Taiwan Politics Database

News headlines


This page offers an overview of selected relevant news headlines pertaining to Taiwan politics and background information since January 2020. The main sources for news contents used here include reports from the Central News Agency (CNA) in English (Focus Taiwan) and Chinese (中央通訊社), the Taipei Times, the Taiwan News, Taiwan Today,  Radio Taiwan International (RTI), TaiwanPlus,  International Community Radio Taipei (ICRT) and others. Headlines derived directly from one of those media outlets have the URL leading to the original report added.

It should be pointed out that in some cases older reports might not be available any more in their original, full form. In particular, the CNA has imposed restrictions for its reports on Focus Taiwan which are older than six months, requiring users to buy a subscription in order to view those reports unabridged. The chief researcher is not authorized to present full texts of such reports. Nevertheless some older Focus Taiwan reports which were republished by the English-language newsletter of the Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC) are still available there in their full-length form.

Furthermore, following design changes in the website of Taiwan News that were implemented in March 2024, most articles published there before December 2022 are no longer accessible and their URLs invalid ("Page Not Found").

Also mentioned on this page:

DISINFORMATION ALERT—Some headlines (usually concerning cross-Strait topics) show links to news reports created by XinhuaNet (xinhuawang 新華網) from the PRC. Considering that the PRC is an authoritarian regime with no real freedom of the press, users of this website are advised to read Xinhua contents (as well as articles by China Daily, Global Times and Bastille Post) with caution as those texts are often little more than state propaganda with limited news value.


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— — — 2025 — — —

 In the ROC, the year 2025 is also referred to as the year 114 of the republic  (民國 114 年). 

  January 2025
February 2025
March 2025
April 2025
May 2025
June 2025
July 2025
August 2025
September 2025
October 2025
November 2025
December 2025
[2024]   [2023]   [2022]   [2021]   [2020]   

February 2025

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January 2025

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— — — 2024 — — —

 In the ROC, the year 2024 is also referred to as the year 113 of the republic  (民國 113 年). 


January 2024
February 2024
March 2024


April 2024
May 2024
June 2024


July 2024
August 2024
September 2024


October 2024
November 2024
December 2024


December 2024

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November 2024

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October 2024

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September 2024

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August 2024

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July 2024

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March 2024

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February 2024

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January 2024

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— — — 2023 — — —

 In the ROC, the year 2023 is also referred to as the year 112 of the republic  (民國 112 年). 


January 2023
February 2023
March 2023


April 2023
May 2023
June 2023


July 2023
August 2023
September 2023


October 2023
November 2023
December 2023

December 2023

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November 2023

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October 2023

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September 2023

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August 2023

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July 2023

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June 2023

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May 2023

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April 2023

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March 2023

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February 2023

  • Feb. 25 (Sat): The number of registered total COVID-19 infections in Taiwan surpasses 10 million [⇥  Taiwan News,  Taipei Times,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • Feb. 24 (Fri):
    • Two Control Yuan members—Tsai Chung-yi 蔡崇義 and Fan Sun-lu 范巽綠—present their complete report on the 1980 murder case of Lin I-hsiung's family members, disclosing that the National Security Bureau (NSB) had direct involvement [⇥  Taipei Times,  CNA]
    • Two parliamentary associations to facilitate exchanges with lawmakers abroad are inaugurated at a ceremony at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei—the Taiwan-New Zealand Inter-Parliamentary Amity Association (Taiwan yu Niuxilan guohui youhao lianyihui 臺灣與紐西蘭國會友好聯誼會) and the Taiwan-Four Nordic Countries Parliamentary Friendship Association (Taiwan yu beiou you Tai siguo [Danmai, Fenlan, Nuowei, Ruidian] guohui lianyihui 臺灣與北歐友臺四國(丹麥、芬蘭、挪威、瑞典)國會聯誼會), launched by lawmaker Lin Chu-yin 林楚茵 (, DPP, legislator-at-large) [⇥  Taipei Times,  CNA]
  • Feb. 23 (Thu):
  • Feb. 21 (Tue): Top-level Taiwan–US security meeting at the AIT headquarters in Washington DC, attended by FM Joseph Wu and NSC Secretary-general Wellington Koo [⇥  Taipei Times,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • Feb. 20 (Mon): The indoor mask mandate in Taiwan is relaxed [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  Taiwan Today,  CNA]
  • Feb. 19–23: A bipartisan US congressional delegation comprising Ro Khanna (D-CA), Jake Auchincloss (D-MA), Jonathan Jackson (D-IL), and Tony Gonzales (R-TX) visits Taiwan [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  Taiwan Today,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • Feb. 18 (Sat): The Restoration of Victim's Rights Infringed by Illegal Acts of the State During the Period of Authoritarian Rule Foundation (caituan faren weiquan tongzhi shiqi guojia bufa xingwei beihaizhe quanli huifu jijinhui 財團法人威權統治時期國家不法行為被害者權利回復基金會) is inaugurated in Taipei, using premises previously occupied by the TJC [⇥  CNA]
  • Feb. 17–20: US congressman Michael Gallagher (R-WI), chair of the newly established House China Committee, visits Taiwan [⇥  Taiwan News,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • Feb. 17–19: The Munich Security Conference takes place, Taiwan is invited for the first time since 2015, represented by Taipei City Council Member Vincent Chao 趙怡翔 (DPP) [⇥  Taiwan News,  RTI,  Deutsche Welle,  CNA]
  • Feb. 17 (Fri):
  • Feb. 10 (Fri):
    • The MAC announces that it denied a request by Ye Xiaowen 葉小文—between 1995 and 2009 director of the PRC's State Administration for Religious Affairs (guojia zongjiao shiwuju 國家宗教事務局, abbrev. SARA)—to visit Taiwan for the funeral of Fo Guang Shan founder Hsing Yun 星雲 on Feb. 13 [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  OCAC,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
    • ROC President Tsai Ing-wen attends a plaque unveiling ceremony for the National Institute of Cyber Security (guojia zitong anquan yanjiuyuan 國家資通安全研究院, abbrev. zianyuan 資安院 in Chinese and NICS in English) under the MODA [⇥  Taiwan Today,  CNA]
  • Feb. 8–17: KMT vice chairman Andrew Hsia 夏立言 visits the PRC (Beijing, Nanjing, Shanghai, Wuhan, and Chongqing) on an "apolitical" trip aimed at looking after the welfare of Taiwanese living and working in the PRC, meets TAO Director Song Tao 宋濤 on Feb. 9 and CCP politburo standing committee member Wang Huning 王滬寧 on Feb. 10 [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  Formosa News,  The Diplomat,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • Feb. 7 (Tue): Taiwan dispatches a second search and rescue team comprising 90 personnel, 2 rescue dogs and over 6 metric tons of equipment to the disaster area in Türkiye [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  Taiwan Today,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • Feb. 6 (Mon): A devastating earthquake strikes the border region of Türkiye and Syria early in the morning, the same day Taiwan dispatches a search and rescue team including 40 people, 3 dogs and more than 4 metric tons of equipment to Türkiye [⇥  Taipei Times,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • Feb. 5–10: A delegation of five members of the Swiss National Council visits Taiwan [⇥  Taiwan News,  Taiwan Today,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • Feb. 2 (Thu): Former ROC Vice Premier Shen Jong-chin is appointed chairman of Taiwan Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (TFH), assumes the position the following day [⇥  Taiwan News,  Taipei Times,  CNA]

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January 2023

TOP   HOME   [2023]

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— — — 2022 — — —

 In the ROC, the year 2022 is also referred to as the year 111 of the republic  (民國 111 年). 


January 2022
February 2022
March 2022


April 2022
May 2022
June 2022


July 2022
August 2022
September 2022

October 2022
November 2022
December 2022

December 2022

TOP   HOME   [2022]

November 2022

TOP   HOME   [2022]

October 2022

  • Oct. 30 (Sun): The Kinmen Bridge is opened to traffic in Kinmen County [OCAC News,  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  PTS,  CNA]
  • Oct. 28 (Fri):
  • Oct. 14 (Fri): Tsai Pi-ru 蔡壁如 (, TPP, legislator-at-large) steps down as legislator one day after Takming University of Science and Technology (deming caijing keji daxue 德明財經科技大學) announced it had revoked a master's degree conferred on her for improper citations in her master's thesis; the Legislative Yuan confirmed on Oct. 25, 2022 that Tsai would be replaced by Cynthia Wu 吳欣盈 (), effective Nov. 2, 2022 [⇥  Taipei Times,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • Oct. 11–13: A US House of Representatives delegation comprising representatives Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), Seth Moulton (D-MA), Michael Waltz (R-FL), and Kai Kahele (D-HI) visits Taiwan [⇥  Taiwan News,  CNA]
  • Oct. 11 (Tue):
    • The Taiwan Parliamentary All-Out Defense Committee (lifayuan quanmin fangwei lianxian 立法院全民防衛連線) is set up and headed by DPP legislator Lin Ching-yi 林靜儀 (, Taichung City)  [⇥  Taipei Times,  CNA]
    • The Taiwan-Ukraine Parliament Members Friendship Association (Taiwan yu Wukelan guohui yiyuan youhao xiehui 台灣與烏克蘭國會議員友好協會) is founded by legislator Huang Shih-chieh 黃世杰 (DPP, Taoyuan City) [⇥  CNA]
  • Oct. 9–16: MOEA Minister Wang Mei-hua visits the US [⇥  Taiwan Today,  MOEA,  Reuters,  GTI,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • Oct. 9 (Sun): US congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) arrives in Taiwan for a 4-day visit [⇥  OCAC News,  Taipei Times,  CNA]
  • Oct. 7 (Fri): The Taiwan-Canada Inter-Parliamentary Amity Association (Taiwan Jianada guohui yiyuan youhao xiehui 台灣 - 加拿大國會議員友好協會) is established and headed by DPP legislator Chen Ting-fei 陳亭妃 (, Tainan City) [⇥  Taipei Times,  CNA]

TOP   HOME   [2022]

September 2022

  • Sept. 30 (Fri): Taiwan’s first indigenously-built landing platform dock "Yushan" (yushanhao 玉山號) manufactured by CSBC Corp., Taiwan is delivered to the ROC Navy (commissioned in Kaohsiung the following day) [⇥  Taipei Times,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • Sept. 28 (Wed): The Taiwan and German Parliamentary Friendship Association (Taiwan yu Deguo yihui yiyuan youhao xiehui 臺灣與德國議會議員友好協會) is inaugurated and headed by legislator Chang Hung-lu 張宏陸 (DPP, New Taipei City) [⇥  Taipei Times,  CNA]
  • Sept. 26 (Mon):
    • The R.O.C. Defense Mission to the U.S.A. (Zhonghua minguo zhu Mei junshi daibiaotuan 中華民國駐美軍事代表團) is inaugurated [⇥  Taiwan News,  CNA]
    • US State Department spokesperson Ned Price stresses that the US does not take a position on the sovereignty issue between China and Taiwan [⇥  Taiwan News,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • Sept. 20 (Tue): The FSC approves the merger of Fubon Financial Holding Co. with Jih Sun Financial Holding Co. Ltd. (risheng jinrong konggu gongsi 日盛金融控股公司) [⇥  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • Sept. 18 (Sun):
  • Sept. 17 (Sat): Earthquake—magnitude 6.4, epicenter Guanshan (Taitung County), no fatalities
  • Sept. 12–17: A Legislative Yuan delegation comprising lawmakers Chang Yu-mei 張育美 (, KMT, legislator-at-large), Charles Chen 陳以信 (KMT, legislator-at-large), Chen Yu-jen 陳玉珍 (, KMT, Kinmen County), Ho Chih-wei 何志偉 (DPP, Taipei City) and Yeh Yu-lan 葉毓蘭 (, KMT, legislator-at-large) visits the US and holds talks with members of Congress [⇥  OCAC News,  Taipei Times,  CNA]
  • Sept. 10 (Sat): 📆 Mid-Autumn Festival (zhongqiujie 中秋節) [⇥ Lunar calendar]
  • Sept. 7 (Wed): A US House of Representatives delegation led by representative Stephanie Murphy (D-FL) and comprising Andy Barr (R-KY), Kat Cammack (R-FL), Scott Franklin (R-FL), Darrell Issa (R-CA), Kai Kahele (D-HI), Claudia Tenney (R-NY), and Joe Wilson (R-SC) arrives in Taiwan for a 3-day visit [⇥  Taiwan News,  CNA]
  • Sept. 3 (Sat): The number of deaths caused by COVID-19 in Taiwan surpasses 10,000 [⇥  CDC,  CNA]
  • Sept. 2 (Fri): The DSCA of the US announces the approval by the US State Department of an arms package worth US$ 1.106 billion with defense articles that include Harpoon anti-ship missiles, Sidewinder short-range air-to-air missiles and contract logistics support for the Surveillance Radar Program (SRP) [⇥  Taiwan News,  Taiwan Today,  DSCA 1 / DSCA 2/ DSCA 3,  CNA]

TOP   HOME   [2022]

August 2022

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July 2022

TOP   HOME   [2022]

June 2022

  • June 30 (Thu):
    • The CIP announces that Taiwan, Canada, New Zealand and Australia jointly inaugurated the Indigenous Peoples Economic and Trade Cooperation Arrangement (IPETCA) aimed at empowering indigenous peoples to set up businesses on a global scale [⇥  OCAC News,  CNA]
    • Huang Ming-chao 黃明昭 takes over as NPA director-general from Chen Chia-chin 陳家欽 [⇥  OCAC,  CNA]
  • June 28 (Tue):
  • June 27 (Mon): The US and Taiwan hold their first Taiwan–U.S. 21st Century Trade Initiative meeting [⇥  Taiwan Today,  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  CNA]
  • June 26 (Sun): An indigenous unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) Teng Yun 2 completes a 10-hour-non-stop test flight circumnavigating Taiwan's Air Identification Defense Zone (ADIZ) [⇥  Taipei Times,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • June 25 (Sat): "TaiArctic", Taiwan's first permanent polar research workstation in the Arctic Circle, officially opens on Spitsbergen (Svalbard)  [⇥  Taipei Times,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • June 24 (Fri): Julian T. A. Lin 林梓安, one of the founders of the "Taiwan Civil Government" (Taiwan minzhengfu 台灣民政府)—which claims Taiwan is legally under US administration following Japan's surrender in World War II—is sentenced to 19 years in prison and fined NT$ 2 million by the Taoyuan District Court for defrauding around 300 individuals out of NT$ 100 million [⇥  Taipei Times,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • June 20 (Mon): Earthquake—magnitude 6.0, epicenter Guangfu (Hualien County), no fatalities
  • June 14 (Tue): ROC MOFA spokeswoman Joanne Ou 歐江安 reiterates that the ROC government considers the Taiwan Strait to be international waters, except for the 12-nautical-mile strip defined as territorial waters
  • June 13 (Mon):
    • PRC MOFA spokesman Wang Wenbin 汪文斌 claims that the Taiwan Strait fell within the PRC’s ‘territorial waters and EEZ as defined by UNCLOS and domestic law’ [⇥  Taipei Times]
    • The PRC announces a ban for the import of groupers and other fishery products from Taiwan [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  CNA]
  • June 10 (Fri): The CECC reports 213 new deaths caused by COVID-19, the highest number of daily deaths during the pandemic  [⇥  Taiwan News,  CDC]
  • June 9 (Thu): The Taiwan-Slovakia Inter-Parliamentary Amity Association (Taiwan Siluofake guohui lianyihui 臺灣 斯洛伐克國會聯誼會) is inaugurated and headed by DPP legislator Hsu Chih-chieh 許智傑 (Kaohsiung City)
  • June 8 (Wed):
    • The DSCA of the US announces the approval of a proposed sale of US$ 120 million in ship spare parts, ship system spare parts, and related equipment to Taiwan [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan Today,  DSCA,  OCAC News,  CNA]
    • The KMT Representative Office in the United States (Zhongguo guomindang zhu Mei daibiaochu 中國國民黨駐美代表處) opens in Washington DC [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • June 3 (Fri):
  • June 1 (Wed): Taipei and Washington announce the launch of the Taiwan–US Initiative on 21st-Century Trade  [⇥  Taiwan Today,  CNA]

TOP   HOME   [2022]

May 2022

TOP   HOME   [2022]

April 2022

  • April 29 (Fri): The number of registered total COVID-19 infections in Taiwan surpasses 100,000 [⇥  CDC,  CNA]
  • April 27 (Wed): Taiwan cancels QR code contact tracing for COVID-19 [⇥  Taipei Times,  RTI,  CNA]
  • April 22 (Fri): PTS chairwoman Tchen Yu-chiou 陳郁秀 resigns [⇥  Taipei Times,  CNA]
  • April 21 (Thu): The Penghu Defense Command (lujun Penghu fangwei zhihuibu 陸軍澎湖防衛指揮部, abbrev. pengfangbu 澎防部) conducts live-fire training as part of Taiwan’s Outlying Islands Defense Operations (wailidao fangwei zuozhan 外離島防衛作戰)  [⇥  Taiwan News,  Liberty Times,  CNA]
  • April 19 (Tue): The Legislative Yuan approves the Act for the Establishment of the Taiwan Space Agency (guojia taikong zhongxin shezhi tiaoli 國家太空中心設置條例)  [⇥  Taipei Times,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • April 15 (Fri):
    • A delegation led by US senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) and comprising senators Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Ben Sasse (R-NE), Robert Portman (R-OH), Richard Burr (R-NC) as well as US House of Representatives member Ronny Jackson (R-TX) visits Taiwan, meets ROC President Tsai Ing-wen, MND Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng and FM Joseph Wu [⇥  Taiwan Today,  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  MOFA,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
    • Taiwanese pro-democracy activist and former DPP staffer Lee Ming-che 李明哲 arrives in Taiwan on a flight from the PRC's Xiamen City after having been released from prison where he had served a five-year sentence for "subversion of state power"  [⇥  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • April 12 (Tue): The Congressional Diplomacy and Strategy Consensus Committee (guohui waijiao zhanlüe gongshihui 國會外交戰略共識會) is established with the goal of improving the nation’s international standing by achieving unity among legislators from different parties, and it also aims to maintain regional peace through defense collaboration, as well as promote the nation’s international participation; Ho Chih-wei 何志偉 (DPP, Taipei City) is selected to serve as committee chairman [⇥  Taipei Times,  CNA]
  • April 6 (Wed): The Taiwan-Poland Inter-Parliamentary Amity Association (Taiwan yu Polan guohui youhao lianyihui 臺灣與波蘭國會友好聯誼會) is inaugurated [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  RTI,  Euroview,  CNA]
  • April 5 (Tue): The DSCA of the US announces the approval by the US State Department of an arms package worth US$ 95 million which includes equipment and services aimed at maintaining Taiwan's existing Patriot missile defense system [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  Taiwan Today,  MOFA,  DSCA,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • April 3 (Sun): The Council of Agriculture (COA) establishes a Pet Management Division (chongwu guanlike 寵物管理科) [⇥  Taipei Times,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • April 1 (Fri): The ROC Constitutional Court declares a legal provision that grants indigenous status to individuals with one indigenous and one non-indigenous parent based strictly on their name unconstitutional [⇥  Taipei Times,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]

TOP   HOME   [2022]

March 2022

  • March 31 (Thu): The Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association (Taiwan tongzhi zixun rexian xiehui 台灣同志諮詢熱線協會) reports that the governments of Taipei City and Kaohsiung City agreed to allow transgender residents to attach a sticker to their ID cards, specifying their gender identity [⇥  Taipei Times,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • March 29 (Tue): Taiwan, New Zealand, Canada and Australia jointly establish the Indigenous Peoples Economic and Trade Cooperation Arrangement (yuanzhu minzu jingji maoyi hezuo xieyi 原住民族經濟貿易合作協議) [⇥  Taiwan Today,  CNA]
  • March 23 (Wed): Earthquake—magnitude 6.7, epicenter ca. 5 km off Taiwan's east coast (near Hualien's Fengbin Township), no fatalities [⇥  Taiwan News,  Volcano Discovery,  CNA]
  • March 22 (Tue): Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe and ROC President Tsai Ing-wen meet via videoconference [⇥  Taiwan Today,  CNA]
  • March 11 (Fri): A clause under Sec. 7043 [East Asia and the Pacific] in the "Department of State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropriations Act 2022" signed into law by POTUS Joe Biden includes a ban on the use of any maps by the US Department of State and its foreign operations that "inaccurately" depict Taiwan as part of China [⇥  Taipei Times,  CNA]
  • March 5 (Sat): The PRC NPC announces a 7.1 percent growth in its defense budget for the year [⇥  Taipei Times,  VOA,  US News,  India Times,  SCMP,  CNA]
  • March 4 (Fri): Taipower Chairman Yang Wei-fuu 楊偉甫 and General Manager Chung Bin-li 鍾炳利 both resign over the massive power blackouts which struck Taiwan the previous day [⇥  Taiwan News,  CNA]
  • March 2–5: Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visits Taiwan [⇥  Taiwan Today,  ROC Presidential Office,  CNA]
  • March 1–2: A delegation comprising former top US defense officials—including Michael G. Mullen (former JCS chairman), Meghan L. O'Sullivan (ex-deputy national security advisor under US President George W. Bush), Michèle A. Flournoy (former undersecretary of defense under US President Obama) and others—sent by POTUS Joe Biden visits Taiwan [⇥  Taiwan Today,  CNA]

TOP   HOME   [2022]

February 2022

  • Feb. 25 (Fri): The ROC government strongly condemns the military invasion of Ukraine by Russia [⇥  Taiwan Today,  MOFA,  CNA]
  • Feb. 17 (Thu): The European Parliament adopts two policy reports—the Common Foreign and Security Policy report and the Common Security and Defense Policy report—which express support for Taiwan [⇥  Taiwan Today,  CNA]
  • Feb. 11 (Fri): The US State Department releases its Indo-Pacific Strategy which includes Taiwan [⇥  Taiwan Today,  CNA]
  • Feb. 8 (Tue): The European Commission proposes the European Chips Act which highlights the importance of Taiwan in the global semiconductor sector [⇥  Taiwan Today,  CNA]
  • Feb. 7 (Mon): The DSCA of the US notifies the US Congress after the State Department approved the sale of a package including equipment and services to support participation in the Patriot International Engineering Services Program (IESP) and Field Surveillance Program (FSP) for five years, as well as missile field surveillance support for legacy (Guidance Enhanced Missile/GEM) and Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) missiles, a deal worth an estimated US$ 100 million  [⇥  Taiwan Today,  DSCA,  CNA]
  • Feb. 1 (Tue): 📆 Lunar New Year (chunjie 春節 / guonian 過年) [⇥ Lunar calendar]

TOP   HOME   [2022]

January 2022

TOP   HOME   [2022]

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— — — 2021 — — —

 In the ROC, the year 2021 is also referred to as the year 110 of the republic  (民國 110 年). 


January 2021
February 2021
March 2021


April 2021
May 2021
June 2021

July 2021
August 2021
September 2021

October 2021
November 2021
December 2021

December 2021

  • Dec. 30 (Thu): The All-out Defense Mobilization Agency (quanmin fangwei dongyuanshu 全民防衛動員署) under the MND is set up to improve the combat readiness of the country's reserve forces  [⇥  Taiwan News,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • Dec. 27 (Mon): The National Tsing Hua University’s College of Semiconductor Research (guoli qinghua daxue bandaoti yanjiu xueyuan 國立清華大學半導體研究學院) opens, following the inaugurations of the Graduate School of Advanced Technology (zhongdian keji yanjiu xueyuan 重點科技研究學院) under NTU on Dec. 24, the Industry Academia Innovation School (chanxue chuangxin yanjiu xueyuan 產學創新研究學院, abbrev. IAIS) under NYCU on Dec. 21 and the Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufacturing (zhihui bandaoti ji yongxu zhizao xueyuan 智慧半導體及永續製造學院) under NCKU on Oct. 22, 2021 [⇥  RTI,  CNA]
  • Dec. 20 (Mon): A Kosovo-Taiwan Parliamentary Friendship Group (Kesuowo Taiwan guohui youyi xiaozu 科索沃–台灣國會友誼小組) holds its inaugural meeting [⇥  Taiwan News,  Taipei Times,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • Dec. 18 (Sat): Nationwide referendums 17–20; Local referendum 6 (Hsinchu City) [⇥  Taipei Times,  Reuters,  The Diplomat,  Al Jazeera,  Taiwan Insight,  SCMP,  CNA]
  • Dec. 15 (Wed): Lithuania pulls its last diplomats out of Beijing and closes its embassy in the PRC [⇥  Reuters,  AP,  Deutsche Welle,  Euro News,  Economist,  SCMP,  NPR,  CNA]
  • Dec. 9–10: Hsiao Bi-khim 蕭美琴 and Audrey Tang 唐鳳 from Taiwan participate in the Summit for Democracy hosted by the US, 110 other countries and territories from around the world were invited but not the PRC [⇥  Taiwan Today,  CNA]
  • Dec. 9 (Thu): Nicaragua switches diplomatic recognition from the ROC to the PRC, leaving the ROC with 14 diplomatic allies [⇥  BBC,  Taipei Times,  CNA]
  • Dec. 1 (Wed): Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe says that ‘Japan cannot allow Taiwan to be invaded by force’ and ‘any emergency over Taiwan would mean an emergency for Tokyo as well’ [⇥  CNN,  Financial Times,  Nippon.com,  CNA]

TOP   HOME   [2021]

November 2021

  • Nov. 26 (Fri):
    • A US congressional delegation comprising representatives Nancy Mace (R-SC), Colin Allred (D-TX), Elissa Slotkin (D-MI), and Sara Jacobs (D-CA) arrives in Taipei for a 2-day visit [⇥  OCAC News,  CNA]
    • The VAC announces that retired Major General Ni Bang-chen 倪邦臣 has been appointed as the first person representing the council to be stationed in the US long-term [⇥  Taiwan News,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • Nov. 19–20: Former ROC Vice President Chen Chien-jen attends the "Future of Democracy" forum in Vilnius at the invitation of Lithuanian FM Gabrielius Landsbergis [⇥  Taiwan News,  Taiwan Today,  CNA]
  • Nov. 18 (Thu): Taiwan News cites a recent Forbes report according to which only the two Dutch-made subs could be considered combat-ready, and Taiwan’s current stock of ca. 200 outdated Indonesian-made SUT torpedoes was inadequate as well [⇥  Taiwan News,  Forbes]
  • Nov. 16 (Tue): A keel laying ceremony for Taiwan's first domestic submarine is held by the ROC Navy in Kaohsiung [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  Naval Post,  CNA]
  • Nov. 12 (Fri): TSMC founder Morris Chang represents ROC President Tsai Ing-wen at the 29th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting which is hosted virtually by New Zealand [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  Taiwan Today,  CNA]
  • Nov. 10 (Wed): US Secretary of State Antony Blinken tells reporters that the US would take action if the PRC were to use force against Taiwan [⇥  Taiwan News,  CNA]
  • Nov. 9–11: A delegation comprising six members of the US Congress—including senators John Cornyn (R-TX), Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), Mike Crapo (R-ID), Mike Lee (R-UT) as well as representatives Tony Gonzales and Jake Ellzey (both R-TX)—makes a low-key surprise visit to Taiwan [⇥  Taiwan News,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • Nov. 8 (Mon): The MOE orders the Cross-Strait Tsinghua Research Institute (qinghua haixia yanjiuyuan 清華海峽研究院)—which had been set up on the NTHU campus by the NTHU Alumni Association (Xinzhu qinghua xiaoyouhui 新竹清華校友會) in cooperation with the Xiamen City Government (in Fujian province, PRC) and the PRC’s Tsinghua University on April 28, 2016 without securing approval from the government—to be closed immediately after the National Security Bureau (NSB) reported that the institute was Chinese-funded and allegedly used to recruit talent to the PRC’s semiconductor industry, violating the Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area (Taiwan diqu yu dalu diqu renmin guanxi tiaoli 臺灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例)  [⇥  Taipei Times,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • Nov. 1 (Mon): Taiwan receives a shipment of 1.5 million doses COVID-19 vaccine (Moderna), donated by the US [⇥  Taipei Times,  ROC Presidential Office,  CDC,  Taiwan Today,  Reuters,  CNA]

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October 2021

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September 2021

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August 2021

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July 2021

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June 2021

  • June 30 (Wed): Taipower announces that the generator No. 1 at Taiwan's second nuclear power plant will be shut down permanently and enter its decommissioning stage on July 1 [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  OCAC News,  Euroview,  CNA]
  • June 24 (Thu): The MND announces that Army Commander General Chen Pao-yu 陳寶餘 will assume the post of Chief of the General Staff beginning July 2022, replacing Huang Shu-kuang 黃曙光 [⇥  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • June 23 (Wed): JCS Chairman Mark Milley says that maintaining peace in the Taiwan Strait is of critical importance to the US  [⇥  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • June 22 (Tue): The Executive Yuan announces it had issued a permit for Taipower to build two natural gas-powered units at the Taichung Thermal Power Plant [⇥  Taipei Times,  ICRT,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • June 21 (Mon): Taiwan receives a shipment of 2.5 million doses COVID-19 vaccine (Moderna), donated by the US [⇥  Taiwan Today,  The Guardian,  Reuters,  AP News,  CNN,  CNA]
  • June 20 (Sun): All except one of the eight remaining staff members at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Hong Kong are forced to return to Taipei on Sunday, after they failed to obtain visa extensions [⇥  Taipei Times,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • June 17 (Thu): The MND announces that Taiwan has signed two arms procurement contracts with the US, buying two packages including the High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) and Harpoon Coastal Defense Systems (HCDS)  [⇥  Taiwan News,  OCAC News,  Asia Pacific Defense Journal,  Army Recognition,  CNA]
  • June 16 (Wed): Macao's representative office in Taiwan (Delegação Económica e Cultural de Macau / Aomen jingji wenhua banshichu 澳門經濟文化辦事處) announces the indefinite suspension of its operations starting June 19, giving no reason for the decision  [⇥  Radio Free Asia,  Nikkei Asia,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • June 14 (Mon): 📆 Dragon Boat Festival (duanwujie 端午節) [⇥ Lunar calendar]
  • June 4 (Fri):

TOP   HOME   [2021]

May 2021

  • May 31 (Mon): TJC chairperson Yang Tsui quits [⇥  CNA]
  • May 30 (Sun): The number of deaths caused by COVID-19 in Taiwan surpasses 100 [⇥  CDC,  CNA]
  • May 24—June 1: The 74th WHA takes place virtually without Taiwan being invited as an observer  [⇥  Taiwan Today,  CNA]
  • May 20 (Thu): Restrictions of level 3 epidemic alert (yiqing jingjie 疫情警戒) go into effect [⇥  Taiwan News,  CDC,  CNA]
  • May 19 (Wed): Taiwan launches a new QR code for real-name registration system (contact tracing) [⇥  Taiwan News,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • May 18 (Tue): The HKSAR government suspends operations of its representative office in Taiwan indefinitely [⇥  Taipei Times,  Reuters,  CNA]
  • May 12 (Wed): Independent legislator Fu Kun-chi 傅崐萁 (Hualien County) is granted parole, released from Hualien Prison the following day after serving a sentence of 2 years and 10 months for manipulating stock prices in the late 1990s [⇥  United Daily News,  CNA]
  • May 11 (Tue):

TOP   HOME   [2021]

April 2021

  • April 28 (Wed): MOTC Minister Wang Kwo-tsai confirms plans that the Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) would be transformed into a state-owned company within three years  [⇥  Taipei Times,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • April 23 (Fri): A legislative group labelled "Taiwan Parliament Group for Uyghur" (Taiwan guohui weiwuer lianxian 台灣國會維吾爾連線) is set up by independent legislator Freddy Lim 林昶佐 and other lawmakers  [⇥  Taipei Times,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • April 20 (Tue): A report sent by the MND to legislators for review includes plans for the existing All-out Defense Mobilization Office (quanmin fangwei dongyuanshi 全民防衛動員室) and the Armed Forces Reserve Command (houbei zhihuibu 後備指揮部) to be merged to a Defense Reserve Mobilization Agency (fangwei houbei dongyuanshu 防衛後備動員署) by January 2022 [⇥  Taipei Times,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • April 18 (Sun): Earthquake—magnitude 6.2, epicenter Shoufeng (Hualien County), no fatalities [⇥  Taiwan News,  Reuters,  CNA]
  • April 9 (Fri): The US State Department announces new guidelines for government contacts with Taiwan, enabling US officials to meet more freely with their Taiwanese counterparts [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • April 2 (Fri): A TRA Taroko Express eight-carriage train carrying 492 passengers derails at the north entrance of Qingshui Tunnel (qingshui suidao 清水隧道) in Xiulin Township (Hualien County) after colliding with a construction truck that had fallen down a slope onto the tracks, killing 49 people and injuring 213 [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  CNN,  BBC,  The Guardian,  CNA]

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March 2021

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February 2021

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January 2021

  • Jan. 29 (Fri): The ROC Legislative Yuan passes a resolution instructing the MOI to evaluate the possibility of changing the ROC national emblem (which strongly resembles the KMT party emblem, see image) [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • Jan. 25 (Mon): The NARLabs announce that rocket scientist Gou Chong-sin 吳宗信 will head the National Space Organization (NSPO) from Aug. 1, 2022, and his main mission would be to establish a rocket launch site; before Gou’s appointment NSPO Deputy Director-General Yu Shiann-jen 余憲政 would serve as acting director-general  [⇥  Taipei Times,  CNA]
  • Jan. 24 (Sun):
    • A SpaceX rocket carrying two Taiwanese satellites successfully lifts off from Cape Canaveral in Florida [⇥  Taiwan News,  Taipei Times,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
    • The Hualien Archeological Museum (Hualien xian kaogu bowuguan 花蓮縣考古博物館) in Hualien County’s Shoufeng Township opens to the public [⇥  Taipei Times,  CNA]
  • Jan. 23 (Sat): Taiwan independence advocates launch the Taiwan New Constitution Alliance (Taiwan xinxian lianhe zhenxian 台灣新憲聯合陣線) to promote drafting a new, localized constitution [⇥  Taipei Times,  Liberty Times]
  • Jan. 22 (Fri): The Central Election Commission (CEC) confirms that a national referendum on activating the long-mothballed Fourth Nuclear Power Plant in New Taipei City would be held on Aug. 28, 2021  [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  OCAC News,  Liberty Times]
  • Jan. 21 (Thu): The Hakka Affairs Council announces it restructured its organization to create a new Department of Language Development (yuyan fazhanchu 語言發展處) dedicated to promoting the use of the Hakka language in schools, families and communities [⇥  Taipei Times,  Hakka Public Communication Foundation]
  • Jan. 20 (Wed):
    • A Taiwan-Japan Friendship Union (Tai Ri jiaoliu lianyihui 台日交流聯誼會) is set up and headed by Legislative Speaker You Si-kun [⇥  Taipei Times,  OCAC News,  CNA]
    • ROC Representative to the US Hsiao Bi-khim attends the 59th Presidential Inauguration Ceremonies in Washington DC, the first time since 1979 that an ROC representative was officially invited to the event by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies (JCCIC) [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  TECRO,  CNA]
    • Academia Sinica announces the establishment of an Air Quality Research Center (kongqi pinzhi zhuanti zhongxin 空氣品質專題中心) and an Anthropogenic Climate Change Center (renwei qihou bianqian zhuanti zhongxin 人為氣候變遷專題中心) which would both operate under its Research Center for Environmental Changes (huanjing bianqian yanjiu zhongxin 環境變遷研究中心, abbrev. RCEC)  [⇥  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • Jan. 15 (Fri): Legislator Sufin Siluko (KMT, Plains Aborigines—charged with bribery and breaches of the Anti-Corruption Act (tanwu zhizui tiaoli 貪污治罪條例)—is released on NT$ 10 million bail after his defense lawyers successfully petitioned the Taipei District Court that he should be freed due to deteriorating health [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • Jan. 9 (Sat): US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announces that the US are lifting all self-imposed restrictions to regulate their diplomats, servicemembers, and other officials’ interactions with Taiwanese counterparts [⇥  Taipei Times,  Reuters,  CNN,  BBC,  The Guardian,  Deutsche Welle,  The Diplomat,  Straits Times,  Al Jazeera,  OCAC News,  CNA]

TOP   HOME   [2021]

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— — — 2020 — — —

 In the ROC, the year 2020 is also referred to as the year 109 of the republic  (民國 109 年). 

  [2025]   [2024]   [2023]   [2022]   [2021]   
January 2020
February 2020
March 2020
April 2020
May 2020
June 2020
July 2020
August 2020
September 2020
October 2020
November 2020
December 2020

December 2020

TOP   HOME   [2020]

November 2020

  • Nov. 24 (Tue):
  • Nov. 20 (Fri):
  • Nov. 15 (Sun): Executive Yuan spokesman Ting Yi-ming 丁怡銘 tenders his resignation after having wrongly claimed that an award-winning beef noodle soup restaurant served meat that contained ractopamine, resignation was approved by Premier Su Tseng-chang with immediate effect, Ting’s position being temporarily filled by Li Meng-yen 李孟諺 [⇥  Taipei Times,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • Nov. 14 (Sat): Following protests from the PRC against US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s statement, the US State Department comments that the US ‘takes no position on sovereignty over Taiwan’ [⇥  Taipei Times,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • Nov. 12 (Thu): US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo states in an interview with Hugh Hewitt that ‘Taiwan has not been a part of China’ [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  CNA]
  • Nov. 10 (Tue):
  • Nov. 3 (Tue):

TOP   HOME   [2020]

October 2020

  • Oct. 27 (Tue): A Taiwan-France Interparliamentary Amity Association (Taiwan yu Faguo guohui youhao xiehui 臺灣與法國國會友好協會) is formed with legislator Tsai Shih-ying 蔡適應 (DPP, Keelung City) as its chairman [⇥  Taipei Times,  YouTube,  Epoch Times,  CNA]
  • Oct. 26 (Mon):
  • Oct. 23 (Fri): A ROC Switzerland Inter-Parliamentary Amity Association (Zhonghua minguo yu Ruishi guohui yiyuan youhao lianyihui 中華民國與瑞士國會議員友好聯誼會) holds its inaugural meeting and elects legislator Chang Yu-mei 張育美 (, KMT, legislator-at-large) as its head [⇥  Taipei Times,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • Oct. 21 (Wed): The DSCA announces the approval by the US State Department of an arms package worth US$ 1.81 billion which includes AGM-84H Standoff Land Attack Missile Expanded Response (SLAM-ER) Missiles, High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) M142 Launchers and MS-110 Recce Pods, as well as related equipment [⇥  Taiwan Today,  DSCA 1 / DSCA 2/ DSCA 3,  CNA]
  • Oct. 16 (Fri):
  • Oct. 15 (Thu): The Economic Democracy Union (jingji minzhu lianhe 經濟民主連合, abbrev. jingminlian 經民連) think tank calls for swift amendments to the Regulations Governing Investment in Securities by Overseas Chinese and Foreign Nationals (huaqiao ji waiguoren touzi zhengquan guanli banfa 華僑及外國人投資證券管理辦法) to prevent economic espionage in Taiwan by Chinese corporations [⇥  Taipei Times]
  • Oct. 6 (Tue): The constitutional amendment committee (xiuxian weiyuanhui 修憲委員會) under the Legislative Yuan is launched [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  CNA]
  • Oct. 1 (Sun):
    • The Agency of Irrigation under the COA is established [⇥  CNA]
    • The ROC MOFA protests after Japan's Ishigaki City government announced the intention to rename the administrative district of the Senkaku Islands from "Tonoshiro" (Shiyuan shi Dengye cheng 石垣市登野城, Jap. Ishigaki shi Tonoshiro) to "Tonoshiro Senkaku" (Shiyuan shi Dengye cheng Jian’ge 石垣市登野城尖閣, Jap. Ishigaki shi Tonoshiro Senkaku) [⇥  Taipei Times,  OCAC News,  CNA]
    • 📆 Mid-Autumn Festival (zhongqiujie 中秋節) [⇥ Lunar calendar]

TOP   HOME   [2020]

September 2020

  • Sept. 25 (Fri): The MOTC reports that Yeh Hsieh-lung was appointed director-general of the Maritime and Port Bureau [⇥  CNA]
  • Sept. 21 (Mon): PRC Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin 汪文斌 denies the existence of the median line in the Taiwan Strait [⇥  Taiwan News,  RTI,  CNN,  MAC,  CNA]
  • Sept. 19 (Sat):
    • The Taipei Times runs a story about the efforts of the Gangshan Veterans’ Village Culture Association (Gangshan juancun wenhua xiehui 岡山眷村文化協會) investigating details of the crash of an ROC Air Force plane on June 3, 1968 [⇥  Taipei Times,  Liberty Times]
    • Hehuan Mountain Dark Sky Park (hehuanshan ankong gongyuan 合歡山暗空公園), Taiwan’s first international dark sky park (guanxing youshan pingtai 觀星友善平台) is officially launched on central Taiwan's Hehuanshan 合歡山, setting a milestone for astronomy communities in the country [⇥  Taiwan News,  CNA]
  • Sept. 17 (Thu): US Under-Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy and the Environment Keith J. Krach arrives at Songshan Airport in Taipei on a commercial charter flight to attend the memorial service for late ROC President Lee Teng-hui on Sept. 19 at Aletheia University in Tamsui District (New Taipei City), meets ROC Premier Su Tseng-chang and ROC President Tsai Ing-wen on Sept. 18 and leaves Taiwan less than 48 hours after arrival; highest-ranking State Department official to visit Taiwan since 1979 [⇥  Taiwan News,  CNN,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • Sept. 16 (Wed): Taiwanese media report that the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in Taipei and the U.S.-Taiwan Business Council (USTBC) have formed a coalition to promote efforts toward signing a Bilateral Trade Agreement between the two countries [⇥  Taiwan News,  Liberty Times]
  • Sept. 14 (Mon): The Legislative Yuan decides the formation of the 39-member constitutional amendment committee (xiuxian weiyuanhui 修憲委員會), consisting 22 members from the DPP, 14 from the KMT, 2 from the TPP and 1 from the NPP [⇥  Euro View,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • Sept. 12 (Sat): At a rally outside the Legislative Yuan in Taipei, the Tayal National Assembly (taiyaer zu minzu yihui 泰雅爾族民族議會), the Indigenous Peoples’ Action Coalition of Taiwan (Taiwan yuanzhu minzu buluo xingdong lianmeng 台灣原住民族部落行動聯盟, abbrev. IPACT), the Association for Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Policy (Taiwan yuanzhu minzu zhengce xiehui 台灣原住民族政策協會, abbrev. ATIPP) and other organizations denounced what they called the PRC’s policy of "cultural genocide"  [⇥  Taipei Times]
  • Sept. 9 (Wed): A legislative friendship group (no formal English name, name in Chinese: Taiwan yu poluode hai sanguo guohui yiyuan youhao xiehui 台灣與波羅的海三國國會議員友好協會) that seeks to build closer ties between Taiwanese legislators and lawmakers in the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, is established and headed by legislator Chiu Chih-wei 邱志偉 (DPP, Kaohsiung City) [⇥  Taiwan News,  OCAC News,  CNA]
  • Sept. 6 (Sun): On the fourth session of its 20th national congress, the KMT backs the ‘1992 Consensus’ [⇥  Taipei Times,  Taiwan News,  Focus Taiwan,  CNA]
  • Sept. 2 (Wed): The ROC government releases a new design for the country's passport highlighting the English word for "Taiwan" in the hope of drawing a clearer distinction between Taiwan and the PRC; passports with the new design have been issued since Jan. 2, 2021 [⇥  Taiwan News,  OCAC News,  CNA]

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August 2020

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July 2020

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June 2020

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May 2020

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April 2020

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March 2020

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February 2020

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January 2020

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