It should be pointed out that in some cases older reports might not be available any more in their original, full form. In particular,
the CNA has imposed restrictions for its reports on Focus Taiwan which are older than six months, requiring users to buy a subscription
in order to view those reports unabridged. The chief researcher is not authorized to present
full texts of such reports. Nevertheless some older Focus Taiwan reports which were republished by the English-language newsletter of the Overseas
Community Affairs Council (OCAC) are still available there in their full-length form.
Furthermore, following design changes in the website of Taiwan News that were implemented in March 2024, most articles published there
before December 2022 are no longer accessible and their URLs invalid ("Page Not Found").
Earthquakes—only those with a magnitude 6 or higher, or any temblor causing
Typhoons—only those that actually made landfall on Taiwan (the last one
before the beginning of this news timeline being typhoon Bailu, made landfall on Aug. 24, 2019).
DISINFORMATION ALERT—Some headlines (usually concerning cross-Strait topics) show links to news reports created by XinhuaNet (xinhuawang 新華網) from the PRC. Considering
that the PRC is an authoritarian regime with no real freedom of the press, users of this website are advised to read Xinhua contents (as well
as articles by China Daily, Global Times and Bastille Post) with caution as those
texts are often little more than state propaganda with limited news value.
The MND reports that Taiwan and the US
signed a US$ 761 million procurement contract for three Norwegian Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS) to aid
air defense capabilities in northern Taiwan [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Feb. 7 (Fri): The MAC announces that it denied an application for a delegation
from the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism (Shanghaishi wenlüju 上海市文旅局) to visit the
Taipei Lantern Festival, insisting that any issues promoting a resumption of normal tourism exchanges between the two sides
should first be negotiated by the Taiwan Strait Tourism Association (Taiwan haixia liang'an guanguang lüyou xiehui
台灣海峽兩岸觀光旅遊協會) and the PRC's Association for Tourism Exchange Across the Taiwan Straits (haixia liang'an lüyou
jiaoliu xiehui 海峽兩岸旅遊交流協會) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
An explosion in a chemical fiber plant of the Far Eastern New Century Corp. (yuandong xin shiji gufen youxian gongsi
遠東新世紀股份有限公司) in Sinpu Township 新埔鎮 (Hsinchu County) claims
the lives of two employees [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Feb. 3 (Mon):
The MAC announces that it denied 13 officials from the PRC permission to
enter Taiwan for attending the Taipei Lantern Festival (Taibei dengjie
台北燈節) [⇥
Taiwan News,
Jan. 30 (Thu): The MND reports PRC military activity in waters and airspace around Taiwan
during the Lunar New Year holidays [⇥
Taiwan News,
Jan. 25 (Sat): An overloaded electric vehicle slams into a highway divider on the National Highway 1 (guodao yi hao 國道 1 號) aka
Sun Yat-sen Freeway (Zhongshan gaosu gonglu 中山高速公路) exit ramp near the Yangmei rest stop (Yangmei xiuxizhan 楊梅休息站) in Taoyuan City and bursts into flames, 4 dead [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Jan. 24 (Fri):
In a final ruling, the ROC Supreme Court upholds an 8-month prison sentence
for PRC citizen Ruan Fangyong 阮芳勇 who drove a speedboat into the Tamsui River on June 9, 2024, entering Taiwan illegally [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu who led a cross-party delegation to the US for attending the inauguration of POTUS Trump lauds the unity of his group and
highlights the bipartisan support for Taiwan among members of the US Congress [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Jan. 18 (Sat): The ROC MOFA rejects PRC sovereignty claims over Taiwan
that PRC President Xi Jinping had made in a phone conversation with US
President-elect Donald Trump the previous day [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
During the 11th round of bilateral fishery talks between Japan and Taiwan
in Tokyo the two sides agree on rules for fishing in disputed waters north of Japan’s Yaeyama Islands [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The Taiwan High Court’s Kaohsiung branch upholds the death sentence for man
convicted of raping and killing a Malaysian university student on Oct. 28, 2020 in Tainan, the first such
sentencing since the Constitutional Court on Sept. 20, 2024 ruled that the death
penalty should only be used in the most extreme cases [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Taiwan's first lunar mission—the Deep Space Radiation Probe (shen taikong fushe tanceyi 深太空輻射探測儀,
abbrev. DSRP) aboard Japan's lunar lander HAKUTO-R Mission 2—is successfully launched into space from Launch Center 39A
at the Kennedy Space Center (Florida, USA) on a SpaceX Falcon 9 carrier
rocket [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
Jan. 14 (Tue):
Taiwan’s domestically designed, manufactured and integrated CubeSat-class 3U satellite "PARUS-T1" is successfully launched
into space on SpaceX’s Transporter-12 rocket from the US Vandenberg Space Force Base (California, USA) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
Focus Taiwan,
Ko Wen-je files an appeal against the recent detention order issued by the Taipei District Court for him
after three other defendants in the same case also appealed their detention [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The Taipei District Court reasserts in a retrial its earlier ruling that former ROC President Chen Shui-bian cannot be prosecuted for money laundering due to the expiration of the statute of
limitations [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The MOJ announces that since the dissolution of the TJC
in May 2022 it had approved 5,275 exoneration cases as of the end of 2024 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
The MAC announces it would stop issuing permits for correspondents from Strait Herald
(haixia daobao 海峽導報) and other newspapers in the PRC's Fujian Daily Newspaper Group (Fujian ribao baoye jituan
福建日報報業集團) after Strait Herald was found to have intervened in political elections in Taiwan
by releasing false polling results [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
The Yilan District Court finds Yilan County Commissioner Lin Tzu-miao 林姿妙 guilty of
corruption, sentencing her to 12 years and six months in prison [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Dec. 30 (Mon): After the Taiwan High Court on Dec. 29 revoked the Taipei District Court ruling that
had ordered TPP Chairman Ko Wen-je to be released on bail, the Taipei District Court again grants Ko
bail in the amount of NT$ 70 million [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Dec. 26 (Thu): TPP Chairman Ko Wen-je is indicted on corruption and bribery charges, prosecutors
seeking a total jail sentence of 28.5 years [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The DSCA of the US announces the approval by the US State Department of
an arms package worth US$ 295 million which includes command, control, communications, and computers modernization as well as
MK 75 76 mm gun mounts [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
DSCA 1 /
Focus Taiwan,
The opposition parties in the ROC Legislative Yuan use their majority to approve controversial
amendments to raise the threshold for adjudication by the Constitutional Court [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
Dec. 16 (Mon): The ROC Legislative Yuan reviews and passes draft amendments
to the controversial Civil Servants Election and Recall Act (gongzhi renyuan xuanju bamianfa 公職人員選舉罷免法) following
scuffles when KMT legislators had prevented DPP
legislators from entering the chamber to participate in the process [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
Dec. 15 (Sun): The first batch of 38 US-made Abrams M1A2T tanks purchased in 2019
arrive at Taipei Port, transported the following day to an army armor training center in Hsinchu
County [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Dec. 13 (Fri):
The MAC rejects permit applications for for Shanghai Municipal TAO Director Jin Mei 金梅 and nine PRC journalists to attend the Twin-City Forum in Taipei [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The MAC issues a statement requesting that the PRC authorities release three
elderly Taiwanese members of the I-Kuan Tao (Yiguandao 一貫道) religious group arrested in Guangdong Province [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Dec. 11 (Wed): Taiwanese authorities criticize the PRC's military activity near its territorial waters as the largest navy fleet in
regional waters in nearly three decades [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Dec. 9 (Mon): The PRC military sets up seven "reserved airspace" zones in the airspace east of Fujian and Zhejiang provinces
for three days [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Dec. 6 (Fri): A 40-minute video documentary released on the YouTube channel "攝徒日記 Fun TV" reveals methods
used by the PRC to recruit Taiwanese influencers to promote CCP propaganda [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Dec. 4 (Wed): Renowned cryptocurrency expert and analyst Miffy Chen 陳梅慧 who had advised the Criminal Investigation Bureau
(xingshi jingchaju 刑事警察局, abbrev. CIB) under the MOI's National Police Agency,
the MOJ Investigation Bureau and police agencies on 60 high-profile financial fraud cases
in 2024, leading to the confiscation of NT$ 9.3 billion in alleged illegal proceeds, dies under suspicious circumstances in a car crash on
the northbound lanes of Sun Yat-sen Freeway (Freeway No. 1) in Hsinchu County [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
Dec. 3 (Tue):
The DPP legislative caucus (dangtuan 黨團) receives fierce
criticism from opposition parties after it published a social media post on Threads,
comparing the situation in Taiwan’s legislature to South Korea following the 6-hour period
of martial law there; the post was deleted after 20 minutes [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
A 2-day commission meeting of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) in Vancouver (Canada)
wraps up without Taiwan's application being discussed [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Nov. 27 (Wed): A group of 40 college students and faculty members from the PRC arrives in Taiwan for a 9-day trip at the
invitation of the Ma Ying-jeou Culture and Education Foundation [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
The NSB reports that theaters and institutions in Taiwan received
threatening e-mails, including bomb threats, since the documentary "State Organs" (guoyou qiguan 國有器官) critical
of the PRC began being screened across the ROC in October [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
The ROC MOFA states that Taipei Liaison Office in South Africa
is operating normally pending further negotiations after Pretoria on Oct. 7 demanded it move out of the administrative
capital [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
Taiwanese media report that PRC customs authorities recently confiscated three Taiwanese textbooks shipped to Fuzhou
for "incorrectly labeling the province Taiwan as a country" [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
Nov. 25 (Mon): The Ciaotou District Court (Qiaotou difang fayuan 橋頭地方法院) sentences a female non-commissioned
officer stationed at the Southern Branch of the CGA to six years and two months in prison
for selling classified information to a PRC national [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
Nov. 23 (Sat): Bo Guagua 薄瓜瓜 aka Bo Kuangyi 薄曠逸, the son of jailed former CCP Central Committee Politburo member
and former Chongqing Municipal Communist Party secretary Bo Xilai 薄熙來, marries his Taiwanese fiancée Deffany Hsu 許惠瑜 in
the resort "The One" (nanyuan renwen kezhan 南園人文客棧) in Xinpu Township (Hsinchu
County) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The president of the Hsinchu-based Chung Hua University (Zhonghua daxue
中華大學, abbrev. CHU) Victor W. Liu 劉維琪 announces that the CHU and the National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) have agreed to merge but have yet to go through administrative
procedures [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Nov. 20 (Wed): Following the workplace suicide of an MOL staffer who had
been subjected to harsh bullying by his superior Hsieh Yi-jung 謝宜容, MOL Minister Ho Pei-shan offers her verbal resignation;
ROC Premier Cho Jung-tai asks her to stay at her post and complete the pertaining
investigation [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Nov. 15 (Fri): The captain of the Taiwanese fishing vessel Da Jin Man No. 88 and his boat, seized by the PRC Coast Guard
on July 2, are released after a fine was paid [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Nov. 11 (Mon):
The Shilin District Prosecutors Office (Shilin dijianshu 士林地檢署) closes the Lebanon pager
explosion case as no businesses or individuals in Taiwan were found to be involved in deadly attacks on militant group
Hezbollah in September [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
The Control Yuan orders the CGA to take
corrective actions over its failure to record and promptly report a deadly chase between a Chinese boat and a CGA vessel in Kinmen County on Feb. 14 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
United Microelectronics Corp (UMC) founder Robert Tsao 曹興誠 announces that he would take legal action in Taiwan against
TAO Director Song Tao 宋濤 and TAO spokesperson Chen Binhua 陳斌華 over sanctions they
had placed on him on Oct. 14 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Nov. 7 (Thu): ROC Premier Cho Jung-tai offers opposition parties in the Legislative Yuan concessions in order to overcome the stalemate in the review of the central
government's budget plan for the fiscal year 2025 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Nov. 5 (Tue): The MOJ withdraws its proposal to raise the financial penalties
for offenses relating to illegal abortions after women’s groups voiced opposition [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Nov. 4 (Mon):
A joint meeting of SEF board members and supervisors
elects Frank Wu 吳豊山 SEF chairman, Wu takes office the same day [⇥
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The Taipei-based Ma Ying-jeou Culture
and Education Foundation (Ma Yingjiu wenjiao jijinhui 馬英九文教基金會) invites 40 students from the PRC
to meet with their counterparts from Taiwanese universities during a nine-day visit to Taiwan [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
Onglaisat (wanglai weixing 旺來衛星), a satellite co-developed by Taiwan and Japan,
is launched into space aboard the SpaceX’s CRS-31 resupply mission from Cape Canaveral (Florida, USA) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
Focus Taiwan,
ROC MND Minister Wellington Koo states that a blockade imposed by the PRC
against Taiwan would be regarded an act of war and trigger a military response [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The government of South Africa demands that Taiwan move its Taipei Liaison Office in
the Republic of South Africa (zhu Nanfei gongheguo Taibei lianluo daibiaochu 駐南非共和國台北聯絡代表處) from
the capital Pretoria to Johannesburg and rename it to simply a 'trade office' within six months or have it forcibly
closed [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The MOHW announces the the establishment of three artificial intelligence (AI)
centers to help achieve its smart medicine (e-health) goals, adding that 16 “indicator hospitals” have been selected to test and demonstrate
the technology [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan Today,
Focus Taiwan,
The Taipei District Court sentences the former chairman of the now-defunct Far Eastern Air Transport Corp.
(yuandong hangkong 遠東航空, abbrev. FAT) Chang Kang-wei 張綱維 to 14 years in prison after finding him guilty of
embezzling corporate funds and other crimes
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
The Taiwan High Court overturns a previous acquittal of former air force lieutenant colonel Lou Wen-ching 樓文卿 who
was convicted for passing military secrets to the PRC and hands him a 17-year prison sentence
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
Sept. 29 (Sun): US President Joe Biden approves a military aid package
worth US$567 million under the Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA) process
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
The MOENV releases a set of guidelines for corporations to declare carbon neutrality
in a bid to discourage "greenwashing"
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
A carrier rocket launched from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in the PRC passes through the eastern part
of Taiwan's air defense identification zone (ADIZ) [⇥
Taiwan News,
The fleet of Mirage 2000 fighter jets which had been grounded after a crash on Sept. 10 returns
to normal operation
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
The Taiwanese company Gold Apollo (jin apoluo 金阿波羅) denies manufacturing pagers
used in deadly explosions in Lebanon which targeted Hezbollah fighters
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The Shilin District Court sentences a PRC citizen who entered Taiwanese waters illegally on a speedboat on June 9 to 8 months
in prison [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Sept. 10 (Tue): An ROC Air Force fighter pilot ejects from his Mirage 2000 jet after encountering mechanical problems
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Sept. 9 (Mon):
Lawyers representing TPP Chairman Ko Wen-je announce that Ko would not not appeal
the Taipei District Court’s ruling that resulted in their client being detained and
held incommunicado [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Sept. 8 (Sun): Some 11,000 TPP supporters rally in Taipei protesting the detention
of party chairman Ko Wen-je [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Sept. 1 (Sun): The ROC MOFA and the Secretariat of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF)
sign a cooperation agreement to continue MOFA's ongoing support of PIF from 2025 to 2027 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
Focus Taiwan,
The Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) issues a joint declaration with mentions of Taiwan removed after the PRC strongly criticized an
earlier version [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan reiterates that the US would continue to provide defense articles
to Taiwan as per its "one China" policy [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
TPP chairman Ko Wen-je 柯文哲 announces that he would apply for a three-month leave
of absence from his leadership role in response to corruption allegations [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan New,
Focus Taiwan,
Aug. 25 (Sun): The MAC rejects an application for a concert in Taiwan by PRC hip-hop
musician Wang Yitai 王以太 after finding that the event organizer had sold tickets without permission and that the artist’s promotional
content read: "Next stop: Taipei, China" [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Aug. 22 (Thu):
The US 7th Fleet’s Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Ralph Johnson (DDG 114)
sails through the Taiwan Strait [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Taiwan News,
The Executive Yuan announces that the ROC government has allocated a
record NT$ 647 billion for defense spending in fiscal 2025, accounting for about 2.45 percent of GDP [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Shin Kong Financial Holding (xinguang jinrong konggu gongsi 新光金融控股公司, abbrev. xinguangjin 新光金 in Chinese
and SKFH in English) and Taishin Holdings (taixin jinrong konggu gufen youxian gongsi 台新金融控股股份有限公司, abbrev. taixinjin
台新金 in Chinese and Taishin FHC in English) approve a share swap merger plan in separate board meetings which will result in the fourth
largest financial holding company in Taiwan [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The Hualien District Court orders contractors (who were found guilty of negligence causing
the Taroko Express crash which on April 2, 2021 killed 49 people and injured 213) to pay NT$ 23 million in compensation to
the victims [⇥
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Australia's Senate unanimously passes an "urgency motion" in support of Taiwan’s sovereignty and participation in international organizations [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Aug. 19 (Mon): MOTC minister Lee Meng-yen 李孟諺 resigns following revelations of
his involvement in a long-term extra-marital affair [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Aug. 17 (Sat): Following the sinking of the fishing boat Min Long Yu 60877 (閩龍漁 60877) from the PRC in waters off Kinmen’s Dongding Island 東碇島, the PRC's Fujian Maritime Safety Administration (Fujian
haishiju 福建海事局) and Donghai Rescue Bureau (donghai jiuzhuju 東海救助局) perform a 30-hour "patrol and law enforcement
operation" in the Taiwan Strait, crossing the median line [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The Kinmen District Prosecutors’ Office (Jinmen dijianshu 金門地檢署) decides not to charge
two CGA officers connected with the deaths of two PRC nationals in a capsizing incident on Feb. 14
due to insufficient evidence [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched from Space Launch Complex 4E at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California (USA) carries two Taiwan-developed cube satellites/CubeSats—Toro (xintianweng 信天翁)
and Nightjar (yeying 夜鷹)—into orbit on the Transporter-11 rideshare mission [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office and MJIB
personnel search offices of accounting firms and other companies linked to TPP Chairman Ko Wen-je’s
presidential campaign amid allegations of fraud [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The PRC's TAO adds a new page headlined "Punish Taiwan independence die-hards according to law" (yifa chengzhi Taidu wangu fenzi
依法懲治台獨頑固分子) on its website [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
A former Taiwanese military officer held in the PRC for nearly five months after he was picked up by PRC authorities
during a fishing trip on March 17 is finally released [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
Aug. 1 (Thu): The MAC reports that the authorities of Macau denied an ROC MOFA official set to be posted to Taiwan’s representative office in Macau a visa because
the official refused to sign an affidavit recognizing Beijing’s "one China" principle [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The ROC Presidential Office announces that the Indigenous Historical Justice
and Transitional Justice Committee (yuanzhu minzu lishi zhengyi yu zhuanxing zhengyi weiyuanhui 原住民族歷史正義與轉型正義委員會)
would be disbanded and its responsibilities would be transferred to the Indigenous Peoples Basic Law Promotion Committee (yuanzhu minzu
jibenfa tuidonghui 原住民族基本法推動會) under the Executive Yuan [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan Today,
Focus Taiwan,
Hsu Wen-erh 許汶而 successfully swims solo across the English Channel in 12 hours and 17 minutes, the first person
from Taiwan to achieve this feat [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
Reacting to remarks of US presidential candidate Donald J. Trump who said "Taiwan should pay us for defense", ROC Premier Cho Jung-tai comments that Taiwan would be willing to shoulder more responsibility
for its self-defense [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
July 15 (Mon): Taiwan's first domestically built submarine prototype "Narwhal" undocks in Pier 91
of Kaohsiung harbour to begin its final harbour acceptance tests (HAT) [⇥
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
July 11 (Thu): The Taoyuan District Court decides to detain former Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan for 2 months, sends him to the Taoyuan Detention Center
(Taoyuan kanshousuo 桃園看守所) to hold him incommunicado [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
July 9 (Tue): The Taoyuan District Court again grants Cheng Wen-tsan bail, this time in
the amount of NT$ 12 million [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
Former KMT Chairwoman Hung Hsiu-chu attends the opening of the Cross-Strait Youth
Development Forum (haixia liang'an qingnian fazhan luntan 海峽兩岸青年發展論壇) in Hangzhou (Zhejiang Province, PRC) [⇥
Bastille Post,
Liberty Times,
The NARLabs announce that the supercomputer Forerunner 1 (chuangjin
yihao 創進一號) has officially entered service at the Tainan branch of the National Center
for High-performance Computing (guojia gaosu wangle yu jisuan zhongxin 國家高速網路與計算中心, abbrev. guowang zhongxin
國網中心 in Chinese and NCHC in English), replacing the retired Taiwania 1 (Taiwanshan yihao 台灣杉一號) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
SEF Chairman Cheng Wen-tsan is summoned for questioning amid allegations of
corruption dating back to his time as Taoyuan mayor, released on July 6 on bail of NT$ 5 million [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
July 2 (Tue): The Taiwanese fishing boat Da Jin Man No. 88 (大進滿 88 號) with two Taiwanese and three Indonesian crew is intercepted and seized
by PRC coast guard 11.2 nautical miles inside PRC-controlled waters [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
June 27 (Thu): Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) raises its travel alert for
the PRC, Hong Kong and Macau to the second-highest orange alert with immediate effect, advising Taiwanese citizens to avoid
unnecessary travel to these regions due to increasing safety concerns [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The MND's Defense Mission to the US and
the AIT sign an NT$ 11.25 billion contract to procure infrared search and track (IRST)
systems to be used for F-16V jets [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The ROC Supreme Court upholds the sentences given to two retired air force officers—
Lieutenant Colonel Wei Hsien-yi 魏先儀 and former major general Chien Yao-tung 錢耀棟—who helped or attempted
to help an agent of the PRC Ministry of State Security (guojia anquanbu 國家安全部) recruit intelligence
assets in Taiwan [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
A Type 094 Jin-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (lingjiusi xing jinji dandao feidan hezi dongli
qianjian 094 型晉級彈道飛彈核子動力潛艦) of the PRC navy surfaces off the coast of Penghu,
possibly due to a malfunction [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
June 16 (Sun): The Financial Times
reports that during a meeting in April 2023 PRC President Xi Jinping told European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen that the US were trying to 'lure the PRC into a military conflict over Taiwan', the following day the US State Department
dismisses Xi's claim [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Asia Financial,
Report News Agency,
Anadolu Ajansi,
June 14 (Fri): The ROC MOFA protests the PRC's Coast Guard Order No. 3 (haijingju
disanhao ling 海警局第 3 號令), taking effect on June 15 and authorizing the PRC Coast Guard to board, inspect, and detain foreign
vessels and persons suspected of violating exit and entry management procedures in waters which the PRC considers to be under its
jurisdiction (including the South China Sea); the Philippines call the PRC's order illegal [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Nikkei Asia,
Al Jazeera,
Radio Free Asia,
Indo-Pacific Defense Forum,
China Daily,
📆 Dragon Boat Festival (duanwujie 端午節) [⇥ Lunar calendar]
The ROC MOFA criticizes the PRC and Pakistan for a joint statement published on June 7
in Beijing that misinterpreted UNResolution 2758
by falsely equating the resolution with Beijing’s claim that Taiwan is part of the PRC [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
June 9 (Sun): A former PLA navy officer illegally drives a speedboat into the Tamsui River, claims upon arrest that he wanted to 'defect'
to the ROC [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The PRC announces a unilateral decision to expand its suspension of preferential tariff rates (effective from June 15)
for Taiwanese imports—including base oils for lubricants, racing bicycles and textile products—that had been part of the
bilateral Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) which the two
sides had signed in 2010, citing 'Taiwan independence attempts' as a reason [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
ROC VP Hsiao Bi-khim announces the nominations for Examination Yuan—Chou Hung-hsien 周弘憲 for president,
Hsu Shu-hsiang 許舒翔 for vice president, as well as nominees for member Chiau Wen-yan 邱文彥,
Huang Tong-yi 黃東益, Ker Li-ling 柯麗鈴, Lu Chiu-hui 呂秋慧, Iwan Nawi, Teng Chia-chi 鄧家基, and Wang Hsiu-hung 王秀紅 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
May 16 (Thu): The ROC cabinet resigns en masse ahead of a government reshuffle
connected with the upcoming presidential inauguration [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
May 15 (Wed): The TAO announces sanctions against five Taiwanese politicians, pundits and
public figures critical of Beijing, accusing them of spreading disinformation about the PRC, sanctions include prohibiting them and
their families from entering China [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The ROC armed forces urge the PRC to allow a Taiwanese noncommissioned officer stationed in Kinmen County who was detained by PRC authorities after accidentially entering PRC waters
in dense fog on March 17 to return as soon as possible [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
May 9 (Thu): The CIP announces that the Pazeh (bazaizu 巴宰族) have applied
to become the 17th officially recognized indigenous community in Taiwan [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
May 7 (Tue): The ROC Legislative Yuan on third reading passes an amendment to the Nationality Act (guojifa 國籍法)
that would reduce the minimum residency period required for highly skilled professionals to apply for naturalization from three to two continuous
years, with a minimum of 183 days in Taiwan each year, and to allow social welfare institutions to apply for naturalization on behalf of stateless
children residing in Taiwan; promulgated by the ROC president on May 24 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
May 6 (Mon): The NTU establishes a new International School of Politics and Economics
(guoji zhengjing xueyuan 國際政經學院), an English language degree program offering eight bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral level
degrees in political science and economics, finance, and leadership and management [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
May 2 (Thu): An updated list of prohibited groups compiled by the MAC takes effect,
banning Taiwanese from holding positions in the ARATS, Confucius Institutes (kongzi xueyuan
孔子學院) and other organizations affiliated with the CCP [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
April 28 (Sun): The PRC's General Administration of Customs (Zhonghua renmin gongheguo haiguan zongshu 中華人民共和國海關總署,
abbrev. GAC) announces the lifting of a ban on some agricultural and fishery imports from Taiwan [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
April 27 (Sat):
The delegation of KMTlegislators meets
with the chairman of the PRC's Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (Zhongguo renmin zhengzhi xieshang huiyi
quanguo weiyuanhui 中國人民政治協商會議全國委員會, abbrev. quanguo zhengxie 全國政協 in Chinese and CPPCC
in English) Wang Huning 王滬寧 in Beijing [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
April 18 (Thu): Taiwan's cabinet confirms the establishment of May 19 as White Terror Memorial Day (baise kongbu jiyiri
白色恐怖記憶日), to be observed annually but not as a day off [⇥
April 16 (Tue): ROC Navy Admiral Huang Shu-kuang 黃曙光 announces his resignation as head of the Indigenous Submarine Program
(qianjian guozao zhuan'an 潛艦國造專案) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
April 15 (Mon):
MOI Minister Lin Yu-chang states that repairs of damages in Taroko National Park
(Tailuge guojia gongyuan 太魯閣國家公園) caused by the April 3 earthquake will cost approximately NT$ 1 billion [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The NSB dismisses Chiu Huang-nien 邱晃年 (son of MND Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng) upon completing an investigation into the leak of alleged
sex tapes of Chiu with prostitutes [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
April 1 (Mon): Former ROC President Ma Ying-jeou departs with a 20-member
student delegation on an 11-day trip to the PRC (Guangdong Province, Shaanxi Province, Beijing), meets TAO director Song Tao in Shenzhen (Guangdong Province) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
MND Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng submits his verbal resignation over allegations
that his son Chiu Huang-nien 邱晃年 (an NSB staffer) solicited prostitutes,
ROC President Tsai Ing-wen asks him to remain at his post [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
A man armed with a shotgun breaks into the MODA and opens fire, injuring no one,
is arrested without making an attempt to escape [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
March 23 (Sat): Protesters—mainly Hong Kongers residing in Taiwan—stage a demonstration in Taipei,
expressing opposition against Article 23 of the HKSAR Basic Law that went into effect the same day and covers treason, sedition and state
secrets, allowing trials to be held behind closed doors [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
New Bloom,
Al Jazeera,,
Colorado Springs Gazette,
Focus Taiwan,
March 20 (Wed): The head of the US Indo-Pacific Command,
Admiral John C. Aquilino, refutes a report of US special forces being permanently stationed in Kinmen [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
March 17 (Sun): Two fishermen from Kinmen accidentially stray into PRC waters
in dense fog and are picked up by the PRC coast guard at Weitou Bay 圍頭灣 near Quanzhou (Fujian Province), one of the ROC
nationals is released on March 23, the other one is detained and accused of having hidden his identity as an active-duty
soldier in Taiwan's armed forces (discharged from the ROC armed forces on May 8, 2024, released by the PRC on Aug. 7, 2024) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
March 15 (Fri): Legislators hold a ceremony to mark the inauguration of
six parliamentary friendship groups to promote closer exchanges with European countries [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
The fishing boat Min Long Yu 61222 (閩龍漁 61222) from the PRC with a crew of 6 capsizes 15 nautical miles southwest
of Kinmen, 2 sailors drown, the CGA
participates in a joint search and rescue mission for the missing crew members [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
March 13 (Wed): KMT vice chairman Andrew Hsia 夏立言 departs for a week-long,
four-city (Chongqing, Chengdu, Jinan, Qingdao) trip to the PRC [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
March 11 (Mon): During a session of the Legislative Yuan's Foreign Affairs
and National Defense Committee (waijiao ji guofang weiyuanhui 外交及國防委員會), Deputy MND Minister Po Horng-huei 柏鴻輝 claims that Taiwan's military would have 'absolute
air superiority' in its own airspace and the capability of downing warplanes if the PRC air force were to intrude [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
March 7 (Thu): During a legislative hearing MND Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng
explains Taiwan's rules of engagement in the light of Beijing’s increased use of "gray zone" tactics [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
March 5 (Tue): MOL Minister Hsu Ming-chun apologizes for her March 1 comments
on the planned recruitment of Indian migrant workers that were widely considered racist [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
March 1 (Fri): In an interview aired on the YouTube channel Taiwan
Green All (Taiwan qingyise 台灣青一色) MOL Minister Hsu Ming-chun says
that Taiwan plans on recruiting migrant workers from northeast India because "their skin colour and eating habits" were similar to Taiwanese,
their Christian beliefs, and their skills in manufacturing, construction, and agriculture [⇥
Taiwan News,
Feb. 26 (Mon): KMT vice chairman Andrew Hsia 夏立言 embarks on a 7-day visit
to the PRC (Xiamen, Guangzhou, Nanchang, Hangzhou, Kunshan and Shanghai) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
A meeting of Taiwanese officials from the CGA, the MAC, Kinmen County government and the SEF with a group from the PRC including relatives of the two PRC fishermen who died in
the Feb. 14 speedboat incident, headed by Jinjiang Red Cross (jinjiang hongshizihui 晉江紅十字會) secretary-general Cao Rongshan
曹榮山, ends without a consensus, the details of the discussions are not made public [⇥
Taiwan News,
Feb. 22–24: A bipartisan delegation of the US House of Representatives led
by Mike Gallagher (R-WI), chair of the U.S. House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, and comprising Dusty Johnson
(R-SD), John Moolnaar (R-MI) as well as Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL) and Seth Moulton (D-MA), visits Taiwan [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
ROC Presidential Office,
Focus Taiwan,
Feb. 22 (Thu): The CGA confirms that the capsize of a speedboat from the PRC in Kinmen waters on Feb. 14 was caused by a collision with CGA patrol boat CP-1051 [⇥
Focus Taiwan,
The Taiwanese cruise ship "King Xia" (jinxia youlun 金廈遊輪) carrying 11 crew members and 23 passengers is intercepted
by two PRC coast guard boats 2.8 nautical miles northwest of Kinmen's Wushajiao 烏沙角,
6 PRC officers board the Taiwanese vessel for an inspection, asking to see the documents of crew members [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The Taiwan-France Inter-Parliamentary Amity Association (Taiwan yu Faguo guohui youhao xiehui
臺灣與法國國會友好協會) and the Taiwan-Poland Inter-Parliamentary Amity Association (Taiwan yu Polan guohui youhao xiehui
臺灣與波蘭國會友好協會) are established in the Legislative Yuan, both headed by DPPlegislator-at-large Lin Chu-yin 林楚茵 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The PRC's Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) claims that "there is no such thing as 'prohibited
or restricted waters' in the Xiamen-Kinmen maritime area" and vows to perform regular patrols there by the PRC coast guard [⇥
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Feb. 15 (Thu): The MAC calls the death of two fishermen from the PRC during
the speedboat incident on Feb. 14 in waters of Kinmen County regrettable and defends
the conduct of the CGA [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Feb. 6 (Tue): The MOHW announces evaluation results for medical institutions across
the country, with three hospitals—Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital (Taibei ciji yiyuan 台北慈濟醫院), Taipei Medical University Shuang Ho
Hospital (shuanghe yiyuan 雙和醫院), and NTU Hospital Hsinchu Branch (taida
yiyuan Xinzhu taida fenyuan 台大醫院新竹台大分院)—passing the review process to be upgraded to become medical centers
(yixue zhongxin 醫學中心) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The DPP Central Evaluation Committee (minjindang zhongpinghui 民進黨中評會)
decides to expel 50 party members either for violating party rules by campaigning for other political parties during elections
or for having been involved in #MeToo sex scandals [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
Jan. 24–26: A cross-party delegation from the US House of Representatives’ Congressional Taiwan Caucus
including Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) and Ami Bera (D-CA) visits Taiwan [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
Focus Taiwan,
The MND sends out a bilingual air raid alert to all
cell phones in the Taiwan area after a PRC rocket carrying a satellite diverged from its anticipated flight path in the direction of Taiwan;
the ministry subsequently apologizes for using the term 'missile' in the English translation, admitting that when the rocket was above Taiwan,
it had already reached an altitude of 500 km [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The CEC announces that 19,548,531 ROC citizens are eligible to cast their ballots at the
2024 ROC presidential election, with 17,476 more able to do so at the elections for legislators-at-large
of the Eleventh Legislative Yuan, due to a two-month difference in the residency requirement for the two elections [⇥
Focus Taiwan,
Jan. 2 (Tue): The ROC government confirms that the R.O.C. Defense Mission to the U.S.A. (Zhonghua minguo zhu Mei
junshi daibiaotuan 中華民國駐美軍事代表團) under TECRO and the AIT signed a deal to carry out maintenance services for Taiwan’s RIM-66 Standard
missiles [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Liberty Times]
Jan. 1 (Mon):
During the only televised debate between the vice presidential candidates for the 2024
ROC presidential election, KMT candidate Jaw Shau-kong announces his resignation as BCC chairman [⇥
Focus Taiwan,
Dec. 29 (Fri): The National Health Research Institutes (NHRI) under MOHW open its National Indigenous Peoples Health Research Center (yuanzhu minzu jiankang
yanjiu zhongxin 原住民族健康研究中心) tasked with implementing the Indigenous Peoples Health Act (yuanzhu minzu jiankangfa 原住民族健康法) in a bid to close the healthcare
gap between ethnic Han and indigenous populations [⇥
Taipei Times,
Dec. 25 (Mon): The PRC launches the first issue of its English-language quarterly academic journal "China Taiwan Studies"
run by the Institute of Taiwan Studies (Taiwan yanjiusuo 台灣研究所) under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
(Zhongguo shehui kexueyuan 中國社會科學院) with Leng Bo 冷波 as editor-in-chief [⇥
US President Joe Biden signs into law the finalized bill for the 2024
National Defense Authorization Act
(NDAA), which authorizes the US defense secretary to create a training program for Taiwan's military and requires a status report
on the delivery of defense weapons and services that the US has agreed to sell to Taiwan [⇥
Taipei Times,
White House,
Focus Taiwan,
The sale of international carbon credits officially begins at the Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange (TCX) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
During a routine training mission, six ROC Navy sailors are swept off submarine SS-794 "Sea Tiger"
while attempting to retrieve a rescue buoy south of Liuqiu Pingtung County due to a deformed buckle
connected to a safety harness [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Dec. 17 (Sun): The 499-tonne Cameroon-registered freighter "Hai Shou" on the way from Taichung to Kaohsiung without cargo on board loses
power due to a mechanical failure and runs aground 0.4 nautical miles north of Penghu’s
Baisha Township at Jibei Islet 吉貝, the 9 crew members (all nationals of Myanmar) are rescued by a National Airborne Service Corps helicopter [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Dec. 13–15: The Science and Technology Advisory Meeting (xingzhengyuan keji guwen huiyi 行政院科技顧問會議)
under the ROC Executive Yuan convenes for the first time since 2011 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Dec. 5 (Tue): The ROC Executive Yuan inaugurates its Personal Data Protection
Committee Preparatory Office (xingzhengyuan geren ziliao baohu weiyuanhui choubeichu 行政院個人資料保護委員會籌備處)
in Taipei [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Dec. 1 (Fri): The Air Force Flight Training Command (kongjun feixing xunlian zhihuibu 空軍飛行訓練指揮部) is launched in
Kaohsiung by ROC President Tsai Ing-wen [⇥
Taipei Times,
Nov. 30 (Thu): The MOI rejects the visa applications of 218 among 239 members
of a Meizhou Mazu delegation from the PRC [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
China Daily,
Ko Wen-je of the TPP registers his candidacy for the 2024 ROC presidential election at the CEC with Cynthia Wu 吳欣盈 as running mate [⇥
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Terry Gou announces his decision not to run in the 2024 ROC presidential election [⇥
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Nov. 23–25: Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki 玉城 丹尼 makes a low-key visit to Taiwan [⇥
Taiwan News,
Japan Forward,
Nov. 18 (Sat): The KMT and the TPP fail to agree
on a joint Taiwan presidential candidate over different interpretations of poll results [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Nov. 11 (Sat): Taiwanese media report that the ROC Air Force started taking deliveries of the domestically developed "Ching Tien"
supersonic cruise missile which has a range of 2,000 km [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Liberty Times]
Nov. 2 (Thu): The Lulin Atmospheric Background Station (Lulinshan cezhan 鹿林山測站) located in Yushan National Park receives
Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) calibration certification from U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
Nov. 1 (Wed): The NDC launches its International Talent Taiwan Office
(guoji rencai fuwu ji yanlan zhongxin 國際人才服務及延攬中心) to attract and retain
foreign professionals [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
Oct. 31 (Tue): A meeting of the KMT's presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih 侯友宜 and party
chairman Eric Chu 朱立倫 with TPP presidential candidate Ko Wen-je 柯文哲 at an undisclosed
location yields no agreement about a joint presidential ticket [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Oct. 14 (Sat): Representatives of the KMT and the TPP
discuss a possible joint ticket for the 2024 ROC presidential election but fail to reach an agreement [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Oct. 12 (Thu): The MND appoints a task force (zhuan'an xiaozu 專案小組)
to examine the war between Israel and Hamas that erupted on Oct. 7 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Oct. 9 (Mon): Taiwan's weather satellite Triton is launched successfully from Kourou as part of an Arianespace Vega C rideshare
mission on 9.37 a.m. Taiwan time (0137 UTC, 2237 Kourou time on Oct. 8) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
Oct. 7 (Sat): Weather satellite Triton (liefengzhe 獵風者) built by Taiwan's NSPO
fails to achieve lift-off in Kourou (French Guiana) at 9:36 a.m. Taiwan time (0136 UTC, 2236 Kourou time on Oct. 6) during a scheduled
launch [⇥
Taiwan News,,
TS2 Space,
Oct. 2 (Mon): The NSTC launches its Research Institute for Democracy, Society, and
Emerging Technology (keji, minzhu, shehui yanjiu zhongxin 科技、民主、社會研究中心, abbrev. keminshe zhongxin
科民社中心 in Chinese and DSET in English) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Sept. 20 (Wed): Two new subordinate agencies under MOI are inaugurated—the
National Land Management Agency, MOI (neizhengbu guotu guanlishu 內政部國土管理署), and the National Park Service,
MOI (neizhengbu guojia gongyuanshu 內政部國家公園署) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Sept. 18 (Mon): New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham arrives in Taiwan for a 6-day visit [⇥
Taiwan Today,
Sept. 16 (Sat): Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs arrives in Taiwan for a 5-day visit [⇥
Sept. 15 (Fri): The MOTC Tourism Bureau is reorganized as Tourism Administration
(jiaotongbu guanguangshu 交通部觀光署), headed by Chou Yung-hui 周永暉, the MOTC Central Weather Bureau is elevated to
Central Weather Administration (jiaotongbu zhongyang qixiangshu 交通部中央氣象署,
abbrev. CWA), headed by Cheng Chia-ping 程家平 [⇥
Taipei Times,
OCAC News,
CNA 1 /
CNA 2]
Sept. 14 (Thu): Independent presidential hopeful Terry Gou announces singer-actress Tammy Lai 賴佩霞 as his prospective running mate
for the 2024 presidential election [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Sept. 3 (Sun): Typhoon Haikui makes landfall at Taiwan's southeast coast, the first
tropical storm to hit Taiwan directly since August 2019 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Sept. 1 (Fri): A Department of International Affairs (guoji shiwuchu 國際事務處) is established
in the ROC Legislative Yuan [⇥
Taiwan News,
Aug. 31 (Thu): A US congressional delegation comprising Representatives
Rob Wittman (R-VA), Carlos A. Gimenez (R-FL), and Jen Kiggans (R-VA) arrives in Taiwan for 3-day visit [⇥
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
Aug. 30 (Wed):
The US Department of State notifies Congress approving a military transfer
of US$ 80 million for Taiwan under the Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program which is normally used for sovereign states
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Al Jazeera,,
The UK's House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee releases a report on the London's Indo-Pacific
policy, acknowledging Taiwan as a de facto independent country
Taipei Times,
Taiwan Today,
During a plenary session held in Nicaragua the Central American Parliament (Parlamento Centroamericano,
PARLACEN) votes 73-32 (with 9 abstentions) to cancel Taiwan’s permanent observer status and give it to the PRC instead,
the ROC government decides to withdraw with immediate effect [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
OCAC News,
Focus Taiwan,
Aug. 15–17: The armed forces of the ROC hold live-fire drills off Taiwan’s southeast coast [⇥
Taipei Times,
Aug. 15–16: ROC MOEA Minister Wang Mei-hua attends an APEC meeting of energy ministers in Seattle (US) [⇥
Aug. 14 (Mon):
A non-specified military source discloses that the military aid package announced by the White House
on July 28 would include four MQ-9A drones [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Aug. 9 (Wed): TASA announces that it has entered the second phase of a 10-year
project to support the domestic development and launch of miniaturized satellites known as "CubeSats" [⇥
Taipei Times,
Aug. 1 (Tue): The Council of Agriculture (COA) is upgraded to Ministry of Agriculture (MOA),
COA head Chen Chi-chung is retained as MOA minister [⇥
The White House announces a US$ 345 million military aid package to Taiwan which is to be delivered under a Presidential
Drawdown Authority (PDA) approved in 2022 by the US Congress along with a limit of US$
1 billion in defense articles and services in fiscal year 2023, not specifying what weapons systems or services will be
provided [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
ABC News,
Focus Taiwan,
The ROC Executive Yuan announces that the heads of two new ministries—Ministry of Agriculture
(nongyebu 農業部) and Ministry of Environment (huanjingbu 環境部) which will officially be inaugurated in August 2023—have
been selected [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
July 26 (Wed): A 57-year-old woman drowns in the Mugua River 木瓜溪 near Wenlan Village 文蘭村 in Xiulin Township 秀林鄉 (Hualien County) after the river's water levels rose dramatically due to typhoon Doksuri [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
July 18 (Tue): MND Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng confirms that Taiwan has plans to purchase the second-generation
National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System (NASAMS 2) from the US [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Taiwanese tennis player Hsieh Su-wei 謝淑薇 and her Czech partner Barbora Strýcová win the women's doubles final at Wimbledon,
beating the third-seeded Australian and Belgian duo of Storm Hunter and Elise Mertens 7-5, 6-4 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Caledonian Record,
OCAC News,
July 15 (Sat): A group of 37 teachers and students from five universities in the PRC arrives in Taiwan for a nine-day exchange
program at the invitation of the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
July 12 (Wed): Taiwanese media report that the ROC Navy has recently formed an ad hoc unit as it prepares to take delivery
of the country's first domestically built submarine [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
July 7 (Fri): The Ministry of Digital Affairs announces that it has selected the Telecom
Technology Center (dianxin jishu zhongxin 電信技術中心, abbrev. TTC) to head a project to improve the resilience of Taiwan’s
digital communications network [⇥
Taipei Times,
July 6 (Thu): The ROC Control Yuan votes 13-0 to impeach former AEC minister Hsieh Shou-shing 謝曉星 for sexual harassment and other misconduct [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
ROC Legislative Yuan President You Si-kun boards a ferry from Suao (Yilan County) to the westernmost Japanese island of Yonaguni with a 100-member delegation to
promote bilateral tourism, a 111 km journey taking 2 hours [⇥
Taiwan News,
July 3 (Mon): A delegation of the Republican Study Committee (RSC) in the US House
of Representatives comprising Kevin Hern (OK), Burgess Owens (UT), Mike Flood (NE), Mike Collins (GA), Russell Fry (SC), and Keith Self (TX)
arrives in Taiwan for a 5-day visit [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
July 2–4: An 11-member delegation of Japanese lawmakers from three opposition parties (Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan
立憲民主黨, Japan Innovation Party 日本維新會, Democratic Party for the People 國民民主黨) led by former FM Seiji Maehara 前原 誠司
visits Taiwan, received by ROC President Tsai Ing-wen on July 3 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan Today,
Taiwan News,
June 29–30: MOL Minister Hsu Ming-chun attends the fifth Taiwan-EU Labor Consultation
in Brussels; meets French officials and executives in Paris on July 4 [⇥
Taiwan Today,
June 29 (Thu): The DSCA announces the approval by the US State Department of
an arms package worth US$ 440 million with defense articles that include logistical support, 30mm ammunition and spare
parts for military wheeled vehicles and weapons [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
OCAC News,
DSCA 1 /
June 27 (Tue): A bipartisan US congressional delegation led by Mike Rogers (R-AL) and
comprising Joe Courtney (D-CT), John Garamendi (D-CA), Cory Mills (R-FL), James Moylan (R-GU), Gary Palmer (R-AL), David Rouzer
(R-NC), Adam Smith (D-WA), and Jill Tokuda (D-HI) arrives in Taiwan for a 3-day visit [⇥
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
Taipei Times,
Yellowhammer News,
OCAC News,
June 22 (Thu): 📆 Dragon Boat Festival (duanwujie 端午節) [⇥ Lunar calendar]
June 12 (Mon): MOFA Minister Joseph Wu arrives in Europe, attends the European Values Summit
in Prague on June 14 (Wed), visits the European Parliament in Brussels on June 16 (Fri), makes an unannounced visit to Italy on June 17
(Sat) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
OCAC News,
June 7 (Wed): The Taichung High Court upholds a ruling that a 10-year,
two-month prison sentence imposed against former Ting Hsin International Group
Chair Wei Ying-chun 魏應充 could be commuted to a fine of NT$ 3.71 million (NT$ 1,000 per day of the prison term),
the High Prosecutors’ Office declines to appeal [⇥
Taipei Times,
June 5 (Mon): AIT chairwoman Laura Rosenberger arrives in Taiwan for a 6-day visit,
states that the US would 'not take sides' and 'oppose outside interference or influence in Taiwan's elections' [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
OCAC News,
The Legislative Yuan passes the Indigenous Peoples Health Act (yuanzhu minzu jiankangfa
原住民族健康法) which seeks to address the shorter average lifespan of indigenous people through improved resources [⇥
Taipei Times,
May 25 (Thu): The inaugural Taiwan-U.S. Science and Technology Cooperation Dialogue (STC-D) concludes in
Taipei [⇥
Taipei Times,
OCAC News,
May 24 (Wed):
The CEC announces that a proposed referendum to expedite the execution of
prisoners sentenced to death is unlikely to be held before the end of 2023 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
A delegation comprising 25 defense contractors from the US led by
retired U.S. Marine Corps Commander Steven Rudder arrives in Taiwan to attend the Taiwan-U.S. Defense Industry Cooperation Forum
scheduled for May 3, 2023; the group also visits the NCSIST but not the MND [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Minister without Portfolio John Deng 鄧振中, in the US to attend the
SelectUSA Investment Summit (May 1–4 in National Harbor, MD), visits the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR)
in Washington DC [⇥
Taipei Times,
April 28 (Fri): The Taiwan–Ireland Inter-Parliamentary Amity Association (Taiwan yu Aierlan guohui youhao lianyihui
臺灣與愛爾蘭國會友好聯誼會) is established with lawmaker Chen Ching-min 陳靜敏 (♀, DPP, legislator-at-large) as
chair [⇥
Taiwan News,
April 22 (Sat): The Preparatory Office of Climate Change Agency (qihou bianqianshu choubeichu 氣候變遷署籌備處) under the
EPA is formally set up in Taipei [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
April 16 (Sun): Debris from a Long March-4B rocket—launched by the PRC from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center (Gansu Province)
and carrying the "Fengyun-3 G-Star" meteorological satellite—at 9:36 a.m. crashes into a PRC-imposed no-fly zone located 85 nautical
miles north of Taiwan and within the Taipei Flight Information Region [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Jerusalem Post,
Lanka Times,
OCAC News,
According to media reports the PRC planned to impose a no-fly zone north of Taiwan from April 16–18,
following protests the closure of the airspace in question is shortened to 27 minutes from 9:30 a.m. to 9:57 a.m. on April 16, 2023 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
April 6–8: A US House of Representatives delegation comprising
representatives Michael McCaul (R-TX), Young Kim (R-CA), Ami Bera (D-CA), French Hill (R-AR), Guy Reschenthaler
(R-PA), Madeleine Dean (D-PA), Michael Lawler (R-NY), and Nathaniel Moran (R-TX) visits Taiwan [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
March 29 (Wed): Former Control Yuan President Wang Chien-shien 王建煊 announces
his candidacy for the upcoming ROC presidential election set for Jan. 13, 2024 [⇥
Taiwan News,
March 27—April 7: Former ROC President Ma Ying-jeou visits the PRC (the itinerary
including Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuhan, Chongqing, Changsha) to pay respects to his ancestors, the trip’s timing coinciding
with Tomb Sweeping Festival (qingmingjie 清明節 aka saomujie 掃墓節), meets with TAO
Director Song Tao 宋濤 in Wuhan on March 30; first visit of a former ROC president to the PRC since 1949, all mentions of
the ROC made by Ma are censored by PRC state media [⇥
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Merit Times,
Nikkei Asia,
March 27 (Mon): The European Values Center for Security Policy and the Czech-Taiwanese Business Chamber unveil the
Czech Hub in Taiwan (Jieke zai Tai zhongxin 捷克在台中心) in Taipei, with the visiting speaker of the Czech Chamber
of Deputies Markéta Pekarová Adamová attending [⇥
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
Dimsum Daily,
OCAC News,
The Taiwan–Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg Parliamentary Friendship Association (Taiwan yu Helan, Bilishi,
Lusenbau guohui youhao xiehui 臺灣與荷蘭、比利時、盧森堡國會友好會) is established with legislator
Lin I-chin 林宜瑾 (♀, DPP, Tainan City) as president [⇥
Taipei Times,
March 1 (Wed): The DSCA announces the approval by the US State Department of
an arms package worth US$ 619 million with defense articles that include F-16 munitions [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
OCAC News,
Two Control Yuan members—Tsai Chung-yi 蔡崇義 and Fan Sun-lu 范巽綠—present their complete
report on the 1980 murder case of Lin I-hsiung's family members, disclosing that the
National Security Bureau (NSB) had direct involvement [⇥
Taipei Times,
Two parliamentary associations to facilitate exchanges with lawmakers abroad are inaugurated at a ceremony at
the Legislative Yuan in Taipei—the Taiwan-New Zealand
Inter-Parliamentary Amity Association (Taiwan yu Niuxilan guohui youhao lianyihui 臺灣與紐西蘭國會友好聯誼會) and the
Taiwan-Four Nordic Countries Parliamentary Friendship Association (Taiwan yu beiou you Tai siguo [Danmai, Fenlan, Nuowei, Ruidian]
guohui lianyihui 臺灣與北歐友臺四國(丹麥、芬蘭、挪威、瑞典)國會聯誼會), launched by lawmaker
Lin Chu-yin 林楚茵 (♀, DPP,
legislator-at-large) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Feb. 23 (Thu):
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken states that a war between the PRC and Taiwan
would not be an 'internal matter' [⇥
Taiwan News,
US State Department,
Feb. 21 (Tue): Top-level Taiwan–US security meeting at the AIT headquarters in Washington DC, attended by FM
Joseph Wu and NSC Secretary-general Wellington Koo [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
Feb. 19–23: A bipartisan US congressional delegation comprising Ro Khanna (D-CA), Jake Auchincloss
(D-MA), Jonathan Jackson (D-IL), and Tony Gonzales (R-TX) visits Taiwan [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
OCAC News,
Feb. 18 (Sat): The Restoration of Victim's Rights Infringed by Illegal Acts of the State During the Period
of Authoritarian Rule Foundation (caituan faren weiquan tongzhi shiqi guojia bufa xingwei beihaizhe quanli huifu
jijinhui 財團法人威權統治時期國家不法行為被害者權利回復基金會) is inaugurated in Taipei, using premises previously
occupied by the TJC [⇥
Feb. 17–20: US congressman Michael Gallagher (R-WI), chair of the newly established House China Committee,
visits Taiwan [⇥
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Feb. 17–19: The Munich Security Conference takes place, Taiwan is invited for the first time since 2015, represented by
Taipei City Council Member Vincent Chao 趙怡翔 (DPP) [⇥
Taiwan News,
Deutsche Welle,
Feb. 17 (Fri):
According to media reports, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for China Michael Chase
arrives in Taiwan for a surprise visit, both the MND and the Pentagon decline to comment on the
trip [⇥
Taiwan News,
Taipei Times,
Financial Times,
Japan Times,
Executive Yuan spokesman Chen Tsung-yen on Friday tenders his
resignation following allegations that he offered favours for sex during his time as a public servant in Tainan over a decade ago; ROC Premier Chen Chien-jen
approves Chen Tsung-yen's resignation and reinstates Lo Ping-cheng as spokesman [⇥
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
AmCham Taiwan President Andrew Wylegala is replaced with Amy Chang 張韶韵
as interim president [⇥
The MAC announces that it denied a request by Ye Xiaowen 葉小文—between 1995
and 2009 director of the PRC's State Administration for Religious Affairs (guojia zongjiao shiwuju 國家宗教事務局, abbrev. SARA)—to
visit Taiwan for the funeral of Fo Guang Shan founder Hsing Yun 星雲 on Feb. 13 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Feb. 8–17: KMT vice chairman Andrew Hsia 夏立言 visits the PRC (Beijing, Nanjing, Shanghai, Wuhan,
and Chongqing) on an "apolitical" trip aimed at looking after the welfare of Taiwanese living and working in the PRC, meets TAO Director Song Tao 宋濤 on Feb. 9 and CCP politburo standing committee member Wang Huning 王滬寧 on Feb. 10 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Formosa News,
The Diplomat,
Focus Taiwan,
Feb. 7 (Tue): Taiwan dispatches a second search and rescue team comprising 90 personnel, 2 rescue dogs and
over 6 metric tons of equipment to the disaster area in Türkiye [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
OCAC News,
Feb. 6 (Mon): A devastating earthquake strikes the border region of Türkiye and Syria early in the morning, the
same day Taiwan dispatches a search and rescue team including 40 people, 3 dogs and more than 4 metric tons of equipment
to Türkiye [⇥
Taipei Times,
OCAC News,
Lawmaker Kuan Bi-ling 管碧玲 (♀, DPP,
legislator-at-large) gives up her seat after taking office as OAC minister and is replaced with Chen Pei-yu
陳培瑜 (♀) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
Jan. 21 (Sat): Mass shooting at a dance studio in Monterey Park (Ca., USA), three of the 11 dead are Taiwanese-Americans [⇥
Taiwan News,
Taipei Times,
By-election for DPP chairperson, Lai Ching-te 賴清德
runs as sole candidate and is elected with 99.65 percent of the votes, voter turnout 17.59 percent, for complete results click here; takes office on Jan. 18, 2023 [⇥
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Jan. 11 (Wed): ROC Premier Su Tseng-chang removes AEC
Minister Hsieh Shou-shing from his post with immediate effect after a Cabinet-led investigation found Hsieh guilty of sexual harassment
and other misconduct, no successor is named [⇥
Taiwan News,
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
Jan. 6 (Fri): The Republic of China – South Korea Inter-Parliamentary Amity Association (Zhonghua minguo yu Hanguo guohui yiyuan
youhao xiehui 中華民國與韓國國會議員友好協會) is established in Taipei [⇥
Taiwan Today,
Legislative Yuan]
Dec. 28 (Wed): The DSCA of the US announces a proposed sale including Volcano anti-tank mine-layer
systems and equipment worth an estimated US$ 180 million to Taiwan [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan Today,
Dec. 26–29: A delegation comprising twelve members of Japan's House of Councillors
(canyiyuan 參議院, Jap. Sangiin 参議院) visits Taiwan [⇥
Taiwan Today,
Dec. 9 (Fri): The PRC announces a ban for the import of beer, liquor, and beverages from Taiwan [⇥
Taipei Times,
OCAC News,
Dec. 8 (Thu): The Pingtung District Court dismisses a request by KMTPingtung County commissioner candidate in the Nov. 26 local elections Su Ching-chuan 蘇清泉
for a recount [⇥
Taipei Times,
Dec. 6 (Tue): The DSCA announces the approval by the US State Department of an arms package
worth US$ 428 million which includes stock replenishment of aircraft spare parts, consumables, and accessories, as well as repair and
replacement support for the F-16, C-130, Indigenous Defense Fighter and other aircraft and systems of US origin [⇥
Taiwan Today,
DSCA 1 /
Dec. 5 (Mon): MOI Minister Hsu Kuo-yung tenders his resignation for health reasons, approved
by ROC Premier Su Tseng-chang on Dec. 7 [⇥
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Dec. 3 (Sat): AEC Minister Hsieh Shou-shing takes leave while an investigation into
accusations made against him of sexual harassment is being conducted [⇥
Focus Taiwan,
Taiwan News,
Dec. 1 (Thu): The outdoor mask mandate in Taiwan is lifted [⇥
Taiwan Today,
A 12-member delegation from the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC),
led by IPAC co-chair Reinhard Bütikofer, arrives for a 4-day visit [⇥
OCAC News,
Taiwan News,
Taiwan News,
The Taiwan-Italy Inter-Parliamentary Amity Association (Taiwan yu Yidali guohui yiyuan youhao xiehui
台灣與義大利國會議員友好協會) is inaugurated and headed by legislator Wang Ding-yu 王定宇 (DPP, Tainan City) [⇥
OCAC News,
Taipei Times,
The Taipei District Court sentences Farglory Group
founder and Taipei Dome (Taibei dajudan 台北大巨蛋) developer Chao Teng-hsiung 趙藤雄 to seven years in prison for five
corruption cases, former MOF Minister Lee Sush-der receives a nine-year prison sentence for
influence peddling and forgery in the Taipei Dome case [⇥
Taiwan News,
Oct. 14 (Fri): Tsai Pi-ru 蔡壁如 (♀, TPP,
legislator-at-large) steps down as legislator one day after Takming University of Science and Technology
(deming caijing keji daxue 德明財經科技大學) announced it had revoked a master's degree conferred on her for improper citations in
her master's thesis; the Legislative Yuan confirmed on Oct. 25, 2022 that Tsai would be replaced by Cynthia Wu
吳欣盈 (♀), effective Nov. 2, 2022 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
Oct. 11–13: A US House of Representatives delegation comprising representatives Brad Wenstrup
(R-OH), Seth Moulton (D-MA), Michael Waltz (R-FL), and Kai Kahele (D-HI) visits Taiwan [⇥
Taiwan News,
Oct. 11 (Tue):
The Taiwan Parliamentary All-Out Defense Committee (lifayuan quanmin fangwei lianxian 立法院全民防衛連線) is set up
and headed by DPPlegislator Lin Ching-yi 林靜儀
(♀, Taichung City)
Taipei Times,
The Taiwan-Ukraine Parliament Members Friendship Association (Taiwan yu Wukelan guohui yiyuan youhao xiehui
台灣與烏克蘭國會議員友好協會) is founded by legislator Huang Shih-chieh 黃世杰 (DPP, Taoyuan City) [⇥
Sept. 30 (Fri): Taiwan’s first indigenously-built landing platform dock "Yushan" (yushanhao 玉山號) manufactured
by CSBC Corp., Taiwan is delivered to the ROC Navy (commissioned in Kaohsiung the following day) [⇥
Taipei Times,
OCAC News,
Sept. 28 (Wed): The Taiwan and German Parliamentary Friendship Association
(Taiwan yu Deguo yihui yiyuan youhao xiehui 臺灣與德國議會議員友好協會) is inaugurated and headed by legislator Chang Hung-lu 張宏陸 (DPP, New Taipei City) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Sept. 26 (Mon):
The R.O.C. Defense Mission to the U.S.A. (Zhonghua minguo zhu Mei junshi daibiaotuan 中華民國駐美軍事代表團) is
inaugurated [⇥
Taiwan News,
US State Department spokesperson Ned Price stresses that the US does not take a position
on the sovereignty issue between China and Taiwan [⇥
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Sept. 12–17: A Legislative Yuan delegation comprising lawmakers Chang
Yu-mei 張育美 (♀, KMT,
legislator-at-large), Charles Chen 陳以信 (KMT, legislator-at-large), Chen Yu-jen 陳玉珍
(♀, KMT, Kinmen County), Ho Chih-wei 何志偉 (DPP, Taipei City) and Yeh Yu-lan 葉毓蘭 (♀,
KMT, legislator-at-large) visits the US and holds talks with
members of Congress [⇥
OCAC News,
Taipei Times,
Sept. 7 (Wed): A US House of Representatives delegation led by representative Stephanie Murphy
(D-FL) and comprising Andy Barr (R-KY), Kat Cammack (R-FL), Scott Franklin (R-FL), Darrell Issa (R-CA), Kai Kahele (D-HI), Claudia Tenney
(R-NY), and Joe Wilson (R-SC) arrives in Taiwan for a 3-day visit [⇥
Taiwan News,
Sept. 3 (Sat): The number of deaths caused by COVID-19 in Taiwan surpasses 10,000 [⇥
Sept. 2 (Fri): The DSCA of the US announces the approval by the US State Department of an arms package
worth US$ 1.106 billion with defense articles that include Harpoon anti-ship missiles, Sidewinder short-range air-to-air missiles and
contract logistics support for the Surveillance Radar Program (SRP) [⇥
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
DSCA 1 /
Aug. 18 (Thu): Polish technology media outlet WP tech reports that 800 Taiwanese Revolver 860 combat drones (which are described
as "flying mortars") were delivered to Ukrainian forces [⇥
Taiwan News,
TNL Media,
Aug. 14–15: A delegation led by US Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) and comprising
representatives Don Beyer (D-VA), John Garamendi (D-CA), Alan Lowenthal (D-CA) and Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen (R-AS)
visits Taiwan [⇥
Taipei Times,
Aug. 10–27: KMT Vice Chairman Andrew Hsia 夏立言 visits the PRC to gain a first-hand
understanding of the needs of Taiwanese communities there, meets top officials of ARATS and
TAO [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
New Bloom,
Aug. 10 (Wed): The PRC releases its white paper "The Taiwan Question and China’s Reunification
in the New Era" (Taiwan wenti yu xin shidai Zhongguo tongyi shiye 台灣問題與新時代中國統一事業); Reuters comments that
according to the white paper the PRC has withdrawn a promise not to send troops or administrators to Taiwan if it takes control of
the island [⇥
Aug. 7 (Sun): PRC state-run TV news station CCTV cites a commentator as saying that the People's Liberation Army (PLA) will start
to hold "regular" military drills east of Taiwan's median line [⇥
Global Times,
The Diplomat,
Taiwan News,
Aug. 5 (Fri): The ROC MND reports that approximately 10 PLA naval ships and 20 military aircraft
crossed Taiwan's median line [⇥
Taiwan News,
Aug. 4 (Thu):
The PRC announces a seventh live-fire zone off Taiwan's east coast, in effect until Aug. 8 [⇥
Taiwan News,
The ROC MND reports that the PLA launched a total of 11 Dongfeng ballistic missiles into the
waters surrounding northern, southern, and eastern Taiwan in several waves [⇥
Taiwan News,
Japan's government reports that five ballistic missiles launched by the PRC landed
in Japan's exclusive economic zone (EEZ) that day, four of them had flown over Taiwan [⇥
Taiwan News,
Remarks made by the PRC’s ambassador in France Lu Shaye 盧沙野 during an interview on BFM TV that the Taiwanese would be ‘re-educated’
after annexation draw worldwide criticism [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Asia News,
National Review,
The ROC MND accuses the PRC of trying to set up a blockade around Taiwan with the unprecedented
live-fire drills it is running in six zones around the country that week [⇥
Taiwan News,
Aug. 2–3: US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a delegation comprising
House of Representatives members Suzan DelBene (D-WA), Andy Kim (D-NJ), Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL), Gregory Meeks (D-NY), and
Mark Takano (D-CA) visit Taiwan [⇥
Al Jazeera,
Taiwan News,
Aug. 2 (Tue): Less than half an hour after the arrival of US House of Representatives speaker
Nancy Pelosi and her delegation for a 2-day visit in Taiwan the PRC announces military exercises which would include live-fire drills
in six zones surrounding Taiwan from Aug. 4 to Aug. 7 [⇥
Taiwan News,
Aug. 1 (Mon): National Taitung University (NTTU) becomes the first higher education institution in the ROC to offer a doctoral program in
Austronesian culture [⇥
Taipei Times,
July 18–28: A Legislative Yuan delegation comprising LY
President You Si-kun, legislators Huang Shih-chieh 黃世杰 (DPP,
Taoyuan City), Jang Chyi-lu 張其祿 (TPP, legislator-at-large),
Kung Wen-chi 孔文吉 (KMT, Mountain Aborigines) and Wan Mei-ling 萬美玲
(♀, KMT,
Taoyuan City) tours Europe in July 2022, visiting the Czech Republic (July 18–21),
making a stopover in Poland on July 21, Lithuania (July 21–24), and France (July 24–28) on a trip that had been postponed
for a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic [⇥
OCAC News,
Taiwan News,
the Czech Senate displays the ROC national flag at its entrance to welcome the Taiwan delegation [⇥
Taipei Times,
The DSCA of the US announces the approval by the US State Department of an arms package
worth US$ 108 million which includes replacement and spare parts for military combat vehicles like tanks and providing logistical support [⇥
Focus Taiwan,
Taipei Times,
Taiwan Today,
The Taiwan High Court acquits former President Chen Shui-bian of charges related
to his personal use of presidential state affairs funds following a recent change to the Accounting Act (kuaijifa 會計法)
applied retrospectively [⇥
Focus Taiwan,
July 14 (Thu): MOHW Minister Chen Shih-chung announces his resignation in order to focus
on his run for Taipei mayor ahead of Nov. 26's election (which he lost)
Focus Taiwan,
July 6 (Wed): The Taipei District Court finds legislators Su Chen-ching 蘇震清 (Ind./formerly DPP, Pingtung County), Sufin Siluko 廖國棟 (KMT, Plains Aborigines), Chen Chao-ming 陳超明 (KMT, Miaoli County) as well as former lawmaker Hsu Yung-ming 徐永明 (NPP, legislator-at-large in the
9th Legislative Yuan) guilty of receiving bribes in a case regarding the ownership of the Pacific SOGO
department store chain and sentenced them to prison terms—Su to 10 years, Sufin Siluko to 8 years and six months, Chen to 7 years and 8
months, Hsu to 7 years and four months for violating the Anti-Corruption Act (tanwu zhizui tiaoli 貪污治罪條例); all defendants vow to appeal [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
The CIP announces that Taiwan, Canada, New Zealand and Australia jointly inaugurated
the Indigenous Peoples Economic and Trade Cooperation Arrangement (IPETCA) aimed at empowering indigenous
peoples to set up businesses on a global scale [⇥
OCAC News,
Huang Ming-chao 黃明昭 takes over as NPA director-general from Chen Chia-chin 陳家欽 [⇥
The Council of Indigenous Peoples (CIP) expresses opposition against granting the Siraya and other Pingpu
tribes constitutionally-protected indigenous status, arguing it would adversely affect the rights enjoyed by those who were currently recognized as
indigenous people [⇥
OCAC News,
June 25 (Sat): "TaiArctic", Taiwan's first permanent polar research workstation in the Arctic Circle, officially opens on Spitsbergen (Svalbard)
Taipei Times,
OCAC News,
June 24 (Fri): Julian T. A. Lin 林梓安, one of the founders of the "Taiwan Civil Government" (Taiwan minzhengfu
台灣民政府)—which claims Taiwan is legally under US administration following Japan's surrender
in World War II—is sentenced to 19 years in prison and fined NT$ 2 million by the Taoyuan District Court
for defrauding around 300 individuals out of NT$ 100 million [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
June 14 (Tue): ROC MOFA spokeswoman Joanne Ou 歐江安 reiterates that the ROC government
considers the Taiwan Strait to be international waters, except for the 12-nautical-mile strip defined as
territorial waters
June 13 (Mon):
PRC MOFA spokesman Wang Wenbin 汪文斌 claims that the Taiwan Strait fell within the PRC’s
‘territorial waters and EEZ as defined by UNCLOS and domestic law’ [⇥
Taipei Times]
The PRC announces a ban for the import of groupers and other fishery products from Taiwan [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
June 10 (Fri): The CECC reports 213 new deaths caused by COVID-19, the highest number of daily deaths during the pandemic
Taiwan News,
June 9 (Thu): The Taiwan-Slovakia Inter-Parliamentary Amity Association (Taiwan Siluofake guohui lianyihui 臺灣 斯洛伐克國會聯誼會)
is inaugurated and headed by DPPlegislator Hsu Chih-chieh 許智傑
(Kaohsiung City)
June 8 (Wed):
The DSCA of the US announces the approval of a proposed sale of US$ 120 million
in ship spare parts, ship system spare parts, and related equipment to Taiwan [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan Today,
OCAC News,
The KMT Representative Office in the United States (Zhongguo guomindang zhu Mei daibiaochu
中國國民黨駐美代表處) opens in Washington DC [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The CECC reports 94,855 new confirmed infections with COVID-19, the highest number of daily new confirmed cases during the pandemic
Taiwan News,
May 24 (Tue): Former People First Party (PFP) Secretary-General Lee Hung-chun 李鴻鈞 is confirmed
as vice president of the Control Yuan [⇥
Focus Taiwan,
May 23 (Mon):
US President Joe Biden confirms that the US would intervene militarily to defend Taiwan if it was attacked by the PRC
Taipei Times,
OCAC News,
Taiwan News,
May 19 (Thu): The number of registered total COVID-19 infections in Taiwan surpasses 1 million [⇥
May 15 (Sun): Taiwan-born and pro-unification supporter David Wenwei Chou 周文偉 opens fire in the Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church
congregation in Laguna Woods, California (USA), killing 1 and wounding 5 [⇥
Taipei Times,
LA Times,
May 13 (Fri):
In a press statement issued after a committee review meeting, the MOI said it would advise
the Cabinet against upgrading Changhua County to special municipality status
because there had been a gradual downtrend in the region's population [⇥
Taipei Times,
OCAC News,
The number of deaths caused by COVID-19 in Taiwan surpasses 1,000 [⇥
The ROC Executive Yuan unveils Taiwan's first-ever national human rights action plan (guojia renquan xingdong
jihua 國家人權行動計畫) [⇥
Taipei Times,
OCAC News,
The ROC Executive Yuan approves proposals to upgrade the Council of Agriculture (COA) to Ministry
of Agriculture (nongyebu 農業部) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to Ministry of Environment
and Natural Resources (huanjingbu 環境部), the Atomic Energy Council (AEC) is to be transformed to
a Nuclear Safety Commission (heneng anquan weiyuanhui 核能安全委員會) [⇥
May 3 (Tue): A delegation from the Youth Division of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)
arrives in Taiwan for a 5-day visit [⇥
Taiwan Today,
A delegation led by US senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) and comprising senators Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Ben Sasse (R-NE),
Robert Portman (R-OH), Richard Burr (R-NC) as well as US House of Representatives member Ronny Jackson (R-TX) visits Taiwan,
meets ROC President Tsai Ing-wen, MND
Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng and FM Joseph Wu [⇥
Taiwan Today,
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Taiwanese pro-democracy activist and former DPP staffer Lee Ming-che 李明哲 arrives in Taiwan on a flight from the PRC's Xiamen City after
having been released from prison where he had served a five-year sentence for "subversion of state power"
Focus Taiwan,
April 12 (Tue): The Congressional Diplomacy and Strategy Consensus Committee (guohui waijiao zhanlüe gongshihui
國會外交戰略共識會) is established with the goal of improving the nation’s international standing by achieving unity
among legislators from different parties, and it also aims to maintain regional peace through defense
collaboration, as well as promote the nation’s international participation; Ho Chih-wei 何志偉 (DPP,
Taipei City) is selected to serve as committee chairman [⇥
Taipei Times,
April 6 (Wed): The Taiwan-Poland Inter-Parliamentary Amity Association (Taiwan yu Polan guohui youhao lianyihui
臺灣與波蘭國會友好聯誼會) is inaugurated [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
April 5 (Tue): The DSCA of the US announces the approval by the US State Department of an
arms package worth US$ 95 million which includes equipment and services aimed at maintaining Taiwan's existing Patriot missile defense system [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
OCAC News,
April 1 (Fri): The ROC Constitutional Court declares a legal provision that grants indigenous status to individuals with one indigenous and one non-indigenous parent based strictly on their
name unconstitutional [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
March 31 (Thu): The Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association (Taiwan tongzhi zixun rexian xiehui 台灣同志諮詢熱線協會) reports that
the governments of Taipei City and Kaohsiung City agreed
to allow transgender residents to attach a sticker to their ID cards, specifying their gender identity [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
March 29 (Tue): Taiwan, New Zealand, Canada and Australia jointly establish the Indigenous Peoples Economic
and Trade Cooperation Arrangement (yuanzhu minzu jingji maoyi hezuo xieyi 原住民族經濟貿易合作協議) [⇥
Taiwan Today,
March 22 (Tue): Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe and ROC President Tsai Ing-wen meet via
videoconference [⇥
Taiwan Today,
March 11 (Fri): A clause under Sec. 7043 [East Asia and the Pacific] in the "Department of State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs
Appropriations Act 2022" signed into law by POTUS Joe Biden includes a ban on the use of any maps by the US Department of State and its foreign
operations that "inaccurately" depict Taiwan as part of China [⇥
Taipei Times,
March 4 (Fri): Taipower Chairman Yang Wei-fuu 楊偉甫 and General Manager Chung Bin-li 鍾炳利
both resign over the massive power blackouts which struck Taiwan the previous day [⇥
Taiwan News,
March 1–2: A delegation comprising former top US defense officials—including Michael G. Mullen (former JCS chairman),
Meghan L. O'Sullivan (ex-deputy national security advisor under US President George W. Bush), Michèle A. Flournoy (former
undersecretary of defense under US President Obama) and others—sent by POTUS Joe Biden visits Taiwan [⇥
Taiwan Today,
Feb. 25 (Fri): The ROC government strongly condemns the military invasion of Ukraine by Russia [⇥
Taiwan Today,
Feb. 17 (Thu): The European Parliament adopts two policy reports—the Common Foreign and Security Policy report and
the Common Security and Defense Policy report—which express support for Taiwan [⇥
Taiwan Today,
Feb. 11 (Fri): The US State Department releases its Indo-Pacific Strategy which includes Taiwan [⇥
Taiwan Today,
Feb. 8 (Tue): The European Commission proposes the European Chips Act which highlights the importance of Taiwan in the
global semiconductor sector [⇥
Taiwan Today,
Feb. 7 (Mon): The DSCA of the US notifies the US Congress after the State Department approved
the sale of a package including equipment and services to support participation in the Patriot International Engineering Services Program (IESP)
and Field Surveillance Program (FSP) for five years, as well as missile field surveillance support for legacy (Guidance
Enhanced Missile/GEM) and Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) missiles, a deal worth an estimated US$ 100 million
Taiwan Today,
Jan. 24 (Mon): The Taiwan-Europe Interparliamentary Amity Association (Taiwan yu Ouzhou yihui youhao xiehui
臺灣與歐洲議會友好協會) is inaugurated [⇥
Taipei Times,
Jan. 22 (Sat): The Ching-kuo Chi-hai Cultural Park (Jingguo qihai wenhua yuanqu 經國七海文化園區) with Taiwan’s first
presidential library is opened in Taipei City’s Songshan District [⇥
Taiwan NewsTaipei TimesOCAC News,
Independent legislator Freddy Lim 林昶佐 (electoral district 5 of Taipei
City) survives a recall election—although a majority of valid votes cast supported Lim to be recalled, their number did not reach the
required minimum of a quarter of eligible voters; for complete result details click here [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan Insight,
Focus Taiwan,
Jan. 5 (Wed): Former MOTC Minister Lin Chia-lung is appointed ambassador-at-large for
digital New Southbound Policy initiatives (shuwei xinnanxiang wurensuo dashi 數位新南向無任所大使) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Liberty Times,
Dec. 30 (Thu): The All-out Defense Mobilization Agency (quanmin fangwei dongyuanshu 全民防衛動員署) under the MND is set up to improve the combat readiness of the country's reserve forces
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Dec. 27 (Mon): The National Tsing Hua University’s College of Semiconductor Research
(guoli qinghua daxue bandaoti yanjiu xueyuan 國立清華大學半導體研究學院) opens, following the inaugurations of the
Graduate School of Advanced Technology (zhongdian keji yanjiu xueyuan 重點科技研究學院) under NTU on Dec. 24, the Industry Academia Innovation School (chanxue chuangxin yanjiu xueyuan
產學創新研究學院, abbrev. IAIS) under NYCU on Dec. 21 and the Academy of Innovative Semiconductor
and Sustainable Manufacturing (zhihui bandaoti ji yongxu zhizao xueyuan 智慧半導體及永續製造學院) under NCKU on Oct. 22, 2021 [⇥
Dec. 20 (Mon): A Kosovo-Taiwan Parliamentary Friendship Group (Kesuowo Taiwan guohui youyi xiaozu 科索沃–台灣國會友誼小組)
holds its inaugural meeting [⇥
Taiwan News,
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
Dec. 9–10: Hsiao Bi-khim 蕭美琴 and Audrey Tang 唐鳳 from Taiwan participate in the Summit for Democracy hosted by the US, 110
other countries and territories from around the world were invited but not the PRC [⇥
Taiwan Today,
Dec. 1 (Wed): Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe says that ‘Japan cannot allow Taiwan to be
invaded by force’ and ‘any emergency over Taiwan would mean an emergency for Tokyo as well’ [⇥
Financial Times,,
A US congressional delegation comprising representatives Nancy Mace (R-SC), Colin Allred (D-TX), Elissa Slotkin
(D-MI), and Sara Jacobs (D-CA) arrives in Taipei for a 2-day visit [⇥
OCAC News,
The VAC announces that retired Major General Ni Bang-chen 倪邦臣 has been appointed as the
first person representing the council to be stationed in the US long-term [⇥
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Nov. 19–20: Former ROC Vice President Chen Chien-jen attends the "Future of Democracy" forum in Vilnius at the invitation
of Lithuanian FM Gabrielius Landsbergis [⇥
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
Nov. 18 (Thu): Taiwan News cites a recent Forbes report according to which only the two Dutch-made subs could be considered combat-ready, and Taiwan’s current stock of ca. 200 outdated
Indonesian-made SUT torpedoes was inadequate as well [⇥
Taiwan News,
Nov. 10 (Wed): US Secretary of State Antony Blinken tells reporters that the US would take action if the PRC were to use force
against Taiwan [⇥
Taiwan News,
Nov. 9–11: A delegation comprising six members of the US Congress—including senators John Cornyn (R-TX), Tommy Tuberville
(R-AL), Mike Crapo (R-ID), Mike Lee (R-UT) as well as representatives Tony Gonzales and Jake Ellzey (both R-TX)—makes a low-key
surprise visit to Taiwan [⇥
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Nov. 8 (Mon): The MOE orders the Cross-Strait Tsinghua Research Institute (qinghua
haixia yanjiuyuan 清華海峽研究院)—which had been set up on the NTHU campus by the NTHU
Alumni Association (Xinzhu qinghua xiaoyouhui 新竹清華校友會) in cooperation with the Xiamen City Government (in Fujian
province, PRC) and the PRC’s Tsinghua University on April 28, 2016 without securing approval from the government—to be closed
immediately after the National Security Bureau (NSB) reported that the institute was
Chinese-funded and allegedly used to recruit talent to the PRC’s semiconductor industry, violating the Act Governing Relations between the People
of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area (Taiwan diqu yu dalu diqu renmin guanxi tiaoli 臺灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例)
Taipei Times,
OCAC News,
Oct. 28 (Thu): In an interview released by CNN ROC President Tsai Ing-wen confirms for the
first time the presence of US military personnel in Taiwan [⇥
Taipei Times,
Oct. 23 (Sat): Legislator Wonda Chen 陳柏惟 (Taiwan Statebuilding Party, Taichung City) aka Chen Po-wei loses a recall election, for complete result details click here; the recall election had originally been scheduled for Aug. 28 that year but was postponed due
to the COVID-19 pandemic [⇥
The Diplomat,
Focus Taiwan,
Oct. 21 (Thu): US President Biden states during a CNN town hall meeting in Baltimore that the US would come to Taiwan’s defense
in the event of an attack by the PRC (replying to a relevant question ‘yes, we have a commitment to do that’) [⇥
Taipei Times,
OCAC News,
Oct. 20 (Wed): A Taiwanese delegation led by NDC Minister Kung Ming-hsin departs for a 9-day
trade and investment tour to the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Slovakia [⇥
Taiwan Today,
Oct. 17 (Sun): Legislator Huang Kuo-shu 黃國書 (Taichung City)
announces his withdrawal from the DPP and pledges not to be seeking re-election following a report that he
was an informant for the KMT as a university student [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
Oct. 7 (Thu): A Pentagon official tells AFP that US special operations forces have been quietly training Taiwanese troops for months
Oct. 2 (Sat): The TJC exonerates five political prisoners who were executed in 1970 from the
charge of overthrowing the government [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
Sept. 24 (Fri): NCKU opens Taiwan’s first carbon-negative factory (futanpai shifan
gongchang 負碳排示範工廠) to promote carbon removal technology across various industries in Taiwan [⇥
Taiwan News,
Sept. 22 (Wed):
Former ROC Vice President Chen Chien-jen represents Taiwan at the
virtual Global COVID-19 Summit convened by US President Joe Biden from the White House [⇥
Taiwan Today,
Australia’s Southern Launch announces it would no longer try and launch the Hapith I rocket built
by Taiwan Innovative Space Company (jinsheng taikong gufen youxian gongsi 晉陞太空股份有限公司, abbrev. TiSPACE) following
three failed attempts, the third of which on Sept. 16 sparked a fire [⇥
Taiwan News,
Space Connect,
Sept. 13 (Mon): The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) via its official Twitter account
releases a video in support of Taiwan-Lithuania
ties [⇥
Taiwan Today,
Aug. 26 (Thu): Taiwan donates Haiti approximately 18 tons of post-earthquake emergency supplies, including cooling blankets,
foldable beds, sleeping bags, surgical masks and tents [⇥
Taiwan Today,
Aug. 17 (Tue): Following an earthquake disaster in Haiti (7.2 magnitude temblor), Taiwan donates food products, oxygen concentrators,
personal protective equipment, sleeping bags and surgical masks [⇥
Taiwan Today,
Aug. 11 (Wed): Taiwan and the US hold their first Coast Guard Working Group (haixun gongzuo xiaozu 海巡工作小組) meeting
virtually [⇥
Taiwan Today,
The DSCA of the US notifies the US Congress after the State Department approved
the sale of 40 M109A6 "Paladin" self-propelled howitzers and related equipment to Taiwan at an estimated cost of US$ 750 million, first
weapons sale since the Biden administration took office [⇥
Taiwan Today,
OCAC News,
July 30 (Fri): Economy Division Director Ni Bo-chia 倪伯嘉 of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Hong Kong returns
to Taipei after HKSAR authorities refused to extend his visa, leaving the office with only local
staff [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
July 6 (Tue): The AIT announces that Sandra Oudkirk, US deputy assistant secretary of state
for Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, has been appointed as the new director of its Taipei office as successor for
outgoing director William Brent Christensen [⇥
Taiwan Today,
Focus Taiwan,
June 30 (Wed): Taipower announces that the generator No. 1 at Taiwan's second nuclear power plant
will be shut down permanently and enter its decommissioning stage on July 1 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
OCAC News,
June 24 (Thu): The MND announces that Army Commander General Chen Pao-yu 陳寶餘 will assume the post
of Chief of the General Staff beginning July 2022, replacing Huang Shu-kuang 黃曙光 [⇥
OCAC News,
June 23 (Wed): JCS Chairman Mark Milley says that maintaining peace in the Taiwan Strait is of critical importance to the US
OCAC News,
June 20 (Sun): All except one of the eight remaining staff members at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Hong Kong are forced
to return to Taipei on Sunday, after they failed to obtain visa extensions [⇥
Taipei Times,
OCAC News,
June 17 (Thu): The MND announces that Taiwan has signed two arms procurement contracts with
the US, buying two packages including the High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) and Harpoon Coastal Defense Systems (HCDS)
Taiwan News,
OCAC News,
Asia Pacific Defense Journal,
Army Recognition,
June 16 (Wed): Macao's representative office in Taiwan (Delegação Económica e Cultural de Macau / Aomen jingji wenhua banshichu
澳門經濟文化辦事處) announces the indefinite suspension of its operations starting June 19, giving no reason for the decision
Radio Free Asia,
Nikkei Asia,
Focus Taiwan,
June 14 (Mon): 📆 Dragon Boat Festival (duanwujie 端午節) [⇥ Lunar calendar]
May 31 (Mon): TJC chairperson Yang Tsui quits [⇥
May 30 (Sun): The number of deaths caused by COVID-19 in Taiwan surpasses 100 [⇥
May 24—June 1: The 74th WHA takes place virtually without Taiwan being invited as an observer [⇥
Taiwan Today,
May 20 (Thu): Restrictions of level 3 epidemic alert (yiqing jingjie 疫情警戒) go into effect [⇥
Taiwan News,
May 19 (Wed): Taiwan launches a new QR code for real-name registration system (contact tracing) [⇥
Taiwan News,
OCAC News,
May 18 (Tue): The HKSAR government suspends operations of its representative office in Taiwan indefinitely [⇥
Taipei Times,
May 12 (Wed): Independent legislator Fu Kun-chi 傅崐萁 (Hualien County)
is granted parole, released from Hualien Prison the following day after serving a sentence of 2 years and 10 months for manipulating stock prices
in the late 1990s [⇥
United Daily News,
May 11 (Tue):
ROC Premier Su Tseng-chang announces that the mandate of the TJC would be extended by another year [⇥
April 23 (Fri): A legislative group labelled "Taiwan Parliament Group for Uyghur" (Taiwan guohui weiwuer lianxian
台灣國會維吾爾連線) is set up by independent legislator Freddy Lim 林昶佐 and other lawmakers
Taipei Times,
OCAC News,
April 20 (Tue): A report sent by the MND to legislators for
review includes plans for the existing All-out Defense Mobilization Office (quanmin fangwei dongyuanshi 全民防衛動員室) and the
Armed Forces Reserve Command (houbei zhihuibu 後備指揮部) to be merged to a Defense Reserve Mobilization Agency (fangwei houbei
dongyuanshu 防衛後備動員署) by January 2022 [⇥
Taipei Times,
OCAC News,
April 9 (Fri): The US State Department announces new guidelines for government contacts with Taiwan, enabling US officials to meet
more freely with their Taiwanese counterparts [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
OCAC News,
April 2 (Fri): A TRA Taroko Express eight-carriage train carrying 492 passengers derails at the north
entrance of Qingshui Tunnel (qingshui suidao 清水隧道) in Xiulin Township (Hualien County) after colliding
with a construction truck that had fallen down a slope onto the tracks, killing 49 people and injuring 213 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
The Guardian,
March 25 (Thu): Taiwan and the US sign an MOU in Washington to establish a Coast Guard Working Group (haixun gongzuo xiaozu
海巡工作小組, abbrev. CGWG), with the aim of strengthening their maritime cooperation [⇥
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
OCAC News,
March 21 (Sun): The Taiwan-Japan Industrial Collaboration Promotion Office (Tai Ri chanye hezuo
tuidong bangongshi 台日產業合作推動辦公室, abbrev. TJPO) is set up [⇥
Feb. 25 (Thu): The DPP decides to suspend legislators Chiang
Yung-chang 江永昌 (New Taipei City), Lin Shu-fen 林淑芬
(♀, New Taipei City) and Liu Chien-kuo 劉建國
(Yunlin County) from running for party leadership positions for a period of one year
for abstaining from a series of votes regarding the lifting of restrictions on imports of pork containing the controversial
feed additive ractopamine [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
OCAC News,
Feb. 19 (Fri): According to ROC Presidential Office spokesman Xavier Chang 張惇涵 ROC President Tsai Ing-wen ordered a reshuffle of top military and security officials in the Cabinet; MND Minister Yen De-fa is replaced with Chiu Kuo-cheng, MAC
Minister Chen Min-tong is replaced with Chiu Tai-san, and NSB Director-general Chiu Kuo-cheng
is replaced with Chen Min-tong [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Feb. 18 (Thu): The resignation of CPC Corp, Taiwan chairman Jerry Ou 歐嘉瑞
is approved [⇥
In a decommissioning ceremony held at Hsin Pin naval station (xinbin yingqu 新濱營區) in Kaohsiung, the ROC Navy retires the ROCS Ching Chiang (jinjiang hao 錦江號), the first
of Taiwan's 12 locally designed guided-missile corvettes that has defended the country's territorial waters for more than two decades
Taiwan News,
OCAC News,
Liberty Times,
Jan. 25 (Mon): The NARLabs announce that rocket scientist Gou Chong-sin 吳宗信 will head
the National Space Organization (NSPO) from Aug. 1, 2022, and his main mission would be to establish
a rocket launch site; before Gou’s appointment NSPO Deputy Director-General Yu Shiann-jen 余憲政 would serve as acting director-general
Taipei Times,
Jan. 24 (Sun):
A SpaceX rocket carrying two Taiwanese satellites successfully lifts off from Cape Canaveral in Florida [⇥
Taiwan News,
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
The Hualien Archeological Museum (Hualien xian kaogu bowuguan 花蓮縣考古博物館) in Hualien
County’s Shoufeng Township opens to the public [⇥
Taipei Times,
Jan. 23 (Sat): Taiwan independence advocates launch the Taiwan New Constitution Alliance (Taiwan xinxian lianhe zhenxian
台灣新憲聯合陣線) to promote drafting a new, localized constitution [⇥
Taipei Times,
Liberty Times]
Jan. 21 (Thu): The Hakka Affairs Council announces it restructured its organization to create
a new Department of Language Development (yuyan fazhanchu 語言發展處) dedicated to promoting the use of the Hakka language in schools,
families and communities [⇥
Taipei Times,
Hakka Public Communication Foundation]
ROC Representative to the US Hsiao Bi-khim attends the 59th Presidential Inauguration Ceremonies
in Washington DC, the first time since 1979 that an ROC representative was officially invited to the event by the Joint Congressional Committee on
Inaugural Ceremonies (JCCIC) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Academia Sinica announces the establishment of an Air Quality Research Center (kongqi pinzhi zhuanti
zhongxin 空氣品質專題中心) and an Anthropogenic Climate Change Center (renwei qihou bianqian zhuanti zhongxin 人為氣候變遷專題中心)
which would both operate under its Research Center for Environmental Changes (huanjing bianqian yanjiu zhongxin 環境變遷研究中心, abbrev. RCEC)
Focus Taiwan,
Jan. 15 (Fri): Legislator Sufin Siluko (KMT, Plains Aborigines—charged with bribery and breaches of the Anti-Corruption Act
(tanwu zhizui tiaoli 貪污治罪條例)—is released on NT$ 10 million bail after his defense lawyers successfully petitioned
the Taipei District Court that he should be freed due to deteriorating health [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Chou Mei-wu 周美伍 takes office as new CGA director-general,
replacing Chuang Ching-ta 莊慶達 [⇥
Taiwan News,
The American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei (Taibeishi Meiguo shanghui 台北市美國商會)
announces that it will start using its new name, the American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan (Taiwan Meiguo shanghui 台灣美國商會),
from Jan. 1, 2021 [⇥
OCAC News,
Dec. 29 (Tue): Taiwan’s first time ever volcano alert drill is conducted in a neighbourhood of
Taipei City’s Beitou District with a text message on residents’ cell phones [⇥
Taiwan News,
UNDRR/Prevention Web,
Dec. 25 (Fri): The ROC Legislative Yuan approves setting the legal age of adulthood at 18
(previously 20), following a third-reading review of proposed amendments to the Civil Code (minfa 民法); change takes effect
on Jan. 1, 2023 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Dec. 22 (Tue): Tatung Co. Chairman Lin Wen-yuan 林文淵 announces that he would officially
step down with immediate effect after one month in office [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Dec. 15 (Tue): The ROC navy holds a launch ceremony for the first Tuo Chiang-class (tuojiang ji 沱江級) guided missile
corvette in Yilan [⇥
Taiwan News,
Naval Post,
Dec. 7 (Mon): The US State Department approves the possible sale of a
Field Information Communications System (FICS) and related equipment to Taiwan at an estimated cost of US$ 280 million [⇥
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
Dec. 4 (Fri): The Tibetan government in exile announces that it will move its envoy
in Australia Kelsang Gyaltsen Bawa to Taiwan to serve as its de facto representative [⇥
Taiwan News,
The US and Taiwan conduct their first Economic Prosperity Partnership
Dialogue in Washington DC and sign a 5-year MOU to establish annual economic talks [⇥
Taiwan News,
Taipei Times,
The Taipei District Court sentences former SinoPac Financial Holdings Co.
Chairman Ho Shou-chuan 何壽川 to eight years and six months in prison for illegal loans, his attorney vows to file an appeal [⇥
Taiwan News,
Nov. 15 (Sun): Executive Yuanspokesman Ting Yi-ming 丁怡銘 tenders
his resignation after having wrongly claimed that an award-winning beef noodle soup restaurant served meat that contained ractopamine, resignation
was approved by Premier Su Tseng-chang with immediate effect, Ting’s position being temporarily filled
by Li Meng-yen 李孟諺 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
Nov. 14 (Sat): Following protests from the PRC against US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s statement,
the US State Department comments that the US ‘takes no position on sovereignty over Taiwan’ [⇥
Taipei Times,
OCAC News,
Nov. 12 (Thu): US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo states in an interview with Hugh Hewitt
that ‘Taiwan has not been a part of China’ [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
The DSCA of the US notifies the US Congress after the State Department
approved the sale of four MQ-9B remotely piloted aircraft and related equipment to Taiwan at an estimated cost of US$ 600 million [⇥
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
OCAC News,
A Taiwan-ASEAN Parliamentary Friendship Association (Taiwan yu dongnanya guojia xiehui guohui yiyuan youhao xiehui
臺灣與東南亞國家協會國會議員友好協會) is formed, DPPlawmaker Chen Ou-po
陳歐珀 (Yilan County) is elected as its chairman [⇥
Taipei Times,
OCAC News,
Oct. 27 (Tue): A Taiwan-France Interparliamentary Amity Association (Taiwan yu Faguo guohui youhao xiehui 臺灣與法國國會友好協會)
is formed with legislator Tsai Shih-ying 蔡適應 (DPP, Keelung City) as its chairman [⇥
Taipei Times,
Epoch Times,
Oct. 26 (Mon):
The DSCA of the US reports that the US State Department approved the sale
of up to 100 Harpoon Coastal Defense Systems (HCDS) and related equipment for approximately US$ 2.37 billion to Taiwan [⇥
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
OCAC News,
Oct. 23 (Fri): A ROC Switzerland Inter-Parliamentary Amity Association (Zhonghua minguo yu Ruishi guohui yiyuan youhao lianyihui
中華民國與瑞士國會議員友好聯誼會) holds its inaugural meeting and elects legislator Chang Yu-mei 張育美
(♀, KMT, legislator-at-large) as its head [⇥
Taipei Times,
OCAC News,
Oct. 21 (Wed): The DSCA announces the approval by the US State Department of an arms package worth
US$ 1.81 billion which includes AGM-84H Standoff Land Attack Missile Expanded Response (SLAM-ER) Missiles, High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems
(HIMARS) M142 Launchers and MS-110 Recce Pods, as well as related equipment [⇥
Taiwan Today,
DSCA 1 /
Oct. 16 (Fri):
The ROC Legislative Yuan establishes a U.N. Sustainable Development Goals Advisory Council
(lifayuan lianheguo yongxu fazhan mubiao cejinhui 立法院聯合國永續發展目標策進會) headed by Deputy Legislative
Speaker Tsai Chi-chang [⇥
Taipei Times,
The ROC MOFA protests after Japan's Ishigaki City government announced the intention to rename the administrative district of
the Senkaku Islands from "Tonoshiro" (Shiyuan shi Dengye cheng 石垣市登野城, Jap. Ishigaki shi Tonoshiro) to "Tonoshiro Senkaku" (Shiyuan
shi Dengye cheng Jian’ge 石垣市登野城尖閣, Jap. Ishigaki shi Tonoshiro Senkaku) [⇥
Taipei Times,
OCAC News,
📆 Mid-Autumn Festival (zhongqiujie 中秋節) [⇥ Lunar calendar]
Sept. 21 (Mon): PRC Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin 汪文斌 denies the existence of the median line
in the Taiwan Strait [⇥
Taiwan News,
Sept. 19 (Sat):
The Taipei Times runs a story about the efforts of the Gangshan Veterans’ Village Culture Association (Gangshan juancun wenhua
xiehui 岡山眷村文化協會) investigating details of the crash of an ROC Air Force plane
on June 3, 1968 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Liberty Times]
Hehuan Mountain Dark Sky Park (hehuanshan ankong gongyuan 合歡山暗空公園), Taiwan’s first international dark sky park (guanxing
youshan pingtai 觀星友善平台) is officially launched on central Taiwan's Hehuanshan 合歡山, setting a milestone for astronomy communities in
the country [⇥
Taiwan News,
Sept. 17 (Thu): US Under-Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy and the Environment Keith J. Krach
arrives at Songshan Airport in Taipei on a commercial charter flight to attend the memorial service for late
ROC President Lee Teng-hui on Sept. 19 at Aletheia University in Tamsui District (New Taipei City), meets ROC Premier Su Tseng-chang and ROC President Tsai Ing-wen on Sept. 18 and leaves Taiwan less than 48 hours after arrival; highest-ranking State Department
official to visit Taiwan since 1979 [⇥
Taiwan News,
OCAC News,
Sept. 14 (Mon): The Legislative Yuan decides the formation of the 39-member constitutional amendment
committee (xiuxian weiyuanhui 修憲委員會), consisting 22 members from the DPP, 14 from the KMT, 2 from the TPP and 1 from the NPP [⇥
Euro View,
Focus Taiwan,
Sept. 12 (Sat): At a rally outside the Legislative Yuan in Taipei,
the Tayal National Assembly (taiyaer zu minzu yihui 泰雅爾族民族議會), the Indigenous Peoples’ Action Coalition of Taiwan (Taiwan yuanzhu
minzu buluo xingdong lianmeng 台灣原住民族部落行動聯盟, abbrev. IPACT), the Association for Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Policy (Taiwan yuanzhu
minzu zhengce xiehui 台灣原住民族政策協會, abbrev. ATIPP) and other organizations denounced what they called the PRC’s policy of "cultural genocide"
Taipei Times]
Sept. 9 (Wed): A legislative friendship group (no formal English name, name in Chinese: Taiwan yu poluode hai sanguo guohui yiyuan youhao
xiehui 台灣與波羅的海三國國會議員友好協會) that seeks to build closer ties between Taiwanese legislators and lawmakers in the Baltic states
of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, is established and headed by legislator Chiu Chih-wei 邱志偉 (DPP, Kaohsiung City) [⇥
Taiwan News,
OCAC News,
Sept. 2 (Wed): The ROC government releases a new design for the country's passport highlighting the English word for "Taiwan" in the hope of
drawing a clearer distinction between Taiwan and the PRC; passports with the new design have been issued since Jan. 2, 2021 [⇥
Taiwan News,
OCAC News,
Aug. 31 (Mon): US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs David Stilwell
announces a new initiative called Taiwan-US Economic and Commercial Dialogue (Tai Mei jingji shangye duihua 臺美經濟商業對話), first talks
are held under a new name—Taiwan-US Economic Prosperity Partnership Dialogue (Tai Mei jingji fanrong huoban duihua
臺美經濟繁榮夥伴對話)—on Nov. 20, 2020 in Washington DC [⇥
Taipei Times,
Aug. 27 (Thu): The Taipei Music Center (Taibei liuxing yinyue zhongxin 台北流行音樂中心)
officially opens in Nangang District [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Aug. 18 (Tue): A Taiwan Arts and Culture Promotion Circle (Taiwan yishu wenhua tuiguangquan 臺灣藝術文化推廣圈) is set up with legislator Ho Chih-wei 何志偉 (DPP, Taipei
City) as chairman [⇥
Taipei Times,
Aug. 10 (Mon): Taiwan and the US sign their first memorandum of understanding on health cooperation
to expand cooperation on global health security, infectious disease control and vaccine development [⇥
Taipei Times,
OCAC News,
Aug. 9 (Sun):
Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Service (HHS) Alex Azar
arrives at Taipei Songshan Airport for a 4-day visit, marking the highest-level Taiwan visit of an US official
since 1979 (received by ROC President Tsai Ing-wen on Aug. 10, leaves on Aug. 12) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Washington Post,
Focus Taiwan,
Aug. 5 (Wed): Former NPP chairman Hsu Yung-ming 徐永明 withdraws from the party over his alleged involvement
in a corruption scandal, one day after being released from custody on NT$ 800,000 bail [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Aug. 4 (Tue): The Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee discloses that of all the land that
the KMT acquired following its retreat to Taiwan in 1949, 85 percent was transferred to the party free of charge,
11 percent was via transactions (68 percent of which was sold to the party at the price it demanded, with no market competition involved) [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan Report]
July 27 (Mon): Taiwan’s representative in the US Hsiao Bi-khim 蕭美琴
meets with US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs David Stilwell at the US Department of State in Washington and pledges
to enhance bilateral ties [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
July 22 (Wed): The National Applied Research Laboratories (NARL) report that a Taiwan Space Radiation
Environment Verification & Testing Alliance (Taiwan taikong fushe huanjing yance lianmeng 台灣太空輻射環境驗測聯盟) had been established
to help local firms connect with the global space industry [⇥
Taipei Times,
July 20 (Mon):
A Legislative Yuan USA Caucus (Tai Mei guohui yiyuan lianyihui 臺美國會議員聯誼會) is established with 71 members, legislator Lo Chih-cheng 羅致政 (DPP, New Taipei City) is elected chairman [⇥
Taiwan Today,
OCAC News,
Taiwan’s new representative in the US Hsiao Bi-khim 蕭美琴 takes her oath of office, due to take office in Washington DC before the end of the month
Taiwan News,
July 19 (Sun): The 19th a href="LL-M10.htm#LL-M10-035">national party congress of the DPP
convenes in Taipei [⇥
Taipei Times,
July 16 (Thu): Former Grand Justice Lo Chang-fa 羅昌發 is appointed as Taiwan's representative to the World Trade Organization (WTO) to fill a post that was vacant since September 2019 following the resignation
of Cyrus Chu 朱敬一 [⇥
Taiwan News,
OCAC News,
July 14 (Tue): A team of seismologists at the Taiwan Volcano Observatory (datun huoshan guancezhan 大屯火山觀測站, abbrev. TVO)
in Taipei led by Lin Cheng-horng 林正洪 reports that they have found a volcanic conduit under Yangmingshan National Park, which according to them
could become a vent if any of the volcanoes in the north of the country erupted [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
OCAC News,
July 9 (Thu): According to a press release of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) under the US
Department of Defense (DoD) the US State Department approved the sale of an upgrade package to recertify Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3)
missiles worth US$ 620 million to Taiwan [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Taiwan Today,
Focus Taiwan,
July 8 (Wed): A Taiwan Parliament Group for Tibet (Taiwan guohui Xizang lianxian 台灣國會西藏連線) is established on July 8, 2020 by legislator Freddy Lim 林昶佐 (Ind., Taipei City), its Chinese name being identical
with a similar group called "Tibet Caucus" that Lim had initiated on Oct. 7, 2016 in the Ninth Legislative Yuan [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
The Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association’s office in Taipei announces
that the rights of Taiwanese fishers in the East China Sea would not be affected after the Ishigaki City Council on June 22, 2020 passed a bill to
change the administrative name of the Diaoyutai Islands—known as the Senkaku Islands in Japan—from "Tonoshiro"
to "Tonoshiro Senkaku" [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
June 29 (Mon): The Taiwan-Central and South American and Caribbean Countries Parliamentary Friendship Association (Taiwan yu zhongnan
Meizhou ji jialebihai guohui yiyuan youhao xiehui 台灣與中南美洲暨加勒比海國會議員友好協會) and the Taiwan-African Countries Parliamentary
Friendship Association (Taiwan yu Feizhou guohui yiyuan youhao xiehui 台灣與非洲國會議員友好協會) are established to boost ties [⇥
Taiwan News,
June 28 (Sun): Legislative YuanPresident You Si-kun announces that
a constitutional amendment committee (xiuxian weiyuanhui 修憲委員會) would be established during the next legislative plenary session set
to start in September the same year [⇥
Taiwan News,
OCAC News,
June 25 (Thu): 📆 Dragon Boat Festival (duanwujie 端午節) [⇥ Lunar calendar]
The Ishigaki City Council on June 22, 2020 passes a bill to change the administrative name of the Diaoyutai
Islands—known as the Senkaku Islands in Japan—from "Tonoshiro" to "Tonoshiro Senkaku" effective from Oct. 1 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Kyodo News,
June 18 (Thu): The MAC announces the establishment the Taiwan-Hong Kong Interaction Office (Tai Gang
fuwu jiaoliu bangongshi 台港服務交流辦公室) under the Taiwan-Hong Kong Economic and Cultural Cooperation Council (Tai Gang jingji wenhua hezuo
cejinhui 臺港經濟文化合作策進會, abbrev. cejinhui 策進會) to assist Hong Kongers with study, investment and entrepreneurial interests,
seeking employment or emigrating to Taiwan, scheduled to start operation on July 1, 2020 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
May 30 (Sat): The Liu Dui Culture Research Association (liudui wenhua yanjiu xuehui 六堆文化研究學會) unveils Taiwan’s
first domestically compiled lexicon of Hakka-language words in the Liu Dui dialect [⇥
Taipei Times,
May 27 (Wed): The National Palace Museum unveils a 12-meter-long interactive wall, the largest
of any museum in Asia, composed of twenty 55-inch high-resolution, low-reflection LED tiles [⇥
Taiwan News,
May 23 (Sat): Thomas An-zu Chung 鍾安住, bishop of the Diocese of Chiayi in southern
Taiwan, is appointed as archbishop of the Archdiocese of Taipei by Pope Francis in Vatican City [⇥
Taiwan Today,
The US State Department's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs announces that the sale of 18 MK-48 Mod 6AT
heavyweight torpedoes and related equipment worth US$ 180 million to Taiwan has been approved [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
May 18–19: The 73rd WHA takes place virtually without Taiwan being invited as an observer [⇥
Taiwan Today,
Premier Su Tseng-chang and his cabinet resign en masse, a common practice before a president is sworn in [⇥
Taiwan News,
OCAC News,
The ROC Supreme Court in a final ruling sentences legislator
Fu Kun-chi 傅崐萁 to 2 years and 10 months in prison for manipulating stock prices in the late 1990s, allowing Fu to retain his legislator's status
and continue to draw a salary during his time in jail because his civil rights were not suspended [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
April 28 (Tue): The MOI dissolves 171 political parties which failed to
file documents mandated under the Political Parties Act
(zhengdangfa 政黨法), removing their registration information from their records [⇥
Taipei Times,
April 26 (Sun): The Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee (CIPAS) announces that the balance of
a relief fund established in 1961 by ROC President Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石 to tackle hunger in the PRC—the "one dollar per person donation campaign"
(yiren yiyuan juanxian yundong 一人一元捐獻運動)—comprising an amount of NT$ 34.25 million would be confiscated as national property [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Liberty Times]
April 25 (Sat): The former Hong Kong book store Causeway Bay Books (tongluowan shudian 銅鑼灣書店) is reopened in Taipei, address—10-2 F., No. 5-1 Nanjing West Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10444, Taiwan ROC
(10444 台北市中山區南京西路 5-1 號 10 樓 2 室) [⇥
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
April 20 (Tue): The former owner of the Hong Kong book store Causeway Bay Books (tongluowan shudian 銅鑼灣書店) Lam Wing-kee 林榮基
is attacked in Taipei by violent pro-PRC activists, the following day Kaohsiung
police arrest three suspects identified as Tseng Shih-sheng 曾士晟, Tseng Shih-feng 曾士峰 and Cheng Chi-lung 鄭啟龍 in connection with the assault [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
April 5 (Sun): The Tourism Bureau Director-general Chou Yung-hui 周永暉 is demoted to counselor at
the MOTC amid a controversy involving a high-ranking bureau official, whose misconduct led to one of his
colleagues becoming infected with COVID-19 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
April 1 (Wed): 53-year-old death row inmate Weng Jen-hsien 翁仁賢, convicted of killing six people
by setting fire to his home in Taoyuan City's Longtan District on Feb. 7, 2016, is executed in Taipei Prison
(Taibei jianyu 臺北監獄) which is located in Taoyuan's Guishan District [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Death Penalty Project,
Focus Taiwan,
March 13 (Fri): The Executive Yuan declares that the Taichung Autonomous Act for Coal Regulation
(Taizhong shi guanzhi shengmei zizhi tiaoli 台中市管制生煤自治條例) enacted by the KMT-led Taichung City Government on Jan. 26, 2016 conflicts with the DPP-led ROC
central government's Air Pollution Control Act
(kongqi wuran fangzhifa 空氣污染防制法) and other relevant laws [⇥
Taipei Times,
Focus Taiwan,
ROC Premier Su Tseng-chang accepts MOHW
Minister Chen Shih-chung's recommendation to upgrade the Central Epidemic Command Center (zhongyang liuxing yiqing zhihui
zhongxin 中央流行疫情指揮中心, abbrev. CECC) to a level-1 facility (yiji kaishe 一級開設) in light of the mounting, global
urgency to contain COVID-19 [⇥
Taipei Times,
Executive Yuan,
Feb. 13 (Thu): The launch of Taiwan’s first domestically built rocket HAPITH-1 (feishu yihao 飛鼠一號) from a launchpad
in Nantian Village 南田村 (Daren Township 達仁鄉, Taitung County) is postponed due to inclement
weather [⇥
Taipei Times,
Taiwan News,
Focus Taiwan,
Feb. 6 (Thu): The CECC launches name-based rationing system for face masks [⇥
Taiwan Today,
Feb. 5 (Wed): Legislator Fu Kun-chi 傅崐萁 (Ind., Hualien
County) gains approval from the KMT Central Standing Committee for having his KMT membership
restored (Fu had been expelled from the KMT on Oct. 10, 2009, one day after registering for the Hualien County Magistrate election as
an independent candidate without permission from the party; Fu won that election), but the Legislative
Yuan subsequently kept Fu listed as independent [⇥
Taipei Times,
Jan. 21 (Tue): The CECC reports it identified the first imported case of
2019 novel coronavirus (nCoV-2019/COVID-19) infection in Taiwan [⇥
Taiwan News,