/1969 Chao Chen 趙琛1899-1969Zhejiang
12/1969—7/1986Wang Chien-chin 王建今1906-2007Jiangsu
7/1986—5/1992Shih Ming-chiang 石明江b. 1919N/A
5/1992—5/1997Chen Han 陳涵b. 1927Guangdong
5/1997—8/2004Lu Jen-fa 盧仁發b. 1934N/A
9/2004—12/2005 Wu Ying-chao 吳英昭b. 1939N/A
1/2007—1/2010Chen Tsung-ming 陳聰明b. 1941Taiwan
1/2010—3/2010 @Tseng Yung-fu 曾勇夫b. 1943Taiwan
3/2010—4/2010 @Lin Jie-der 林偕得b. 1945N/A
4/2010—4/2014Huang Shih-ming 黃世銘b. 1950Taiwan
4/2014—5/2018Yen Da-ho 顏大和b. 1949Taiwan
5/2018—5/2022Chiang Hui-ming 江惠民b. 1955Taiwan
5/2022—Hsing Tai-chao 邢泰釗b. 1959N/A

In addition to its administrative units, the Supreme Prosecutors Office features a Division (shujiting 書記廳) with the following subordinate units:

  Data Section (ziliaoke 資料科),
  Documentation Section (wenshuke 文書科),
  General Affairs Section (zongwuke 總務科)
  Records Section (jiluke 紀錄科), and
  Research and Evaluation Section (yanjiu kaoheke 研究考核科).

One important unit under the Supreme Prosecutors Office was the Special Investigation Division (SID) which was abolished effective Jan. 1, 2017.

On March 21, 2014 the Taipei District Court sentenced Chief Prosecutor Huang Shih-ming to 14 months imprisonment for leaking classified information related to prosecutors' investigations in an alleged case of influence-peddling involving Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng 王金平. On Feb. 12, 2015 the Taiwan High Court sentenced Huang to 15 months imprisonment (commutable to a fine of NT$ 450,000) in a final ruling, and on Oct. 31, 2016 the Taipei District Court ordered Huang to pay DPP legislator Ker Chien-ming 柯建銘 NT$ 620,000 after Ker had filed a civil law suit. On Aug. 25, 2017 the Taipei District Court found former ROC president Ma Ying-jeou not guilty of leaking classified information, but that verdict was overturned on May 15, 2018 by the Taiwan High Court which sentenced Ma to 4 months imprisonment. Ma was eventually acquitted in that case by the Taiwan High Court in a final ruling on July 12, 2019.

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOJ]

Taiwan High Prosecutors Office, MOJ

Taiwan High Prosecutors Office, MOJ 臺灣高等檢察署
No. 124 Chongqing South Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10048, Taiwan ROC
[10048 台北市中正區重慶南路 1 段 124 號]
🌏 Taiwan High Prosecutors Office – Web link
Description: Nologo07

The Taiwan High Prosecutors Office (Taiwan gaodeng jianchashu 臺灣高等檢察署, 🏁—jianchazhang 檢察長) can be traced back to the Taiwan Governor's High Court Prosecution Bureau (Taiwan zongdufu gaodeng fayuan jianchaju 臺灣總督府高等法院檢察局) which was set up by the Japanese colonial administration in 1896. When the ROC took over Taiwan in 1945, that agency was renamed Taiwan High Court Department of Prosecution (Taiwan gaodeng fayuan jianchachu 臺灣高等法院檢察處) and restructured in its current form on Dec. 24, 1989. Before May 25, 2018 its official Chinese name was Taiwan gaodeng fayuan jianchashu 臺灣高等法院檢察署.

Taiwan High Prosecutors Office chief prosecutors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
11/1945—1/1946Chiang Wei-tsu 蔣慰祖b. 1910, d. N/AJiangsu
1/1946—3/1946Chen Cheng-cheng 陳丞城N/AN/A
3/1946—5/1946Shih Wen-fan 施文藩N/AN/A
5/1946—9/1946Lou Ying 樓英N/AN/A
9/1946—11/1946Fu Shu-te 符樹德N/AN/A
11/1946—5/1947Wang Chien-chin 王建今1906-2007Jiangsu
5/1947—8/1948Koh Chih-tan 葛之覃b. 1898, d. N/AN/A
8/1948—10/1950Wang En-pei 汪恩沛b. 1904, d. N/AN/A
10/1950—7/1957 Hung Chun-pei 洪鈞培1907-1957Jiangsu
5/1958—3/1965Hsia Wei-shang 夏惟上b. 1907, d. N/AJiangsu
3/1965—7/1972Chou Hsuan-kuan 周旋冠b. 1910, d. N/AJiangsu
7/1972—8/1975 Chiao Pei-shu 焦沛澍1912-1975Hebei
9/1975—9/1978Hung Shou-nan 洪壽南1912-1997Taiwan
9/1978—6/1969Chu Chien-hung 褚劍鴻1919-2006Jiangsu
6/1969—10/1982Tsao Te-cheng 曹德成b. 1924N/A
11/1982—7/1986Shih Ming-chiang 石明江1919-2009Sichuan
7/1986—5/1992Chen Han 陳涵b. 1927Guangdong
5/1992—3/1996Liou Jiing-yih 劉景義b. 1926Liaoning
4/1996—5/1997Lu Jen-fa 盧仁發b. 1934Taiwan
7/1997—6/2000Wu Ying-chao 吳英昭b. 1939Taiwan
6/2000—4/2001Lin Jie-der 林偕得b. 1945Taiwan
4/2001—11/2004Wu Kuo-ai 吳國愛b. 1935N/A
11/2004—4/2007Hsieh Wen-ting 謝文定b. 1948Taiwan
4/2007—3/2013Yen Da-ho 顏大和b. 1949Taiwan
3/2013—1/2014Chen Shou-huang 陳守煌b. 1952Taiwan
1/2014—5/2014 @Kuo Wen-tung 郭文東b. 1953N/A
5/2014—12/2019Wang Tian-sheng 王添盛b. 1949N/A
12/2019—3/2020 @Sung Kao-ye 宋國業N/AN/A
3/2020—5/2022Hsing Tai-chao 邢泰釗b. 1959N/A
5/2022— @Tu Da-ren 涂達人b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, the subdivisions of the Taiwan High Prosecutors Office include the following:

  Clerk Division (shujichu 書記處);
  Data Section (ziliaoke 資料科),
  Documentation Section (wenshuke 文書科),
  Enforcement Section (zhixingke 執行科),
  General Affairs Section (zongwuke總務科),
  Litigation Counseling Section (susong fudaoke 訴訟輔導科),
  Records Section (jiluke 紀錄科), and
  Research and Evaluation Section (yanjiu kaoheke 研究考核科).

On May 3, 2023 the Taiwan High Prosecutors Office launched the Digital Forensics Office (keji zhuanze bangongshi 科技專責辦公室).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOJ]

Administrative Enforcement Agency, MOJ (AEA)

Administrative Enforcement Agency, MOJ (AEA) 法務部行政執行署
7 F., No. 51 Kangning Road Sec. 3,
Neihu District, Taipei City 11485, Taiwan ROC
[11485 台北市內湖區康寧路 3 段 51 號 7 樓]
🌏 AEA – Web link

The AEA (fawubu xingzheng zhixingshu 法務部行政執行署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on Jan. 1, 2000.

AEA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2000—3/2007Lin Yun-hu 林雲虎N/AN/A
3/2007—2010Lin Chao-song 林朝松N/AN/A
2010—7/2016Chang Ching-yun 張清雲N/AN/A
8/2016 @Huang Teng-yao 黃騰耀N/AN/A
9/2016—10/2017Chu Jia-chi 朱家崎N/AN/A
10/2017—9/2018Leu Wen-jong 呂文忠N/AN/A
9/2018—1/2019 @Chen Ying-chin 陳盈錦N/AN/A
1/2019—Lin Ching-tsung 林慶宗b. N/AN/A

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOJ]

Agency Against Corruption, MOJ (AAC)

Agency Against Corruption, MOJ (AAC) 法務部廉政署
2, 3, 5-8 F., No. 318 Songjiang Road,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10468, Taiwan ROC
[10468 台北市中山區松江路 318 號 2 、 3 樓及 5 至 8 樓]
🌏 AAC – Web link

The Agency Against Corruption (fawubu lianzhengshu 法務部廉政署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on July 20, 2011.

AAC director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/2011—3/2013Chou Chih-jung 周志榮N/AN/A
3/2013—5/2014Chu Kun-mao 朱坤茂b. 1950N/A
5/2014—10/2017Lai Che-hsiung 賴哲雄N/AN/A
10/2017—1/2019Chu Chia-chi 朱家崎N/AN/A
1/2019—5/2022Cheng Ming-chian 鄭銘謙N/AN/A
5/2022—5/2024Chuang Jung-sung 莊榮松N/AN/A
5/2024—Feng Cheng 馮成b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, AAC has the following subdivisions:

  Comprehensive Planning Division (zonghe guihuazu 綜合規劃組),
  Corruption Prevention Division (fangtanzu 防貪組), and
  Malpractices Investigation Division (sutanzu 肅貪組).

Furthermore, there are three Investigation Offices (diaochazu 調查組):

  Central Investigation Office (zhongbu diqu diaochazu 中部地區調查組),
  Northern Investigation Office (beibu diqu diaochazu 北部地區調查組), and
  Southern Investigation Office (nanbu diqu diaochazu 南部地區調查組).

Another body that should be mentioned in this context is the Central Integrity Commission (zhongyang lianzheng weiyuanhui 中央廉政委員會). Its establishment was announced on Aug. 1, 2008, and since its first meeting on Oct. 3 that year the commission has been convening twice a year. According to the National Integrity Building Action Plan (guojia lianzheng jianshe xingdong fang’an 國家廉政建設行動方案) which was promulgated on July 8, 2009, the commission comprises a convener (zhaojiren 召集人), i. e. the ROC premier; a co-convener (fu zhaojiren 副召集人), i. e. the ROC vice premier; plus 18-20 members, including the ministers without portfolio, the secretary-general of the Executive Yuan, the ministers of the MOI, MOFA, MND, MOF, MOE, MOJ, MOEA, MOTC, DGPA, NDC, PCC, FSC, NCC; and 3-5 experts.

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOJ]

Agency of Corrections, MOJ (MJAC)

Agency of Corrections, MOJ (MJAC) 法務部矯正署
No. 180 Hong-teh Village,
Guishan District, Taoyuan City 33307, Taiwan ROC
[33307 桃園市龜山區宏德新村 180 號]
🌏 MJAC – Web link

The MJAC (fawubu jiaozhengshu 法務部矯正署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was formally established on Jan. 1, 2011. It was based on the former MOJ Department of Corrections (fawubu jiaozhengsi 法務部矯正司) that has an institutional history dating back to the Prison Department (jianyusi 監獄司) of the Ministry of Justice (sifabu 司法部) which in turn was set up right after the ROC was established in 1912.

MJAC directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2011—3/2015Wu Shyan-chang 吳憲璋b. 1950N/A
4/2015—1/2017Wu Man-ying 巫滿盈N/AN/A
1/2017—Huang Chun-tang 黃俊棠b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, MJAC has the following subdivisions:

  Correctional Medical Service Division (jiaozheng yiliaozu 矯正醫療組),
  Logistics & Resource Division (houqin ziyuanzu 後勤資源組),
  Planning Division (zonghe guihuazu 綜合規劃組),
  Rehabilitation & Counseling Division (jiaohua fudaozu 教化輔導組),
  Security & Supervision Division (anquan dudaozu 安全督導組); and
  Statistics Office (tongjishi 統計室).

The ROC has seven categories of correctional institutions which are under the jurisdiction of the MJAC—prisons (jianyu 監獄), detention centers (kanshousuo 看守所), skill training institutes (jineng xunliansuo 技能訓練所), reform schools (shaonian fuyuyuan 少年輔育院), juvenile detention houses (shaonian guanhusuo 少年觀護所), drug abuser treatment centers (jiezhisuo 戒治所), and schools [for juvenile offenders] (jiaozheng xuexiao 矯正學校). In the following list a red skull symbol () indicates that executions were carried out in that prison since early 2010.

  Taipei Prison (Taibei jianyu 臺北監獄)———
  Taoyuan Prison (Taoyuan jianyu 桃園監獄)
  Taoyuan Women's Prison (nüzi jianyu 桃園女子監獄)
  Hsinchu Prison (Xinzhu jianyu 新竹監獄)
  Taichung Prison (Taizhong jianyu 臺中監獄)———
  Taichung Women's Prison (Taizhong nüzi jianyu 臺中女子監獄)
  Changhua Prison (Zhanghua jianyu彰化監獄)
  Yunlin Prison (Yunlin jianyu 雲林監獄)
  Yunlin Second Prison (Yunlin dier jianyu 雲林第二監獄)
  Chiayi Prison (Jiayi jianyu 嘉義監獄)
  Tainan Prison (Tainan jianyu 臺南監獄)———
  Kaohsiung Prison (Gaoxiong jianyu 高雄監獄)
  Kaohsiung Second Prison (Gaoxiong dier jianyu 高雄第二監獄)———
  Kaohsiung Women's Prison (Gaoxiong nüzi jianyu 高雄女子監獄)
  Pingtung Prison (Pingdong jianyu 屏東監獄)
  Keelung Prison (Jilong jianyu 基隆監獄)
  Yilan Prison (Yilan jianyu 宜蘭監獄)
  Hualien Prison (Hualian jianyu 花蓮監獄)———
  Taitung Prison (Taidong jianyu 臺東監獄)
  Penghu Prison (Penghu jianyu 澎湖監獄)
  Kinmen Prison (Jinmen jianyu 金門監獄)
  Lyudao Prison (Lüdao jianyu綠島監獄)
  Bade Minimum-Security Prison (Bade waiyi jianyu 八德外役監獄)
  Mingde Minimum-Security Prison (Mingde waiyi jianyu 明德外役監獄)
  Zihciang Minimum-Security Prison (Ziqiang waiyi jianyu 自強外役監獄)
  Keelung Detention Center (Jilong kanshousuo 基隆看守所)
  Taipei Detention Center (Taibei kanshousuo 臺北看守所)
  Taipei Women's Detention Center (Taibei nüzi kanshousuo 臺北女子看守所)
  Hsinchu Detention Center (Xinzhu kanshousuo 新竹看守所)
  Miaoli Detention Center (Miaoli kanshousuo 苗栗看守所)
  Taichung Detention Center (Taizhong kanshousuo 臺中看守所)
  Changhua Detention Center (Zhanghua kanshousuo 彰化看守所)
  Nantou Detention Center (Nantou kanshousuo 南投看守所)
  Chiayi Detention Center (Jiayi kanshousuo 嘉義看守所)
  Tainan Detention Center (Tainan kanshousuo 臺南看守所)
  Kaohsiung Detention House (Gaoxiong kanshousuo 高雄看守所), shares premises and is jointly administered with the Kaohsiung Second Prison
  Pingtung Detention Center (Pingdong kanshousuo 屏東看守所)
  Hualien Detention Center (Hualian kanshousuo 花蓮看守所)
  Taiyuan Skill Training Institute (Taiyuan jineng xunliansuo 泰源技能訓練所)
  Dongcheng Skill Training Institute (Dongcheng jineng xunliansuo 東成技能訓練所)
  Yanwan Training Institute (Yanwan jineng xunliansuo 岩灣技能訓練所)
  Changhua Reform School (Zhanghua shaonian fuyuyuan 彰化少年輔育院)
  Taoyuan Reform School (Taoyuan shaonian fuyuyuan 桃園少年輔育院)
  Taipei Juvenile Detention House (Taibei shaonian guanhusuo 臺北少年觀護所)
  Tainan Juvenile Detention House (Tainan shaonian guanhusuo 臺南少年觀護所)
  Sindian Drug Abuser Treatment Center (Xindian jiezhisuo 新店戒治所)
  Taichung Drug Abuser Treatment Center (Taizhong jiezhisuo 臺中戒治所)
  Kaohsiung Drug Abuser Treatment Center (Gaoxiong jiezhisuo 高雄戒治所)
  Taitung Drug Abuser Treatment Center (Taidong jiezhisuo 臺東戒治所)
  Chengjheng High School (Chengzheng zhongxue 誠正中學)
  Ming Yang High School (Mingyang zhongxue 明陽中學)

In addition, the Taichung Prison Pei-teh Hospital (Taizhong jianyu peide yiyuan 臺中監獄培德醫院) which is contracted out to a vendor, currently China Medical University Hospital (Zhongguo yiyao daxue fushe yiyuan 中國醫藥大學附設醫院, abbrev. CMUH), is a facility for seriously ill inmates.

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOJ]

Institute of Forensic Medicine, MOJ

Institute of Forensic Medicine, MOJ 法務部法醫研究所
No. 123 Min'an Street,
Zhonghe District, New Taipei City 23552, Taiwan ROC
[23552 新北市中和區民安街 123 號]
🌏 Institute of Forensic Medicine – Web link

The Institute of Forensic Medicine (fawubu fayi yanjiusuo 法務部法醫研究所, 🏁—suozhang 所長) was formally established on July 1, 1998.

Institute of Forensic Medicine director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/1998—6/1999Hsieh Wen-ting 謝文定b. 1948Taiwan
7/1999—6/2001Lin Sea-yau 林錫堯b. 1948Taiwan
7/2001—4/2002Yen Da-ho 顏大和b. 1949Taiwan
4/2002—9/2008Wang Chung-yi 王崇儀b. 1952N/A
9/2008—12/2008 @Tsai Mao-sheng 蔡茂盛N/AN/A
12/2008—11/2012James Chun-i Lee 李俊億N/AN/A
12/2012—3/2013Tsai Ching-hsiang 蔡清祥b. 1953N/A
3/2013—3/2015Chou Chung-chin 周章欽N/AN/A
3/2015—5/2015Leu Wen-jong 呂文忠N/AN/A
6/2015—3/2019Tu Da-ren 涂達人N/AN/A
3/2019—3/2020Yang Hsiu-lan 楊秀蘭N/AN/A
3/2020—3/2021Chen Hung-ta 陳宏達N/AN/A
3/2021—1/2022 @Tseng Hsin-tung 曾信棟N/AN/A
1/2022—Hou Kuan-jen 侯寬仁b. 1961N/A

The institute has the following subdivisions:

  Forensic Genetics and Trace Evidences Division (xueqing zhengwuzu 血清證物組),
  Forensic Pathology Division (fayi binglizu 法醫病理組),
  Forensic Toxicology Division (duwu huaxuezu 毒物化學組); and
  Secretary Office (mishushi 秘書室).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOJ]

Academy for the Judiciary, MOJ

Academy for the Judiciary, MOJ 法務部司法官學院
No. 81 Xinhai Road Sec. 3,
Daan District, Taipei City 10671, Taiwan ROC
[10671 台北市大安區辛亥路 3 段 81 號]
🌏 Academy for the Judiciary – Web link

The Academy for the Judiciary (fawubu sifaguan xueyuan 法務部司法官學院, 🏁—yuanzhang 院長) was set up in 1955 as Judges and Prosecutors Training Institute (sifaguan xunliansuo 司法官訓練所) under the MOJ, and on July 1, 2013 it was reorganized to its present form and renamed.

Academy for the Judiciary presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2/1955—2/1960Shih Chih-chuan 石志泉1886-1960Hubei
2/1960—6/1960Ku Feng-hsiang 谷鳳翔1907-1989Chahar
6/1960—12/1967Cheng Yin-fun 鄭彥棻1902-1990Guangdong
12/1967—1/1969Cha Liang-chien 查良鑑1905-1994Hebei/Zhejiang
1/1969—11/1970Shih Shang-kwan 史尚寬1898-1970Anhui
11/1970—1/1971Wang Jen-yuan 王任遠1910-1996Hebei
1/1971—7/1985Chang Yi-ting 張彝鼎1902-1992Shanxi
7/1985—9/1994Chu Shih-yen 朱石炎N/AN/A
9/1994—5/1995Lin Jong-yao 林榮耀N/AN/A
5/1995—2/1997Tseng Yu-tien 曾有田b. 1941N/A
2/1997—2/1999Hsieh Tsay-chuan 謝在全b. 1944Taiwan
4/1999—5/2015Lin Huei-huang 林輝煌N/AN/A
5/2015—7/2016Tsai Ching-hsiang 蔡清祥b. 1953N/A
7/2016—12/2021Tsai Pi-yu 蔡碧玉N/AN/A
12/2021—Ker Li-ling 柯麗鈴b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, the Academy for the Judiciary has the following subdivisions:

  Academic Affairs Department (jiaowuzu 教務組),
  Student Affairs Department (xuequzu 學務組);
  Crime Prevention Research Center (fanzui fangzhi yanjiu zhongxin 犯罪防治研究中心); and
  Judges and Prosecutors Training Committee (sifaguan xunlian weiyuanhui 司法官訓練委員會).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOJ]

===== ===== ===== ===== =====

◆ Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA)

Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) 經濟部
No. 15 Fuzhou Street,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10015, Taiwan ROC
[10015 台北市中正區福州街 15 號]
🌏 MOEA – Web link
Older logo (before September 2023)

The history of the MOEA (jingjibu 經濟部) can be traced back to Oct. 25, 1928 when it was established as Ministry of Commerce (gongshangbu 工商部). In December 1931 it was merged with the Ministry of Farming and Mining (nongkuangbu 農礦部) to become the Ministry of Basic Industries (shiyebu 實業部). In December 1937, the name was changed to MOEA. In March 1949, several other cabinet-level agencies were abolished and absorbed by the MOEA, including the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (nonglinbu 農林部), the Ministry of Water Resources (shuilibu 水利部), and the Resources Commission (ziyuan weiyuanhui 資源委員會). In the 2012-2014 ROC government restructuring, the MOEA was slated to be transformed to the new Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (jingji ji nengyuanbu 經濟及能源部) by Jan. 1, 2015, but so far the process has been delayed.

MOEA ministers

Tenure (started) Name Born/Died Native Province
2/1928H. H. Kung 孔祥熙1881-1967Shanxi
12/1931Chen Kung-po 陳公博1892-1946Guangdong
12/1935Wu T'ing-chang 吳鼎昌1884-1950Sichuan/Zhejiang
11/1937 @Ch'eng T'ien-ku 程天固1889-1974Guangdong
1/1938Wang Wen-ho 翁文灝1889-1971Zhejiang
5/1946Wang Yun-wu 王雲五1888-1979Guangdong/Shanghai
5/1948—12/1948Chen Chi-tien 陳啟天1893-1984Hubei
12/1948—3/1949Liu Wei-chi 劉維熾1892-1955Guangdong
3/1949—6/1949Sun Yue-chi 孫越崎1893-1995Zhejiang
6/1949—1/1950Liu Hang-chen 劉航琛1896-1975Sichuan
1/1950—3/1950Yen Chia-kan 嚴家淦1905-1993Jiangsu
3/1950—5/1952Cheng Tao-ju 鄭道儒1897-1977Tianjin
5/1952—6/1954T. K. Chang 張茲闓1900-1983Guangdong
6/1954—12/1955Yin Chung-jung 尹仲容1903-1963Hunan
12/1955—3/1958Kiang Piao 江杓1900-1981Jiangsu
3/1958—1/1965Yang Gi-tzeng 楊繼曾1898-1992Zhejiang
1/1965—7/1969Li Kwoh-ting 李國鼎1910-2001Jiangsu
7/1969—9/1969 Tao Sheng-yang 陶聲洋1919-1969Jiangxi
10/1969—6/1978Sun Yun-suan 孫運璿1913-2006Shandong
6/1978—12/1981Chang Kwang-shih 張光世1913-1989Jiangsu
12/1981—6/1984Chao Yao-tung 趙耀東1915-2008Shanghai
6/1984—3/1985Hsu Li-teh 徐立德b. 1931Henan
3/1985Li Mo 李模1922-2000Shanghai
3/1985—7/1988Lee Ta-hai 李達海1919-1995Liaoning
7/1988—6/1990Chen Li-an 陳履安b. 1937Zhejiang
6/1990—2/1993Vincent Siew 蕭萬長b. 1939Taiwan
2/1993—6/1996Chiang Pin-kung 江丙坤1932-2018Taiwan
6/1996—5/2000Wang Chih-kang 王志剛b. 1942Hebei
5/2000—1/2002Lin Hsin-yi 林信義b. 1946Taiwan
2/2002—3/2002Christine Tsung 宗才怡b. 1948Jiangsu
3/2002—5/2004Lin Yi-fu 林義夫b. 1942Taiwan
5/2004—1/2006Ho Mei-yueh 何美玥b. 1951Taiwan
1/2006—8/2006Huang Ing-san 黃營杉b. 1941Taiwan
8/2006—5/2008Steve Chen 陳瑞隆b. 1948Taiwan
5/2008—9/2009Yiin Chii-ming 尹啟銘b. 1952Taiwan
9/2009—2/2013Shih Yen-shiang 施顏祥b. 1950Taiwan
2/2013—8/2014Chang Chia-juch 張家祝b. 1950Liaoning
8/2014—12/2014 @Duh Tyzz-jiun 杜紫軍b. 1959Taiwan
12/2014—5/2016John C. C. Deng 鄧振中b. 1952N/A
5/2016—8/2017C. K. Lee 李世光b. 1959Taiwan
8/2017—6/2020Shen Jong-chin 沈榮津b. 1951N/A
6/2020—5/2024Wang Mei-hua 王美花b. 1958Taiwan
5/2024—J. W. Kuo 郭智輝b. 1953N/A

MOEA structure

The organizational structure of MOEA includes the following staff units (muliao danwei 幕僚單位), administrative agencies (xingzheng jiguan 行政機關) and national corporations (shiye jigou 事業機構):

Staff units
  Department of Economic Legal Affairs (jingji fazhisi 經濟法制司),
  Department of General Planning (zonghe guihuasi 綜合規劃司),
  Department of Industrial Technology (chanye jishusi 產業技術司, abbrev. DoIT),
  Department of Investment Promotion (touzi cujinsi 投資促進司),
  Department of Investment Review (touzi shenyisi 投資審議司),
  Department of State-owned Enterprise Affairs (guoying shiye guanlisi 國營事業管理司);
  Department of Accounting (kuaijichu 會計處),
  Department of Civil Service Ethics (zhengfengchu 政風處),
  Department of General Affairs (mishuchu 秘書處),
  Department of Information Management (zixunchu 資訊處),
  Department of Personnel (renshichu 人事處), and
  Department of Statistics (tongjichu 統計處).
The DoIT, established in 1993 under the Chinese name jishuchu 技術處 and renamed in September 2023, is one of the more noteworthy departments in the MOEA. Its main mission is to leverage the MOEA's Technology Development Programs (keji yanjiu fazhan zhuan'an jihua 科技研究發展專案計畫, abbrev. keji zhuan'an 科技專案 in Chinese and TDP in English) to integrate the R&D resources and soft power of research institutes, academia and industry.

Administrative agencies
  Administration of Commerce, MOEA (shangye fazhanshu 商業發展署),
  Energy Administration, MOEA (nengyuanshu 能源署),
  Industrial Development Administration, MOEA (chanye fazhanshu 產業發展署),
  International Trade Administration, MOEA (guoji maoyishu 國際貿易署),
  Small and Medium Enterprise and Startup Administration, MOEA (zhongxiao ji xinchuang qiyeshu 中小及新創企業署),
  Water Resources Agency, MOEA (shuilishu 水利署);
  Bureau of Industrial Parks, MOEA (chanye yuanqu guanliju 產業園區管理局),
  Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, MOEA (biaozhun jianyanju 標準檢驗局),
  Intellectual Property Office, MOEA (zhihui caichanju 智慧財產局);
  Geological Survey and Mining Management Agency, MOEA (dizhi diaocha ji kuangye guanli zhongxin 地質調查及礦業管理中心); and
  Training Institute for Economic and Trade Affairs, MOEA (jingmao renyuan peixunsuo 經貿人員培訓所)

National corporations
  Taiwan Sugar Corporation (Taiwan tangye gongsi 台灣糖業公司),
  Taiwan Power Company (Taiwan dianli gongsi 台灣電力公司),
  CPC Corporation, Taiwan (Taiwan zhongyou gongsi 台灣中油公司), and
  Taiwan Water Corporation (Taiwan zilaishui gongsi 台灣自來水公司).

In addition, the MOEA maintains overseas offices (zhuwai jigou 駐外機構) for the Asia Pacific, America, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

Furthermore, in June 2003 the MOEA established the Taiwan Design Center (Taiwan chuangyi sheji zhongxin 台灣創意設計中心, abbrev. TDC) which helps local companies become cultural innovators. On Dec. 5, 2019 the MOEA announced that in 2020 the TDC will be upgraded to Taiwan Design Research Institute (Taiwan sheji yanjiuyuan 台灣設計研究院, abbrev. TDRI), a platform for different disciplines to collaborate and strengthen Taiwan's design capabilities. The new agency will be a collaboration between the MOEA and the MOC.

On Sept. 26, 2023 numerous changes were implemented in the MOEA’s organizational structure. The most noteworthy changes were as follows:

  • A new subordinate agency under MOEA was established—the Administration of Commerce (jingjibu shangye fazhanshu 經濟部商業發展署).
  • The Bureau of Energy (jingjibu nengyuanju 經濟部能源局, abbrev. BOE) was upgraded and renamed Energy Administration (jingjibu nengyuanshu 經濟部能源署).
  • The Industrial Development Bureau (jingjibu gongyeju 經濟部工業局, abbrev. IDB) was upgraded and renamed Industrial Development Administration (jingjibu chanye fazhanshu 經濟部產業發展署).
  • The Small and Medium Enterprise Administration (jingjibu zhongxiao qiyechu 經濟部中小企業處, abbrev. SMEA) was extended and renamed Small and Medium Enterprise and Startup Administration (jingjibu zhongxiao ji xinchuang qiyeshu 經濟部中小及新創企業署).
  • The Export Processing Zone Administration (jingjibu jiagong chukouqu guanlichu 經濟部加工出口區管理處, abbrev. EPZA) was reorganized as Bureau of Industrial Parks (jingjibu chanye yuanqu guanliju 經濟部產業園區管理局).
  • The Bureau of Foreign Trade (jingjibu guoji maoyiju 經濟部國際貿易局, abbrev. BOFT) and the International Trade Commission (jingjibu maoyi diaocha weiyuanhui 經濟部貿易調查委員會, abbrev. ITC) were merged to constitute the International Trade Administration (jingjibu guoji maoyishu 經濟部國際貿易署).
  • The Bureau of Mines (jingjibu kuangwuju 經濟部礦務局, abbrev. BOM) and the Central Geological Survey (jingjibu zhongyang dizhi diaochasuo 經濟部中央地質調查所, abbrev. CGS) were merged to constitute the Geological Survey and Mining Management Agency (jingjibu dizhi diaocha ji kuangye guanli zhongxin 經濟部地質調查及礦業管理中心).
  • The former State-owned Enterprise Commission (jingjibu guoying shiye weiyuanhui 經濟部國營事業委員會, abbrev. SEC) was downgraded to Department of State-owned Enterprise Affairs, MOEA (jingjibu guoying shiye guanlisi 經濟部國營事業管理司).
  • The former Investment Commission (jingjibu touzi shenyi weiyuanhui 經濟部投資審議委員會) was downgraded to Department of Investment Review, MOEA (jingjibu touzi shenyisi 經濟部投資審議司).

The following subordinate agencies under MOEA remained unchanged: Water Resources Agency (jingjibu shuilishu 經濟部水利署, abbrev. WRA), Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (jingjibu biaozhun jianyanju 經濟部標準檢驗局, abbrev. BSMI), and Intellectual Property Office (jingjibu zhihui caichanju 經濟部智慧財產局, abbrev. TIPO).

Selected level-3 agencies under MOEA

Details about the following selected agencies under MOEA are shown directly below.

TOP   HOME    [Jump to next cabinet-level agency]

Energy Administration, MOEA (EA)

Energy Administration, MOEA (EA) 經濟部能源署
13 F., No. 2 Fuxing North Road,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10492, Taiwan ROC
[10492 台北市中山區復興北路 2 號 13 樓]
🌏 EA – Web link
BOE logo

The EA (jingjibu nengyuanshu 經濟部能源署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on July 1, 2004 as Bureau of Energy (jingjibu nengyuanju 經濟部能源局, abbrev. BOE; 🏁—juzhang 局長) and upgraded on Sept. 26, 2023. Its forerunner had been the Energy Commission under the MOEA (jingjibu nengyuan weiyuanhui 經濟部能源委員會) which was created on Nov. 1, 1979.

EA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/2004—5/2010Yeh Hui-ching 葉惠青b. 1958N/A
5/2010—2/2014Jerry J. R. Ou 歐嘉瑞b. 1956N/A
2/2014—2/2015Wang Yunn-ming 王運銘b. 1952N/A
2/2015 @Wu Yu-chen 吳玉珍N/AN/A
2/2015—3/2019Lin Chuan-neng 林全能b. 1965N/A
4/2019 @Lee Chun-li 李君禮N/AN/A
4/2019—Yu Cheng-wei 游振偉b. N/AN/A

The organizational structure of the EA includes the following subdivisions:

  Electricity Development and Management Division (dianli fazhan ji guanlizu 電力發展及管理組),
  Energy Conservation Development and Management Division (jieneng fazhan ji guanlizu 節能發展及管理組),
  Energy Policy and Climate Change Division (nengyuan zhengce ji qihou bianqianzu 能源政策及氣候變遷組),
  Petroleum and Gas Development and Management Division (youqi fazhan ji guanlizu 油氣發展及管理組),
  Renewable and Prospective Energy Development Division (zaisheng yu qianzhan nengyuan fazhanzu 再生與前瞻能源發展組),
  Renewable Energy Facilities Promotion Division (zaisheng nengyuan shezhi tuiguangzu 再生能源設置推廣組);
  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Information Management Office (zixunshi 資訊室),
  Legal Affairs Office (fawushi 法務室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOEA]

Administration of Commerce, MOEA (AOC)

Administration of Commerce, MOEA (AOC) 經濟部商業發展署
No. 15 Fuzhou Street, Zhongzheng District,
Taipei City 10015, Taiwan ROC
[10015 台北市中正區福州街 15 號]
Nantou office 南投辦公區: No. 4 Shengfu Road,
Nantou City, Nantou County 54003, Taiwan ROC
[54003 南投縣南投市省府路 4 號]
🌏 AOC – Web link

The AOC (jingjibu shangye fazhanshu 經濟部商業發展署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on Sept. 26, 2023.

AOC director-general

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
9/2023—Su Wen-ling 蘇文玲b. 1965N/A

The organizational structure of the AOC includes the following subdivisions:

  Business Environment Division (shangye huanjingzu 商業環境組),
  Commerce Development Division (fuwu fazhanzu 服務發展組),
  Company Registration Division (gongsi dengjizu 公司登記組),
  General Planning Division (zhengce guihuazu 政策規劃組);
  Accountant Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  General Affairs Office (mishushi 秘書室),
  Information Management Office (zixunshi 資訊室), and
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOEA]

International Trade Administration, MOEA (TITA)

International Trade Administration, MOEA (TITA) 經濟部國際貿易署
No. 1 Hukou Street, Zhongzheng District,
Taipei City 10066, Taiwan ROC (former BOFT HQ)
[10066 台北市中正區湖口街 1 號]
Kaohsiung office 高雄辦事處: 2 F., No. 103 Zhongzheng 4th Road,
Qianjin District, Kaohsiung City 80147, Taiwan ROC
[80147 高雄市前金區中正四路 103 號 2 樓]
🌏 TITA – Web link
BOFT logo
ITC logo

The TITA (jingjibu guoji maoyishu 經濟部國際貿易署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on Sept. 26, 2023 by merging the Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT) and the International Trade Commission (ITC).

TITA director-general

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
9/2023—Cynthia Kiang 江文若b. N/AN/A

The organizational structure of the AOC includes the following subdivisions:

  Bilateral Trade Division I (shuangbian maoyi yizu 雙邊貿易一組),
  Bilateral Trade Division II (shuangbian maoyi erzu 雙邊貿易二組),
  Export/Import Administration Division (maoyi guanlizu 貿易管理組),
  Multilateral Trade Affairs Division (duobian maoyizu 多邊貿易組),
  Planning Division (zonghe qihuazu 綜合企劃組),
  Trade Development Division (maoyi fazhanzu 貿易發展組);
  Kaohsiung Office (Gaoxiong banshichu 高雄辦事處);
  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Information Management Office (zixunshi 資訊室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室).

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About BOFT and ITC

The Bureau of Foreign Trade (jingjibu guoji maoyiju 經濟部國際貿易局, abbrev. BOFT, 🏁—juzhang 局長), established on Jan. 1, 1969, had been administered by the following director-generals:

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1969–1977Wong Yi-ting 汪彝定b. 1920Beijing
9/1977—1/1982Shao Shioh-kwen 邵學錕b. 1917Zhejiang
1/1982—9/1988Vincent Siew 蕭萬長b. 1939Taiwan
9/1988—8/1989Chiang Pin-kung 江丙坤1932-2018 Taiwan
1989–1993Sheu Ke-sheng 許柯生b. 1933Jiangxi
1993–1995Huang Yen-chao 黃演鈔b. 1934Taiwan
1995–1997Lin Yi-fu 林義夫b. 1942Taiwan
12/1997—5/2000Steve Chen 陳瑞隆b. 1948Taiwan
5/2000—11/2002Wayne W. Wu 吳文雅b. 1945Taiwan
11/2002—10/2010 Huang Chih-peng 黃志鵬 b. 1951Taiwan
10/2010—7/2012Cho Shih-chao 卓士昭b. 1951Taiwan
7/2012—8/2014Chang Chun-fu 張俊福b. 1954N/A
8/2014—1/2020Yang Jen-ni 楊珍妮b. 1954N/A
3/2020—8/2020Chen Chern-chyi 陳正祺b. 1960N/A
8/2020—9/2023Cynthia Kiang 江文若N/AN/A

The International Trade Commission (jingjibu maoyi diaocha weiyuanhui 經濟部貿易調查委員會, abbrev. maodiaohui 貿調會 in Chinese and ITC in English, 🏁—zhuren weiyuan 主任委員) was established on July 1, 1994 in order to help domestic industry to obtain relief and undertake necessary restructuring when hurt as a result of imports. In addition, the ITC had the responsibility of injury investigations for countervailing and antidumping cases. The ITC was usually headed by the sitting MOEA vice minister (jingjibu zhengwu cizhang 經濟部政務次長 or jingjibu changwu cizhang 經濟部常務次長), before May 2012 it was headed by the sitting MOEA minister. The ITC chairpersons were as follows:

Tenure (started) Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1994Chiang Pin-kung 江丙坤1932-2018 Taiwan
6/1996Wang Chih-kang 王志剛b. 1942Hebei
5/2000Lin Hsin-yi 林信義b. 1946Taiwan
2/2002Christine Tsung 宗才怡b. 1948Jiangsu
3/2002Lin Yi-fu 林義夫b. 1942Taiwan
5/2004Ho Mei-yueh 何美玥b. 1951Taiwan
1/2006Huang Ing-san 黃營杉b. 1941Taiwan
8/2006Steve Chen 陳瑞隆b. 1948Taiwan
5/2008Yiin Chii-ming 尹啟銘b. 1952Taiwan
9/2009Shih Yen-shiang 施顏祥b. 1950Taiwan
5/2012Francis Liang 梁國新b. 1951Taiwan
7/2012Cho Shih-chao 卓士昭b. 1951Taiwan
7/2016—8/2020Wang Mei-hua 王美花b. 1958Taiwan
8/2020—9/2023 Chen Chern-chyi 陳正祺 N/AN/A

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Industrial Development Administration, MOEA (IDA)

Industrial Development Administration, MOEA (IDA) 經濟部產業發展署
No. 41-3 Xinyi Road Sec. 3,
Daan District, Taipei City 10651, Taiwan ROC
[10651 台北市大安區信義路 3 段 41-3 號]
🌏 IDA – Web link
IDB logo (before September 2023)
Older logo (before June 2016)

The IDA (jingjibu chanye fazhanshu 經濟部產業發展署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on Feb. 25, 1970 as Industrial Development Bureau (jingjibu gongyeju 經濟部工業局, abbrev. IDB, 🏁—juzhang 局長) and upgraded on Sept. 26, 2023. Its mission and functions include promotion of industrial upgrading, development and management of industrial parks, among others.

IDA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2/1970—1978Wei Yung-ning 韋永寧1915-2004Jiangsu
1978–1982Yu Teh-lin 虞德麟N/AN/A
1982–1986Hsu Kuo-an 徐國安b. 1925Zhejiang
1986–1992Yang Shih-chien 楊世緘b. 1944Shanghai
1992–1994Philip Wang Chieh-min 王覺民b. 1928Hebei
1994–1997Yiin Chii-ming 尹啟銘b. 1952Taiwan
1997–2000Wang Yea-kang 汪雅康N/AN/A
2000–2002Shih Yen-shiang 施顏祥b. 1950Taiwan
2002—3/2009Chen Chao-yih 陳昭義b. 1954N/A
3/2009—5/2012Duh Tyzz-jiun 杜紫軍b. 1959Taiwan
6/2012—2/2014Shen Jong-chin 沈榮津b. 1951N/A
2/2014—2/2017Wu Ming-ji 吳明機N/AN/A
2/2017—8/2022Leu Jang-hwa 呂正華N/AN/A
8/2022—Lien Ching-chang 連錦漳b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, IDA has the following subdivisions:

  Consumer Goods and Chemical Industry Division (minsheng huagong chanyezu 民生化工產業組),
  Electronics and Information Technology Industry Division (dianzi zixun chanyezu 電子資訊產業組),
  Industrial Policy Division (chanye zhengcezu 產業政策組),
  Knowledge Economy Industry Division (zhishi jingji chanyezu 知識經濟產業組),
  Metal Electromechanical Industry Division (jinshu jidian chanyezu 金屬機電產業組),
  Sustainable Development Division (yongxu fazhanzu 永續發展組); and
  Industries Assistance Center, MOEA (chanye jingzhengli fazhan zhongxin 產業競爭力發展中心).

An Intelligent Electric Vehicle Promotion Office (jingjibu gongyeju zhihui diandongche tuidong bangongshi 經濟部工業局智慧電動車推動辦公室) was established by the IDB on Sept. 8, 2010.

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Small and Medium Enterprise and Startup Administration, MOEA (SMESA)

Small and Medium Enterprise and Startup Administration, MOEA (SMESA) 經濟部中小及新創企業署
3 F., No. 95 Roosevelt Road Sec. 2,
Daan District, Taipei City 10646, Taiwan ROC
[10646 台北市大安區羅斯福路 2 段 95 號 3 樓]
🌏 SMESA – Web link
SMEA logo

The SMESA (jingjibu zhongxiao ji xinchuang qiyeshu 經濟部中小及新創企業署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on Jan. 15, 1981 under the name Small and Medium Enterprise Administration (jingjibu zhongxiao qiyechu 經濟部中小企業處, abbrev. SMEA, 🏁—chuzhang 處長) as administrative agency responsible for small and medium-sized enterprises-related affairs in Taiwan. Small and medium enterprises have been recognized as the key driving force of Taiwan's economic development over the past half century. SMEA was upgraded to SMESA on Sept. 26, 2023.

SMESA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/1981—2/1982Philip Wang Chieh-min 王覺民N/AN/A
2/1992—1/1996Shih Yen-shiang 施顏祥b. 1950Taiwan
1/1996—5/2000John C. I. Ni 黎昌意N/AN/A
5/2000—7/2001Wang Yea-kang 汪雅康N/AN/A
7/2001—7/2012Robert Lai 賴杉桂b. 1955Taiwan
7/2012—2/2017Johnny Yeh 葉雲龍b. 1953N/A
2/2017—2/2019Wu Ming-ji 吳明機b. 1968N/A
2/2019—Ho Chin-tsang 何晉滄b. N/AN/A

The organizational structure of the SMESA includes the following subdivisions:

  Financial Development Division (caiwu fazhanzu 財務發展組),
  Management Consulting Division (jingying fudaozu 經營輔導組),
  Planning Division (zonghe qihuazu 綜合企劃組),
  Startup and Incubation Division (xinchuang yuchengzu 新創育成組);
  Accounting and Statistics Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室),
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室);
  Central Taiwan Service Office (zongqu fuwuchu 中區服務處), and
  Southern Taiwan Service Office (nanqu fuwuchu 南區服務處).

Furthermore, a Social Innovation Lab (shehui chuangxin shiyan zhongxin 社會創新實驗中心) was set up on Oct. 18, 2017 with the support of the SMEA.

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Bureau of Industrial Parks, MOEA (BIP)

Bureau of Industrial Parks, MOEA (BIP) 經濟部產業園區管理局
No. 600 Jiachang Road, Nanzi District,
Kaohsiung City 81170, Taiwan ROC
[81170 高雄市楠梓區加昌路 600 號]
🌏 BIP – Web link
EPZA logo

The BIP (jingjibu chanye yuanqu guanliju 經濟部產業園區管理局, 🏁—juzhang 局長) was established on Dec. 3, 1966 as Export Processing Zone Administration (jingjibu jiagong chukouqu guanlichu 經濟部加工出口區管理處, abbrev. EPZA, 🏁—chuzhang 處長) when Taiwan integrated the functions of a free trade area, duty-free zone and industrial park by creating its first export processing zone (EPZ) in Kaohsiung. EPZA was reorganized as BIP on Sept. 26, 2023.

Following the establishment of the Kaohsiung EPZ (Gaoxiong jiagong chukouqu 高雄加工出口區), more EPZs were subsequently set up—the Taichung EPZ (Taizhong jiagong chukouqu 台中加工出口區) in 1969 and the Nantze EPZ (Nanzi jiagong chukouqu 楠梓加工出口區) in 1970. As demand outstripped the supply of space at the three EPZs, the ROC government began in 1997 to successively develop the Chungkang EPZ (Zhonggang jiagong chukouqu 中港加工出口區) in December 1997, the Linkuang EPZ (Linguang jiagong chukouqu 臨廣加工出口區) in August 1999, and the Pingtung EPZ (Pingdong jiagong chukouqu 屏東加工出口區) in December 2000.

BIP director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
9/1966—4/1967Hsieh Kuan-yi 謝貫一1902-1967Hunan
5/1967—8/1974Wu Mei-tsun 吳梅村1921-1986Anhui
8/1974—8/1976C. O. Kao 葛震歐N/AN/A
8/1976—4/1983C. C. Hu 胡家爵N/AN/A
4/1983—4/1990Yu Kuang-ya 余光亞b. 1936Hubei
4/1990—12/1995K. S. Wang 汪桂生N/AN/A
12/1995—2/2001Pan Tin-bai 潘丁白N/AN/A
2/2001—1/2005Chou Yan 周嚴N/AN/A
1/2005—3/2008Tseng Sheng-bao 曾參寶b. 1954Taiwan
3/2008—5/2009Jerry J. R. Ou 歐嘉瑞b. 1956Taiwan
5/2009—6/2012Shen Jong-chin 沈榮津b. 1951N/A
6/2012—1/2021Huang Wen-guu 黃文谷N/AN/A
1/2021—Yang Po-keng 楊伯耕b. N/AN/A

The organizational structure of the BIP includes the following subdivisions:

  Environment and Labor Affairs Division (huan’an laodongzu 環安勞動組),
  Industrial Parks Development Division (yuanqu fazhanzu 園區發展組),
  Investment Services Division (touzi fuwuzu 投資服務組),
  Land Development and Construction Management Division (kaifa yingjianzu 開發營建組),
  Operations Management Division (yingjian guanlizu 營運管理組);
  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Government Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室).

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Geological Survey and Mining Management Agency, MOEA (GSMMA)

Geological Survey and Mining Management Agency, MOEA (GSMMA) 經濟部地質調查及礦業管理中心
No. 53 Zhonghua Road Sec. 1, Zhongzheng District,
Taipei City 10042, Taiwan ROC (former BOM HQ)
[10042 台北市中正區中華路 1 段 53 號]
New Taipei office 新北辦公室: No. 2 Lane 109, Huaxin Street,
Zhonghe District, New Taipei City 23568, Taiwan ROC (former CGS HQ)
[23568 新北市中和區華新街 109 巷 2 號]
🌏 BOM – Web link
BOM logo
CGS logo

The GSMMA (jingjibu dizhi diaocha ji kuangye guanli zhongxin 經濟部地質調查及礦業管理中心, 🏁—zhuren 主任) was established on Sept. 26, 2023 by merging the Bureau of Mines (BOM) with the Central Geological Survey (CGS).

GSMMA director-general

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
9/2023—Hsu Ming-hung 徐銘宏b. N/AN/A

The organizational structure of the GSMMA includes the following subdivisions:

  Applied Geology Division (yingyong dizhizu 應用地質組),
  Mine Administration Division (kuangwu xingzhengzu 礦務行政組),
  Mine Safety Division (kuangchang baoanzu 礦場保安組),
  Regional Geology Division (quyu dizhizu 區域地質組),
  Resource Geology Division (ziyuan dizhizu 資源地質組),
  Sand and Gravel Management Division (tushi guanlizu 土石管理組);
  Accounting and Statistics Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室).

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About BOM and CGS

The Bureau of Mines (jingjibu kuangwuju 經濟部礦務局, abbrev. BOM, 🏁—juzhang 局長) was established on Feb. 11, 1970 when the Taiwan Provincial Government (TPG) integrated the Coal Industry Regulatory Committee (meiye tiaojie weiyuanhui 煤業調節委員會) and other relevant agencies into the Taiwan Provincial Bureau of Mines (Taiwansheng kuangwuju 臺灣省礦務局). When the TPG was downsized, the agency was integrated into MOEA as BOM. Between its establishment and its restructuring, BOM was headed by the following director-generals:

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2/1970—9/1971Tien Wei-wu 田維五N/AN/A
9/1971—8/1980Chiu Yue 邱岳N/AN/A
8/1980—10/1984Kao Jin-fu 高金福N/AN/A
10/1984—8/1987 Lee Feng-chih 李豐之N/AN/A
8/1987—7/1989Lin Chung-biao 林崇標N/AN/A
7/1989—5/1997Chen Hsian-chang 陳顯章 N/AN/A
5/1997—6/2017Chu Ming-chau 朱明昭N/AN/A
6/2017—7/2023Hsu Ching-wen 徐景文N/AN/A
7/2023—9/2023Hsu Ming-hung 徐銘宏N/AN/A

The Central Geological Survey (jingjibu zhongyang dizhi diaochasuo 經濟部中央地質調查所, abbrev. CGS, 🏁—suozhang 所長) was formally established on Nov. 20, 1978, replacing the Provincial Geological Survey of Taiwan (Taiwansheng dizhi diaochasuo 台灣省地質調查所) which had been set up in 1946. That organization in turn had taken over from an ROC agency which had been founded in 1916. CGS was the only government agency responsible for geological surveys and geoscience research in Taiwan. Fundamental work carried out by the CGS included geological surveys, research, and compilation of geological map sheets providing key geological information. The CGS was also involved in investigations with regard to environmental geology, hydrogeology, geological hazards, active faults, landslides, engineering geology, and mineral resources all of which were important to national economic development and major urban construction projects. Between its establishment and its restructuring, CGS was headed by the following director-generals:

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1978—12/1983Hsu Tieh-liang 徐鐵良N/AGuangdong
12/1983—12/1987 Tsan Shin-fu 詹新甫N/AN/A
4/1988—1/1994Huang Tunyow 黃敦友1929-2010 Taiwan
2/1994—1/1998Chien Fang-chin 簡芳欽N/AN/A
3/1998—5/2001Chen Chao-hsia 陳肇夏N/AN/A
5/2001—2/2013Lin Chao-chung 林朝宗N/AN/A
3/2013—1/2018Chiang Chung-jung 江崇榮 N/AN/A
1/2018—8/2021Tsao Shu-chung 曹恕中N/AN/A
8/2021—9/2023Wang Yun-shuen 王詠絢N/AN/A

Please note that while the CGS was tasked with identifying irregularities in the earth crust and assessing the condition of the soil, monitoring and reporting earthquakes falls into the responsibility of the Central Weather Administration (CWA) under the MOTC. More information about Taiwan’s faults and major earthquakes can be found at Geology: Faults, earthquakes, volcanism and more on the page "Tools".

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Water Resources Agency, MOEA (WRA)

Water Resources Agency, MOEA (WRA) 經濟部水利署
No. 501 Liming Road Sec. 2,
Nantun District, Taichung City 40873, Taiwan ROC
[40873 台中市南屯區黎明路 2 段 501 號]
🌏 WRA – Web link

Today's WRA (jingjibu shuilishu 經濟部水利署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on March 28, 2002 and is based on agencies on the central and provincial levels which were in charge of water-related affairs for decades. On the level of the central government, an All-China Water Resources Council (xingzhengyuan quanguo shuili weiyuanhui 行政院全國水利委員會) had been set up under the ROC Executive Yuan in July 1941. It became the Water Resources Council (xingzhengyuan shuili weiyuanhui 行政院水利委員會) in June 1946 which was reorganized as the Ministry of Water Resources (shuilibu 水利部) in April 1947.

After the Ministry of Water Resources was abolished on March 21, 1949, water-related affairs in the Taiwan area were handled by agencies under the Taiwan Provincial Government (TPG). In January 1947 the Irrigation Conservancy Bureau (Taiwansheng xingzheng zhangguan gongshu nonglinchu nongtian shuiliju 臺灣省行政長官公署農林處農田水利局) under the TPG's Department of Agriculture and Forestry was set up and reorganized in July 1947 as Water Conservancy Bureau (Taiwan shengzhengfu jiansheting shuiliju 臺灣省政府建設廳水利局) under the TPG's Department of Construction. This in turn became the Taiwan Provincial Water Conservancy Bureau (Taiwansheng shuiliju 臺灣省水利局) in September 1956.

When the TPG was downsized and streamlined, the Water Conservancy Agency (jingjibu shui ziyuanju 經濟部水資源局) under the MOEA was created in December 1996. The following month several agencies, including the TPG Water Conservancy Department (Taiwan shengzhengfu shuiliju 臺灣省政府水利局), the Shihmen Reservoir Administration (Taiwansheng shimen shuiku guanliju 臺灣省石門水庫管理局), the Liyutan Reservoir Administration (liyutan shuiku guanliju 鯉魚潭水庫管理局) and the Tsengwen Reservoir Administration (zengwen shuiku guanliju 曾文水庫管理局), were merged to the TPG Water Resources Department (Taiwan shengzhengfu shuilichu 臺灣省政府水利處). A restructured MOEA Water Resources Department (jingjibu shuilichu 經濟部水利處) was set up in July 1999, and on Oct. 26, 2001 the government decided to combine several agencies, including the Water Conservancy Agency, the MOEA's Water Resources Department and the Taipei Water Resource Specific Committee (Taibei shuiyuan tedingqu guanli weiyuanhui 臺北水源特定區管理委員會) to constitute today's WRA.

WRA directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1999—2/2002Hwang Jing-san 黃金山N/AN/A
2/2002—3/2002 @Wu Hsien-hsiung 吳憲雄N/AN/A
3/2002—7/2003Hwang Jing-san (second time)
7/2003—10/2009Chen Shen-hsien 陳伸賢b. 1953Taiwan
10/2009—11/2015Yang Wei-fu 楊偉甫b. 1952N/A
11/2015—11/2016Wang Ruey-der 王瑞德N/AN/A
11/2016—Lai Chien-hsin 賴建信b. 1968N/A

In addition to its administrative units, WRA has the following subdivisions:

  Conservation Division (baoyu shiyezu 保育事業組),
  Construction Division (gongcheng shiwuzu 工程事務組),
  Hydrology Division (shuiwen jishuzu 水文技術組),
  Land Management Division (tudi guanlizu 土地管理組),
  Management Division (shuiyuan jingyingzu 水源經營組),
  Planning Division (zonghe guihuazu 綜合企劃組),
  River and Coast Division (hecuan haianzu 河川海岸組),
  River Survey Team (hechuan kancezu 河川勘測隊),
  Water Administration Division (shuili xingzhengzu 水利行政組),
  Water Hazard Mitigation Center (shuili fangzai zhongxin 水利防災中心); and
  Information Management (zixunshi 資訊室).

A list of major reservoirs under the WRA's administration as shown on its official website can be found under Rivers and lakes of the page Tools.

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Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, MOEA (BSMI)

Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, MOEA (BSMI) 經濟部標準檢驗局
No. 4 Ji'nan Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10051, Taiwan ROC
[10051 台北市中正區濟南路 1 段 4 號]
🌏 BSMI – Web link

The BSMI (jingjibu biaozhun jianyanju 經濟部標準檢驗局, 🏁—juzhang 局長) was established in March 1947 when the National Weights and Measures Bureau (dulianghengju 度量衡局) and the Industrial Standards Committee (gongye biaozhun weiyuanhui 工業標準委員會) were merged to the National Bureau of Standards (zhongyang biaozhunju 中央標準局, abbrev. NBS) under the MOEA. On Jan. 26, 1999 the NBS was reorganized by integration of the Bureau of Commodity Inspection and Quarantine (shangpin jianyanju 商品檢驗局, abbrev. BCIQ), and the current name was adopted.

BSMI director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/1947—1948Tai Ching-lu 戴經塵b. 1895, d. N/AHubei
11/1948—10/1972Hsiang Hsien-teh 向賢德1904-1977Hunan
10/1972—12/1977Werner Y. F. Ning 甯育豐b. 1930Shandong
12/1977—6/1979C. F. Wu 吳祺芳b. 1919Hubei
6/1979—4/1982Ko Chen-ou 葛震歐N/AN/A
4/1982—11/1984Wan Wei-chun 萬惟俊b. 1936Jiangxi
11/1984—8/1987Chou Chi-hsiang 周啟祥b. 1922Hubei
1987–1992Wu Hwei-ran 吳惠然b. 1934Taiwan
4/1992—1994Yang Chung-sen 楊崇森b. 1937Fujian
1994–1997Chen Tso-chen 陳佐鎮b. 1942Taiwan
1997–1999Chen Ming-bang 陳明邦b. 1941Taiwan
1/1999—2000Chen Tso-chen (second time)
6/2000—1/2006Lin Neng-jong 林能中b. 1940Taiwan
3/2006—1/2014Chen Jay-san 陳介山b. 1951Taiwan
1/2014—2017Liou Ming-jong 劉明忠N/AN/A
2017—3/2019 @Wang Chung-lin 王聰麟N/AN/A
3/2019—8/2022Lien Ching-chang 連錦漳N/AN/A
8/2022— @Hsieh Han-chang 謝翰璋b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, the subdivisions of BSMI include the following—seven departments (zu 組) plus six branches (fenju 分局) in Hsinchu, Hualien, Kaohsiung, Keelung, Taichung and Tainan.

On April 21, 2017 the Preparatory Office of National Renewable Energy Certification Center (guojia zaisheng nengyuan pingzheng zhongxin choubeichu 國家再生能源憑證中心籌備處) was established under the BSMI.

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Intellectual Property Office, MOEA (TIPO)

Intellectual Property Office, MOEA (TIPO) 經濟部智慧財產局
3 F., No. 185 Xinhai Road Sec. 2,
Daan District, Taipei City 10637, Taiwan ROC
[10637 台北市大安區辛亥路 2 段 185 號 3 樓]
🌏 TIPO – Web link

The TIPO (jingjibu zhihui caichanju 經濟部智慧財產局, 🏁—juzhang 局長) is the patent, trademark, and copyright office of Taiwan. It was established on Jan. 26, 1999 when the National Bureau of Standards, MOEA (NBS) was restructured, absorbing the MOI Copyright Commission (neizhengbu zhuzuoquan weiyuanhui 內政部著作權委員會) in the process.

TIPO director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/1999—9/2002Chen Ming-bang 陳明邦b. 1941Taiwan
9/2002—12/2007Tsai Lien-sheng 蔡練生b. 1946N/A
12/2007—7/2016Wang Mei-hua 王美花b. 1958Taiwan
8/2016—Hong Shu-min 洪淑敏b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, TIPO has the following subdivisions:

  Copyright Division (zhuzuoquan zu 著作權組),
  Information Service Division (ziliao fuwuzu 資料服務組),
  International Affairs & Planning Division (guoji shiwu ji zonghe qihuazu 國際事務及綜合企劃組),
  Patent Division I (zhuanli yizu 專利一組),
  Patent Division II (zhuanli erzu 專利二組),
  Patent Division III (zhuanli sanzu 專利三組),
  Trademark Division (shangbiao quanzu商標權組);
  Information Management Office (zixunshi資訊室), and
  Legal Affairs Office (fawushi法務室).

Furthermore, TIPO has four field offices (diqu fuwuchu 地區服務處) in Hsinchu, Kaohsiung, Taichung, and Tainan. The Joint Optical Disk Enforcement Taskforce (jingjibu guangdie lianhe chahe xiaozu 經濟部光碟聯合查核小組, abbrev. JODE) is affiliated with TIPO.

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOEA]

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◆ Ministry of Finance (MOF)

Ministry of Finance (MOF) 財政部
No. 1 Lane 142, Roosevelt Road Sec. 6,
Wenshan District, Taipei City 11673, Taiwan ROC
[11673 台北市文山區羅斯福路 6 段 142 巷 1 號]
🌏 MOF – Web link
Description: MOFx01c

The MOF (caizhengbu 財政部) was established on July 1, 1925.

MOF ministers

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
10/1927—1/1928Sun Fo 孫科1891-1973Guangdong
1/1928—10/1933T. V. Soong 宋子文1894-1971Shanghai
10/1933—11/1944H. H. Kung 孔祥熙1881-1967Shanxi
11/1944—5/1948O. K. Yui 俞鴻鈞1897-1960Guangdong
5/1948—11/1948Wang Yun-wu 王雲五1888-1979Shanghai
11/1948—3/1949Hsu Kan 徐堪1888-1969Sichuan
3/1949—6/1949Liu Kung-yun 劉攻芸1900-1973Fujian
6/1949—10/1949Hsu Kan (second time)
10/1949—3/1950Kuan Chi-yu 關吉玉1899-1975Liaoning
3/1950—5/1954Yen Chia-kan 嚴家淦1905-1993Jiangsu
5/1954—3/1958P. Y. Shu 徐柏園1903-1980Zhejiang
3/1958—12/1963Yen Chia-kan (second time)
12/1963—15/1967Chen Ching-yu 陳慶瑜1901-1981Jiangsu
12/1967—7/1969Yu Kuo-hwa 俞國華1914-2000Zhejiang
7/1969—6/1976Li Kwoh-ting 李國鼎1910-2001Jiangsu
6/1976—6/1978Fei Hwa 費驊1912-1984Jiangsu
6/1978—12/1981Chang Chi-cheng 張繼正1918-2015Sichuan
12/1981—5/1984Hsu Li-teh 徐立德b. 1931Henan
5/1984—8/1985Lu Reng-kong 陸潤康b. 1927Jiangsu
8/1985—7/1988Robert C. Chien 錢純1929-2014Zhejiang
7/1988—6/1990Shirley W. Y. Kuo 郭婉容b. 1930Taiwan
6/1990—10/1992Wang Chien-shien 王建煊b. 1938Anhui
10/1992—2/1993Pai Pei-ying 白培英b. 1929Hebei
2/1993—6/1996Lin Chen-kuo 林振國b. 1937Fujian
6/1996—5/2000Paul Chiu 邱正雄b. 1942Taiwan
5/2000—10/2000Shea Jia-dong 許嘉棟b. 1948Taiwan
10/2000—2/2002Yen Ching-chang 顏慶章b. 1948Taiwan
2/2002—12/2002Lee Yung-san 李庸三b. 1938Taiwan
12/2002—1/2006Lin Chuan 林全b. 1951Jiangsu/Taiwan
1/2006—7/2006Joseph C. Lyu 呂桔誠b. 1956Taiwan
7/2006—3/2008Ho Chih-chin 何志欽1952-2016Taiwan
3/2008—5/2008 @Richard Lee Ruey-tsang 李瑞倉b. 1950Taiwan
5/2008—1/2012Lee Sush-der 李述德b. 1951Fujian
2/2012—5/2012Christina Liu 劉憶如b. 1955Taiwan
5/2012 @William Tseng Ming-chung 曾銘宗b. 1959Taiwan
5/2012—5/2016Chang Sheng-ford 張盛和b. 1949Taiwan
5/2016—7/2018Sheu Yu-jer 許虞哲b. 1952Taiwan
7/2018—12/2022Su Jain-rong 蘇建榮b. 1961N/A
12/2022—1/2023Juan Ching-hwa 阮清華b. 1958N/A
1/2023—Chuang Tsui-yun 莊翠雲b. 1957N/A

MOF structure

MOF has the following internal administrative units:

  Department of International Fiscal Affairs (guoji caizhengsi 國際財政司),
  Department of Planning (zonghe guihuasi 綜合規劃司),
  Department for the Promotion of Private Participation (tuidong cucansi 推動促參司);
  Department of Accounting (kuaijichu 會計處),
  Department of Government Ethics (zhengfengchu 政風處),
  Department of Legal Affairs (fazhichu 法制處),
  Department of Personnel (renshichu 人事處),
  Department of Secretarial (mishuchu 秘書處), and
  Department of Statistics (tongjichu 統計處).

The following are subordinate organizations under the MOF:

  Customs Administration (caizhengbu guanwushu 財政部關務署, abbrev. CA),
  Fiscal Information Agency (caizheng zixun zhongxin 財政資訊中心, abbrev. FIA),
  National Property Administration (caizhengbu guoyou caichanshu 財政部國有財產署, abbrev. NPA),
  National Taxation Bureau of Kaohsiung (Gaoxiong guoshuiju 高雄國稅局),
  National Taxation Bureau of Taipei (Taibei guoshuiju 臺北國稅局),
  National Taxation Bureau of the Central Area (zhongqu guoshuiju 中區國稅局),
  National Taxation Bureau of the Northern Area (beiqu guoshuiju 北區國稅局),
  National Taxation Bureau of the Southern Area (nanqi guoshuiju 南區國稅局),
  National Treasury Administration (caizhengbu guokushu 財政部國庫署),
  Taxation Administration (caizhengbu fushuishu 財政部賦稅署), and
  Training Institute, MOF (caizheng renyuan xunliansuo 財政人員訓練所).

The enterprises listed below are associated with the MOF:

  Bank of Taiwan (Taiwan yinhang gufen youxian gongsi 臺灣銀行股份有限公司),
  BankTaiwan Insurance Brokers Co., Ltd. (taiyin zonghe baoxian jingjiren gufen youxian gongsi 臺銀綜合保險經紀人股份有限公司),
  BankTaiwan Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (taiyin renshou baoxian gufen youxian gongsi 臺銀人壽保險股份有限公司),
  BankTaiwan Securities Co., Ltd. (taiyin zonghe zhengquan gufen youxian gongsi 臺銀綜合證券股份有限公司),
  Export-Import Bank of the ROC (Zhongguo shuchuru yinhang 中國輸出入銀行),
  Land Bank of Taiwan (Taiwan tudi yinhang gufen youxian gongsi 臺灣土地銀行股份有限公司),
  Land Bank Insurance Brokerage Co., Ltd. (tuyin baoxian jingjiren gufen youxian gongsi 土銀保險經紀人股份有限公司),
  Printing Plant, MOF (caizhengbu yinshuachang 財政部印刷廠),
  Taiwan Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (Taiwan jinrong konggu gufen youxian gongsi 臺灣金融控股股份有限公司), and
  Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corp. (Taiwan yanjiu gufen youxian gongsi 臺灣菸酒股份有限公司).

Selected level-3 agencies under MOF

Details about the following selected agencies under MOF are shown directly below.

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Customs Administration, MOF

Customs Administration, MOF 財政部關務署
No. 13 Tacheng Street,
Datong District, Taipei City 10341, Taiwan ROC
[10341 台北市大同區塔城街 13 號]
🌏 Customs Administration – Web link

The Customs Administration (caizhengbu guanwushu 財政部關務署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) dates back to Imperial China and was established in 1854 during the Qing dynasty. In the ROC it was called Inspectorate General of Customs (haiguan zongshui wusishu 海關總稅務司署). On Feb. 1, 1991, it was reorganized as Directorate General of Customs (caizhengbu guanshui zongju 財政部關稅總局, 🏁—zongjuzhang 總局長), the current name was adopted on Jan. 1, 2013.

Customs Administration director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1991–1998Jan De-ho 詹德和b. 1934Taiwan
1998–2000Chao Kuo-an 趙國安N/AN/A
2000–2001Fu Ren-hsiung 傅仁雄b. 1938Taiwan
2001–2002Wan Chu-tsai 萬居財b. 1937N/A
2002–2004Chung Huo-cheng 鍾火成b. 1938Taiwan
2004–2006Yu Shaw-wu 俞邵武N/AN/A
2006–2009Chien Liang-chi 簡良機b. 1944Taiwan
2009–2010Lee Mao 李茂N/AN/A
2010–2011Wu Ai-kuo 吳愛國b. 1950Fujian
2011–2012 @Hwang Ding-fang 黃定方N/AN/A
1/2013—1/2014Wang Liang 王亮N/AN/A
1/2014—12/2015Jao Ping 饒平N/AN/A
12/2015—7/2016Chuang Shui-chi 莊水吉N/AN/A
7/2016—Liao Chao-hsiang 廖超祥b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, the Customs Administration has the following subdivisions:

  Department of Customs Clearance Affairs (tongguan yewuzu 通關業務組),
  Department of Information Management (guanwu zixunzu 關務資訊組),
  Department of Investigation (guanwu chaqizu 關務查緝組),
  Department of Planning (zonghe guihuazu 綜合規劃組),
  Department of Tariffs and Legal Affairs (shuize fazhizu 稅則法制組),
  Department of Valuation and Auditing (diaocha jihezu 調查稽核組);
  Internal Affairs Office (duchashi 督察室), and
  Statistics Office (tongjishi 統計室).

Furthermore, there are four field offices (guan 關)—Kaohsiung Customs (Gaoxiong guan 高雄關), Keelung Customs (Jilong guan 基隆關), Taichung Customs (Taizhong guan 臺中關) and Taipei Customs (Taibei guan 臺北關).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOF]

Taxation Administration, MOF

Taxation Administration, MOF 財政部賦稅署
No. 1 Lane 142, Roosevelt Road Sec. 6,
Wenshan District, Taipei City 11673, Taiwan ROC
[11673 台北市文山區羅斯福路 6 段 142 巷 1 號]
🌏 Taxation Administration – Web link
Description: Nologo07

The Taxation Administration (caizhengbu fushuishu 財政部賦稅署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established in May 1950 and is responsible for tax collections.

Taxation Administration director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
5/1950—3/1961Chen Tsung 陳琮N/AN/A
3/1961—7/1969Chen Shao-shu 陳少書N/AN/A
7/1969—12/1981Chin Wei-hsin 金唯信b. 1920Hubei
12/1981—12/1986Hsueh Chia-chuan 薛家椽1923-1988Zhejiang
12/1986—4/1988Chang Yao-tung 張耀東b. N/A, d. 1989Henan
4/1988—7/1991Wang Cheng-yi 王政一N/AN/A
7/1991—3/1994Hou Po-lieh 侯伯烈N/AN/A
3/1994—1/1997Lin Chien-hsiung 林劍雄N/AN/A
1/1997—6/2000Wang Teh-shan 王得山N/ATaiwan
6/2000—8/2004Lin Tseng-chi 林增吉b. 1942Taiwan
8/2004—8/2006Lin Chi-chang 林吉昌N/AN/A
8/2006—7/2007Chang Sheng-ford 張盛和b. 1949Taiwan
8/2007—12/2012Sheu Yu-jer 許虞哲b. 1952Taiwan
1/2013—6/2016Wu Tzu-hsin 吳自心N/AN/A
6/2016—Lee Ching-hua 李慶華b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, the agency has the following subdivisions:

  Consumption Tax Division (xiaofeishui zu 消費稅組),
  Income Tax Division (suodeshui zu 所得稅組),
  Inspection Division (jianchazu 監察組),
  Property Tax Division (caichanshui zu 財產稅組),
  Tax Auditing Division (jihezu 稽核組), and
  Tax Collection Administrative Division (jizheng xingzhengzu 稽徵行政組).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOF]

Fiscal Information Agency, MOF (FIA)

Fiscal Information Agency, MOF (FIA) 財政部財政資訊中心
No. 547 Zhongxiao East Road Sec. 4,
Xinyi District, Taipei City 11002, Taiwan ROC
[11002 台北市信義區忠孝東路 4 段 547 號]
🌏 FIA – Web link
Description: Nologo07

FIA (caizhengbu caizheng zixun zhongxin 財政部財政資訊中心, 🏁—zhuren 主任) was established jointly by the Taxation Reform Commission, Executive Yuan (xingzhengyuan fushui gaige weiyuanhui 行政院賦稅改革委員會, abbrev. fugaihui 賦改會) and the MOF in May 1968 as Financial and Taxation Data Processing and Examination Center (caishui ziliao zhongxin 財稅資料中心) to establish a national fair and justifiable taxation system and to reform taxation administration. It was integrated under the MOF in 1970; then later renamed Financial Data Center (caizhengbu caishui ziliao zhongxin 財政部財稅資料中心) on May 29, 1987. The current name was adopted on Jan. 2, 2013.

FIA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
5/1968—4/1970Robert C. Chien 錢純1929-2014Zhejiang
4/1970—7/1970Sun Chien-fang 孫乾方N/AN/A
7/1970—8/1972Ying Shih-wen 應式文N/AN/A
8/1972—9/1974Lu Reng-kong 陸潤康b. 1927Jiangsu
9/1974—11/1982Shen Pe-ling 沈柏齡b. 1932Jiangsu
11/1982—3/1991Hsu Ling-yun 許凌雲N/AN/A
3/1991—4/2002Yang You-ming 楊有明N/AN/A
4/2002—8/2007Su Le-ming 蘇樂明N/AN/A
8/2007—1/2009Hwang Ding-fang 黃定方N/AN/A
1/2009—1/2011Ho Jui-fang 何瑞芳N/AN/A
1/2011—6/2016Su Chun-jung 蘇俊榮b. 1960N/A
6/2016—Chen Chuan-hsi 陳泉錫b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, FIA has the following subdivisions:

  Comprehensive Planning Division (zonghe guihuazu 綜合規劃組),
  E-Invoice Promotion Division (dianzi fapiaozu 電子發票組),
  Information and Communication Division (zitong yingyunzu 資通營運組),
  Local Taxes and Taxation Division (difang ji zhengkezu 地方稅及徵課組),
  National Taxes Division (guoshuizu 國稅組);
  Support Service Division (zhiyuan fuwuzu 支援服務室); and
  System Design and Data Processing Division (xitong sheji ji zilizu 系統設計及資理組).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOF]

National Property Administration, MOF (NPA)

National Property Administration, MOF (NPA) 財政部國有財產署
No. 18 Lane 116, Guangfu South Road,
Daan District, Taipei City 10694, Taiwan ROC
[10694 台北市大安區光復南路 116 巷 18 號]
🌏 NPA – Web link
Description: Nologo07

The NPA (caizhengbu guoyou caichanshu 財政部國有財產署, abbrev. guochanshu 國產署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on Dec. 12, 1960 under the Chinese name caizhengbu guoyou caichanju 財政部國有財產局. Its current name was adopted on Jan. 2, 2013. NPA's responsibilities include management, inspections, disposal and improved utilization of national property, among others.

NPA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
12/1960—4/1966Y. K. Yang 楊業孔b. 1914, d. N/AShandong
4/1966—9/1969Lee Li-pai 李立柏1903-1974Hubei
9/1969—1/1977Wang Wei-chih 王未之1913-2009Zhejiang
1/1977—8/1977Yee Chin 易瑾1911-1996Hunan
8/1977—12/1983Hsieh Shih-sheng 謝實生b. 1917, d. N/AJiangsu
12/1983—7/1990Hsu Chin-to 徐金鐸N/AN/A
7/1990—9/1999King Liu 劉金標b. 1934Taiwan
9/1999—5/2004Richard Lee Ruey-tsang 李瑞倉b. 1950Taiwan
5/2004—12/2005Hung Bao-chuan 洪寶川N/AN/A
12/2005—10/2008Kuo Wu-po 郭武博N/AN/A
10/2008—6/2012Chang Pei-zhi 張佩智N/AN/A
6/2012—7/2013Chou Hou-chieh 周後傑N/AN/A
7/2013—6/2016Chuang Tsui-yun 莊翠雲N/AN/A
6/2016—Tseng Kuo-chi 曾國基b. 1962N/A

In addition to its administrative units, NPA has the following subdivisions:

  Assessment Committee of National Property (guoyou caichan gujiahui 國有財產估價會);
  Division of Development (gailiang liyongzu 改良利用組),
  Division of Management and Disposal (guanli chufenzu 管理處分組),
  Division of Take-over and Custody (jieshou baoguanzu 接收保管組),
  Public Assets Management Division (gongyong caichanzu 公用財產組);
  Office of Computer Information (zixunshi 資訊室),
  Office of Law Affairs (fazhishi 法制室);
  Central Region Branch (zhongqu fenshu 中區分署),
  Northern Region Branch (beiqu fenshu 北區分署), and
  Southern Region Branch (nanqu fenshu 南區分署).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOF]

National Treasury Administration, MOF (NTA)

National Treasury Administration, MOF (NTA) 財政部國庫署
No. 1 Lane 142, Roosevelt Road Sec. 6,
Wenshan District, Taipei City 11673, Taiwan ROC
[11673 台北市文山區羅斯福路 6 段 142 巷 1 號]
🌏 NTA – Web link
Description: Nologo07

The NTA (caizhengbu guokushu 財政部國庫署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established when the MOF's Department of National Treasury (caizhengbu guokusi 財政部國庫司) was upgraded to NTA on March 26, 1940. In addition to duties related to the revenues and expenditures of the treasury, the NTA is also responsible for tobacco and wines management, public interest lottery and public-owned enterprises management.

NTA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1940—9/1944Li Tang 李儻1884-1965Hunan
9/1944—4/1945Lu Pei-chang 魯佩璋1890-1946Anhui
5/1945—10/1948Yang Mien-chung 楊綿仲b. 1899, d. N/AHunan
1948—3/1949Hsieh Keng-min 謝耿民1909-1981Zhejiang
4/1949—3/1950Chen Ching-yu 陳慶瑜1901-1981Jiangsu
6/1950—6/1954Pu Meng-chiu 濮孟九N/AJiangsu
6/1954—10/1963Liu Ta-po 劉大柏b. N/A, d. 1996Hunan
11/1963—12/1963Sha Te-chien 沙德堅N/AN/A
12/1963—7/1969Chang Chung-yu 張重羽b. 1908, d. N/ALiaoning
7/1969—3/1974Liu Fong-wen 劉鳳文N/AN/A
3/1974—8/1982Yeh Hsueh-hsi 葉學皙N/AN/A
8/1982—8/1984Shen Pe-ling 沈柏齡b. 1932Jiangsu
8/1984—12/1986Chang Yao-tung 張耀東b. N/A, d. 1989Henan
12/1986—11/1987Lee Shao-chang 李紹章N/AN/A
11/1987—1/1988 @Wang Rong-jou 王榮周b. 1946Taiwan
1/1988—4/1988Wang Cheng-yi 王政一N/AN/A
4/1988—8/1988Cheng Hsiao-chao 鄭孝釗N/AN/A
8/1988—7/1991Wang Rong-jou (second time)
7/1991—3/1994Lin Chien-hsiung 林劍雄N/AN/A
3/1994—12/1995Chen Pan-yun 陳攀雲N/AN/A
12/1995—6/1996Chao Yang-ching 趙揚清b. 1949Jiangsu
6/1996—7/1996 @Lee Sush-der 李述德b. 1951Fujian
7/1996—4/2002Susan Chang 張秀蓮b. 1948Taiwan
4/2002—10/2006Liu Teng-cheng 劉燈城b. 1950Taiwan
10/2006—8/2007Tsai Ching-nain 蔡慶年b. 1953N/A
8/2007—1/2009Su Le-ming 蘇樂明N/AN/A
1/2009 @Lu Wei-ching 呂衛青N/AN/A
1/2009—1/2011Hwang Ding-fang 黃定方N/AN/A
1/2011—7/2015Joanne Ling 凌忠嫄b. 1957N/A
7/2015—Juan Ching-hwa 阮清華b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, NTA has the following subordinate subdivisions:

  Debt Management Division (zhaiwu guanlizu 債務管理組),
  Financial Planning Division (caiqu guihuazu 財務規劃組),
  Government-owned Shares Management Division (gonggu guanlizu 公股管理組),
  Tobacco and Alcohol Management Division (yanjiu guanlizu 菸酒管理組),
  Treasury Affairs Management Division (kuwu guanlizu 庫務管理組),
  Treasury Disbursement Management Division (zhifu guanlizu 支付管理組); and
  Information Management Office (zixunshi 資訊室).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOF]

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◆ Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC)

Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) 交通部
No. 50 Ren'ai Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10052, Taiwan ROC
[10052 台北市中正區仁愛路 1 段 50 號] (交通通訊傳播大樓
🌏 MOTC – Web link

The MOTC (jiaotongbu 交通部) was established on May 16, 1927. Until the end of Clement C. P. Chang's tenure as minister, the agency's official English name was "Ministry of Communications", after the beginning of Eugene Y. H. Chien's tenure as minister the official English name was changed to its current form. In the 2012-2014 ROC government restructuring, the MOTC was slated to be transformed to the new Ministry of Transport and Construction (jiaotong ji jianshebu 交通及建設部) by Jan. 1, 2015, but so far the process has been delayed.

MOTC ministers

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
10/1928Wang Po-chun 王伯群1885-1944Guizhou
12/1931Chen Ming-shu 陳銘樞1888-1965Guangdong
7/1932 @Huang Shao-hung 黃紹竑1895-1966Guangxi
10/1932Chu Chia-hwa 朱家驊1893-1963Zhejiang
12/1935 Ku Meng-yu 顧孟餘1888-1972Zhejiang
12/1935Yu Fei-peng 俞飛鵬1884-1966Zhejiang
1/1938Chang Kia-ngau 張嘉璈1889-1979Jiangsu
12/1942Tseng Yang-fu 曾養甫1898-1969Guangdong
1/1945 @Yu Fei-peng (second time)
5/1946 @David Yule 俞大維1897-1993Zhejiang
2/1949—3/1949 @Ling Hung-hsun 凌鴻勛1894-1981Guangdong
3/1949—1/1950Duan Mujie 端木傑1897-1972Anhui
1/1950—3/1950Chen Liang 陳良1896-1994Zhejiang
3/1950—6/1954Ho Chung-han 賀衷寒1900-1972Hunan
6/1954—7/1960Yuan Shou-chien 袁守謙1904-1992Hunan
7/1960—12/1967Shen Yi 沈怡1901-1980Zhejiang
12/1967—10/1969Sun Yun-suan 孫運璿1913-2006Shandong
10/1969—6/1972Chang Chi-cheng 張繼正1918-2015Sichuan
6/1972—6/1976Henry Kao 高玉樹1913-2005Taiwan
6/1976—12/1981Lin Chin-sheng 林金生1916-2001Taiwan
12/1981—4/1987Lien Chan 連戰b. 1936Shaanxi/Taiwan
4/1987—6/1989Kuo Nan-hung 郭南宏b. 1936Taiwan
6/1989—4/1991Clement C. P. Chang 張建邦1929-2018Taiwan
4/1991—6/1991 @Ma Chen-fang 馬鎮方b. 1924Henan
6/1991—2/1993Eugene Y. H. Chien 簡又新b. 1946Taiwan
2/1993—6/1996Liu Chao-shiuan 劉兆玄b. 1943Sichuan/Hunan
6/1996—4/1998Tsay Jaw-yang 蔡兆陽1941-2008Taiwan
4/1998—3/2000Lin Fong-cheng 林豐正b. 1940Taiwan
3/2000—5/2000 @George S. Y. Chen 陳世圯b. 1938Jiangxi
5/2000—2/2002Yeh Chu-lan 葉菊蘭b. 1949Taiwan
2/2002—1/2006Lin Ling-san 林陵三b. 1944Taiwan
1/2006—8/2006Kuo Yao-chi 郭瑤琪b. 1956Taiwan
8/2006—5/2008Tsai Duei 蔡堆b. 1947Taiwan
5/2008—2/2013Mao Chi-kuo 毛治國b. 1948Zhejiang
2/2013—1/2015Yeh Kuang-shih 葉匡時b. 1957Taiwan
1/2015—5/2016Chen Jian-yu 陳建宇b. 1954Taiwan
5/2016—7/2018Hochen Tan 賀陳旦b. 1950Hunan
7/2018—12/2018Wu Hong-mo 吳宏謀b. 1954N/A
12/2018—1/2019 @Wang Kwo-tsai 王國材b. 1959Taiwan
1/2019—4/2021Lin Chia-lung 林佳龍b. 1964Taiwan
4/2021—5/2024Wang Kwo-tsai (second time)
5/2024—8/2024Lee Meng-yen 李孟諺b. 1966Taiwan
8/2024—9/2024 @Chen Yen-po 陳彥伯N/AN/A
9/2024—Chen Shih-kai 陳世凱b. 1977Taiwan

MOTC structure

MOTC has the following internal administrative units:

  Department of General Affairs (zongwusi 總務司),
  Department of Navigation and Aviation (hangzhengsi 航政司),
  Department of Posts and Communications (youdiansi 郵電司),
  Department of Railways and Highways (luzhengsi 路政司);
  Department of Accounting (kuaijichu 會計處),
  Department of Civil Service Ethics (zhengfengchu 政風處),
  Department of Personnel (renshichu 人事處),
  Department of Statistics (tongjichu 統計處);
  Office of Councelors (canshishi 參事室),
  Office of Science and Technology Advisors (keji guwenshi 科技顧問室),
  Office of Technical Superintendents (jijianshi 技監室),
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室);
  Legal Affairs Committee (fagui weiyuanhui 法規委員會),
  Petition Reviewing Committee (suyuan shenyi weiyuanhui 訴願審議委員會),
  Road Traffic Safety Committee (daolu jiaotong anquan dudao weiyuanhui 道路交通安全督導委員會),
  Transportation Mobilization Committee (jiaotong dongyuan weiyuanhui 交通動員委員會);
  Information Management Center (guanli zixun zhongxin 管理資訊中心); and
  Transportation and Communications Management Unit (jiaotong shiye guanli xiaozu 交通事業管理小組).

Furthermore, there is a UAV Technology and Industry Special Task Force (wurenji keji chanye xiaozu 無人機科技產業小組) under MOTC to promote drone development.

The following are subordinate organizations under the MOTC:

  Central Weather Administration (jiaotongbu zhongyang qixiangshu 交通部中央氣象署, abbrev. CWA),
  Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. (Zhonghua youzheng gufen youxian gongsi 中華郵政股份有限公司),
  Civil Aeronautics Administration (jiaotongbu minyong hangkongju 交通部民用航空局, abbrev. CAA),
  Highway Bureau (jiaotongbu gongluju 交通部公路局, abbrev. HB),
  Freeway Bureau, MOTC (jiaotongbu gaosu gongluju 交通部高速公路局),
  Institute of Transportation (jiaotongbu yunshu yanjiusuo 交通部運輸研究所, abbrev. IOT),
  Maritime and Port Bureau (jiaotongbu hanggangju 交通部航港局, abbrev. MPB),
  Railway Bureau (jiaotongbu tiedaoju 交通部鐵道局), set up on June 11, 2018 by merging the Bureau of High Speed Rail (jiaotongbu gaosu tielu gongchengju 交通部高速鐵路工程局, abbrev. gaotieju 高鐵局 in Chinese and BOHSR in English) with the Railway Reconstruction Bureau (jiaotongbu tielu gaijian gongchengju 交通部鐵路改建工程局, abbrev. tiegongju 鐵工局 in Chinese and RRB in English),
  Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd. (Taiwan gangwu gufen youxian gongsi 臺灣港務股份有限公司, abbrev. TIPC),
  Taoyuan International Airport Corp. Ltd. (Taoyuan guoji jichang gufen youxian gongsi 桃園國際機場股份有限公司, abbrev. TIAC), and
  Tourism Administration (jiaotongbu guan'guangshu 交通部觀光署).

Please note that there are several noteworthy state-owned or state-run enterprises in Taiwan's transportation sector, including the following:

Selected level-3 agencies under MOTC

Details about the following selected agencies under MOTC are shown directly below.

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Civil Aeronautics Administration, MOTC (CAA)

Civil Aeronautics Administration, MOTC (CAA) 交通部民用航空局
No. 340 Dunhua North Road,
Songshan District, Taipei City 10548, Taiwan ROC
[10548 台北市松山區敦化北路 340 號]
🌏 CAA – Web link

The CAA under the MOTC (jiaotongbu minyong hangkongju 交通部民用航空局, abbrev. minhangju 民航局, 🏁—juzhang 局長) was established on Jan. 20, 1947.

CAA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/1947—8/1949Ango Tai 戴安國1913-1984Zhejiang
8/1949—3/1950 @Tso Ji-chang 左紀彰N/AN/A
3/1950—1/1951 @Hsiao Kuan-en 蕭灌恩b. 1912, d. N/AJiangsu
1/1951—12/1968Lai Hsun-yen 賴遜岩1912-1981Guangdong
12/1968—11/1981Mao Yin-chu 毛瀛初1910-2000Zhejiang
11/1981—5/1986Liu Teh-ming 劉德敏b. 1921Jiangsu
5/1986—8/1991Chen Chia-ju 陳家儒b. 1927Hainan
8/1991—2/1993Yuan Hsing-yuan 袁行遠b. 1932Jiangsu
2/1993—5/1994Sun Chao-liang 孫兆良b. 1935Jiangsu
5/1994—9/1994 @Mao Chi-kuo 毛治國b. 1948Zhejiang
9/1994—6/1996Tsay Ching-yen 蔡清彥b. 1944Taiwan
6/1996—11/1996 @Billy Chang 張國政b. 1943Zhejiang
11/1996—4/1998Tsai Duei 蔡堆b. 1947Taiwan
4/1998—11/1998 @Chang Chia-juch 張家祝b. 1950Liaoning
11/1998—7/2001Chang Yu-hern 張有恆b. 1954Taiwan
7/2001—4/2002 @Oliver F. L. Yu 游芳來b. 1946Taiwan
4/2002—7/2008Billy Chang (second time)
7/2008—7/2010Lee Long-wen 李龍文b. 1950Taiwan
7/2010—7/2012Yin Chen-pong 尹承蓬b. 1954Taiwan
7/2012—1/2015Jean Shen 沈啟b. 1949N/A
1/2015—8/2016Lin Tyh-ming 林志明N/AN/A
8/2016—Lin Kuo-shian 林國顯b. N/AN/A

Please note that Mao Chi-kuo, Chang Chia-juch, and Oliver F. L. Yu were administrative deputy ministers (changwu cizhang 常務次長) of the MOTC and concurrently acting CAA director-generals.

In addition to its administrative units, CAA has the following subdivisions:

  Aerodrome Engineering Division (changzhanzu 場站組),
  Air Navigation Facilities Division (zhuhangzu 助航組)/Airport Operation and management Unit (hangzhan guanli xiaozu 航站管理小組),
  Air Traffic Services Division (feihang guanzhizu 飛航管制組),
  Air Transport Division (kongyunzu 空運組),
  Flight Standards Division (feihang biaozhunzu 飛航標準組),
  Logistic Division (gongyingzu 供應組),
  Planning Division (qihuazu 企劃組);
  Information Management Office (zixunshi 資訊室);
  Aviation Medical Center (hangkong yiwu zhongxin 航空醫務中心),
  Aviation Police Office (hangkong jingchaju 航空警察局);
  Air Traffic Control Joint Coordination Center (feihang guanzhi lianhe xietiao zhongxin 飛航管制聯合協調中心),
  Airport Engineering Department (jichang gongchengchu 機場工程處), and
  Taoyuan Airport Industrial Park Development Center (Taoyuan hangkong kehuoyun yuanqu kaifa zhongxin 桃園航空客貨運園區開發中心).

CAA operates the passenger terminals of all civilian airports in the Taiwan area except Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (TTIA) which is operated by the Taoyuan International Airport Corporation (TIAC). The airports on Pratas Island and on Taiping Island in the South China Sea are military airfields. The following list shows the civilian airports in the Taiwan area in alphabetical order with their respective codes assigned by the international Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA). The last two columns reveal the year when the airport began its (civilian) operation and the length of its runway(s). The "" symbol indicates a domestic airport. In the 2008 Cross-Strait Air Transport Agreement the following eight airports in the Taiwan area were designated as cross-strait flight points: TTIA, Kaohsiung; Taichung, Taipei, Penghu (Magong), Hualien, Kinmen, and Taitung.

Official name of the airport ICAO IATA City/County Since Runway
Chiayi Airport (Jiayi hangkongzhan 嘉義航空站) RCKU CYI Chiayi County 1976 3050 m
Hengchun Airport (Hengchun hangkongzhan 恆春航空站) RCKW HCN Pingtung County 2004 1700 m
Hualien Airport (Hualian hangkongzhan 花蓮航空站) RCYU HUN Hualien County 1962 2750 m
Kaohsiung International Airport (Gaoxiong guoji hangkongzhan 高雄國際航空站) RCKH KHH Kaohsiung City 1965 3150 m
Kinmen Airport (Jinmen hangkongzhan 金門航空站) RCBS KNH Kinmen County 1987 3000 m
Lanyu Airport (Lanyu hangkongzhan 蘭嶼航空站) RCLY KYD Taitung County 1964 1123 m
Lyudao Airport (Lüdao hangkongzhan 綠島航空站) RCGI GNI Taitung County 1972 992 m
Magong Airport (Magong hangkongzhan 馬公航空站) RCQC MZG Penghu County 1977 3000 m
Matsu Beigan Airport (Mazu Beigan hangkongzhan 馬祖北竿航空站) RCMT MFK Lienchiang County 1994 1150 m
Matsu Nangan Airport (Mazu Nangan hangkongzhan 馬祖南竿航空站) RCFG LZN Lienchiang County 2003 1579 m
Pingtung Airport (Pingdong hangkongzhan 屏東航空站) RCSQ PIF Pingtung County 1994 2438 m
Qimei Airport (Qimei hangkongzhan 七美航空站) RCCM CMJ Penghu County 1979 843 m
Taichung Airport (Taizhong hangkongzhan 台中航空站) RCMQ RMQ Taichung City 2004 3658 m
Tainan Airport (Tainan hangkongzhan 台南航空站) RCNN TNN Tainan City 1936 3050 m
Taipei International Airport (Taibei guoji hangkongzhan 臺北國際航空站) RCSS TSA Taipei City 1936 2605 m
Taitung Airport (Taidong hangkongzhan 臺東航空站) RCFN TTT Taitung County 1981 2439 m
TTIA (Taiwan Taoyuan guoji jichang 台灣桃園國際機場) RCTP TPE Taoyuan City 1979 3660 m 3800 m
Wangan Airport (Wang'an hangkongzhan 望安航空站) RCWA WOT Penghu County 1978 930 m

Several of these airports are also known under different names—Chiayi: Chiayi Shuishang Airport (Jiayi shuishang jichang 嘉義水上機場); Hengchun: Hengchun Wuliting Airport (Hengchun wuliting jichang 恆春五里亭機場); Kaohsiung: Kaohsiung Siaogang Airport (Gaoxiong xiaogang jichang 高雄小港機場); Kinmen: Kinmen Shangyi Airport (Jinmen shangyi jichang 金門尚義機場); Taichung: Taichung Cingcyuangang Airport (Taizhong qingquangang jichang 台中清泉崗機場); Taipei: Taipei Songshan Airport (Taibei songshan jichang 台北松山機場); and Taitung: Taitung Fengnian Airport (Taidong fengnian jichang 台東豐年機場). Some airports like Hengchun and Pingtung originally were military installations before they were opened for civilian use. Hengchun has not received any passengers since August 2014, and the CAA considers closing that airport altogether. Please note that Taichung's older Shui-nan Airport (shuinan jichang 水湳機場)—opened in 1911, length of runway 1620 m—was closed on March 5, 2004, the same day when the city's new Cingcyuangang International Airport was inaugurated.

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Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC (TRA)

Note: The TRA (Taiwan tielu guanliju 台灣鐵路管理局, abbrev. taitie 台鐵) was transformed into the state-run enterprise Taiwan Railway Corporation Ltd. (guoying Taiwan tielu gufen youxian gongsi 國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司, abbrev. taitie 台鐵 in Chinese and TRC in English) on Jan. 1, 2024.

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOTC]

Railway Bureau, MOTC

Railway Bureau, MOTC 交通部鐵道局
9 F., No. 7 Xianmin BoulevardSec. 2,
Banqiao District, New Taipei City 22041, Taiwan ROC
[22041 新北市板橋區縣民大道 2 段 7 號 9 樓]
🌏 Railway Bureau – Web link

The Railway Bureau (jiaotongbu tiedaoju 交通部鐵道局, 🏁—juzhang 局長) was set up on June 11, 2018 by merging the Bureau of High Speed Rail (jiaotongbu gaosu tielu gongchengju 交通部高速鐵路工程局, abbrev. gaotieju 高鐵局 in Chinese and BOHSR in English) with the Railway Reconstruction Bureau (jiaotongbu tielu gaijian gongchengju 交通部鐵路改建工程局, abbrev. tiegongju 鐵工局 in Chinese and RRB in English), as part of the ongoing ROC government restructuring efforts.

Railway Bureau director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
6/2018—4/2021Allen Hu 胡湘麟N/AN/A
4/2021—Wu Sheng-yuan 伍勝園b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, the subdivisions of the Railway Bureau include the following:

  Assets Management and Development Division (changuan kaifazu 產管開發組),
  Civil and Architectural Engineering Division (tumu jianzhuzu 土木建築組),
  Electrical and Mechanical Technology Division (jidian jishuzu 機電技術組),
  Engineering Management Division (gongcheng guanlizu 工程管理組),
  Operation Supervision Division (yingyun jianlizu 營運監理組), and
  Planning Division (guihuazu 規劃組).

The addresses and logos of the BOHSR and the RRB at the time of their merger and establishment of the Railway Bureau on June 11, 2018 are shown directly below.

Bureau of High Speed Rail 高鐵局 (BOHSR)
9 F., No. 7 Xianmin Boulevard Sec. 2,
Banqiao District, New Taipei City 22041, Taiwan ROC 
[22041 新北市板橋區縣民大道 2 段 7 號 9 樓]
Railway Reconstruction Bureau 鐵工局 (RRB)
20 F., No. 7 Xianmin Boulevard Sec. 2,
Banqiao District, New Taipei City 22041, Taiwan ROC 
[22041 新北市板橋區縣民大道 2 段 7 號 20 樓]


The BOHSR (🏁—juzhang 局長) had been established on July 2, 1990 as Provisional Engineering Office of High Speed Rail (jiaotongbu gaosu tielu gongcheng choubeichu 交通部高速鐵路工程籌備處, abbrev. POHSR) under the MOTC and was reorganized in its final form on Jan. 31, 1997. It had six divisions (zu 組) and an Information Management Office (zixunshi 資訊室) with the status of a task division (renwu bianzu 任務編組). Furthermore, the Mass Rapid Transit Engineering Office (jieyun gongchengchu 捷運工程處) was an affiliated agency.

BOHSR director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1990—9/1991Tung Ping 董萍b. 1922Zhejiang
9/1991—3/1993Mao Chi-kuo 毛治國b. 1948Zhejiang
3/1993—8/1996Lin Chung-yih 林崇一b. 1949Taiwan
8/1996—7/2002Liao Ching-lung 廖慶隆N/AN/A
7/2002—8/2005Ho Nuan-hsuen 何煖軒b. 1953Taiwan
8/2005—1/2007Wu Fu-hsiang 吳福祥b. 1944Taiwan
1/2007—11/2008Pang Jia-hua 龎家驊N/AN/A
11/2008—6/2013Daniel H. Ju 朱旭b. 1959Taiwan
6/2013—6/2018Allen Hu 胡湘麟N/AN/A


The RRB (🏁—juzhang 局長) had been established on Jan. 1, 2002. It was based on the Taipei Railway Underground Project Office (jiaotongbu Taibei shiqu dixia tielu gongchengchu 交通部臺北市區地下鐵路工程處, abbrev. ditiechu 地鐵處 in Chinese and TRUPO in English) which had been set up on July 1, 1983 and was combined with the Taiwan Provincial Transportation Administration East Railway Improvement Engineering Bureau (Taiwansheng jiaotongchu dongbu tielu gaishan gongchengju 臺灣省交通處東部鐵路改善工程局) on July 1, 1999.

RRB director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2002—3/2004Chiang Hsin-ju 蔣鑫如N/AN/A
3/2004—11/2005Hsieh Chao-yi 謝潮儀N/AN/A
11/2005—1/2008Cheng Tzu-jung 鄭賜榮N/AN/A
1/2008—3/2013Hsu Chun-yat 許俊逸N/AN/A
3/2013—4/2014Chou Yung-hui 周永暉N/AN/A
4/2014—9/2014Tseng Dar-jen 曾大仁N/AN/A
9/2014—6/2018Allen Hu 胡湘麟N/AN/A

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Highway Bureau, MOTC (HB)

Highway Bureau, MOTC (HB) 交通部公路局
No. 65 Dongyuan Street,
Wanhua District, Taipei City 10863, Taiwan ROC
[10863 台北市萬華區東園街 65 號]
🌏 HB – Web link

The Highway Bureau (jiaotongbu gongluju 交通部公路局, 🏁—juzhang 局長) was set up on Jan. 30, 2002 as Directorate-General of Highways (jiaotongbu gonglu zongju 交通部公路總局, abbrev. DGH) based on the Taiwan Highway Bureau (Taiwansheng gongluju 台灣省公路局) of the Taiwan Provincial Government (TPG)—founded on Aug. 1, 1946—which had been placed under the MOTC on July 1, 1999 when the TPG was streamlined and downsized. DGH was reorganized as HB on Sept. 15, 2023. It is the MOTC agency responsible for highway transportation management in Taiwan.

HB directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1999—7/2002Liang Yueh 梁樾b. 1946Zhejiang
7/2002—7/2003James Yeh 葉昭雄b. 1942Taiwan
7/2003—9/2008Chen Jin-yuan 陳晉源1948-2010N/A
11/2008—2/2010Lin Tyh-ming 林志明N/AN/A
2/2010—4/2010 @Chen Wei-zen 陳威仁b. 1953Taiwan
4/2010—4/2014Wu Men-feng 吳盟分N/AN/A
4/2014—8/2016Chao Hsin-hua 趙興華N/AN/A
8/2016—5/2020Chen Yen-po 陳彥伯N/AN/A
5/2020—1/2022Hsu Cheng-chang 許鉦漳N/AN/A
1/2022—Chen Wen-juei 陳文瑞b. N/AN/A

The HB has the following subdivisions and administrative units:

  Engineering Division (gongwuzu 工務組),
  Maintenance Division (yangluzu 養路組),
  Motor Vehicles Division (jianlizu 監理組),
  Planning Division (guihuazu 規劃組),
  Traffic Management Division (jiaotong guanlizu 交通管理組), and
  Transportation Division (yunshuzu 運輸組);
  Accounting and Statistics Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Information Management Division (zixunshi 資訊室),
  Legal Affairs Office (fazhishi 法制室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室);
  Traffic Accident Investigation Review Committee (cheliang xingche shigu jianding fuyihui 車輛行車事故鑑定覆議會);
  Highway Disaster Prevention Center (gonglu fangzai zhongxin 公路防災中心),
  Road User Service Center (yongluren fuwu zhongxin 用路人服務中心), and
  Vehicle Dynamic Information Management Center (cheliang dongtai zixun guanli zhongxin 車輛動態資訊管理中心).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOTC]

Freeway Bureau, MOTC

Freeway Bureau, MOTC 交通部臺灣區國道高速公路局
No. 70 Banshanya, Liming Borough,
Taishan District, New Taipei City 24303, Taiwan ROC
[24303 新北市泰山區黎明里半山雅 70 號]
🌏 Freeway Bureau – Web link

The Freeway Bureau (jiaotongbu gaosu gongluju 交通部高速公路局, abbrev. gaogongju 高公局, 🏁—juzhang 局長) was established on June 8, 1970 as Freeway Engineering Bureau (jiaotongbu Taiwanqu gaosu gonglu gongchengju 交通部臺灣區高速公路工程局), on Dec. 1, 1978 it was renamed Taiwan Area National Freeway Bureau (Taiwan qu guodao gaosu gongluju 臺灣區國道高速公路局, abbrev. NFB or TANFB). The first freeway in Taiwan was the Sun Yat-sen Freeway (Zhongshan gaosu gonglu 中山高速公路), construction began on Aug. 14, 1971, the north section between Keelung and Taoyuan's Zhongli was opened for traffic on July 29, 1974, the whole road stretching to Kaohsiung in the south opened on Oct. 31, 1978. Taiwan's network of national freeways now exceeds 1000 km in total length. Please note that the MOTC's Taiwan Area National Expressway Engineering Bureau (jiaotongbu Taiwanqu guodao xinjian gongchengju 交通部臺灣區國道新建工程局, abbrev. guogongju 國工局 in Chinese and TANEEB in English), founded on Jan. 5, 1990, was merged into the Freeway Bureau on Feb. 12, 2018.

Freeway Bureau director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
6/1970—1/1978Hu Mei-huang 胡美璜1912-1999Jiangxi
1/1978—8/1979Wang Chao-ti 王兆杕N/AN/A
8/1979—2/1987Fang En-hsu 方恩緒N/AN/A
3/1987—9/1990Shih Chung-kuang 石中光N/AN/A
10/1990—8/1991Wang Chen-fang 王振芳N/AN/A
8/1991—7/1997Yang Chin-yao 楊欽耀N/AN/A
7/1997—8/1997 @Ou Hui-cheng 歐輝政N/AN/A
8/1997—7/2002Ho Nuan-hsuen 何煖軒b. 1953Taiwan
7/2002—4/2005Liang Yueh 梁樾b. 1946Zhejiang
4/2005—7/2006Chen Jian-yu 陳建宇b. 1954Taiwan
7/2006—11/2006Yang Hsi-an 楊錫安b. 1950N/A
11/2006—2/2010Lee Thay-ming 李泰明N/AN/A
2/2010—4/2014Tseng Dar-jen 曾大仁N/AN/A
4/2014—8/2016 @Chen Yen-po 陳彥伯N/AN/A
8/2016—10/2016 @Wu Mu-fu 吳木富N/AN/A
10/2016—Jaw Shing-hau 趙興華b. 1963N/A

In addition to its administrative units, subdivisions of the Freeway Bureau include the following:

  Information Management Office (zixunshi 資訊室);
  Construction Division (gongwuzu 工務組),
  General Admissions Division (zonghezu 綜合組),
  Land Division (luchanzu 路產組),
  Planning Division (guihuazu 規劃組),
  Toll & Service Division (yewuzu 業務組),
  Traffic Management Division (jiaotong guanlizu 交通管理組);
  First Engineering Office (diyi xinjian gongchengchu 第一新建工程處),
  Second Engineering Office (dier xinjian gongchengchu 第二新建工程處);
  Northern Region Branch Office (beiqu yanghu gongcheng fenju 北區養護工程分局),
  Central Region Branch Office (zhongqu yanghu gongcheng fenju 中區養護工程分局), and
  Southern Region Branch Office (nanqu yanghu gongcheng fenju 南區養護工程分局).

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Institute of Transportation, MOTC (IOT)

Institute of Transportation, MOTC (IOT) 交通部運輸研究所
No. 240 Dunhua North Road,
Songshan District, Taipei City 10548, Taiwan ROC
[10548 台北市松山區敦化北路 240 號]
🌏 IOT – Web link

The IOT (jiaotongbu yunshu yanjiusuo 交通部運輸研究所, 🏁—suozhang 所長) was created on Jan. 5, 1985 by merging the MOTC Transportation Planning Board (yunshu jihua weiyuanhui 運輸計劃委員會) with the former Institute of Traffic Research (jiaotong yanjiusuo 交通研究所). It acts as an important think-tank for the MOTC and is responsible for assisting the MOTC in the stipulation of policies, collaborating and coordinating transportation decisions and plan executions, supporting all levels of transportation administrative technologies and innovative research as well as being in charge of tasks of communication among various transportation industries, official and scholars across various fields.

IOT director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/1985—9/1987Huang Jia-he 黃嘉禾N/AN/A
10/1987—2/1995Chang Chia-juch 張家祝b. 1950Liaoning
3/1995—7/1995 @Feng Cheng-min 馮正民N/AN/A
8/1995—7/1997Chang Yu-hern 張有恆b. 1954Taiwan
8/1997—2/2004Lin Dah-yuh 林大煜N/AN/A
3/2004—7/2010Huang Der-chyr 黃德治N/AN/A
7/2010—1/2015Lin Tyh-ming 林志明N/AN/A
1/2015—8/2016Lin Shinn-der 林信得N/AN/A
8/2016—10/2016Chi Wen-jong 祁文中N/AN/A
10/2016—Wu Yu-chen 吳玉珍b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, IOT has the following subdivisions:

  Harbor and Marine Technology Center (gangwan jishu yanjiu zhongxin 港灣技術研究中心),
  Interdisciplinary Research Division (zonghe jishuzu 綜合技術組);
  Transportation Engineering Division (yunshu gongchengzu 運輸工程組),
  Transportation Information System Division (yunshu zixunzu 運輸資訊組),
  Transportation Operations and Management Division (yunshu jingying guanlizu 運輸經營管理組),
  Transportation Planning Division (yunshu jihuazu 運輸計畫組), and
  Transportation Safety Division (yunshu anquanzu 運輸安全組).

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Maritime and Port Bureau, MOTC (MPB)

Maritime and Port Bureau, MOTC (MPB) 交通部航港局
No. 1 Lane 1, Heping East Road Sec. 3,
Daan District, Taipei City 10669, Taiwan ROC
[10669 台北市大安區和平東路 3 段 1 巷 1 號]
🌏 MPB – Web link

The MPB (jiaotongbu hanggangju 交通部航港局, 🏁—juzhang 局長) was established on March 1, 2012, and handles Taiwan's maritime and port affairs. Its mission is to enhance the competitiveness of Taiwan's international commercial ports, instill entrepreneurialism into operations, and realize government reorganization priorities.

MPB director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/2012—3/2013Li Juel-der 黎瑞德b. 1952N/A
3/2013—8/2016Chi Wen-jong 祁文中N/AN/A
8/2016—5/2019David W. J. Hsieh 謝謂君N/A N/A
5/2019—6/2019 @Liu Chih-hung 劉志鴻N/A N/A
6/2019—9/2020Kuo Tien-kuei 郭添貴N/A N/A
9/2020—Yeh Hsieh-lung 葉協隆b. 1969N/A

In addition to its administrative units, the subdivisions of MPB include the following:

  Crew Management Division (chuanyuanzu 船員組),
  Maritime Affairs Division (hangwuzu 航務組),
  Maritime Safety Division (hang'anzu 航安組),
  Planning Division (qihuazu 企劃組),
  Port Affairs Division (gangwuzu 港務組),
  Vessel Management Division (chuanbozu 船舶組); and
  Information Management Office (zixunshi 資訊室).

Furthermore, MPB manages four maritime affairs centers (hangwu zhongxin 航務中心):

  Central Maritime Affairs Center (zhongbu hangwu zhongxin 中部航務中心),
  East Maritime Affairs Center (dongbu hangwu zhongxin 東部航務中心),
  North Maritime Affairs Center (beibu hangwu zhongxin 北部航務中心), and
  South Maritime Affairs Center (nanbu hangwu zhongxin 南部航務中心).

Please note that the MPB is also in charge of operating 33 lighthouses (dengta 燈塔) in the Taiwan area.

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Central Weather Administration, MOTC (CWA)

Central Weather Administration, MOTC (CWA) 交通部中央氣象署
No. 64 Gongyuan Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10048, Taiwan ROC
[10048 台北市中正區公園路 64 號]
🌏 CWA – Web link

The CWA (jiaotongbu zhongyang qixiangshu 交通部中央氣象署, 🏁—juzhang 署長) was established on July 1, 1971 as Central Weather Bureau (jiaotongbu zhongyang qixiangju 交通部中央氣象局, abbrev. CWB, 🏁—juzhang 局長) on the foundations of two older agencies—the Central Weather Bureau of the ROC (zhongyang qixiangju 中央氣象局), and the Taiwan Provincial Weather Institution (Taiwansheng qixiangju 台灣省氣象局).

The ROC Central Weather Bureau was set up in 1941 under the Executive Yuan and reassigned to the MOTC in 1947. The responsibility for most of its functions was assumed by the Taiwan Provincial Weather Institution after the ROC central government was relocated to Taipei in 1949.

The Taiwan Provincial Weather Institution (Chinese name between January 1948 and September 1965: Taiwansheng qixiangsuo 台灣省氣象所) was the successor of Taihoku Weather Monitoring Station under the Taiwan Governor's Office (Taiwan zongdufu Taibei cehousuo 台灣總督府台北測候所) which had been founded on Aug. 10, 1896 by the Japanese and renamed Taihoku Observatory (Taibei guancesuo 台北觀測所) in 1934. The Taiwan Governor's Office Weather Observatory (Taiwan zongdufu qixiangtai 台灣總督府氣象台), established in 1938, was in charge of meteorological and seismological affairs of Taiwan and Penghu.

CWB was elevated to CWA as part of the Executive Yuan's restructuring on Sept. 15, 2023, the official English title of the agency chief was changed from director-general to administrator.

CWA administrators

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
10/1941—4/1943Huang Hsia-chien 黃廈千1898-1977Jiangsu
1943–1949Lü Jiong 呂炯1902-1985Jiangsu
11/1945—2/1948Shih Yen-han 石延漢N/AN/A
2/1948—10/1951Hsueh Chung-yi 薛鐘彝N/AN/A
10/1951—6/1966Kenneth T. C. Cheng 鄭子政1903-1984Jiangsu
6/1966—3/1980Liu Ta-nien 劉大年b. 1914, d. N/AShandong
4/1980—9/1989Wu Tsung-yao 吳宗堯N/AN/A
9/1989—9/1994Tsay Ching-yen 蔡清彥b. 1944Taiwan
9/1994—3/2004Shieh Shinn-liang 謝信良b. 1944Taiwan
3/2004—6/2009Hsin Chiang-lin 辛江霖b. 1944Taiwan
6/2009—10/2017Shin Tzay-chyn 辛在勤b. 1952Taiwan
10/2017—5/2020Yeh Tien-chiang 葉天降N/AN/A
5/2020—7/2023 @Cheng Ming-dean 鄭明典b. 1958Taiwan
7/2023—Cheng Chia-ping 程家平b. N/AN/A

Please note that in 1945 Shih Yen-han 石延漢, at that time head of Fujian's provincial weather institution, was transferred by the ROC central government to head its counterpart agency in Taiwan.

CWA has the following subdivisions:

 Numerical Information Division (shuzhi zixunzu 數值資訊組),
 Marine Meteorology and Climate Division (haiqi qihouzu 海象氣候組),
 Observation Division (daqi guancezu 大氣觀測組), supervising the Taipei Astronomy and Weather Station (Taibei tianwen qixiangzhan 臺北天文氣象站 ),
 Planning Division (zonghe guihuazu 綜合規劃組),
 Remote Sensing Division (haiqi yaocezu 海氣遙測組),
 Technology Development Division (keji fazhanzu 科技發展組);
 Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
 Budget, Accounting and Statistics Office (zhujishi 主計室),
 Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室),
 Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室); and
 Southern Region Weather Center (Taiwan nanqu qixiang zhongxin 臺灣南區氣象中心).

In addition, the CWA website lists an Observation and Forecast Unit (qixiang cebao jigou 氣象測報機構) comprising four levels (deng 等).

◉ Level A (yideng cebao jigou 一等測報機構):
 Seismological Center (dizhen cebao zhongxin 地震測報中心),
 Weather Forecast Center (qixiang yubao zhongxin 氣象預報中心);
◉ Level B (erdeng cebao jigou 二等測報機構):
 Hualien Weather Radar Station (Hualian qixiang leidazhan 花蓮氣象雷達站),
 Hualien Weather Station (Hualian qixiangzhan 花蓮氣象站),
 Kenting Weather Radar Station (Kending qixiang leidazhan 墾丁氣象雷達站),
 New Taipei Weather Station (Xinbei qixiangzhan 新北氣象站),
 Wufenshan Weather Radar Station (Wufenshan qixiang leidazhan 五分山氣象雷達站);
◉ Level C (sandeng cebao jigou 三等測報機構):
 Chiayi Weather Station (Jiayi qixiangzhan 嘉義氣象站),
 Hengchun Weather Station (Hengchun qixiangzhan 恆春氣象站),
 Hsinchu Weather Station (Xinzhu qixiangzhan 新竹氣象站),
 Kaohsiung Weather Station (Gaoxiong qixiangzhan 高雄氣象站),
 Keelung Weather Station (Jilong qixiangzhan 基隆氣象站),
 Kinmen Weather Station (Jinmen qixiangzhan 金門氣象站),
 Matsu Weather Station (Mazu qixiangzhan 馬祖氣象站),
 Penghu Weather Station (Penghu qixiangzhan 澎湖氣象站),
 Su-ao Weather Station (Suao qixiangzhan 蘇澳氣象站),
 Taichung Weather Station (Taizhong qixiangzhan 臺中氣象站),
 Taitung Weather Station (Taidong qixiangzhan 臺東氣象站),
 Tianzhong Weather Station (Tianzhong qixiangzhan 田中氣象站),
 Yilan Weather Station (Yilan qixiangzhan 宜蘭氣象站);
◉ Level D (sideng cebao jigou 四等測報機構):
 Alishan Weather Station (Alishan qixiangzhan 阿里山氣象站),
 Anbu Weather Station (Anbu qixiangzhan 鞍部氣象站),
 Dawu Weather Station (Dawu qixiangzhan 大武氣象站),
 Dongjidao Weather Station (Dongjidao qixiangzhan 東吉島氣象站),
 Lanyu Weather Station (Lanyu qixiangzhan 蘭嶼氣象站),
 Pengjiayu Weather Station (Pengjiayu qixiangzhan 彭佳嶼氣象站),
 Sun Moon Lake Weather Station (Riyuetan qixiangzhan 日月潭氣象站),
 Xinwu Weather Station (Xinwu qixiangzhan 新屋氣象站),
 Yushan Weather Station (Yushan qixiangzhan 玉山氣象站), and
 Zhuzihu Weather Station (Zhuzihu qixiangzhan 竹子湖氣象站).

TEMBLORS—Earthquake monitoring and relevant research are part of the CWA's responsibilities, but the CWA is not the only ROC government agency working in the field of earthquakes—major research on Taiwan's faults is done by the Geological Survey and Mining Management Agency (GSMMA) under the MOEA. For a detailed list showing major earthquakes in the Taiwan area since WWII, please go to Geology: Faults, earthquakes, volcanism and more under Tools.

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Tourism Administration, MOTC

Tourism Administration, MOTC 交通部觀光署
9 F., No. 290 Zhongxiao East Road Sec. 4,
Daan District, Taipei City 10694, Taiwan ROC
[10694 台北市大安區忠孝東路 4 段 290 號 9 樓(大陸大樓)]
🌏 Tourism Administration – Web link
Logo of the Tourism Bureau

The Tourism Administration (jiaotongbu guanguangshu 交通部觀光署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was formally established on Dec. 29, 1972 as Tourism Bureau (jiaotongbu guanguangju 交通部觀光局, 🏁—juzhang 局長). Its predecessor was the Committee of Tourism (guanguang shiye xiaozu 觀光事業小組) in the MOTC which was set up in September 1960 and reorganized as Tourism Council (guanguang shiye weiyuanhui 觀光事業委員會) in October 1966. The latter agency was merged with the Tourism Administration Bureau of the Taiwan Provincial Government (Taiwan sheng guanguang shiye guanliju 台灣省觀光事業管理局) on June 24, 1971, constituting the Tourism Bureau which was then called jiaotongbu guanguang shiyeju 交通部觀光事業局 in Chinese. The Tourism Bureau was upgraded to Tourism Administration on Sept. 15, 2023.

Tourism Administration director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
6/1971—9/1975Tsao Yueh-wei 曹嶽維N/AN/A
9/1975—3/1980Chu Kuo-hsun 朱國勳N/AN/A
4/1980—3/1988Yu Wei 虞為b. N/A, d. 2011N/A
1/1989—9/1991Mao Chi-kuo 毛治國b. 1948Zhejiang
9/1991—8/1997Chang Tzu-chyang 張自強b. 1948Zhejiang
10/1997—7/2002Chang Shuo-lao 張學勞b. 1937N/A
8/2002—4/2005Su Cherng-tyan 蘇成田b. 1942Taiwan
11/2006—4/2012Janice Lai 賴瑟珍b. 1952Taiwan
4/2012—9/2016David W. J. Hsieh 謝謂君N/AN/A
9/2016—4/2020Chou Yung-hui 周永暉N/AN/A
4/2020—7/2023 @Chang Shi-chung 張錫聰N/AN/A
7/2023—9/2023 @Chou Ting-chang 周廷彰b. N/AN/A
9/2023—Chou Yung-hui (second time)

The Tourism Administration has the following subdivisions:

 Domestic Travel Promotion Division (lüyou tuiguangzu 旅遊推廣組),
 Hotel & Lodging Division (lüsuzu 旅宿組),
 International Affairs Division (guojizu 國際組),
 Planning and Research Division (qihuazu 企劃組),
 Tourism Site Development Division (jingqu fazhanzu 景區發展組),
 Travel and Training Division (lüxingyezu 旅行業組);
 Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
 Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
 Information Management Office (zixunshi 資訊室),
 Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室),
 Public Relations Department (gongguanshi 公關室), and
 Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室).

Furthermore, there are three centers.

 Kaohsiung International Airport Visitor Information Centers (Gaoxiong guoji jichang lüke fuwu zhongxin 高雄國際機場旅客服務中心),
 Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Tourist Service Center (Taiwan Taoyuan guoji jichang lüke fuwu zhongxin 臺灣桃園國際機場旅客服務中心), and
 Travel Service Center (lüke fuwu zhongxin 旅客服務中心).

In addition, the National Scenic Area Administration (guojia fengjingqu guanlichu 國家風景區管理處) oversees several local headquarters:
 Alishan National Scenic Area Headquarters (Alishan guojia fengjingqu guanlichu 阿里山國家風景區管理處),
 Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area Headquarters (Dapengwan guojia fengjingqu guanlichu 大鵬灣國家風景區管理處),
 East Coast National Scenic Area Headquarters (dongbu haian guojia fengjingqu guanlichu 東部海岸國家風景區管理處),
 East Longitudinal Valley National Scenic Area Headquarters (huadong zonggu guojia fengjingqu guanlichu 花東縱谷國家風景區管理處),
 Maolin National Scenic Area Headquarters (Maolin guojia fengjingqu guanlichu 茂林國家風景區管理處),
 Matsu National Scenic Area Headquarters (Mazu guojia fengjingqu guanlichu 馬祖國家風景區管理處),
 North Coast and Guanyinshan National Scenic Area Headquarters (beihaian ji Guanyinshan guojia fengjingqu guanlichu 北海岸及觀音山國家風景區管理處),
 Northeast and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area Headquarters (dongbeijiao ji Yilan haian guojia fengjingqu guanlichu 東北角及宜蘭海岸國家風景區管理處),
 Penghu National Scenic Area Headquarters (Penghu guojia fengjingqu guanlichu 澎湖國家風景區管理處),
 Siraya National Scenic Area Headquarters (Xilaya guojia fengjingqu guanlichu 西拉雅國家風景區管理處),
 Southwest Coast National Scenic Area Headquarters (yunjianan binhai guojia fengjingqu guanlichu 雲嘉南濱海國家風景區管理處),
 Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area Headquarters (Riyuetan guojia fengjingqu guanlichu 日月潭國家風景區管理處), and
 Tri-Mountain National Scenic Area Headquarters (sanshan guojia fengjingqu guanlichu 參山國家風景區管理處).

A unit called Overseas Offices (zhuwai banshichu 駐外辦事處) supervises 15 branches outside Taiwan—3 in the PRC (Beijing, Shanghai; Hong Kong), 7 in other parts of Asia (Tokyo, Osaka; Seoul; Ho Chi Minh City; Bangkok; Kuala Lumpur; Singapore), 3 in the US (New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles), and 2 in Europe (Frankfurt; London). On Nov. 13, 2023 the Tourism Administration opened a new office in Busan (South Korea), and according to media reports, the Tourism Administration plans to open another branch in Dubai in 2024.

A formally semi-official organization associated with the Tourism Administration is the Taiwan Strait Tourism Association (caituan faren Taiwan haixia liang'an guanguang lüyou xiehui 財團法人台灣海峽兩岸觀光旅遊協會, abbrev. Tai lü hui 台旅會 in Chinese and TSTA in English) which was established on Aug. 25, 2006 and approved by the ROC MOTC on Sept. 12, 2006. Its first office in the PRC was opened on May 4, 2010 in Beijing, a second one in Shanghai on Nov. 15, 2012. Its PRC counterpart is the Association for Tourism Exchange across the Taiwan Straits (haixia liangan lüyou jiaoliu xiehui 海峽兩岸旅遊交流協會, abbrev. hailühui 海旅會 in Chinese and ATETS in English) which was approved by PRC authorities on June 27, 2006. In English, ATETS is also known under the names Cross-Strait Tourism Exchange Association (CTEA), Cross-Strait Tourism Association (CSTA), or Cross-Strait Tourism Exchange (CSTE), and its first office in the ROC was opened on May 7, 2010 in Taipei.

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◆ Ministry of Education (MOE)

Ministry of Education (MOE) 教育部
No. 5 Zhongshan South Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10051, Taiwan ROC
[10051 台北市中正區中山南路 5 號]
🌏 MOE – Web link
Description: MOEx01b

The MOE (jiaoyubu 教育部) was established on Oct. 24, 1928.

MOE ministers

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
10/1928—12/1930Monlin Chiang 蔣夢麟1886-1964Zhejiang
12/1930—8/1931Kao Lou 高魯1877-1947Fujian
6/1931—12/1931Li Shu-hua 李書華1889-1979Hebei
12/1931—2/1932Chu Chia-hwa 朱家驊1893-1963Zhejiang
1/1932—10/1932 @Tuan Hsi-peng 段錫朋1896-1948Jiangxi
10/1932—11/1932 Wang Wen-ho 翁文灝1889-1971Zhejiang
11/1932—4/1933Chu Chia-hwa (second time)
4/1933—1/1938Wang Shih-chieh 王世杰1891-1981Hubei
1/1938—12/1944Chen Li-fu 陳立夫1900-2001Zhejiang
12/1944—5/1948Chu Chia-hwa (third time)
12/1948—3/1949 @Chen Hsueh-ping 陳雪屏1901-1999Jiangsu
3/1949—3/1950Hang Li-wu 杭立武1903-1991Anhui/Zhejiang
3/1950—5/1954Cheng Tien-fang 程天放1899-1967Jiangxi
5/1954—7/1958Chang Chi-yun 張其昀1901-1985Zhejiang
7/1958—2/1961Mei I-chi 梅貽琦1889-1962Tianjin
2/1961—1/1965Huang Chi-lu 黃季陸1899-1985Sichuan
1/1965—6/1969Yen Chen-hsing 閻振興1912-2005Henan
6/1969—3/1971Choong Kow-kwong 鍾皎光1907-1996Guangdong
3/1971—5/1972Lo Yun-pin 羅雲平1915-1984Antung (= Liaong.)
5/1972—4/1977Tsiang Yien-si 蔣彥士1915-1998Zhejiang
4/1977—5/1978Li Yuan-zu 李元簇1923-2017Hunan
5/1978—5/1984Chu Hwei-sen 朱匯森1911-2006Jiangsu
5/1984—7/1987Lee Huan 李煥1917-2010Hubei
7/1987—2/1993Mao Kao-wen 毛高文b. 1936Zhejiang
2/1993—6/1996Kuo Wei-fan 郭為藩b. 1937Taiwan
6/1996—2/1998Wu Jin 吳京1934-2008Jiangsu
2/1998—6/1999 Lin Ching-jiang 林清江1940-1999Taiwan
6/1999—5/2000Yung Chaur-shin 楊朝祥b. 1947Taiwan
5/2000—2/2002Ovid J. L. Tzeng 曾志朗b. 1944Taiwan
2/2002—5/2004Huang Jong-tsun 黃榮村b. 1947Taiwan
5/2004—5/2008Tu Cheng-sheng 杜正勝b. 1944Taiwan
5/2008—9/2009Cheng Jei-cheng 鄭瑞城b. 1946Taiwan
9/2009—1/2012Wu Ching-chi 吳清基b. 1951Taiwan
2/2012—7/2014Chiang Wei-ling 蔣偉寧b. 1957Taiwan
7/2014—8/2014 @Chen Der-hwa 陳德華b. 1952Fujian
8/2014—5/2016Wu Se-hwa 吳思華b. 1955N/A
5/2016—4/2018Pan Wen-chung 潘文忠b. 1962Taiwan
4/2018 @Yao Leeh-ter 姚立德b. 1962N/A
4/2018—5/2018Wu Maw-kuen 吳茂昆b. 1949Taiwan
5/2018—7/2018 @Yao Leeh-ter (second time acting)
7/2018—12/2018Yeh Jiunn-rong 葉俊榮b. 1958Taiwan
12/2018—1/2019 @Yao Leeh-ter (third time acting)
1/2019—5/2024Pan Wen-chung (second time)
5/2024—Cheng Ying-yao 鄭英耀b. 1955Taiwan

MOE structure

Today MOE has the following internal administrative units:

  Department of Higher Education (gaodeng jiaoyusi 高等教育司),
  Department of Information and Technology Education (zixun ji keji jiaoyusi 資訊及科技教育司),
  Department of International and Cross-strait Education (guoji ji liang'an jiaoyusi 國際及兩岸教育司),
  Department of Lifelong Education (zhongshen jiaoyusi 終身教育司),
  Department of Planning (zonghe guihuasi 綜合規劃司),
  Department of Student Affairs and Special Education (xuesheng shiwu ji teshu jiaoyusi 學生事務及特殊教育司),
  Department of Teacher and Art Education (shizi peiyu ji yishu jiaoyusi 師資培育及藝術教育司),
  Department of Technological and Vocational Education (jishu ji zhiye jiaoyusi 技術及職業教育司);
  Department of Accounting (kuaijichu 會計處),
  Department of Civil Service Ethics (zhengfengchu 政風處),
  Department of Legal Affairs (fazhichu 法制處),
  Department of Personnel (renshichu 人事處),
  Department of Secretarial Affairs (mishuchu 秘書處),
  Department of Statistics (tongjichu 統計處);
  Supervisory Committee Managing Retirement, Compensation, Resignation and Severance Matters for Private School Teachers and Staff (sixiao tui fu chujin jianlihui 私校退撫儲金監理會), and
  MOE Collaboration Center for Teacher Education Curriculum Instruction and Evaluation of Basic Education (zhongxiaoxue shizi kecheng jiaoxue yu pingliang xiezuo zhongxin 中小學師資課程教學與評量協作中心).

The following are subordinate organizations under the MOE:

  K-12 Education Administration (jiaoyubu guomin ji xueqian jiaoyushu 教育部國民及學前教育署, abbrev. guojiaoshu 國教署),
  Sports Administration (jiaoyubu tiyushu 教育部體育署), and
  Youth Development Administration (jiaoyubu qingnian fazhanshu 教育部青年發展署, abbrev. YDA).

The following institutions are affiliated with the MOE:

  National Academy for Educational Research (guojia jiaoyu yanjiuyuan 國家教育研究院),
  National Central Library (guojia tushuguan 國家圖書館),
  National Education Radio (guoli jiaoyu guangbo diantai 國立教育廣播電台),
  National Library of Public Information (guoli gonggong zixun tushuguan 國立公共資訊圖書館, abbrev. NLPI),
  National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium (guoli haiyang shengwu bowuguan 國立海洋生物博物館, abbrev. haishengguan 海生館 in Chinese and NMMBA in English),
  National Museum of Marine Science & Technology (guoli haiyang keji bowuguan 國立海洋科技博物館, abbrev. haikeguan 海科館 in Chinese and NMMST in English),
  National Museum of Natural Science (guoli ziran kexue bowuguan 國立自然科學博物館, abbrev. keboguan 科博館 in Chinese and NMNS in English),
  National Science and Technology Museum (guoli kexue gongyi bowuguan 國立科學工藝博物館, abbrev. kegongguan 科工館 in Chinese and NSTM in English),
  National Taiwan Arts Education Center (guoli Taiwan yishu jiaoyuguan 國立台灣藝術教育館, abbrev. yijiaoguan 藝教館),
  National Taiwan Library (guoli Taiwan tushuguan 國立台灣圖書館, abbrev. guotaitu 國台圖 in Chinese and NTL in English), and
  National Taiwan Science Education Center (guoli Taiwan kexue jiaoyuguan 國立台灣科學教育館, abbrev. NTSEC).

The National Sports Training Center (guojia yundong xunlian zhongxin 國家運動訓練中心) is associated with the MOE as well.

Military training instructors

One special feature in institutions of public tertiary education in the ROC is worth mentioning. The staff of most schools and universities includes military training instructors (junxun jiaoguan 軍訓教官)—usually simply referred to as "instructors" (jiaoguan 教官). When the ROC was still under martial law, these instructors were military officials on university campuses responsible for discipline. At that time their main task was to conduct practical military training, but they were also in charge of political and ideological education in order to uphold the anti-Communist, pro-KMT spirit among the students. As an instrument of supervision and indoctrination, instructors would monitor the students for possible subversive tendencies. After martial law ended, the process of democratization changed the instructors' role significantly. Nowadays they focus on counseling, campus safety and maintenance work, although not all instructors have given up outdated, authoritarian mindsets. On June 27, 2013 the Legislative Yuan passed the new Senior High School Education Act (gaoji zhongdeng jiaoyufa 高級中等教育法) which included the decision to phase out military training instructors stationed in senior high schools and vocational schools within eight years.

Selected level-3 agencies under MOE

Details about the following selected agencies under MOE are shown directly below.

TOP   HOME    [Jump to next cabinet-level agency]

National Central Library, MOE (NCL)

National Central Library, MOE (NCL) 國家圖書館
No. 20 Zhongshan South Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10001, Taiwan ROC
[10001 台北市中正區中山南路 20 號]
🌏 NCL – Web link

NCL (guojia tushuguan 國家圖書館, 🏁—guanzhang 館長) was established on Aug. 1, 1940.

NCL director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/1940—9/1966Chiang Fu-tsung 蔣復璁1898-1990Zhejiang
9/1966—3/1968Chu Wan-li 屈萬里1907-1979Shandong
3/1968—2/1970 Ignatius Pao Tsen-peng 包遵彭1916-1970Anhui
2/1970—8/1970 @Pao You-yu 鮑幼玉1924-2004Zhejiang
8/1970—8/1972Li Tze-chung 李志鍾b. 1927Jiangsu
8/1972—4/1973 @Hsieh You-hua 又華N/AN/A
4/1973—3/1977William C. Ju 諸家駿b. 1924Shanghai
3/1977—8/1989Wang Chen-ku 王振鵠b. 1924Hebei
8/1989—5/1992Yang Chung-sen 楊崇森b. 1937Fujian
5/1992—10/1997Tseng Chi-chun 曾濟群b. 1937Guangdong
10/1997—4/1998 @Sung Chien-cheng 宋建成N/AN/A
4/1998—3/2007Juang Fang-rung 莊芳榮b. 1947Taiwan
3/2007—9/2007Wang Wen-lu 王文陸b. 1954N/A
9/2007 @Sung Chien-cheng (second time acting)
9/2007—5/2008Huang Kuan-chung 黃寬重b. 1949Taiwan
5/2008—8/2008 @Sung Chien-cheng (third time acting)
8/2008—12/2010Karl Min Ku 顧敏b. 1945N/A
12/2010—1/2024Tseng Shu-hsien 曾淑賢b. 1958Taiwan
1/2024 @Weng Chih-tsung 翁誌聰b. 1965Taiwan
2/2024—Wang Han-ching 王涵青b. 1979Taiwan

In addition to its administrative units, NCL has the following subdivisions:

  Collection Development and Bibliography Management Division (guancang fazhan ji shumu guanlizu 館藏發展及書目管理組),
  Digital Knowledge System Division (shuwei zhishi xitongzu 數位知識系統組),
  International Cooperation Division (guoji hezuozu 國際合作組),
  Knowledge Services Division (zhishi fuwuzu 知識服務組),
  Librarianship Development Division (tushuguan shiye fazhanzu 圖書館事業發展組),
  Special Collections Division (tecang wenxianzu 特藏文獻組);
  Bibliographic Information Center (shumu zixun zhongxin 書目資訊中心),
  Center for Chinese Studies (hanxue yanjiu zhongxin 漢學研究中心),
  ISBN Center (guoji biaozhun shuhao zhongxin國際標準書號中心), and
  Publications Center (chuban zhongxin 出版中心).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOE]

National Taiwan Library, MOE (NTL)

National Taiwan Library, MOE (NTL) 國立臺灣圖書館
No. 85 Zhongan Street,
Zhonghe District, New Taipei City 23574, Taiwan ROC
[23574 新北市中和區中安街 85 號]
🌏 NTL – Web link

The NTL (guoli Taiwan tushuguan 國立臺灣圖書館, abbrev. guotaitu 國台圖, 🏁—guanzhang 館長) was established by the Japanese on April 13, 1914 as Taiwan Governor's Library (Taiwan zongdufu tushuguan 臺灣總督府圖書館) and is Taiwan's oldest public library. After the end of WWII the institution continued to operate under the name Taiwan Provincial Library (Taiwansheng xingzheng zhangguan gongshu tushuguan 臺灣省行政長官公署圖書館), in 1955 it was put under the jurisdiction of the Taiwan Provincial Government (TPG) as Taiwan Provincial Taipei Library (Taiwan shengli Taibei tushuguan 臺灣省立臺北圖書館). On Oct. 22, 1973 it was reorganized as National Central Library, Taiwan Branch (guoli zhongyang tushuguan Taiwan fenguan 國立中央圖書館臺灣分館), the current name was adopted on Jan. 1, 2013.

NTL directors since 1945

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
11/1945—10/1946Fan Shou-kang 范壽康1896-1983Zhejiang
10/1946—4/1955Wu Ko-kang 吳克剛1903-1999Anhui
5/1955—10/1955Chiang Fu-tsung 蔣復璁1898-1990Zhejiang
10/1955—8/1965Wang Sheng-wu 王省吾1920-2004Zhejiang
8/1965—2/1967Liu Hsiao-chien 劉效騫1913-2010Jiangsu
2/1967—9/1969Han Pao-chien 韓寶鑑N/AN/A
10/1969—10/1973Yuan Chin-shu 袁金書1906-1995N/A
10/1973—8/1978 Hu An-yi 胡安彝1917-1978N/A
8/1978—11/1978 @Chang Yi-ting 章以鼎N/AN/A
11/1978—6/1985Liu Chang-po 劉昌博b. 1925Sichuan
6/1985—7/1988Chu Ta-sung 朱大松N/AN/A
7/1988—7/1992Sun Te-piao 孫德彪b. 1931Jiangsu
7/1992—10/2004Lin Wen-jui 林文睿b. 1949Taiwan
10/2004—9/2006Liao Yu-sheng 廖又生N/AN/A
10/2006—12/2006 @Wang Kuo-lung 王國隆N/AN/A
12/2006—9/2007Su Te-hsiang 蘇德祥N/AN/A
9/2007—8/2012Huang Wen-ling 黃雯玲N/AN/A
8/2012—2/2015Chen Hsuch-yu 陳雪玉N/AN/A
2/2015—4/2015 @Wu Ming-chueh 吳明珏N/AN/A
4/2015—9/2015Yang Yu-huei 楊玉惠N/AN/A
9/2015—Cheng Lai-chang 鄭來長b. N/AN/A

The subdivisions of the NTL include the following:

  Acquisition and Cataloguing Department (caifang bianmuzu 採訪編目組),
  Circulation and Collection Department (yuelan diancangzu 閱覽典藏組),
  Planning and Promotion Department (qihua tuiguangzu 企劃推廣組),
  Reference and Special Collection Department (cankao tecangzu 參考特藏組);
  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室),
  Secretary Office (mishushi 秘書室);
  Library Science Research and Development Committee (tushuguan shiye yanjiu fazhan weiyuanhui 圖書館事業研究發展委員會),
  Taiwan Study Research Centre Consultation Committee (Taiwanxue yanjiu zhongxin zixun weiyuanhui 臺灣學研究中心諮詢委員會);
  Information Centre for the Visually Impaired (shizhang ziliao zhongxin 視障資料中心),
  Parent and Child Information Centre (qinzi ziliao zhongxin 親子資料中心),
  Taiwan Study Research Centre (Taiwanxue yanjiu zhongxin 臺灣學研究中心); and
  Security (zhuwei jingchadui 駐衛警察隊).
  Security (zhuwei jingchadui 駐衛警察隊).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOE]

National Library of Public Information, MOE (NLPI)

National Library of Public Information, MOE (NLPI) 國立公共資訊圖書館總館
No. 100 Wuquan South Road,
South District, Taichung City 40246, Taiwan ROC
[40246 台中市南區五權南路 100 號]
🌏 NLPI – Web link

The NLPI (guoli gonggong zixun tushuguan 國立公共資訊圖書館, 🏁—guanzhang 館長) can be traced back to the Taichu Prefectural Library (Taizhong zhouli tushuguan 台中州立圖書館) which was established by the Japanese in 1923 and became the Taiwan Provincial Taichung Library (Taiwan shengli Taizhong tushuguan 臺灣省立台中圖書館) after the end of WWII. That institution was reorganized as National Taichung Library (guoli Taizhong tushuguan 國立台中圖書館) in July 1999, the current name was adopted on Jan. 1, 2013.

NLPI directors since 1999

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1999—1/2003Cheng Liang-hsiung 程良雄N/AN/A
1/2003—1/2007Hsueh Mao-sung 薛茂松N/AN/A
1/2007—3/2007Hung Ching-feng 洪慶峰N/AN/A
3/2007—7/2008Yang Hsuan-chin 楊宣勤N/AN/A
7/2008—1/2010Su Chung 蘇忠N/AN/A
1/2010—9/2016Lu Chun-chiao 呂春嬌N/AN/A
9/2016—Liu Chung-cheng 劉仲成b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, NLPI has the following subdivisions:

  Circulation Section (yuelan zixunke 閱覽諮詢科),
  Digital Information Service Section (shuwei ziyuan fuwuke 數位資源服務科),
  Guidance and Promotion Section (fudao tuiguangke 輔導推廣科),
  Knowledge Organization Section (zhishi zuzhike 知識組織科),
  Multi-Cultural Service Section (duoyuan wenhua fuwuke 多元文化服務科),
  System Information Section (xitong zixunke 系統資訊科);
  Task Group Research and Development Group (renwu bianzu – yanjiu fazhan xiaozu 任務編組-研究發展小組); and
  Branch Service Management (fenguan fuwu guanli zhongxin 分館服務管理中心).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOE]

K-12 Education Administration, MOE

K-12 Education Administration, MOE 教育部國民及學前教育署
Taichung office—No. 738-4 Zhongzheng Road,
Wufeng District, Taichung City 41341, Taiwan ROC
[41341 台中市霧峰區中正路 738 之 4 號];
Taipei office—No. 48-1 Xuzhou Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10055, Taiwan ROC
[10055 台北市中正區徐州路 48-1 號]
🌏 K-12 Education Administration – Web link
Description: Nologo07

The K-12 Education Administration (jiaoyubu guomin ji xueqian jiaoyushu 教育部國民及學前教育署, abbrev. guojiaoshu 國教署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was formally established on Jan. 1, 2013 as an MOE agency responsible for formulating, executing and supervising educational policies and systems for senior high school education and below in Taiwan, taking over related duties previously performed by the MOE Department of Secondary Education (zhongjiaosi 中教司), Department of Technological and Vocational Education (jizhisi 技職司), Department of Elementary Education (guojiaosi 國教司), Student Affairs Committee (xunweihui 訓委會), Special Education Unit (tejiao xiaozu 特教小組), Division of Environmental Protection Education (huanbao jiaoyu xiaozu 環保教育小組) and the MOE's Central Region Office (zhongbu bangongshi 中部辦公室).

K-12 Education Administration director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2013—7/2015Wu Ching-shan 吳清山N/ATaiwan
8/2015—12/2015Lin Teng-chiao 林騰蛟b. 1961Taiwan
12/2015—9/2016Huang Tzu-teng 黃子騰b. 1956N/A
9/2016—Chiu Chien-kuo 邱乾國b. N/AN/A

The K-12 Education Administration has the following operational divisions:

  Division of Academic and Vocational Senior High Education (gaozhong ji gaozhi jiaoyuzu 高中及高職教育組),
  Division of Indigenous People and Special Education (yuanzhu minzu yu shaoshu zuqun ji teshu jiaoyuzu 原住民族與少數族群及特殊教育組),
  Division of Junior High, Elementary School and Preschool Education (guozhong ji xueqian jiaoyuzu 國中小及學前教育組), and
  Division of Student Affairs and Campus Security (xuesheng shiwu ji xiaoyuan anquanzu 學生事務及校園安全組).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOE]

Sports Administration, MOE

Sports Administration, MOE 教育部體育署
No. 20 Zhulun Street,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10489, Taiwan ROC
[10489 台北市中山區朱崙街 20 號]
🌏 Sports Administration – Web link
Description: Nologo07

The Sports Administration (jiaoyubu tiyushu 教育部體育署, abbrev. tiyushu 體育署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on Jan. 2, 2013 based on the former cabinet-level Sports Affairs Council (SAC) following that agency's downgrading.

On Aug. 15, 2024 the Executive Yuan announced that preparations had kicked off to upgrade the Sports Administration to a planned Ministry of Physical Education and Sports Development (tiyu ji yundong fazhanbu 體育暨運動發展部), with a new Sports Industry Development Center (guojia yundong chanye fazhan zhongxin 國家運動產業發展中心) plus the already established National Sports Training Center (guojia yundong xunlian zhongxin 國家運動訓練中心) and the Taiwan Institute of Sports Science (guojia yundong kexue zhongxin 國家運動科學中心) as subordinate agencies. No estimated date for the inauguration of the new ministry was given.

Sports Administration director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2013—3/2017Ho Jow-fei 何卓飛b. 1957N/A
3/2017—6/2018Lin Te-fu 林德福b. 1955Taiwan
7/2018—9/2020Kao Chin-hsiung 高俊雄N/AN/A
9/2020—8/2021Chang Shao-hsi 張少熙N/AN/A
>>> [vacant] <<<
9/2020—2/2023 @Lin Teng-chiao 林騰蛟b. 1961Taiwan
2/2023—Cheng Shih-chung 鄭世忠b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, the Sports Administration has the following subdivisions:

  Competitive Athletics Division (jingji yundongzu 競技運動組),
  International and Cross-Strait Sports Division (guoji ji liang'an yundongzu 國際及兩岸運動組),
  Planning Division (zonghe guihuazu 綜合規劃組),
  School Physical Education Division (xuexiao tiyuzu 學校體育組),
  Sports Facilities Division (yundong sheshizu 運動設施組), and
  Sports for All Division (quanmin yundongzu 全民運動組).

* * * SEE ALSO * * *

More information about the abolished cabinet-level Sports Affairs Council can be found on the following page of this website.

🔴 "Abolished agencies", Sports Affairs Council (SAC)

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOE]

Youth Development Administration, MOE (YDA)

Youth Development Administration, MOE (YDA) 教育部青年發展署
14 F., No. 5 Xuzhou Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10055, Taiwan ROC
[10055 台北市中正區徐州路 5 號 14 樓]
🌏 YDA – Web link
Description: Nologo07

The YDA (jiaoyubu qingnian fazhanshu 教育部青年發展署, abbrev. qingnianshu 青年署 or qingfashu 青發署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on Jan. 1, 2013 based on the former cabinet-level National Youth Commission (NYC) following that agency's downgrading.

YDA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2013—3/2013 @Chen Der-hwa 陳德華b. 1952Fujian
4/2013—5/2013 @Shi Jian-chu 施建矗N/AN/A
5/2013—Lo Ching-shui 羅清水b. 1959N/A

In addition to its administrative units, YDA has the following subdivisions:

  International and Experiental Learning Division (guoji ji tiyan xuexizu 國際及體驗學習組),
  Planning and Career Consultant Division (zonghe guihua ji shengya fudaozu 綜合規劃及生涯輔導組), and
  Public Participation Division (gonggong canyuzu 公共參與組).

* * * SEE ALSO * * *

More information about the abolished cabinet-level National Youth Commission can be found on the following page of this website.

🔴 "Abolished agencies", National Youth Commission (NYC)

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOE]

National Academy for Educational Research, MOE (NAER)

National Academy for Educational Research, MOE (NAER) 國家教育研究院
Main campus 三峽總院區: No. 2 Sanshu Road,
Sanxia District, New Taipei City 23703, Taiwan ROC
[23703 新北市三峽區三樹路 2 號];
Taipei branch 台北院區: No. 179 Heping East Road Sec. 1,
Daan District, Taipei City 10644, Taiwan ROC
[10644 台北市大安區和平東路 1 段 179 號];
Taichung branch 台中院區: No. 67 Shifan Street,
Fengyuan District, Taichung City 42081, Taiwan ROC
[42081 台中市豐原區師範街 67 號]
🌏 NAER – Web link

The NAER (guojia jiaoyu yanjiuyuan 國家教育研究院, abbrev. guojiaoyuan 國教院, 🏁—yuanzhang 院長) was established on March 30, 2011 in succession of the NAER Preparatory Office (guojia jiaoyu yanjiuyuan choubeichu 國家教育研究院籌備處) which had been set up on May 8, 2000. NAER is striving to serve as an education policy think-tank, an R&D base for curriculum, testing and assessment, and a leadership training and professional development key center. In addition to its main campus in New Taipei City's Sanxia District, NAER also operates branches in Taipei City's Daan District and Taichung City's Fengyuan District.

NAER presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/2011—12/2012Wu Ching-shan 吳清山N/ATaiwan
4/2013—5/2016Ko Hwa-wei 柯華葳b. 1953N/A
6/2016—7/2016Kuo Kung-pin 郭工賓N/AN/A
8/2016—Sheu Tien-ming 許添明b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, NAER has the following subdivisions:

  Center for Educational Leadership and Professional Development (jiaoyu renli fazhan zhongxin 教育人力發展中心),
  Center for Educational Resources and Publishing (jiaoyu ziyuan ji chuban zhongxin 教育資源及出版中心),
  Development Center for Compilation and Translation (bianyi fazhan zhongxin 編譯發展中心),
  Development Center for Textbooks (jiaokeshu fazhan zhongxin 教科書發展中心),
  Office of National & Indigenous Languages Education Research & development (benguo yuwen jiaoyu yanjiu fazhan bangongshi 本國語文教育研究發展辦公室),
  Research Center for Curriculum and Instruction (kecheng ji jiaoxue yanjiu zhongxin 課程及教學研究中心),
  Research Center for Education System and Policy (jiaoyu zhidu ji zhengce yanjiu zhongxin 教育制度及政策研究中心), and
  Research Center for Testing and Assessment (ceyan ji pingliang yanjiu zhongxin 測驗及評量研究中心).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOE]

National Taiwan Arts Education Center, MOE

National Taiwan Arts Education Center, MOE 國立臺灣藝術教育館
No. 47 Nanhai Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10066, Taiwan ROC
[10066 台北市中正區南海路 47 號]
🌏 National Taiwan Arts Education Center – Web link

The National Taiwan Arts Education Center (guoli Taiwan yishu jiaoyuguan 國立臺灣藝術教育館, abbrev. yijiaoguan 藝教館, 🏁—guanzhang 館長) was established as National Center of Arts (guoli yishuguan 國立藝術館) on March 29, 1957. The current name was adopted on Oct. 23, 1985.

National Taiwan Arts Education Center director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2/1957—7/1957Wu Ji-ping 吳寄萍N/AN/A
7/1957—8/1958Lu Shu-ching 盧孰競b. 1914Tianjin
8/1958—10/1962Cesar Teng Chang-kuo 鄧昌國1923-1992Fujian
10/1962—3/1969Wang Shao-ching 王紹清1912-1997Sichuan
3/1969—8/1982Feng Kuo-kuang 馮國光N/AN/A
8/1982—9/1982Chi Teng-szu 紀登斯N/AN/A
9/1982—8/1985Lee Hui-cheng 李懷程N/AN/A
8/1985—8/1995Chang Chun-chieh 張俊傑N/AN/A
8/1995—12/1996Chen Yi-hsing 陳益興N/AN/A
12/1996—7/2004Chen Du-cheng 陳篤正b. 1940Taiwan
8/2004—3/2011Wu Tsu-sheng 吳祖勝N/AN/A
3/2011—9/2016Cheng Nai-wen 鄭乃文N/AN/A
9/2016—Wu Jin-jin 吳津津b. N/AN/A

The subdivisions of the center include the following:

  General Affairs Division (xingzhengzu 行政組),
  Performing Arts Education Division (biaoyan yishu jiaoyuzu 表演藝術教育組), and
  Visual Arts Education Division (shijue yishu jiaoyuzu 視覺藝術教育組).

Furthermore, the center's staff includes a secretary (mishu 秘書), a personnel officer (renshi guanliyuan 人事管理員) and an accounting officer (zhujiyuan 主計員).

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National Taiwan Science Education Center, MOE (NTSEC)

National Taiwan Science Education Center, MOE (NTSEC) 國立臺灣科學教育館
No. 189 Shishang Road,
Shilin District, Taipei City 11165, Taiwan ROC
[11165 台北市士林區士商路 189 號]
🌏 NTSEC – Web link

NTSEC (guoli Taiwan kexue jiaoyuguan 國立台灣科學教育館, 🏁—guanzhang 館長) was established in 1956. Its mission is to promote the teaching of applied science throughout Taiwan.

NTSEC director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/1956—4/1965 Luo Jung-an 羅榮安1900-1965Shanghai
6/1965—10/1967Chang Ming-che 張明哲1914-1998Hubei
11/1967—8/1978Tien Chang-mo 田長模b. 1918Hubei
8/1978—9/1992Chen Shih-pei 陳石貝N/AN/A
8/1993—8/1997Yen Chi-lin 顏啟麟N/AN/A
2/1998—8/2000Chen Wen-chang 陳文章b. 1963N/A
10/2000—9/2003Hsu Kuo-shih 徐國士b. 1942N/A
4/2004—9/2007Ko Cheng-feng 柯正峰N/AN/A
9/2007—9/2009Chen Yi-hsing 陳益興N/AN/A
11/2009—7/2017Chu Nan-hsien 朱楠賢N/AN/A
7/2017—Chen Hsuch-yu 陳雪玉b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, NTSEC has the following subdivisions:

  Exhibition Division (zhanlanzu 展覽組),
  Experiment Division (shiyanzu 實驗組), and
  Promotion Division (tuiguangzu 推廣組).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOE]

National Museum of Natural Science, MOE (NMNS)

National Museum of Natural Science, MOE (NMNS) 國立自然科學博物館
No. 1 Guanqian Road,
North District, Taichung City 40453, Taiwan ROC
[40453 台中市北區館前路 1 號]
🌏 NMNS – Web link

The NMNS (guoli ziran kexue bowuguan 國立自然科學博物館, abbrev. keboguan 科博館, 🏁—guanzhang 館長) was opened on Jan. 1, 1986.

NMNS director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/1986—6/1995Han Pao-teh 漢寶德1934-2014Shandong
7/1995—8/1996Li Chia-wei 李家維b. 1953Taiwan
9/1996—10/1997 @Peng Ching-i 彭鏡毅1950-2018N/A
10/1997—1/2002Chow Yien-shing 周延鑫b. 1937Sichuan
2/2002—7/2002 @F. K. Hsieh 謝豐國N/AN/A
7/2002—7/2005Li Chia-wei (second time)
7/2005—5/2006 @Chou Wen-hao 周文豪N/AN/A
5/2006—5/2008Lin Tzong-shian 林宗賢N/AN/A
5/2008—7/2008Chou Wen-hao (second time)
8/2008—1/2011Chang Tien-jye 張天傑N/AN/A
1/2011—Sun Wei-hsin 孫維新b. 1957Taiwan

The administrative subdivisions of the NMNS include the following:

  Anthropology Department (renleixuezu 人類學組),
  Biology Department (shengwuxuezu 生物學組),
  Department of Operation, Visitor Service, Collection and Information management (yingyun diancang yu zixunzu 營運典藏與資訊組),
  Exhibits Department (zhanshizu 展示組),
  Geology Department (dizhixuezu 地質學組),
  Science Education Department (kexue jiaoyuzu 科學教育組);
  Administration Center of Natural Science Education Parks (ziran kexue jiaoyu yuanqu guanli zhongxin 自然科學教育園區管理中心);
  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Government Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室).

The following parks are facilities associated with the NMNS.

  • 921 Earthquake Museum of Taiwan 九二一地震教育園區: No. 192 Xinsheng Road, Kengkou Borough, Wufeng District, Taichung City 41363, Taiwan ROC [41363 台中市霧峰區坑口里新生路 192 號]
  • Chelungpu Fault Preservation Park 車籠埔斷層保存園區: No. 345 Jishan Road Sec. 2, Zhushan Town, Nantou County 55782, Taiwan ROC [55782 南投縣竹山鎮集山路 2 段 345 號]
  • Fonghuanggu Bird and Ecology Park 鳳凰谷鳥園生態園區: No. 1-9 Renyi Road, Lugu Township, Nantou County 55841, Taiwan ROC [55841 南投縣鹿谷鄉仁義路 1-9 號]

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOE]

National Science and Technology Museum, MOE (NSTM)

National Science and Technology Museum, MOE (NSTM) 國立科學工藝博物館
No. 720 Jiouru 1st Road,
Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City 80765, Taiwan ROC
[80765 高雄市三民區九如一路 720 號]
🌏 NSTM – Web link

The NSTM (guoli kexue gongyi bowuguan 國立科學工藝博物館, abbrev. kegongguan 科工館, 🏁—guanzhang 館長) was officially opened on Nov. 9, 1997.

NSTM director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
11/1997—7/1998Wang Ching-po 王清波N/AN/A
3/1999—2/2002Hsieh Yih-yong 謝義勇N/AN/A
5/2002—5/2004Yan Hong-sen 顏鴻森b. 1951Taiwan
1/2005—8/2007Wang Chun-fa 王駿發N/AN/A
9/2007—5/2010Hsieh Chung-wu 謝忠武b. 1965Taiwan
5/2010—Chen Shiunn-shyang 陳訓祥b. 1957Taiwan

The subdivisions of the NSTM include the following:

  Collections and Research Division (soucang yanjiuzu 蒐藏研究組),
  Exhibition Division (zhanshizu 展示組),
  Technology Education Division (keji jiaoyuzu 科技教育組),
  Visitor Services Division (gonggong fuwuzu 公共服務組);
  Information Division (zixun xiaozu 資訊小組);
  Accounting and Statistics Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室).

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National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium, MOE (NMMBA)

National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium, MOE (NMMBA) 國立海洋生物博物館
No. 2 Houwan Road, Houwan Village,
Checheng Township, Pingtung County 94450, Taiwan ROC
[94450 屏東縣車城鄉後灣村後灣路 2 號]
🌏 NMMBA – Web link

The NMMBA (guoli haiyang shengwu bowuguan 國立海洋生物博物館, abbrev. haishengguan 海生館, 🏁—guanzhang 館長) was opened on Feb. 25, 2000. The museum has three main exhibits: Waters of Taiwan (Taiwan shuiyuguan 台灣水域館), Coral Kingdom Pavilion (shanhu wangguoguan 珊瑚王國館) and World Waters Pavilion (shijie shuiyuguan 世界水域館), and it features an 81-m underwater moving track, the largest underwater tunnel in Asia.

NMMBA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2000–2006Fang Lee-shing 方力行N/AN/A
2006–2016Wang Wei-hsien 王維賢N/AN/A
6/2016—Chen Chii-shiarng 陳啟祥b. N/AN/A

The subdivisions of the NMMBA include the following:

  Biology Division (shengwu xunyangzu 生物馴養組),
  Engineering Division (gongwu jidianzu 工務機電組),
  Exhibition Division (zhanshizu 展示組),
  Planning & Research Division (qihua yanjiuzu 企劃研究組),
  Science Education Division (kexue jiaoyuzu 科學教育組);
  Aquarium Division (shuizu guanbu 水族館部), operated by the Hi-Sence World Co. Ltd. (haijing shijie qiye youxian gongsi 海景世界企業有限公司);
  Center for Cooperation between Schools (chanxue hezuo zhongxin 產學合作中心),
  Library, Multimedia and Publishing Center (tushuguan ji duomeiti chuban zhongxin 圖書館暨多媒體出版中心);
  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretary Office (mishushi 秘書室).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOE]

National Museum of Marine Science & Technology, MOE (NMMST)

National Museum of Marine Science & Technology, MOE (NMMST) 國立海洋科技博物館
No. 367 Beining Road,
Zhongzheng District, Keelung City 20248, Taiwan ROC
[20248 基隆市中正區北寧路 367 號]
🌏 NMMST – Web link

The NMMST (guoli haiyang keji bowuguan 國立海洋科技博物館, abbrev. haikeguan 海科館, 🏁—guanzhang 館長) was opened on Jan. 26, 2014 on the transformed site of the former North Thermal Power Plant (beibu huoli fadianchang 北部火力發電廠) which had been established in 1937 by the Japanese, started generating electricity in 1939 and was decommissioned in 1981.

NMMST director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2014—3/2019Wu Jeun-len 吳俊仁N/AN/A
3/2019—Chen Su-fen 陳素芬b. N/AN/A

The subdivisions of the NMMST include the following:

  Construction & Engineering Division (gongwu jidianzu 工務機電組),
  Exhibition & Education Division (zhanshi jiaoyuzu 展示教育組),
  Industry-Academy Cooperation Division (chanxue jiaoliuzu 產學交流組),
  Museum Management Division (jingying guanlizu 經營管理組),
  Research & Collection Division (yanjiu diancangzu 研究典藏組);
  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Executive Secretary Office (mishushi 秘書室), and
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOE]

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◆ Ministry of Culture (MOC)

Ministry of Culture (MOC) 文化部
13 F., South Tower, No. 439 Zhongping Road,
Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City 24219, Taiwan ROC
[24219 新北市新莊區中平路 439 號南棟 13 樓]
🌏 MOC – Web link
Description: MOCx01b
Logo of the Council for Cultural Affairs (CCA)

On Nov. 11, 1981 the Council for Cultural Planning and Development (xingzhengyuan wenhua jianshe weiyuanhui 行政院文化建設委員會, abbrev. wenjianhui 文建會 in Chinese and CCPD in English, 🏁—zhuren weiyuan 主任委員) was established. On July 16, 1995 its English name was changed to "Council for Cultural Affairs" (CCA). On May 20, 2012 it was upgraded and renamed Ministry of Culture (wenhuabu文化部, abbrev. MOC).

MOC ministers

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
11/1982—7/1988Chen Chi-lu 陳奇祿1923-2014Taiwan
7/1988—2/1993Kuo Wei-fan 郭為藩b. 1937Taiwan
2/1993—12/1994Shen Hsueh-yung 申學庸b. 1929Sichuan
12/1994—6/1996Cheng Su-ming 鄭淑敏b. 1946Taiwan
6/1996—5/2000Helen Lin 林澄枝b. 1939Taiwan
5/2000—5/2004Tchen Yu-chiou 陳郁秀b. 1949Taiwan
5/2004—1/2006Chen Chi-nan 陳其南b. 1947Taiwan
1/2006—5/2007Chiu Kun-liang 邱坤良b. 1949Taiwan
5/2007—2/2008Wong Chin-chu 翁金珠b. 1947Taiwan
2/2008—5/2008Wang Tuoh 王拓1944-2016Taiwan
5/2008—11/2009Huang Pi-twan 黃碧端b. 1945Fujian
11/2009—11/2011Emile Sheng 盛治仁b. 1968Taiwan
11/2011 @Lee Jen-fang 李仁芳b. 1951Taiwan
11/2011—1/2012Ovid J. L. Tzeng 曾志朗b. 1944Taiwan
2/2012—12/2014Lung Ying-tai 龍應台b. 1952Taiwan
12/2014—5/2016Hung Meng-chi 洪孟啟b. 1947N/A
5/2016—5/2020Cheng Li-chiun 鄭麗君b. 1969Taiwan
5/2020—1/2023Lee Yung-te 李永得b. 1955Taiwan
1/2023—5/2024Shih Che 史哲b. 1969Taiwan
5/2024—Li Yuan 李遠b. 1951Taiwan

MOC structure

MOC has the following internal administrative units:

  Department of Arts Development (yishu fazhansi 藝術發展司),
  Department of Audiovisual and Music Industry Development (yingshi ji liuxing yinyue fazhansi 影視及流行音樂發展司),
  Department of Cultural and Creative Development (wenchuang fazhansi 文創發展司),
  Department of Cultural Exchanges (wenhua jiaoliusi 文化交流司),
  Department of Cultural Resources (wenhua ziyuansi 文化資源司),
  Department of General Planning (zonghe guihuasi 綜合規劃司),
  Department of Humanities and Publications (renwen ji chubansi 人文及出版司);
  Department of Accounting (zhujichu 主計處),
  Department of Civil Service Ethics (zhengfengchu 政風處),
  Department of Information Management (zixunchu 資訊處),
  Department of Personnel Affairs (renshichu 人事處),
  Secretariat (mishuchu 秘書處); and
  Legal Affairs Committee (faguihui 法規會).

In addition, there is a Taiwan Creative Content Agency (wenhua neirong cejinyuan 文化內容策進院, abbrev. wenceyuan 文策院 in Chinese and TAICCA in English) as an administrative institution under the supervision of the MOC, set up to build a Taiwanese cultural brand. The TAICCA's first board meeting was held on June 17, 2019. The MOC also oversaw the construction of the Taipei Music Center (Taibei liuxing yinyue zhongxin 台北流行音樂中心, abbrev. beiliu 北流) which began in June 2013, the center was officially opened on Aug. 27, 2020 and can also be referred to in Chinese as beibu liuxing yinyue zhongxin 北部流行音樂中心.

The following are subordinate organizations under the MOC:

  Bureau of Audiovisual and Music Industry Development (wenhuabu yingshi ji liuxing yinyue chanyeju 文化部影視及流行音樂產業局, abbrev. BAMID),
  Bureau of Cultural Heritage (wenhuabu wenhua zichanju 文化部文化資產局, abbrev. BOCH),
  Mongolian and Tibetan Cultural Center (mengzang wenhua zhongxin 蒙藏文化中心),
  National Center for Traditional Arts (guoli chuantong yishu zhongxin 國立傳統藝術中心, abbrev. NCFTA),
  National Changhua Living Art Center (guoli Zhanghua shenghuo meixueguan 國立彰化生活美學館),
  National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall (guoli Zhongzheng jiniantang 國立中正紀念堂),
  National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall (guoli guofu jinianguan 國立國父紀念館),
  National Hsinchu Living Art Center (guoli Xinzhu shenghuo meixueguan 國立新竹生活美學館),
  National Human Rights Museum (guojia renquan bowuguan 國家人權博物館, abbrev. NHRM),
  National Museum of History (guoli lishi bowuguan 國立歷史博物館, abbrev. NMH),
  National Museum of Prehistory (guoli Taiwan shiqian wenhua bowuguan 國立臺灣史前文化博物館, abbrev. shiqianguan 史前館 in Chinese and NMP in English),
  National Museum of Taiwan History (guoli Taiwan lishi bowuguan 國立臺灣歷史博物館, abbrev. NMTH),
  National Museum of Taiwan Literature (guoli Taiwan wenxueguan 國立臺灣文學館, abbrev. NMTL),
  National Performing Arts Center (guojia biaoyan yishu zhongxin 國家表演藝術中心, abbrev. NPAC),
  National Tainan Living Art Center (guoli Tainan shenghuo meixueguan 國立臺南生活美學館),
  National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute (guoli Taiwan gongyi yanjiu fazhan zhongxin 國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心, abbrev. NTCRI),
  National Taiwan Museum (guoli Taiwan bowuguan 國立臺灣博物館, abbrev. NTM),
  National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (guoli Taiwan meishuguan 國立臺灣美術館, abbrev. guomeiguan 國美館 in Chinese and NTMoFA in English),
  National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra (guoli Taiwan jiaoxiang yuetuan 國立臺灣交響樂團, abbrev. guotaijiao 國台交 in Chinese and NTSO in English),
  National Taitung Living Art Center (guoli Taidong shenghuo meixueguan 國立臺東生活美學館);
  Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (Taiwan dangdai wenhua shiyanchang 臺灣當代文化實驗場, abbrev. C-LAB), run by the MOC's Taiwan Living Arts Foundation (Taiwan shenghuo meixue jijinhui 臺灣生活美學基金會), officially opened on Aug. 18, 2018, founding date according to C-LAB's Facebook page: Nov. 24, 2017;
  Taiwan Digital Asset Library (Taiwan shuwei moxingku 臺灣數位模型庫, abbrev. TDAL).

A judging panel (jinmanjiang pingshenhui 金漫獎評審會) formed by the MOC determines the nominees and winners of the annual Golden Comic Awards (jinmanjiang 金漫獎), first presented in 2010 by the GIO.

A Living Arts International Taiwan Office (guoji shenghuo yishu zuzhi Taiwan banshichu 國際生活藝術組織臺灣辦事處, abbrev. LAITO) was launched on Aug. 15, 2018 and is based at the Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-LAB) in Taipei.

Selected level-3 agencies under MOC

Details about the following selected agencies under MOC are shown directly below.

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Bureau of Cultural Heritage, MOC (BOCH)

Bureau of Cultural Heritage, MOC (BOCH) 文化部文化資產局
No. 362 Fuxing Road Sec. 3,
South District, Taichung City 40247, Taiwan ROC
[40247 台中市南區復興路 3 段 362 號]
🌏 BOCH – Web link

The BOCH (wenhuabu wenhua zichanju 文化部文化資產局, 🏁—juzhang 局長) was established on Oct. 17, 2007 as Preparatory Office of the Headquarters administration of Cultural Heritage under the CCA, Executive Yuan (xingzhengyuan wenhua jianshe weiyuanhui wenhua zichan zong guanlichu choubeichu 行政院文化建設委員會文化資產總管理處籌備處, 🏁—zhuren 主任) and upgraded to its current status on May 20, 2012 when the CCA became the MOC.

BOCH directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
10/2007—7/2008Lin Ding-tzann 林登讚b. N/A, d. 2015N/A
8/2008—8/2013Wang Show-lai 王壽來b. 1948Shanxi
8/2013—Shy Gwo-long 施國隆b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, BOCH has the following subdivisions:

  Division of Antiquities and Archaeological Sites (guwu yizhizu 古物遺址組),
  Division of General Planning (zonghe guihuazu 綜合規劃組),
  Division of Monuments and Settlements (guji juluozu 古蹟聚落組),
  Division of Traditional Arts and Folklore (chuanyi minsuzu 傳藝民俗組); and
  Institute of Cultural Heritage Research Preservation (wenhua zichan baocun yanjiu zhongxin 文化資產保存研究中心).

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National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute, MOC (NTCRI)

National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute, MOC (NTCRI) 國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心
No. 573 Zhongzheng Road,
Caotun Town, Nantou County 54246, Taiwan ROC
[54246 南投縣草屯鎮中正路 573 號]
🌏 NTCRI – Web link

The NTCRI (guoli Taiwan gongyi yanjiu fazhan zhongxin 國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心, 🏁—zhuren 主任) was established as Nantou County Craft Research Class (Nantouxian gongyi yanjiuban 南投縣工藝研究班) in July 1954, reorganized as Nantou County Handicraft Research Institute (Nantouxian gongyi yanxisuo 南投縣工藝研習所) in July 1959, transformed into the Taiwan Provincial Handicraft Research Institute (Taiwansheng shougongye yanjiusuo 臺灣省手工業研究所) in July 1973 and upgraded to National Taiwan Craft Research Institute (guoli Taiwan gongyi yanjiusuo 國立臺灣工藝研究所) on July 15, 1999, an agency under the CCA. Its current name was adopted in January 2010.

NTCRI directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1954–1956Yen Shui-long 顏水龍1903-1997Taiwan
1957Sung Shou-sung 宋壽松N/AN/A
1958—4/1991Hsiao Po-chang 蕭伯川b. 1926N/A
4/1991—7/2003Ueng Shyu-der 翁徐得N/AN/A
10/2003—3/2005Hung Ching-feng 洪慶峰N/AN/A
5/2003—7/2006Lin Ding-tzann 林登讚b. N/A, d. 2015N/A
7/2006—6/2011Lin Jeng-yi 林正儀b. 1958Taiwan
6/2011—1/2013Tsai Hsiang 蔡湘N/AN/A
1/2013—Hsu Keng-hsiu 許耿修b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, NTCRI has the following subdivisions:

  Collection Section (diancangzu 典藏組),
  Design Section (shejizu 設計組),
  Marketing Section (xingxiaozu 行銷組),
  Promotion Section (meixue tuiguangzu 美學推廣組),
  Research and Exhibition Section (yanjiu ji zhanlanzu 研究及展覽組), and
  Technique Section (jishuzu 技術組).

NTCRI also operates three branches:

  Miaoli Branch (Miaoli gongyi chanye yanfa fenguan 苗栗工藝產業研發分館),
  Taipei Branch (Taibei dangdai gongyi sheji fenguan 臺北當代工藝設計分館), and
  Yingge Branch (Yingge duomeicai yanfa fenguan 鶯歌多媒材研發分館).
Furthermore, since 2001 the NTCRI confers the MOC's National Crafts Awards (guojia gongyijiang 國家工藝獎).

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National Center for Traditional Arts, MOC (NCFTA)

National Center for Traditional Arts, MOC (NCFTA) 國立傳統藝術中心
No. 201 Wubin Road Sec. 2,
Wujie Township, Yilan County 26841, Taiwan ROC
[26841 宜蘭縣五結鄉五濱路 2 段 201 號]
🌏 NCFTA – Web link

The NCFTA (guoli chuantong yishu zhongxin 國立傳統藝術中心, abbrev. chuanyi zhongxin 傳藝中心, 🏁—zhuren 主任) was established on Jan. 28, 2002 and is tasked with overall planning, supporting the related research, promoting, preserving, and teaching the traditional arts, and also redefining, renovating, and developing the traditional arts. The center—one of the most important tourist spots in Yilan today—is located by the river bank of the Dongshan River 冬山河 and has a total area of 24 hectares.

NCFTA principals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2002—5/2005Ko Chi-liang 柯基良b. 1946Taiwan
5/2005—8/2006Lin Chao-hao 林朝號N/AN/A
8/2006—7/2008Lin Te-fu 林德福b. 1955Taiwan
7/2008—7/2011Ko Chi-liang (second time)
7/2011—5/2012Chen Chao-hu 陳兆虎N/AFujian
5/2012—10/2016Fang Jy-shiuh 方芷絮N/AN/A
11/2016Wang Lan-sheng 王蘭生N/AN/A
11/2016—Wu Rung-shun 吳榮順b. 1955Taiwan

In addition to its administrative units, the subdivisions of NCFTA include the following:

  Operation and Promotion Division (yingyun tuiguangzu 營運推廣組),
  Overall Planning Division (zonghe qihuazu 綜合企劃組), and
  Performing Arts Development Division (juyi fazhanzu 劇藝發展組).

Furthermore, there are four subordinate units:

  Guo-Guang Opera Company (guoguang jutuan 國光劇團),
  National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan (Taiwan guoyuetuan 臺灣國樂團),
  Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company (Taiwan yujutuan 臺灣豫劇團), and
  Taiwan Music Institute (Taiwan yinyueguan 臺灣音樂館).

The NCFTA is also in charge of presenting the traditional and artistic music category (chuantong ji yishu yinyuelei 傳統暨藝術音樂類) of the MOC's Golden Melody Awards (jinqujiang 金曲獎).

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Mongolian and Tibetan Cultural Center, MOC

Mongolian and Tibetan Cultural Center, MOC 蒙藏文化中心
4 F., No. 5 Xuzhou Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10055, Taiwan ROC
[10055 台北市中正區徐州路 5 號 4 樓]
🌏 Mongolian and Tibetan Cultural Center – Web link
Description: Nologo07

The Mongolian and Tibetan Cultural Center (mengzang wenhua zhongxin 蒙藏文化中心, 🏁—zhuren 主任) was established by the MOC on Sept. 15, 2017 to replace the Cabinet-level Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission (MTAC) which was abolished the same day. It should not be confused with the older center of the same name which the MTAC had set up in February 1993—that institution was renamed Mongolian and Tibetan Gallery (mengzang wenhuaguan 蒙藏文化館) aka Mongolian & Tibetan Culture Center when the MTAC was closed.

Mongolian and Tibetan Cultural Center directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
9/2017—Hsu Kuei-hsiang 徐桂香b. N/AN/A

The Mongolian and Tibetan Cultural Center has the following subdivisions:

  General Affairs Division (zongheke 綜合科),
  Mongolian Affairs Division (Meng shi ke 蒙事科), and
  Tibetan Affairs Division (Zang shi ke 藏事科).

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National Performing Arts Center, MOC (NPAC)

National Performing Arts Center, MOC (NPAC) 國家表演藝術中心
No. 21-1 Zhongshan South Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10066, Taiwan ROC
[10048 台北市中正區中山南路 21 之 1 號]
🌏 NPAC – Web link

NPAC (guojia biaoyan yishu zhongxin 國家表演藝術中心, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on April 2, 2014.

NPAC chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
4/2014—1/2017K. C. Chen 陳國慈b. 1947Hong Kong
1/2017—4/2022Ju Tzong-ching 朱宗慶b. 1954Taiwan
4/2022—Henry Kao 高志尚b. N/AN/A

NPAC oversees the following entities:

  National Theater & Concert Hall (guoijia liangtingyuan 國家兩廳院, abbrev. NTCH),
  National Taichung Theater (Taizhong guojia gejuyuan 臺中國家歌劇院),
  National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying guojia yishu wenhua zhongxin 衛武營國家藝術文化中心), also referred to as Weiwuying 衛武營; and
  National Symphony Orchestra (guojia jiaoxiang yuetuan 國家交響樂團, abbrev. NSO).

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Bureau of Audiovisual and Music Industry Development, MOC (BAMID)

Bureau of Audiovisual and Music Industry Development, MOC (BAMID) 影視及流行音樂產業局
No. 3 Kaifeng Street Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10066, Taiwan ROC
[10047 台北市中正區開封街 1 段 3 號]
🌏 BAMID – Web link

BAMID (wenhuabu yingshi ji liuxing yinyue chanyeju 文化部影視及流行音樂產業局, 🏁—juzhang 局長) was established on May 20, 2012. It undertakes missions previously performed by the former Government Information Office (GIO) to provide assistance for the development of Taiwan's film, radio & TV, and popular music industries.

BAMID directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
5/2012—9/2013Chu Wen-ching 朱文清b. 1953Taiwan
9/2013—9/2016Chang Chung-jen 張崇仁N/AN/A
9/2016—Hsu Yi-chun 徐宜君b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, BAMID has the following subdivisions:

  Motion Picture Industry Division (dianying chanyezu 電影產業組),
  Popular Music Industry Division (liuxing yinyue chanyezu 流行音樂產業組), and
  Radio and Television Industry Division (guangbo dianshi chanyezu 廣播電視產業組).

Furthermore, BAMID is in charge of prestigious annual cultural awards and contests of the MOC, including the following:

  • The Golden Bell Awards (jinzhongjiang 金鐘獎), Taiwan's equivalent to the Emmy Awards, were first presented in 1965 by the Government information Office (GIO) for best in Television and radio production. After 1968 the awards were presented by the CCA, the predecessor of the MOC.
  • The Golden Melody Awards (jinqujiang 金曲獎), Taiwan's equivalent to the Grammy Awards, were first presented in 1990 by the GIO for best in music production. It is subdivided into two categories—the popular music category (liuxing yinyuelei 流行音樂類) and the traditional and artistic music category (chuantong ji yishu yinyuelei 傳統暨藝術音樂類), the former presented by the BAMID and the latter by the NCFTA.
  • The Golden Visual Awards (jinshijiang 金視獎), first presented in 1997.
  • The Golden Indie Music Awards (jinyin chuangzuojiang 金音創作獎), first presented in 2010.
  • The Television Scriptwriting Awards (dianshi jiemu juben chuangzuojiang 電視節目劇本創作獎), first presented in 2010.
  • The Overseas TV Drama Broadcasting Awards (dianshiju haiwai gongkai bosong gongkai chuanshu jiangli 電視劇海外公開播送公開傳輸獎勵), first presented in 2016.
  • The Taiwan Composition and Songwriting Contest (Taiwan yuanchuang liuxing yinyue dajiang 臺灣原創流行音樂大獎), presented between 2004 and 2014.

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National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, MOC (NTSO)

National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, MOC (NTSO) 國立臺灣交響樂團
No. 738-2 Zhongzheng Road,
Wufeng District, Taichung City 41341, Taiwan ROC
[41341 台中市霧峰區中正路 738 之 2 號]
🌏 NTSO – Web link
Alternative logo

The NTSO (guoli Taiwan jiaoxiang yuetuan 國立臺灣交響樂團, abbrev. guotaijiao 國台交, 🏁—tuanzhang 團長) was founded in 1945 and is the oldest symphony orchestra in Taiwan.

NTSO directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1945–1949Tsai Chih-kue 蔡繼琨1912-2004Fujian/Taiwan
1949–1960Wang Shin-chi 王錫奇N/AN/A
1960–1973David C. L. Tai 戴粹倫1912-1981Shanghai
1973–1974Shih Wei-liang 史惟亮1926-1977Liaoning
1974–1991Teng Han-chin 鄧漢錦b. N/A, d. 2009Fujian
1991–2002David T. H. Chen 陳澄雄b. 1941Taiwan
2002–2005Su Chung 蘇忠N/AN/A
2005–2007Ko Chi-liang 柯基良b. 1946Taiwan
2007–2011Liu Suan-yung 劉玄詠b. 1960Taiwan
2011–2012Lin Jeng-yi 林正儀b. 1958Taiwan
2013–2014Chang Su-pao 張書豹N/AN/A
2014–2016Huang Su-jen 黃素貞N/AN/A
2016—Liu Suan-yung (second time)

The administrative subdivisions of the NTSO include the following:

  Music Data Division (ziliaozu 資料組),
  Performance Division (yanchu huodongzu 演出活動組),
  Planning and Marketing Division (qihua xingxiaozu 企劃行銷組),
  Research and Promotion Division (yanjiu tuiguangzu 研究推廣組);
  Accounting Office (kuaijishi 會計室),
  General Affairs Office (xingzhengshi 行政室), and
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室).

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Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall Management Office

National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall 國立中正紀念堂
No. 21 Zhongshan South Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10048, Taiwan ROC
[10048 台北市中正區中山南路 21 號]
🌏 National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall – Web link

The Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall Management Office (zhongzheng jiniantang guanlichu 中正紀念堂管理處, 🏁—chuzhang 處長) is the agency in charge of the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall (guoli zhongzheng jiniantang 國立中正紀念堂, abbrev. CKS Memorial Hall), a major landmark in Taipei and one of the city's most visited tourist destinations today. The CKS Memorial Hall was inaugurated on April 5, 1980, the fifth anniversary of Chiang Kai-shek's death. The CKS Memorial Hall Management Office was established on July 1, 1980 as a unit of the Taipei City Government; on July 11, 1986 it was placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Education (MOE). Since May 20, 2012 it belongs to the ROC Ministry of Culture (MOC) administratively.

Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall Management Office directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1980—12/1981Lo Peng 駱鵬N/AN/A
12/1981—4/1983Wang Hsi-chang 王錫昌N/AN/A
5/1983—1/1992Hsieh Yi 謝毅N/AN/A
1/1992—5/1995Chu Shao-tsung 朱紹宗N/AN/A
6/1995—7/2000Chen Chung-hua 陳重華N/AN/A
9/2000—2/2011Tseng Kun-ti 曾坤地N/AN/A
3/2011—12/2014Wu Tsu-sheng 吳祖勝N/AN/A
12/2014—2/2017Lin Hui-fen 林慧芬N/AN/A
2/2017—7/2023Lin Chin-sheng 林進盛b. 1958Taiwan
7/2023— @Yami Chou 周雅菁b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall Management Office has the following subdivisions:

  Cultural Asset Department (wenhua ziyuanzu 文化資源組),
  Education Promotion Department (tuiguang jiaoyuzu 推廣教育組),
  Electrical Engineering Department (gongwu jidianzu 工務機電組),
  Exhibition Planning Department (zhanlan qihuazu 展覽企劃組),
  General Planning Department (zonghe guihuazu 綜合規劃組), and
  Research and Acquisition Department (yanjiu diancangzu 研究典藏組).

The grounds of the CKS Memorial Hall, covering an area of ca. 25 ha, also include the National Concert Hall (guojia yinyueting 國家音樂廳) and the National Theatre (guojia xijuyuan 國家戲劇院) which were both inaugurated on Oct. 6, 1987 and are sometimes jointly referred to as "National Theater and Concert Hall" (guojia liang tingyuan 國家兩廳院, abbrev. NTCH).

Due to the undemocratic nature of Chiang Kai-shek's rule, the institution has been surrounded by controversy. Many Taiwanese question whether it is appropriate for a modern democracy to keep and maintain a memorial honouring a dictator who was responsible for the killing of thousands of Taiwanese for political reasons (see also the chapter about White Terror). That controversy was reflected in the passionate debates, fierce protests and counter-protests which accompanied the name change issue. On May 19, 2007 the CKS Memorial Hall was renamed "National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall" (guoli Taiwan minzhu jinianguan 國立台灣民主紀念館) by the Chen Shui-bian administration. The same day the inscription on the main gate—da zhong zhi zheng 大中至正, meaning "Great Centrality and Perfect Uprightness" in English and containing the two characters of Chiang Kai-shek's posthumous name "Zhongzheng" (中正)—was replaced with "Liberty Square" (ziyou guangchang 自由廣場). After the KMT's return to power the original name of the CKS Memorial Hall was restored on July 20, 2009 while the front plaza's name Liberty Square was retained.

Less than a week after the Transitional Justice Commission (cujin zhuanxing zhengyi weiyuanhui 促進轉型正義委員會, abbrev. cuzhuanhui 促轉會 in Chinese and TJC in English) was established on May 31, 2018, it was reported that the TJC's main priority would be dealing with the CKS Memorial Hall, and the dictator's statue there would either be relocated, destroyed or stay in the hall as part of a 'negative heritage site' (buyi yizhi 不義遺址). On July 12, 2024 the MOC announced that the military honor guard stationed in front of the CKS statue in the memorial hall would be removed starting July 15 the same year.

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National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, MOC

National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, MOC 國立國父紀念館
No. 505 Ren'ai Road Sec. 4,
Xinyi District, Taipei City 11073, Taiwan ROC
[11073 台北市信義區仁愛路 4 段 505 號]
🌏 National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall – Web link

The National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall (guoli guofu jinianguan 國立國父紀念館, 🏁—guanzhang 館長) was inaugurated on May 16, 1972. It is dedicated to the ROC's first president Sun Yat-sen 孫逸仙 (1866-1925), and it contains displays of Sun's life and the revolution he led. In addition, it is also a multi-purpose social, educational and cultural center for the public, occasionally serving as a venue for exhibitions, performances and award ceremonies. Its grounds cover an area of ca. 11.57 ha.

National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
9/1972—10/1978Shih Chun-wen 施俊文b. 1925Zhejiang
10/1978—10/1987Frank C. C. Tong 童啟祥1921-2010Hubei
11/1987—4/1991Wang Ching-po 王清波N/AN/A
4/1991—8/1991 @Cheng Chi-nan 鄭吉男N/AN/A
9/1991—4/1997Kao Thun-yun 高崇雲N/AN/A
5/1997—7/1999Tseng Chiang-yuan 曾江源b. 1934Taiwan
7/1999—2/2007Chang Jui-pin 張瑞濱N/AN/A
3/2007—2/2011Cheng Nai-wen 鄭乃文N/AN/A
3/2011—5/2012Tseng Kun-ti 曾坤地N/AN/A
5/2012—7/2015Wang Fu-lin 王福林N/AN/A
7/2015—9/2018Lin Kuo-chang 林國章N/AN/A
9/2018—11/2020Liang Yung-fei 梁永斐b. 1962Taiwan
11/2020—Wang Lan-sheng 王蘭生b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, the National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall has the following subdivisions:

  Electrical Engineering Division (gongwu jidianzu 工務機電組),
  Exhibition Planning Division (zhanlan qihuazu 展覽企劃組),
  Extension Service Division (tuiguang fuwuzu 推廣服務組),
  General Planning Division (zonghe fazhanzu 綜合發展組),
  Research and Acquisition Division (yanjiu diancangzu 研究典藏組), and
  Theater Management Division (juchang guanlizu 劇場管理組).

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National Taiwan Museum, MOC (NTM)

National Taiwan Museum, MOC (NTM) 國立台灣博物館
Main building 本館: No. 2 Xiangyang Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10046, Taiwan ROC
[10046 台北市中正區襄陽路 2 號];
Museum administration 行政中心: 5 F., No. 71 Guanqian Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10047, Taiwan ROC
[10047 台北市中正區館前路 71 號 5 樓]
🌏 NTM – Web link

NTM (guoli Taiwan bowuguan 國立臺灣博物館, 🏁—guanzhang 館長) was founded on Oct. 24, 1908 as Taiwan Governor Museum (Taiwan zongdufu minzhengbu zhichanju fushu bowuguan 臺灣總督府民政部殖產局附屬博物館) by the Japanese and is the oldest museum in Taiwan. After WWII it was put under the jurisdiction of the Taiwan Provincial Government (TPG) and renamed Taiwan Provincial Museum (Taiwan shengli bowuguan 臺灣省立博物館). In the process of streamlining of the TPG, the institution was transferred under the jurisdiction of the ROC central government's CCA in December 1998, and the current name was adopted in July 1999.

NTM directors since 1999

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
9/1999—10/2000Chuang Wei-cheng 莊維成N/AN/A
10/2000—5/2002An Kui 安奎N/AN/A
5/2002—9/2004Hsu Shui-hsian 徐水仙N/AN/A
9/2004—5/2012Hsiao Tsung-huang 蕭宗煌b. 1958Taiwan
5/2012—11/2016Chen Chi-min 陳濟民N/AN/A
11/2016—Hung Shih-yu 洪世佑b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, NTM has the following subdivisions:

  Collection Management Department (diancang guanlizu 典藏管理組),
  Education Department (jiaoyu tuiguangzu 教育推廣組),
  Exhibition & Planning Department (zhanshi qihuazu 展示企劃組), and
  Research Department (yanjiuzu 研究組).

Two other venues are associated with the NTM.

  • Land Bank Exhibition Hall 土銀展示館: No. 25 Xiangyang Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10046, Taiwan ROC [10046 台北市中正區襄陽路 25 號]
  • Nanmen Park 南門園區: No. 1 Nanchang Road Sec. 1, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10074, Taiwan ROC [10074 台北市中正區南昌路 1 段 1 號]

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National Museum of History, MOC (NMH)

National Museum of History, MOC (NMH) 國立歷史博物館
No. 49 Nanhai Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10066, Taiwan ROC
[10066 台北市中正區南海路 49 號]
🌏 NMH – Web link

NMH (guoli lishi bowuguan 國立歷史博物館, 🏁—guanzhang 館長) was set up on Dec. 4, 1955 under the name "National Museum of Historical Artifacts and Fine Arts" (guoli lishi wenwu meishuguan 國立歷史文物美術館), its current name was adopted on Oct. 10, 1957. The NMH's collection originally consisted of artifacts from the Henan Museum (Henan bowuguan 河南博物館) that were relocated to Taiwan in 1949, and of relics recovered from the Japanese after the Sino-Japanese War. The collections date back to the Neolithic period and the ancient Chinese dynasties Shang, Zhou, Han, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing, up to the contemporary era. The arrival of allocated artifacts and donations from private collectors gradually enriched the NMH's collection and enlarged its archives.

NMH directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/1956—5/1969Ignatius Pao Tsen-peng 包遵彭1916-1970Anhui
5/1969—7/1973Wang Yu-ching 王宇清1913-2009Jiangsu
7/1973—10/1985Ho Hao-tien 何浩天1919-2009Zhejiang
10/1985—2/1986Lee Ting-yuan 李鼎元N/AN/A
2/1986—2/1990Chen Kuei-miao 陳癸淼1934-2014Taiwan
2/1990—2/1995Chen Kang-shun 陳康順1929-2011Jiangsu
2/1995—7/2004Huang Kuang-nan 黃光男b. 1944Taiwan
7/2004—7/2005 @Huang Yung-chuan 黃永川1944-2015Taiwan
8/2005—2/2006 @Tseng Te-chin 曾德錦N/AN/A
3/2006—1/2010Huang Yung-chuan (second time)
1/2010—1/2017Chang Yui-tan 張譽騰b. 1951Taiwan
1/2017—1/2018 @Chen Teng-chin 陳登欽N/AN/A
1/2018—2/2018 @Chen Chi-ming 陳濟民N/AN/A
2/2018—Liao Hsin-tien 廖新田b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, NMH has the following subdivisions:

  Collection Division (diancangzu 典藏組),
  Creativity and Marketing Division (wenchuang xingxiaozu 文創行銷組),
  Education and Extension Division (jiaoyu tuiguangzu 教育推廣組),
  Exhibition Division (zhanlanzu 展覽組), and
  Research Division (yanjiuzu 研究組).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOC]

National Museum of Prehistory, MOC (NMP)

National Museum of Prehistory, MOC (NMP) 國立臺灣史前文化博物館
Main site 康樂本館: No. 1 Museum Road, Fengtian Borough,
Taitung City, Taitung County 95060, Taiwan ROC
[95060 台東縣台東市豐田里博物館路 1 號]
🌏 NMP – Web link

The NMP (guoli Taiwan shiqian wenhua bowuguan 國立臺灣史前文化博物館, abbrev. shiqianguan 史前館, 🏁—guanzhang 館長) was built at a location which is considered the most important site of the mid-Neolithic age in Taiwan. In July 1980 prehistoric remains were unearthed on the Peinan Site (beinan yizhi 卑南遺址) during railway construction. Following decade-long excavation efforts, an outdoor museum was proposed in April 1989 and approved by the Executive Yuan in July 1989. On Feb. 1, 1990 the Preparatory Office for the NMP (guoli Taiwan shiqian wenhua bowuguan choubeichu 國立臺灣史前文化博物館籌備處) was set up. Trial operations began on July 10, 2001, and the museum officially opened on Aug. 17, 2002. In addition to the main facility (kangle benguan 康樂本館), the museum also has two branches: Peinan Site Park (beinan yizhi gongyuan 卑南遺址公園) and Southern Taiwan Science Park Branch (nankeguan 南科館); the latter is also called Museum of Archaeology (nanke kaoguguan 南科考古館), and it was officially opened on Oct. 19, 2019.

NMP directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/2001—1/2002Chen Yi-yi 陳義一N/AN/A
3/2002—3/2006Tsang Cheng-hwa 臧振華b. 1947N/A
3/2006—8/2008Pu Chung-cheng 浦忠成b. 1957Taiwan
10/2008—7/2011Masegseg Z. Gadu 童春發N/AN/A
8/2011—3/2017Chang Shan-nan 張善楠N/AN/A
9/2017—8/2018Lee Yu-fen 李玉芬N/AN/A
9/2018—Wang Chang-hua 王長華b. N/AN/A

NMP has the following subdivisions:

  Division of Archaeological Site Development (yizhi fazhanzu 遺址發展組),
  Division of Exhibition and Education (zhanshi jiaoyuzu 展示教育組),
  Division of Research and Collection (yanjiu diancangzu 研究典藏組);
  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat Office (mishushi 秘書室).

The following two venues are associated with NMP.

  • Peinan Site Park 卑南遺址公園: No. 200 Cultural Park Road, Nanwang Borough, Taitung City, Taitung County 95059, Taiwan ROC [95059 台東縣台東市南王里文化公園路 200 號]
  • Southern Taiwan Science Park Branch 南科館: No. 10 Nanke Third Road, Xinshi District, Tainan City 74147, Taiwan ROC [74147 台南市新市區南科三路 10 號]

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOC]

National Museum of Taiwan History, MOC (NMTH)

National Museum of Taiwan History, MOC (NMTH) 國立臺灣歷史博物館
No. 250 Changhe Road Sec. 1,
Annan District, Tainan City 70946, Taiwan ROC
[70946 台南市安南區長和路 1 段 250 號]
🌏 NMTH – Web link

NMTH (guoli Taiwan lishi bowuguan 國立臺灣歷史博物館, 🏁—guanzhang 館長) was set up in September 1997 as Taiwan Provincial Museum of Taiwan History/Planning Office (Taiwan shengli lishi bowuguan choubeichu 臺灣省立歷史博物館籌備處, 🏁—zhuren 主任). In the process of streamlining of the Taiwan Provincial Government (TPG), the planning office was put under the jurisdiction of the CCA (the MOC's predecessor) in October 1999 and renamed National Museum of Taiwan History/Planning Office (guoli Taiwan lishi bowuguan choubeichu 國立臺灣歷史博物館籌備處). The NMTH was then formally established in March 2007 and finally opened for the public on Oct. 29, 2011. On May 11, 2021 the ROC Legislative Yuan passed legislation to upgrade it to a level-3 institution.

NMTH directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
9/1997—9/1999Shih Ming-fa 施明發N/AN/A
9/1999—11/1999Chuang Wei-cheng 莊維成N/AN/A
11/1999—4/2001Lin Jeng-yi 林正儀b. 1958Taiwan
4/2001—12/2001Huang Wu-chung 黃武忠1950-2005N/A
1/2002—9/2006Lu Li-cheng 呂理政b. 1950N/A
10/2006—11/2006Wang Show-lai 王壽來b. 1948Shanxi
12/2006—7/2008Wu Mi-cha 吳密察b. 1956Taiwan
8/2008—9/2008Kuo Pi-o 郭碧娥N/AN/A
10/2008—1/2016Lu Li-cheng (second time)
1/2016—9/2018Wang Chang-hua 王長華N/AN/A
9/2018—Lin Chung-hsi 林崇熙b./ N/AN/A

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOC]

National Museum of Taiwan Literature, MOC (NMTL)

National Museum of Taiwan Literature, MOC (NMTL) 國立臺灣文學館
No. 1 Zhongzheng Road,
West Central District, Tainan City 70041, Taiwan ROC
[70041 台南市中西區中正路 1 號]
🌏 NMTL – Web link

NMTL (guoli Taiwan wenxueguan 國立臺灣文學館, 🏁—guanzhang 館長) was founded on Oct. 17, 2003 as the first national museum in the ROC dedicated to the literary arts. It researches, catalogs, preserves, and exhibits literary artifacts and holds a large collection of local works in Taiwanese, Japanese, Mandarin, and Classical Chinese. Between 2003 and Aug. 13, 2007 its formal name was National Museum of Taiwan Literature/Planning Office (guojia Taiwan wenxueguan choubeichu 國家臺灣文學館籌備處, 🏁—zhuren 主任). On May 11, 2021 the ROC Legislative Yuan passed legislation to upgrade NMTL to a level-3 institution.

NMTL directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
10/2003—8/2005Lin Jui-ming 林瑞明1950-2018Taiwan
9/2005—3/2007Wu Li-chu 吳麗珠N/AN/A
3/2007—8/2007Wu Mi-cha 吳密察b. 1956Taiwan
8/2007—2/2010Cheng Pang-chen 鄭邦鎮b. 1947Taiwan
2/2010—1/2014Lee Jui-teng 李瑞騰b. 1952Taiwan
1/2014—7/2015Weng Chih-tsung 翁誌聰N/AN/A
7/2015—7/2016Chen Yi-yuan 陳益源N/AN/A
8/2016 @Hsiao Shu-jen 蕭淑貞N/AN/A
9/2016—Liao Chen-fu 廖振富b. N/AN/A

Please note that Lin Jui-ming, an acclaimed poet, was also known under his pen names Lin Fan 林梵 and Lin Tui-ying 林退嬰.

NMTL has the following subdivisions:

  Display & Education Division (zhanshi jiaoyuzu 展示教育組),
  Public Service Division (gonggong fuwuzu 公共服務組), and
  Research & Collection Division (yanjiu diancangzu 研究典藏組).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOC]

National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, MOC (NTMoFA)

National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, MOC (NTMoFA) 國立臺灣美術館
No. 2 Wuquan West Road Sec. 1,
West District, Taichung City 40359, Taiwan ROC
[40359 台中市西區五權西路 1 段 2 號]
🌏 NTMoFA – Web link

The NTMoFA (guoli Taiwan meishuguan 國立臺灣美術館, abbrev. guomeiguan 國美館, 🏁—guanzhang 館長) was inaugurated on June 26, 1988. Following the strong earthquake that devastated central Taiwan on Sept. 21, 1999, the museum was closed for rebuilding and reopened on July 3, 2004. The NTMoFA is dedicated to the education and promotion of visual arts. It places great emphasis on collecting works by Taiwanese artists and exploring unique characteristics of modern and contemporary Taiwanese arts.

NTMoFA directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
6/1988—1/1996Liu Dang-ho 劉欓河b. 1930Jiangxi
1/1996—8/1997 @Huang Kuo-han 黃國漢b. 1938Jiangxi
8/1997—10/2000Ni Tsai-chin 倪再沁1955-2015Taiwan
10/2000—11/2004Lee Wu-kuen 李戊崑N/AN/A
11/2004—7/2005 @Hsiao Ming-hsiang 蕭銘祥N/AN/A
7/2005—7/2006Lin Jeng-yi 林正儀b. 1958Taiwan
7/2006—7/2009Hsueh Pao-hsia 薛保瑕b. 1956Taiwan
8/2009—9/2009Chang Jen-chi 張仁吉N/AN/A
9/2009—7/2015Huang Tsai-lang 黃才郎N/AN/A
7/2015—8/2018Hsiao Tsung-huang 蕭宗煌b. 1958Taiwan
8/2018—10/2018 @Chen Chao-jung 陳昭榮N/AN/A
10/2018—11/2020Lin Chi-ming 林志明b. 1965Taiwan
11/2020—Liang Yung-fei 梁永斐b. 1962Taiwan

The subdivisions of the NTMoFA include the following:

  Collection Department (diancang guanlizu 典藏管理組),
  Education Department (jiaoyu tuiguangzu 教育推廣組),
  Exhibition Department (zhanlanzu 展覽組),
  Library Service Department (tushu ziliaozu 圖書資料組),
  Research Department (yanjiu fazhanzu 研究發展組);
  Accounting Office (kuaijishi 會計室),
  Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat Office (mishushi 秘書室).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOC]

National Human Rights Museum, MOC (NHRM)

National Human Rights Museum 國家人權博物館
No. 131 Fuxing Road,
Xindian District, New Taipei City 23150, Taiwan ROC
[23150 新北市新店區復興路 131 號]
🌏 NHRM – Web link

The NHRM (guojia renquan bowuguan 國家人權博物館, 🏁—guanzhang 館長) began operations on Dec. 10, 2011 as preparatory office (guojia renquan bowuguan choubeichu 國家人權博物館籌備處, 🏁—zhuren 主任), its charter was approved on March 15, 2018. The two main sites of the NHRM are the Jing-Mei White Terror Memorial Park (baise kongbu Jingmei jinian yuanqu 白色恐怖景美紀念園區), inaugurated on May 18, 2018, and the Green Island White Terror Memorial Park (baise kongbu Lüdao yuanqu 白色恐怖綠島紀念園區), inaugurated on May 17, 2018. In the past, both were facilities where political prisoners were incarcerated.

NHRM directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
12/2011—4/2012Jason Chen 陳善報N/AN/A
4/2012—7/2017Wang Yi-chun 王逸群N/AN/A
8/2017—Chen Chun-hung 陳俊宏b. N/AN/A

In addition to the two memorial parks, there are the following administrative subdivisions:

  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Administrative Office (zonghe guihuazu 綜合規劃組),
  Human Resources Office (renshishi 人事室),
  Planning Division (zhanshi jiaoyuzu 展示教育組), and
  Research and Collection Division (dianzang yanjiu ji dang'an zhongxin 典藏研究及檔案中心).

The Asia-Pacific office of the Federation of the International Human Rights Museums (FIHRM) was set up on Sept. 3, 2019 and is based at the NHRM.

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOC]

===== ===== ===== ===== =====

◆ Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW)

Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) 衛生福利部
No. 488 Zhongxiao East Road Sec. 6,
Nangang District, Taipei City 11558, Taiwan ROC
[11558 台北市南港區忠孝東路 6 段 488 號]
🌏 MOHW – Web link
Description: MOHWx01a
Logo of the Department of Health (DOH)

On March 17, 1971 the National Health Administration (xingzhengyuan weishengshu 行政院衛生署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established. Its English name was changed to "Department of Health" (DOH) in the 1980s. On July 23, 2013 it was upgraded and renamed MOHW (weisheng fulibu 衛生福利部, abbrev. weifubu 衛福部). In the past, there were several cabinet-level agencies in charge of health issues, the last one was the Ministry of Health which was downgraded to MOI Health Administration (neizhengbu weishengshu 內政部衛生署) in May 1949 and renamed MOI Health Department (neizhengbu weishengsi 內政部衛生司) in August 1949.

MOHW ministers

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/1971—6/1974Yen Chun-hui 顏春輝1906-2001Taiwan
6/1974—5/1981Wang Chin-mao 王金茂1913-2002Taiwan
5/1981—1/1986Hsu Tse-chiu 許子秋1920-1988Taiwan
1/1986—6/1990Shih Chun-jen 施純仁1923-2017Taiwan
6/1990—8/1997Chang Po-ya 張博雅b. 1942Taiwan
9/1997—2/2000Steve Chan 詹啟賢b. 1948Taiwan
5/2000—8/2002Lee Ming-liang 李明亮b. 1936Taiwan
9/2002—5/2003Twu Shiing-jer 涂醒哲b. 1951Taiwan
5/2003—2/2005Chen Chien-jen 陳建仁b. 1951Taiwan
2/2005—5/2008Hou Sheng-mou 侯勝茂b. 1950Taiwan
5/2008—9/2008Lin Fang-yue 林芳郁b. 1950Taiwan
9/2008—8/2009Yeh Ching-chuan 葉金川b. 1950Taiwan
8/2009—2/2011Yaung Chih-liang 楊志良b. 1946Taiwan
2/2011—10/2014Chiu Wen-ta 邱文達b. 1950Taiwan
10/2014 @Lin Tzou-yien 林奏延b. 1948Taiwan
10/2014—5/2016Chiang Been-huang 蔣丙煌b. 1951N/A
5/2016—2/2017Lin Tzou-yien 林奏延b. 1948Taiwan
2/2017—7/2022Chen Shih-chung 陳時中b. 1952Taiwan
7/2022—5/2024Hsueh Jui-yuan 薛瑞元b. 1955Taiwan
5/2024—Chiu Tai-yuan邱泰源b. 1956N/A

MOHW structure

MOHW has the following internal administrative units:

  Department of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy (zhong yiyaosi 中醫藥司),
  Department of Long-Term Care (changqi zhaogusi 長期照顧司),
  Department of Medical Affairs (yishisi 醫事司),
  Department of Mental and Oral Health (xinli ji kouqiang jiankangsi 心理及口腔健康司),
  Department of Nursing and Health Care (baohu fuwusi 保護服務司),
  Department of Planning (zonghe guihuasi 綜合規劃司),
  Department of Protective Services (huli ji jiankang zhaohusi 護理及健康照護司),
  Department of Social Assistance and Social Work (shehui jiuzhu ji shegongsi 社會救助及社工司), and
  Department of Social Insurance (shehui baoxiansi 社會保險司);
  Department of Accounting (kuaijichu 會計處),
  Department of Civil Service Ethics (zhengfengchu 政風處),
  Department of Information Management (zixunchu 資訊處),
  Department of Personnel (renshichu 人事處),
  Department of Secretarial Affairs (mishuchu 秘書處),
  Department of Statistics (tongjichu 統計處); and
  Legal Affairs Committee (faguihui 法規會).

The following administrative units in the MOHW should also be mentioned:

  Health & Welfare Workers Training Center (weisheng fuli renyuan xunlian zhongxin 衛生福利人員訓練中心),
  Hospital and Social Welfare Organizations Administration Commission (fushu yiliao ji shehui fuli jigou guanlihui 附屬醫療及社會福利機構管理會),
  National Health Insurance Committee (quanmin jiankang baoxianhui 全民健康保險會),
  National Health Insurance Dispute Mediation Committee (quanmin jiangkang baoxian zhengyi shenyihui 全民健康保險爭議審議會),
  National Pension Supervisory Committee (guomin nianjin jianlihui 國民年金監理會), and
  Office of International Cooperation (guoji hezuozu 國際合作組).

Organizations and institutions subordinate to or affiliated with the MOHW include the following:

  Centers for Disease Control (weisheng fulibu jibing guanzhishu 衛生福利部疾病管制署, abbrev. CDC),
  Food and Drug Administration (weisheng fulibu shipin yaowu guanlishu 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署, abbrev. FDA or TFDA),
  Health Promotion Administration (weisheng fulibu guomin jiankangshu 衛生福利部國民健康署, abbrev. HPA),
  National Health Insurance Administration (weisheng fulibu zhongyang jiankang baoxianshu 衛生福利部中央健康保險署, abbrev. NHIA),
  National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine (weisheng fulibu guojia Zhongyiyao yanjiusuo 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所, abbrev. NRICM), and
  Social and Family Affairs Administration (weisheng fulibu shehui ji jiatingshu 衛生福利部社會及家庭署, abbrev. SFAA).

In addition, the MOHW on April 11, 2023 announced the establishment of a Drug Supply Management Center (yaopin gongying tongbao chuli zhongxin 藥品供應通報處理中心).

The National Health Research Institutes (guojia weisheng yanjiuyuan 國家衛生研究院, abbrev. NHRI) are associated with the MOHW. The following hospitals and institutions are formally affiliated with the MOHW:

  Changhua Hospital (Zhanghua yiyuan 彰化醫院),
  Chia-yi Hospital (Jiayi yiyuan 嘉義醫院),
  Cishan Hospital (Qishan yiyuan 旗山醫院),
  Feng Yuan Hospital (Fengyuan yiyuan 豐原醫院),
  Hualien Hospital (Hualian yiyuan 花蓮醫院),
  Keelung Hospital (Jilong yiyuan 基隆醫院),
  Kinmen Hospital (Jinmen yiyuan 金門醫院),
  Miaoli General Hospital (Miaoli yiyuan 苗栗醫院),
  Nantou Hospital (Nantou yiyuan 南投醫院),
  Penghu Hospital (Penghu yiyuan 澎湖醫院),
  Pingtung Hospital (Pingdong yiyuan 屏東醫院),
  Puzi Hospital (Pozi yiyuan 朴子醫院),
  Sinying Hospital (Xinying yiyuan 新營醫院),
  Taichung Hospital (Taizhong yiyuan 臺中醫院),
  Tainan Hospital (Tainan yiyuan 臺南醫院),
  Taipei Hospital (Taibei yiyuan 臺北醫院),
  Taitung Hospital (Taidong yiyuan 臺東醫院),
  Taoyuan General Hospital (Taoyuan yiyuan 桃園醫院), and
  Yuli Hospital (Yuli yiyuan 玉里醫院);
  Bali Psychiatric Center (Bali liaoyangyuan 八里療養院),
  Jianan Psychiatric Center (Jia'nan liaoyangyuan 嘉南療養院),
  Lo-sheng Sanatorium and Hospital (Lesheng liaoyangyuan 樂生療養院),
  Taoyuan Psychiatric Center (Taoyuan liaoyangyuan 桃園療養院), and
  Tsaotun Psychiatric Center (Caotun liaoyangyuan 草屯療養院);
  Chest Hospital (xiongqiang bingyuan 胸腔病院);
  Hengchun Tourism Hospital (Hengchun lüyou yiyuan 恆春旅遊醫院);
  Central Region Senior Citizens' Home (zhongqu laoren zhi jia 中區老人之家),
  Eastern Region Senior Citizens' Home (dongqu laoren zhi jia 東區老人之家),
  Northern Region Senior Citizens' Home (beiqu laoren zhi jia 北區老人之家),
  Penghu Senior Citizens' Home (Penghu laoren zhi jia 澎湖老人之家), and
  Southern Region Senior Citizens' Home (nanqu laoren zhi jia 南區老人之家);
  Changhua Nursing Home (Zhanghua laoren yanghu zhongxin 彰化老人養護中心);
  Adolescents' Home (shaonian zhi jia 少年之家);
  Nantou Education and Nursing Institution (Nantou qizhi jiaoyangyuan 南投啟智教養院),
  Tainan Education and Nursing Institution (Tainan jiaoyangyuan 臺南教養院), and
  Yunlin Education and Nursing Institution (Yunlin jiaoyangyuan 雲林教養院);
  Central Region Children's Home (zhongqu ertong zhi jia 中區兒童之家),
  Northern Region Children's Home (beiqu ertong zhi jia 北區兒童之家), and
  Southern Region Children's Home (nanqu ertong zhi jia 南區兒童之家).

Selected level-3 agencies under MOHW

Details about the following selected agencies under MOHW are shown directly below.

TOP   HOME    [Jump to next cabinet-level agency]

Centers for Disease Control, MOHW (CDC)

Centers for Disease Control, MOHW (CDC) 衛生福利部疾病管制署
No. 6 Linsen South Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10050, Taiwan ROC
[10050 台北市中正區林森南路 6 號]
🌏 CDC – Web link

The CDC (weisheng fulibu jibing guanzhishu 衛生福利部疾病管制署, abbrev. jiguanshu 疾管署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) were established on July 1, 1999 under the Chinese name xingzhengyuan weishengshu jibing guanzhiju 行政院衛生署疾病管制局 based on the National Quarantine Service (xingzhengyuan weishengshu jianyi zongsuo 行政院衛生署檢疫總所, abbrev. NQS)—launched on July 1, 1989—as an agency under the DOH of the Executive Yuan. It was renamed when the DOH was upgraded to MOHW on July 23, 2013.

CDC director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1999—5/2000 @Chang Hong-jen 張鴻仁b. 1956Taiwan
5/2000—6/2002Twu Shiing-jer 涂醒哲b. 1951Taiwan
7/2002—9/2002 @Chiang Ying-lung 江英隆N/AN/A
9/2002—5/2003Chen Tzay-jinn 陳再晉N/AN/A
5/2003—5/2004Su Ih-jen 蘇益仁N/AN/A
5/2004—10/2004 @Shih Wen-yi 施文儀b. 1957Taiwan
10/2004—4/2010Steve Hsu-sung Kuo 郭旭崧b. 1957Taiwan
5/2010—4/2014Chang Feng-yee 張峰義b. 1957Fujian
5/2014—6/2014 @Chou Jih-haw 周志浩N/AN/A
6/2014—9/2016Steve Hsu-sung Kuo (second time)
9/2016—2/2023Chou Jih-haw (second time)
2/2023—Chuang Jen-hsiang 莊人祥b. 1966Taiwan

The CDC have the following divisions:

  Division of Acute Infectious Disease (jixing chuanran bingzu 急性傳染病組),
  Division of Chronic Infectious Diseases (manxing chuanran bingzu 慢性傳染病組),
  Division of HIV/AIDS and TB (aizi ji jiehe bingzu 愛滋及結核病組),
  Division of Infection Control and Biosafety (ganran guanzhi ji shengwu anquanzu 感染管制及生物安全組),
  Division of Planning and Coordination (qihuazu 企劃組),
  Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infectious Diseases (xinxing chuanranbing zhengbeizu 新興傳染病整備組),
  Division of Quarantine (jianyizu 檢疫組);
  Office of Preventive Medicine (yufang yixue bangongshi 預防醫學辦公室),
  Public Relations Office (gongguanshi 公關室);
  Center for Diagnostics and Vaccine Development (jianyan ji yimiao yanzhi zhongxin 檢驗及疫苗研製中心), and
  Epidemic Intelligence Center (yiqing zhongxin 疫情中心).

Nationwide the CDC also operate the following regional centers:

  Central Regional Center (zhongqu guanzhi zhongxin 中區管制中心),
  Eastern Regional Center (dongqu guanzhi zhongxin 東區管制中心),
  Kaohsiung-Pingtung Regional Center (Gao Ping qu guanzhi zhongxin 高屏區管制中心),
  Northern Regional Center (beiqu guanzhi zhongxin 北區管制中心),
  Southern Regional Center (nanqu guanzhi zhongxin 南區管制中心), and
  Taipei Regional Center (Taibei qu guanzhi zhongxin 臺北區管制中心).

In response to the 2003 SARS epidemic, the government established the National Health Command Center (guojia weisheng zhihui zhongxin 國家衛生指揮中心, abbrev. NHCC) based in the CDC on Jan. 18, 2005.

Fight against COVID-19

As a reaction to the spread of infections caused by the novel coronavirus nCoV-2019 aka COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 which was first identified in late 2019 in the mainland Chinese city of Wuhan, the CDC on Jan. 20, 2020 set up the Central Epidemic Command Center (zhongyang liuxing yiqing zhihui zhongxin 中央流行疫情指揮中心, abbrev. CECC, 🏁—zhihuiguan 指揮官). During most of the COVID-19 pandemic, daily briefings were held at the CECC for updates about the domestic situation. The CECC was disbanded on May 1, 2023.

CECC commanders

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2020Chou Jih-haw 周志浩N/AN/A
1/2020—7/2022Chen Shih-chung 陳時中b. 1952Taiwan
7/2022—5/2023Victor Wang 王必勝b. 1968Taiwan

The table directly below is a chronology of major events in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan since January 2020. Numbers of confirmed infections and total deaths are since the onset of the pandemic. The page "News headlines" also provides sources for the information and data shown in the chronology.

Year Date Pandemic event
2020 Jan. 21The CECC reports it identified the first imported case of 2019 novel coronavirus (nCoV-2019/COVID-19) infection in Taiwan
Jan. 24Taiwan imposes a ban on the export of face masks
Feb. 6The CECC launches name-based rationing system for face masks
Feb. 15Taiwan registers its first death caused by COVID-19
March 18The number of registered total COVID-19 infections in Taiwan reaches 100
June 1The ban on exporting face masks is lifted in Taiwan
2021March 19The number of registered total COVID-19 infections in Taiwan surpasses 1,000
March 22Taiwan launches its COVID-19 vaccination program
May 19Taiwan launches a new QR code for real-name registration system (contact tracing)
May 20Restrictions of level 3 epidemic alert (yiqing jingjie 疫情警戒) go into effect
May 30The number of deaths caused by COVID-19 in Taiwan surpasses 100
June 4The number of registered total COVID-19 infections in Taiwan surpasses 10,000
July 27The epidemic alert in Taiwan is lowered to level 2
2022April 27Taiwan cancels QR code contact tracing for COVID-19
April 29The number of registered total COVID-19 infections in Taiwan surpasses 100,000
May 13The number of deaths caused by COVID-19 in Taiwan surpasses 1,000
May 19The number of registered total COVID-19 infections in Taiwan surpasses 1 million
May 27The CECC reports 94,855 new confirmed infections with COVID-19, the highest number of daily new confirmed cases during the pandemic
June 10The CECC reports 213 new deaths caused by COVID-19, the highest number of daily deaths during the pandemic
Sept. 3The number of deaths caused by COVID-19 in Taiwan surpasses 10,000
Dec. 1The outdoor mask mandate in Taiwan is lifted
2023Feb. 20The indoor mask mandate in Taiwan is relaxed
Feb. 25The number of registered total COVID-19 infections in Taiwan surpasses 10 million
March 20Taiwan ends mandatory quarantine for mild cases of COVID-19
April 17Taiwan ends the mask mandate in public transportation
April 27The CECC holds its final press conference and announces its dissolution scheduled for May 1, 2023
2024May 8The CDC announce the end of the mask mandate in medical institutions for May 19, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic presented a huge health challenge to the entire world. The sharing of resources helped reducing the burden for many countries. After the seriousness of the events became evident, the ROC government immediately ramped up its production of face masks and was soon able to export millions of masks to partners in need. The favour was often returned in the form of vaccine donations which greatly helped Taiwan to expedite its vaccination campaign. The table below shows a list of selected vaccine donations, the date referring to the day when the shipment arrived in Taiwan.

Arrival date Donor country Number of doses Vaccine type
2021, June 4Japan1.24 millionAstraZeneca 
2021, June 20USA2.5 millionModerna
2021, July 8Japan1.13 millionAstraZeneca
2021, July 15Japan970,000AstraZeneca
2021, July 31Lithuania20,000AstraZeneca
2021, Aug. 29Czech Republic 30,000Moderna
2021, Sept. 5Poland400,000AstraZeneca
2021, Sept. 7Japan64,000AstraZeneca
2021, Sept. 14Japan500,000AstraZeneca
2021, Sept. 26 Slovakia160,000AstraZeneca
2021, Oct. 9Lithuania235,900AstraZeneca
2021, Oct. 27Japan300,000AstraZeneca
2021, Nov. 1USA1.5 millionModerna

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National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, MOHW (NRICM)

National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, MOHW (NRICM) 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所
No. 155-1 Linong Street Sec. 2,
Beitou District, Taipei City 11221, Taiwan ROC
[11221 台北市北投區立農街 2 段 155 之 1 號]
🌏 NRICM – Web link

The NRICM (weisheng fulibu guojia Zhong yiyao yanjiusuo 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所, abbrev. Zhong yi suo 中醫所, 🏁—suozhang 所長) was established on Oct. 22, 1963 under the guidance of the MOE with the Chinese name guoli Zhongguo yiyao yanjiusuo 國立中國醫藥研究所. When the Department of Health (DOH) was upgraded to MOHW and reorganized on July 23, 2013, the NRICM was placed under the new ministry, and the current name was adopted. It is Taiwan's largest Chinese herbal medicine research center.

NRICM directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
10/1963—4/1979Li Huan-hsin 李煥燊b. 1907, d. N/AGuangdong
4/1979—4/1988Liu Kuo-chu 劉國柱1933-2005N/A
4/1988—1/2004Chen Chieh-fu 陳介甫b. 1940Fujian
2/2004—8/2004 @Wu Tsung-neng 吳聰能N/AN/A
8/2004—8/2007Wu Tian-shung 吳天賞N/AN/A
8/2007—10/2009Lee Te-chang 李德章N/AN/A
10/2009—1/2016Huang Yi-tsau 黃怡超N/AN/A
2/2016—Guh Jih-hwa 顧記華b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, NRICM has the following subdivisions:

  Division of Basic Chinese Medicine (zhongyiyao jichu yanjiuzu 中醫藥基礎研究組),
  Division of Chinese Materia Medica Development (zhongyaocai fazhanzu 中藥材發展組),
  Division of Chinese Medicinal Chemistry (zhongyao huaxue yanjiuzu 中藥化學研究組),
  Division of Chinese Medicine Literature and Informatics (zhongyiyao dianjizu 中醫藥典籍組), and
  Division of Clinical Chinese Medicine (zhongyiyao linchuang yanjiuzu 中醫藥臨床研究組).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOHW]

Food and Drug Administration, MOHW (FDA)

Food and Drug Administration, MOHW (FDA) 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署
No. 161-2 Kunyang Street,
Nangang District, Taipei City 11561, Taiwan ROC
[11561 台北市南港區昆陽街 161-2 號]
🌏 FDA – Web link

The FDA (weisheng fulibu shipin yaowu guanlishu 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署, abbrev. shiyaoshu 食藥署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on Jan. 1, 2010 as an agency subordinate to the then-DOH (FDA's Chinese name at the time: xingzhengyuan weishengshu shipin yaowu guanliju 行政院衛生署食品藥物管理局, 🏁—juzhang 局長). It was upgraded and renamed after the establishment of the MOHW on July 23, 2013. A forerunner of today's FDA was the Food and Drug Inspection Bureau (yaowu shipin jianyanju 藥物食品檢驗局) which was established on Sept. 19, 1978 under the National Health Administration (xingzhengyuan weishengshu 行政院衛生署). Taiwan's FDA increasingly uses the abbreviation "TFDA" (standing for Taiwan FDA) to set itself apart and avoid confusion with the Food and Drug Adminstration of the US which is abbreviated FDA as well.

FDA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2010—7/2013Kang Jaw-jou 康照洲N/AN/A
7/2013—11/2013 @Hsu Ming-neng 許銘能N/AN/A
11/2013—10/2014Yeh Ming-kung 葉明功b. 1963N/A
10/2014—1/2017Chiang Yu-mei 姜郁美N/AN/A
2/2017—7/2024Wu Shou-mei 吳秀梅N/AN/A
7/2024—Juang Shin-hun 莊聲宏b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, the subdivisions of FDA include the following:

  Division of Controlled Drugs (guanzhi yaopinzu 管制藥品組),
  Division of Food Safety (shipinzu 食品組),
  Division of Medical Devices and Cosmetics (yiliao qicai ji huazhuangpin zu 醫療器材及化粧品組),
  Division of Medicinal Products (yaopinzu 藥品組),
  Division of Planning and Research Development (qihua ji keji guanlizu 企劃及科技管理組),
  Division of Research and Analysis (yanjiu jianyanzu 研究檢驗組),
  Division of Risk Management (fengxian guanlizu 風險管理組);
  Office of Information Management (zixunshi 資訊室);
  Central Center (zhongqu guanli zhongxin 中區管理中心),
  Northern Center (beiqu guanli zhongxin 北區管理中心),
  Southern Center (nanqu guanli zhongxin 南區管理中心); and
  Factory for Controlled Drugs (zhiyao gongchang 製藥工廠).

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National Health Insurance Administration, MOHW (NHIA)

National Health Insurance Administration, MOHW (NHIA) 衛生福利部中央健康保險署
No. 140 Xinyi Road Sec. 3,
Daan District, Taipei City 10634, Taiwan ROC
[10634 台北市大安區信義路 3 段 140 號]
🌏 NHIA – Web link

The NHIA (weisheng fulibu zhongyang jiankang baoxianshu 衛生福利部中央健康保險署, abbrev. jianbaoshu 健保署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on Jan. 28, 1995 as the Bureau of National Health Insurance, DOH (xingzhengyuan weishengshu zhongyang jiankang baoxianju 行政院衛生署中央健康保險局, abbrev. jianbaoju 健保局 in Chinese and BNHI in English). Initially the leading position of the BNHI was "president" (zong jingli 總經理); that was changed to "director-general" (juzhang局長) on Jan. 1, 2010. The agency's current name was adopted when the DOH was upgraded to the MOHW on July 23, 2013.

NHIA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/1995—2/1998Yeh Ching-chuan 葉金川b. 1950Taiwan
2/1998—2/2001Lai Mei-shu 賴美淑b. 1949Taiwan
2/2001—6/2004Chang Hong-jen 張鴻仁b. 1956Taiwan
6/2004—12/2006Liu Chien-hsiang 劉見祥b. 1943N/A
12/2006—6/2009Chu Tzer-ming 朱澤民b. 1949N/A
6/2009—9/2009 @Lee Cheng-hua 李丞華N/AN/A
9/2009—8/2010Cheng Shou-hsia 鄭守夏N/AN/A
8/2010—9/2012Day Guey-ing 戴桂英b. 1953Taiwan
9/2012—5/2016Huang San-kuei 黃三桂b. 1950N/A
5/2016—1/2023Lee Po-chang 李伯璋N/AN/A
2/2023—Shih Chung-liang 石崇良b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, NHIA has the following subdivisions:

  Enrollment Division (chengbaozu 承保組),
  Financial Analysis Division (caiwuzu 財務組),
  Information Management Division (zixunzu 資訊組),
  Medical Affairs Division (yiwu guanlizu 醫務管理組),
  Medical Review and Pharmaceutical Benefits Division (yishen ji yaocaizu 醫審及藥材組),
  Planning Division (qihuazu 企劃組);
  NHIA Central Division (zhongqu yewuzu 中區業務組),
  NHIA Eastern Division (dongqu yewuzu 東區業務組),
  NHIA Kaoping Division (gaoping yewuzu 高屏業務組),
  NHIA Northern Division (beiqu yewuzu 北區業務組),
  NHIA Southern Division (nanqu yewuzu 南區業務組), and
  NHIA Taipei Division (Taibei yewuzu 臺北業務組).

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Health Promotion Administration, MOHW (HPA)

Health Promotion Administration, MOHW (HPA) 衛生福利部國民健康署
Taichung Office 台中辦公室: 6 F., No. 95 Mincyuan Road,
West District, Taichung City 40341, Taiwan ROC
[40341 台中市西區民權路 95 號 6 樓];
Taipei Office 台北辦公室: No. 36 Tacheng Street,
Datong District, Taipei City 10341, Taiwan ROC
[10341 台北市大同區塔城街 36 號]
🌏 HPA – Web link

The HPA (weisheng fulibu guomin jiankangshu 衛生福利部國民健康署, abbrev. guojianshu 國健署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on July 23, 2013 based on the Bureau of Health Promotion (xingzhengyuan weishengshu guomin jiankangju 行政院衛生署國民健康局, abbrev. BHP) under the MOHW's predecessor DOH. The BHP had come into existence on July 12, 2001 when the DOH's Department of Health Care (weishengshu baojianchu 衛生署保健處), the Institute of Family Planning (jiating jihua yanjiusuo 家庭計畫研究所), the Institute of Public Health (gonggong weisheng yanjiusuo 公共衛生研究所) and the Institute of Maternal and Child Health (fuyou weisheng yanjiusuo 婦幼衛生研究所) were merged.

HPA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/2001—7/2003David Weng 翁瑞亨N/AN/A
8/2003—7/2005Lin Shio-jean 林秀娟N/AN/A
8/2005—8/2006Wu Chun-ming 吳浚明b. 1946Taiwan
8/2006—9/2009Hsiao Mei-ling 蕭美玲b. 1949Taiwan
10/2009—6/2016Chiou Shu-ti 邱淑媞b. 1962Taiwan
6/2016—7/2016 @Chen Ran-chou 陳潤秋N/AN/A
7/2016—Wang Ying-wei 王英偉b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, HPA has the following subdivisions:

  Aging and Chronic Disease Control Division (manxing jibing fangzhizu 慢性疾病防治組),
  Cancer Prevention and Control Division (aizheng fangzhizu 癌症防治組),
  Community Health Division (shequ jiankangzu 社區健康組),
  Health Education and Tobacco Control Division (jiankang jiaoyu ji yanhai fangzhizu 健康教育及菸害防制組),
  Maternal and Child Health Division (fuyou jiankangzu 婦幼健康組),
  Planning Division (qihuazu 企劃組), and
  Surveillance and Research Division (jiance yanjiuzu 監測研究組).

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National Health Research Institutes, MOHW (NHRI)

National Health Research Institutes, MOHW (NHRI) 國家衛生研究院
No. 35 Keyan Road,
Zhunan Town, Miaoli County 35053, Taiwan ROC
[35053 苗栗縣竹南鎮科研路 35 號]
🌏 NHRI – Web link

The NHRI (guojia weisheng yanjiuyuan 國家衛生研究院) were formally established in January 1996 and are a non-profit foundation affiliated with MOHW and dedicated to medical research and improved healthcare in Taiwan. While its chairperson (dongshizhang 董事長) is concurrently the MOHW minister, the NHRI president (yuanzhang 院長) is the actual executive of the organization.

NHRI presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1996–2005Wu Cheng-wen 吳成文b. 1938Taiwan
1/2006—6/2006 @Liang Kung-yee 梁賡義b. 1951N/A
7/2006—8/2012Kenneth K. Wu 伍焜玉b. 1941Taiwan
8/2012—12/2012 @Wang Lu-hai 王陸海b. 1947Taiwan
12/2012—12/2015Kung Hsing-jien 龔行健b. 1947Fujian
1/2016—12/2017 @Yu Hsin-su 余幸司b. 1946N/A
12/2017—Liang Kung-yee (second time)

NHRI comprises the following research units:

  Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Nanomedicine (shengyi gongcheng yu naimi yixue yanjiusuo 生醫工程與奈米醫學研究所),
  Institute of Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Research (shengji yu yaowu yanjiusuo 生技與藥物研究所),
  Institute of Cellular and System Medicine (xipao ji xitong yixue yanjiusuo 細胞及系統醫學研究所),
  Institute of Molecular and Genomic Medicine (fenzi yu jiyin yixue yanjiusuo 分子與基因醫學研究所),
  Institute of Population Health Sciences (qunti jiankang kexue yanjiusuo 群體健康科學研究所),
  National Institute of Cancer Research (aizheng yanjiusuo 癌症研究所),
  National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (guojia huanjing yixue yanjiusuo 國家環境醫學研究所),
  National Institute of Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology (ganranzheng yu yimiao yanjiusuo 感染症與疫苗研究所);
  Center for Neuropsychiatric Research (shenjing ji jingshen yixue yanjiu zhongxin 神經及精神醫學研究中心),
  Immunology Research Center (mianyi yixue yanjiu zhongxin 免疫醫學研究中心),
  National Indigenous Peoples Health Research Center (yuanzhu minzu jiankang yanjiu zhongxin 原住民族健康研究中心), and
  National Mosquito-Borne Diseases Control Research Center (guojia wenmei chuanranbing fangzhi yanjiu zhongxin 國家蚊媒傳染病防治研究中心, abbrev. wenmeibing zhongxin 蚊媒病中心).

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Social and Family Affairs Administration, MOHW (SFAA)

Social and Family Affairs Administration, MOHW (SFAA) 衛生福利部社會及家庭署
12 F., No. 488 Zhongxiao East Road Sec. 6,
Nangang District, Taipei City 11558, Taiwan ROC
[11558 台北市南港區忠孝東路 6 段 488 號 12 樓]
🌏 SFAA – Web link

The SFAA (weisheng fulibu shehui ji jiatingshu 衛生福利部社會及家庭署, abbrev. shejiashu 社家署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was formally set up on July 23, 2013. Its primary focus is to formulate and promote policies and services in relating to the welfare of senior citizens, people with disabilities, women, child and youth, and to provide family support.

SFAA director

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/2013—Chien Hui-jiuan 簡慧娟b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, SFAA has the following subdivisions:

  Child and Youth Welfare Section (ershao fulizu 兒少福利組),
  Family Support Section (jiating zhichizu 家庭支持組),
  People with Disablilities Welfare Section (shenxin zhang'ai fulizu 身心障礙福利組),
  Senior Citizien Welfare Section (laoren fulizu 老人福利組), and
  Women Welfare and Planning Section (funü fuli ji qihuazu 婦女福利及企劃組).

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===== ===== ===== ===== =====

◆ Ministry of Labor (MOL)

Ministry of Labor (MOL) 勞動部
9 F., No. 83 Yanping North Road Sec. 2,
Datong District, Taipei City 10346, Taiwan ROC
[10346 台北市大同區延平北路 2 段 83 號 9 樓]
🌏 MOL – Web link
Description: MOLx01e

On Aug. 1, 1987 the Council of Labor Affairs (xingzhengyuan laogong weiyuanhui 行政院勞工委員會, abbrev. laoweihui 勞委會 in Chinese and CLA in English, 🏁—zhuren weiyuan 主任委員) was established. Previous ROC cabinet-level agencies in charge of labour affairs were the Ministry of Labour Affairs (laodongbu 勞動部), established in 1947, and its successor, the Ministry of Social Affairs (shehuibu 社會部), established in 1948. The latter was integrated into the MOI as the Department of Labour Affairs (neizhengbu laogongsi 內政部勞工司) on March 21, 1949. The CLA was upgraded to being the MOL (laodongbu 勞動部) on Feb. 17, 2014.

MOL ministers

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/1987—2/1989Cheng Shui-chih 鄭水枝b. 1926Taiwan
2/1989—1994Chao Shou-po 趙守博b. 1941Taiwan
1994—5/1997Hsieh Shen-san 謝深山b. 1939Taiwan
5/1997—2/1998Hsu Chieh-kwei 許介圭b. 1932Taiwan
2/1998—5/2000Chan Hou-sheng 詹火生b. 1949Taiwan
5/2000—9/2005Chen Chu 陳菊b. 1950Taiwan
9/2005—5/2007Lee Ying-yuan 李應元1953-2021Taiwan
5/2007—5/2008Lu Tien-lin 盧天麟b. 1960Taiwan
5/2008—9/2012Jennifer Wang Ju-hsuan 王如玄b. 1961Taiwan
10/2012—7/2014Pan Shih-wei 潘世偉b. 1955Taiwan
7/2014—8/2014 @Hao Feng-ming 郝鳳鳴b. 1959N/A
8/2014—5/2016Chen Hsiung-wen 陳雄文b. 1954Taiwan
5/2016—2/2017Kuo Fong-yu 郭芳煜b. 1952Taiwan
2/2017—2/2018Lin Mei-chu 林美珠b. 1953Guangdong
2/2018—5/2024Hsu Ming-chun 許銘春b. 1966Taiwan
5/2024—11/2024Ho Pei-shan 何佩珊b. 1967N/A
11/2024 @Chen Ming-jen 陳明仁N/AN/A
11/2024—Hung Sun-han 洪申翰b. 1984Taiwan

MOL structure

MOL has the following internal administrative units:

  Department of Employment Relations (laodong guanxisi 勞動關係司),
  Department of Employment Welfare and Retirement (laodong fuzhi tuixiusi 勞動福祉退休司),
  Department of General Planning (zonghe guihuasi 綜合規劃司),
  Department of Labor Insurance (laodong baoxiansi 勞動保險司),
  Department of Labor Standards and Equal Employment (laodong tiaojian ji jiuye pingdengsi 勞動條件及就業平等司),
  Department of Legal Services (laodong fawusi 勞動法務司);
  Department of Accounting (kuaijichu 會計處),
  Department of Civil Service Ethics (zhengfengchu 政風處),
  Department of General Affairs (mishuchu 秘書處),
  Department of Human Resources (renshichu 人事處),
  Department of Information Management (zixunchu 資訊處), and
  Department of Statistics (tongjichu 統計處).

The following are subordinate organizations under the MOL:

  Bureau of Labor Funds (laodongbu laodong jijin yunyongju 勞動部勞動基金運用局),
  Bureau of Labor Insurance (laodongbu laogong baoxianju 勞動部勞工保險局, abbrev. BLI),
  Institute of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health (laodongbu laodong ji zhiye anquan weisheng yanjiusuo 勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所, abbrev. ILOSH),
  Kaohsiung-Pingtung-Penghu-Taitung Branch (laodongbu Gao Ping Peng Dong fenshu 勞動部高屏澎東分署),
  Occupational Safety and Health Administration (laodongbu zhiye anquan weishengshu 勞動部職業安全衛生署, abbrev. OSHA),
  Taichung-Changhua-Nantou Branch (laodongbu Zhong Zhang Tou fenshu 勞動部中彰投分署),
  Taipei-Keelung-Yilan-Hualien-Kinmen-Matsu Branch (laodongbu Bei Ji Yi Hua Jin Ma fenshu 勞動部北基宜花金馬分署),
  Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli Branch (laodongbu Tao Zhu Miao fenshu 勞動部桃竹苗分署),
  Workforce Development Agency (laodongbu laodongli fazhanshu 勞動部勞動力發展署, abbrev. WDA) which also operates the Skill Evaluation Center of WDA (laodongbu laodongli fazhanshu jineng jianding zhongxin 勞動部勞動力發展署技能檢定中心), and
  Yunlin-Chiayi-Tainan Branch (laodongbu Yun Jia Nan fenshu 勞動部雲嘉南分署).

Two subordinate organizations of the CLA were closed down when the CLA was upgraded to being the MOL—the Labor Pension Fund Supervisory Committee (laogong tuixiu jijin jianlihui 勞工退休基金監理會) and the Labor Insurance Supervisory Commission (laogong baoxian jianli weiyuanhui 勞工保險監理委員會).

Selected level-3 agencies under MOL

Details about the following selected agencies under MOL are shown directly below.

TOP   HOME    [Jump to next cabinet-level agency]

Bureau of Labor Insurance, MOL (BLI)

Bureau of Labor Insurance, MOL (BLI) 勞動部勞工保險局
No. 4 Roosevelt Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10013, Taiwan ROC
[10013 台北市中正區羅斯福路 1 段 4 號]
🌏 BLI – Web link

When the ROC labor insurance system first went into force in 1950, the private insurance company Taiwan Life insurance (Taiwan renshou baoxian gongsi 臺灣人壽保險公司) was authorized in the early stage to handle the whole business for which the company established a Department of Labor Insurance (laogong baoxianbu 勞工保險部). After legislation for this system was completed, the Taiwan Provincial Bureau of Labor Insurance (Taiwan sheng laogong baoxianju 臺灣省勞工保險局) took charge of labor insurance affairs on April 16, 1960. Following the first amendment of the Labor Insurance Act (laogong baoxian tiaoli 勞工保險條例), enforcement of the labor insurance system was extended to Fujian province, and the Taiwan Provincial Bureau of Labor Insurance in 1970 became the Bureau of Labor insurance in the Provinces of Taiwan and Fujian (Tai Min diqu laogong baoxianju 臺閩地區勞工保險局). In 1988 the then-Council of Labor Affairs (CLA) was assigned by the ROC central government to handle labor insurance affairs, while the provincial government and the municipal governments retained local jurisdiction over these matters.

The BLI (laogong baoxianju 勞工保險局) was formally established on July 1, 1996 following the promulgation of the Organization Act of the Bureau of Labor insurance (laogong baoxianju zuzhi tiaoli 勞工保險局組織條例) on Nov. 8, 1995. Since the upgrade of CLA to MOL on Feb. 17, 2014, BLI has been an agency under the MOL, and also on that day the official title of the agency's head was changed from General Manager (zong jingli 總經理)—sometimes also "President" or "CEO" in English—to Director-General (juzhang 局長).

BLI director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/1950—8/1962Yu Tzu-min 俞慈民1917-2009Zhejiang
9/1962—2/1966Chang Kuo-kan 張國幹N/AN/A
2/1966—8/1974Kang Kuo-jui 康國瑞N/AN/A
8/1974—4/1979Yang Tao-ku 楊道古1914-2001Zhejiang
4/1979—2/1986Wang Chia-chuan 王家銓N/AN/A
2/1986—7/1987Hsu Hsueh-tao 徐學陶N/AN/A
8/1987—6/1991Lin Chiang-fong 林江風N/AN/A
6/1991—4/1993Lin Tseng-chi 林增吉b. 1942Taiwan
5/1993—7/1996Huang Kuei-nan 黃癸楠N/AN/A
10/1996—10/1998Liu Chung-jang 劉忠讓N/AN/A
10/1998—9/2001Kuo Fong-yu 郭芳煜b. 1952Taiwan
9/2001—5/2004Ingrid Liao 廖碧英N/AN/A
6/2004—7/2006Shih Cheh 史哲b. 1969Taiwan
8/2006—5/2008Ingrid Liao (second time)
5/2008—7/2009Tsai Chi-an 蔡吉安N/AN/A
9/2009—9/2012Chen I-min 陳益民N/AN/A
9/2012—Luo Wuu-hu 羅五湖b. 1952N/A

In addition to its administrative units, BLI has the following subdivisions:

  Enrollment Division (nabaozu 納保組),
  Farmers Insurance Division (nongmin baoxianzu 農民保險組),
  Labor Pension Division (laogong tuixiujinzu 勞工退休金組),
  National Pension Division (guomin nianjinzu 國民年金組),
  Planning and Management Division (qihua guanlizu 企劃管理組),
  Premiums Division (baofeizu 保費組),
  Occupational Benefits Payment Division (zhiye zaihai geifuzu 職業災害給付組),
  Ordinary Accident Benefits Payment Division (putong shigu geifuzu 普通事故給付組); and
  Information Management Office (zixunshi 資訊室).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOL]

Bureau of Labor Funds, MOL

Bureau of Labor Funds, MOL 勞動部勞動基金運用局
10 F., No. 6 Roosevelt Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10066, Taiwan ROC
[10066 台北市中正區羅斯福路 1 段 6 號 10 樓]
🌏 Bureau of Labor Funds – Web link

The Bureau of Labor Funds (laodongbu laodong jijin yunyongju 勞動部勞動基金運用局, 🏁—juzhang 局長) was established on Feb. 17, 2014 based on the Labor Pension Fund Supervisory Committee (laogong tuixiu jijin jianlihui 勞工退休基金監理會) of the MOL predecessor, the Council of Labor Affairs (CLA). The Bureau of Labor Funds is responsible for overall planning and utilization of various labor funds, including the Labor Pension Fund / Labor Retirement Fund (laogong tuixiu jijin 勞工退休基金), the Labor Insurance Fund (laogong baoxian jijin 勞工保險基金), the Employment Insurance Fund (jiuye baoxian jijin 就業保險基金), the Overdue Wages Payment Fund (jiqian gongzi dianchang jijin 積欠工資墊償基金) and the Occupation Incidents Protection Fund (zhiye zaihai laogong baohu zhuankuan 職業災害勞工保護專款).

Bureau of Labor Funds director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2/2014—1/2017Huang Chao-hsi 黃肇熙N/AN/A
1/2017—Tsay Feng-ching 蔡豐清b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, the bureau has the following subdivisions:

  Domestic Investment Division (guonei touzizu 國內投資組),
  Finance Management Division (caiwu guanlizu 財務管理組),
  Foreign Investment Division (guowai zouzizu 國外投資組),
  Planning and Audit Division (qihua jihezu 企劃稽核組), and
  Risk Management Division (fengxian kongguanzu 風險控管組).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOL]

Institute of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health, MOL (ILOSH)

Institute of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health, MOL (ILOSH) 勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
No. 99 Lane 407, Hengke Road,
Sijhih District, New Taipei City 22143, Taiwan ROC
[22143 新北市汐止區橫科路 407 巷 99 號]
🌏 ILOSH – Web link

The ILOSH (laodongbu laodong ji zhiye anquan weisheng yanjiusuo 勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所, abbrev. laoansuo 勞安所, 🏁—suozhang 所長) was established on Aug. 1, 1992.

ILOSH chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/1992—3/1993 @Hsu Hsueh-tao 徐學陶N/AN/A
3/1993—6/1993 @Yang Sweo-chung 楊瑞鍾N/AN/A
6/1993—5/1995Shih Hung-chih 施鴻志b. 1947Taiwan
6/1995—7/2003Tai Chi-fu 戴基福N/AN/A
7/2003—6/2010Shih Tung-sheng 石東生N/AN/A
6/2010—6/2011 @Chen Chiou-jong 陳秋蓉N/AN/A
6/2011—5/2012 @Huang Chiu-kuei 黃秋桂N/AN/A
5/2012—7/2013Lin Chin-chi 林進基b. 1948Taiwan
7/2013—2/2014 @Chen I-min 陳益民N/AN/A
2/2014—6/2016Lin San-quei 林三貴N/AN/A
6/2016—6/2017Liu Chug-chun 劉佳鈞N/AN/A
6/2017— @Chung Lin-hui 鐘琳惠b. N/AN/A

ILOSH includes the following subordinate divisions:

  Division of ILOSH Exhibitions (laogong anquan weisheng zhanshiguan 勞工安全衛生展示館),
  Division of Labor Market (laodong shichang yanjiuzu 勞動市場研究組),
  Division of Labor Relations (laodong guanxi yanjiuzu 勞動關係研究組),
  Division of Occupational Hazards Assessment (zhiye weihai pinggu yanjiuzu 職業危害評估研究組),
  Division of Occupational Hygiene (zhiye weisheng yanjiuzu 職業衛生研究組), and
  Division of Occupational Safety (zhiye anquan yanjiuzu 職業安全研究組).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOL]

Occupational Safety and Health Administration, MOL (OSHA)

Occupational Safety and Health Administration, MOL (OSHA) 勞動部職業安全衛生署
11 F., South Tower, No. 439 Zhongping Road,
Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City 24219, Taiwan ROC
[24219 新北市新莊區中平路 439 號南棟 11 樓]
🌏 OSHA – Web link

The OSHA (laodongbu zhiye anquan weishengshu 勞動部職業安全衛生署, abbrev. zhianshu 職安署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on Feb. 17, 2014.

OSHA directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2/2014—1/2015Fu Huan-jan 傅還然N/AN/A
1/2015—6/2015 @Chang Chin-chiang 張金鏘N/AN/A
6/2015—2/2017Liu Chuan-ming 劉傳名N/AN/A
2/2017—Tzou Tzu-lien 鄒子廉b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, OSHA has the following subdivisions:

  Occupational Accident Labor Protection Division (zhizai laogong baohuzu 職災勞工保護組),
  Occupational Safety Division (zhiye anquanzu 職業安全組),
  Planning and Occupational Health Division (zonghe guihua ji zhiye weishengzu 綜合規劃及職業衛生組);
  Information Management Office (zixunshi 資訊室);
  Central Occupational Safety and Health Center (zhongqu zhiye anquan weisheng zhongxin 中區職業安全衛生中心),
  Northern Occupational Safety and Health Center (beiqu zhiye anquan weisheng zhongxin 北區職業安全衛生中心), and
  Southern Occupational Safety and Health Center (nanqu zhiye anquan weisheng zhongxin 南區職業安全衛生中心).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOL]

Workforce Development Agency, MOL (WDA)

Workforce Development Agency, MOL (WDA) 勞動部勞動力發展署
4 F., No. 439 Zhongping Road,
Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City 24219, Taiwan ROC
[24219 新北市新莊區中平路 439 號南棟 4 樓]
🌏 WDA – Web link

The WDA (laodongbu laodongli fazhanshu 勞動部勞動力發展署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was set up on March 2, 1981 under the name Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training (zhiye xunlianju 職業訓練局) under the MOI. After the establishment of the Council of Labor Affairs (CLA) on Aug. 1, 1987, the agency was placed under the CLA's authority. The current name was adopted on Feb. 17, 2014 when the CLA was upgraded to MOL.

WDA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/1981—1986Chu Tseng-yu 朱增郁b. 1929Hunan
1986–1987Hung Ching-lin 洪慶麟b. 1928Taiwan
1987–1994Chen Chung-sheng 陳聰勝b. 1944Taiwan
1994—7/2001Lin Tsong-ming 林聰明b. 1949Taiwan
9/2001—5/2006Kuo Fong-yu 郭芳煜b. 1952Taiwan
8/2006—8/2008Chen I-min 陳益民N/AN/A
9/2008—2/2014Lin San-quei 林三貴N/AN/A
2/2014—1/2015Liao Wei-jen 廖為仁N/AN/A
1/2015—6/2016Liu Chug-chun 劉佳鈞N/AN/A
6/2016—Huang Chiu-kuei 黃秋桂b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, the subdivisions of WDA include the following:

  Competency Standards and Skill Assessment Division (zhineng biaozhun ji jineng jiandingzu 職能標準及技能檢定組),
  Cross-Border Workforce Management Division (kuaguo laodongli guanlizu 跨國勞動力管理組),
  Employment Assistance for People with Disabilities and Disadvantages Division (shenxin zhang'aizhe ji teding duixiang jiuyezu 身心障礙者及特定對象就業組),
  Employment Service Divisions (jiuye fuwuzu 就業服務組),
  Planning Division (zonghe guihuazu 綜合規劃組),
  Training and Development Division (xunlian fazhanzu 訓練發展組);
  Information Management Office (zixunshi 資訊室),
  Legal Affairs Office (fawushi 法務室);
  Assessment Center (jineng jianding zhongxin 技能檢定中心),
  Cross-Border Workforce Affairs Center (kuaguo laodongli shiwu zhongxin 跨國勞動力事務中心),
  Workforce Development Innovation Center (laodongli fazhan chuangxin zhongxin 勞動力發展創新中心);
  Kaohsiung-Pingtung-Penghu-Taitung Regional Branch (Gao Ping Peng Dong fenshu 高屏澎東分署),
  Taichung-Changhua-Nantou Regional Branch (Zhong Zhang Tou fenshu 中彰投分署),
  Taipei-Keelung-Yilan-Hualien-Kinmen-Matsu Regional Branch (Bei Ji Yi Hua Jin Ma fenshu 北基宜花金馬分署),
  Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli Regional Branch (Tao Zhu Miao fenshu 桃竹苗分署), and
  Yunlin-Chiayi-Tainan Regional Branch (Yun Jia Nan fenshu 雲嘉南分署).

The Skill Evaluation Center of WDA (laodongbu laodongli fazhanshu jineng jianding zhongxin 勞動部勞動力發展署技能檢定中心) is a subordinate agency.

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOL]

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◆ Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA)

Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA) 數位發展部
No. 143 Yanping South Road, Zhongzheng District,
Taipei City 10066, Taiwan ROC
[10066 台北市中正區延平南路 143 號]
🌏 MODA – Web link

The MODA (shuwei fazhanbu 數位發展部, abbrev. shuweibu 數位部, 🏁—buzhang 部長) was established on Aug. 27, 2022 and integrates the associated services of the National Communications Commission (NCC), the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC), the National Development Council (NDC) and the Cabinet’s Department of Cyber Security (zitong anquanchu 資通安全處, abbrev. zianchu 資安處). MODA’s legal foundation is the Organization Act of the Ministry of Digital Affairs (shuwei fazhanbu zuzhifa 數位發展部組織法). Please note that the ministry itself writes its abbreviation boldface in lower case (“moda”).

MODA ministers

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/2022—5/2024Audrey Tang 唐鳳b. 1981Taiwan
5/2024—Huang Yen-nun 黃彥男b. 1960N/A

MODA structure

MODA has the following supporting units (fuzhu danwei 輔助單位):

  Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (zhujichu 主計處),
  Department of Civil Service Ethics (zhengfengchu 政風處),
  Department of Information Management (zixunchu 資訊處),
  Department of Legal Affairs (fazhichu 法制處),
  Department of Personnel (renshichu 人事處), and
  Secretariat (mishuchu 秘書處).

Furthermore, there are the following implementation units (yewu danwei 業務單位):

  Department of Communications and Cyber Resilience (renxing jianshesi 韌性建設司),
  Department of Democracy Network (minzhu wangluosi 民主網絡司),
  Department of Digital Service (shuwei zhengfusi 數位政府司),
  Department of Digital Strategy (shuwei celüesi 數位策略司),
  Department of Plural Innovation (duoyuan chuangxinsi 多元創新司), and
  Department of Resource Management (ziyuan guanlisi 資源管理司).

The following are organizations affiliated with the MODA as subordinate agencies (ciji jiguan 次級機關):

  Administration for Cyber Security (zitong anquanshu 資通安全署), and
  Administration for Digital Industries (shuwei chanyeshu 數位產業署).

In addition, MODA also lists a non-departmental public body (xingzheng faren 行政法人) on its organizational chart:

  National Institute of Cyber Security (guojia zitong anquan yanjiuyuan 國家資通安全研究院, abbrev. zianyuan 資安院 in Chinese and NICS in English)—formally established on Jan. 4, 2023; a plaque unveiling ceremony attended by ROC President Tsai Ing-wen took place on Feb. 10 that year.

The MODA building also houses the National Communications and Cyber Security Center (guojia tongxun ji wangji anquan zhongxin 國家通訊暨網際安全中心, abbrev. NCCSC) under the National Communications Commission (NCC) on the 10th floor. MODA is cooperating closely with the following institutions:

  • Institute for Information Industry (caituan faren zixun gongye cejinhui 財團法人資訊工業策進會)
  • Taiwan Network Information Center (caituan faren Taiwan wanglu zixun zhongxin 財團法人台灣網路資訊中心, abbrev. TWNIC; established in December 1999)
  • Telecom Technology Center (caituan faren dianxin jishu zhongxin 財團法人電信技術中心, abbrev. TTC; established in February 2004)

Selected level-3 agencies under MODA

Details about the following selected agencies under MODA are shown directly below.

TOP   HOME    [Jump to next cabinet-level agency]

Administration for Cyber Security, MODA (ACS)

Administration for Cyber Security, MODA (ACS) 數位發展部資通安全署
No. 143 Yanping South Road, Zhongzheng District,
Taipei City 10066, Taiwan ROC
[10066 台北市中正區延平南路 143 號]
🌏 ACS – Web link

The ACS (shuwei fazhanbu zitong anquanshu 數位發展部資通安全署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on Aug. 27, 2022 to counter cyber security threats. It was based on the Cyber Security Office (zitong anquan bangongshi 資通安全辦公室) which was set up under the Executive Yuan on March 8, 2013 and upgraded to Department of Cyber Security (zitong anquanchu 資通安全處) on Aug. 1, 2016.

ACS director-general

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/2022— Hsieh Tsui-chuan 謝翠娟 b. N/AN/A

ACS structure

ACS has the following supporting units (fuzhu danwei 輔助單位):

  Accounting and Statistics Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室).

Furthermore, there are the following implementation units (yewu danwei 業務單位):

  Cyber Security Audit Division (jihe jianchazu 稽核檢查組),
  Incident Notification and Response Division (tongbao yingbianzu 通報應變組),
  Planning Division (zonghe guihuazu 綜合規劃組),
  Regulation and International Cooperation Division (fagui ji guohezu 法規及國合組), and
  Training Division (fudao peixunzu 輔導培訓組).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MODA]

Administration for Digital Industries, MODA (ADI)

Administration for Digital Industries, MODA (ADI) 數位發展部數位產業署
20 F., No. 66 Zhongxiao East Road Sec. 1, Zhongzheng District,
Taipei City 10018, Taiwan ROC (Shin Kong Life Insurance Tower)
[10018 台北市中正區忠孝西路 1 段 66 號 20 樓(新光大樓)]
🌏 ADI – Web link

The ADI (shuwei fazhanbu shuwei chanyeshu 數位發展部數位產業署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was announced by the ROC President on Jan. 19, 2022 and established on Aug. 27, 2022 to promote development of the digital economy as well as guide, award, and manage digital economy-related industries.

ADI director-general

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/2022— Leu Jang-hwa 呂正華 b. N/AN/A

ADI structure

ADI has the following supporting units (fuzhu danwei 輔助單位):

  Accounting and Statistics Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室).

Furthermore, there are the following implementation units (yewu danwei 業務單位):

  Communications Division (tongxun chuanbozu 通訊傳播組),
  Digital Service Division (shuwei fuwuzu 數位服務組),
  Emerging and Cross-Domain Division (xinxing kuayuzu 新興跨域組),
  Platform Economy Division (pingtai jingjizu 平臺經濟組), and
  Policy Planning Division (zhengce guihuazu 政策規劃組).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MODA]

National Institute of Cyber Security (NICS)

National Institute of Cyber Security (NICS) 國家資通安全研究院
No. 143 Yanping South Road, Zhongzheng District,
Taipei City 10066, Taiwan ROC
[10066 台北市中正區延平南路 143 號]
🌏 NICS – Web link

The NICS (guojia zitong anquan yanjiuyuan 國家資通安全研究院, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was formally established on Jan. 4, 2023; a plaque unveiling ceremony attended by ROC President Tsai Ing-wen took place on Feb. 10 that year. NICS is based on the National Center for Cyber Security Technology (guojia zitong anquan huibao jishu fuwu zhongxin 國家資通安全會報技術服務中心, abbrev. NCCST) which had been set up in March 2001. Another senior position in NICS is president (yuanzhang 院長).

NICS chairperson

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2023—Audrey Tang 唐鳳b. 1981Taiwan

NICS president

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2023—Ho Chuan-te 何全德b. N/AN/A

TOP   HOME    [◆ MODA]

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◆ Ministry of Agriculture (MOA)

Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) 農業部
No. 37 Nanhai Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10014, Taiwan ROC
[10014 台北市中正區南海路 37 號]
🌏 MOA – Web link
Description: COAx01c

The ROC Ministry of Agriculture and Mining (nongkuangbu 農礦部) was officially established in October 1928 and headed by Yi Pei-chi 易培基 (1880-1937, Hunan), but in November 1930 it was merged with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (gongshangbu 工商部) to establish the Ministry of Enterprises (shiyebu 實業部). In March 1940, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (nonglinbu 農林部) was established.

After the ROC central government withdrew to Taiwan in 1949, agricultural affairs were handled by an agency called "Sino-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction" (Zhongguo nongcun fuxing lianhe weiyuanhui 中國農村復興聯合委員會, abbrev. nongfuhui 農復會 in Chinese and JCRR in English), established on Oct. 1, 1948. On March 16, 1979 it became an agency under the ROC Executive Yuan and renamed Council for Agricultural Planning and Development (xingzhengyuan nongye fazhan weiyuanhui 行政院農業發展委員會, abbrev. nongfahui 農發會 in Chinese and CAPD in English) which on Sept. 20, 1984 was replaced by the Council of Agriculture (xingzhengyuan nongye weiyuanhui 行政院農業委員會, abbrev. nongweihui 農委會 in Chinese and COA in English, 🏁—zhuren weiyuan 主任委員) . In the 2012-2014 ROC government restructuring, the COA was slated to be upgraded to the new Ministry of Agriculture (nongyebu 農業部) by Jan. 1, 2015, but the process was delayed until Aug. 1, 2023.

MOA ministers

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/1940Chen Jitang 陳濟棠1890-1954Guangdong
12/1941 @Shen Hung-lieh 沈鴻烈1882-1969Hubei
8/1944Sheng Shih-tsai 盛世才1895-1970Liaoning
8/1945Y. T. Tsur 周詒春1883-1958Hubei/Anhui
4/1947Tso Shun-sheng 左舜生1893-1969Hunan
10/1948—6/1964 Monlin Chiang 蔣夢麟1886-1964Zhejiang
6/1964—4/1973Shen Tsung-han 沈宗瀚1896-1980Zhejiang
4/1973—3/1979Li Chung-tao 李崇道b. 1923Shanghai
3/1979—8/1981Chang Hsien-tsiu 張憲秋1915-2005Jiangsu
8/1981—7/1988Wang You-tsao 王友釗b. 1925Fujian
7/1988—11/1992Yu Yu-hsien 余玉賢1934-1993Taiwan
11/1992—6/1996Paul Ming-hsien Sun 孫明賢b. 1937Taiwan
6/1996—5/1997Tjiu Mau-ying 邱茂英b. 1936Taiwan
5/1997—12/1999Peng Tso-kwei 彭作奎b. 1947Taiwan
12/1999—5/2000 @Lin Shiang-nung 林享能b. 1936Taiwan
5/2000—2/2001Chen Hsi-huang 陳希煌b. 1935Taiwan
2/2001—11/2002Fan Chen-tzung 范振宗b. 1942Taiwan
11/2002—1/2006Lee Chin-lung 李金龍b. 1947Taiwan
1/2006—5/2008Su Jia-chyuan 蘇嘉全b. 1956Taiwan
5/2008—1/2012Chen Wu-hsiung 陳武雄b. 1944Taiwan
2/2012—1/2016Chen Bao-ji 陳保基b. 1953Taiwan
2/2016—5/2016Chen Chih-ching 陳志清b. 1952Taiwan
5/2016—2/2017Charles Tsao 曹啟鴻b. 1948Taiwan
2/2017—12/2018Lin Tsung-hsien 林聰賢b. 1962Taiwan
12/2018—9/2023Chen Chi-chung 陳吉仲b. 1966N/A
9/2023— @Chen Junne-jih 陳駿季b. 1958N/A

MOA structure

The MOA has the following internal subdivisions:

  Department of Agricultural Science and Technology (nongye kejisi 農業科技司),
  Department of Animal Industry (xumusi 畜牧司),
  Department of Animal Welfare (dongwu baohusi 動物保護司),
  Department of Farmers’ Service (nongmin fudaosi 農民輔導司),
  Department of Information Technology (ziyuansi 資訊司),
  Department of International Affairs (guoji shiwusi 國際事務司),
  Department of Planning (zonghe guihuasi 綜合規劃司),
  Department of Resources Sustainability (ziyuan yongxu liyongsi 資源永續利用司);
  Department of Accounting (kuaijichu 會計處),
  Department of Government Ethics (zhengfengchu 政風處),
  Department of Legal Affairs (fazhichu 法制處),
  Department of Personnel (renshichu 人事處),
  Department of Statistics (tongjichu 統計處), and
  Secretariat (mishuchu 秘書處)

A Pet Management Division (chongwu guanlike 寵物管理科) was established under the COA Department of Animal Industry on April 3, 2022, responsible for regulating the pet industry, pet ownership and pet welfare.

Furthermore, there are the following subordinate agencies and organizations under MOA:

  Agency of Rural Development and Soil and Water Conservation (nongyebu nongcun fazhan ji shuitu baochishu 農業部農村發展及水土保持署, abbrev. ARDSWC),
  Agricultural Finance Agency (nongyebu nongye jinrongshu 農業部農業金融署, abbrev. AFNA),
  Agricultural Technology Park Administration Center (nongye keji yuanqu guanli zhongxin 農業科技園區管理中心, abbrev. ATP),
  Agriculture and Food Agency (nongyebu nongliangshu 農業部農糧署, abbrev. AFA),
  Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency (nongyebu dongzhiwu fangyi jianyisuo 農業部動植物防疫檢疫署, abbrev. APHIA),
  Fisheries Agency (nongyebu yuyeshu 農業部漁業署),
  Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency (nongyebu linye ji ziran baoyushu 農業部林業及自然保育署, abbrev. FANCA),
  Irrigation Agency (nongyebu nongtian shuilishu 農業部農田水利署), established on Oct. 1, 2020 by upgrading the former COA Department of Irrigation and Engineering (nongtian shuilichu 農田水利), and
  Taiwan Seed Improvement and Propagation Station (nongyebu zhongmiao gailiang fanzhichang 農業部種苗改良繁殖場, abbrev. TSIPS).

MOA also operates several research institutes.

  Agricultural Chemicals Research Institute (nongyebu nongye yaowu shiyansuo 農業部農業藥物試驗所, abbrev. ACRI),
  Fisheries Research Institute (nongyebu shuichan shiyansuo 農業部水產試驗所, abbrev. FRI),
  Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute (nongyebu nongye shiyansuo 農業部農業試驗所, abbrev. TARI),
  Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute (nongyebu shengwu duoyangxing yanjiusuo 農業部生物多樣性研究所, abbrev. TBRI),
  Taiwan Forestry Research Institute (nongyebu linye shiyansuo 農業部林業試驗所, abbrev. TFRI),
  Taiwan Livestock Research Institute (nongyebu xuchan shiyansuo 農業部畜產試驗所, abbrev. TLRI),
  Tea and Beverage Research Station (nongyebu cha ji yinliao zuowu gailiangchang 農業部茶及飲料作物改良場, abbrev. TBRS), and
  Veterinary Research Institute (nongyebu shouyi yanjiusuo 農業部獸醫研究所, abbrev. VRI).

In addition, there are several local Agricultural Research and Extension Stations (nongye gailiangchang 農業改良場) under MOA: Taoyuan, Miaoli, Taichung, Tainan, Kaohsiung, Hualien, and Taitung.

In order to strengthen the commercialization and industrialization of agricultural research results, the COA on Jan. 1, 2014 established the Agricultural Technology Research Institute (caituan faren nongye keji yanjiuyuan 財團法人農業科技研究院, abbrev. nongkeyuan 農科院 in Chinese and ATRI in English).

Selected level-3 agencies under MOA

Details about the following selected agencies under MOA are shown directly below.

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Agricultural Finance Agency, MOA (AFNA)

Agricultural Finance Agency, MOA 農業部農業金融局
3 F., No. 15 Hangzhou South Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10050, Taiwan ROC
[10050 台北市中正區杭州南路 1 段 15 號 3 樓]
🌏 AFNA – Web link

The AFNA (nongyebu nongye jinrongshu 農業部農業金融署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on Jan. 30, 2004 as Bureau of Agricultural Finance (xingzhengyuan nongweihui nongye jinrongju 行政院農委會農業金融局, abbrev. BOAF, 🏁—juzhang 局長) and has been responsible for supervising agricultural finance institutions, planning and promoting agricultural loan in policy aid. Noteworthy agricultural project loans include the Agricultural Development Fund (nongye fazhan jijin 農業發展基金), the Natural Disaster Aid Fund (nongye tianran zaihai jiuzhu jijin 農業天然災害救助基金) and the Sino-American Fund (Zhong Mei jijin 中美基金). BOAF was reorganized in its present form on Aug. 1, 2023.

AFNA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2004—2009Lai Wu-chi 賴武吉b. 1944Taiwan
2009—5/2014Austin Chan 詹庭禎N/AN/A
5/2014—2018Hsu Wei-wen 許維文b. 1962Taiwan
2018–2020Chu Chien-wei 朱建偉N/AN/A
2020—Lee Tsung-yung 李聰勇b. N/AN/A

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Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, MOA (TARI)

Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, MOA (TARI) 農業部農業試驗所
No. 189 Zhongzheng Road, Wanfeng Borough,
Wufeng District, Taichung City 41362, Taiwan ROC
[41362 台中市霧峰區萬豐里中正路 189 號]
🌏 TARI – Web link
TARI logo before August 2023

The origins of the TARI (nongyebu nongye shiyansuo 農業部農業試驗所, abbrev. nongshisuo 農試所, 🏁—suozhang 所長) can be traced back to the Agricultural Experiment Station (shuidao shizuosuo 水稻試作所) which was set up by the Japanese colonial government of Taiwan in 1895 and renamed/reorganized as Agriculture Experiment Station (nongye shiyanchang農事試驗場) on different administrative levels in 1900, 1901, and 1903. In 1921 it was transformed to the Agriculture Department of the Taiwan Governor's Central Research Institute (Taiwan zongdufu zhongyang yanjiusuo nongyebu 台灣總督府中央研究所農業部), and its final name under the Japanese—Taiwan Governor's Agriculture Laboratory (Taiwan zongdufu nongye shiyansuo 台灣總督府農業試驗所)—was adopted in 1939.

In 1945, the agency was taken over by the Taiwan Provincial Administrative Executive Office (Taiwansheng xingzheng zhangguan gongshu 臺灣省行政長官公署) of the ROC and named "Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute" (Taiwansheng nongye shiyansuo 臺灣省農業試驗所). In 1949, its affiliation was transferred to the Department of Agriculture and Forestry (Taiwan shengzhengfu nonglinting 臺灣省政府農林廳) under the Taiwan Provincial Government (TPG). On July 1, 1999 the agency was placed under the jurisdiction of the COA.

TARI director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
11/1945—3/1946Chao Lien-fang 趙連芳1894-1968Henan
4/1946—7/1947Ling Li 淩立N/AN/A
7/1947—1/1950Tang Wen-tong 湯文通1900-1994Fujian
1/1950—12/1969S. C. Hsu 徐水泉N/ATaiwan
4/1970—10/1986Wan Hsiung 萬雄N/AN/A
11/1986—8/1995C. C. Tu 杜金池N/AN/A
8/1995—2/2008Edgar Lin Chun-yi 林俊義b. 1938Taiwan
2/2008—8/2008Chen Ping-hui 陳炳輝N/AN/A
8/2008—9/2010D. J. Liu 劉大江N/AN/A
9/2010—Chen Junne-jih 陳駿季b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, TARI has the following operational subdivisions and affiliate organizations:

  Agricultural Chemistry Division (nongye huaxuezu 農業化學組),
  Agricultural Economics Division (nongye jingjizu 農業經濟組),
  Agricultural Engineering Division (nongye gongchengzu 農業工程組),
  Applied Zoology Division (yingyong dongwuzu 應用動物組),
  Biotechnology Division (shengwu jishuzu 生物技術組),
  Crop Science Division (zuowuzu 作物組),
  Farm Management Division (nongchang guanlizu 農場管理組),
  Plant Germplasm Division (zuowu zhongyuanzu 作物種原組),
  Plant Pathology Division (zhiwu binglizu 植物病理組),
  Technical Service Division (jishu fuwuzu 技術服務組);
  Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Branch (Jiayi nongye shiyan fensuo 嘉義農業試驗分所),
  Fengshan Tropical Horticultural Experiment Branch (Fengshan redai yuanyi shiyan fensuo 鳳山熱帶園藝試驗分所),
  Floriculture Research Center (huahui yanjiu zhongxin 花卉研究中心),
  Guansi Experiment Station (Guanxi gongzuozhan 關西工作站), and
  Innovation Incubation Center (chuangxin yucheng zhongxin 創新育成中心).

TARI also operates three branches—the Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Branch (Jiayi nongye shiyan fensuo 嘉義農業試驗分所), the Fengshan Tropical Horticultural Experiment Branch (Fengshan redai yuanyi shiyan fensuo 鳳山熱帶園藝試驗分所), and the Floricultural Experiment Branch (huahui shiyan fensuo 花卉試驗分所).

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Agriculture and Food Agency, MOA (AFA)

Agriculture and Food Agency, MOA (AFA) 農業部農糧署
Jhongsing Office 中興辦公區: No. 8 Guanghua Road, Jhongsing Village,
Nantou City, Nantou County 54044, Taiwan ROC
[54044 南投縣南投市中興新村光華路 8 號];
Taipei Office 台北辦公區: No. 15 Hangzhou South Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10050, Taiwan ROC
[10050 台北市中正區杭州南路 1 段 15 號]
🌏 Agriculture and Food Agency – Web link

The Agriculture and Food Agency (nongyebu nongliangshu 農業部農糧署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on Jan. 30, 2004.

Agriculture and Food Agency directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2004—5/2008Huang You-tsai 黃有才N/AN/A
5/2008—6/2011Chen Wen-deh 陳文德b. 1953Taiwan
6/2011—6/2016Li Tsang-lang 李蒼郎N/AN/A
6/2016—7/2018Chen Jen-pin 陳建斌b. 1956N/A
7/2018—Hu Jong-i 胡忠一b. N/AN/A

The subdivisions of the Agriculture and Food Agency include the following:

  Crop Production Division (zuowu shengchnzu 作物生產組),
  Farm Chemicals and Machinery Division (nongye zicaizu 農業資材組),
  Food Industry Division (liangshi chanyezu 糧食產業組),
  Food Warehousing and Transportation Division (liangshi chuyunzu 糧食儲運組),
  Marketing and Processing Division (yunxiao jiagongzu 運銷加工組), and
  Planning Division (qihuazu 企劃組).

The Agriculture and Food Agency also operates four regional branches: Northern Region Branch (beiqu fensuo 北區分所), Central Region Branch (zhongqu fensuo 中區分所), Southern Region Branch (nanqu fensuo 南區分所), and Eastern Region Branch (dongqu fensuo 東區分所).

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Taiwan Livestock Research Institute, MOA (TLRI)

Taiwan Livestock Research Institute, MOA (TLRI) 農業部畜產試驗所
No. 112 Muchang,
Xinhua District, Tainan City 71246, Taiwan ROC
[71246 台南市新化區牧場 112 號]
🌏 TLRI – Web link
TLRI logo before August 2023

The origins of the TLRI (nongyebu chuchan shiyansuo 農業部畜產試驗所, abbrev. chushisuo 畜試所, 🏁—suozhang 所長) can be traced back to the Taiwan Governor's Horse Breeding Farm (Taiwan zongdufu zhongma muchang 台灣總督府種馬牧場) set up by the Japanese in 1940 which in 1945 was taken over by the Taiwan Provincial Administrative Executive Office (Taiwansheng xingzheng zhangguan gongshu 臺灣省行政長官公署) of the ROC. In 1947, the farm was placed under the authority of the TPG Department of Agriculture and Forestry (Taiwan shengzhengfu nonglinting 臺灣省政府農林廳) under the Taiwan Provincial Government (TPG) as West Horse Breeding Farm (xibu zhongchuchang 西部種畜場) and restructured as Hsinhua Livestock Research Branch Institute (xinhua fensuo 新化分所) under the Taiwan Agriculture Research Institute (TARI) in 1952. The entity was upgraded to Taiwan Live Stock Research Institute (Taiwansheng chuchan shiyansuo 臺灣省畜產試驗所) in 1958 before it was reorganized again to TLRI on July 1, 1999.

TLRI director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1945–1947Wang Peng 王鵬N/AN/A
1947Phan Tin-yi 方定一1912-1985Zhejiang
1947–1949Huang Shung-lin 黃松齡N/AN/A
1949–1952Su Chin-chei 蘇振杰b. 1913, d. N/ATaiwan
1952–1958Chen Yao-kung 陳耀錕N/AN/A
1958–1961Chou Ya-chin 周亞青N/AN/A
1961–1967Huang I-kuei 黃以珪N/AN/A
1967–1969Ko Fu-chiang 戈褔江1913-1983Hebei
1969–1984Chou Tsai-yi 周才藝N/AN/A
1984–1989Chyr Shuang-ching 池雙慶N/AN/A
1989–1996Tai Chein 戴謙b. 1949Taiwan
1996–2008Wang Cheng-taung 王政騰N/AN/A
2008–2016Huang Ing-haur 黃英豪N/AN/A
2016—Cheng Yu-shin 鄭裕信b. 1952N/A

In addition to three regional branches—Northern Region Branch (beiqu fensuo 北區分所), Southern Region Branch (nanqu fensuo 南區分所), and Eastern Region Branch (dongqu fensuo 東區分所)—as well as a station (gongzuozhan 工作站) in Penghu, TLRI has four animal propagation stations and eight divisions:

  Animal Industry Division (chanyezu 產業組),
  Animal Products Processing Division (jiagongzu 加工組),
  Breeding and Genetics Division (yichuan yuzhongzu 遺傳育種組),
  Forage Crops Division (siliao zuowuzu 飼料作物組),
  Livestock Management Division (jingyingzu 經營組),
  Nutrition Division (yingyangzu 營養組),
  Physiology Division (shenglizu 生理組),
  Technical Service Division (jishu fuwuzu 技術服務組);
  Changhua Animal Propagation Station (Zhanghua zhongchu fanzhichang 彰化種畜繁殖場),
  Hualien Animal Propagation Station (Hialian zhongchu fanzhichang 花蓮種畜繁殖場),
  Kaohsiung Animal Propagation Station (Gaoxiong zhongchu fanzhichang 高雄種畜繁殖場), and
  Taitung Animal Propagation Station (Taidong zhongchu fanzhichang 臺東種畜繁殖場).

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Veterinary Research Institute, MOA (VRI)

Veterinary Research Institute, MOA (VRI) 農業部獸醫研究所
No. 376 Zhongzheng Road,
Danshui District, New Taipei City 25158, Taiwan ROC
[25158 新北市淡水區中正路 376 號]
🌏 VRI – Web link
AHRI logo

The origins of the Veterinary Research Institute (nongyebu shouyi yanjiusuo 農業部獸醫研究所, abbrev. VRI, 🏁—suozhang 所長) can be traced back to the Rinderpest Antiserum Production Laboratory (niuwen xueqing zuoyesuo 牛瘟血清作業所) which was established in 1904 by Japan's colonial authorities in Taiwan and renamed Animal Antiserum Production Laboratory (shouyi xueqing zhizaosuo 獸疫血清製造所) in 1919. The ROC's Taiwan provincial government reorganized it as Manufacturing Institute for Animal Antisera (Taiwansheng nonglinchu shouyi xueqing zhizaosuo 臺灣省農林處獸疫血清製造所) under the Department of Agriculture and Forestry (Taiwan shengzhengfu nonglinting 臺灣省政府農林廳) under the Taiwan Provincial Government (TPG) in 1949 and restructured it as Taiwan Provincial Research Institute for Animal Health (Taiwansheng jiachu weisheng shiyansuo 臺灣省家畜衛生試驗所) in 1962. That agency was reformed as Animal Drugs Inspection Branch (dongwuyong yaopin jianding fensuo 動物用藥品檢定分所) in August 1988 and reorganized as Animal Health Research Institute (nongyebu jiachu weisheng shiyansuo 農業部家畜衛生試驗所, abbrev. jiachusuo 家畜所 or jiaweisuo 家衛所 in Chinese and AHRI in English) under COA on July 1, 1999. It was renamed VRI on Aug. 1, 2023.

The mission of VRI is to study on animal infectious diseases, provide disease diagnostic services and implement assays of animal drugs, and from these of knowledge, improve the efficiency and sustainability of livestock farming, enhance animal welfare, safeguard the supply and safety of animal products.

VRI director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
5/1946—11/1947Wu Ching-mei 吳景美N/AN/A
11/1947—9/1948Kuang Jung-lu 鄺榮祿1911-2001Guangdong
9/1948—10/1950Wu Ching-mei (second time)
10/1950—5/1957Cheng Sen-yuan 鄭森淵N/AN/A
5/1957—1/1966Huang Wen-chih 黃文池N/AN/A
1/1966—10/1967Wang Ming-kan 王銘堪N/AN/A
10/1967—1/1969Lee Yung-chi 李永基N/AN/A
1/1969—10/1980Chen Shou-shih 陳守仕N/AN/A
10/1980—12/1981Chiu Shi-yan 邱仕炎N/AN/A
12/1981—7/1983Fu Tzu-hui 傅祖慧N/AN/A
8/1983—1/1993Chiu Shi-yan (second time)
1/1993—12/1997Liu Pei-po 劉培柏N/AN/A
12/1997—6/2004Lin Shih-yu 林士鈺N/AN/A
6/2004—5/2005Soong Hua-tsung 宋華聰N/AN/A
5/2005—3/2009Chao Parn-hwa 趙磐華N/AN/A
4/2009—7/2012Huang Chin-cheng 黃金城N/AN/A
7/2012—12/2015Tsai Hsing-jung 蔡向榮N/AN/A
12/2015—11/2018Tu Wen-jane 杜文珍N/AN/A
11/2018—3/2023Chiu Chui-chang 邱垂章N/AN/A
3/2023—Deng Ming-chung 鄧明中b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, VRI has the following operational subdivisions:

  Biologics Division (zhiji yanjiuzu 製劑研究組),
  Biology Division (shengwu yanjiuzu 生物研究組),
  Epidemiology Division (yixue yanjiuzu 疫學研究組), and
  Hog Cholera Division (zhuwen yanjiuzu 豬瘟研究組).

Furthermore, there are three research units under the Animal Drugs Inspection Branch (dongwuyong yaopin jianding fensuo 動物用藥品檢定分所):

  Department of Biological Assay and Research (shengwu yaopin jianding yanjiuxi 生物藥品檢定研究系),
  Department of Chemical Assay and Research (huaxue yaopin jianding yanjiuxi 化學藥品檢定研究系), and
  Department of Experimental Animal and Research (shiyan dongwu yanjiuxi 實驗動物研究系).

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Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency, MOA (APHIA)

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency, MOA (APHIA) 農業部動植物防疫檢疫署
9 F., No. 100 Heping West Road Sec. 2,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10070, Taiwan ROC
[10070 台北市中正區和平西路 2 段 100 號 9 樓]
🌏 APHIA – Web link

The APHIA (nongyebu dongzhiwu fangyi jianyishu 農業部動植物防疫檢疫署, abbrev. fangjianshu 防檢署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on Aug. 1, 1998 as Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine (xingyhengyuan dongzhiwu fangyi jianyiju 行政院農委會動植物防疫檢疫局, abbrev. BAPHIQ) and renamed on Aug. 1, 2023. APHIA works to safeguard and ensure the quality and sanitation of all agricultural products entering Taiwan, and it is also responsible for quarantine services and prevention and control of important animal and plant diseases and pests.

APHIA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/1998—12/2002Lee Chin-lung 李金龍b. 1947Taiwan
12/2002—5/2005Chiang Yi-nan 江益男N/AN/A
5/2005—5/2009Soong Hua-tsung 宋華聰N/AN/A
5/2009—3/2012Hsu Tien-lai 許天來N/AN/A
3/2012—9/2012 @Wang Cheng-taung 王政騰N/AN/A
9/2012—5/2013 @Hsieh Fu-mei 謝芙美N/AN/A
5/2013—6/2016Chang Su-san 張淑賢N/AN/A
6/2016—1/2018Huang Tze-chung 黃㯖昌N/AN/A
1/2018—1/2020Feng Hai-tung 馮海東N/AN/A
1/2020—2/2023Tu Wen-jane 杜文珍N/AN/A
3/2023—Chiu Chui-chang 邱垂章b. N/AN/A

In addition to four branches (fenshu 分署) in Keelung, Taoyuan, Taichung, and Kaohsiung, there are the following subdivisions:

  Animal Health Inspection Division (dongwu fangyizu 動物防疫組),
  Animal Quarantine Division (dongwu jianyizu 動物檢疫組),
  Meat Inspection Division (roupin jianchazu 肉品檢查組),
  Planning Division (qihuazu 企劃組), includes the Animal and Plant Quarantine Center (dongzhiwu jianyi zhongxin 動植物檢疫中心),
  Plant Protection Division (zhiwu fangyizu 植物防疫組), and
  Plant Quarantine Division (zhiwu jianyizu 植物檢疫組).

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Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute, MOA (TBRI)

Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute, MOA (TBRI) 農業部生物多樣性研究所
No. 1 Minsheng East Road,
Jiji Town, Nantou County 55244, Taiwan ROC
[55244 南投縣集集鎮民生東路 1 號]
🌏 TBRI – Web link
TBRI logo before August 2023

TBRI (nongyebu shengwu duoyangxing yanjiusuo 農業部生物多樣性研究所) was established on July 1, 1992 as Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute (Taiwansheng teyou shengwu yanjiu baoyu zhongxin 臺灣省特有生物研究保育中心, abbrev. TESRI) under the Department of Agriculture and Forestry (nonglinting 農林廳) of the Taiwan Provincial Government (TPG). After the downsizing of the TPG, TESRI was placed under the jurisdiction of the COA on July 1, 1999 and renamed Endemic Species Research Institute (teyou shengwu yanjiu baoyu zhongxin 特有生物研究保育中心, abbrev. tesheng zhongxin 特生中心 in Chinese and ESRI in English, 🏁—zhuren 主任).

TBRI's primary mission as an experimental research organization is to undertake survey and research on Taiwan's rare and endemic wild animals, plants, habitats and ecosystems, and to promote ecological education.

TBRI directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1992—5/1993 @Chien Ming-long 簡明龍N/AN/A
5/1993—3/2003Yen Jen-teh 顏仁德N/AN/A
5/2003—1/2007Ho Yuan-san 何源三N/AN/A
1/2007—2/2013Tang Hsiao-yu 湯曉虞N/AN/A
5/2013—9/2017Fang Kuo-yun 方國運N/AN/A
9/2017—Tony Yang Jia-dong 楊嘉棟b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, TBRI has the following subdivisions:

  Division of Botany (zhiwuzu 植物組),
  Division of Habitats and Ecosystems (qidi shengtaizu 棲地生態組),
  Division of Interpretation and Education (jieshuo jiaoyuzu 解說教育組),
  Division of Management (jingying guanlizu 經營管理組),
  Division of Zoology (dongwuzu 動物組);
  High Altitude Experimental Station (gao haiba shiyanzhan 高海拔試驗站),
  Low Altitude Experimental Station (di haiba shiyanzhan 低海拔試驗站), and
  Medium Altitude Experimental Station (zhong haiba shiyanzhan 中海拔試驗站).

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Taiwan Seed Improvement and Propagation Station, MOA (TSIPS)

Taiwan Seed Improvement and Propagation Station, MOA (TSIPS) 農業部種苗改良繁殖場
No. 6 Xingzhong Street, Danan Borough,
Xinshe District, Taichung City 42644, Taiwan ROC
[42644 台中市新社區大南里興中街 6 號]
🌏 TSIPS – Web link

The origins of the TSIPS (nongyebu zhongmiao gailiang fanzhichang 農業部種苗改良繁殖場, 🏁—changzhang 場長) can be traced back to the Sugarcane Seedling Nursery (zhemiao yangchengsuo 蔗苗養成所) which had been set up by the Japanese colonial government of Taiwan in 1913. When the ROC took over Taiwan, the name of the agency was changed to Sugarcane Seedling Propagation Station (zhemiao fanzhichang 蔗苗繁殖場) in December 1945 and later affiliated with the Department of Agriculture and Forestry (Taiwan shengzhengfu nonglinting 臺灣省政府農林廳) under the Taiwan Provincial Government (TPG) as Seed Propagation Station (zhongmiao fanzhichang 種苗繁殖場) on May 1, 1952. The current name was adopted on July 1, 1981, and TSIPS was reassigned to the COA on July 1, 1999.

TSIPS directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
12/1945—2/1951Wang Chi-chu 王啟柱N/AN/A
2/1951—1/1956Cheng Chao-cheng 鄭肇城N/AN/A
1/1956—11/1958Chang Yu-lin 張毓麟N/AN/A
11/1958—11/1963Chang Yi-tao 張沂滔N/AN/A
11/1963—3/1973Chuang Shu 莊紓N/AFujian
3/1973—2/1979Wu Kuo-chang 吳國璋N/AN/A
2/1979—1/1987Shi Ming-nang 施名南N/AN/A
1/1987—7/1993Edgar Lin Chun-yi 林俊義b. 1938Taiwan
7/1993—1/1996Huang Wu-lin 黃武林N/AN/A
1/1996—7/2001Sheen Tzay-fa 沈再發N/AN/A
7/2001—5/2007Hsiao Chi-hsiung 蕭吉雄N/AN/A
5/2007—1/2010Chen Kuo-hsiung 陳國雄N/AN/A
1/2010—1/2013Huang Kuo-tung 黃維東N/AN/A
1/2013—1/2017Yang Tso-chi 楊佐琦N/AN/A
1/2017—Chang Ding-lin 張定霖b. 1961N/A

In addition to its administrative units, TSIPS has the following research units:

  Biotechnology Section (shengwu jishuke 生物技術課),
  Plant Breeding and Variety Protection Section (pinzhong gailiang baohuke 品種改良保護課),
  Propagation Technology Section (fanzhi jishuke 繁殖技術課),
  Seed and Seedling Management Section (zhongmiao jingyingke 種苗經營課),
  Technical Service Section (jishu fuwuke 技術服務室);
  Research Farm (nongchang 農場), and
  Pingtung Seed & Seedling Research Center (Pingdong zhongmiao yanjiu zhongxin 屏東種苗研究中心).

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Tea and Beverage Research Station, MOA (TBRS)

Tea and Beverage Research Station, MOA (TBRS) 農業部茶及飲料作物改良場
No. 324 Chunghsing Road,
Yangmei District, Taoyuan City 32654, Taiwan ROC
[32654 桃園市楊梅區埔心中興路 324 號]
🌏 TBRS – Web link
TRES logo

The TBRS (nongyebu cha ji yinliao zuowu gailiangchang 農業部茶及飲料作物改良場, 🏁—changzhang 場長) was established in 1903 by the Japanese as Tea Manufacture Experiment Station under the Taiwan Governor's Bureau of Productive Industries (Taiwan zongdufu zhichanju fushu zhicha shiyanchang 台灣總督府殖產局附屬製茶試驗場). In 1968, it was reorganized as Taiwan Tea Experiment Station (Taiwansheng chaye gailiangchang 臺灣省茶業改良場) under the Taiwan Provincial Government (TPG) and again on July 1, 1999 as Taiwan Tea Experiment Station (xingzhengyuan nongye weiyuanhui chaye gailiangchang 行政院農業委員會茶業改良場) under the COA. In 2003 the English name Tea Research and Extension Station (TRES) was adopted, and it was reorganized in its current form on Aug. 1, 2023.

TBRS directors since 1948

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1948—5/1981Wu Chen-tau 吳振鐸1918-2000Fujian
5/1981—3/1992Chiu Tsai-fa 邱再發N/ATaiwan
3/1992—3/1999Juan I-ming 阮逸明N/ATaiwan
3/1999—11/2001Liao Ching-liang 廖慶樑b. 1942Taiwan
11/2001—2/2011Lin Mu-lien 林木連N/ATaiwan
4/2011—3/2015Chen Iou-zen 陳右人b. 1957Taiwan
3/2015—1/2018Chen Kuo-renn 陳國任b. 1952Taiwan
1/2018—6/2019Lee Hung-hsi 李紅曦N/ATaiwan
6/2019—Su Tsung-chen 蘇宗振b. N/ATaiwan

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOA]

Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency, MOA (FANCA)

Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency, MOA (FANCA) 農業部林業及自然保育署
No. 2 Hangzhou South Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10050, Taiwan ROC
[10050 台北市中正區杭州南路 1 段 2 號]
🌏 FANCA – Web link
TFB logo

The FANCA (nongyebu linye ji ziran baoyushu 農業部林業及自然保育署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established in October 1945 as an agency under the Taiwan Province Administrative Official Public Ministry (Taiwansheng xingzheng zhangguan gongshu 台灣省行政長官公署), called Office of Forestry Administration (Taiwan sheng xingzheng zhangguan gongshu nonglinchu linwuju 台灣省行政長官公署農林處林務局). After the establishment of the Taiwan Provincial Government (Taiwan sheng zhengfu 台灣省政府, abbrev. TPG) in April 1947, said agency was decommissioned in June 1947 and replaced with the TPG Forestry Administration Division (Taiwan sheng zhengfu nonglinchu linchan guanliju 台灣省政府農林處林產管理局) which in turn was reorganized on Feb. 15, 1960 as Forestry Bureau under TPG's Agriculture and Forestry Department (Taiwan sheng zhengfu nonglinting linwuju 台灣省政府農林廳林務局). After the TPG was streamlined and downsized in 1999, the agency became reorganized as Taiwan Forestry Bureau (nongyebu linwuju 農業部林務局, abbrev. linwuju 林務局 in Chinese and TFB in English, 🏁—juzhang 局長) under the COA. With the upgrade of COA to MOA on Aug. 1, 2023, TFB was renamed FANCA.

FANCA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
12/1945—6/1947Hwang Wei-yen 黃維炎1904-1988Guangdong
6/1947—9/1948Tang Zhenxu 唐振緒1911-2003Jiangsu
9/1948—4/1949Liang Chieh-cheng 梁劼誠N/AN/A
4/1949—8/1952Li Shun-ching 李順卿1892-1969N/A
9/1952—8/1956Pi Tso-chiung 皮作瓊b. 1898, d. N/AHunan
11/1956—11/1962Tao Yu-tien 陶玉田b. 1903, d. N/AShandong
11/1962—1/1974Shen Chia-ming 沈家銘1916-1982Zhejiang
1/1974—1/1980Hsu Hsueh-hsun 徐學訓N/AN/A
1/1980—3/1987Hsu Chi-you 許啟祐b. 1927Taiwan
3/1987—8/1995Ho Teh-hung 何德宏N/AN/A
8/1995—10/1999Ho Wai-jane 何偉真b. 1951Taiwan
10/1999—1/2001Huang Yung-chieh 黃永桀b. 1935Taiwan
4/2001—3/2003Huang Yue-hsing 黃裕星b. 1952N/A
3/2003 @Lee Tao-sheng 李桃生N/AN/A
3/2003—6/2011Yen Jen-teh 顏仁德N/AN/A
3/2012—7/2016Lee Tao-sheng (second time)
7/2016—Lin Hwa-ching 林華慶b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, FANCA has the following subdivisions:

  Conservation and Recreation Division (senlin yulezu 森林育樂組),
  Conservation Division (baoyuzu 保育組),
  Forest Administration Division (linzheng guanlizu 林政管理組),
  Forest Planning Division (senlin qihuazu 森林企劃組),
  Reforestation and Production Division (zaolin shengchanzu 造林生產組),
  Watershed Management Division (jishuiqu zhilizu 集水區治理組); and
  Aerial Survey Office (nonglin hangkong celiangsuo 農林航空測量所).

Furthermore, FANCA operates eight branches (fenshu 分署)—Hsinchu, Taichung, Nantou, Chiayi, Pingtung, Taitung, Hualien, and Yilan as well as a Aerial Survey and Remote Sensing Branch (nongyebu linye ji ziran baoyushu hangce ji yaoce fenshu 農業部林業及自然保育署航測及遙測分署).

On July 1, 2018 the Alishan Forest Railway and Cultural Heritage Office (Alishan linye tielu ji wenhua zichan guanlichu 阿里山林業鐵路及文化資產管理處) was established under the TFB of COA.

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOA]

Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, MOA (TFRI)

Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, MOA (TFRI) 農業部林業試驗所
No. 53 Nanhai Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10066, Taiwan ROC
[10066 台北市中正區南海路 53 號]
🌏 TFRI – Web link
TFRI logo before August 2023

The origins of the TFRI (nongyebu linye shiyansuo 農業部林業試驗所, abbrev. linshisuo 林試所, 🏁—suozhang 所長) can be traced back to the Taihoku Seedling Nursery (Taibei miaopu 台北苗圃) set up by the Japanese colonial government of Taiwan in 1900 which was reorganized in 1911 as Forestry Experimental Plot (linye shiyandi 林業試驗地) and became the Taihoku Botanical Garden (Taibei zhiwuyuan 台北植物園) in 1921. In 1945 the institution was taken over by the Taiwan Provincial Administrative Executive Office (Taiwansheng xingzheng zhangguan gongshu 臺灣省行政長官公署) of the ROC and named "Taiwan Forestry Research Institute" (Taiwansheng linye shiyansuo 臺灣省林業試驗所). That agency became the Forestry Research Institute (linye shiyansuo 林業試驗所) under the Department of Agriculture and Forestry (Taiwan shengzhengfu nonglinting 臺灣省政府農林廳) of the Taiwan Provincial Government (TPG) in 1949 and was restructured as TFRI under the COA on July 1, 1999.

TFRI director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1945–1965Lin Wei-fang 林渭訪1896-1974Zhejiang
1965–1968Juan Lu-tai 阮履泰b. 1912, d. N/AAnhui
1968–1990Liu Hsuan-cheng 劉宣誠b. 1925Shanxi
1990–2003Yang Jenq-chuan 楊政川N/AN/A
2003–2007King Hen-biau 金恆鑣b. 1942Zhejiang
2007—Huang Yue-hsing 黃裕星b. 1952N/A

In addition to its administrative units, TFRI has the following technical units and research centers:

  Botanical Garden Division (zhiwuyuan zu 植物園組),
  Forest Chemistry Division (senlin huaxuezu 森林化學組),
  Forest Management Division (senlin jingyingzu 森林經營組),
  Forest Protection Division (senlin baohuzu 森林保護組),
  Forest Utilization Division (senlin liyongzu 森林利用組),
  Forestry Economics Division (linye jingjizu 林業經濟組),
  Silviculture Division (yulinzu 育林組),
  Technical Service Division (jishu fuwuzu 技術服務組),
  Watershed Management Division (jishuiqu jingyingzu 集水區經營組),
  Wood Cellulose Division (mucai xianweizu 木材纖維組);
  Chungpu Research Center (Zhongpu yanjiu zhongxin 中埔研究中心),
  Fushan Research Center (Fushan yanjiu zhongxin 福山研究中心),
  Hengchun Research Center (Hengchun yanjiu zhongxin 恆春研究中心),
  Lienhuachih Research Center (Lianhuachi yanjiu zhongxin 蓮華池研究中心),
  Lioukuei Research Center (Liugui yanjiu zhongxin 六龜研究中心), and
  Taimalee Research Center (Taimali yanjiu zhongxin 太麻里研究中心).

TOP   HOME    [◆ MOA]

Agency of Rural Development and Soil and Water Conservation, MOA (ARDSWC)

Agency of Rural Development and Soil and Water Conservation, MOA (ARDSWC) 農業部農村發展及水土保持署
No. 6 Guanghua Road, Jhongsing Village,
Nantou City, Nantou County 54044, Taiwan ROC
[54044 南投縣南投市中興新村光華路 6 號]
🌏 ARDSWC – Web link
SWCB logo

The ARDSWC (nongyebu nongcun fazhan ji shuitu baochishu 農業部農村發展及水土保持署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on April 11, 1961 under the name Mountain Agricultural Resources Development Bureau, TPG (Taiwan shengzhengfu nonglinting shandi nongmuju 台灣省政府農林廳山地農牧局) which was based on the JCRR/China Rural Reviving United Committee (Zhongguo nongcun fuxing lianhe weiyuanhui 中國農村復興聯合委員會). The agency was reorganized as Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, COA (xingzhengyuan nongweihui shuitu baochiju 行政院農委會水土保持局, abbrev. shuibaoju 水保局 in Chinese and SWCB in English) on Dec. 5, 1989 and renamed ARDSWC on Aug. 1, 2023.

ARDSWC director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
4/1961—3/1964Chang Fang-hsieh 張芳夑1914-1994Taiwan
3/1964—1/1966Lin Kun-mao 林坤茂b. 1913, d. N/ATaiwan
1/1966—5/1973Su Chin-chei 蘇振杰b. 1913, d. N/ATaiwan
5/1973—10/1978Chen Cho-hsun 陳卓勳b. 1914, d. N/AHunan
10/1978—1/1983Liao Ying-wen 廖英文b. 1920Taiwan
1/1983—8/1988Liao Ta-niu 廖大牛b. 1925Taiwan
8/1988—1/1990Hsu Mao-chang 徐茂樟b. 1932Taiwan
1/1990—8/1995Hsiao Jung-fu 蕭榮福b. 1939Taiwan
8/1995—7/1996Hsueh Pai-chin 薛派欽b. 1931Taiwan
7/1996—5/2001Chen Chih-ching 陳志清b. 1952Taiwan
5/2001—5/2010Wu Huei-long 吳輝龍b. 1947Taiwan
5/2010—1/2015Huang Ming-yao 黃明耀b. 1949Taiwan
1/2015—Lee Chen-yang 李鎮洋b. 1960N/A

In addition to four administrative units, ARDSWC has the following three subdivisions:

  Debris Flow Disaster Prevention Center (tushiliu fangzai zhongxin 土石流防災中心),
  Monitoring and Management Division (jiancxe guanlizu 監測管理組), and
  Watershed Conservation and Management Division (baoyu zhilizu 保育治理組).

ARDSWC also operates six branches (fenshu 分署)—Taipei, Taichung, Nantou, Tainan, Taitung, and Hualien.

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Irrigation Agency, MOA

Irrigation Agency, MOA 農業部農田水利署
No. 5 Alley 45, Beixin Road Sec. 1,
Xindian District, New Taipei City 23147, Taiwan ROC
[23147 新北市新店區北新路 1 段 45 巷 5 號]
🌏 Irrigation Agency – Web link

The Irrigation Agency (nongyebu nongtian shuilishu 農業部農田水利署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on Oct. 1, 2020 based on the former Department of Irrigation and Engineering (nongtian shuilichu 農田水利處) under the COA according to amendments to the Act of Irrigation Association Organization (nongtian shuilihui zuzhi tongze 農田水利會組織通則) enacted on Jan. 31, 2018 and the Act of Irrigation (nongtian shuilifa 農田水利法) passed by the ROC Legislative Yuan on July 22, 2020. On Aug. 12, 2022 the ROC Constitutional Court ruled that the nationalization of Taiwan’s 17 irrigation associations under the Agency of Irrigation in July 2020 did not contravene the ROC Constitution.

Irrigation Agency directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
10/2020—Tsai Sheng-fu 蔡昇甫b. N/A N/A

The Irrigation Agency supervises 17 local divisions (guanlichu 管理處) which are the legal successors of the 17 former irrigation associations (nongtian shuilihui 農田水利會) that were nationalized and renamed when the Act of Irrigation was implemented.

  • Northern area (beiqu 北區): Peichi Irrigation Division (Beiji guanlichu 北基管理處), Liu-kung Irrigation Division (Liugong guanlichu 瑠公管理處), Chi-hsing Irrigation Division (Qixing guanlichu 七星管理處), Taoyuan Irrigation Division (Taoyuan guanlichu 桃園管理處), Shimen Irrigation Division (Shimen guanlichu 石門管理處), Hsinchu Irrigation Division (Xinzhu guanlichu 新竹管理處), Miaoli Irrigation Division (Miaoli guanlichu 苗栗管理處);
  • Central area (zhongqu 中區): Taichung Irrigation Division (Taizhong guanlichu 臺中管理處), Yunlin Irrigation Division (Yunlin guanlichu 雲林管理處), Changhua Irrigation Division (Zhanghua guanlichu 彰化管理處), Nantou Irrigation Division (Nantou guanlichu 南投管理處);
  • Southern area (nanqu 南區): Chia-nan Irrigation Division (Jianan guanlichu 嘉南管理處), Kaohsiung Irrigation Division (Gaoxiong guanlichu 高雄管理處), Pingtung Irrigation Division (Pingdong guanlichu 屏東管理處); and
  • Eastern area (dongqu 東區): Yilan Irrigation Division (Yilan guanlichu 宜蘭管理處), Hualien Irrigation Division (Hualian guanlichu 花蓮管理處), Taitung Irrigation Division (Taidong guanlichu 臺東管理處).

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Fisheries Agency, MOA

Fisheries Agency, MOA 農業部漁業署
Headquarters—No. 1 Yugang North 1st Road,
Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City 80672, Taiwan ROC
[80672 高雄市前鎮區漁港北一路 1 號];
Taipei Office—6 F., No. 100 Heping West Road Sec. 2,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10070, Taiwan ROC
[10070 台北市中正區和平西路 2 段 100 號 6 樓]
🌏 Fisheries Agency – Web link
Fisheries Agency logo before August 2023

The Fisheries Agency (nongyebu yuyeshu 農業部漁業署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長), was established on July 20, 1984 as COA Fisheries Department (xingzhengyuan nongye weiyuanhui yuyechu 行政院農業委員會漁業處) and upgraded on Aug. 1, 1998.

Fisheries Agency director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1984—8/1989P. W. Yuan 袁柏偉N/AN/A
8/1989—6/1996Lee Jen-chyuan 李健全b. 1945Taiwan
6/1996—7/1998Hsieh Ta-wen 謝大文N/AN/A
8/1998—9/2004Hu Sing-hwa 胡興華N/AN/A
9/2004—6/2008Hsieh Ta-wen (second time)
6/2008—12/2014James Sha 沙志一N/AN/A
1/2015—5/2016Tsay Tzu-yaw 蔡日耀N/AN/A
5/2016—1/2018Chen Tian-shou 陳添壽b. 1952N/A
1/2018—7/2019Huang Hung-yen 黃鴻燕N/AN/A
7/2019— @Chang Chih-sheng 張致盛b. N/AN/A

The following units are subordinate entities under the Fisheries Agency:

  Deep Sea Fishery Research and Development Center (yuanyang yuye kaifa zhongxin 遠洋漁業開發中心)
  Fishery Radio Station (yuye guangbo diantai 漁業廣播電臺)

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Fisheries Research Institute, MOA (FRI)

Fisheries Research Institute, MOA (FRI) 農業部水產試驗所
No. 199 Heyi Road,
Zhongzheng District, Keelung City 20246, Taiwan ROC
[20246 基隆市中正區和一路 199 號]
🌏 FRI – Web link
FRI logo before August 2023

The FRI (nongyebu shuichan shiyansuo 農業部水產試驗所, abbrev. shuishisuo 水試所, 🏁—suozhang 所長) was set up when its predecessor, the Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute (Taiwansheng shuichan shiyansuo 台灣省水產試驗所) under the Department of Agriculture and Forestry (Taiwan shengzhengfu nonglinting 台灣省政府農林廳) of the Taiwan Provincial Government (TPG) was reorganized and placed under the COA on July 1, 1999.

FRI director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1999–2002Liao I-chiu 廖一久b. 1936<Japan>
2002—1/2012Su Wei-cheng 蘇偉成b. 1946Taiwan
1/2012—3/2012 @Liu Teng-cheng 劉燈城b. 1950N/A
3/2012—1/2015Kuo Chin-lau 郭慶老N/AN/A
1/2015—Chen June-ru 陳君如b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative divisions, the FRI has also four research divisions and supervises six research centers.

  Aquaculture Division (shuichan yangzhizu 水產養殖組),
  Marine Fisheries Division (Haiyang yuyezu 海洋漁業組),
  Planning and Information Division (qihua zixunzu 企劃資訊組), and
  Seafood Technology Division (shuichan jiagongzu 水產加工組);
  Coastal and Offshore Resources Research Center (yanjinhai ziyuan yanjiu zhongxin 沿近海資源研究中心),
  Eastern Marine Biology Research Center (dongbu haiyang shengwu yanjiu zhongxin 東部海洋生物研究中心),
  Freshwater Aquaculture Research Center (danshui fanyangzhi yanjiu zhongxin 淡水繁養殖研究中心),
  Mariculture Research Center (haishui fanyangzhi yanjiu zhongxin 海水繁養殖研究中心),
  Penghu Marine Biology Research Center (Penghu haiyang shengwu yanjiu zhongxin 澎湖海洋生物研究中心), and
  Tungkang Biotechnology Research Center (Donggang shengji yanjiu zhongxin 東港生技研究中心).

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Agricultural Chemicals Research Institute, MOA (ACRI)

Agricultural Chemicals Research Institute, MOA (ACRI) 農業部農業藥物試驗所
No. 11 Guangming Road, Jiuzheng Borough,
Wufeng District, Taichung City 41358, Taiwan ROC
[41358 台中市霧峰區舊正里光明路 11 號]
🌏 ACRI – Web link

The ACRI (nongyebu nongye yaowu shiyansuo 農業部農業藥物試驗所, 🏁—suozhang 所長) was set up in 1971 as the Taiwan Plant Protection Center (Taiwan zhiwu baohu zhongxin 臺灣植物保護中心, abbrev. TPPC) that was cofounded by United Nations Development Program and the ROC government. TPPC was reorganized as Taiwan Agricultural Chemicals and Toxic Substances Research Institute (nongye yaowu duwu shiyansuo 農業藥物毒物試驗所, abbrev. TACTRI) on Jan. 1, 1985 under the Department of Agriculture and Forestry (Taiwan shengzhengfu nonglinting 臺灣省政府農林廳) of the Taiwan Provincial Government (TPG). In the process of the TPG streamlining, that institute was placed under the jurisdiction of the COA on July 1, 1999 as TACTRI (xingzhengyuan nongye weiyuanhui nongye yaowu duwu shiyansuo 行政院農業委員會農業藥物毒物試驗所, abbrev. yaodusuo 藥毒所). Its current name was adopted on Aug. 1, 2023 when the COA was restructured as MOA.

ACRI director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
12/1971—8/1972Chiu Ren-jong 邱人璋b. 1922Fujian
8/1972—1975Sun Yun-pei 孫雲沛b. 1910, d. N/AJiangsu
1975–1981Kung Ku-shen 貢穀紳b. 1921Jiangsu
1981—1/2005Li Gwo-chen 李國欽b. 1939N/A
1/2005—7/2012Edwin Ching-wen Kao 高清文b. 1947N/A
7/2012—3/2019Fei Wen-chi 費雯綺N/AN/A
3/2019—1/2023R. J. Chang 張瑞璋N/AN/A
1/2023—Shyu Tsyr-horng 徐慈鴻b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, ACRI has the following subdivisions:

  Division of Applied Toxicology (yingyong wulizu 應用毒理組),
  Division of Bio-Pesticide (shengwu yaojizu 生物藥劑組),
  Division of Pesticide Application (nongyao yingyongzu 農藥應用組),
  Division of Pesticide Chemistry (nongyao huaxuezu 農藥化學組),
  Division of Plant Toxicology (gonghai fangzhizu 公害防治組),
  Division of Residue Control (canwu guanzhizu 殘毒管制組), and
  Division of Technical Service (jishu fuwuzu 技術服務組).

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Agricultural Technology Park Administration Center, MOA (ATP)

Agricultural Technology Park Administration Center, MOA (ATP) 農業部農業藥物試驗所
No. 1 Shennong Road, Dehe Village,
Changzhi District, Pingtung County 90846, Taiwan ROC
[90846 屏東縣長治鄉德和村神農路 1 號]
🌏 ATP – Web link

The ATP (nongyebu nongye keji yuanqu guanli zhongxin 農業部農業科技園區管理中心, 🏁—zhuren 主任) was established on Aug. 1, 2023 based on the administration of the Agricultural Biotechnology Park (nongye keji yuanqu 農業科技園區) which was opened in December 2006 in Pingtung County.

ATP director-general

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/2023—Hsieh Sheng-hsin 謝勝信b. N/AN/A

The organizational structure of the ATP includes the following subdivisions:

  Built Environment Team (yingjian huanjingzu 營建環境組),
  Business Services Team (gongshang fuwuzu 工商服務組),
  Investment Planning Team (touzi qihuazu 投資企劃組);
  Orchid Garden District (lanhua yuanqu 蘭花園區),
  Taoyuan District (Taoyuan yuanqu 桃園園區);
  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室).

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◆ Ministry of Environment (MOENV)

Ministry of Environment (MOENV) 環境部
No. 83 Zhonghua Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10042, Taiwan ROC
[10042 台北市中正區中華路 1 段 83 號]
🌏 MOENV – Web link

The MOENV (huanjingbu 環境部) was established on Aug. 22, 1987 as Environmental Protection Administration (xingzhengyuan huanjing baohushu 行政院環境保護署, abbrev. huanbaoshu 環保署 in Chinese and EPA in English; 🏁—shuzhang 署長). In the 2012-2014 ROC government restructuring, the EPA was slated to be upgraded to a new Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (huanjing ziyuanbu 環境資源部) by Jan. 1, 2015, but then the process was delayed until the Organization Act of the Ministry of Environment (huanjingbu zuzhifa 環境部組織法) was promulgated on May 24, 2023. EPA was upgraded to MOENV on Aug. 22, 2023.

MOENV ministers

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/1987—5/1991Eugene Y. H. Chien 簡又新b. 1946Taiwan
6/1991—11/1992Jaw Shau-kong 趙少康b. 1950Taiwan/Henan
11/1991—11/1992 @Larry L. G. Chen 陳龍吉b. 1945Taiwan
11/1992—6/1996Chang Lung-sheng 張隆盛b. 1940Taiwan
6/1996—5/2000Tsai Hsun-hsiung 蔡勳雄b. 1941Taiwan
5/2000—3/2001Edgar Lin Chun-yi 林俊義b. 1938Taiwan
3/2001—10/2003Hau Lung-bin 郝龍斌b. 1952Taiwan/Jiangsu
10/2003—4/2005Chang Juu-en 張祖恩b. 1951Taiwan
4/2005—6/2005 @Tsay Ting-kuei 蔡丁貴b. 1949Taiwan
6/2005—5/2007Chang Kwo-lung 張國龍b. 1938Taiwan
5/2007—5/2008Winston Dang 陳重信b. 1943Taiwan
5/2008—3/2014Stephen Shen Shu-hung 沈世宏b. 1949Jiangxi
3/2014—5/2016Wei Kuo-yen 魏國彥b. 1953N/A
5/2016—12/2018Lee Ying-yuan 李應元1953-2021Taiwan
12/2018—1/2019 @Tsai Hung-teh 蔡鴻德N/AN/A
1/2019—8/2023Chang Tzi-chin 張子敬b. 1949N/A
8/2023—5/2024Shieu Fuh-sheng 薛富盛b. 1959Taiwan
5/2024—Peng Chi-ming 彭啟明b. 1970N/A

MOENV structure

MOENV has the following internal subdivisions:

  Department of Atmospheric Environment (daqi huanjingsi 大氣環境司),
  Department of Comprehensive Planning (zonghe guihuasi 綜合規劃司),
  Department of Environmental Protection (huanjing baohusi 環境保護司),
  Department of Monitoring and Information (jiance zixunsi 監測資訊司),
  Department of Water Quality Protection (shuizhi baohusi 水質保護司);
  Department of Accounting (kuaijichu 會計處),
  Department of General Affairs (mishuchu 秘書處),
  Department of Government Ethics (zhengfengchu 政風處),
  Department of Legal Affairs (fazhichu 法制處),
  Department of Personnel (renshichu 人事處), and
  Department of Statistics (zongjichu 統計處).

The following are subordinate organizations and agencies under MOENV:

  Chemicals Administration (huanjingbu huaxue wuzhi guanlishu 環境部化學物質管理署 (CHA),
  Climate Change Administration (huanjingbu qihou bianqianshu 環境部氣候變遷署 (CCA),
  Environmental Management Administration (huanjingbu huanjing guanlishu 環境部環境管理署 (EMA),
  Resource Circulation Administration (huanjingbu ziyuan xunhuanshu 環境部資源循環署 (RECA); and
  National Environmental Research Academy (huanjingbu guojia huanjing yanjiuyuan 環境部國家環境研究院 (NERA).

Selected level-3 agencies under MOENV

Details about the following selected agencies under MOENV are shown directly below.

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Chemicals Administration, MOENV (CHA)

Chemicals Administration, MOENV (CHA) 環境部化學物質管理署
No. 1 Alley 35, Lane 132, Daan Road Sec. 2,
Daan District, Taipei City 10667, Taiwan ROC
[10667 台北市大安區大安路 2 段 132 巷 35 弄 1 號]
🌏 CHA – Web link

The CHA (huanjingbu huaxue wuzhi guanlishu 環境部化學物質管理署; 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on Dec. 28, 2016 as Toxic and Chemical Substances Bureau (huanbaoshu duwu ji huaxue wuzhiju 環保署毒物及化學物質局, abbrev. duhuaju 毒化局 or huaxueju 化學局 in Chinese and TCSB in English; 🏁—juzhang 局長) under EPA to manage toxins and chemicals as part of the government's efforts to improve food safety, underscoring source control. It was based on the former EPA Department of Environmental Sanitation and Toxic Substance Management (huanjing weisheng ji duwu guanlichu 環境衛生及毒物管理處). On Aug. 22, 2023, TCSB was reorganized as CHA under the new MOENV.

CHA director-general

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
12/2016—Hsieh Yein-jui 謝燕儒b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, CHA has the following subdivisions:

  Comprehensive Planning Division (zonghe guihuazu 綜合規劃組),
  Evaluation Management Division (pinggu guanlizu 評估管理組),
  Hazard Control Division (fengxian guankongzu 風險管控組), and
  Risk Management Division (weihai kongzhizu 危害控制組).


Climate Change Administration, MOENV (CCA)

Climate Change Administration, MOENV (CCA) 環境部氣候變遷署
No. 2 Aiguo West Road, Zhongzheng District,
Taipei City 10066, Taiwan ROC
[10066 台北市中正區愛國西路 2 號 7 樓(後棟)及 2 樓(前棟)]
🌏 CCA – Web link

The CCA (huanjingbu qihou bianqianshu 環境部氣候變遷署; 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was formally established on Aug. 22, 2023 in response to the to the international trend of net-zero emissions and global environmental changes.

CCA director-general

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/2023—Tsai Lin-yi 蔡玲儀b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, CCA has the following subdivisions:

  Adaptation and Resilience Division (tiaoshi renxingzu 調適韌性組),
  Carbon Fee Promotion Division (tanfei tuidongzu 碳費推動組),
  Emissions Management Division (paifang guanlizu 排放管理組),
  Emissions Reduction and Trading Division (jianliang jiaoyizu 減量交易組), and
  Net Zero Emissions Division (jingling tuidongzu 淨零推動組).


Resource Circulation Administration, MOENV (RECA)

Resource Circulation Administration, MOENV (RECA) 環境部資源循環署
First office
8th F., No. 83 Zhonghua Road Sec. 1, Zhongzheng District,
Taipei City 10042, Taiwan (ROC)
[第 1 辦公室:10042 台北市中正區中華路 1 段 83 號 8 樓]
Second office
13 F., No. 99 Hengyang Road, Zhongzheng District,
Taipei City 10043, Taiwan (ROC)
[第 2 辦公室:10043 台北市中正區衡陽路 99 號 13 樓]
🌏 RECA – Web link

RECA (huanjingbu ziyuan xunhuanshu 環境部資源循環署; 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was formally established on Aug. 22, 2023. With “Resource Recycling and Zero Waste” as the governing principle, strategies and measures such as waste prevention by green design, resource circulation, value-added treatment of waste, well-functioning circulation network, innovative technologies and systems are being promoted. The aim is to achieve maximal resource circularity and minimal waste generation.

RECA director-general

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/2023—Lai Ying-ying 賴瑩瑩b. N/AN/A


Environmental Management Administration, MOENV (EMA)

Environmental Management Administration, MOENV (EMA) 環境部環境管理署
No. 497 Liming Road Sec. 2, Nantun District,
Taichung City 40873, Taiwan (ROC)
[40873 台中市南屯區黎明路 2 段 497 號]
🌏 EMA – Web link

EMA (huanjingbu huanjing guanlishu 環境部環境管理署; 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was formally established on Aug. 22, 2023.

EMA director-general

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/2023—Yen Hsu-ming 顏旭明b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, EMA has the following subdivisions:

  Division of Environmental Enforcement (huanjing zhifazu 環境執法組),
  Division of Environmental Sanitation (huanjing weishengzu 環境衛生組),
  Division of General Planning (zonghe guihuazu 綜合規劃組),
  Division of General Waste Management (yiban feiqiwu guanlizu 一般廢棄物管理組);
  Central Center of Environmental Management (zhongqu huanjing guanli zhongxin 中區環境管理中心),
  Northern Center of Environmental Management (beiqu huanjing guanli zhongxin 北區環境管理中心), and
  Southern Center of Environmental Management (nanqu huanjing guanli zhongxin 南區環境管理中心).

Furthermore, there is a task force (renwu bianzu 任務編組): Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund Management Board (turang ji dixiashui wuran zhengzhi jijin guanlihui 土壤及地下水污染整治基金管理會).


National Environmental Research Academy (NERA)

National Environmental Research Academy (NERA) 國家環境研究院
No. 260 Minzu Road Sec. 3, Zhongli District,
Taoyuan City, 32024, Taiwan (ROC)
[32024 桃園市中壢區民族路 3 段 260 號]
🌏 NERA – Web link

The NERA (guojia huanjing yanjiuyuan 國家環境研究院; 🏁—yuanzhang 院長) was set up on Aug. 22, 2023 by merging two institutions:

  • the Environmental Analysis Laboratory under EPA (xingzhengyuan huanbaoshu huanjing jianyansuo 行政院環保署環境檢驗所, abbrev. EAL; 🏁—suozhang 所長) which had been established on January 10, 1990 to provide policymakers with the necessary environmental data, and
  • EPA's Environmental Professional Training Institute (huanjing baohu renyuan xunliansuo 環境保護人員訓練所, abbrev. huanxunsuo 環訓所) which had been established on July 1, 1991.

NERA president

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/2023— @Chang Shuenn-chin 張順欽b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, NERA has the following subdivisions:

  Division of Comprehensive Planning (zonghe guihuazu 綜合規劃組);
  Climate Change Research Center (qihou bianqian yanjiu zhongxin 氣候變遷研究中心),
  Environmental Accreditation Center (jiance renzheng zhongxin 檢測認證中心),
  Environmental Analysis Center (jiance jishu zhongxin 檢測技術中心),
  Environmental Education and Certification Center (huanjiao renzheng zhongxin 環教認證中心), and
  Environmental Governance Research Center (huanjing zhili yanjiu zhongxin 環境治理研究中心).


===== ===== ===== ===== =====

◆ National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)

National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) 國家科學及技術委員會
No. 106 Heping East Road Sec. 2,
Da'an District, Taipei City 10622, Taiwan ROC
[10622 台北市大安區和平東路 2 段 106 號]
🌏 NSTC – Web link
Logo of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)
Older MOST logo Description: MOSTx01b
Logo of the National Science Council (NSC)

The NSTC (guojia keji ji jishu weiyuanhui 國家科學及技術委員會, abbrev. guokehui 國科會, 🏁—zhuren weiyuan 主任委員) was established on Feb. 1, 1959 as National Long-Term Science Development Committee (guojia changqi fazhan kexue weiyuanhui 國家長期發展科學委員會, abbrev. changkehui 長科會, 🏁—zhuren weiyuan 主任委員). In August 1967, it was renamed National Science Council (xingzhengyuan guojia kexue weiyuanhui 行政院國家科學委員會, abbrev. guokehui 國科會 in Chinese and NSC in English). On March 3, 2014 the NSC was upgraded to Ministry of Science and Technology (kejibu 科技部, abbrev. MOST) and reorganized as NSTC on July 27, 2022.

On Dec. 28, 2021 the ROC Legislative Yuan passed legislation to transform the MOST into the NTSC, the same day the legislature also approved the formation of a new Ministry of Digital Affairs (shuwei fazhanbu 數位發展部, abbrev. MODA) which was established on Aug. 27, 2022.

NSTC ministers

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2/1959—2/1962 Hu Shih 胡適1891-1962Anhui
5/1962—8/1967Wang Shih-chieh 王世杰1891-1981Hubei
8/1967—6/1973Wu Ta-you 吳大猷1907-2000Guangdong
6/1973—3/1981Shu Shien-siu 徐賢修1912-2001Zhejiang
3/1981—6/1984Chang Ming-che 張明哲1914-1998Hubei
6/1984—7/1988Chen Li-an 陳履安b. 1937Zhejiang
7/1988—2/1993Hsia Han-min 夏漢民b. 1932Fujian
2/1993—6/1996Kuo Nan-hung 郭南宏b. 1936Taiwan
6/1996—2/1998Liu Chao-shiuan 劉兆玄b. 1943Sichuan/Hunan
2/1998—5/2000Hwang Jenn-tai 黃鎮台b. 1948Taiwan/Zhejiang
5/2000—3/2001Weng Cheng-i 翁政義b. 1944Taiwan
3/2001—5/2004Wei Che-ho 魏哲和b. 1946Taiwan
5/2004—1/2006Wu Maw-kuen 吳茂昆b. 1949Taiwan
1/2006—5/2008Chen Chien-jen 陳建仁b. 1951Taiwan
5/2008—1/2012Louis Lee 李羅權b. 1947Taiwan
2/2012—2/2014Cyrus C. Y. Chu 朱敬一b. 1955Taiwan
3/2014—12/2014Simon Chang San-cheng 張善政b. 1954N/A
12/2014— @Jason Lin Yi-bing 林一平b. 1961N/A
1/2015—5/2016Shyu Jyuo-min 徐爵民b. 1954Taiwan
5/2016—2/2017Yang Hung-duen 楊弘敦b. 1956Taiwan
2/2017—5/2020Chen Liang-gee 陳良基b. 1956Taiwan
5/2020—5/2024Wu Tsung-tsong 吳政忠b. 1955N/A
5/2024—Wu Cheng-wen 吳誠文b. 1958N/A

NSTC structure

There are the following internal administrative units under NSTC:

  Department of Academia-Industry Collaboration and Science Park Affairs (chanxue ji yuanqu yewusi 產學及園區業務司),
  Department of Engineering and Technologies (gongcheng jishu yanjiu fazhansi 工程技術研究發展司),
  Department of Foresight and Innovation Policies (qianzhan ji yingyong kejisi 前瞻及應用科技司),
  Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (renwen ji shehui kexue yanjiu fazhansi 人文及社會科學研究發展司),
  Department of International Cooperation and Science Education (kejiao fazhan ji guoji hezuosi 科教發展及國際合作司),
  Department of Life Sciences (shengming kexue yanjiu fazhansi 生命科學研究發展司),
  Department of Natural Sciences and Sustainable Development (ziran kexue ji yongxu yanjiu fazhansi 自然科學及永續研究發展司),
  Department of Planning (zonghe guihuasi 綜合規劃司);
  Department of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (zhujichu 主計處),
  Department of General Affairs (mishuchu 秘書處),
  Department of Government Ethics (zhengfengchu 政風處),
  Department of Information Services (zixunchu 資訊處),
  Department of Personnel (renshichu 人事處);
  Legal Affairs Committee/Petitions and Appeals Committee (faguihui 法規會); and
  Office of Science and Technology Policy (keji bangongshi 科技辦公室).

The following are subordinate organizations under the NSTC:

  Central Taiwan Science Park Bureau (zhongbu kexue yuanqu guanliju 中部科學園區管理局), which also operates the Advanced Research Park Provisional Office (gaodeng yanjiu yuanqu kaifa choubeichu 高等研究園區開發籌備處),
  Hsinchu Science Park Bureau (Xinzhu kexue yuanqu guanliju 新竹科學園區管理局, abbrev. HSPB),
  National Applied Research Laboratories (caituan faren guojia shiyan yanjiuyuan 財團法人國家實驗研究院, abbrev. NARL or NARLabs),
  National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (guojia zaihai fangjiu keji zongxin 國家災害防救科技中心, abbrev. NCDR),
  National Synchotron Radiation Research Center (caituan faren guojia tongbu fushe yanjiu zhongxin 財團法人國家同步輻射研究中心, abbrev. NSRRC),and
  Southern Taiwan Science Park Bureau (nanbu kexue yuanqu guanliju 南部科學園區管理局).

In addition, the old MOST organization chart showed a Taiwan Startup Institute (chanxueyan lianjie zhongxin 產學研鏈結中心, abbrev. TSI), set up on Nov. 9, 2017 on the campus of the National Taipei University of Technology (guoli Taibei keji daxue 國立臺北科技大學, abbrev. NTUT). Furthermore, on Oct. 2, 2023 the NSTC launched its Research Institute for Democracy, Society, and Emerging Technology (keji, minzhu, shehui yanjiu zhongxin 科技、民主、社會研究中心, abbrev. keminshe zhongxin 科民社中心 in Chinese and DSET in English). And on May 7, 2024 the Chip-based Industrial Innovation Office (jingchuang Taiwan tuidong bangongshi 晶創臺灣推動辦公室, abbrev. CbI) was launched in Taipei.

Please note that a Science and Technology Advisory Board (kexue jishu fazhan ziyihui 科學技術發展諮議會) reports directly to the NSTC minister.

Taiwan’s science parks

Taiwan is globally known as a semiconductor powerhouse and is an important supplier of the world’s most advanced computer chips. A major part of Taiwan’s high-tech infrastructure are its science parks (kexue yuanqu 科學園區), organized into three core park groups:
  • Hsinchu Science Park (Xinzhu kexue yuanqu 新竹科學園區, abbrev. HSP),
  • Central Taiwan Science Park (zhongbu kexue yuanqu 中部科學園區, abbrev. CTSP), and
  • Southern Taiwan Science Park (nanbu kexue yuanqu 南部科學園區, abbrev. STSP).
Those science parks are designed and administered to provide ideal conditions for high-tech business operations, and they also provide excellent environments for developing powerful synergy among clusters of related enterprises and public R&D institutions.

During the 1960s, export-processing zones built in southern and central Taiwan contributed to the postwar economic boom and integration of rural areas in urban industrialization. The model of concentrating resources on the development of strategic industries in key regions was applied when the ROC government decided to foster the high-tech industry. The government offered tax and land incentives as well as infrastructure, and streamlined administrative services for companies based in the park were made available. #TSMC #Hon Hai #ITRI #III #NARLabs

In 1980, the first science park was established in Hsinchu City, chosen for its proximity to the capital city Taipei. The second science park was set up in Tainan in 1995 and the third one in Taichung in 2003, with the aim of creating jobs for area residents, transforming local industries and balancing regional development.

Although a wide variety of tech hardware is produced in all three science park clusters, each park has its own areas of specialty—the Hsinchu Science Park focuses on semiconductors and optoelectronics, the Central Taiwan Science Park on precision machinery and optoelectronics, and the Southern Taiwan Science Park on medical devices and green energy.

Selected level-3 agencies under NSTC

Details about the following selected agencies under NSTC are shown directly below.

TOP   HOME    [Jump to next cabinet-level agency]

Hsinchu Science Park (HSP)

Hsinchu Science Park (HSP) 新竹科學園區
No. 2 Xin'an Road,
East District, Hsinchu City 30016, Taiwan ROC
[30016 新竹市東區新安路 2 號]
🌏 HSP Bureau – Web link
Older logo

The Hsinchu Science Park Bureau (guojia kexue ji jishu weiyuanhui Xinzhu kexue yuanqu guanliju 國家科學及技術委員會新竹科學園區管理局, abbrev. HSPB, 🏁—juzhang 局長) manages the Hsinchu Science Park (Xinzhu kexue yuanqu 新竹科學園區, abbrev. zhuke 竹科 in Chinese and HSP in English) which was established on Dec. 15, 1980 under the then-National Science Council (NSC).

HSPB director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
12/1980—6/1984Irving T. Ho 何宜慈1921-2003Fujian
6/1984—11/1989Lee Chuo-hsien 李卓顯N/AN/A
11/1989—7/1996Hsueh Hsiang-chuan 薛香川b. 1944Taiwan
7/1996—8/1999Wang Kung 王弓N/AN/A
12/1999—6/2001Huang Wen-hsiung 黃文雄b. 1941Taiwan
7/2001—9/2006James Lee 李界木b. 1939Taiwan
10/2006—5/2008Huang Der-ray 黃得瑞b. 1949Taiwan
5/2008—3/2014Randy Yen Tzong-ming 顏宗明b. 1951Taiwan
3/2014—7/2016 @Tu Chi-hsiang 杜啟祥b. 1951N/A
7/2016—Wayne Wang 王永壯b. 1959N/A

The HSPB has the following subdivisions:

  Business Division (gongshangzu 工商組),
  Construction Management Division (yingjianzu 營建組),
  Environmental Protection and Safety Division (huan'anzu 環安組),
  Investment Division (touzizu 投資組),
  Land Development Division (jianguanzu 建管組),
  Planning Division (qihuazu 企劃組);
  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室).

The HSPB also supervises the following parks:

  Hsinchu Biomedical Science Park (Xinzhu shengwu yixue yuanqu 新竹生物醫學園區),
  Jhunan Science Park (Zhunan kexue yuanqu 竹南科學園區),
  Longtan Science Park (Longtan kexue yuanqu 龍潭科學園區),
  Tongluo Science Park (Tongluo kexue yuanqu 銅鑼科學園區), and
  Yilan Science Park (Yilan kexue yuanqu 宜蘭科學園區).

TOP   HOME    [◆ NSTC]

Central Taiwan Science Park (CTSP)

Central Taiwan Science Park (CTSP) 中部科學園區
No. 2 Jhongke Road,
Situn District, Taichung City 40763, Taiwan ROC
[40763 台中市西屯區中科路 2 號]
🌏 CTSP Bureau – Web link

The founding of the Central Taiwan Science Park (zhongbu kexue yuanqu 中部科學園區, abbrev. zhongke 中科 in Chinese and CTSP in English) was ratified on Sept. 23, 2002, and the park opened on July 28, 2003. The CTSP Bureau (zhongbu kexue yuanqu guanliju 中部科學園區管理局) is headed by a director-general (juzhang 局長).

CTSP Bureau director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2003—2/2006James Lee 李界木b. 1939Taiwan
2/2006—5/2013Yang Wen-ko 楊文科b. 1951Taiwan
5/2013—7/2013 @Chen Chun-wei 陳俊偉N/AN/A
7/2013—7/2016Wayne Wang 王永壯b. 1959N/A
7/2016—5/2019Chen Ming-huang 陳銘煌b. 1959Taiwan
5/2019— Hsu Maw-shin 許茂新b. 1963N/A

The CTSP Bureau has the following subdivisions:

  Business Division (gongshangzu 工商組),
  Construction Management Division (yingjianzu 營建組),
  Environment and Labor Affairs Division (huan’anzu 環安組),
  Investment Division (touzizu 投資組),
  Land Development Division (jianguanzu 建管組),
  Planning Division (qihuazu 企劃組);
  Accounting and Statistics Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat Office (mishushi 秘書室).

The CTSP Bureau also supervises the following parks:

  Chung Hsing Park (zhongxing yuanqu 中興園區),
  Erlin Park (erlin yuanqu 二林園區),
  Houli Park (houli yuanqu 后里園區),
  Huwei Park (huwei yuanqu 虎尾園區), and
  Taichung Park (Taizhong yuanqu 台中園區).

TOP   HOME    [◆ NSTC]

Southern Taiwan Science Park (STSP)

Southern Taiwan Science Park (STSP) 南部科學園區
No. 22 Nanke 3rd Road,
Xinshi District, Tainan City 74147, Taiwan ROC
[74147 台南市新市區南科三路 22 號]
🌏 STSP Bureau – Web link

The development plan for the Southern Taiwan Science Park (nanbu kexue yuanqu 南部科學園區, abbrev. nanke 南科 in Chinese and STSP in English) was approved by the Executive Yuan on May 11, 1995, and the STSP Bureau (nanbu kexue yuanqu guanliju 南部科學園區管理局, 🏁—juzhang 局長) started operations on July 8, 1997.

STSP Bureau director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1997—9/1997Tung Chao-chin 童兆勤N/AN/A
9/1997—6/1998Wang Kung 王弓N/AN/A
6/1998—11/1999Huang Wen-hsiung 黃文雄b. 1941Taiwan
12/1999—1/2000 @Chen Chun-wei 陳俊偉N/AN/A
1/2000—8/2006Tai Chein 戴謙b. 1949Taiwan
8/2006—1/2015Chen Chun-wei (second time)
1/2015—11/2020Lin Wei-cheng 林威呈b. N/A, d. 2020N/A
11/2020—Su Chen-kang 蘇振綱b. N/AN/A

The STSP Bureau has the following subdivisions:

  Business Division (gongshangzu 工商組),
  Construction Management Division (jianguanzu 建管組),
  Environment and Labor Affairs Division (huan’anzu 環安組),
  Investment Services Division (touzizu 投資組),
  Land Development Division (yingjianzu 營建組),
  Planning Division (qihuazu 企劃組);
  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室).

The STSP Bureau also supervises the following parks:

  Ciaotou Science Park (Qiaotou yuanqu 橋頭園區),
  Chiayi Science Park (Jiayi yuanqu 嘉義園區),
  Kaohsiung Science Park (Gaoxiong yuanqu 高雄園區), and
  Pingtung Science Park (Pingdong yuanqu 屏東園區).

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National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, NSTC (NCDR)

National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, NSTC (NCDR) 國家災害防救科技中心
9 F., No. 200 Beixin Road Sec. 3,
Xindian District, New Taipei City 23143, Taiwan ROC
[23143 新北市新店區北新路 3 段 200 號 9 樓]
🌏 NCDR – Web link

The NCDR (guojia zaihai fangjiu keji zhongxin 國家災害防救科技中心, 🏁—zhuren 主任) was established on July 15, 2003 as a successor of the National Science and Technology Program for Hazards Mitigation (fangzai guojiaxing keji jihua bangongshi 防災國家型科技計畫辦公室) and is serving as the technical adviser to the Executive Yuan on disaster prevention and reduction affairs. Another senior position at the NCDR is chairperson (dongshizhang 董事長).

NCDR directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/2003—7/2004Loh Chin-hsiung 羅俊雄N/AN/A
7/2004—5/2014Chen Liang-chun 陳亮全N/AN/A
5/2014—Chen Hongey 陳宏宇b. N/AN/A

NCDR chairpersons since 2014

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
4/2014—5/2016Chien Chung-liang 錢宗良b. 1961N/A
5/2016—2/2017Tsai Mi-ching 蔡明祺N/AN/A
3/2017—8/2018Su Fong-chin 蘇芳慶N/AN/A
10/2018—12/2020Shieh Dar-bin 謝達斌N/AN/A
4/2021—Chen Tzong-chyuan 陳宗權b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, the subdivisions of NCDR include the following:

  Administration Division (xingzhengzu 行政組),
  Earthquake and Man-made Disaster Division (dizhen yu renwei zaihaizu 地震與人為災害組),
  Information Division (zaifang zixunzu 災防資訊組),
  Meteorology Division (qixiangzu 氣象組),
  Planning Division (qihuazu 企劃組),
  Policy and Socio-Economics Division (tixi yu shejingzu 體系與社經組), and
  Slopeland and Hydrology Division (podi yu honghanzu 坡地與洪旱組).

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National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC)

National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC) 財團法人國家同步輻射研究中心
No. 101 Hsin-ann Road,
Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu City 30076, Taiwan ROC
[30076 新竹市科學園區新安路 101 號]
🌏 NSRRC – Web link

The origins of the NSRRC (caituan faren guojia tongbu fushe yanjiu zhongxin 財團法人國家同步輻射研究中心, 🏁—zhuren 主任) can be traced back to December 1981 when the ROC National Science Council set up a Synchrotron Radiation Feasibility Study Task Force (tongbu fushe kexingxing yanjiu xiaozu 同步輻射可行性研究小組), and the Executive Yuan decided to establish a Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (tongbu fushe yanjiu zhongxin 同步輻射研究中心, abbrev. SRRC) in July 1983. SRRC was formally inaugurated on Oct. 16, 1993, the current name was adopted on May 20, 2003.

NSRRC directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
10/1993—4/1997Liu Yuen-chung 劉遠中b. 1932N/A
4/1997—12/2005Chen Chien-te 陳建德b. 1953Taiwan
1/2006—12/2009Keng S. Liang 梁耕三b. 1943Taiwan
1/2010—7/2010 @Chen Chien-te (second time)
8/2010—7/2014Chang Shih-lin 張石麟b. 1946Anhui
8/2014—8/2018Gwo Shangjr 果尚志b. 1963Taiwan
8/2018—Luo Gwo-huei 羅國輝b. 1959Taiwan

In addition to its administrative units, NSRRC has the following subdivisions:

  Administration Division (xingzhengzu 行政組),
  Experimental Facility Division (shiyan sheshizu 實驗設施組),
  Instrumentation Development Division (yiqi fazhanzu 儀器發展組),
  Light Source Division (guangyuanzu 光源組),
  Radiation & Operation Safety Division (fushe ji caozuo anquanzu 輻射及操作安全組), and
  Scientific Research Division (kexue yanjiuzu 科學研究組).

TOP   HOME    [◆ NSTC]

Taiwan Space Agency (TASA)

Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) 國家太空中心
8 F., No. 9 Prosperity 1st Road,
Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu City 30078, Taiwan ROC
[30078 新竹市科學園區展業一路 9 號 8 樓]
🌏 TASA – Web link
NSPO logo

The origins of TASA (guojia taikong zhongxin 國家太空中心, 🏁—zhuren 主任) can be traced back to Oct. 3, 1991 when the Executive Yuan established the National Space Program Office (taikong jihuashi choubeichu 太空計畫室籌備處, abbrev. NSPO), a preparatory office under the then-National Science Council (NSC). It emerged from preparatory status on April 1, 2005, changing its name to National Space Organization (guojia taikong zhongxin 國家太空中心, 🏁—zhuren 主任), retaining the original English abbreviation.

On Jan. 26, 2022 the MOST announced that in the future the NSPO would be turned into a public foundation run by the Executive Yuan. On Jan. 1, 2023 the NSPO was reorganized as TASA into a legal entity under the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) in accordance with the Space Development Act (taikong fazhanfa 太空發展法). The name change became official on Jan. 6, 2023 with a plaque unveiling ceremony presided by ROC President Tsai Ing-wen.

TASA director-generals

Tenure (started) Name Born/Died Native Province
5/1992Peter Dai 戴廣勳N/AN/A
6/1994Shyu Jia-ming 徐佳銘N/AN/A
3/1999Wong Hung-chih 王鴻智N/AN/A
1/2001Louis Lee 李羅權b. 1947Taiwan
7/2004Lance Wu 吳作樂N/AN/A
1/2008Miau Jiun-jih 苗君易N/AN/A
4/2010Chang Guey-shin 張桂祥N/AN/A
2/2018—1/2021Lin Chun-liang 林俊良N/AN/A
2/2021—8/2021 @Yu Shiann-jeng 余憲政N/AN/A
8/2021—Wu Jong-shinn 吳宗信b. 1964Taiwan

Before the NSPO was reorganized as TASA, the agency had the following subdivisions (see below). Please note that TASA has not yet published details about the agency's new organizational structure on its website.

  Mission-Oriented Projects Office (zonghe jihuashi 綜合計畫室);
  Administration Division (yingzheng fuwzu 行政服務組),
  Electrical Engineering Division (weixing dianjizu 衛星電機組),
  Finance Accounting Division (caihui xiaozu 財會小組),
  Flight Control Division (feihang kongzhizu 飛行控制組),
  Integration & Test Division (zhenghe ceshizu 整合測試組),
  Mechanical Engineering Division (weixing jixiezu 衛星機械組),
  Planning & Promotion Division (qihua tuiguangzu 企劃推廣組),
  Product Assurance Division (pinzhi baozhengzu 品質保證組),
  Satellite Image Division (weixing yingxiangzu 衛星影像組),
  Satellite Operations Control Division (weixing caokongzu 衛星操控組), and
  Systems Engineering Division (xitong gongchengzu 系統工程組).

In the past, there were also a Formosat-5 Program Office (fuwei wuhao jihuashi 福衛五號計畫室) and a Formosat-7 Program Office (fuwei qihao jihuashi 福衛七號計畫室).

A major institution conducting space transport research is the Advanced Rocket Research Center (qianzhan huojian yanjiu zhongxin 前瞻火箭研究中心, abbrev. ARRC) headquartered at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (guoli Yangming jiaotong daxue 國立陽明交通大學, abbrev. NYCU) in Hsinchu City, with a research focus in hybrid rockets.

On Nov. 17, 2021 Taiwanese media reported that the NSPO was setting up a “space academy” (taikong xueyuan 太空學苑) to offer customized training sessions for Taiwanese electronics firms which are seeking business opportunities heralded by low Earth orbit (LEO) communications satellites.

Taiwan's space program

Compared with the highly ambitious endeavours of the PRC's space program, Taiwan's own space program is rather small-scale and modest. The NSPO/TASA has been conducting its program in phases under the headline "National Space Technology Development Long-term Program" (guojia taikong keji fazhan changcheng jihua 國家太空科技發展長程計畫). The first phase (diyiqi jihua 第一期計畫) was announced in October 1991 and covered the time frame 1991–2006. The second phase (dierqi jihua 第二期計畫), announced in December 2002, covered the time frame 2004–2018, and phase 3 (disanqi jihua 第三期計畫), announced in February 2019, will be running from 2019 to 2028.

FORMOSAT—The most noteworthy part of Taiwan's space program is the Formosat series of Earth observation satellites, supervised by the agency's Satellite Operations and Control Center (weixing caokong zhongxin 衛星操控中心, abbrev. SOCC).

Mission Launch date Launch site (in the US) Carrier rocket
ROCSAT-1 1999, Jan. 27 Cape Canaveral Athena I
Formosat-2 2004, May 19 Vandenberg Air Force Base Taurus XL
Formosat-3 2006, April 16 Vandenberg Air Force Base Minotaur
Formosat-4  [cancelled in 2007]
Formosat-5 2017, Aug. 24 Vandenberg Air Force Base Falcon 9
Formosat-6  [cancelled in 2009]
Formosat-7 2019, June 25 Kennedy Space Center Falcon Heavy

A project called Formosat-4 aka "Argo" was planned in cooperation with the German company RapidEye AG and originally scheduled for launch in 2008, but Argo was cancelled in 2007 in favour of Formosat-5. Another project dubbed Formosat-6 involved satellites designed for disaster prevention, environmental observation and research was cancelled in 2009 following a re-evaluation of its technical feasibility.

The Formosat-7 project aka COSMIC-2A was designed to replace Formosat-3 and comprises a set of six satellites to carry out constellation meteorology, ionosphere, and climate observations. The Formosat-3/COSMIC satellite constellation was officially retired on May 1, 2020.

The Formosat-8 program develops six high-resolution optical remote sensing satellites with a resolution of 1 meter which will be deployed in the sun-synchronous orbit to form a constellation. The first satellite is scheduled to be launched in February 2025, the second in August 2026.

TRITON—The domestically developed weather satellite Triton (liefengzhe 獵風者), tasked with gathering data—in particular conditions regarding wind speed and marine surface wind fields—was launched on a Vega C rocket by the France-based firm Arianespace from the Guiana Space Centre at Kourou in French Guiana on Oct. 8, 2023 (Kourou time). Triton mainly observes changes in wind speed and wave height, and it can also detect soil water conditions to help farmers improve their harvests. The 300-kilogram satellite works with the Formosat-7 constellation to advance Taiwan's weather forecasting capacity, with the Global Navigation Satellite System Reflectometry (GNSS-R) being its main payload instrument.

B5G—After Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, TASA concluded that Taiwan needed approximately 120 LEO (low-earth orbit) communication satellites to ensure access to uninterrupted communication 24 hours a day. The first communications satellites of a program called B5G ("beyond 5th generation") are planned to be launched in 2026.

SOUNDING ROCKETS—Since December 1998 a series of sounding rockets (tankong huojian 探空火箭) was launched from the Pingtung Jioupeng Military Base (Pingdong Jiupeng kongjun jidi 屏東九鵬空軍基地) which is situated at the juncture of the villages Jiupeng (Jiupeng cun 九棚村) and Gangkou (Gangkou cun 港口材) of Manzhou Township and Xuhai (Xuhai cun 旭海村) of Mudan Township in southern Taiwan’s Pingtung County. The NSTC also manages a launch center for small rockets in Xuhai village.

An indigenous hybrid sounding rocket (length: 4.8 m, weight: 365 kg) designed by the ARRC lifted off from a launch site in Mudan Township (Pingtung County) on July 9, 2022 and underwent a test flight as part of the ARRC's HTTP-3A project, which aims to develop a hybrid propulsion rocket capable of carrying miniature satellites into orbit at an altitude of at least 100 km. The launch was a test of the second-stage propulsion system, which kicks in when the rocket has already reached a defined altitude, using a mix of liquid and solid-state propellants. The rocket stayed in the air for two minutes and reached a maximum altitude of around 3 km, and while the initial flight plan had intended an 8-10 minute flight and a maximum altitude of 12 km, the ARRC rated the test flight "99-percent successful". The test had originally been scheduled for May 3, 2022 but had to be postponed due to adverse weather conditions.

In addition, on Sept. 30, 2022 the then-NSPO announced plans to launch a domestically designed and built rocket in 2026 as part of the Siraya Rocket Plan (xilaya huojian jihua 西拉雅火箭計畫) project, which, if successful, would be a milestone for Taiwan’s emerging space industry.

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◆ Mainland Affairs Council (MAC)

Mainland Affairs Council, Executive Yuan (MAC) 行政院大陸委員會
15 F., No. 2-2 Ji'nan Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10051, Taiwan ROC
[10051 台北市中正區濟南路 1 段 2 之 2 號 15 樓]
🌏 MAC – Web link
Description: MACx01c

The MAC (xingzhengyuan dalu weiyuanhui 行政院大陸委員會, abbrev. luweihui 陸委會, 🏁—zhuren weiyuan 主任委員) is the ROC cabinet-level agency responsible for research, overall planning and consideration of mainland affairs policy as well as its partial implementation, but the official website of the MAC provides no information about when the MAC was formally established.

The origins of the MAC can be traced back to the Inter-Agency Mainland Affairs Committee (xingzhengyuan dalu gongzuo huibao 行政院大陸工作會報) which was set up by the ROC government on Aug. 18, 1988 as a task force to coordinate the handling of mainland-related affairs among the competent authorities. The ROC Legislative Yuan passed the Organic Act of the Mainland Affairs Council of the Executive Yuan on Jan. 18, 1991, and it was promulgated by ROC President Lee Teng-hui on Jan. 28, 1991. While according to the ROC Yearbook 1991-92 (p. 140) the MAC was founded on Oct. 18, 1990, Wikipedia gives Feb. 7, 1991 as date of its formal establishment. In this context it should be pointed out that the MAC was already mentioned by name in the ROC Yearbook 1989 (p. 205).

MAC ministers

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2/1991—5/1991Shih Chi-yang 施啟揚1935-2019Taiwan
6/1991—12/1994Huang Kun-huei 黃昆輝b. 1936Taiwan
12/1994—12/1995Vincent Siew 蕭萬長b. 1939Taiwan
12/1995—2/1996 @Kao Koong-lian 高孔廉b. 1944Fujian
2/1996—1/1999Chang King-yuh 張京育b. 1937Hunan
2/1999—5/2000Su Chi 蘇起b. 1949Taiwan
5/2000—5/2004Tsai Ing-wen 蔡英文b. 1956Taiwan
5/2004—4/2007Joseph Wu 吳釗燮b. 1956Taiwan
4/2007—5/2008Chen Ming-tong 陳明通b. 1955Taiwan
5/2008—9/2012Lai Shin-yuan 賴幸媛b. 1956Taiwan/Fujian
10/2012—2/2015Wang Yu-chi 王郁琦b. 1969N/A
2/2015—5/2016Andrew Hsia 夏立言b. 1950Taiwan
5/2016—2/2018Katherine Chang 張小月b. 1953Taiwan
3/2018—2/2021Chen Ming-tong (second time)
2/2021—5/2024Chiu Tai-san 邱太三b. 1956Taiwan
5/2024—Chiu Chui-cheng 邱垂正b. 1965N/A

MAC structure

MAC has the following internal subdivisions:

  Cultural and Educational Affairs Department (wenjiaochu 文教處),
  Economic Affairs Department (jingjichu 經濟處),
  Hong Kong, Macao, Inner Mongolia and Tibet Affairs Department (gang'ao mengzangchu 港澳蒙藏處),
  Information and Liaison Department (lianluochu 聯絡處),
  Legal Affairs Department (fazhengchu 法政處),
  Policy Planning Department (qihuachu 企劃處),
  Secretariat (mishuchu 秘書處);
  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Civil Servant Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室), and
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室).

Furthermore, there are the following subordinate agencies under the MAC:

  Bureau of Hong Kong Affairs (Xianggang shiwuju 香港事務局), and
  Office of Macao Affairs (Aomen shiwuchu 澳門事務處).

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Interaction with the PRC

The MAC's counterpart on the other side of the Taiwan Strait is the Taiwan Affairs Office under the PRC State Council (guowuyuan Taiwan shiwu bangongshi 國務院台灣事務辦公室, abbrev. guo Tai ban 國台辦 in Chinese and TAO in English, 🏁—zhuren 主任), established on Sept. 9, 1988.

Taiwan Affairs Office, PRC State Council (TAO) 國務院台灣事務辦公室
No. 6-1 Guang'anmen South Street,
Xicheng District, Beijing 100053, China (PRC)
[100053 北京市西城区广安门南街 6-1 号]
🌏 TAO – Web link

Please note that the TAO is identical with the Taiwan Work Office of the CCP Central Committee (Zhonggong zhongyang Taiwan gongzuo bangongshi 中共中央台灣工作辦公室), and TAO also shares the same address with the Association for Relations across the Taiwan Strait (ARATS).

TAO directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
9/1988—11/1990Ding Guan'gen 丁關根1929-2012Jiangsu
11/1990—12/1996Wang Zhaoguo 王兆國b. 1941Hebei
12/1996—6/2008Chen Yunlin 陳雲林b. 1941Liaoning
6/2008—3/2013Wang Yi 王毅b. 1953Beijing
3/2013—3/2018Zhang Zhijun 張志軍b. 1953Jiangsu
3/2018—12/2022Liu Jieyi 劉結一b. 1957Beijing
12/2022—Song Tao 宋濤b. 1955Jiangsu

So far, MAC and TAO top officials have met four times:

Year, date MAC official TAO official Location
2014, Feb. 11–14 Wang Yu-chi 王郁琦 Zhang Zhijun 張志軍 Nanjing 南京
2014, June 25  "  " Taoyuan 桃園
2015, May 23 Andrew Hsia 夏立言  " Kinmen 金門
2015, Oct. 14  "  " Guangzhou 廣州

In this context the United Front Work Department (Zhonggong zhongyang tongyi zhanxian gongzuobu 中共中央統一戰線工作部, abbrev. tongzhanbu 統戰部 in Chinese and UFWD in English), another agency under the CCP Central Committee, should be mentioned as its Third Bureau (sanju 三局) is specifically tasked with handling Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and overseas affairs and liaison, including activities to promote unification.

In general, negotiations between the ROC and the PRC have been conducted mostly by Taiwan's Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) and China's ARATS.

TOP   HOME    [◆ MAC]


On May 26, 2010 the MAC established the Taiwan–Hong Kong Economic and Cultural Co-operation Council (caituan faren Tai Gang jingji wenhua hezuo cejinhui 財團法人臺港經濟文化合作策進會, abbrev. Tai Gang cejinhui 台港策進會 in Chinese and THEC in English, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) to represent the ROC government in talks with Hong Kong, its counterpart there being the Hong Kong–Taiwan Economic and Cultural Co-operation and Promotion Council (Gang Tai jingji wenhua hezuo xiejinhui 港台經濟文化合作協進會, abbrev. ECCPC).

THEC chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
4/2010—4/2013 Lin Chen-kuo 林振國 b. 1937 Fujian
4/2013—7/2014 Liu Te-hsun 劉德勳 b. 1952 Taiwan
8/2014—1/2016 Lin Chu-chia 林祖嘉 b. 1956 Taiwan
2/2016—7/2016 @ Yen Chueng-kuang 嚴重光 N/A N/A
7/2016—4/2019 Lu Ping 路平 b. 1953 Taiwan
4/2019— Katherine Chang 張小月 b. 1953 Taiwan

On June 18, 2020 the MAC announced the establishment of the Taiwan–Hong Kong Interaction Office (Tai Gang fuwu jiaoliu bangongshi 台港服務交流辦公室) under the THEC which started operations in Taipei on July 1, 2020. Its tasks included implementing the Hong Kong Humanitarian Aid project (Gangren yuanzhu zhuan'an 港人援助專案) and assisting international companies to set up branches in Taiwan.

Details about the ECCPC

The ECCPC was set up on April 1, 2010 and lists John Tsang Chun-wah 曾俊華 (b. 1951) as its honorary chairman (rongyu zhuxi 榮譽主席). Its regular chairpersons to date are listed below.

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
4/2010—11/2015 Charles Lee 李業廣 b. 1936 Shanghai
12/2015— David Lie 李大壯 b. 1959 N/A

* * * SEE ALSO * * *

More relevant contents pertaining to that subject can be found on the following pages of this website.

🔴 "Other central government agencies", Handling of the Cross-Strait relations
🔴 "Foreign relations of the ROC", ROC vs. PRC since the 1970s
🔴 "Introduction Taiwan/ROC", Cross-Strait relations since the late 1970s
🔴 "Other texts and documents", Focus Hong Kong—relevant treaties and laws

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Bureau of Hong Kong Affairs, MAC

Bureau of Hong Kong Affairs, MAC 行政院大陸委員會香港事務局
= Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Hong Kong 台北經濟文化辦事處
40 F., Lippo Center Tower 1, No. 89 Queensway,
Admiralty, Hong Kong Island, HKSAR
[香港島金鐘金鐘道 89 號力寶中心第一座 40 樓]
🌏 Bureau of Hong Kong Affairs – Web link
Description: Nologo07

The MAC's Bureau of Hong Kong Affairs (xingzhengyuan dalu weiyuanhui Xianggang shiwuju 行政院大陸委員會香港事務局, 🏁—juzhang 局長) was established on July 1, 1997. Its director also heads the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (Taibei jingji wenhua banshichu 台北經濟文化辦事處, abbrev. TECO, 🏁—chuzhang 處長) in Hong Kong, i. e. the ROC's unofficial representative office in HKSAR, formally set up on July 20, 2011 based on the Chung Hwa Travel Service (Zhonghua lüxingshe 中華旅行社, 🏁—zong jingli 總經理) which had been founded in 1966 and operated under quasi-diplomatic arrangements unilaterally extended by the British authorities.

Bureau of Hong Kong Affairs directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1997—12/1999Cheng An-kuo 鄭安國b. 1946Guangdong
1/2001—5/2004Chang Liang-jen 張良任b. 1946N/A
5/2004—10/2007Pao Cheng-kang 鮑正鋼b. 1956N/A
12/2007—12/2011Jeff Yang 楊家駿b. 1958Taiwan
12/2011—7/2013James Chu 朱曦N/AN/A
8/2013—Yen Chueng-kuang 嚴重光b. N/AN/A

A unit subordinate to the TECO there is the Kwang Hwa Information and Cultural Center (guanghua xinwen wenhua zhongxin 光華新聞文化中心).

Following the promulgation of the PRC’s National Security Law (Zhonghua renmin gongheguo Xianggang tebie xingzhengqu weihu guojia anquanfa 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區維護國家安全法) which the regime in Beijing forced Hong Kong to adopt on June 30, 2020, the HKSAR authorities demanded that ROC officials serving at TECO in Hong Kong to sign a ‘One China commitment letter’ (yi Zhong chengnuoshu 一中承諾書) recognizing Beijing’s ‘One China principle’ (yige Zhongguo yuanze 一個中國原則). When that demand was rejected, the HKSAR authorities retaliated by not renewing the visa of Taiwanese personnel, resulting in the departure of staff in mid-2021 and reliance of TECO on locally hired employees.

TECO's counterpart in the ROC is the Hong Kong Economic, Trade and Cultural Office (Xianggang jingji maoyi wenhua banshichu 香港經濟貿易文化辦事處, abbrev. HKETCO, 🏁—zhuren 主任) which commenced operation in December 2011 and was formally inaugurated on May 15, 2012. HKETCO temporarily suspended its operations on May 18, 2021.

HKETCO directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
12/2011—8/2015John Leung 梁志仁N/AN/A
8/2015—7/2018Rex Chang 鄭偉源N/AN/A
7/2018—5/2021 @Larry Chu 朱浩b. N/AN/A

Macau affairs

Since December 1999 the MAC also operates a Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (Taibei jingji wenhua banshichu 台北經濟文化辦事處) in Macau SAR, the office is sometimes informally referred to as Macau Affairs Office (Aomen banshichu 澳門辦事處). Its counterpart in Taiwan is the Delegação Económica e Cultural de Macau (Aomen jingji wenhua banshichu 澳門經濟文化辦事處, abbrev. DECM) which was set up in Taipei in July 2011. On June 16, 2021 DECM announced that it would suspend its operations indefinitely on June 19, 2021. And on Aug. 1, 2024 the MAC reported that that the authorities of Macau denied an ROC MOFA official set to be posted to Taiwan’s representative office in Macau a visa because the official refused to sign an affidavit recognizing Beijing’s “one China” principle.

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◆ National Development Council (NDC)

National Development Council (NDC) 國家發展委員會
No. 3 Baoqing Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10020, Taiwan ROC
[10020 台北市中正區寶慶路 3 號]
🌏 NDC – Web link
Description: NDCx01b

The NDC (guojia fazhan weiyuanhui 國家發展委員會, abbrev. guofahui 國發會, 🏁—zhuren weiyuan 主任委員) was established on Jan. 22, 2014 by the merger of the Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD) and the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission (RDEC). Some of the responsibilities of the Public Construction Commission (PCC) were transferred to the new NDC as well.

NDC ministers

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2014—1/2015Kuan Chung-ming 管中閔b. 1956Taiwan
1/2015—1/2016Duh Tyzz-jiun 杜紫軍b. 1959Taiwan
2/2016—5/2016Lin Chu-chia 林祖嘉b. 1956Taiwan
5/2016—9/2017Chen Tain-jy 陳添枝b. 1953Taiwan
9/2017—5/2020Chen Mei-ling 陳美伶b. 1958Taiwan
5/2020—5/2024Kung Ming-hsin 龔明鑫b. 1964N/A
5/2024—Paul Liu 劉鏡清b. 1963N/A

NDC structure

NDC has the following internal subdivisions:

  Department of Economic Development (jingji fazhanchu 經濟發展處),
  Department of Human Resources Development (renli fazhanchu 人力發展處),
  Department of Industrial Development (chanye fazhanchu 產業發展處),
  Department of Information Management (zixun guanlichu 資訊管理處),
  Department of National Spatial Planning and Development (guotu quyu lidao fazhanchu 國土區域離島發展處),
  Department of Overall Planning (zonghe guihuachu 綜合規劃處),
  Department of Social Development (shehui fazhanchu 社會發展處),
  Department of Supervision and Evaluation (guanzhi kaohechu 管制考核處);
  Budget, Accounting and Statistics Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室).

The following are subordinate agencies under the NDC:

  National Archives Administration, NDC (guojia fazhan weiyuanhui dang'an guanliju 國家發展委員會檔案管理局, abbrev. NAA),
  Personal Data Protection Office (geren ziliao baohu zhuan'an bangongshi 個人資料保護專案辦公室), and
  Regulatory Reform Center (guojia fazhan weiyuanhui fazhi xietiao zhongxin 國家發展委員會法制協調中心, abbrev. RRC).

The NDC also proposed and devised the Asia Silicon Valley Development Plan (Yazhou xigu tuidong fang’an 亞洲 • 矽谷推動方案, abbrev. ASVDP) to promote development of smart city solutions for Taiwan initially and then for export, and on Dec. 25, 2016 the Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency (Yazhou xigu jihua zhixing zhongxin 亞洲 • 矽谷計畫執行中心, abbrev. ASVDA) was set up. Furthermore, on Dec. 18, 2019 the NDC launched the “Startup Island Taiwan” branding to promote the country’s budding entrepreneurs.

On Nov. 1, 2023 the NDC established its International Talent Taiwan Office (guoji rencai fuwu ji yanlan zhongxin 國際人才服務及延攬中心) to attract and retain foreign professionals; the new office being an expansion of the Taiwan Employment Gold Card Office (Taiwan jiuye jinka bangongshi 台灣就業金卡辦公室) which the NDC had set up in October 2020.

Selected level-3 agencies under NDC

Details about the following selected agencies under NDC are shown directly below.

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National Archives Administration, NDC (NAA)

National Archives Administration, NDC (NAA) 國家發展委員會檔案管理局
9 F., North Tower, No. 439 Zhongping Road,
Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City 24220, Taiwan ROC
[24220 新北市新莊區中平路 439 號(北棟) 9 樓]
🌏 NAA – Web link

The NAA (guojia fazhan weiyuanhui dang'an guanliju 國家發展委員會檔案管理局, 🏁—juzhang 局長) was established on Nov. 23, 2001 as an agency under the Research, development and Evaluation Commission (RDEC). Since Jan. 23, 2014 it is subordinate to the National Development Council (NDC). On Feb. 3, 2015 the permanent repository of the National Archives (guojia dang'an kufang 國家檔案庫房) was inaugurated.

NAA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
11/2000—7/2008Chen Su-po 陳士伯N/AN/A
7/2008—8/2008 @Shih Tsung-ying 施宗英N/AN/A
9/2008—9/2009Lin Tsyr-ling 林慈玲N/AN/A
9/2009—12/2009 @Shih Tsung-ying (second time acting)
12/2009—6/2016Chen Hsu-lin 陳旭琳N/AN/A
7/2016—Lin Chiu-yen 林秋燕b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, NAA has the following subdivisions:

  Acquisition Division (dang'an zhengjizu 檔案徵集組),
  Archives Preservation Division (dang'an diancangzu 檔案典藏組),
  Information Technology Division (wenshu dang'an zixunzu 文書檔案資訊組),
  Planning Division (qihuazu 企劃組),
  Services Division (yingyong fuwuzu 應用服務組), and
  National Archives Committee (guojia dang'an guanli weiyuanhui 國家檔案管理委員會).

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Regulatory Reform Center, NDC (RRC)

Regulatory Reform Center, NDC (RRC) 國發會法制協調中心
No. 3 Baoqing Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10020, Taiwan ROC
[10020 台北市中正區寶慶路 3 號]
🌏 RRC – Web link
Description: Nologo07

The RRC (guofahui fazhi xietiao zhongxin 國發會法制協調中心, abbrev. faxie zhongxin 法協中心, 🏁—zhuren 主任) was established in October 2000 as Center for Economic Deregulation and Innovation, CEPD (xingzhengyuan jingjianhui caijing fazhi xietiao fuwu zhongxin 行政院經建會財經法制協調服務中心) and renamed on Jan. 22, 2014.

RRC executive directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
10/2000—11/2003James Ho 何俊輝N/AN/A
11/2003—2/2005Chang Hsing-young 張新永N/AN/A
2/2005—12/2013Heng Tso 左珩N/AN/A
12/2013—8/2014Connie Chang 張惠娟N/AN/A
8/2014—9/2014Lin Te-sheng 林德生N/AN/A
9/2014—7/2016Lo Ching-jung 羅清榮N/AN/A
7/2016—Lin Chih-hsien 林志憲b. N/AN/A

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◆ Ocean Affairs Council (OAC)

Ocean Affairs Council (OAC) 海洋委員會
No. 25 Chenggong 2nd Road,
Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City 80661, Taiwan ROC
[80661 高雄市前鎮區成功二路 25 號(鴻海軟體研發大樓)]
🌏 OAC – Web link

The OAC (haiyang weiyuanhui 海洋委員會, abbrev. haiweihui 海委會, 🏁—zhuren weiyuan 主任委員) was established on April 28, 2018 when the original Coast Guard administration (CGA) was reorganized.

OAC ministers

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
4/2018—1/2019Hwung Hwung-hweng 黃煌煇b. 1946Taiwan
1/2019—9/2022Lee Chung-wei 李仲威b. 1952Taiwan
9/2022—1/2023 @Chou Mei-wu 周美伍b. 1958Taiwan
1/2023—Kuan Bi-ling 管碧玲b. 1956Taiwan

OAC structure

The OAC has the following subdivisions:

  Comprehensive Planning Office (zonghe guihuachu 綜合規劃處),
  International Development Office (guoji fazhanchu 國際發展處),
  Marine Resources Office (haiyang ziyuanchu 海洋資源處),
  Marine Security Office (haiyu anquanchu 海域安全處),
  Science, Cultural and Education Office (keji wenjiaochu 科技文教處);
  Accounting Office (zhujichu 主計處),
  Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengchu 政風處),
  Personnel Office (renshichu 人事處);
  Information Management Office (zixunshi 通電資訊室), and
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室).

The following are subordinate agencies and Organizations under the OAC:

  Coast Guard Administration (haixunshu 海巡署, abbrev. CGA),
  Ocean Conservation Administration (haiyang baoyushu 海洋保育署, abbrev. OCA); and
  National Academy of Marine Research (guojia haiyang yanjiuyuan 國家海洋研究院, abbrev. NAMR), inaugurated on April 24, 2019.

Selected level-3 agencies under OAC

Details about the following selected agencies under OAC are shown directly below.

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Coast Guard Administration, OAC (CGA)

Coast Guard Administration, OAC (CGA) 海洋委員會海巡署
No. 296 Xinglong Road Sec. 3,
Wenshan District, Taipei City 11698, Taiwan ROC
[11698 台北市文山區興隆路 3 段 296 號]
🌏 CGA – Web link
Description: CGAx01b

The original CGA (xingzhengyuan hai'an xunfangshu 行政院海岸巡防署, abbrev. haixunshu 海巡署) was set up on Jan. 28, 2000. It was downgraded after the establishment of the Ocean Affairs Council (OAC) on April 28, 2018 and restructured as subordinate agency under the OAC.

CGA director-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
4/2018—2/2019Lee Chung-wei 李仲威b. 1951N/A
2/2019—10/2020Chen Kuo-en 陳國恩b. 1956N/A
10/2020—12/2020Chuang Ching-ta 莊慶達b. 1961N/A
12/2020—Chou Mei-wu 周美伍b. 1958Taiwan

In addition to its administrative units, the subdivisions of the new CGA (haiyang weiyuanhui haixunshu 海洋委員會海巡署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) include the following:

  Communication & Electronics and Information Division (tongdian zixunzu 通電資訊組),
  Intelligence Division (qingbaozu 情報組),
  Internal Affairs Division (duchazu 督察組),
  Logistics Division (houqinzu 後勤組),
  Patrol Division (xunfangzu 巡防組),
  Planning Division (qihuazu 企劃組);
  Communications & Electronics and Information Corps (tongzi zuoyedui ji jingweidui 通資作業隊及警衛隊),
  Security Guard Corps (xunfangqu zhihuibu 巡防區指揮部);
  Fleet Branch (jiandui fenshu 艦隊分署), and
  Investigation Branch (zhenfang fenshu 偵防分署).

Furthermore, the Education, Training & Testing Center (jiaoyu xunlian cekao zhongxin 教育訓練測考中心) is a subordinate organization under the new CGA.

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Ocean Conservation Administration, OAC (OCA)

Ocean Conservation Administration, OAC (OCA) 海洋保育署
7 F., No. 25 Chenggong 2nd Road,
Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City 80661, Taiwan ROC
[80661 高雄市前鎮區成功 2 路 25 號 7 樓]
🌏 OCA – Web link

OCA (haiyang baoyushu 海洋保育署, 🏁—shuzhang 署長) was established on April 28, 2018 and focuses on implementing Taiwan's marine environment and anti-pollution laws.

OCA director-general

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
4/2018—Julia Hsiang-wen Huang 黃向文b. N/AN/A

In addition to its administrative units, OCA has the following subdivisions:

  Marine Conservation Division (haiyang shengwu baoyuzu 海洋生物保育組),
  Marine Environment Management Division (haiyang huanjing guanlizu 海洋環境管理組), and
  Planning Division (zonghe guihuazu 綜合規劃組).

TOP   HOME    [◆ OAC]

National Academy of Marine Research, OAC (NAMR)

National Academy of Marine Research, OAC (NAMR) 國家海洋研究院
11 F., No. 25 Chenggong 2nd Road,
Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City 80661, Taiwan ROC
[80661 高雄市前鎮區成功二路 25 號 11 樓]
🌏 NAMR – Web link

The NAMR (guojia haiyang yanjiuyuan 國家海洋研究院, 🏁—yuanzhang 院長) was established on April 24, 2019 and is tasked with ocean-related policy planning, research and marine industries development.

NAMR president

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2/2019—Chiu Yung-fang 邱永芳b. 1957N/A

The centers and administrative offices of NAMR are listed directly below.


  Marine Ecology and Conservation Research Center (haiyang shengtai ji baoyu yanjiu zhongxin 海洋生態及保育研究中心),
  Marine Industry and Engineering Research Center (haiyang chanye ji gongcheng yanjiu zhongxin 海洋產業及工程研究中心),
  Marine Planning and Training Center (zonghe guihua ji renli peixun zhongxin 綜合規劃及人力培訓中心),
  Marine Policy and Culture Research Center (haiyang zhengce ji wenhua yanjiu zhongxin 海洋政策及文化研究中心), and
  Marine Science and Information Research Center (haiyang kexue ji zixun yanjiu zhongxin 海洋科學及資訊研究中心).

Administrative offices

  Office of Budget and Accounting (zhujishi 主計室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室).

Since June 2022 the NAMR operates the Nansha Marine Station (Nansha haiyang yanjiuzhan 南沙海洋研究站) on Taiping Island/Itu Aba in the South China Sea.

On June 25, 2022 Taiwan’s first permanent polar research station in the Arctic circle named "TaiArctic" was opened in Longyearbyen (Svalbard/Spitsbergen Island, Norway) as a collaboration between Taiwan's NAMR, the National Central University (NCU) and Poland’s Nicolaus Copernicus University, focussing on observation of the Arctic Ocean's glacial movements, its currents and waves, surface geology and topographic evolution.

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◆ Fair Trade Commission (FTC)

Fair Trade Commission, Executive Yuan (FTC) 行政院公平交易委員會
12-14 F., No. 2-2 Ji'nan Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10051, Taiwan ROC
[10051 台北市中正區濟南路 1 段 2 之 2 號 12 樓]
🌏 FTC – Web link
Description: FTCx01a

The FTC (xingzhengyuan gongping jiaoyi weiyuanhui 行政院公平交易委員會, abbrev. gongjiaohui 公交會, 🏁—zhuren weiyuan 主任委員) was established on Jan. 27, 1992. Between June 1996 and January 1998, Chao Yang-ching was acting FTC chairperson; between July 2009 and February 2010, Wu Shiow-ming was acting FTC chairperson.

FTC chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/1992—6/1996Wang Chih-kang 王志剛b. 1942Hebei
6/1996—1/2001Chao Yang-ching 趙揚清b. 1949Jiangsu
1/2001—1/2007Hwang Tzong-leh 黃宗樂b. 1942Taiwan
1/2007 @Yu Chao-chuan 余朝權b. 1952Taiwan
2/2007—7/2009Tang Jinn-chuan 湯金全b. 1946Taiwan
7/2009—1/2017Wu Shiow-ming 吳秀明b. 1960Taiwan
2/2017—1/2021Huang Mei-ying 黃美瑛N/AN/A
2/2021—Lee May 李鎂b. N/AN/A

FTC structure

FTC has the following internal subdivisions:

  Department of Fair Competition (gongping jingzhengchu 公平競爭處),
  Department of Legal Affairs (falü shiwuchu 法律事務處),
  Department of Manufacturing Industry Competition (zhizaoye jingzhengchu 製造業競爭處),
  Department of Planning (zonghe guihuachu 綜合規劃處),
  Department of Service Industry Competition (fuwuye jingzhengchu 服務業競爭處);
  Budget, Accounting and Statistics Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Information and Economic Analysis Office (zixun ji jingji fenxishi 資訊及經濟分析室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室).

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◆ Public Construction Commission (PCC)

Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan (PCC) 行政院公共工程委員會
9 F., No. 3 Songren Road,
Xinyi District, Taipei City 11010, Taiwan ROC
[11010 台北市信義區松仁路 3 號 9 樓]
🌏 PCC – Web link
Description: PCCx02a

The PCC (xingzhengyuan gonggong gongcheng weiyuanhui 行政院公共工程委員會, abbrev. gongchenghui 工程會, 🏁—zhuren weiyuan 主任委員) was established on July 20, 1995. In the 2012-2014 ROC government restructuring, the PCC was slated to be abolished by Jan. 1, 2015, but so far the process has been delayed.

PCC heads

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1995—6/1996Arthur Chen 陳豫b. 1927Hainan
6/1996—12/1998Ou Chin-der 歐晉德b. 1944Fujian/Taiwan
12/1998—1/1999 @John Li Chien-chung 李建中b. 1947Shanghai
1/1999—5/2000Tsay Jaw-yang 蔡兆陽1941-2008Taiwan
5/2000—2/2002Lin Neng-pai 林能白b. 1953Taiwan
2/2002—1/2006Kuo Yao-chi 郭瑤琪b. 1956Taiwan
1/2006—5/2008Wu Tse-cheng 吳澤成b. 1945Taiwan
5/2008—2/2011Fan Liang-shiow 范良銹b. 1946Taiwan
2/2011—1/2012Lee Hong-yuan 李鴻源b. 1956Taiwan
2/2012—7/2013Chern Jenn-chuan 陳振川b. 1954Fujian
8/2013—11/2013 @Yan Jeou-rong 顏久榮b. 1950N/A
11/2013—4/2014Chen Shi-shuenn 陳希舜b. 1950Taiwan
5/2014—7/2014 @Yan Jeou-rong (second time acting)
7/2014—5/2016Hsu Chun-yat 許俊逸N/AN/A
5/2016—11/2017Wu Hong-mo 吳宏謀b. 1954N/A
11/2017—5/2024Wu Tse-cheng (second time)
5/2024—Chen Chin-te 陳金德b. 1961Taiwan

PCC structure

PCC has the following internal subdivisions:

  Department of Construction Management (gongcheng guanlichu 工程管理處),
  Department of Planning (qihuachu 企劃處),
  Department of Technology (jishuchu 技術處);
  Accounting and Statistics Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書處).

In addition, there are the following subordinate organizations under PCC:

  Administrative Appeal Review Committee (suyuan shenyi weiyuanhui 訴願審議委員會),
  Central Procurement Supervision Unit (zhongyang caigou jihe xiaozu 中央採購稽核小組),
  Complaint Review Board for Government Procurement (caigou shensu shenyi weiyuanhui 採購申訴審議委員會),
  Congressional Liaison Unit (guohui lianluozu 國會聯絡組),
  Engineering Technique Corroboration Committee (gongcheng jishu jianding weiyuanhui 工程技術鑑定委員會),
  Legal Affairs Committee (fagui weiyuanhui 法規委員會), and
  Professional Engineers Disciplinary Retrial Committee (jishi chengjie fushen weiyuanhui 技師懲戒覆審委員會).

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◆ National Communications Commission (NCC)

National Communications Commission (NCC) 國家通訊傳播委員會
Main office 會本部: No. 50 Ren'ai Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10052, Taiwan ROC
[10052 台北市中正區仁愛路 1 段 50 號] (交通通訊傳播大樓);
Jinan Road office 濟南路辦公室: No. 16 Jinan Road Sec. 2,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10054, Taiwan ROC
[10054 台北市中正區濟南路 2 段 16 號]
🌏 NCC – Web link
Description: NCCx01b

The NCC (guojia tongxun chuanbo weiyuanhui 國家通訊傳播委員會, abbrev. tongchuanhui 通傳會, 🏁—zhuren weiyuan 主任委員) was established on Feb. 22, 2006.

Following the elections for the 11th Legislative Yuan, the NCC was drawn into the political fight between the ruling DPP and the opposition parties KMT and TPP. Amendments to the National Communications Commission Organization Act (guojia tongxun chuanbo weiyuanhui zuzhifa 國家通訊傳播委員會組織法) which took effect on Dec. 1, 2024 banned NCC members from serving more than two terms. After the terms of four among the NCC's seven members had expired in July that year, the law amendments prevented acting NCC minister Wong Po-tsung from staying in office. In consequence, since Dec. 1, 2024 the NCC is lacking the minimum quorum of four to hold a meeting.

NCC ministers

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/2006—8/2008Su Yeong-chin 蘇永欽b. 1951Taiwan
8/2008—8/2010Bonnie Peng 彭芸b. 1952Taiwan
8/2010—8/2012Su Herng 蘇蘅b. 1955N/A
8/2012—7/2016Howard Shyr 石世豪b. 1965N/A
8/2016—4/2019Chan Ting-i 詹婷怡b. 1968N/A
4/2019—5/2019 @Wong Po-tsung 翁柏宗N/AN/A
5/2019—5/2024Chen Yaw-shyang 陳耀祥b. 1965N/A
5/2024—Wong Po-tsung 翁柏宗b. 1963N/A

Please note that Chen Yaw-shyang was acting NCC chairman between May 30, 2019 and July 9, 2020.

NCC structure

NCC has the following internal subdivisions:

  Department of Broadcasting and Content (diantai yu neirong shiwuchu 電臺與內容事務處),
  Department of Central Region Affairs (zhongqu jianlichu 中區監理處),
  Department of Frequency and Resources (shepin yu ziyuan guanlichu 射頻與資源管理處),
  Department of Legal Affairs (falü shiwuchu 法律事務處),
  Department of Network Infrastructure (jichu sheshi shiwuchu 基礎設施事務處),
  Department of Northern Region Affairs (beiqu jianlichu 北區監理處),
  Department of Planning (zonghe guihuachu 綜合規劃處),
  Department of Platforms and Businesses (pingtai shiye guanlichu 平臺事業管理處),
  Department of Southern Region Affairs (nanqu jianlichu 南區監理處);
  Budget, Accounting and Statistics Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室).

In addition, a National Communications and Cyber Security Center (guojia tongxun ji wangji anquan zhongxin 國家通訊暨網際安全中心, abbrev. NCCSC) was inaugurated on Nov. 15, 2018.

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◆ Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC)

Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan (FSC) 行政院金融監督管理委員會
18 F., No. 7 Xianmin Boulevard Sec. 2,
Banqiao District, New Taipei City 22041, Taiwan ROC
[22041 新北市板橋區縣民大道 2 段 7 號 18 樓]
🌏 FSC – Web link
Description: FSCx01a

The FSC (xingzhengyuan jinrong jiandu guanli weiyuanhui 行政院金融監督管理委員會, abbrev. jinguanhui 金管會, 🏁—zhuren weiyuan 主任委員) was established on July 1, 2004.

FSC ministers

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/2004—5/2006Kong Jaw-sheng 龔照勝1955-2016Taiwan
5/2006—8/2006 @Lu Daung-yen 呂東英b. 1943Taiwan
8/2006—1/2007Shih Jun-ji 施俊吉b. 1955Taiwan
1/2007—6/2008Hu Sheng-cheng 胡勝正1940-2018Taiwan
7/2008—11/2008Gordon S. Chen 陳樹b. 1954Taiwan
12/2008—5/2010Sean C. Chen 陳冲b. 1949Taiwan/Fujian
5/2010—7/2013Chen Yuh-chang 陳裕璋b. 1955Taiwan
8/2013—1/2016William Tseng Ming-chung 曾銘宗b. 1959Taiwan
2/2016—5/2016Jennifer Wang Li-ling 王儷玲N/AN/A
5/2016—10/2016Ding Kung-wha 丁克華b. 1953Taiwan
10/2016 @Huang Tien-mu 黃天牧b. 1959N/A
10/2016—9/2017Richard Lee Ruey-tsang 李瑞倉b. 1950Taiwan
9/2017—5/2020Wellington Koo 顧立雄b. 1958Taiwan
5/2020—5/2024Huang Tien-mu (second time)
5/2024—Peng Jin-lung 彭金隆b. 1965N/A

FSC structure

FSC has the following internal subdivisions:

  Information Management Department (zixun fuwuchu 資訊服務處),
  International Affairs Department (guoji yewuchu 國際業務處),
  Legal Affairs Department (falü shiwuchu 法律事務處),
  Planning Department (zonghe guihuachu 綜合規劃處);
  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室).

The following are subordinate agencies under the FSC:

  Banking Bureau (xingzhengyuan jinguanhui yinhangju 行政院金管會銀行局),
  Financial Examination Bureau (xingzhengyuan jinguanhui jianchaju 行政院金管會檢查局),
  Insurance Bureau (xingzhengyuan jinguanhui baoxianju 行政院金管會保險局), and
  Securities and Futures Bureau (xingzhengyuan jinguanhui zhengquan qihuoju 行政院金管會證券期貨局).

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◆ ROC Central Bank

ROC Central Bank 中央銀行
No. 2 Roosevelt Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10066, Taiwan ROC
[10066 台北市中正區羅斯福路 1 段 2 號]
🌏 Central Bank – Web link
Description: CBx01d

The Central Bank (zhongyang yinhang 中央銀行, 🏁—zongcai 總裁) was established in Guangzhou (Canton) on Aug. 15, 1924 during the Warlord Period. The Central Bank Regulations (zhongyang yinhang tiaoli 中央銀行條例) were promulgated on Oct. 6, 1928, and the Central Bank of China (CBC) was formally set up in Shanghai on Nov. 1 that year. In December 1949, the CBC relocated with the ROC government from mainland China to Taipei and resumed its operations there on July 1, 1961. On Dec. 1, 1979, the CBC was moved from the jurisdiction of the Presidential Office to that of the Executive Yuan according to amendments of the Central Bank of China Act (zhongyang yinhangfa 中央銀行法) promulgated on Nov. 8, 1979. On Feb. 10, 2007 the official English name “Central Bank of China” was changed to “Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan)” while the Chinese name remained unchanged.

Central Bank governors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
10/1928—4/1933T. V. Soong 宋子文1894-1971Shanghai
4/1933—7/1945H. H. Kung 孔祥熙1881-1967Shanxi
7/1945—2/1946O. K. Yui 俞鴻鈞1897-1960Guangdong
2/1946—3/1947Pei Tsu-yee 貝祖詒1892-1982Jiangsu
3/1947—5/1948Chang Kia-ngau 張嘉璈1889-1979Jiangsu
5/1948—1/1949O. K. Yui (second time)
1/1949—6/1949Liu Kung-yun 劉攻芸1900-1973Fujian
6/1949—10/1949Hsu Kan 徐堪1888-1969Sichuan
10/1949—2/1950Kuan Chi-yu 關吉玉1899-1975Liaoning
2/1950—6/1960O. K. Yui (third time)
6/1960—7/1960 @Yu Fei-peng 俞飛鵬1884-1966Zhejiang
7/1960—5/1969P. Y. Shu 徐柏園1903-1980Zhejiang
5/1969—6/1984Yu Kuo-hwa 俞國華1914-2000Zhejiang
6/1984—6/1989Chang Chi-cheng 張繼正1918-2015Sichuan
6/1989—6/1994Samuel C. Shieh 謝森中1919-2004Guangdong
6/1994—3/1995Liang Kuo-shu 梁國樹1929-1995Taiwan
3/1995—2/1998 Sheu Yuan-dong 許遠東1927-1998Taiwan
2/1998—2/2018Perng Fai-nan 彭淮南b. 1939Taiwan
2/2018—Yang Chin-long 楊金龍b. 1953Taiwan

Central Bank structure

The Central Bank of the ROC (Taiwan) has the following internal subdivisions:

  Board of Directors (lishihui 理事會),
  Board of Supervisors (jianshihui 監事會);
  Department of Banking (yewuju 業務局),
  Department of Foreign Exchange (waihuiju 外匯局),
  Department of Issuing (faxingju 發行局),
  Department of the Treasury (guokuju 國庫局);
  Department of Accounting (kuaijichu 會計處),
  Department of Economic Research (jingji yanjiuchu 經濟研究處),
  Department of Financial Inspection (jinrong yewu jianchachu 金融業務檢查處),
  Department of Information Management (yixunchu 資訊處),
  Secretariat (mishuchu 秘書處);
  Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Legal Affairs Office (fawushi 法務室),
  Personnel Office (resnshishi 人事室);
  New York Representative Office (zhu Niuyue daibiao banshichu 駐紐約代表辦事處), and
  London Representative Office (zhu Lundun daibiao banshichu 駐倫敦代表辦事處).

The following are subordinate agencies under the Central Bank:

  Central Engraving & Printing Plant (zhongyang yinzhichang 中央印製廠), and
  Central Mint (zhongyang zaobichang 中央造幣廠).

Issuing bank

The currency of the ROC is the New Taiwan Dollar (xin taibi 新臺幣, abbrev. NT$, NTD or TWD). The NT$ was first issued by the Bank of Taiwan (BOT) on June 15, 1949. On July 1, 2000 the Regulations Governing the Issuance of New Taiwan Dollars by the Central Bank of China (zhongyang yinhang faxing xintaibi banfa 中央銀行發行新臺幣辦法) were implemented, and the Central Bank has been issuing the NT$ ever since. For copyright reasons images of the NT$ banknotes and coins which are currently in circulation cannot be shown here but are accessible on the website of the Central Bank’s Virtual Money Museum (zhongyang yinhang quanbi shuwei bowuguan 中央銀行券幣數位博物館).

NT$ banknotes

Face value Dimensions Issued since
NT$ 100 145 x 70 mm 2001, July 2
NT$ 200 150 x 70 mm 2002, Jan. 2
NT$ 500 155 x 70 mm 2005, July 20
NT$ 1000 160 x 70 mm 2005, July 20
NT$ 2000 165 x 70 mm 2002, July 1

NT$ coins

Face value Diameter Weight Issued since
NT$ 0.5 18 mm 3 g 1981, Dec. 8
NT$ 1 20 mm 3.8 g 1981, Dec. 8
NT$ 5 22 mm 4.4 g 1981, Dec. 8
NT$ 10 26 mm 7.5 g 1981, Dec. 8
NT$ 10 26 mm 7.5 g 2011, Jan. 11
NT$ 20 26.85 mm 8.5 g 2001, July 9
NT$ 50 28 mm 10 g 2002, April 26

Please note that the NT$ 0.5 coin was no longer minted since 2004 and has become very rare, therefore it is not shown in the Virtual Money Museum; the NT$ 10 coin first issued in 1981 was no longer minted since 2010 but is still widely used; and the NT$ 20 coin, although still in circulation, is not often used.

Foreign exchange rates of the day can be found on a page of the Bank of Taiwan's website. Historical exchange rates between the NT$ and the US$/the Euro since 1993 can be found here.

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◆ Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS)

Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS) 主計總處
No. 2 Guangzhou Street,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10065, Taiwan ROC
[10065 台北市中正區廣州街 2 號]
🌏 DGBAS – Web link
Description: DGBAS01b

The DGBAS was established in April 1931. The Chinese name was changed from the original (xingzhengyuan zhujichu 行政院主計處) to its present form (zhuji zongchu 主計總處, 🏁—zhujizhang 主計長) on Feb. 6, 2012. Older sources sometimes used "comptroller-general" as English title of the DGBAS head.

DGBAS heads

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
4/1931—10/1946Chen Chi-tsai 陳其采1880-1954Zhejiang
10/1946—11/1948Hsu Kan 徐堪1888-1969Sichuan
11/1948—12/1949Pang Sung-chou 龐松舟1887-1990Jiangsu
12/1949—3/1950Wang Yao 王燿b. 1896, d. N/AHubei
3/1950—8/1950Chen Liang 陳良1896-1994Zhejiang
8/1950—7/1958Pang Sung-chou (second time)
7/1958—3/1963Chen Ching-yu 陳慶瑜1899-1981Jiangsu
3/1963—1/1969Chang Tao-ming 張導民1910-2001Hubei
1/1969—6/1978Chow Hong-tao 周宏濤1916-2004Zhejiang
6/1978—1/1987Chung Shih-yi 鍾時益b. 1914, d. N/AHunan
1/1987—2/1993Yu Chien-min 于建民b. 1924Henan
2/1993—6/1996Wang Kun 汪錕b. 1923Gansu
6/1996—5/2000Wei Duan 韋端b. 1949Guangxi
5/2000—12/2002Lin Chuan 林全b. 1951Jiangsu
12/2002—5/2004Hale S. C. Liu 劉三錡b. 1947Taiwan
5/2004—5/2008Hsu Jan-yau 許璋瑤b. 1951Taiwan
5/2008—5/2016Shih Su-mei 石素梅b. 1952Taiwan
5/2016—5/2024Chu Tzer-ming 朱澤民b. 1949N/A
5/2024—Chen Shu-tzu 陳淑姿b. 1956N/A

DBGAS structure

The subordinate divisions and organizations of DGBAS include the following:

  Board of Comptrollers (zhuji huiyi 主計會議);
  Department of Accounting and Financial Reporting (kuaiji juesuanchu 會計決算處),
  Department of Census (guoshi puchachu 國勢普查處),
  Department of General Fund Budget (gongwu yusuanchu 公務預算處),
  Department of Special Fund Budget (jijin yusuanchu 基金預算處);
  BAS Office (zhujishi 主計室);
  Laws and Regulations Committee (faguihui 法規會),
  National Accounts Statistics Review Committee (guomin suode tongji pingshenhui 國民所得統計評審會), and
  BAS Training Center (zhuji renyuan xunlian zhongxin 主計人員訓練中心).

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◆ Directorate-General of Personnel Administration (DGPA)

Directorate-General of Personnel Administration, Executive Yuan (DGPA) 人事行政總處
10 F., No. 2-2 Ji'nan Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10051, Taiwan ROC
[10051 台北巿中正區濟南路 1 段 2-2 號 10 樓]
🌏 DGPA – Web link
Description: DGPAx02a

The DGPA (renshi xingzheng zongchu 人事行政總處, 🏁—renshizhang 人事長) was established on Sept. 16, 1967 under the name "Central Personnel Administration" (xingzhengyuan renshi xingzhengju 行政院人事行政局, abbrev. renxingju 人行局 in Chinese and CPA in English, 🏁—juzhang 局長) and renamed on Feb. 6, 2012.

DGPA heads

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
9/1967—5/1972Wang Cheng-i 王正誼b. 1915Zhejiang
6/1972—9/1984Chen Kuei-hua 陳桂華b. 1918Guangdong
9/1984—2/1993Pu Ta-hai 卜達海b. 1922Guangdong
2/1993—8/1997Chen Kang-chin 陳庚金b. 1939Taiwan
9/1997—6/1999Wea Chi-lin 魏啟林b. 1947Taiwan
6/1999—5/2000Chang Che-shen 張哲琛b. 1945Shanghai
5/2000—1/2002Chu Wu-hsian 朱武獻b. 1950Taiwan
2/2002—1/2005Lee Yi-yang 李逸洋b. 1955Taiwan
2/2005—1/2006Chang Chun-yen 張俊彥b. 1937Taiwan
1/2006—5/2008Chou Hung-hsien 周弘憲b. 1953Taiwan
5/2008—9/2009Chen Ching-hsiou 陳清秀b. 1959N/A
9/2009—3/2012Wu Tai-cheng 吳泰成b. 1945Taiwan
3/2012—5/2016Huang Fu-yuan 黃富源b. 1956Taiwan
5/2016—2/2022Jay N. Shih 施能傑b. 1960Taiwan
2/2022—Su Chun-jung 蘇俊榮b. 1960N/A

DGPA structure

DGPA has the following internal subdivisions:

  Department of Information Management (renshi zixunchu 人事資訊處),
  Department of Organization and Manpower (zubian renlichu 組編人力處),
  Department of Planning (zonghe guihuachu 綜合規劃處),
  Department of Remuneration and Welfare (jiyu fulichu 給與福利處),
  Department of Training and Employment (peixun kaoyongchu 培訓考用處);
  Budget, Accounting and Statistics Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室),
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室);
  Legal Affairs Committee (faguihui 法規會);
  Administrative Appeal Review Committee (suyuan shenyi weiyuanhui 訴願審議委員會), and
  Military and Civil Service Remuneration Review Committee (jungongjiao yuangong daiyu shenyi weiyuanhui 軍公教員工待遇審議委員會).

The following are subordinate agencies under the DGPA:

  Civil Service Development Institute (xingzhengyuan renshi xingzheng zongchu gongwu renli fazhan zhongxin 行政院人事行政總處公務人力發展中心, abbrev. CSDI). and
  Regional Civil Service Development Institute (difang xingzheng yanxi zhongxin 地方行政研習中心).

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Civil Service Development Institute, DGPA (CSDI)

Civil Service Development Institute, DGPA (CSDI) 行政院人事行政總處公務人力發展學院
No. 30 Xinsheng South Road Sec. 3,
Daan District, Taipei City 10060, Taiwan ROC (sharing premises with the Howard Civil Service International House 福華國際文教會館)
[10660 台北市大安區新生南路 3 段 30 號]
CSDI Nantou Branch
No. 1 Guangming Road,
Nantou City, Nantou County 54071, Taiwan ROC
[54071 南投縣南投市光明路 1 號]
🌏 CSDI – Web link
Older logo

The CSDI (xingzhengyuan renshi xingzheng zongchu gongwu renli fazhan xueyuan 行政院人事行政總處公務人力發展學院, 🏁—yuanzhang 院長) was formally established on Jan. 22, 1996 under a different Chinese name (xingzhengyuan renshi xingzheng zongchu gongwu renli fazhan zhongxin 行政院人事行政總處公務人力發展中心, 🏁—zhuren 主任) as successor of the Training Center for Government Officials (gongwu renyuan xunlianban 公務人員訓練班) which had been set up in February 1968. On July 7, 2017 it was merged with the Nantou-based Regional Civil Service Development Institute (xingzhengyuan renshi xingzheng zongchu difang xingzheng yanxi zhongxin 行政院人事行政總處地方行政研習中心) and renamed. The institution in Nantou in turn can be traced back to the Taiwan Province Training Corps (Taiwansheng xunliantuan 臺灣省訓練團) which had been founded in July 1956 and renamed Department of Civil Human Resources, Training and Development (Taiwan shengzhengfu gongwu renli peixunchu 臺灣省政府公務人力培訓處) in May 1997 before its final name was adopted in July 1999.

The mission of CSDI is to provide continuing learning opportunities that will develop civil servants with vision and a customer-oriented service attitude. Modernized premises were opened on Oct. 21, 2000.

CSDI directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/1996—6/2004Thomas H. Y. Wang 王漢源N/AN/A
7/2004—11/2007Yao Yew-mei 游玉梅N/AN/A
12/2007—1/2008 @Chung Chen-fang 鍾振芳N/AN/A
2/2008—7/2015Liou Tsyr 劉慈N/AN/A
7/2015—5/2016Lin Wen-tsann 林文燦N/AN/A
6/2016 @Chang Pei-hua 張沛華N/AN/A
6/2016—Cheng Chung-chih 城忠志b. N/AN/A

The organizational structure of CSDI features the following subdivisions:

  Digital Learning Division (shuwei xuexizu 數位學習組),
  Education Development Division (peiyu fazhanzu 培育發展組),
  Planning Division (zonghe guihuazu 綜合規劃組),
  Professional Training Division (zhuanye xunlianzu 專業訓練組);
  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室).

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◆ Central Election Commission (CEC)

Central Election Commission (CEC) 中央選舉委員會
10 F., No. 5 Xuzhou Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10055, Taiwan ROC
[10055 台北市中正區徐州路 5 號 10 樓]
🌏 CEC – Web link
Description: CEC02a

The CEC (zhongyang xuanju weiyuanhui 中央選舉委員會, abbrev. zhongxuanhui 中選會, 🏁—zhuren weiyuan 主任委員) was established on July 16, 1980. Between its inception and December 1999, it was usually headed by the ROC Minister of the Interior with the exception of the period between July 30, 1994 and June 15, 1995—Huang Shih-cheng was not MOI minister but minister without portfolio at the time. CEC members are usually nominated by the Executive Yuan, pending legislative confirmation, to serve four-year terms, and they have the right to exercise their powers independent of any political influence.

CEC chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1980—11/1981Chiu Chuang-huan 邱創煥1925-2020Taiwan
12/1981—5/1984Lin Yang-kang 林洋港1927-2013Taiwan
6/1984—7/1988Wu Po-hsiung 吳伯雄b. 1939Taiwan
7/1988—5/1991Hsu Shui-teh 許水德1931-2021Taiwan
6/1991—7/1994Wu Po-hsiung (second time)
7/1994—6/1995Huang Shih-cheng 黃石城b. 1935Taiwan
6/1995—6/1996Huang Kun-huei 黃昆輝b. 1936Taiwan
6/1996—5/1997Lin Fong-cheng 林豐正b. 1940Taiwan
5/1997—2/1998Yeh Chin-fong 葉金鳳b. 1943Taiwan
2/1998—12/1999Huang Chu-wen 黃主文b. 1941Taiwan

12/1999—6/2004Huang Shih-cheng (second time)
6/2004—11/2009Masa Chang 張政雄b. 1941Taiwan
11/2009—10/2010Rai Hau-min 賴浩敏b. 1939Taiwan
10/2010—11/2010 @Liu I-chou 劉義周b. 1948Taiwan
11/2010—7/2014Chang Po-ya 張博雅b. 1942Taiwan
8/2014—11/2017Liu I-chou (second time, 8/2014—1/2015 acting)
11/2017 @Lin Tsyr-ling 林慈玲N/AN/A
11/2017—11/2018Chen In-chin 陳英鈐b. 1965N/A
12/2018—6/2019 @Chen Chao-chien 陳朝建N/AN/A
6/2019—John C. Y. Lee 李進勇b. 1951Taiwan

CEC structure

CEC has the following internal subdivisions:

  Department of Electoral Affairs (xuanwuchu 選務處),
  Department of Legal Affairs (fazhengchu 法政處),
  Department of Planning (zonghe guihuachu 綜合規劃處);
  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室), and
  Secretariat Office (mishushi 秘書室).

Please note that each special municipality and local government on county level in the ROC has its own local election commission (xuanju weiyuanhui 選舉委員會).

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◆ Veterans Affairs Council (VAC)

Veterans Affairs Council, ROC (VAC) 國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會
No. 222 Zhongxiao East Road Sec. 5,
Xinyi District, Taipei City 11025, Taiwan ROC
[11025 台北市信義區忠孝東路 5 段 222 號]
🌏 VAC – Web link
Description: VACx01c

The VAC (guojun tuichuyi guanbing fudao weiyuanhui 國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會, abbrev. tuifuhui 退輔會, 🏁—zhuren weiyuan 主任委員) was established on Nov. 1, 1954 as Vocational Assistance Commission for Retired Servicemen (xingzhengyuan guojun tuichuyi guanbing jiuye fudao weiyuanhui 行政院國軍退除役官兵就業輔導委員會, abbrev. VACRS) under the ROC Executive Yuan. The Chinese name was changed to xingzhengyuan guojun tuichuyi guanbing fudao weiyuanhui 行政院國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會 in 1966, the English name to "Veterans Affairs Commission" on Jan. 1, 1997. The current name was adopted on Nov. 1, 2013.

On Nov. 26, 2021 ROC President Tsai Ing-wen announced that the VAC will post an envoy in Washington DC in early January 2022 and retired Major General Ni Bang-chen 倪邦辰 had been appointed for the position.

VAC heads

Tenure started Name Born/Died Native Province
11/1954Yen Chia-kan 嚴家淦1905-1993Jiangsu
4/1956Chiang Ching-kuo 蔣經國1910-1988Zhejiang
6/1965Chao Tsu-yu 趙聚鈺1911-1981Hunan
6/1981Cheng Wei-yuan 鄭為元1913-1993Anhui
4/1987Chang Kuo-ying 張國英b. 1916Anhui
11/1987Hsu Li-nung 許歷農b. 1921Anhui
2/1993Chou Shih-pin 周世斌b. 1930Sichuan
12/1994Yang Ting-yun 楊亭雲b. 1928Hubei
1/1999Lee Cheng-lin 李楨林b. 1933Shandong
5/2000Yang Te-chih 楊德智b. 1941Taiwan
2/2003Teng Tzu-lin 鄧祖琳b. 1942Hubei
5/2004Kao Hua-chu 高華柱b. 1946Shandong
2/2007Hu Chen-pu 胡鎮埔b. 1948Jiangsu
5/2008Kao Hua-chu (second time)
9/2009Tseng Chin-ling 曾金陵b. 1947Jiangxi
8/2013Tung Hsiang-lung 董翔龍b. 1952Taiwan
5/2016Lee Shying-jow 李翔宙b. 1952Taiwan
2/2018Chiu Kuo-cheng 邱國正b. 1953Taiwan/Jiangsu
7/2019 @Lee Wen-chung 李文忠b. 1958Taiwan
8/2019—5/2024Kent Feng 馮世寬b. 1945Jiangsu
5/2024—Yen Teh-fa 嚴德發b. 1952N/A

VAC structure

VAC has the following internal subdivisions:

  Department of Accounting (kuaijichu 會計處),
  Department of Administrative Management (xingzheng guanlichu 行政管理處),
  Department of Business Management (shiye guanlichu 事業管理處),
  Department of Civil Service Ethics (zhengfengchu 政風處),
  Department of Education and Employment Assistance (jiuxue jiuyechu 就學就業處),
  Department of Healthcare and Medical Care (jiuyi baojianchu 就醫保健處),
  Department of Homecare and Nursing Care (jiuyang yanghuchu 就養養護處),
  Department of Personnel (renshichu 人事處),
  Department of Planning (zonghe guihuachu 綜合規劃處),
  Department of Retirement Payment (tuichu jifuchu 退除給付處),
  Department of Statistics and Information (tongji zixunchu 統計資訊處),
  Department of Veterans Service and Assistance (fuwu zhaoguchu 服務照顧處);
  Legal Affairs Committee (faguihui 法規會);
  Medical Funds Committee (yiliao jijin guanlihui 醫療基金管理會), and
  Placement Funds Committee (anzhi jijin guanlihui 安置基金管理會).

The following are subordinate agencies under the VAC:

  Job Placement Foundation (anzhi jijin guanli weiyuanhui 安置基金管理委員會), and
  Medical Care Foundation (yiliao jijin guanli weiyuanhui 醫療基金管理委員會).

One noteworthy institution administered by the VAC is the Taipei Veterans General Hospital (Taibei rongmin zong yiyuan 台北榮民總醫院, abbrev. Taibei rongzong 台北榮總 in Chinese and TVGH in English) which was founded on July 1, 1958 and today has three additional branches—Taoyuan Veterans Hospital (Taoyuan fenyuan 桃園分院), Yuanshan Veterans Hospital (Yuanshan fenyuan 員山分院), and Suao Veterans Hospital (Suao fenyuan 蘇澳分院).

Taipei Veterans General Hospital (TVGH) 台北榮民總醫院
No. 201 Shipai Road Sec. 2,
Beitou District, Taipei City 11217, Taiwan ROC
[11217 台北市北投區石牌路 2 段 201 號]
🌏 TVGH – Web link

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◆ Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC)

Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC) 僑務委員會
Floors 3 and 15–17, No. 5 Xuzhou Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10055, Taiwan ROC
[10055台北市中正區徐州路 5 號 3 、 15 、 16 、 17 樓]
🌏 OCAC – Web link
Description: OCACx01d

The OCAC (qiaowu weiyuanhui 僑務委員會, abbrev. qiaoweihui 僑委會, 🏁—weiyuanzhang 委員長) was first set up in October 1926 as a department of the KMT and called "Overseas Chinese Affairs Council" in English at the time. In December 1931 a new law placed it under the Executive Yuan, and it was formally established in April 1932 with "Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission" as its English name. On April 28, 2006 its official English name was changed to "Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission"; the previous official English name was restored on Sept. 1, 2012. The current English name was adopted on Nov. 12, 2012.

OCAC ministers

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
4/1932—5/1947Chen Shu-jen 陳樹人1884-1948Guangdong
5/1947—12/1948Liu Wei-chi 劉維熾1892-1955Guangdong
12/1948—5/1950Tai Kwei-sheng 戴愧生1892-1979Fujian
5/1950—4/1952Yeh Kung-chao 葉公超1904-1981Guangdong
4/1952—7/1958Cheng Yin-fun 鄭彥棻1902-1990Guangdong
7/1958—6/1960Chen Ching-men 陳清文1894-1982Singapore/Fujian
6/1960—12/1962Chow Shu-kai 周書楷1913-1992Hubei
12/1962—6/1972Kao Hsin 高信1905-1993Guangdong
6/1972—6/1984Mo Sung-nien 毛松年1911-2005Guangdong
6/1984—2/1993Tseng Kwang-shun 曾廣順b. 1924Guangdong
2/1993—6/1996John Chang 章孝嚴b. 1941Jiangxi/Zhejiang
6/1996—2/1998James C. Y. Chu 祝基瀅b. 1935Fujian
2/1998—5/2000Chiao Jen-ho 焦仁和b. 1948Zhejiang
5/2000—5/2008Chang Fu-mei 張富美b. 1938Taiwan
5/2008—7/2013Wu Ying-yih 吳英毅b. 1943Taiwan
8/2013—5/2016Steven S. K. Chen 陳士魁b. 1952N/A
5/2016—5/2020Wu Hsin-hsing 吳新興b. 1953Taiwan
5/2020—1/2023Tung Chen-yuan 童振源b. 1969Taiwan
1/2023—Hsu Chia-ching 徐佳青b. 1967Taiwan

OCAC structure

OCAC has the following internal subdivisions:

  Department of Business Affairs (qiaoshangchu 僑商處),
  Department of Community Affairs (qiaominchu 僑民處),
  Department of Education Affairs (qiaojiaochu 僑教處),
  Department of Policy Research and Development (zonghe guihuachu 綜合規劃處),
  Department of Students Affairs (qiaoshengchu 僑生處);
  Accounting and Statistics Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Information Management Office (zixunshi 資訊室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室),
  Secretariat Office (mishushi 秘書室); and
  Legal Affairs Committee (faguihui 法規會).

Please note that the Overseas Community News Agency (qiaowu tongxunshe 僑務通訊社) is a subordinate organization under the OCAC. Furthermore, the OCAC publishes a newsletter which includes English-language reports.

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◆ Hakka Affairs Council (HAC)

Hakka Affairs Council, Executive Yuan (HAC) 行政院客家委員會
8 F., No. 3 Songren Road,
Xinyi District, Taipei City 11010, Taiwan ROC
[11010 台北市信義區松仁路 3 號 8 樓(中油大樓)]
🌏 HAC – Web link
Description: Hakka01a

The HAC (xingzhengyuan kejia weiyuanhui 行政院客家委員會, abbrev. keweihui 客委會, 🏁—zhuren weiyuan 主任委員) was established on June 14, 2001 and operates the Taiwan Hakka Culture Development Center (kejia wenhua fazhan zhongxin 客家文化發展中心, est. Jan. 1, 2012). For a decade after it establishment, the English name was "Council for Hakka Affairs" (CHA). The current English name has been in use since the Organization Act of Hakka Affairs Council (kejia weiyuanhui zuzhifa 客家委員會組織法) was published on June 29, 2011.

HAC heads

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
6/2001—1/2002K. C. Fan 范光群b. 1939Taiwan
2/2002—5/2004Yeh Chu-lan 葉菊蘭b. 1949Taiwan
5/2004—3/2005Luo Wen-jia 羅文嘉b. 1966Taiwan
3/2005—5/2008Lee Yung-te 李永得b. 1955Taiwan
5/2008—7/2014Huang Yu-cheng 黃玉振b. 1952Taiwan
7/2014—5/2016Liu Ching-chung 劉慶中b. 1956Taiwan
5/2016—5/2020Lee Yung-te (second time)
5/2020—5/2024Yiong Cong-ziin 楊長鎮b. 1964Taiwan
5/2024—Ku Hsiu-fei 古秀妃b. 1972N/A

HAC structure

The Hakka Affairs Council has the following internal subdivisions:

  Department of Art, Culture and Communication (wenyi chuanbochu 藝文傳播處),
  Department of Industrial Economy (chanye jingjichu 產業經濟處),
  Department of Language Development (yuyan fazhanchu 語言發展處),
  Department of Planning (zonghe guihuachu 綜合規劃處);
  Accounting and Statistics Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室),
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室); and
  Legal Affairs Committee (faguihui 法規會).

A television station striving to let Hakka and non-Hakka viewers better appreciate and understand Hakka culture was launched on July 1, 2003: Hakka TV (kejia dianshitai 客家電視台, abbrev. keshi 客視). The satellite cable channel is operated by Taiwan Broadcasting System (Taiwan gonggong guangbo dianshi jituan 台灣公共廣播電視集團, abbrev. gongguang 公廣 in Chinese and TBS in English).

A Hakka Basic Act (kejia jibenfa 客家基本法) was promulgated on Jan. 27, 2010. The Hakka Culture Development Center (kejia wenhua fazhan zhongxin 客家文化發展中心) was officially established on Jan. 1, 2012, and it is affiliated with the Liudui Park (liudui kejia wenhua yuanqu 六堆客家文化園區) in Pingtung County, opened to the public since Oct. 22, 2011, and the Taiwan Hakka Museum (Taiwan kejia wenhuaguan 臺灣客家文化館) in Miaoli County, opened to the public since May 12, 2012.

Local distinctions

The Hakka have their own distinct language, culture, customs and cuisine. The main pockets of the Hakka population in Taiwan's cities and counties are as follows:

  • Northern Taiwan—Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli;
  • Central Taiwan—Taichung, Nantou, Changhua and Yunlin;
  • Southern Taiwan—Kaohsiung and Pingtung's Liutui areas (liudui diqu 六堆地區);
  • Eastern Taiwan—there are Hakka settlements in villages and towns in Yilan, Hualien and Taitung.

Endangered language

According to academic studies carried out in 1994, the number of true Hakka speakers in Taiwan was being lost at a rate of 5 percent per year. According to a survey conducted by the HAC, only 11.6 percent of Taiwanese Hakka under the age of thirteen can fluently speak some dialect of Hakka. In 2003, not more than 43.6 percent of Hakka were able to speak or understand Hakka. Five variants of Hakka are spoken on Taiwan:

  • Sixian dialect (sixian qiang 四縣腔), distribution: Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Miaoli, Taitung, Pingtung and Kaohsiung;
  • Hailu dialect (hailu qiang 海陸腔), distribution: Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Hualien;
  • Dabu dialect (dabu qiang 大埔腔), distribution: Miaoli, Taichung;
  • Raoping dialect (raoping qiang 饒平腔), distribution: Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli;
  • Zhaoan dialect (zhaoan qiang 詔安腔), distribution: Yunlin.

On May 30, 2020 the Liu Dui Culture Research Association (shetuan faren Pingdong xian liudui wenhua yanjiu xuehui 社團法人屏東縣六堆文化研究學會)—established in January 2002—unveiled a two-volume, 1,400-page Liudui Lexicon (liudui cidian 六堆詞典) of Hakka-language words in the Liu Dui dialect which is a subgroup of the Sixian dialect.

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◆ Council of Indigenous Peoples (CIP)

Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan (CIP) 行政院原住民族委員會
No. 172 Chongqing North Road Sec. 2,
Datong District, Taipei City 10357, Taiwan ROC
[10357 台北市大同區重慶北路 2 段 172 號]
🌏 CIP – Web link
Description: CIPx01b

The CIP (xingzhengyuan yuanzhu minzu weiyuanhui 行政院原住民族委員會, abbrev. yuanminhui 原民會, 🏁—zhuren weiyuan 主任委員) was established on Dec. 10, 1996 under the name "Council of Aboriginal Affairs" (xingzhengyuan yuanzhumin weiyuanhui 行政院原住民委員會) and renamed on Jan. 4, 2002.

CIP ministers

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
6/1996—5/2000 Hua Chia-chih 華加志 b. 1936Paiwan
5/2000—2/2002Yohani Isqaqavut b. 1953Bunun
2/2002—3/2005Chen Chien-nien 陳建年b. 1947Puyuma
3/2005—5/2007Walis Perin b. 1952Atayal / Sediq
5/2007—5/2008Icyang Parod b. 1960Amis
5/2008—9/2009Chang Jen-hsiang 章仁香 b. 1953Amis
9/2009—7/2013Sun Ta-chuan 孫大川 b. 1953Puyuma
8/2013—5/2016Mayaw Dongi b. 1949Amis
5/2016—5/2024Icyang Parod (second time)
5/2024—Ljaucu Zingrur b. 1962Paiwan

Please note that the tribal name of Hua Chia-chih 華加志 is Tjaravak 達拉瓦克, Yohani Isqaqavut also used the Chinese name Sung Kuo-hsien 松國賢, Walis Perin also used the Chinese name Tsai Kuiy-tsung 蔡貴聰, Icyang Parod also used the Chinese name Liu Wen-hsiung 劉文雄, the tribal name of Sun Ta-chuan 孫大川 is Paelabang Danapan 巴厄拉邦, Mayaw Dongi mainly uses the Chinese name Lin Chiang-yi 林江義, and Ljaucu Zingrur also uses the Chinese name Tseng Chih-yung 曾智勇.

CIP structure

CIP has the following internal subdivisions:

  Comprehensive Planning Department (zonghe guihuachu 綜合規劃處),
  Economic Development Department (jingji fazhanchu 經濟發展處),
  Education and Culture Department (jiaoyu wenhuachu 教育文化處),
  Land Administration Department (tudi guanlichu 土地管理處),
  Public Construction Department (gonggong jianshechu 公共建設處),
  Social Welfare Department (shehui fulichu 社會福利處);
  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Government Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室),
  Secretary Office (mishushi 秘書室); and
  Legal Office (fagui weiyuanhui 法規委員會).

The following subordinate organizations are associated with the CIP:

  Indigenous Languages Research and Development Center (yuanzhu minzu yuyan yanjiu fazhan zhongxin 原住民族語言研究發展中心)
  Indigenous Peoples Culture Development Center (yuanzhu minzu wenhua fazhan zhongxin 原住民族文化發展中心);
  Promotion Center for Indigenous Cultural Industries (yuanzhu minzu wenhua chanye tuizhan zhongxin 原住民族文化產業推展中心); and
  Dongpu Activity Center (Dongpu huodong zhongxin 東埔活動中心).

An Indigenous Peoples Basic Law Promotion Committee (xingzhengyuan yuanzhu minzu jibenfa tuidonghui 原住民族基本法推動會) under the Executive Yuan convened for its first meeting on Sept. 11, 2006, convened by ROC Premier Su Tseng-chang 蘇貞昌. Furthermore, the Bureau of Indigenous Peoples Cultural Park (wenhua yuanqu guanliju 文化園區管理局) is a subordinate organization under the CIP.

Greater Austronesian context

The CIP also promotes exchanges with other Austronesian peoples in the Pacific region. The council organized the Assembly of Austronesian Leaders (nandao minzu lingxiu huiyi 南島民族領袖會議) in Taipei Dec. 9–10, 2002 to share research findings and raise awareness of Austronesian traditional cultures. The gathering brought together Austronesian delegates from twelve countries and saw the signing of the "Taipei's Declaration of Austronesian Leaders" (nandao minzu lingxiu Taibei xuanyan 南島民族領袖臺北宣言). In addition, the CIP has held the International Austronesian Conference (nandao minzu guoji huiyi 南島民族國際會議) annually since Nov. 25, 2003.

Following the signing of the "Palau Declaration" (Boliu xuanyan 帛琉宣言) during the First Taiwan-Pacific Allies Summit (taipingyang youbang yuanshou gaofeng huiyi 太平洋友邦元首高峰會議) held in Palau on Sept. 4, 2006, a preparatory office for the proposed Austronesian Forum (nandao minzu luntan 南島民族論壇)—consisting of Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, the Solomon Islands, Taiwan, Tuvalu as well as the Philippines—was inaugurated on Aug. 1, 2007 right after an organization charter was approved on July 31. A permanent HQ of the forum was set up on April 6, 2008 in Palau, its secretariat is located in Taipei. When the political power in the ROC was transferred from the DPP to the KMT in May 2008, the forum was suspended. It was revived after a 10-year hiatus on Aug. 2, 2018 in Taipei, the participating countries were Indonesia, Kiribati, Malaysia, the Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Zealand, Palau, the Philippines, the Solomon Islands, Taiwan and Tuvalu as well as the US territory of Guam and the US state of Hawaii. The inauguration of the forum's HQ in Palau was scheduled for Sept. 30, 2019, on that day the Austronesian Forum Executive Council convened there.

On March 29, 2022 Taiwan officially became a founding member of the Indigenous Peoples Economic and Trade Cooperation Arrangement (IPETCA), a non-binding cooperation-based agreement initiated by New Zealand during its 2021 APEC host year with Canada and Australia as its other founding members.

On Aug. 1, 2022 National Taitung University (guoli Taidong daxue 國立臺東大學, abbrev. NTTU) became the ROC's first higher education institution to offer a doctoral program in Austronesian culture in its Graduate Institute of Austronesian Studies (nando wenhua yanjiusuo 南島文化研究所).

Sensitive terminology

On Oct. 28, 2019 the CIP pointed out that when interacting with individuals or organizations in/from the PRC, Taiwan's indigenous peoples or tribe members should insist on being referred to as "indigenous peoples" (yuanzhu minzu 原住民族) instead of using the official PRC term "ethnic minority" (shaoshu minzu 少數民族) which would be regarded as degrading.

* * * SEE ALSO * * *

Additional information pertaining to that subject can be found on the following page of this website.

🔴 "Introduction Taiwan / ROC", The indigenous peoples in contemporary Taiwan

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◆ National Palace Museum (NPM)

National Palace Museum (NPM) 國立故宮博物院
No. 221 Zhishan Road Sec. 2,
Shilin District, Taipei City 11143, Taiwan ROC
[11143 台北市士林區至善路 2 段 221 號]
🌏 NPM – Web link
Description: NPMx01a

The NPM (guoli gugong bowuyuan 國立故宮博物院, abbrev. gugong 故宮, 🏁—yuanzhang 院長) was established on Oct. 10, 1925 in the Forbidden City (zijincheng 紫禁城), the former imperial palace (constructed 1406-1421) in the heart of Beijing. The ROC government evacuated the most precious contents of the NPM repeatedly, first in the face of advancing Japanese troops in 1933 and then in 1948/1949 shortly before the loss of the mainland to the Chinese communists. The building which currently houses the NPM on the outskirts of Taipei was opened on Nov. 12, 1965.

NPM directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
10/1925Lee Shih-tseng 李石曾 1881-1973Hebei
10/1925—10/1933Yi Pei-chi 易培基1880-1937Hunan
10/1933—8/1949Ma Heng 馬衡1881-1955Zhejiang
9/1949—6/1956Hang Li-wu 杭立武1903-1991Anhui/Zhejiang
7/1956—4/1964Kung Teh-cheng 孔德成1920-2008Shandong
5/1964—8/1965Ho Lien-kwei 何聯奎1903-1977Zhejiang
9/1965—1/1983Chiang Fu-tsung 蔣復璁1898-1990Zhejiang
1/1983—5/2000Chin Hsiao-yi 秦孝儀1921-2007Hunan
5/2000—5/2004Tu Cheng-sheng 杜正勝b. 1944Taiwan
5/2004—1/2006Shih Shou-chien 石守謙b. 1951Taiwan
1/2006—5/2008Lin Mun-lee 林曼麗b. 1954Taiwan
5/2008—7/2012Chou Kung-hsin 周功鑫b. 1947Taiwan
7/2012—9/2012 @Chou Chu-kun 周筑昆N/AN/A
9/2012—5/2016Fung Ming-chu 馮明珠b. 1950Hong Kong
5/2016—7/2018Lin Jeng-yi 林正儀b. 1958Taiwan
7/2018—1/2019Chen Chi-nan 陳其南b. 1947Taiwan
1/2019—2/2019 @Lee Ching-hwi 李靜慧N/AN/A
2/2019—1/2023Wu Mi-cha 吳密察b. 1956Taiwan
1/2023—Hsiao Tsung-huang 蕭宗煌b. 1958Taiwan

Please note that the first director of the NPM, Lee Shih-tseng 李石曾, is also known as Li Yu-ying 李煜瀛, and his official title was lishizhang 理事長 (director-general).

NPM structure

NPM's organizational structure today includes the following subdivisions:

 Department of Antiquities (qiwuchu 器物處),
 Department of Cultural Creativity and Marketing (wenchuang xingxiaochu 文創行銷處),
 Department of Education, Exhibition and Information Service (jiaoyu zhanzichu 教育展資處),
 Department of Painting and Calligraphy (shuhuachu 書畫處),
 Department of Rare Books and Historical Documents (tushu wenxianchu 圖書文獻處),
 Department of Registration and Conservation (denglu baocunchu 登錄保存處),
 Department of the Southern Branch Museum Affairs (nanyuanchu 南院處);
 Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
 Civil Service Ethics Office (zhengfengshi 政風室),
 Human Resources Office (renshishi 人事室),
 Secretariat and General Affairs Office (mishushi 秘書室), and
 Security Management Office (anquan guanlishi 安全管理室).

Please note that the NPM director receives input and assistance from a Advisory Committee (zhidao weiyuanhui 指導委員會).

Collection and artefacts

The vast, priceless permanent collection of the NPM today contains a total of more than 650,000 artifacts belonging to various categories, including bronzes (tongqi 銅器), jades (yuqi 玉器), ceramics (taoci 陶瓷), paintings (huihua 繪畫), calligraphies (shufa 書法), tapestry and embroidery (kexiu 緙繡), lacquerware (qiqi 漆器), enamel and cloisonné (jingtai 景泰), carvings (diaoke 雕刻), miniatures (duobaoge 多寶格), curios (zhenwan 珍玩), rare books (tushu 圖書), and documents (wenxian 文獻). Several items date back thousands of years to the beginnings of Chinese culture.

On May 27, 2020 the NPM unveiled a 12-meter-long interactive wall (hudong qiang 互動牆), the largest of any museum in Asia, composed of twenty 55-inch high-resolution, low-reflection LED tiles touted to provide an immersive and innovative, personalized viewing experience. The multi-touch smart wall displays more than 300 artworks from the museum's collection, and each object comes with an introduction featuring images, animations, and a 360-degree view.

Southern branch

In addition to its main facility in Taipei, the NPM also operates the National Palace Museum Southern Branch (guoli gugong bowuyuan nanbu fenyuan 國立故宮博物院南部分院, abbrev. NPMSB) in Chiayi County's Taibao City. The trial period of NPMSB began on Dec. 28, 2015.

National Palace Museum Southern Branch (NPMSB) 國立故宮博物院南部分院
No. 888 Gugong Boulevard,
Taibao City, Chiayi County 61248, Taiwan ROC
[61248 嘉義縣太保市故宮大道 888 號]
🌏 NPMSB – Web link


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Ⓧ Ⓧ ⓍAbolished cabinet agenciesⓍ Ⓧ Ⓧ

Please note that since the early 2000s several ROC cabinet-level agencies were terminated, including the following:

Furthermore, the former cabinet-level Atomic Energy Council (AEC) was reorganized as Nuclear Safety Commission (NSC) on Sept. 27, 2023. It has now the status of an independent agency (duli jiguan 獨立機關) outside the ROC cabinet and is no longer listed on the official website of the Executive Yuan. The NSC supervises the National Atomic Research Institute (NARI) which was set up based on the former Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER).


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