Taiwan Politics Database

Non-governmental sector

Users of this website who know the name of an organization they seek information about but are unsure to which category it belongs may check the alphabetical Organizations index on the page Name Index.

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Introductory remark

In a modern industrial economy and pluralistic democracy, power and influence are not limited to leading positions in politics and administration. For this reason, this page introduces major non-governmental organizations (NGOs), non-profit research institutions, think tanks as well as dominant commercial enterprises for a glance at important players in Taiwan's business world and civil society.


◆ Major non-profit institutions and NGOs

The following non-profit institutions and NGOs are presented below:

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Taiwan Foundation for Democracy (TFD)

Taiwan Foundation for Democracy (TFD) 財團法人台灣民主基金會
No. 4 Alley 17, Lane 147, Xinyi Road Sec. 3,
Daan District, Taipei City 10658, Taiwan ROC
[10658 台北市大安區信義路 3 段 147 巷 17 弄 4 號]
🌏 TFD – Web link

The TFD (caituan faren Taiwan minzhu jijinhui 財團法人台灣民主基金會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was initiated by the ROC MOFA and established in June 2003. The chairperson is usually the sitting legislative speaker. Another senior position is president (zhixingzhang 執行長). As a government-funded non-profit organization, the TFD strives for promoting democracy internationally without partisan influence. For this reason, the position of TFD president is supposed to be given to a person acceptable to all major political parties—a challenging task in times when the TFD chairperson belongs to an opposition party.

TFD chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
6/2003—3/2016 Wang Jin-pyng 王金平 b. 1941Taiwan
3/2016—3/2020Su Jia-chyuan 蘇嘉全b. 1956Taiwan
3/2020—2/2024Yu Shyi-kun 游錫堃b. 1948Taiwan
4/2024—Han Kuo-yu 韓國瑜b. 1957Taiwan/Henan 

TFD presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2003–2005Michael Y. M. Kao 高英茂 b. 1934Taiwan
2006–2009Lin Wen-cheng 林文程b. 1956N/A
2010—6/2016Huang Teh-fu 黃德福b. 1954N/A
6/2016—7/2018Hsu Szu-chien 徐斯儉b. 1963N/A
7/2018—2019Ford Fu-te Liao 廖福特N/AN/A
2019–2020 @Ketty W. Chen 陳婉宜N/AN/A
10/2020—4/2024 Huang Yu-lin 黃玉霖N/AN/A
4/2024—Liao Da-chi 廖達琪b. N/AN/A

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Association of Foreign Relations (AFR)

Association of Foreign Relations (AFR) 社團法人對外關係協會
No. 2 Alley 17, Lane 147, Xinyi Road Sec. 3,
Daan District, Taipei City 10658, Taiwan ROC
[10658 台北市大安區信義路 3 段 147 巷 17 弄 2 號]
🌏 AFR – Web link

AFR (caituan faren duiwai guanxi xiehui 社團法人對外關係協會, 🏁—huizhang 會長) is a nonpartisan NGO which was launched on Dec. 4, 2013 to promote ties across a spectrum of areas between Taiwan and its partners around the world. It comprises academics, business leaders and retired diplomats.

AFR chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
12/2013—11/2017Francisco Ou 歐鴻鍊1940-2021 Taiwan
11/2017—11/2023 Andrew Hsia 夏立言b. 1950Taiwan
11/2023—David Y. L. Lin 林永樂 b. 1950Taiwan

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Central Broadcasting System (CBS) / Radio Taiwan International (RTI)

Radio Taiwan International (RTI) 中央廣播電台
No. 55 Beian Road,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10462, Taiwan ROC
[10462 台北市中山區北安路 55 號]
🌏 RTI – Web link

CBS (zhongyang guangbo diantai 中央廣播電台, 🏁—zhuren 主任/dongshizhang 董事長 since 1997) was founded on Aug. 1, 1928 by the KMT. Between 1996 and 1998 it underwent restructuring and was merged with the international section of the broadcasting Corporation of China (Zhongguo guangbo gongsi 中國廣播公司, abbrev. BCC). By Jan. 1, 2002 its international radio services were essentially replaced by RTI which uses the same Chinese name as CBS. Before July 1, 2003, RTI stood for "Radio Taipei international". On Dec. 24, 2005, the KMT sold its BCC shares to the China Times Group (Zhongguo shibao jituan 中國時報集團). Another senior position in RTI is director-general (zong taizhang 總台長).

RTI broadcasts programs in 13 languages—Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese, Hokkien, Hakka, English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Japanese, Bahasa Indonesia, Thai, and Vietnamese. RTI is not only a provider of radio programs but also a valuable source of news contents. Its website features daily news about many aspects of Taiwan and the ROC in multiple languages.

Please note that some sources list Tai Chi-tao 戴季陶 under his other courtesy name Tai Chuan-hsien 戴傳賢. Furthermore, some sources mention Hsu En-tseng 徐恩曾 (1896-1985, Zhejiang) as first CBS chairman.

RTI chairpersons

Tenure started Name Born/Died Native Province
8/1926Wu Pao-feng 吳保豐N/AN/A
2/1943Wu Tao-i 吳道一1893-2003N/A
1/1947 Tai Chi-tao 戴季陶1890-1949Sichuan
11/1949Chang Tao-fen 張道藩1897-1968Guizhou
5/1954Chen Chien-chung 陳建中1911-2008Shaanxi
7/1959Lee Shih-feng 黎世芬1914-1983Jiangxi
7/1965Kuang Wen-ping 匡文炳N/AN/A
7/1966Li Pai-hung 李白虹b. 1911, d. N/ASichuan
9/1970Carl Liu 劉侃如b. 1925Anhui
7/1974Hsu Ching-lan 徐晴嵐N/AN/A
6/1975Pai Wan-hsiang 白萬祥1920-2004Shandong
7/1976Chiang Hsiao-wu 蔣孝武1945-1991Zhejiang
7/1980Chen Mai-sheng 陳霢生N/AN/A
3/1994Lo Chih-ta 羅致達N/AN/A
3/1996Huang Si-chuan 黃四川N/AN/A
7/1997Gloria Chu 朱婉清b. 1950Zhejiang
7/2000Chou Tien-jui 周天瑞b. 1947Liaoning
7/2003Lin Feng-cheng 林峯正b. 1965Taiwan
9/2006Cheng Yu 鄭優b. 1953Taiwan
10/2008Alice H. E. Kao 高惠宇b. 1947N/A
9/2009Sunshine Kuang 曠湘霞b. 1951Hunan
3/2011 @Patrick C. T. Wang 王振台N/AN/A
6/2011Chang Jung-kung 張榮恭b. 1950Taiwan
1/2015Sunshine Kuang 曠湘霞b. 1951Hunan
9/2016Lu Ping 路平b. 1953Taiwan
2/2022—Cheryl Lai 賴秀如b. N/AN/A

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Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC)

Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC) 中國廣播公司
No. 375 Songjiang Road,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10482, Taiwan ROC
[10482 台北市中山區松江路 375 號]
🌏 BCC – Web link

BCC (Zhongguo guangbo gongsi 中國廣播公司, abbrev. zhongguang 中廣, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on Aug. 1, 1928 by the KMT as Central Broadcasting Service (Zhongyang guangbo diantai 中央廣播電台, abbrev. yangguang 央廣 in Chinese and CBS in English) and renamed BCC on April 1, 1947. While the name CBS was used again from May 1951 on for anti-communist propaganda broadcasts to the mainland ("Voice of Free China": ziyou Zhongguo zhi sheng 自由中國之聲), CBS on July 1, 1972 became a broadcasting station which was independent from BCC and sponsored by the KMT. The international short-wave program of BCC was handed over to CBS on Dec. 5, 1996.

In 2005, following the government's policy to remove political and military influences from the media, BCC was privatized and sold on Dec. 24 that year to the Jungli Investment Co. (rongli touzi gongsi 榮麗投資公司) belonging to the China Times Group (Zhongguo shibao jituan 中國時報集團). On December 23, 2006 BCC was sold, via the KMT-owned Hua Hsia Investment Holding Company (huaxia touzi gongsi 華夏投資公司), to a group of four holding companies linked to Jaw Shaw-kong, although several months passed until the deal was finalized, and the National Communications Commission (NCC) approved the application made by the BCC to transfer its shares held by Hua Hsia Investment Holding Co. on June 26, 2007. The NCC on April 3, 2008 approved the BCC's transfer of ownership to Jaw Shaw-kong after his wife Liang Lei 梁蕾 reduced her shareholding in the UFO network (feidie diantai 飛碟電台). The details of that transaction were strongly questioned by the DPP and have been investigated extensively since 2007. On Sept. 24, 2019 the Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee (CIPAS) declared BCC an affiliate of the KMT, ordering it to relinquish assets and pay compensation.

BCC chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1947–1948Tai Chi-tao 戴季陶1890-1949Sichuan
1948–1972Liang Han-tsao 梁寒操1899-1975Guangdong
1972–1985Mah Soo-lay 馬樹禮1909-2006Jiangsu
1985–1987Pan Chen-chew 潘振球1918-2010Jiangsu
1987–1990Kuo Che 郭哲1919-2013Shaanxi
1990–1993John C. Kuan 關中b. 1940Liaoning
1993–1999Sung Shih-hsuan 宋時選1922-2010Zhejiang
2000—2/2001Chien Han-sun 簡漢生b. 1946Yunnan
2/2001—9/2001Huang Kun-huei 黃昆輝b. 1936Taiwan
3/2002—12/2005Chao Shou-po 趙守博b. 1941Taiwan
2006—Jaw Shau-kong 趙少康b. 1950Taiwan/Henan

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Cross-Strait Policy Association (CSPA)

Cross-Strait Policy Association (CSPA) 兩岸政策協會
1 F., No. 14 Lane 387, Wenhua Road Sec. 1,
Banqiao District, New Taipei City 22047, Taiwan ROC
[22047 新北市板橋區文化路 1 段 387 巷 14 號 1 樓]
🌏 CSPA – Web link

The CSPA (liang'an zhengce xiehui 兩岸政策協會, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) was formally established on Jan. 1, 2015 as a non-profit consultancy and watchdog group which conducts pertinent surveys and polls.

CSPA president

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2015—Tung Chen-yuan 童振源b. 1969Taiwan

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Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation (TPOF)

Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation (TPOF) 財團法人台灣民意基金會
6 F., No. 33 Jinan Road Sec. 2,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10059, Taiwan ROC
[10059 台北市中正區濟南路 2 段 33 號 6 樓]
🌏 TPOF – Web link

The TPOF (caituan faren Taiwan minyi jijinhui 財團法人台灣民意基金會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on Feb. 4, 2016 and is a non-profit NGO, described by itself as 'non-partisan'. On June 23, 2019 TPOF founder Michael Y. You annnounced his decision to leave the DPP.

TPOF chairman

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2/2016—Michael Y. You 游盈隆b. 1956Taiwan

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Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR)

Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR) 台灣人權促進會
2 F., No. 22 Lane 61, Tianxiang Road,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City
10491, Taiwan ROC
[10491 台北市中山區天祥路 61 巷 22 號 2 樓]
🌏 TAHR – Web link

TAHR (Taiwan renquan cujinhui 台灣人權促進會, abbrev. Tai quan hui 台權會, 🏁—huizhang 會長), an independent, member-based NGO, was established on Dec. 10, 1984 and is the oldest independent human rights organization in Taiwan. While the country was still under martial law, TAHR fought for basic civil and political rights, together with the growing social and political opposition movements. Campaigns included freeing political prisoners; ending the practice of blacklisting; and demanding freedoms of speech, association, and assembly. After martial law was lifted, TAHR's campaigns in this transitional stage focused on the repeal or revision of remaining undemocratic laws and regulations, such as the National Security Act (dongyuan kanluan shiqi guojia anquanfa 動員戡亂時期國家安全法), the Assembly and Parade Act (jihui youxingfa 集會遊行法), the Civil Associations Act (renmin tuantifa 人民團體法), and restrictions on radio broadcasting, all of which continued to arbitrarily deprive people of basic civil rights. In addition, TAHR continues to deal with the legacy of authoritarian rule.

TAHR chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
12/1984—12/1986Chiang Peng-chien 江鵬堅1940-2000Taiwan
12/1986—12/1988Chen Yong-hsin 陳永興b. 1950Taiwan
12/1988—1/1990Lee Shen-hsiung 李勝雄N/AN/A
1/1990—1/1991Cheng Ching-jen 鄭欽仁b. 1936Taiwan
1/1991—1/1993Shih Ming-teh 施明德b. 1941Taiwan
3/1993—3/1995Chen Chu 陳菊b. 1950Taiwan
3/1995—1/1998Kenneth Chiu 邱晃泉N/AN/A
1/1998—2/2000Peter Huang 黃文雄b. 1937Taiwan
2/2000—3/2003Lin Feng-cheng 林峯正b. 1965Taiwan
3/2003—3/2004John Wei 魏千峰N/AN/A
3/2004—3/2007Wu Hao-jen 吳豪人N/AN/A
3/2007—3/2009Liu Ching-yi 劉靜怡N/AN/A
3/2009—3/2012Lin Chia-fan 林佳範N/AN/A
3/2012—3/2013Lai Chung-chiang 賴中強b. 1970Taiwan
3/2013—9/2013Wellington Koo 顧立雄b. 1958Taiwan
9/2013—7/2014Handy Chiu 邱顯智b. 1976Taiwan
8/2014—4/2017Chiu Yu-bin 邱毓斌N/AN/A
4/2017—4/2019Geoffrey Weng 翁國彥N/AN/A
4/2019—Clarence Chou 周宇修b. N/AN/A

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Chinese Association for Human Rights (CAHR)

Chinese Association for Human Rights (CAHR) 中華人權協會
4-3 F., No. 23 Hangzhou South Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10053, Taiwan ROC
[10053 台北市中正區杭州南路 1 段 23 號 4 樓之 3]
🌏 CAHR – Web link

CAHR (Zhonghua renquan xiehui 中華人權協會, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) was established in 1979 as the first non-governmental human rights organization in Taiwan. Its major goals are to secure, facilitate and promote human rights based on the respect of their value acknowledged in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Before April 2010 the Chinese name of CAHR was Zhongguo renquan xiehui 中國人權協會.

CAHR chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1979–1991Hang Li-wu 杭立武1903-1991Anhui
1991–1993Cha Liang-chien 查良鑑1905-1994Hebei/Zhejiang
1993–1997Kao Yu-jen 高育仁b. 1934Taiwan
1997–2002Chai Song-lin 柴松林b. 1934Liaoning
2002–2005Hsu Wun-pin 許文彬N/AN/A
2005–2011Lee Yung-jan 李永然N/AN/A
2011–2014Su Yiu-chen 蘇友辰N/AN/A
2014–2017Lee Yung-jan (second time)
2017—Ling Tian-cia 林天財b. N/AN/A

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Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty (TAEDP)

Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty (TAEDP) 台灣廢除死刑推動聯盟
3 F., No. 3 Lane 1, Zhenjiang Street,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10051, Taiwan ROC
[10051 台北市中正區鎮江街 1 巷 3 號 3 樓]
🌏 TAEDP – Web link

TAEDP (Taiwan feichu sixing tuidong lianmeng 台灣廢除死刑推動聯盟, abbrev. feisi lianmeng 廢死聯盟, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) was officially registered as NGO with the ROC MOI on Nov. 3, 2012 but had been originally set up as a coalition of various local abolitionist NGOs and research institutes in September 2003, including the Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR), the Judicial Reform Foundation (JRF), the John Paul II Institute for Research into Dialogue for Peace (furen daxue ruowang Baolu ershi heping duihua yanjiu zhongxin 輔仁大學若望保祿二世和平對話研究中心), the Chang Fo-chuan Center for the Study of Human Rights (dongwu daxue Zhang Foquan renquan yanjiu zhongxin 東吳大學張佛泉人權研究中心), the Taipei Bar Association (Taibei lüshi gonghui 台北律師公會, abbrev. TBA) and the Peacetime Foundation of Taiwan (Taiwan cujin heping wenjiao jijinhui 台灣促進和平文教基金會). Another senior position in TAEDP is CEO (zhixingzhang 執行長).

TAEDP chairpersons since 2012

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
11/2012—2014Chiu Hei-yuan 瞿海源b. 1943N/A
2014–2017Lee Mau-sheng 李茂生b. 1954N/A
>>> [vacant] <<<
2021—Chang Chuan-fen 張娟芬b. 1970 N/A

More information about capital punishment in Taiwan can be found here.

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228 Memorial Foundation

228 Memorial Foundation 財團法人二二八事件紀念基金會
No. 54 Nanhai Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10066, Taiwan ROC
[10066 台北市中正區南海路 54 號]
🌏 228 Memorial Foundation – Web link

The 228 Memorial Foundation (caituan faren ererba shijian jinian jijinhui 財團法人二二八事件紀念基金會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on Oct. 12, 1995 by the ROC government as a non-profit corporation to handle monetary compensation and spiritual consolation for victims of the 2-28 Incident (ererba shijian 二二八事件) in 1947 which heralded the era of White Terror (baise kongbu 白色恐怖).

228 Memorial Foundation chairpersons

Tenure started Name Born/Died Native Province
10/1995Chang King-yuh 張京育b. 1937Hunan
6/1996Tsai Cheng-wen 蔡政文b. 1940Taiwan
10/1997Chao Shou-po 趙守博b. 1941Taiwan
2/1999Huang Ta-chou 黃大洲b. 1936Taiwan
7/2000Hu Ching-piao 胡錦標b. 1943Guangdong
7/2001Hu Sheng-cheng 胡勝正1940-2018Taiwan
8/2002Chen Chin-huang 陳錦煌b. 1952Taiwan
9/2009Steve Chan 詹啟賢b. 1948Taiwan
8/2013Steve S. K. Chen 陳士魁b. 1952N/A
9/2016—Hsueh Hua-yuen 薛化元b. 1959Taiwan

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People Rule Foundation

People Rule Foundation 人民作主教育基金會
No. 335 Erjie Road, Zhen'an Village,
Wujie Township, Yilan County 26847, Taiwan ROC
[26847 宜蘭縣五結鄉鎮安村二結路 335 號];
Taipei office: 7 F., No. 138 Zhongxiao East Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10050, Taiwan ROC
[10050 台北市中正區忠孝東路 1 段 138 號 7 樓]
🌏 People Rule Foundation – Web link

The People Rule Foundation (renmin zuozhu jiaoyu jijinhui 人民作主教育基金會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on July 4, 2014 by the former DPP chairman Lin I-hsiung 林義雄 in order to change the laws about referendums in Taiwan/ROC.

People Rule Foundation chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/2014—Chen Lih-kuei 陳麗貴b. 1957Taiwan

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Taiwan New Century Foundation (TNCF)

Taiwan New Century Foundation (TNCF) 台灣新世紀文教基金會
12-3 F., No. 186 Nanjing East Road Sec. 4,
Songshan District, Taipei City 10595, Taiwan ROC
(South Tobacco Factory)
[10595 台北市松山區南京東路 4 段 186 號 12 樓之 3]
🌏 TNCF – Web link

TNCF (Taiwan xin shiji wenjiao jijinhui 台灣新世紀文教基金會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on Sept. 23, 1997 (formal inauguration ceremony on Feb. 26, 1998) under the name "Lung-chu Chen New Century Foundation" (Chen Longzhi xin shiji wenjiao jijinhui 陳隆志新世紀文教基金會) and renamed in May 2001. The NGO is a private think tank and supports the normalization of Taiwan's statehood, Taiwan joining the UN, deepening of democratic reform, and transitional justice. The founder is known for his dedication to Taiwan independence, and he has recommended changing Taiwan's political status by abandoning the 'anachronistic' Framework of the ROC and its 'outdated' constitution, advocating the creation of a Taiwanese constitution instead.

TNCF chairperson

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2/1998—Chen Lung-chu 陳隆志b. 1935N/A

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Taiwan United Nations Alliance (TAIUNA)

Taiwan United Nations Alliance (TAIUNA) 台灣聯合國協進會
6~1 F., No. 173-1 Fuxing South Road Sec. 2,
Daan District, Taipei City 10667, Taiwan ROC
[10667 台北市復興南路 2 段 173-1 號 6 樓之 1]
🌏 TAIUNA – Web link

TAIUNA (Taiwan lianheguo xiejinhui 台灣聯合國協進會, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) was established on Oct. 24, 2003 and has been campaigning for Taiwan's re-entry into the United Nations (UN).

Shut out

After China's seat in the UN was transferred from the ROC to the PRC on Oct. 25, 1971, the ROC government in 1993 started a campaign to rejoin the world body. On Aug. 6 that year the UN representatives of seven diplomatic allies of the ROC in Central America jointly raised a proposal and asked the UN to review the exceptional standing of the ROC on Taiwan in the international context. They emphasized that the review should be based on the principle of universality and the established pattern of parallel representation for divided countries in the United Nations—precedents for parallel representation were seen in the cases of divided Germany and divided Korea, and the ROC argued that these precedents would 'apply equally to a divided China'. Similar attempts were made in the following years, but they were all blocked from the agenda of the UN General Assembly due to the strong objection of the PRC. In 2007 the Chen Shui-bian administration campaigned with the slogan 'Taiwan and the United Nations—In quest of »a larger freedom«. Support UN membership for Taiwan!'.

Observer in the WHA

Efforts by the ROC government for participation in the World Health Assembly (WHA), i. e. the decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO), were unsuccessful until the Department of Health (DOH) in Taipei on April 28, 2009 received an invitation by fax from the WHO to attend the 62nd WHA in Geneva as an observer under the name "Chinese Taipei". The DOH (since 2014 the MOHW) was invited to the WHA with the same status altogether eight consecutive times. While Taiwanese representatives attended the 69th WHA in 2016, the WHO did not issue an invitation to the 70th WHA in 2017 as a result of opposition from the PRC, and Taiwan has been excluded from the annual WHA since. The ROC government keeps urging international support for Taiwan's meaningful participation in specialized agencies and activities of the UN such as the WHA, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

TAIUNA presidents

Tenure started Name Born/Died Native Province
10/2003Chen Lung-chu 陳隆志b. 1935Taiwan
2008William Lo 羅榮光b. 1941Taiwan
2012Twu Shiing-jer 涂醒哲b. 1951Taiwan
2014Liao Lin Li-ling 廖林麗玲b. 1968Taiwan
2016—Michael Tsai Ming-shian 蔡明憲b. 1941Taiwan

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Taiwan New Constitution Foundation (TNC)

Taiwan New Constitution Foundation (TNC) 台灣制憲基金會
3 F., No. 266 Songjiang Road,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10437, Taiwan ROC
[10437 台北市中山區松江路 266 號 3 樓]
🌏 TNC – Web link

The TNC (Taiwan zhixian jijinhui 台灣制憲基金會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) introduced itself with a post on Facebook on Dec. 27, 2018 after its establishment had been approved by the MOJ in July 2018. A formal inauguration ceremony was held on Jan. 23, 2019.

TNC chairman

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
12/2018—Koo Kwang-ming 辜寬敏1926-2023Taiwan

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Judicial Reform Foundation (JRF)

Judicial Reform Foundation (JRF) 財團法人民間司法改革基金會
7 F., No. 3 Lane 90, Songjiang Road,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10456, Taiwan ROC
[10456 台北市中山區松江路 90 巷 3 號 7 樓]
🌏 JRF – Web link

The JRF (caituan faren minjian sifa gaige jijinhui 財團法人民間司法改革基金會, abbrev. sigaihui 司改會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was founded on Nov. 1, 1995 by a group of reform-minded lawyers from the Taipei Bar Association (Taibei lüshi gonghui 台北律師公會) and obtained official status in May 1997. It is committed to advancing legal reform by uniting the power of the people in order to establish a fair, just, and trustworthy judiciary for the people. The foundation has evolved into a source of legal help for rights advocates.

JRF chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
5/1997—9/1997Lin Min-sheng 林敏生N/AN/A
9/1997—3/1998John Chen 陳傳岳N/AN/A
3/1998—11/2000Kao Jui-cheng 高瑞錚N/AN/A
11/2000—2/2007John Chen (second time)
2/2007—2/2010Remington Huang 黃瑞明b. 1955Taiwan
2/2010—2/2011Wellington Koo 顧立雄b. 1958Taiwan
2/2011—2/2015Chiu Hei-yuan 瞿海源b. 1943N/A
2/2015—Joseph Lin 林永頌b. N/AN/A

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Taiwan Jury Association

Taiwan Jury Association 台灣陪審團協會
8-3 F., No. 35 Shaoxing North Street,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10049, Taiwan ROC
[10049 台北市中正區紹興北街 35 號 8 樓之 3]
🌏 Taiwan Jury Association – Web link

The Taiwan Jury Association (Taiwan peishentuan xiehui 台灣陪審團協會, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) applied for registration at the MOI on Aug. 20, 2013 and held its founding board meeting on Jan. 19, 2014. It has formed an alliance with the Judicial Reform Foundation (JRF), the Taiwan Judicial Reform Care Association (Taiwan sifa gaige guanhuai huzhu xiehui 台灣司法改革關懷互助協會) and the Anti-Judicial Abuse Action Alliance (fan sifa lanquan xingdong lianmeng 反司法濫權行動聯盟), promoting a jury system.

Taiwan Jury Association chairpersons

Tenure started Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2014Jerry Cheng 鄭文龍N/AN/A
4/2016—Chang Ching 張靜b. N/AN/A

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Legal Aid Foundation (LAF)

Legal Aid Foundation (LAF) 財團法人法律扶助基金會
5 F., No. 189 Jinshan South Road Sec. 2,
Daan District, Taipei City 10644, Taiwan ROC
[10644 台北市大安區金山南路 2 段 189 號 5 樓]
🌏 LAF – Web link

The LAF (caituan faren falü fuzhu jijinhui 財團法人法律扶助基金會, abbrev. fafuhui 法扶會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established by the Judicial Yuan and commenced operations on July 1, 2004. It provides the general public with legal aid, with the purpose of defending people's basic litigation rights. The services of LAF include legal consultation, mediation and settlement, legal documents drafting and representation in court proceedings. Over time, 21 branch offices (fenhui 分會) have opened in municipal cities and counties to serve labor, women, children, aboriginal people and migrants. LAF encourages the public to make donations, and it also receives annual contribution budgeted by the Judicial Yuan. Another senior position in LAF is CEO (zhixingzhang 執行長).

LAF chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/2004—3/2007Tsai Tun-ming 蔡墩銘1932-2014Taiwan
3/2007—3/2010Ku Teng-mei 古登美N/AN/A
3/2010—3/2013Wu Ching-fang 吳景芳N/AN/A
4/2013—4/2016Lin Chun-jung 林春榮N/AN/A
4/2016—Lo Ping-cheng 羅秉成b. 1962N/A

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Environmental Jurists Association (EJA)

Environmental Jurists Association (EJA) 社團法人環境法律人協會
3-3 F., No. 9 Aiguo West Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10042, Taiwan ROC
[10042 台北市中正區愛國西路 9 號 3 樓之 3]
🌏 EJA – Web link

The EJA (shetuan faren huanjing falüren xiehui 社團法人環境法律人協會, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) was established on Jan. 30, 2010. Its objectives include bringing together lawyers concerned with legal institutions and issues relating to environmental protection, advancing discussion and carrying out legal action on issues related to environmental public interest, and—in conjunction with other organizations and individuals concerned with the environment—developing connective networks and interactive platforms for discussion. Please note that some online sources refer to the EJA's director as president, chair or chairperson.

EJA directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2010—1/2013Robin J. Winkler 文魯彬b. 1954<USA>
2/2013—2/2016Thomas Chan Shun-kuei 詹順貴b. 1963Taiwan
3/2016—Chang Yu-yin 張譽尹b. N/AN/A

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Wild at Heart Legal Defense Association, Taiwan

Wild at Heart Legal Defense Association, Taiwan 社團法人台灣蠻野心足生態協會
6-1 F., No. 106 Huaining Street,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10046, Taiwan ROC
[10046 台北市中正區懷寧街 106 號 6 樓之 1]
🌏 Wild at Heart Legal Defense Association, Taiwan – Web link

The Wild at Heart Legal Defense Association, Taiwan (shetuan faren Taiwan manye xinzu shengtai xiehui 社團法人台灣蠻野心足生態協會, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) was established on Dec. 10, 2003 as a platform for social, economic and political (resource utilization) change through promotion of the ideas of deep ecology by means of litigation, dialog, conventional and unconventional educational activities.

Wild at Heart Legal Defense Association, Taiwan chairman

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
12/2003—Robin J. Winkler 文魯彬b. 1954<USA>

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Taiwan Forever Association (TFA)

Taiwan Forever Association (TFA) 社團法人台灣永社
8-20 F., No. 121 Chongqing South Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10045, Taiwan ROC
[10045 台北市中正區重慶南路 1 段 121 號 8 樓之 20(東方大樓)]
🌏 TFA – Web link

TFA (shetuan faren Taiwan yongshe 社團法人台灣永社, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) was established on Dec. 25, 2012 as a legal reform group. The NGO is promoting the sustainable development of the democratic constitutional rule of law in Taiwan.

TFA chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2012–2016John Chen 陳傳岳N/AN/A
2016–2017Kao Yung-cheng 高涌誠b. 1965Taiwan
2017—Jerry Cheng 鄭文龍b. N/AN/A

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Taiwan NextGen Foundation

Taiwan NextGen Foundation 台灣世代智庫
4 F., No. 1 Lane 1, Zhenjiang Street,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10051, Taiwan ROC
[10051 台北市中正區鎮江街 1 巷 1 號 4 樓]
🌏 Taiwan NextGen Foundation – Web link

The Taiwan NextGen Foundation (Taiwan shidai zhiku 台灣世代智庫, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on June 13, 2016 as a non-profit organization dedicated to policy research and public advocacy to address three major challenges Taiwan faces: 1) globalization, 2) cross-strait relations, and 3) democratic and societal transitions.

Taiwan NextGen Foundation chairman

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
6/2016—Chen Ming-wen 陳明文b. 1954Taiwan

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Center for Asia-Pacific Resilience and Innovation (CAPRI)

Center for Asia-Pacific Resilience and Innovation (CAPRI) 亞太堅韌研究基金會
2 F., No. 2 Chongqing South Road Sec. 3,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10076, Taiwan ROC
[10076 台北市中正區重慶南路 3 段 2 號 2 樓]
🌏 CAPRI – Web link

CAPRI (caituan faren yatai jianren yanjiu jijinhui 財團法人亞太堅韌研究基金會, abbrev. yajianhui 亞堅會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) is a Taiwanese nonpartisan NGO founded in May 2022 to enhance global resilience and promote innovative governance by drawing on the experience of the Asia-Pacific region through comparative public policy research.

CAPRI chair

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
5/2022—Syaru Shirley Lin 林夏如b. 1968Taiwan

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Taiwan Democracy Watch

Taiwan Democracy Watch 台灣守護民主平台
6 F., No. 28 Beiping East Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10049, Taiwan ROC
[10049 台北市中正區北平東路 28 號 6 樓]
🌏 Taiwan Democracy Watch – Web link

Taiwan Democracy Watch (Taiwan shouhu minzhu pingtai 台灣守護民主平台, 🏁—huizhang 會長) was established in June 2012 with the aim to use the power of knowledge and expression to observe, document, study and monitor the democratic development in Taiwan and other domestic and foreign factors that affect Taiwan's democracy, especially the democratic conditions in China, Hong Kong, Macau and East Asia so as to assist promoting the democratic development and consolidation of Taiwan and the surrounding areas and the continuous growth of civil society.

Taiwan Democracy Watch presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
6/2012—1/2014Hsu Wei-chun 徐偉群N/AN/A
1/2014—1/2016Lin Minn-tsong 林敏聰N/AN/A
1/2016—1/2018Chen Chao-ju 陳昭如N/AN/A
1/2018—Chiou Wen-tsong 邱文聰b. N/AN/A

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Covenants Watch (CW)

Covenants Watch (CW) 兩公約施行監督聯盟
4 F., No. 97-1 Renai Road Sec. 2,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10062, Taiwan ROC
[10062 台北市中正區仁愛路 2 段 97-1 號 4 樓]
🌏 CW – Web link

The CW (renquan gongyue shixing jiandu lianmeng 人權公約施行監督聯盟, abbrev. renyuemeng 人約盟, 🏁—zhaojiren 召集人) was established on Dec. 9, 2009 by a coalition of human rights NGOs, lawyers, academics, and activists. The organization's original Chinese name was liang gongyue shixing jiandu lianmeng 兩公約施行監督聯盟, the current name was adopted in 2014. It focusses on monitoring the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the Convention on the Rights of Children (CRC), the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) in Taiwan.

CW conveners

Tenure started Name Born/Died Native Province
12/2009Peter Huang 黃文雄b. 1937Taiwan
3/2011Kao Yung-cheng 高涌誠b. 1965Taiwan
3/2013—Huang Song-lih 黃嵩立b. N/AN/A

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Nylon Cheng Liberty Foundation (NCLF)

Nylon Cheng Liberty Foundation 鄭南榕基金會
3 F., No. 11 Alley 3, Lane 106, Minquan East Road Sec. 3,
Songshan District, Taipei City 10543, Taiwan ROC
[10543 台北市松山區民權東路 3 段 106 巷 3 弄 11 號 3 樓]
🌏 NCLF – Web link

The NCLF (Zheng Nanrong jijinhui 鄭南榕基金會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was founded on April 6, 1999 in memory of late Nylon Cheng 鄭南榕 (1947-1989) to continue promoting the ideology of freedom of speech, awakening the consciousness of Taiwan, and invigorating Taiwan culture. Its HQ is located at the former office of Freedom Era Weekly (ziyou shidai zhoukan 自由時代週刊).

NCLF chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/1999—2/2005Li Min-yung 李敏勇b. 1947Taiwan
3/2005—2/2011Kenneth Chiu 邱晃泉N/AN/A
3/2011—2/2017Hsu Chang-hsien 許章賢 N/AN/A
4/2017—2/2023 Hsu Ching-ho 許景河N/AN/A
3/2023—Cheng Chu-mei 鄭竹梅b. 1980Taiwan

Note: Cheng Chu-mei is the daughter of Nylon Cheng and Yeh Chu-lan 葉菊蘭 (b. 1949, legislator 2nd, 3rd, 4th Legislative Yuan 2/1993—5/2000, MOTC Minister 5/2000—2/2002, HAC head 2/2002—5/2004, ROC Vice Premier 5/2004—1/2005, Speaker Ad Hoc-NA 5/2005—6/2005, acting Kaohsiung mayor 9/2005—12/2006, Sec.-Gen. ROC Presidential Office 8/2007—3/2008, and TVA President 1/2017—).

Nylon Cheng (aka Deng Nan-jung or Cheng Nan-jung) was a Taiwanese journalist, publisher and pro-democracy activist who had grown up as son of a mainlander (waishengren 外省人) father. He founded Freedom Era Weekly in March 1984 when the ROC was still under martial law, freedom of speech being a major focus. After martial law was lifted on July 15, 1987, many restrictions remained in place according to the National Security Law (dongyuan kanluan shiqi guojia anquanfa 動員戡亂時期國家安全法) which had been promulgated on July 1, 1987. Furthermore, peaceful advocacy of Taiwan independence was still a crime according to Article 100 of the ROC Criminal Code, and on April 18, 1987 Cheng publicly proclaimed that he supported Taiwan independence. In January 1989 he was charged with sedition for his publication of a draft for a "Constitution of Taiwan" (Taiwan gongheguo xianfa caoan 台灣共和國憲法草案) in December 1988. Cheng repeatedly ignored court summons and barricaded himself in his office in Taipei for 70 days. When police stormed the premises on April 7, 1989, Nylon Cheng committed suicide there by self-immolation. On Dec. 22, 2016 the Executive Yuan announced that April 7 every year would become "Freedom of Expression Day" (yanlun ziyouri 言論自由日) to commemorate Cheng's death.

ROC Criminal Code, Article 100

In the era of authoritarian rule of the ROC, advocacy of Taiwan independence was considered a capital offense by the ROC government. Legal foundations for prosecution included Article 100 (yibaitiao 一百條) of the ROC Criminal Code (Zhonghua minguo xingfa 中華民國刑法)—Part 2: Specific Offenses (di'erbian: fenze 第二編 分則), Chapter 1: Civil Disturbance (diyizhang: neiluanzui 第一章 內亂罪). Article 100 was revised on May 15, 1992 by the ROC Legislative Yuan, its new version came into force the following day. The texts of the older and the current versions in English and Chinese are shown directly below.

Old version (before May 15, 1992) Current version
Any person committing an overt act with intent to destroy the organization of the State, seize State territory, or, using illegal means, change the Constitution or overthrow the Government shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not less than seven years; the ringleader shall be sentenced to life imprisonment.
 Any person preparing or conspiring to commit the offense specified in the preceding paragraph shall be sentenced to imprisonment not less than six months but not more than five years.
Any person by violence or threats committing an overt act with intent to destroy the organization of the State, seize State territory, or, using illegal means, change the Constitution or overthrow the Government shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not less than seven years; the ringleader shall be sentenced to life imprisonment.
 Any person preparing to commit the offense specified in the preceding paragraph shall be sentenced to imprisonment not less than six months but not more than five years.

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Peace and Neutrality for Taiwan Alliance

Peace and Neutrality for Taiwan Alliance 台灣和平中立大同盟
5 F., No. 3-2 Qingdao East Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10048, Taiwan ROC
[10048 台北市中正區青島東路 3-2 號 5 樓]

The Peace and Neutrality for Taiwan Alliance (Taiwan heping zhongli da tongmeng 台灣和平中立大同盟, 🏁—zong faqiren 總發起人) was founded on Aug. 14, 2014 and strives to transform Taiwan into a peaceful and permanently neutral nation. It also envisions Taiwan as "Switzerland of the Orient" (dongfang Ruishi 東方瑞士) but does not maintain its own website.

Peace and Neutrality for Taiwan Alliance leader

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/2014—Annette Lu 呂秀蓮b. 1944Taiwan

On Aug. 28, 2022 Annette Lu organized the inaugural meeting of the Peace and Justice Society (heping gongyishe 和平公義社) in Taipei.

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Taiwan Friends Association (TFA)

Taiwan Friends Association (TFA) 台灣之友會
9-4 F., No. 76 Zhongxiao East Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10050, Taiwan ROC
[10050 台北市中正區忠孝東路 1 段 76 號 9 樓之 4]
🌏 TFA – Web link

The TFA (Taiwan zhi you hui 台灣之友會, 🏁—zonghuizhang 總會長) was established on May 3, 2008. Since March 2009 it has been publishing a regular newsletter.

TFA president

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2008—Huang Kun-hu 黃崑虎b. 1932Taiwan

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Friends of Hong Kong and Macau Association (FHKMA)

Friends of Hong Kong and Macau Association (FHKMA) 中華港澳之友協會
11-3 F., No. 206 Chongxin Road Sec. 4,
Sanchong District, New Taipei City 24144, Taiwan ROC
[24144 新北市三重區重新路 4 段 206 號 11 樓之 3]
🌏 FHKMA – Web link

FHKMA (Zhonghua Gang Ao zhi you xiehui 中華港澳之友協會, 🏁—huizhang 會長) was formally established on April 30, 1992 as a non-profit social organization aimed at promoting friendship with Hong Kong and Macau residents as well as helping sustain the freedom, democracy, stability and prosperity of the two regions.

FHKMA presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
4/1992—3/2002Chang Hsi-cheh 張希哲1918-2014Guangdong
3/2002—3/2010Byron S. J. Weng 翁松燃b. 1934Taiwan
3/2010—2/2012Tseng Yung-chuan 曾永權b. 1947Taiwan
2/2012—3/2018Chang Wu-ueh 張五岳N/AN/A
3/2018—Cheng Wen-tsang 鄭文燦b. 1967Taiwan

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Taiwan Association for Strategic Simulation (TASS)

Taiwan Association for Strategic Simulation (TASS) 台灣戰略模擬學會
2-1 F., No. 33 Huayin Street, Datong District,
Taipei City 10351, Taiwan ROC
[10351 台北市大同區華陰街 33 號 2 樓之 1]
🌏 TASS – Web link

The TASS (Taiwan zhanlüe moni xuehui 台灣戰略模擬學會, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) was established on Nov. 13, 2005 as a non-profit and non-partisan organization that promotes the research and international exchange of strategic simulation-related theories and practices.

TASS chairman

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
11/2005— Chang Jung-feng 張榮豐b. 1954N/A

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Confucius-Mencius Society of the R.O.C.

Confucius-Mencius Society of the R.O.C. 中華民國孔孟學會
2 F., No. 13 Chang'an East Road Sec. 1,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10441, Taiwan ROC
[10441 台北市中山區長安東路 1 段 13 號 2 樓]
🌏 Confucius-Mencius Society of the R.O.C. – Web link
Description: Nologo07

The Confucius-Mencius Society of the R.O.C. (Zhonghua minguo Kong Meng xuehui 中華民國孔孟學會, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) was set up in 1960 as a non-profit social organization, aiming at researching, expounding and propagating the theories and teachings of Confucius and Mencius and promoting ethics.

Confucius-Mencius Society of the R.O.C. chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
4/1960—4/1971Chen Tai-chi 陳大齊1886-1983Zhejiang
5/1971—4/1972Tseng Yueh-nung 曾約農1893-1986Hunan
4/1972—9/1994Chen Li-fu 陳立夫1900-2001Zhejiang
10/1994—9/1995Chu Hwei-sen 朱匯森1911-2006Jiangsu
10/1995—9/1996Pan Chen-chew 潘振球1918-2010Jiangsu
10/1996—2/2001 Chen Li-fu (second time)
5/2001—10/2004Lee Huan 李煥1917-2010Hubei
10/2004—10/2006Liang Shang-yung 梁尚勇1930-2015Shanxi
10/2006—10/2010Lee Huan (second time)
10/2010—10/2014Kuo Wei-fan 郭為藩b. 1937Taiwan
10/2014—Diane Lee Ching-an 李慶安b. 1959Taiwan

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ROC Chapter of the World League for Freedom and Democracy (WLFD)

ROC Chapter, World League for Freedom and Democracy (WLFD) 世界自由民主聯盟中華民國總會
10 F., No. 7 Roosevelt Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10092, Taiwan ROC
[10092 台北市中正區羅斯福路 1 段 7 號 10 樓]
🌏 WLFD – Web link

The WLFD (shijie ziyou minzhu lianmeng 世界自由民主聯盟, abbrev. shimeng 世盟, 🏁— zonghuizhang 總會長) was founded in November 1966 under the name World Anti-Communist League (shijie fangong lianmeng 世界反共聯盟, abbrev. WACL, 🏁—zhuxi 主席) as an extension of the Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League (yazhou renmin fangong lianmeng 亞洲人民反共聯盟, abbrev. APACL) and held its first Convention in September 1967 in Taipei. On the 22nd General Conference of WACL in Brussels (Belgium) on July 23, 1990, its delegates resolved that the organization should be renamed WLFD, and the resolution came into effect on Jan. 1, 1991. APACL which had been set up on June 15, 1954 was renamed Asian Pacific League for freedom and Democracy (yazhou taipingyang ziyou minzhu lianmeng 亞洲太平洋自由民主聯盟, abbrev. yameng 亞盟 in Chinese and APLFD in English) at about the same time as WACL.

WLFD (ROC chapter) presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1967–1988Ku Cheng-kang 谷正綱1902-1993Guizhou
1988–1989Clement C. P. Chang 張建邦1929-2018Taiwan
1989–1997Chao Tze-chi 趙自齊b. 1915Inner Mongolia
1997–2006Yao Eng-chi 饒穎奇b. 1934Taiwan
1/2007—Tseng Yung-chuan 曾永權b. 1947Taiwan

Please note that since 1967 the respective ROC chapters (Zhonghua minguo zonghui 中華民國總會, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) of WACL/WLFD and APACL/APLFD have been led by the same persons as listed above, and WLFD lists APLFD under its administrative offices in the organizational chart on the WLFD website. WLFD claims it currently has members from more than 100 countries, international organizations and associate members.

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Alliance for the Reunification of China

Alliance for the Reunification of China 中國統一聯盟
6 F., No. 609 Linsen North Road,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10460, Taiwan ROC
[10460 台北市中山區林森北路 609 號 6 樓]
🌏 Alliance for the Reunification of China – Web link

The Alliance for the Reunification of China (zhongguo tongyi lianmeng 中國統一聯盟, 🏁— zhuxi 主席) was established on April 4, 1988 and is known as a pro-communist organization which refrains from the use of ROC state symbols.

Alliance for the Reunification of China chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
4/1988—4/1990Chen Ying-chen 陳映真1937-2016Taiwan
4/1990—4/1992Hsieh Hsueh-hsien 謝學賢b. 1946Guangdong
4/1992—4/1993Lin Shu-yang 林書揚1926-2012Taiwan
4/1993—4/1995Mao Chu-lun 毛鑄倫b. 1947Guangdong
3/1995—4/1997Lu Cheng-hui 呂正惠b. 1948Taiwan
4/1997—4/1999Paul Liang 梁電敏b. N/A, d. 2008N/A
4/1999—4/2001Wu Chyung-en 吳瓊恩N/AN/A
4/2001—4/2003Wang Chin-ping 王津平N/AN/A
4/2003—4/2005Chen Chin-ming 陳欽銘N/AN/A
4/2005—4/2009Wang Chin-ping (second time)
4/2009—4/2013Rose Chi 紀欣b. 1952Taiwan/Jiangsu
4/2013—4/2015Wang Chin-ping (third time)
4/2015—Chi Chia-lin 戚嘉林b. 1951Taiwan/Hubei

The Alliance operates seven branches (fenhui 分會): Taipei (Taibei fenhui 台北分會), Taoyuan/Hsinchu (Taozhu fenhui 桃竹分會), Taichung (Taizhong fenhui 台中分會), Chiayi/Tainan (Jia'nan fenhui 嘉南分會), Kaohsiung (Gaoxiong fenhui 高雄分會), Pingtung (Pingdong fenhui 屏東分會), and Hualien/Taitung (Huadong fenhui 花東分會). According to its purposes and missions which are listed on the organization's official website, the alliance opposes 'any form of national separatism, such as Taiwan independence, Two Chinas, one China and one Taiwan, self-determination of Taiwan residents etc.'. Please note that some English-language media in Taiwan occasionally refer to the organization as Alliance for the Unification of China (AUC).

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Concentric Patriotism Alliance

Concentric Patriotism Alliance 中華愛國同心會
2 F., No. 201 Xining South Road,
Wanhua District, Taipei City 10846, Taiwan ROC
[10846 台北市萬華區西寧南路 201 號 2 樓]

The Concentric Patriotism Alliance (zhonghua aiguo tongxinhui 中華愛國同心會, 🏁—huizhang 會長) was established on Nov. 12, 1993 and is also known in English under the names Patriot Association, Concentric Patriotism Association of ROC (CPAROC) or Patriot Alliance Association. Its activists are working towards their goal of achieving Unification of Taiwan with the PRC under the "One Country, Two Systems" model. Together with the China Unification Promotion Party (zhonghua tongyi cujindang 中華統一促進黨, abbrev. tongcudang 統促黨 in Chinese and CUPP in English) aka Unionist Party led by the Taiwanese organized crime heavyweight Chang An-lo 張安樂 aka the "White Wolf" (bailang 白狼), the Concentric Patriotism Alliance (which apparently does not maintain a website of its own) gained attention and notoriety in Taiwan for its fierce, at times violent pro-PRC and pro-CCP propaganda, including attacks on peaceful Falun Gong 法輪功 practitioners around the landmark skyscraper Taipei 101.

Concentric Patriotism Alliance chairman

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
11/1993—Chou Chin-chun 周慶峻b. N/AN/A

"United front"

Several like-minded organizations operate in Taiwan, part of the "united front" (tongyi zhanxian 統一戰線, abbrev. tongzhan 統戰) efforts by the PRC to counter and suppress Taiwan independence tendencies. Two noteworthy pro-unification groups in Taiwan are the following:

  • Chinatide Association (xiachao lianhehui 夏潮聯合會), established in May 1987 under the Chinese name xiachao lianyihui 夏潮聯誼會 and renamed in 1990; and
  • Cross-Strait Peace & Development Union (Zhonghua liang'an heping fazhan lianhehui 中華兩岸和平發展聯合會), est. June 8, 2014.

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Chinese Association for Relief and Ensuing Services (CARES)

Chinese Association for Relief and Ensuing Services (CARES) 中華救助總會
2 F., No. 7 Roosevelt Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10092, Taiwan ROC
[10092 台北市中正區羅斯福路 1 段 7 號 2 樓]
🌏 CARES – Web link

CARES (Zhonghua jiuzhu zonghui 中華救助總會, abbrev. jiuzong 救總, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) was established on April 4, 1950 under the name Free China Relief Association (Zhongguo dalu zaibao jiuji zonghui 中國大陸災胞救濟總會, abbrev. FCRA) and renamed to China Relief Association (Zhongguo zaibao jiuzhu zonghui 中國災胞救助總會) on July 20, 1991. The NGO adopted its current name on May 5, 2000.

CARES presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
4/1950—7/1989Ku Cheng-kang 谷正綱1902-1993Guizhou
7/1989—7/1996Liang Yung-chang 梁永章1911-2002Shandong
7/1996—4/2004Kuo Che 郭哲1919-2013Shaanxi
4/2004—4/2012Ko Yu-chin 葛雨琴b. 1939Shandong
4/2012—2020Chang Cheng-chung 張正中N/AN/A
2020—Mo Tien-fu 莫天虎b. N/AN/A

In September 2019 Taiwanese media reported that the Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee (CIPAS) planned to 'retrieve' a Taipei office space purchased by CARES using 'unreasonable' subsidies provided to it by the ROC Legislative Yuan.

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Friends of Armed Forces Association (FAFA)

Friends of Armed Forces Association (FAFA) 中華民國軍人之友社
No. 20 Changsha Street Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10042, Taiwan ROC
[10042 台北市中正區長沙街 1 段 20 號]
🌏 FAFA – Web link

FAFA (Zhonghua minguo junren zhi youshe 中華民國軍人之友社, abbrev. junyoushe 軍友社, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) was established on Oct. 31, 1951. It is a nationwide civil organization, and its mission is to encourage cooperation between the civilians and the army, improve benefits and morale of soldiers, promote public charities, and support a strong national defense.

FAFA chairmen

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
10/1951—6/1959Shang Kuan Yeh-yiu 上官業佑1909-2002Hunan
6/1960—6/1976 Huang Chi-jui 黃啟瑞1910-1976Taiwan
6/1976—12/1990Chen Man-pan 陳茂榜1914-1991Taiwan
12/1990—2/1998 Chen Chun-kuan 陳重光1913-1998Taiwan
2/1998—5/2006Kao Ching-yuen 高清愿1929-2016Taiwan
6/2006—5/2014Rock Hsu 許勝雄b. 1943Taiwan
5/2014—5/2022Lee Tung-liang 李棟樑N/AN/A
5/2022—John C. T. Huang 黃呈琮b. N/AN/A

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National Women's League of the ROC (NWL)

National Women's League of the ROC (NWL) 中華民國婦女聯合會
No. 19 Linsen South Road (Mayling Building),
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10050, Taiwan ROC
[10050 台北市中正區林森南路 19 號(美齡樓)]
🌏 NWL – Web link

The NWL (Zhonghua minguo funü lianhehui 中華民國婦女聯合會, abbrev. fulianhui 婦聯會 or fulian zonghui 婦聯總會, 🏁—zhuren weiyuan 主任委員) was established on April 17, 1950 as Chinese Women's Anti-Aggression League (Zhonghua funü fangong kang E lianhehui 中華婦女反共抗俄聯合會, abbrev. CWAAL). It was renamed Chunghwa Women's Anti-Aggression League (Zhonghua funü fangong lianhehui 中華婦女反共聯合會) in 1964, the current name was adopted in 1996.

Part of the NWL's funds came from public donations to support the military (laojun juankuan 勞軍捐款), a large proportion of that was by imports and exports associations whose members donated certain percentages on the US dollar value of all imported goods between 1955 and 1989. With the apportioned amount, the NWL built housing compounds for military families, established the Hua Hsing Children's Home (huaxing yuyouyuan 華興育幼院) in 1955 and the Cheng Hsin General Hospital (zhenxing yiyuan 振興醫院) in 1967, made clothes and provided daily necessities to soldiers in service, organized visits to encourage soldiers at the front line and provided services for soldiers' families. Since the 1990s NWL has been focusing on social welfare, and its Social Welfare Foundation (fulian shefu jijinhui 婦聯社福基金會) was set up in 1997.

NWL presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
4/1950—10/2003 Soong May-ling 宋美齡1897-2003Shanghai
2004—12/2017Koo Yen Cho-yun 辜嚴倬雲 1920-2025 Fujian
12/2017—C. Joanna Lei 雷倩b. 1958Taiwan/Jiangxi

Fighting for survival

The NWL has been a major target of investigation by the Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee (CIPAS). After the original NWL leadership was removed from office on Dec. 22, 2017 by order of ROC MOI minister Yeh Jiunn-rong 葉俊榮, the new leadership of NWL on Dec. 29, 2017 signed an MOU with the MOI and CIPAS, agreeing to donate 90 percent of its assets to the national coffers and submit to public oversight by holding new elections for the boards of the NWL's foundations and organizations, including the Hua Hsing Children's Home, the NWL Foundation for the Hearing Impaired (tingzhang wenjiao jijinhui 聽障文教基金會) and the Hua Xia Women's Foundation (huaxia funü wenjiao jijinhui 華夏婦女文教基金會), with one-third of the board members being government officials. The remaining assets of NWL are to be donated to its subsidiary—the NWL Social Welfare Foundation—after deducting severance payments and administrative expenditures for its pending dissolution.

On Jan. 31, 2018 an NWL extraordinary general meeting voted 31-28 against signing an administrative contract with the ROC government about the NWL's dissolution, transferring the bulk of its assets and submitting to public oversight. The following day the CIPAS declared the NWL a KMT affiliate and decided to freeze its assets. On Nov. 27, 2018 the Taipei High Administrative Court decided to unfreeze the NWL's assets. On March 19, 2019 the CIPAS ordered the NWL to return NT$38.7 billion of its assets to the state within 30 days, after the properties were determined to have been obtained through illegal means. On May 11, 2021, the CIPAS also confiscated the headquarters of the NWL’s Social Welfare Foundation, transferring its title to the state.

Furthermore, the NWL is required to transition into a political party by Dec. 7, 2019 or be dissolved according to the Political Parties Act (zhengdangfa 政黨法) which came into effect on Dec. 6, 2017. On Oct. 16, 2019 the NWL voted against transitioning into a political party at a provisional members' meeting, instead it is mulling transforming itself into a public welfare foundation. On April 27, 2020 the MOI ordered the NWL to be disbanded, but the NWL refused to comply, and on May 27, 2020 the Taipei High Administrative Court ruled that the NWL's disbandment should be injuncted. On Nov. 9, 2022, the court ruled to rescind the disbandment order issued by the MOI.

The NWL has contested all three rulings made by CIPAS—i. e. deeming NWL as a KMT party affiliate; confiscating NWL assets exceeding US$1.5 billion; and confiscating the headquarters of the NWL Social Welfare Foundation. As of November 2022, all three cases are sub judice in the Taipei High Administrative Court.

Please note that the NWL should not be confused with the Taipei-based Chinese Women's Federation (Zhonghua funü lianhehui 中華婦女聯合會) which was founded in 2013 with a focus on the interests of spouses from the PRC living in Taiwan.

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Awakening Foundation

Awakening Foundation 婦女新知基金會
4 F., No. 264 Longjiang Road,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10477, Taiwan ROC
[10477 台北市中山區龍江路 264 號 4 樓]
🌏 Awakening Foundation – Web link

The Awakening Foundation (caituan faren funü xinzhi jijinhui 財團法人婦女新知基金會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established after the end of martial law in the ROC in 1987. Its founding members were a group of Taiwanese women who had published the "Awakening Magazine" (funü xinzhi zazhi 婦女新知雜誌) since February 1982.

Awakening Foundation chairwomen

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1987–1989Lee Yuan-chen 李元貞b. 1946N/A
1989–1991Po Ching-jung 薄慶容N/AN/A
1991–1993Wu Chia-li 吳嘉麗N/AN/A
1993–1997Yu Mei-nu 尤美女b. 1955N/A
1997–1999Ku Yen-lin 顧燕翎N/AN/A
1999Jennifer Wang Ju-hsuan 王如玄b. 1961Taiwan
2000–2001Su Chien-ling 蘇芊玲b. 1956Taiwan
2002–2003Hsieh Yuan 謝園N/AN/A
2004–2007Huang Tsang-ling 黃長玲N/AN/A
2008–2009Fan Yun 范雲b. 1968N/A
2010–2011Yang Wan-ying 楊婉瑩N/AN/A
2012–2013Chen Chao-ju 陳昭如N/AN/A
1/2014—1/2016Chen Yi-chien 陳宜倩N/AN/A
1/2016—1/2018Shen Hsiu-hua 沈秀華N/AN/A
1/2018—Wang Shu-yung 王舒芸b. N/AN/A

The Awakening Foundation can be regarded as Taiwan's foremost organization working for women's rights and gender equality, and it was the driving force behind new legislation as the "Act of Gender Equality in Employment" (liangxing gongzuo pingdengfa 兩性工作平等法, promulgated on Jan. 16, 2002) and the "Gender Equity Education Act" (xingbie pingdeng jiaoyufa 性別平等教育法, promulgated on June 23, 2004), among others.

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Garden of Hope Foundation

Garden of Hope Foundation 勵馨社會福利事業基金會
1 F., No. 2-1 Shun'an Street,
Xindian District, New Taipei City 23143, Taiwan ROC
[23143 新北市新店區順安街 2-1 號 1 樓]
🌏 Garden of Hope Foundation – Web link

The Garden of Hope Foundation (lixin shehui fuli shiye jijinhui 勵馨社會福利事業基金會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established in 1988 in Taiwan by a group of Christians headed by American missionary Angie Golmon as a non-government, not-for-profit organization to help and empower disadvantaged girls and women in Taiwan. One major focus is assistance to those living under sexual exploitation and abuse, domestic violence, and human trafficking, including both Taiwanese citizens and immigrants from Southeast Asia.

Garden of Hope Foundation chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1988–1996Shang Cheng-chung 商正宗b. 1933N/A
1997–2008Su Shih-tsung 蘇希宗N/AN/A
2009–2014Chen Yu-chia 陳宇嘉N/AN/A
2015–2017Liao Chun-sung 廖俊松N/AN/A
2018—Lin Ching-wen 林靜文b. N/AN/A

The foundation has led and participated in several multi-organizational efforts to draft and pass key bills, including the Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act (ertong ji shaonian xingjiaoyi fangzhi tiaoli 兒童及少年性交易防制條例, abbrev. ershao tiaoli 兒少條例) in 1995, the Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act (xing qinhai fanzui fangzhifa 性侵害犯罪防治法) in 1997 and the Domestic Violence Prevention Act (jiating baoli fangzhifa 家庭暴力防治法) in 1998. It also actively participates in Taiwan's UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) working group and the UN Commission on the Status of Women and the associated NGO panels.

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Collective Of Sex Workers And Supporters (COSWAS)

Collective Of Sex Workers And Supporters (COSWAS) 日日春關懷互助協會
P. O. Box 223 Taipei Xiyuan, Taipei City 10899, Taiwan ROC
[10899 台北西園郵局第 223 號信箱]
🌏 COSWAS – Web link

COSWAS (ririchun guanhuai huzhu xiehui 日日春關懷互助協會, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) was established on April 30, 1999 based on the Taipei Association of Licensed Prostitutes (Taibei shi gongchang zijiuhui 台北市公娼自救會, abbrev. TALPs) which had been set up in September 1997 by former prostitute and activist Kuan Hsiu-chin 官秀琴 / “Sister Kuan” 官姊 (1954-2006).

The Taipei City government under then-mayor Chen Shui-bian on Sept. 4, 1997 had announced a ban on legal prostitution which was officially carried out two days later, affecting two legal public brothel zones in the districts of Wanhua (especially around Snake Alley 華西街) and Datong. Chen lost re-election on Dec. 5, 1998, and his successor Ma Ying-jeou on Jan. 26, 1999 granted a two-year grace period that was supposed to allow sex workers time to find alternative employment. Licensed prostitution in Taipei ended on March 28, 2001.

No listed address, no leadership directory

In response to a query from the chief researcher, COSWAS stated that it would not disclose its office address to the public, mainly to protect sex workers from exposure. A complete list of COSWAS leaders is not available either.

In the past, COSWAS used the location of the brothel Wen Meng Lou (文萌樓)—No. 139 Guisui Street, Datong District, Taipei City 10358, Taiwan ROC [10358 台北市大同區歸綏街 139 號]—as office address. The brothel stopped providing prostitution services in 2001, the building was designated a historic site by the Taipei City government on Dec. 20, 2006 and is now under protection according to the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act (wenhua zichan baocunfa 文化資產保存法).

Legality issues

According to 2011 amendments to the Social Order Maintenance Act (shehui zhixu weihufa 社會秩序維護法), prostitution is not generally banned by law, but a sex trade venue (xing jiaoyi changsuo 性交易場所) would have to be registered and licensed. Sex trade would only be allowed in so-called sex districts (xing jiaoyi quyu 性交易區域) which would have to be designated by the local government. While there were still several legal brothels (gongchangguan 公娼館) throughout Taiwan in 2011, the last legal brothel—the Tiantianle (天天樂) in Taoyuan City—closed in June 2022. No city or county government in the ROC has currently designated a sex district, rendering prostitution de facto illegal in the ROC.

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Foundation for Women's Rights Promotion and Development (FWRPD)

Foundation for Women's Rights Promotion and Development 財團法人婦女權益促進發展基金會 (FWRPD) / Taiwan Women's Center台灣國家婦女館
9 F., No. 15 Hangzhou South Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10050, Taiwan ROC
[10050 台北市中正區杭州南路 1 段 15 號 9 樓]
🌏 FWRPD – Web link

The FWRPD (caituan faren funü quanyi cujin fazhan jijinhui 財團法人婦女權益促進發展基金會, abbrev. fuquan jijinhui 婦權基金會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on May 6, 1997 by the ROC Executive Yuan. FWRPD is dedicated to the enhancement and development of women's rights and funded by the ROC government, and it is regarded as the most important non-profit organization promoting gender mainstreaming in Taiwan, contributing to the development and execution of Gender Impact Assessment (GIA) there. Another senior position in FWRPD is CEO (zhixingzhang 執行長).

FWRPD chairpersons

Tenure started Name Born/Died Native Province
12/1999Liu Chao-shiuan 劉兆玄b. 1943Sichuan/Hunan
4/2001Lai In-jaw 賴英照b. 1946Taiwan
4/2002Yu Cheng-hsien 余政憲b. 1959Taiwan
4/2004Su Jia-chyuan 蘇嘉全b. 1956Taiwan
2/2006Lee Yi-yang 李逸洋b. 1955Taiwan
6/2008Liao Liou-yi 廖了以b. 1947Taiwan
10/2009Jiang Yi-huah 江宜樺b. 1960Taiwan
3/2012Lee Hong-yuan 李鴻源b. 1956Taiwan
11/2013Chiu Wen-ta 邱文達b. 1950Taiwan
4/2015Chiang Been-huang 蔣丙煌b. 1951N/A
7/2016Lin Tzou-yien 林奏延b. 1948Taiwan
3/2017—Chen Shih-chung 陳時中b. 1952Taiwan

The FWRPD also operates the Taiwan Women's Center (Taiwan guojia funüguan 台灣國家婦女館) which was set up on March 8, 2008. Please note that the FWRPD so far never had a female chairperson.

And while the ROC has had a female president, it so far never had a female premier or a female legislative speaker.

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Taipei Women's Rescue Foundation (TWRF)

Taipei Women's Rescue Foundation (TWRF) 婦女救援基金會
10 F., No. 240 Minsheng West Road,
Datong District, Taipei City 10356, Taiwan ROC
[10356 台北市大同區民生西路 240 號 10 樓]
🌏 TWRF – Web link

TWRF (caituan faren Taibeishi funü jiuyuan shehui fuli shiye jijinhui 財團法人台北市婦女救援社會福利事業基金會, short: funü jiuyuan jijinhui 婦女救援基金會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was formally registered in September 1988 based on the Taiwan Women's Rescue Association (Taiwan funü jiuyuan xiehui 台灣婦女救援協會) which had been set up on Aug. 2, 1987. TWRF's mission is to provide legal consultation and counseling to girls and women in the sex trade, and to help them return to their families and society. The foundation has been a pioneer in the effort to eliminate the trafficking of women in Taiwan and works to eradicate child prostitution. Another leading position in TWRF is CEO (zhixingzhang 執行長).

TWRF chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1987–1988Shen Mei-chen 沈美真b. 1959Taiwan
1988–1993Wang Ching-feng 王清峰b. 1952Taiwan
1993–1994Chen Yi-chen 陳怡真N/AN/A
9/1994—3/1998Shen Mei-chen (second time)
3/1998—9/1998Lee Tzu-chun 李子春N/AN/A
1998–2000Chuang Kuo-ming 莊國明b. 1954N/A
2000–2002Lin Fang-hao 林方晧N/AN/A
2002–2006Liao Ying-chih 廖英智N/AN/A
2006–2008Yeh Yu-lan 葉毓蘭b. 1958Taiwan
2009–2010Liao Ying-chih (second time)
2011–2016Huang Shu-ling 黃淑玲N/AN/A
2016—Theresa Der-lan Yeh 葉德蘭b. N/AN/A

On Dec. 10, 2016 the foundation established the Ama Museum (amajia – heping yu nüxing renquanguan 阿嬤家 - 和平與女性人權館) in Taipei which was opened to the public on March 8, 2017 and is dedicated to Taiwan’s “comfort women” (weianfu 慰安婦)—girls and women forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese before and during WWII. Due to financial difficulties the museum was closed on Nov. 10, 2020.

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National Alliance of Taiwan Women's Associations (NATWA)

National Alliance of Taiwan Women's Associations (NATWA) 台灣婦女團體全國聯合會
6~7 F., No. 9 Aiguo West Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10042, Taiwan ROC
[10042 台北市中正區愛國西路 9 號 6 樓之 7]
🌏 NATWA – Web link

The NATWA (Taiwan funü tuanti quanguo lianhehui 台灣婦女團體全國聯合會, abbrev. Taiwan fuquanhui 台灣婦全會) was established on April 15, 2001 and is the only umbrella group for organizations promoting women's interests across the island of Taiwan. NATWA is both a non-governmental organization and a non-profit organization.

NATWA chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
4/2001—4/2005Yu Mei-nu 尤美女b. 1955N/A
4/2005—4/2009Chen Man-li 陳曼麗b. 1955Taiwan
4/2009—4/2013Lily Lin 林理俐N/AN/A
4/2013—4/2017Yang Fang-wan 楊芳婉b. 1956Taiwan
4/2017—4/2019Chen Shui-hui 陳秀惠b. 1962Taiwan
4/2019—Chen Show-feng 陳秀峯b. N/AN/A

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Taiwan Association of Family Caregivers (TAFC)

Taiwan Association of Family Caregivers (TAFC) 中華民國家庭照顧者關懷總會
4-A F., No. 8 Fushun Street,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10452, Taiwan ROC
[10452 台北市中山區撫順街 8 號 4 樓之 A]
🌏 TAFC – Web link

The TAFC (Zhonghua minguo jiating zhaoguzhe guanhuai zonghui 中華民國家庭照顧者關懷總會, abbrev. jiazong 家總, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) was established on June 23, 1996 by a group of scholars, experts and professionals concerned about family caregivers. While in Taiwan the disabled are usually cared for by family members, society has been widely ignoring their dedication and contributions. Another senior position in the TAFC is secretary-general (mishuzhang 秘書長).

TAFC presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
6/1996—6/1998Cao Ai-lan 曹愛蘭N/AN/A
6/1998—6/2002Lu Bao-jing 呂寶靜N/AN/A
6/2002—6/2004Fu Li-yeh 傅立葉b. 1959Taiwan
6/2004—6/2008Chen Jin-ling 陳金玲N/AN/A
6/2008—6/2012Frank Tsen-yung Wang 王增勇N/AN/A
6/2012—6/2017Chen Chen-fen 陳正芬N/AN/A
6/2017—Kuo Tsu-ann 郭慈安b. 1967Taiwan

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Child Welfare League Foundation (CWLF)

Child Welfare League Foundation (CWLF) 財團法人中華民國兒童福利聯盟文教基金會
7 F., No. 21 Lane 583, Ruiguang Road,
Neihu District, Taipei City 11492, Taiwan ROC
[11492 台北市內湖區瑞光路 583 巷 21 號 7 樓]
🌏 CWLF – Web link

The CWLF (caituan faren Zhonghua minguo ertong fuli lianmeng wenjiao jijinhui 財團法人中華民國兒童福利聯盟文教基金會, abbrev. ermeng 兒盟, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was founded in December 1991. Besides advocacy, CWLF provides over 25 different services for children and families. The organization endeavors to help each kid through adversity while supporting and empowering families. Another senior position in CWLF is CEO (zhixingzhang 執行長).

CWLF chairperson

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
12/1991—Lin Jih-jia 林志嘉b. 1958N/A

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Taiwan International Workers' Association (TIWA)

Taiwan International Workers' Association (TIWA) 台灣國際勞工協會
1 F., No. 10 Lane 3, Dehui Street,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10461, Taiwan ROC
[10461 台北市中山區德惠街 3 巷 10 號 1 樓]
🌏 TIWA – Web link

TIWA (Taiwan guoji laogong xiehui 台灣國際勞工協會, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) was established on Oct. 30, 1999 as the first local NGO in Taiwan to work for the rights of both foreign spouses and migrant workers. Its main goals are to promote cooperation between migrant and local workers, to improve the working conditions and social environment for migrant workers in Taiwan, and to increase workers' rights and benefits. TIWA also fights the racism and classism within Taiwanese society by organizing cultural events such as musical and dance concerts, cooking classes, poetry contests, and photo workshops, in order to challenge negative stereotypes of Southeast Asians in Taiwan. The members of TIWA are experienced labor activists and members of local unions.

TIWA chairpersons

Tenure started Name Born/Died Native Province
10/1999Susan Chen 陳素香b. 1960N/A
11/2007Ku Yu-ling 顧玉玲b. 1967Taiwan
8/2010Wu Jing-ju 吳靜如N/AN/A
1/2014Wu Yong-yi 吳永毅b. 1956N/A
10/2015—Susan Chen (second time)

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Taiwan Social Welfare League

Taiwan Social Welfare League 社團法人台灣社會福利總盟
5-3 F., No. 28 Hangzhou North Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10049, Taiwan ROC
[10049 台北市中正區杭州北路 28 號 5 樓之 3]
🌏 Taiwan Social Welfare League – Web link

The Taiwan Social Welfare League (shetuan faren Taiwan shehui fuli lianmeng 社團法人台灣社會福利總盟, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) was established on June 24, 2007 as a non-profit organization. The League's leading position is sometimes referred to in English as "director" or "director-general".

Taiwan Social Welfare League chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/2007—3/2013Pai Hsiu-hsiung 白秀雄b. 1941Taiwan
5/2013—2/2016Wu Yu-chin 吳玉琴b. 1964Taiwan
2/2016—Chen Chieh-ju 陳節如b. 1944Taiwan

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Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights (TAPCPR)

Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights (TAPCPR) 社團法人台灣伴侶權益推動聯盟
No. 188 Jingfu Street,
Wenshan District, Taipei City 11673, Taiwan ROC
[11673 台北市文山區景福街 188 號]
🌏 TAPCPR – Web link

The TAPCPR (shetuan faren Taiwan banlü quanyi tuidong lianmeng 社團法人台灣伴侶權益推動聯盟, abbrev. banlümeng 伴侶盟, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長), set up in 2009, was formally registered by the MOI as an "aggregate corporation" (shetuan faren 社團法人) in August 2012. It was formed by the Awakening Foundation (funü xinzhi jijinhui 婦女新知基金會), the Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association (Taiwan tongzhi zixun rexian xiehui 台灣同志諮詢熱線協會), the Tong-Kwang Light House Presbyterian Church (tongguang tongzhi changlao jiaohui 同光同志長老教會) and other LGBT and gender-related organizations advocating equality of gender and sexual orientation, in concert with many other individual passionate activists for equality. Please note that many sources refer to TAPCPR's president with the Chinese title "CEO" (zhixingzhang 執行長).

TAPCPR president

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/2012—Victoria Hsu 許秀雯b. 1972Taiwan

The road to marriage equality

TAPCPR is one of the main driving forces in Taiwan for proposing amendments to the Civil Code (minfa 民法) in connection with "same-sex marriage, civil partnerships, and multiple-person families".

On May 24, 2017 the ROC Constitutional Court made its interpretation (shixian 釋憲) No. 748 in response to petitions filed by citizen Chi Chia-wei 祁家威 and the Taipei City Government, ruling in favour of same-sex marriage and ordering a revision of the Civil Code within two years. Soon after that landmark ruling most (but not all) county-level governments began to issue same-sex partnership certificates, and on June 21, 2017 the MOI announced that same-sex couples would be allowed to complete household registration nationwide outside their area of residence as of July 3, 2017 in order to serve same-sex couples living in areas where local governments still refused to accept such registrations.

While the supporters of marriage equality in Taiwan suffered a major setback due to the outcome of nationwide referendums pertaining to the issue on Nov. 24, 2018, the ROC Judicial Yuan on Nov. 29, 2018 stated that relevant laws cannot contradict Constitutional Interpretation No. 748, regardless the referendum results. On May 17, 2019 the ROC Legislative Yuan passed the "Act for Implementation of J. Y. Interpretation No. 748" (sifayuan shizi di qisiba hao jieshi shixingfa 司法院釋字第七四八號解釋施行法), legalizing same-sex marriage effective May 24, 2019—the first country in Asia to do so. ROC President Tsai Ing-wen signed the bill into law on May 22, 2019.

In addition to the TAPCPR and the Awakening Foundation, organizations and groups which are promoting marriage equality include the following:

👍 Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association, set up on June 28, 1998;
👍 Taiwan Gender Equity Education Association (Taiwan xingbie pingdeng jiaoyu xiehui 台灣性別平等教育協會, abbrev. TGEEA), est. Nov. 16, 2002;
👍 Taiwan LGBT Family Rights Advocacy (Taiwan tongzhi jiating quanyi cujinhui 台灣同志家庭權益促進會), founded in 2005 based on the Alliance of Lesbian Mothers (nü tongzhi mama lianmeng MSN shequn 女同志媽媽聯盟 MSN 社群) which came into existence in 2005; and
👍 Marriage Equality Coalition Taiwan (hunyin pingquan dapingtai 婚姻平權大平台), established in November 2016, renamed Taiwan Equality Campaign (caihong pingquan dapingtai 彩虹平權大平台) on May 6, 2020.

Organizations and groups opposing same-sex marriage include the following:

👎 Bread of Life Christian Church (lingliangtang 靈糧堂), set up in September 1954 in Taipei;
👎 Family Guardian Coalition (Taiwan zongjiao tuanti aihu jiating da lianmeng 台灣宗教團體愛護家庭大聯盟, abbrev. hujiameng 護家盟), est. Sept. 7, 2013;
👎 Coalition for the Happiness of Our Next Generation (xiayidai xinfu lianmeng 下一代幸福聯盟), est. Nov. 30, 2013;
👎 Faith and Hope League (xinxin xiwang lianmeng 信心希望聯盟, abbrev. FHL), est. Sept. 6, 2015; and
👎 Interfaith Union (zonghua jiaoxin lianmeng 宗華教信聯盟 aka zongjiao lianmeng 宗教聯盟, abbrev. IFU), sometimes also referred to in English as National Religious Alliance, est. May 16, 2017.

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Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation

Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation 佛教慈濟慈善事業基金會
No. 1 Lane 88, Jingshe Street,
Xincheng Township, Hualien County 97150, Taiwan ROC
[97150 花蓮縣新城鄉精舍街 88 巷 1 號]
🌏 Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation – Web link

The Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation (fojiao ciji cishan shiye jijinhui 佛教慈濟慈善事業基金會, 🏁—fuzeren 負責人) aka Tzu Chi was established on May 14, 1966. It is an international humanitarian organization and NGO with an international network of volunteers and employees that has been awarded a special consultative status at the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation head

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
5/1966—Cheng Yen 釋證嚴b. 1937Taiwan

Tzu Chi Foundation has several sub-organizations such as the Tzu Chi International Medical Association (guoji ciji renyihui 國際慈濟人醫會, abbrev. TIMA) and the Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth Association (ciji dazhuan qingnian 慈濟大專青年), and the foundation is active in international disaster relief work. Tzu Chi's founder Cheng Yen 釋證嚴 was born under the name Wang Chin-yun 王錦雲 and became a Buddhist nun in 1963.

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Buddha's Light International Association ROC

Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order 佛光山寺
No. 153 Xingtian Road,
Dashu District, Kaohsiung City 84049, Taiwan ROC
[84049 高雄市大樹區興田路 153 號]
🌏 Buddha's Light International Association ROC – Web link

The Buddha's Light International Association ROC (guoji foguanghui Zhonghua zonghui 國際佛光會中華總會, 🏁—zonghuizhang 總會長) is Taiwan's branch of Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA), a Buddhist monastic and lay organization established in 1992. The organization is associated with the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order (foguangshan si 佛光山寺), the largest Buddhist organization in Taiwan which was set up in 1967, and it is active in international disaster relief work. In 2003, BLIA was granted the NGO association status by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the UN Department of Public Information (DPI).

Buddha's Light International Association presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1992–1998Hsing Yun 釋星雲1927-2023Jiangsu
1998–2004Wu Po-hsiung 吳伯雄b. 1939Taiwan
2004–2009Hsin Ting 釋心定b. 1944Taiwan
2010–2012Chen Miao-sheng 陳淼勝b. 1949Taiwan
2013—Nancy Chao 趙麗雲b. 1951Taiwan

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Taiwan Falun Dafa Association

Taiwan Falun Dafa Association 台灣法輪大法學會
4 F., No. 12 Lane 131, Hangzhou South Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10057, Taiwan ROC
[10057 台北市中正區杭州南路 1 段 131 巷 12 號 4 樓]
The image on the right shows the Falun Dafa emblem.
🌏 Taiwan Falun Dafa Association – Web link

Taiwan Falun Dafa Association (Taiwan falun dafa xuehui 台灣法輪大法學會, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) was established on Sept. 5, 1999, less than two months after the large-scale crackdown of PRC authorities against its mainland-based parent organization began. Core principles of the Falun Gong 法輪功 movement are zhen 真 (truthfulness), shan 善 (compassion/benevolence) and ren 忍 (forbearance/tolerance).

Presidents of Taiwan Falun Dafa Association

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1999–2014 Chang Ching-hsi 張清溪b. 1947N/A
2014— Flora Chang 張錦華b. 1955N/A

China's public enemy

Falun Gong has been banned in the PRC for more than two decades. After more than 10,000 Falun Gong supporters had rallied in front of Zhongnanhai 中南海 (the CCP headquarters in Beijing) on April 25, 1999, protesting the arrest of 45 of their fellow believers in Tianjin, the CCP-led PRC regime launched a massive crackdown against the movement on July 20, 1999 and outlawed the Falun Dafa Research Society (falun dafa yanjiuhui 法輪大法研究會) two days later. Falun Gong practitioners have repeatedly been assaulted in Taiwan by hardline pro-unification activists.

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Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation (CCKF)

Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange/CCKF 蔣經國國際學術交流基金會
13 F., No. 65 Dunhua South Road Sec. 2,
Daan District, Taipei City 10682, Taiwan ROC
[10682 台北市大安區敦化南路 2 段 65 號 13 樓]
🌏 CCKF – Web link

The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange / CCKF (Jiang Jingguo guoji xueshu jiaoliu jijinhui 蔣經國國際學術交流基金會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on Jan. 12, 1989 by officials of the KMT.

CCKF chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
9/1989—1994Li Kwoh-ting 李國鼎1910-2001Jiangsu
1994—4/2000Yu Kuo-hwa 俞國華1914-2000Zhejiang
4/2000—6/2010Li Yih-yuan 李亦園b. 1931Fujian
6/2010—Mao Kao-wen 毛高文b. 1936Zhejiang

The stated motivation for the foundation stems from professors of Chinese descent at American universities becoming concerned about the decline of programs of Chinese studies at colleges and universities overseas, and their desire to reverse this situation. The foundation was patterned after the Fulbright Program in the United States, and its principal goals are to foster the overseas study of Chinese culture and society, to support international scholarly exchange, to promote widespread attention to and understanding of Taiwan, and to promote academic dialogue on global issues. CCKF aims to support pure scholarship while working towards the preservation of Chinese culture and adhere to the principle of awarding grants solely on the basis of academic merit. The foundation also has a regional office in McLean (Virginia) in the US. Another leading position in the CCKF is president (zhixingzhang 執行長).

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General Association of Chinese Culture (GACC)

National Cultural Association (NCA) 中華文化總會
No. 15 Chongqing South Road Sec. 2,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10066, Taiwan ROC
[10066 台北市中正區重慶南路 2 段 15 號]
🌏 GACC – Web link
Older logo

The Chinese Cultural Renaissance Movement (Zhonghua wenhua fuxing yundong 中華文化復興運動) was initiated in Taiwan in response to the "Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution" (wuchan jieji wenhua dageming 無產階級文化大革命) which CCP boss Mao Zedong 毛澤東 (1893-1976) had orchestrated in the mid-1960s in the PRC. The movement in Taiwan was coordinated by the Chinese Cultural Renaissance Committee (Zhonghua wenhua fuxing yundong tuixing weiyuanhui 中華文化復興運動推行委員會, abbrev. wenfuhui 文復會 in Chinese and CCRC in English), founded on July 28, 1967. After the establishment of the CCA on Nov. 11, 1981 the CCRC lost its significance and influence, and Lee Teng-hui replaced it with the National Cultural Association (Zhonghua wenhua fuxing yundong zonghui 中華文化復興運動總會, abbrev. wenhua zonghui 文化總會 in Chinese and NCA in English) in December 1990. The Chinese name of the NCA was changed to guojia wenhua zonghui 國家文化總會 on Dec. 19, 2006 and to Zhonghua wenhua zonghui 中華文化總會 (🏁—huizhang 會長) on Dec. 30, 2010. The English name GACC was adopted in March 2011. Another senior position in the GACC is secretary-general (mishuzhang 秘書長).

GACC presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1967—4/1975 Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石1887-1975Zhejiang
4/1975—3/1990Yen Chia-kan 嚴家淦1905-1993Jiangsu
11/1990—9/2000Lee Teng-hui 李登輝1923-2020Taiwan
9/2000—11/2008Chen Shui-bian 陳水扁b. 1950Taiwan
11/2008—1/2010Ma Ying-jeou 馬英九b. 1950Hong Kong/Hunan
1/2010—11/2016Liu Chao-shiuan 劉兆玄b. 1943Sichuan/Hunan
3/2017—Tsai Ing-wen 蔡英文b. 1956Taiwan

GACC secretary-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1967—8/1981Ku Feng-hsiang 谷鳳翔1907-1989Chahar
8/1981—3/1991Chen Chi-lu 陳奇祿1923-2014Taiwan
3/1991—2001Huang Shih-cheng 黃石城b. 1935Taiwan
2001–2002Huang Hwei-chen 黃輝珍b. 1954Taiwan
2002—1/2005Shu Chin-chiang 蘇進強b. 1953Taiwan
1/2005—11/2008Tchen Yu-chiou 陳郁秀b. 1949Taiwan
11/2008—3/2017Yang Du 楊渡b. 1958Taiwan
3/2017—Lin Jin-chang 林錦昌b. 1967Taiwan

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National Culture and Arts Foundation (NCAF)

National Culture and Arts Foundation (NCAF) 財團法人國家文化藝術基金會
Room 202, 2 F., No. 136 Renai Road Sec. 3,
Daan District, Taipei City 10657, Taiwan ROC
[10657 台北市大安區仁愛路 3 段 136 號 2 樓 202 室]
🌏 NCAF – Web link

The NCAF (caituan faren guojia wenhua yishu jijinhui 財團法人國家文化藝術基金會, abbrev. guoyihui 國藝會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established in January 1996 as a ROC government-funded non-profit organization with the stated aim of creating a healthier environment in Taiwan for the development of culture and the arts. The NCAF is led by a board of directors (dongshihui 董事會) and served by a board of supervisors (jianshihui 監事會). Another senior post in NCAF is CEO (zhixingzhang 執行長).

NCAF chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1996—7/1997Chen Chi-lu 陳奇祿1923-2014Taiwan
7/1997—6/2000Chin Hsiao-yi 秦孝儀1921-2007Hunan
6/2000—1/2001 Hsu Tsang-houei 許常惠1929-2001Taiwan
1/2001—9/2001Han Pao-teh 漢寶德1934-2014Shandong
9/2001—1/2003Chen Chi-nan 陳其南b. 1947Taiwan
1/2003—12/2004Lin Mun-lee 林曼麗b. 1954Taiwan
1/2004—12/2007Lee Kuei-shien 李魁賢b. 1937Taiwan
1/2008—12/2010Huang Ming-chuan 黃明川b. 1955Taiwan
1/2011—12/2016Stan Shih 施振榮b. 1944Taiwan
1/2017—Lin Mun-lee (second time)

The NCAF provides grants, funding, and other assistance to individuals and non-profit organizations involved in literature, the visual arts, music, dance, traditional and contemporary theater, cultural heritage preservation, audio/video arts, and arts environment and development. The foundation also encourages the creation of innovative, groundbreaking, and experimental works that inform and reflect the zeitgeist.

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Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA)

Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA) 文化內容策進院
1 F., No. 133 Guangfu South Road,
Xinyi District, Taipei City 11072, Taiwan ROC (South Tobacco Factory)
[11072 台北市信義區光復南路 133 號(松山創意園區 南向製菸工廠 1 樓)]
🌏 TAICCA – Web link

TAICCA (wenhua neirong cejinyuan 文化內容策進院, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was created after the Organizational Act of the Taiwan Creative Content Agency (wenhua neirong cejinyuan shezhi tiaoli 文化內容策進院設置條例) was promulgated on Jan. 9, 2019, the first meetings of directors and supervisors were convened on June 17 that year. The agency is under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture, and its main duty is supporting the production of cultural content, fostering sectorwide cooperation and the uptake of new technology in related industries. It focuses on three major themes—"cultural content development and production", "improvement of the system of cultural finance" and "exploration of domestic and overseas channels", it has been tasked with eight core missions accordingly: 1) Cultural Content Development and Application; 2) Improvement of Cultural Financial System; 3) Industrial Talent Development and Innovative Startup; 4) Production Support and Facility Management; 5) Exploration of Domestic and International Channels; 6) Global Marketing and Branding of Taiwanese Contents; 7) Intellectual Property and Copyright Guidance; and 8) Research and Statistics of Cultural Contents Industry Trends. Another senior position in TAICCA is president (yuanzhang 院長).

TAICCA chairperson

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
6/2019—5/2022Ting Hsiao-ching 丁曉菁N/AN/A
5/2022—3/2023Kevin Peng 彭俊亨b. N/AN/A
3/2023—Homme Tsai 蔡嘉駿b. 1970N/A

TAICCA presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
6/2019—9/2019 @Ting Hsiao-ching 丁曉菁N/AN/A
9/2019—12/2020Hu Ching-fang 胡晴舫N/AN/A
12/2020—5/2021 @Ting Hsiao-ching (second time acting)
6/2021—Izero Lee 李明哲b. N/AN/A

TAICCA has the following subdivisions:

  Content Lab (chanye cejinchu 產業策進處),
  Department of Administration (xingzheng guanlichu 行政管理處),
  Department of Global Marketing (quanqiu shichangchu 全球市場處),
  Department of Investment and Finance (wenhua jinrongchu 文化金融處),
  Department of Strategy and Research (celüe yanjiuchu 策略研究處);
  Department of Accounting (caiwushi 財務室), and
  Department of Public Relations (gonggong guanxishi 公共關係室).

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Tang Prize Foundation

Tang Prize Foundation 財團法人唐獎教育基金會
2 F., No. 308 Bade Road Sec. 2,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10492, Taiwan ROC
[10492 台北市中山區八德路 2 段 308 號 2 樓]
🌏 Tang Prize Foundation – Web link

The Tang Prize Foundation (caituan faren tangjiang jiaoyu jijinhui 財團法人唐獎教育基金會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on Dec. 21, 2012 and funded with a NT$ 3 billion donation by Samuel Yin, chairman of the Ruentex Group (runtai jituan 潤泰集團). It was inspired by the Nobel Prize and honours laureates in four categories which the foundation deems critical in the 21st century:

  • Sustainable Development (yongxu fazhan 永續發展),
  • Biopharmaceutical Science (shengji yiyao 生技醫藥),
  • Sinology (hanxue 漢學), and
  • Rule of Law (fazhi 法治).

Another top position in the leadership of the Tang Prize Foundation is CEO (zhixingzhang 執行長).

Tang Prize Foundation chairman

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
12/2012—Samuel Yin 尹衍樑b. 1950Taiwan/Shandong

Tang Prize Foundation CEO

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2013—Chern Jenn-chuan 陳振川b. 1954Fujian

The Tang Prize (tangjiang 唐獎) was formally launched on Jan. 28, 2013, and cash prizes of NT$ 50 million for the winner(s) of each category are scheduled to be presented every two years. The winners for the 2014 and 2016 Tang Prize were selected by Academia Sinica based on the originality and impact of their achievements, irrespective of nationality or ethnicity. On April 5, 2017 the Academia Sinica announced it was handing over the task of selecting the winners to the Tang Prize Foundation. The winners of the first Tang Prize were announced June 18–21, 2014 and received their medals and diplomas in an award ceremony conducted in Taipei's National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall (guoli guofu jinianguan 國立國父紀念館) on Sept. 18, 2014.

2014 Tang Prize laureates

  • Sustainable Development—Gro Harlem Brundtland (b. 1939, Norway)
  • Biopharmaceutical Science—James P. Allison (b. 1948, USA), Tasuku Honjo 本庶佑 (b. 1942, Japan) [who both were announced as Nobel Prize for Medicine laureates on Oct. 1, 2018]
  • Sinology—Yu Ying-shih 余英時 (1930-2021, ROC/USA)
  • Rule of Law—Albert Louis "Albie" Sachs (b. 1935, South Africa)

2016 Tang Prize laureates

  • Sustainable Development—Arthur H. Rosenfeld (1926-2017, USA)
  • Biopharmaceutical Science—Feng Zhang 張鋒 (b. 1982, USA), Emmanuelle Charpentier (b. 1968, France), Jennifer Doudna (b. 1964, USA)
  • Sinology—William Theodore de Bary (1919-2017, USA)
  • Rule of Law—Louise Arbour (b. 1947, Canada)

2018 Tang Prize laureates

  • Sustainable Development—James Edward Hansen (b. 1941, USA), Veerabhadran Ramanathan (b. 1944, India/USA)
  • Biopharmaceutical Science—Tony Hunter (b. 1943, UK), Brian J. Druker (b. 1955, USA), John Mendelsohn (1936-2019, USA)
  • Sinology—Shiba Yoshinobu 斯波 義信 (b. 1930, Japan), Stephen Owen (b. 1946, USA)
  • Rule of Law—Joseph Raz (1939-2022, Israel)

2020 Tang Prize laureates

  • Sustainable Development—Jane Goodall (b. 1934, UK)
  • Biopharmaceutical Science—Charles A. Dinarello (b. 1943, USA), Marc Feldmann (b. 1944, Australia), Kishimoto Tadamitsu 岸本 忠三 (b. 1939, Japan)
  • Sinology—Wang Gungwu 王賡武 (b. 1930, Indonesia/Australia)
  • Rule of Law—Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association (BELA) [Bangladesh], Dejusticia [Colombia], The Legal Agenda [Lebanon]

2022 Tang Prize laureates

  • Sustainable Development—Jeffrey D. Sachs (b. 1954, USA)
  • Biopharmaceutical Science—Pieter Cullis (b. 1946, Canada), Katalin Karikó (b. 1955, Hungary/USA), Drew Weissman (b. 1959, USA)
  • Sinology—Jessica Rawson (b. 1943, UK)
  • Rule of Law—Cheryl Saunders (b. 1944, India/Australia)

2024 Tang Prize laureates

  • Sustainable Development—Omar M. Yaghi (b. 1965, Jordan)
  • Biopharmaceutical Science—Joel F. Habener (b. 1937, USA), Svetlana Mojsov (b. 1947, North Macedonia), Jens Juul Holst (b. 1945, Denmark)
  • Sinology—Hsu Cho-yun 許倬雲 (b. 1930, ROC)
  • Rule of Law—Mary Robinson (b. 1944, Ireland)

TOP   HOME    [◆ NGOs/Non-profit institutions]

Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute (TFAI)

Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute (TFAI) 行政法人國家電影及視聽文化中心
No. 2 Wenyi Road,
Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City 24251, Taiwan ROC
[24251 新北市新莊區文藝路 2 號]
🌏 TFAI – Web link
Older TFAI logo
—associated with previous address (before November 2021):
4 F., No. 7 Qingdao East Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10051, Taiwan ROC
[10051 台北市中正區青島東路 7 號 4 樓]
TFI logo

TFAI (guojia dianying ji shiting wenhua zhongxin 國家電影及視聽文化中心, abbrev. guoying 國影, 🏁: dongshizhang 董事長) was founded in 1978 under the name Film Library of the Motion Picture Development Foundation (Zhonghua minguo dianying shiye fazhan jijinhui fushe dianying tushuguan 中華民國電影事業發展基金會附設電影圖書館, 🏁: guanzhang 館長), with the help of the Government Information Office (GIO). It was renamed National Film Archive (Zhonghua minguo dianying shiye fazhan jijinhui fushe dianying ziliaoguan 中華民國電影事業發展基金會附設電影資料館, 🏁: guanzhang 館長) in 1989, and in May 1991 it split from the Motion Picture Development Foundation and was subsequently placed under the purview of the National Film Archive Foundation (guojia dianying ziliaoguan jijinhui 國家電影資料館基金會). It was reorganized as Taiwan Film Institute (caituan faren guojia dianying zhongxin 財團法人國家電影中心, abbrev. TFI) on July 28, 2014. On Dec. 10, 2019 the ROC Legislative Yuan passed a bill that would transform the TFI from a foundation into an MOC-supervised administrative public body (xingzheng faren 行政法人) and expand its status as a national film and audio-visual culture center, and the TFAI was set up accordingly on May 19, 2020. On Jan. 7, 2022 it was upgraded from an incorporated foundation to an administrative public entity in a ceremony attended by ROC president Tsai Ing-wen.

TFAI chairperson

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
5/2020—Lan Tsu-wei 藍祖蔚b. N/A N/A

TFAI directors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
4/1978—3/1989Hsu Li-kung 徐立功b. 1943Henan
3/1989—8/1996Ray Jiing 井迎瑞N/AN/A
8/1996—8/2000Edmond Wong 黃建業b. 1954Guangdong
8/2000—6/2011Winston Lee 李天礢N/AN/A
7/2011—7/2013Chang Jinn-pei 張靚蓓N/AN/A
8/2013—7/2016Lin Wen-chi 林文淇N/AN/A
9/2016—7/2019Chen Pin-chuan 陳斌全N/AN/A
7/2019—Wang Chun-chi 王君琦b. N/AN/A

In addition to administrative units, the subdivisions of TFAI include the following:

  Department of Acquisition and Preservation (diancangzu 典藏組),
  Department of Administration (xingzhengzu 行政組),
  Department of Digital Restoration (shuwei xiufuzu 數位修復組),
  Department of Documentary (jilupian zu 紀錄片組),
  Department of Education and Public Services (tuiguangzu 推廣組),
  Department of International Promotion (guojizu 國際組), and
  Department of Research and Development (yanjiuzu 研究組).

Furthermore, there are a board of directors (dongshihui 董事會) headed by the chairperson as well as a board of supervisors (jianshihui 監事會). Another senior position in TFAI is director (zhixingzhang 執行長).

The TFAI and its predecessor institutions since 1978 organized the Golden Harvest Awards (jinsuijiang 金穗獎), short for Golden Harvest Awards for Outstanding Short Films (jiangli youliang yingxiang chiangzuo jinsuijiang 獎勵優良影像創作金穗獎).

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Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE)

Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE) 台灣永續能源研究基金會
5 F., No. 355 Lane 11 Guangfu North Road,
Songshan District, Taipei City 10560, Taiwan ROC
[10560 台北市松山區光復北路 11 巷 35 號 5 樓]
🌏 TAISE – Web link

The TAISE (Taiwan yongxu nengyuan yanjiu jijinhui 台灣永續能源研究基金會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was initiated and funded by advocates of sustainable energy, and it was officially approved for founding on Oct. 31, 2007. Its aims include raising public awareness on climate change, facilitating research and development of sustainable energy, and promoting sustainable energy infrastructure.

TAISE chairman

Tenure started Name Born/Died Native Province
10/2007—Eugene Y. H. Chien 簡又新b. 1946Taiwan

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◆ Selected universities

The following universities and related organizations are presented below:

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There are more than 140 universities and colleges in the Taiwan area today. Several of them are included in the annual QS World University Rankings compiled by the U.K.-headquartered Quacquarelli Symonds Intelligence Unit and listing the world's top 1,000 institutions from 82 countries and territories based on six indicators: academic reputation, citations per faculty, employee reputation, faculty-to-student ratio, international faculty ratio and international student ratio. As for the most recent rankings which were released on June 19, 2019, the standing of Taiwanese institutions was as follows:

Rank Institution Abbrev. City
69 National Taiwan University NTU Taipei
173 National Tsing Hua University NTHU Hsinchu
225 National Cheng Kung University NCKU Tainan
227 National Chiao Tung University NCTU Hsinchu
251 National Taiwan University of Science and Technology NTUST Taipei
287 National Yang-Ming University NYMU Taipei
331 National Taiwan Normal University NTNU Taipei
379 Taipei Medical University TMU Taipei
410 National Sun Yat-sen University NSYSU Kaohsiung
427 National Central University NCU Taoyuan
484 Chang Gung University CGU Taoyuan

The U.K.-headquartered Times Higher Education released another survey titled "Emerging Economies University Rankings" on Jan. 7, 2019, evaluating 442 institutions in 43 countries and territories around the world and featuring nine Taiwanese universities, using 13 indicators in five main categories—teaching, research, citations, international outlook and industry income, which refers to a university's ability to support industry with innovation.

Rank Institution Abbrev. City
10 National Taiwan University NTU Taipei
28 National Chiao Tung University NCTU Hsinchu
34 National Taiwan University of Science and Technology NTUST Taipei
37 National Tsing Hua University NTHU Hsinchu
 " Taipei Medical University TMU Taipei
39 National Cheng Kung University NCKU Tainan
40 China Medical University CMU Taichung
46 National Taiwan Normal University NTNU Taipei
81 National Yang-Ming University NYMU Taipei

Two alliances of major Taiwanese universities should be mentioned here. The University System of Taiwan (Taiwan lianhe daxue xitong 台灣聯合大學系統, abbrev. UST) was formally established on Jan. 24, 2008, the Taiwan Comprehensive University System (Taiwan zonghe daxue xitong 台灣綜合大學系統, abbrev. TCUS) aka Taiwan T4 Alliance was set up on Nov. 5, 2011.

Current members of the UST

 National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) in Hsinchu City,
 National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) in Hsinchu City/Taipei,
 National Central University (NCU) in Taoyuan, and
 National Chengchi University (NCCU) in Taipei.

Current members of the TCUS

 National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in Tainan,
 National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) in Taichung,
 National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) in Kaohsiung, and
 National Chung Cheng University (CCU) in Chiayi County.

In addition to Taiwanese universities which are included in global rankings, a selection of noteworthy universities which are not further introduced in this database is listed below. An "N" in that list represents a national (i. e. state-run) university, a "P" represents a private university.

Institution Abbrev. N/P City / county
Aletheia University 真理大學 P New Taipei City
Chinese Culture University 中國文化大學 CCU P Taipei
Chung Hua University 中華大學 CHU P Hsinchu City
Feng Chia University 逢甲大學 FCU P Taichung
I-Shou University 義守大學 ISU P Kaohsiung
Ming Chuan University 銘傳大學 MCU P Taipei
National Dong Hwa University 國立東華大學 NDHU N Hualien
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology 國立屏東科技大學 NPUST N Pingtung
National Taiwan Ocean University 國立台灣海洋大學 NTOU N Keelung
National Taiwan University of Arts 國立台灣藝術大學 NTUA N New Taipei City
Providence University 靜宜大學 PU P Taichung
Shih Chien University 實踐大學 USC P Taipei/Kaohsiung
Soochow University 東吳大學 P Taipei
Tamkang University 淡江大學 TKU P New Taipei City
Tunghai University 東海大學 THU P Taichung
Tzu Chi University 慈濟大學 TCU P Hualien City
Yuan Ze University 元智大學 YZU P Taoyuan

TOP   HOME    [◆ Universities]

University System of Taiwan (UST)

University System of Taiwan (UST) 台灣聯合大學系統
No. 155 Linong Street Sec. 2,
Beitou District, Taipei City 11221, Taiwan ROC
[11221 台北市北投區立農街 2 段 155 號] => at National Yang-Ming University (NYMU)
🌏 UST – Web link

The UST (Taiwan lianhe daxue xitong 台灣聯合大學系統, 🏁—xitong xiaozhang 系統校長) was established on Jan. 24, 2008. It comprises the National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU), the National Central University (NCU), and—since Feb. 1, 2021—the National Chengchi University (NCCU).

UST chancellors

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2008—2012Yan-hwa Wu Lee 吳妍華b. 1948Taiwan
5/2012—Ovid J. L. Tzeng 曾志朗b. 1944Taiwan

UST has are the following administrative subdivisions:

  Steering Committee (xitong weiyuanhui 系統委員會), and
  System Office (xitong bangongshi 系統辦公室).

TOP   HOME    [◆ Universities]

Taiwan Comprehensive University System (TCUS)

Taiwan Comprehensive University System (TCUS) 台灣綜合大學系統
No. 1 University Road,
East District, Tainan City 70101, Taiwan ROC
[70101 台南市東區大學路 1 號] => at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)
🌏 TCUS – Web link

The TCUS (Taiwan zonghe daxue xitong 台灣綜合大學系統, 🏁—xitong xiaozhang 系統校長) aka Taiwan T4 Alliance was established in 2011, its founding president was appointed on Nov. 5, 2011. It comprises the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), the National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), the National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU), and the National Chung Cheng University (CCU).

TCUS presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
11/2011—Paul C. W. Chu 朱經武b. 1941Hunan

TCUS has the following administrative subdivisions:

  Advisory Committee (zixun weiyuanhui 諮詢委員會),
  Executive Committee (zhixing weiyuanhui 執行委員會);
  Administration Center (xingzheng zhongxin 行政中心);
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室);
  Academic Affairs Working Circle (jiaowuchu gongzuotuan 教務處工作團),
  Accounting Affairs Working Circle (zhujishi gongzuotuan 主計室工作團),
  General Affairs Working Circle (zongwuchu gongzuotuan 總務處工作團),
  Information Security Working Circle (zian gongzuotuan 資安工作團),
  International Affairs Working Circle (guojichu gongzuotuan 國際處工作團),
  Library Affairs Working Circle (tushuguan gongzuotuan 圖書館工作團),
  Research and Development Working Circle (yanfachu gongzuotuan 研發處工作團),
  Secretariat Affairs Working Circle (mishushi gongzuotuan 秘書室工作團), and
  Student Affairs Working Circle (xuewuchu gongzuotuan 學務處工作團).

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National Taiwan University (NTU)

National Taiwan University (NTU) 國立台灣大學
No. 1 Roosevelt Road Sec. 4,
Daan District, Taipei City 10617, Taiwan ROC
[10617 台北市大安區羅斯福路 4 段 1 號]
🌏 NTU – Web link

The NTU (guoli Taiwan daxue 國立台灣大學, abbrev. Taida 台大, 🏁—xiaozhang 校長) was founded on March 17, 1928 by the Japanese as the Taihoku Imperial University (Taibei diguo daxue 台北帝國大學). After the defeat of Japan at the end of WWII in August 1945, it was reorganized by the new ROC administration and renamed; the takeover was completed on Nov. 15, 1945. Today, NTU is widely regarded as Taiwan's most prestigious university.

NTU presidents since 1945

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
10/1945—8/1946Lo Tsung-lo 羅宗洛1898-1978Zhejiang
8/1946—5/1948Loh Tse-hong 陸志鴻1897-1973Zhejiang
6/1948—12/1948Chuang Chang-kung 莊長恭1894-1962Fujian
12/1948—1/1949 @Tu Tsung-ming 杜聰明1893-1986Taiwan
1/1949—12/1950 Fu Ssu-nien 傅斯年1896-1950Shandong
12/1950—3/1951 @Shen Kang-po 沈剛伯1896-1977Hubei
3/1951—5/1970Chien Shih-liang 錢思亮1908-1983Henan
6/1970—7/1981Yen Chen-hsing 閻振興1912-2005Henan
8/1981—7/1984Yu Chao-chung 虞兆中b. 1915Jiangsu
8/1984—2/1993Sun Chen 孫震b. 1934Shandong
2/1993—6/1993 @Kou Guang-hsiung 郭光雄b. 1941Taiwan
6/1993—6/2005Chen Wei-jao 陳維昭b. 1939Taiwan
6/2005—6/2013Lee Si-chen 李嗣涔b. 1952Taiwan
6/2013—6/2017Yang Pan-chyr 楊泮池b. 1954N/A
6/2017—9/2017 @Chang Ching-ray 張慶瑞b. 1957Taiwan
10/2017—1/2019 @Kuo Tei-wei 郭大維b. 1964Taiwan
1/2019—1/2023Kuan Chung-ming 管中閔b. 1956Taiwan
1/2023—Chen Wen-chang 陳文章b. 1963Taiwan

The NTU has the following colleges, administrative units and research centers:


  College of Bio-Resources & Agriculture (shengwu ziyuan ji nongxueyuan 生物資源暨農學院),
  College of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (dianji zixun xueyuan 電機資訊學院),
  College of Engineering (gongxueyuan 工學院),
  College of Law (falü xueyuan 法律學院),
  College of Liberal Arts (wenxueyuan 文學院),
  College of Life Science (shengming kexueyuan 生命科學院),
  College of Management (guanli xueyuan 管理學院),
  College of Medicine (yixueyuan 醫學院),
  College of Public Health (gonggong weisheng xueyuan 公共衛生學院),
  College of Science (lixueyuan 理學院),
  College of Social Sciences (shehui kexueyuan 社會科學院); and
  School of Veterinary Medicine (shouyi zhuanye xueyuan 獸醫專業學院).

There is also a School of Dentistry (yayi zhuanye xueyuan 牙醫專業學院) under the NTU College of Medicine. Furthermore, there is a Risk Society and Policy Research Center (fengxian shehui yu zhengce yanjiu zhongxin 風險社會與政策研究中心, abbrev. RSPRC) under the NTU which was established in July 2006 as Social Policy Research Center (shehui zhengce yanjiu zhongxin 社會政策研究中心) and renamed in November 2013. In addition, the NTU lists a Center for General Education (gongtong jiaoyu zhongxin 共同教育中心) on its website. And on Oct. 28, 2019 the US Department of Defense under its National Security Education Program (NSEP) opened the Chinese Overseas Flagship Center in Taiwan (Meiguo guojia zhongwen linghang xiangmu Taiwan zhongxin 美國國家中文領航項目台灣中心, abbrev. COF) at NTU to foster exchanges between the US and Taiwan.

Following the promulgation of the National Key Fields Industry-University Cooperation and Skilled Personnel Training (guojia zhongdian lingyu chanxue hezuo ji rencai peiyu chuangxin tiaoli 國家重點領域產學合作及人才培育創新條例) on May 28, 2021, the NTU set up the Graduate School of Advanced Technology (zhongdian keji yanjiu xueyuan 重點科技研究學院) which was inaugurated on Dec. 24, 2021. Three additional semiconductor research colleges (bandaoti xueyuan 半導體學院) have been established since the promulgation of the law—the Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufacturing (zhihui bandaoti ji yongxu zhizao xueyuan 智慧半導體及永續製造學院) under the NCKU on Oct. 22, 2021, the Industry Academia Innovation School (chanxue chuangxin yanjiu xueyuan 產學創新研究學院, abbrev. IAIS) under NYCU on Dec. 21, 2021, and the College of Semiconductor Research (bandaoti yanjiu xueyuan 半導體研究學院) under NTHU on Dec. 27, 2021.

On Oct. 21, 2023 NTU faculty and student representatives voted 59-51 in favor of a proposal to establish a College of International Political Economy to be shelved. Nevertheless, a new International School of Politics and Economics (guoji zhengjing xueyuan 國際政經學院) was established on May 6, 2024 in the presence of ROC President Tsai Ing-wen.

Administrative units

  Office of Academic Affairs (jiaoyuchu 教務處),
  Office of Financial Affairs (caiwu guanlichu 財務管理處),
  Office of General Affairs (zingwuchu 總務處),
  Office of International Affairs (guoji shiwuchu 國際事務處),
  Office of Research & Development (yanjiu fazhanchu 研究發展處),
  Office of Student Affairs (xuesheng shiwuchu 學生事務處);
  Accounting Department (zhujishi 主計室)
  Office of Internal Audits (jiheshi 稽核室)
  Office of the President (xiaozhangshi 校長室),
  Office of the Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室),
  Personnel Department (renshishi 人事室);
  Center for Environmental Safety & Health (huanbao ji anwei zhongxin 環保暨安衛中心),
  Computer & Information Networking Center (jisuanji ji zixun wanglu zhongxin 計算機及資訊網路中心);
  NTU Library (tushuguan 圖書館), and
  NTU Press (chuban zhongxin 出版中心).

NTU research centers

  Animal Resource Center (shiyan dongwu ziyuan zhongxin 實驗動物資源中心),
  Biodiversity Research Center (shengwu duoyangxing yanjiu zhongxin 生物多樣性研究中心),
  Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Sciences (lilun kexue yanjiu zhongxin 理論科學研究中心),
  Center for Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Robotics (rengong zhihui yu jiqiren yanjiu zhongxin 人工智慧與機器人研究中心),
  Center for Biotechnology (shengwu jishu yanjiu zhongxin 生物技術研究中心),
  Center for Condensed Matter Sciences (ningtai kexue yanjiu zhongxin 凝態科學研究中心, abbrev. CCMS),
  Center for Emerging Material and Advanced Devices (xinxing wuzhi yu qianzhan yuanjian keji yanjui zhongxin 新興物質與前瞻元件科技研究中心, abbrev. CEMAD),
  Center for Functional Image and Interventional Therapy, MOEA/Angiogenesis and Interventional Therapy Research Center, NTU (gongneng yingxiang ji jieru zhiliao yanjiu zhongxin 功能影像及介入治療研究中心),
  Center for Indigenous Studies (yuanzhu minzu yanjiu zhongxin 原住民族研究中心),
  Center for Information and Electronics Technologies (zixun dianzi keji zhenghe yanjiu zhongxin 資訊電子科技整合研究中心),
  Center for Innovative Therapeutics Discovery (chuangxin yaowu yanjiu zhongxin 創新藥物研究中心),
  Center for Population and Gender Studies (renkou yu xingbie yanjiu zhongxin 人口與性別研究中心),
  Center for Public Policy and Law (gonggon zhengce yu falü yanjiu zhongxin 公共政策與法律研究中心),
  Center for Quantum Science and Engineering (liangzi kexue yu gongcheng yanjiu zhongxin 量子科學與工程研究中心),
  Center for Research in Econometric Theory and Applications (jihua lilun yu yingyong yanjiu zhongxin 計量理論與應用研究中心, abbrev. CRETA),
  Center for Systems Biology (xitong shengwuxue yanjiu zhongxin 系統生物學研究中心),
  Center for Technology Policy and Industry Development (keji zhengce yu chanye fazhan yanjiu zhongxin 科技政策與產業發展研究中心),
  Center for the Advancement of the Humanities and Social Sciences (renwen shehui kexue fazhan zhongxin 人文社會科學發展中心),
  Center for Weather Climate and Disaster Research (qihou tianqi zaihai yanjiu zhongxin 氣候天氣災害研究中心),
  Center of Innovation and Synergy for Intelligent Home and Living Technology (zhihui shenghuo keji zhenghe yu chuangxin yanjiu zhongxin 智慧生活科技整合與創新研究中心),
  European Union Centre in Taiwan (Taiwan Ouzhou lianmeng zhongxin 臺灣歐洲聯盟中心),
  FinTech@NTU (jinrong keji yanjiu zhongxin 金融科技研究中心),
  Health Data Research Center (jiankang ziliao yanjiu zhongxin 健康資料研究中心),
  Health Science & Wellness Center (jiankang kexue yu shenghuo yanjiu zhongxin 健康科學與生活研究中心),
  Innovative Photonics Advanced Research Center (guangdian chuangxin yanjiu zhongxin 光電創新研究中心),
  Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (renwen shehui gaodeng yanjiuyuan 人文社會高等研究院),
  International Center of Excellence in Cancer Research (kuaguo dingjian aizheng yanjiu zhongxin 跨國頂尖癌症研究中心),
  International Center of Excellence in Intelligent Robotics and Automation Research (zhihui jiqiren ji zidonghua guoji yanjiu zhongxin 智慧機器人及自動化國際研究中心, abbrev. iCeiRA),
  Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (Liang Cizhen yuzhouxue yu lizi tianwen wulixue zhongxin 梁次震宇宙學與粒子天文物理學中心, abbrev. LeCosPa),
  National Center for Theoretical Sciences (guojia lilun kexue yanjiu zhongxin 國家理論科學研究中心, abbrev. NCTS),
  Neurobiology & Cognitive Science Center (shenjing shengwu yu renzhi kexue yanjiu zhongxin 神經生物與認知科學研究中心, abbrev. NCSC),
  NTU Center for Biomedical Ethics (shengyi lunli zhongxin 生醫倫理中心),
  NTU Centers of Genomic and Precision Medicine (jiyinti ji jingzhun yixue yanjiu zhongxin 基因體暨精準醫學研究中心),
  NTU Developmental Biology and Regenerative Medicine (fayu shengwuxue yu zaisheng yixue yanjiu zhongxin 發育生物學與再生醫學研究中心),
  NTU Energy Research Center (nengyuan yanjiu zhongxin 能源研究中心),
  NTU IoX Center (zhihui lianwang chuangxin yanjiu zhongxin 智慧聯網創新研究中心),
  NTU Molecular Imaging Center (fenzi shengyi yingxiang yanjiu zhongxin 分子生醫影像研究中心),
  NTU Research and Development Center for Medical Devices (yiliao qicai yanjiu zhongxin 醫療器材研發中心),
  NTU YongLin Institute of Health (yongling jiankang yanjiuyuan 永齡健康研究院),
  Ocean Center NTU (haiyang zhongxin 海洋中心),
  Research Center for Digital Humanities (shuwei renwen yanjiu zhongxin 數位人文研究中心),
  Research Center of Climate Change and Sustainable Development (qihou qianbian yu yongxu fazhan yanjiuzhongxin 氣候變遷與永續發展研究中心),
  Smart Health Technology Research and Development Center (zhihui jiankang keji yanfa zhongxin 智慧健康科技研發中心),
  Stanley Wang D-School@NTU (chuangxin sheji xueyuan 創新設計學院), and
  Taidah Entrepreneurship Center (chuangyi chuangye zhongxin 創意創業中心, abbrev. TEC).

Some research centers are managed by the NTU in cooperation with other organizations:

  Chemistry Promotion Center, NSTC (guokehui ziransi huaxue tuidong zhongxin 國科會自然司化學推動中心),
  Children and Family Research Center, sponsored by CTBC Charity Foundation (Zhongguo xintuo cishan jijinhui ershao ji jiating yanjiu zhongxin 中國信託慈善基金會兒少暨家庭研究中心),
  MOHW-NTU Infectious Diseases Research and Education Center (weisheng fulibu ji guoli Taiwan daxue chuanranbing fangzhi yanjiu ji jiaoyu zhongxin 衛生福利部暨國立臺灣大學傳染病防治研究及教育中心),
  MOST Joint Research Center for AI Technology and All Vista Healthcare (rengong zhihui jishu ji quanfujiankang zhaohu lianhe yanjiu zhongxin 人工智慧技術暨全幅健康照護聯合研究中心),
  National Center for Food Safety Education Research, MOHW (weisheng fulibu guojia shipin anquan jiaoyu ji yanjiu zhongxin 衛生福利部國家食品安全教育暨研究中心),
  National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, NARLabs (guojia shiyan yanjiuyuan guojia dizhen gongcheng yanjiu zhongxin 國家實驗研究院國家地震工程研究中心), and
  Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, NSTC (guokehui renwen shehui kexue yanjiu zhongxin 國科會人文社會科學研究中心).

NTU versus MOE

The NTU president election committee (taida xiaozhang linxuan weiyuanhui 台大校長遴選委員會) on Jan. 5, 2018 appointed Kuan Chung-ming NTU president, scheduled to take office on Feb. 1, 2018. The MOE did not confirm the appointment and on April 27, 2018 rejected it following a series of allegations related to possible conflicts of interest in the selection process, plagiarism and a teaching stint in the PRC. The MOE called the selection process 'flawed' and asked for the NTU to start the selection process over again. The NTU expressed its strong objection and regret over the MOE's decision. On Dec. 24, 2018 the MOE changed its stance and approved Kuan's appointment as NTU president. The following day MOE minister Yeh Jiunn-rong tendered his resignation, Kuan took office on Jan. 8, 2019. On Jan. 15 that year the ROC Control Yuan passed a motion in a 7-4 vote to impeach Kuan over an alleged violation of a law that bans public servants from taking side jobs.

TOP   HOME    [◆ Universities]

National Chengchi University (NCCU)

National Chengchi University (NCCU) 國立政治大學
No. 64 Zhinan Road Sec. 2,
Wenshan District, Taipei City 11605, Taiwan ROC
[11605 台北市文山區指南路 2 段 64 號]
🌏 NCCU – Web link

The NCCU (guoli zhengzhi daxue 國立政治大學, abbrev. zhengda 政大, 🏁—xiaozhang 校長) can be traced back to May 20, 1927 when the KMT approved the establishment of a Central School of Party Affairs (zhongyang dangwu xuexiao 中央黨務學校). That Nanjing-based institution was renamed Central School of Governance (zhongyang zhengzhi xuexiao 中央政治學校) on June 27, 1929. Following the merger with the Central School of Cadre (zhongyang ganbu xuexiao 中央幹部學校) in 1946, the NCCU was formally established in 1947 with the official English name National Central University of Governance. After the retreat of the ROC government to Taiwan, the school was re-established in Taipei as NCCU on Nov. 24, 1954.

NCCU presidents since 1947

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1947–1949Ku Yu-hsiu 顧毓琇1902-2002Jiangsu
1949–1954Yang Hsi-chen 楊希震1902-1987Hubei
1954–1959Chen Tai-chi 陳大齊1886-1983Zhejiang
1959–1973Liu Chi-hung 劉季洪1904-1989Jiangsu
1973–1977Li Yuan-zu 李元簇1923-2017Hunan
1977–1986Ou-yang Hsun 歐陽勛1919-2014Hunan
1986–1989Chen Chih-shih 陳治世1923-1999Guangdong
1989–1994Chang King-yuh 張京育b. 1937Hunan
1994–2000Cheng Ting-wong 鄭丁旺b. 1942Taiwan
8/2000—7/2006Cheng Jei-cheng 鄭瑞城b. 1946Taiwan
8/2006—8/2014Wu Se-hwa 吳思華b. 1955N/A
8/2014—11/2014 @Lin Bih-jaw 林碧炤b. 1949Taiwan
11/2014—11/2018Edward H. Chow 周行一b. 1959Taiwan
11/2018—Kuo Ming-cheng 郭明政b. 1956Taiwan

The NCCU has the following colleges, administrative units and research centers:


  College of Commerce (shangxueyuan 商學院),
  College of Communication (chuanbo xueyuan 傳播學院),
  College of Education (jiaoyu xueyuan 教育學院),
  College of Foreign Languages and Literature (waiguo yuwen xueyuan 外國語文學院),
  College of International Affairs (guoji shiwu xueyuan 國際事務學院),
  College of Law (faxueyuan 法學院),
  College of Liberal Arts (wenxueyuan 文學院),
  College of Science (lixueyuan 理學院), and
  College of Social Sciences (shehui kexue xueyuan 社會科學學院),
  International College of Innovation (chuangxin guoji xueyuan 創新國際學院), and
  NCCU College (zhengda shuyuan 政大書院).

Administrative units

  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Internal Auditing Office (jiheshi 稽核室),
  Office of International Research (xiaowu yanjiu bangongsi 校務研究辦公室),
  Office of the President (xiaozhangshi 校長室),
  Office of the Vice Presidents (fuxiaozhangshi 副校長室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室),
  Physical Education Office (tiyushi 體育室);
  Office of Academic Affairs (jiaowuchu 教務處),
  Office of General Affairs (zongwuchu 總務處),
  Office of International Cooperation (guoji hezuo shiwuchu 國際合作事務處, abbrev. OIC),
  Office of Research and Development (yanjiu fazhanchu 研究發展處),
  Office of Student Affairs (xuesheng shiwuchu 學生事務處),
  Secretariat (mishuchu 秘書處);
  Gender Education Committee (xingbie pingdeng jiaoyu weiyuanhui 性別平等教育委員會);
  Libraries (tushuguan 圖書館);
  Center for Industry Collaboration and Innovation Incubation (chanxue yingyun ji chuangxin yucheng zongzhongxin 產學營運暨創新育成總中心),
  Center for Public and Business Administration Education (gonggong xingzheng ji qiye guanli jiaoyu zhongxin 公共行政及企業管理教育中心),
  Center of Teaching and Learning Development (jiaoxue fazhan zhongxin 教學發展中心),
  Chinese Language Center (huayuwen jiaoxue zhongxin 華語文教學中心),
  Computer Center (dianzi jisuanji zhongxin 電子計算機中心),
  Social Sciences Materials Center (shehui kexue ziliao zhongxin 社會科學資料中心);
  Affiliated High School (fushu gaoji zhongxue 附屬高級中學), and
  Experimental Elementary School (fushu shiyan guomin xiaoxue 附設實驗國民小學).

NCCU research centers

  Center for Aboriginal Studies (yuanzhu minzu yanjiu zhongxin 原住民族研究中心),
  Center for China Studies (Zhongguo dalu yanjiu zhongxin 中國大陸研究中心),
  Center for Creativity and Innovation Studies (chuangxin yu chuangzaoli zhongxin 創新與創造力中心),
  Center for Mind, Brain & Learning (xinzhi, danao yu xuexi yanjiu zhongxin 心智、大腦與學習研究中心),
  Center for the Study of Chinese Religions (huaren zongjiao yanjiu zhongxin 華人宗教研究中心),
  Center for the Third Sector (disan bumen yanjiu zhongxin 第三部門研究中心),
  Election Study Center (xuanju yanjiu zhongxin 選舉研究中心, abbrev. ESC),
  Humanities Research Center (renwen zhongxin人文中心),
  Institute of International Relations (guoji guanxi yanjiu zhongxin 國際關係研究中心),
  Taiwan Institute for Governance and Communication Research (Taiwan zhengjing chuanbo yanjiu zhongxin 台灣政經傳播研究中心), and
  Taiwan Studies Center (Taiwan yanjiu zhongxin 台灣研究中心).

TOP   HOME    [◆ Universities]

National Tsing Hua University (NTHU)

National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) 國立清華大學
Main campus 校本部校區: No. 101 Kuangfu Road Sec. 2,
East District, Hsinchu City 30013, Taiwan ROC
[30013 新竹市東區光復路 2 段 101 號];
Nanda campus 南大校區: No. 521 Nanda Road,
East District, Hsinchu City 30014, Taiwan ROC
[30014 新竹市東區南大路 521 號]
🌏 NTHU – Web link

The NTHU (guoli qinghua daxue 國立清華大學, 🏁—xiaozhang 校長) was set up in Taiwan after relocating there from the Chinese mainland. The original Tsinghua University (qinghua daxue 清華大學) in Beijing began admitting students again in 1978 following the end of the Cultural Revolution (wenhua dageming 文化大革命). Historically, NTHU can be traced back to the Tsinghua Academy (qinghua xuetang 清華學堂) which was founded in Beijing on March 30, 1911. It was renamed Tsinghua College (qinghua xuexiao 清華學校) in 1912, the name Tsinghua University (guoli qinghua daxue 國立清華大學) was adopted in 1928. The advance of Japanese forces prompted the institution’s evacuation to Changsha (Hunan province) in 1937 where it merged with Peking University (Beijing daxue 北京大學) and Nankai University (nankai daxue 南開大學) to Changsha Temporary University (guoli Changsha linshi daxue 國立長沙臨時大學). The school was moved to Kunming (Yunnan province) in 1938 and renamed National Southwestern Associated University (guoli xinan lianhe daxue 國立西南聯合大學). After the founding of the PRC in 1949, NTHU president Mei I-chi fled to Taiwan along with many of his professors, and the school was re-established in December 1955 as National Tsing Hua Institute of Nuclear Technology (yuanzi kexue yanjiusuo 原子科學研究所). Operations were formally resumed in Taiwan on July 1, 1956 under its current name.

On Nov. 22, 2024 it was announced that the NTHU would be merged with the Chung Hua University (zhonghua daxue 中華大學, abbrev. CHU) which faced declining enrollment. The plan has yet to go through the proper administrative procedures.

NTHU presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1956–1962 Mei I-chi 梅貽琦1889-1962Tianjin
1962–1969Chen Ko-chung 陳可忠1898-1992Fujian
1969–1970Yen Chen-hsing 閻振興1912-2005Henan
1970–1975Shu Shien-siu 徐賢修1912-2001Zhejiang
1975–1981Chang Ming-che 張明哲1914-1998Hubei
1981–1987Mao Kao-wen 毛高文b. 1936Zhejiang
1987–1993Liu Chao-shiuan 劉兆玄b. 1943Sichuan/Hunan
1993–1994 @R. C. T. Lee 李家同b. 1939Shanghai
1994–1997Shen Chun-shan 沈君山b. 1932Zhejiang
11/1997—2/1998 @Chen Hsin-hsiung 陳信雄b. 1944Taiwan
1998–2002Liu Chung-laung 劉炯朗b. 1934Guangdong
2002–2006Frank Hsia-san Shu 徐遐生1943-2023Yunnan/Zhejiang
2006–2010Chen Wen-tsuen 陳文村b. 1948Taiwan
2010–2014Lih J. Chen 陳力俊b. 1946Taiwan
2014—Hocheng Hong 賀陳弘b. 1958N/A

The NTHU has the following colleges, administrative offices, other units and research centers:


  College of Arts (yishu xueyuan 藝術學院),
  College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (dianji zixun xueyuan 電機資訊學院),
  College of Engineering (gongxueyuan 工學院),
  College of Humanities and Social Sciences (renwen shehui xueyuan 人文社會學院),
  College of Life Sciences (shengming kexueyuan 生命科學院),
  College of Nuclear Science (yuanzi kexueyuan 原子科學院),
  College of Science (lixueyuan 理學院),
  College of Technology Management (keji guanli xueyuan 科技管理學院),
  Hsinchu Teachers College (zhushi jiaoyu xueyuan 竹師教育學院), and
  Tsing Hua College (qinghua xueyuan 清華學院).

A College of Semiconductor Research (bandaoti yanjiu xueyuan 半導體研究學院) under NTHU was opened on Dec. 27, 2021.

Administrative offices

  Library (tushuguan 圖書館);
  Office of Academic Affairs (jiaowuchu 教務處),
  Office of Accounting (zhijishi 主計室),
  Office of General Affairs (zongwuchu 總務處),
  Office of Global Affairs (quanqiu shiwuchu 全球事務處),
  Office of Personnel (renshishi 人事室),
  Office of Research and Development (yanjiu fazhanchu 研究發展處),
  Office of Secretariat (mishuchu 秘書處), and
  Office of Student Affairs (xuewuchu 學務處).

Other units

  Center for Teacher Education (shizi peiyu zhongxin 師資培育中心),
  Computer & Communication Center (jisuanji yu tongxun zhongxin 計算機與通訊中心),
  Environment Protection and Occupational Safety and Sanitation Center (huan'an zhongxin 環安中心), and
  Operations Center for Industry Collaboration (guoji chanxue yingyun zong zhongxin 國際產學營運總中心).

NTHU research centers

  Advanced Packaging Center (xianjin fengzhuang zhongxin 先進封裝中心),
  Anfu Institute for Financial Engineering (anfu jinrong gongcheng yanjiu zhongxin 安富金融工程研究中心),
  Bioethics and Law Center (shengwu lunli yu falü yanjiu zhongxin 生物倫理與法律研究中心, abbrev. BLC),
  Bioinformatics Center (shengwu zixun zhongxin 生物資訊中心),
  Biomedical Science and Engineering Center (shengwu yixue keji yanfa zhongxin 生物醫學科技研發中心),
  Blockchain Law & Policy Center (qukuailian falü yu zhengce yanjiu zhongxin 區塊鏈法律與政策研究中心),
  Brain Research Center (naokexue yanjiu zhongxin 腦科學研究中心),
  Center for Contemporary China (dangdai Zhongguo yanjiu zhongxin 當代中國研究中心),
  Center for Energy and Environmental Research (nengyuan yu huanjing yanjiu zhongxin 能源與環境研究中心),
  Center for Finance and Risk Control Research (caiwu jinrong yu fengkong yanjiu zhongxin 財務金融與風控研究中心),
  Center for Higher Education Research (gaodeng jiaoyu yanjiu zhongxin 高等教育研究中心),
  Center for Nanotechnology, Materials Science and Microsystems (naiwei yu cailiao keji zhongxin 奈微與材料科技中心),
  Center for Science and Technology Policy (keji zhengce yanjiu zhongxin 科技政策研究中心),
  Center for Science, Technology and Society (keji yu shehui yanjiu zhongxin 科技與社會研究中心, abbrev. STS),
  Center for Service Innovation & Analytics (fuwu chuangxin yu fenxi yanjiu zhongxin 服務創新與分析研究中心),
  Center for Social Enterprise Research (shehui qiye yanjiu zhongxin 社會企業研究中心),
  Center of Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research (jishu chuangxin yu chuangye yanjiu zhongxin 技術創新與創業研究中心),
  Computer and Communication Research Center (diannao yu tongxun keji yanfa zhongxin 電腦與通訊科技研發中心),
  Economic Research Center on Globalization (quanqiuhua jingji yanjiu zhongxin 全球化經濟研究中心),
  Enterprise Logistics and e-Business Center (qiye yunchou yu dianzihua zhongxin 企業運籌與電子化中心),
  Fundamental Science Research Center (jichu kexue yanjiu zhongxin 基礎科學研究中心),
  Germination Center (mengya gongneng zhongxin 萌芽功能中心),
  High Entropy Materials Center (gaodi cailiao yanfa zhongxin 高熵材料研發中心),
  IC Design Technology Center (jiti dianlu sheji jishu yanfa zhongxin 積體電路設計技術研發中心),
  Instrumentation Center (guizhong yiqi shiyong zhongxin 貴重儀器使用中心) aka Instrument Center (guizhong yiqi zhongxin 貴重儀器中心),
  National Center for Theoretical Sciences (guojia lilun kexue yanjiu zhongxin 國家理論科學研究中心),
  Nuclear Science and Technology Development Center (yuanzi kexue jishu fazhan zhongxin 原子科學技術發展中心, abbrev. yunake zhongxin 原科中心),
  Photonics Research Center (guangdian yanjiu zhongxin 光電研究中心),
  Quality Research Center (pinzhi yanjiu zhongxin 品質研究中心, abbrev. QRC),
  Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences (renwen shehui yanjiu zhongxin 人文社會研究中心), and
  Scientific Instrument Center (kexue yiqi zhongxin 科學儀器中心).

Furthermore, there is a Artificial Intelligence for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Research Center (rengong zhihui zhizao xitong yanjiu zhongxin 人工智慧製造系統研究中心) that was established by the MOST on the NTHU campus on March 7, 2018.

On May 8, 2020 the NTHU signed a contract with a private foundation to establish the Taipei School of Economics and Political Science (Taibei zhengjing xueyuan 台北政經學院, abbrev. TSE), inspired by the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Pending MOE approval, TSE is supposed to enroll graduate students in the 2021-2022 school year, with all courses to be provided in English.

The MOE on Nov. 8, 2021 ordered the Cross-Strait Tsinghua Research Institute (qinghua haixia yanjiuyuan 清華海峽研究院)—which had been set up on the NTHU campus by the NTHU Alumni Association (Xinzhu qinghua xiaoyouhui 新竹清華校友會) in cooperation with the Xiamen City Government (in Fujian province, PRC) and the PRC’s Tsinghua University on April 28, 2016 without securing approval from the government—to be closed immediately after the National Security Bureau (NSB) reported that the institute was Chinese-funded and allegedly used to recruit talent for the PRC’s semiconductor industry, violating the Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area (Taiwan diqu yu dalu diqu renmin guanxi tiaoli 臺灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例).

TOP   HOME    [◆ Universities]

National Central University (NCU)

National Central University (NCU) 國立中央大學
No. 300 Zhongda Road,
Zhongli District, Taoyuan City 32001, Taiwan ROC
[32001 桃園市中壢區中大路 300 號]
🌏 NCU – Web link

The NCU (guoli zhongyang daxue 國立中央大學, 🏁—xiaozhang 校長) was founded in 1915 in Nanjing. After the Chinese Communists occupied the mainland, NCU was renamed Nanjing University (Nanjing daxue 南京大學) in 1949, while the KMT-led ROC authorities re-established the NCU on Taiwan in May 1962.

NCU presidents since 1962

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1962–1973Tai Yuin-kwei 戴運軌1897-1982Zhejiang
1973–1982Lee Hsin-min 李新民1915-2004Hunan
1982–1990Yu Chuan-tao 余傳韜b. 1928Hubei
1990–2003Liu Chao-han 劉兆漢b. 1939Hunan
2003–2006Liu Chuan-sheng 劉全生b. 1938Guangxi/Anhui
2006–2008Louis Lee 李羅權b. 1947Taiwan
2008–2012Chiang Wei-ling 蔣偉寧b. 1957Taiwan
2012 @Liu Gin-rong 劉振榮N/ATaiwan
2012–2013 @Joseph S. Lee 李誠N/AN/A
2013—Jou Jing-yang 周景揚b. 1957Taiwan

The colleges, administrative units and research centers of NCU are listed below.


  College of Earth Sciences (diqiu kexue xueyuan 地球科學學院),
  College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (zixun dianji xueyuan 資訊電機學院),
  College of Engineering (gongxueyuan 工學院),
  College of Hakka Studies (kejia xueyuan 客家學院),
  College of Health Sciences and Technology (shengyi ligong xueyuan 生醫理工學院),
  College of Liberal Arts (wenxueyuan 文學院),
  College of Management (guanli xueyuan 管理學院), and
  College of Science (lixueyuan 理學院).

Furthermore, the NCU website lists an Office of Teaching Centers (zong jiaoxue zhongxin 總教學中心).

Administrative units

  Accounting and Statistics Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Internal Audit Office (jiheshi 稽核室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室),
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室);
  Office of Higher Education Sprout Project (gaodeng jiaoyu shen'geng jihua bangongshi 高等教育深耕計畫辦公室),
  Office of Institutional Research (xiaowu yanjiu bangongshi 校務研究辦公室),
  Office of University Social Responsibility (shehui zeren bangongshi 社會責任辦公室);
  Office of Academic Affairs (jiaowuchu 教務處),
  Office of Student Affairs (xuesheng shiwuchu 學生事務處),
  Office of General Affairs (zongwuchu 總務處),
  Research and Development Office (yanjiu fazhanchu 研究發展處),
  Office of International Affairs (guoji shiwuchu 國際事務處);
  Library (tushuguan 圖書館);
  Center of Environmental Protection and Safety (huanjing baohu ji anquan weisheng zhongxin 環境保護暨安全衛生中心), and
  Computer Center (dianzi jisuanji zhongxin 電子計算機中心).

NCU research centers

  Center for Environmental Studies (huanjing yanjiu zhongxin 環境研究中心),
  Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research (taikong ji yaoce yanjiu zhongxin 太空及遙測研究中心),
  Communication Research Center (tongxun xitong yanjiu zhongxin 通訊系統研究中心),
  Humanities Center (renwen yanjiu zhongxin 人文研究中心),
  Optical Sciences Center (guangdian kexue yanjiu zhongxin 光電科學研究中心),
  Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (qianzhan keji yanjiu zhongxin 前瞻科技研究中心),
  Research Center for Taiwan Economic Development (Taiwan jingji yanjiu zhongxin 台灣經濟研究中心), and
  United Research Centers (lianhe yanjiu zhongxin 聯合研究中心).

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National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU)

Logos and addresses

Note: This paragraph is about an institution that came into being by merging two universities—National Chiao-Tung University (NCTU) and National Yang Ming University (NYMU). The NYCU website lists multiple campus addresses, and although a new logo for the NYCU has already appeared on the internet, it has not been officially published on the NYCU website yet.

NYCU logo (unofficial)
🌏 NYCU – Web link
Old logos: NCTU (left), NYMU (right) 

NYCU campus addresses

  • Guangfu Campus 新竹光復校區 (ex-NCTU): No. 1001 University Road, East District, Hsinchu City 30010, Taiwan ROC [30010 新竹市東區大學路 1001 號]
  • Yangming Campus 台北陽明校區 (ex-NYMU): No. 155 Linong Street Sec. 2, Beitou District, Taipei City 11221, Taiwan ROC [11221 台北市北投區立農街 2 段 155 號]
  • Boai Campus 新竹博愛校區 (ex-NCTU): No. 75 Boai Street, East District, Hsinchu City 30068, Taiwan ROC [30068 新竹市東區博愛街 75 號]
  • Liujia Campus 新竹六家校區 (ex-NCTU): No. 1 Liujia 5th Road Sec. 1, Chubei City, Hsinchu County 30272, Taiwan ROC [30272 新竹縣竹北市六家五路 1 段 1 號]
  • Taipei Campus 台北北門校區 (ex-NCTU): 4 F., No. 118 Zhongxiao West Road Sec. 1, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10044, Taiwan ROC [10044 台北市中正區忠孝西路 1 段 118 號 4 樓]
  • Tainan Campus 台南歸仁校區 (ex-NCTU): No. 301 Gaofa 3rd Road, Guiren District, Tainan City 71150, Taiwan ROC [71150 台南市歸仁區高發三路 301 號]
  • Lanyang Campus (Hospitals) 宜蘭蘭陽校區 附設醫院: Lanyang Hospital 蘭陽院區 (No. 169 Xiaoshe Road, Yilan City, Yilan County 26058, Taiwan ROC [26058 宜蘭縣宜蘭市校舍路 169 號]); Xinmin Hospital 新民院區 (No. 152 Xinmin Road, Yilan City, Yilan County 26042, Taiwan ROC [26042 宜蘭縣宜蘭市新民路 152 號])

About NYCU

The NYCU (guoli yangming jiaotong daxue 國立陽明交通大學, abbrev. yangming jiaoda 陽明交大, 🏁: xiaozhang 校長) was formally established on Feb. 1, 2021 with the merger of the National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) and the National Yang-Ming University (NYMU). NCTU and NYMU had agreed on a plan to merge the two universities on Sept. 18, 2019. The MOE approved the plan on June 24, 2020 and sent a letter approving the merger plus its budget on Aug. 12 that year.

On Dec. 21, 2021 the Industry Academia Innovation School (chanxue chuangxin yanjiu xueyuan 產學創新研究學院, abbrev. IAIS) under NYCU was inaugurated in Hsinchu city in the presence of ROC president Tsai Ing-wen.

NYCU president

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2/2021— Lin Chi-hung 林奇宏 b. 1961 N/A

Merger of websites lagging behind
Following the merger of NCTU and NYMU, the data on the new NYCU website concerning colleges and research centers are currently either inconsistent in regard of the website’s Chinese and English versions or have not yet been updated. For this reason only the administrative units of NYCU can be shown here, the colleges and research centers are introduced under the the respective predecessor schools.

Administrative units

Office of Academic Affairs (jiaowuchu 教務處),
Office of General Affairs (zongwuchu 總務處),
Office of International Affairs (guoji shiwuchu 國際事務處),
Office of Research and Development (yanjiu fazhanchu 研究發展處),
Office of Student Affairs (xuesheng shiwuchu 學生事務處),
Secretariat (mishuchu 秘書處);
Office of Accounting (zhujishi 主計室),
Office of Military Training (junxunshi 軍訓室),
Office of Personnel Management (renshishi 人事室),
Office of Physical Education (tiyushi 體育室);
Library (tushuguan 圖書館);
Big Data Research Center (xiaowu dashuju yanjiu zhongxin 校務大數據研究中心),
Center for Environmental Protection & Safety & Health (huanjing baohu ji anquan weisheng zhongxin 環境保護暨安全衛生中心),
Information Technology Service Center (zixun jishu fuwu zhongxin 資訊技術服務中心),
Laboratory Animal Center (shiyan dongwu zhongxin 實驗動物中心), and
Mental Health and Counseling Center (jiankang xinli zhongxin 健康心理中心).

The leading positions of President (xiaozhang 校長), Provost (xiaowuzhang 校務長), and Vice President (fuxiaozhang 副校長) are listed under the section Administration (xingzheng danwei 行政單位) of the NYCU website.

Remarks about National Chiao Tung University (NCTU)

The NCTU (guoli jiaotong daxue 國立交通大學, abbrev. jiaoda 交大) was established on Dec. 6, 1896 as Nanyang Public School (nanyang gongxue 南洋公學) in the suburbs of Shanghai and renamed NCTU in April 1921. While the original NCTU on the mainland was dissolved by the Chinese Communists in 1949, the school was re-established in Taiwan on June 1, 1958. The following list shows the presidents (xiaozhang 校長) of NCTU between 1958 and 2021.

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/1958—1967 Li Hsi-mou 李熙謀 1896-1975 Zhejiang
1967–1969 Choong Kow-kwong 鍾皎光 1907-1996 Guangdong
1969–1972 Liu Hao-chun 劉浩春 1910-1972 Jiangsu
1972 @ Kuo Nan-hung 郭南宏 b. 1936 Taiwan
1972–1978 Sheng Ching-lai 盛慶琜 1919-2018 Zhejiang
1978–1987 Kuo Nan-hung (second time)
5/1987—7/1992 Daniel Ta-nien Yuan 阮大年 b. 1940 Jiangsu
1992–1998 Den Chi-fu 鄧啟福 b. 1940 Hubei
1998–2006 Chang Chun-yen 張俊彥 b. 1937 Taiwan
8/2006—2/2007 Hwang Wei 黃威 N/A N/A
2/2007—1/2011 Wu Chung-yu 吳重雨 b. 1950 Taiwan
2/2011—7/2015 Yan-hwa Wu Lee 吳妍華 b. 1948 Taiwan
8/2015—7/2019 Frank Mau-chung Chang 張懋中 b. 1951 Taiwan
8/2019—1/2021 @ Chen Sin-horng 陳信宏 N/A N/A

In January 2021, the NCTU had the following colleges:

College of Biological Science and Technology (shengwu keji xueyuan 生物科技學院),
College of Computer Science (zixun xueyuan 資訊學院),
College of Electrical and Computer Engineering (dianji xueyuan 電機學院),
College of Engineering (gongxueyuan 工學院),
College of Hakka Studies (kejia wenhua xueyuan 客家文化學院),
College of Humanity and Social Science (renwen shehui xueyuan 人文社會學院),
College of Management (guanli xueyuan 管理學院),
College of Photonics (guangdian xueyuan 光電學院),
College of Science (lixueyuan 理學院),
International College of Semiconductor Technology (guoji bandaoti chanye xueyuan 國際半導體產業學院), and
School of Law (keji falü xueyuan 科技法律學院).

In January 2021, the NCTU had the following research centers:

Advanced Material Research Center (qianzhan cailiao yanjiu zhongxin 前瞻材料研究中心),
AI System Benchmarking and Tuning Lab (rengong zhihui xitong jiance zhongxin 人工智慧系統檢測中心),
Big Data Research Center (da shuju yanjiu zhongxin 大數據研究中心),
Brain Research Center (naokexue yanjiu zhongxin 腦科學研究中心),
Center for Environmental Protection and Laboratory Safety (huan’an zhongxin 環安中心),
Center for Information Technology Services (zixun jishu fuwu zhongxin 資訊技術服務中心),
Center for Nano Science & Technology (naimi keji zhongxin 奈米科技中心),
Center of Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing (shuxue jianmo yu kexue jisuan yanjiu zhongxin 數學建模與科學計算研究中心),
Computer Vision Research Center (diannao shijue yanfa zhongxin 電腦視覺研發中心),
Disaster Prevention and Water Environment Research Center (fangzai yu shui huanjing yanjiu zhongxin 防災與水環境研究中心),
Global Citizenship Education Center (quanqiu gongmin jiaoyu yanjiu zhongxin 全球公民教育研究中心, abbrev. GCEC),
International Center for Cultural Studies (wenhua yanjiu guoji zhongxin 文化研究國際中心, abbrev. ICCS),
International Center for Hakka Studies (guoji kejia yanjiu zhongxin 國際客家研究中心),
Laboratory Animal Center (shiyan dongwu zhongxin 實驗動物中心),
Laser Diagnostics Laboratory (leishe zhence shiyanshi 雷射診測實驗室),
Microelectronics and Information Systems Research Center aka MicroInfo Research Center (dianzi yu zixun yanjiu zhongxin 電子與資訊研究中心),
Nano Facility Center (naimi zhongxin 奈米中心),
NCTU Display Research Center (xianshi keji lianhe yanjiu zhongxin 顯示科技聯合研究中心),
Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences (renwen yu shehui kexue yanjiu zhongxin 人文與社會科學研究中心),
Research Center of Higher Education Resources for Openness (gaodeng jiaoyu kaifang ziyuan yanjiu zhongxin 高等教育開放資源研究中心), and
Shing-Tung Yau Center (Qiu Chengtong zhongxin 丘成桐中心).

Additional research centers and laboratories associated with NCTU:

Advanced Rocket Research Center (qianzhan huojian yanjiu zhongxin 前瞻火箭研究中心, abbrev. ARRC),
National Nano Device Laboratories (guojia naimi yuanjian shiyanshi 國家奈米元件實驗室),
Network Benchmarking Lab (wanglu ceshi zhongxin 網路測試中心), and
Pervasive Artificial Intelligence Research Labs (rengong zhihui pushi yanjiu zhongxin 人工智慧普適研究中心).

Remarks about National Yang-ming University (NYMU)

The NYMU (guoli yangming daxue 國立陽明大學) was formally established on July 1, 1975 as National Yang-Ming College of Medicine (guoli yangming yixueyuan 國立陽明醫學院), on July 1, 1994 it was upgraded and renamed. The following list shows the presidents (xiaozhang 校長) of NYMU prior to the merger with NCTU.

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
5/1975—6/1984 Han Wei 韓偉 1928-1984 Jiangsu
6/1984—6/1990 Yu Chun 于俊 1925-2012 N/A
6/1990—6/1996 Han Shou-hwa 韓韶華 b. 1930 Jiangsu
6/1996—6/1999 Luke S. Chang 張心湜 b. 1942 Hunan/Hebei
6/1999—6/2000 Ovid J. L. Tzeng 曾志朗 b. 1944 Taiwan
6/2000—8/2010 Yan-hwa Wu Lee 吳妍華 b. 1948 Taiwan
8/2010—12/2017 Liang Kung-yee 梁賡義 b. 1951 N/A
12/2017 @ Kao Lung-sen 高閬仙 N/A N/A
12/2017—1/2021 Steve Hsu-sung Kuo 郭旭崧 b. 1957 Taiwan

In January 2021, the NYMU had the following colleges:

School of Biomedical Science and Engineering (shengwu yixue ji gongcheng xueyuan 生物醫學暨工程學院),
School of Dentistry (yayi xueyuan 牙醫學院),
School of Humanities and Social Sciences (renwen yu shehui kexueyuan 人文與社會科學院),
School of Life Sciences (shengming kexueyuan 生命科學院),
School of Medicine (yixueyuan 醫學院),
School of Nursing (huli xueyuan 護理學院), and
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (yaowu kexueyuan 藥物科學院).

In January 2021, the NYMU had the following research centers:

Aging and Health Research Center (gaoling yu jiankang yanjiu zhongxin 高齡與健康研究中心),
AIDS Prevention and Research Center (aizibing fangzhi ji yanjiu zhongxin 愛滋病防治及研究中心, abbrev. APRC),
Bioinformatics Center (shengwu zixun yanjiu zhongxin 生物資訊研究中心),
Biomedical Engineering Research and Development Center (yixue gongcheng yanfa zhongxin 醫學工程研發中心),
Biophotonics Interdisciplinary Research Center (shengyi guangdian ji fenzi yingxiang yanjiu zhongxin 生醫光電暨分子影像研究中心, abbrev. BIRC),
Biostatistical Consultation Center (shengwu tongji zixun zhongxin 生物統計諮詢中心, abbrev. BCC),
Brain Research Center (naokexue yanjiu zhongxin 腦科學研究中心),
Cancer Research Center (aizheng yanjiu zhongxin 癌症研究中心),
Cardiovascular Research Center (xinzang xueguan jibing yanjiu zhongxin 心臟血管疾病研究中心),
Cellular & Molecular Biology Research Center (xibao ji fenzi shengwuxue yanjiu zhongxin 細胞暨分子生物學研究中心),
Center for Advanced Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Research (jianduan yaowu chuandi ji yaoji yanjiu zhongxin 尖端藥物傳遞及藥劑研究中心),
Center for Assistive Technology Resources and Popularization (duo gongneng fuju ziyuan zhenghe tuiguang zhongxin 多功能輔具資源整合推廣中心),
Center for Health and Welfare Policy Research (weisheng fuli zhengce yanjiu zhongxin 衛生福利政策研究中心),
Center for Systems and Synthetic Biology (xitong yu hecheng shengwuxue yanjiu zhongxin 系統與合成生物學研究中心),
Chong Hin Loon Memorial Cancer and Biotherapy Research Center (Zhang Pinglun aizheng ji shengwu zhiliao yanjiu zhongxin 張平倫癌症暨生物治療研究中心),
Community Medicine Research Center (shequ yixue yanjiu zhongxin 社區醫學研究中心),
Community Nursing Research Center (shequ huli shifan zhongxin 社區護理示範中心),
Exercise and Health Science Research Center (yundong jiankang kexue yanjiu zhongxin 運動健康科學研究中心),
Immunology Research Center (mianyixue yanjiu zhongxin 免疫學研究中心),
Joint Prosthesis Technology Research Center (rengong guanjie yanfa zhongxin 人工關節研發中心),
Molecular and Genetic Imaging Core (shengyi yingxiang yanjiu zhongxin 生醫影像研究中心, abbrev. MAGIC),
National Yang-Ming University VYM Genome Research Center (zhongliu ehua zhuoyue yanjiu zhongxin 腫瘤惡化卓越研究中心),
New Drug Development Center (xinyao yanjiu zhongxin 新藥研究中心),
Proteomics Research Center (danbaiti yanjiu zhongxin 蛋白體研究中心),
Research Center on International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health and Assistive Technology (ICF ji fuzhu keji yanjiu zhongxin ICF暨輔助科技研究中心, abbrev. RICFAT),
School Health Research Center (xuexiao weisheng yanjiu zhongxin 學校衛生研究中心),
Shu-Tien Urological Science Research Center (shutian miniao kexue yanjiu zhongxin 書田泌尿科學研究中心),
Sleep Research Center (shuimian yanjiu zhongxin 睡眠研究中心),
Stem Cell Research Center (gan xibao yanjiu zhongxin 幹細胞研究中心),
Taiwan Joanna Briggs Institute Collaborating Centre (Taiwan shizheng zhaohu zhongxin 台灣實證照護中心, abbrev. TJBCC),
Ti-Wu Liver Disease Research Center (tiwu ganbing yanjiu zhongxin 惕吾肝病研究中心), and
VGH Genome Research Center (rongyang jiyinti yanjiu zhongxin 榮陽基因體研究中心).

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National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 國立成功大學
No. 1 University Road,
East District, Tainan City 70101, Taiwan ROC
[70101 台南市東區大學路 1 號]
🌏 NCKU – Web link

The NCKU (guoli chenggong daxue 國立成功大學, abbrev. chengda 成大), 🏁—xiaozhang 校長) was established on Jan. 15, 1931 by the Japanese as Tainan Technical College (Tainan gaodeng gongye xuexiao 台南高等工業學校), on April 1, 1944 its Japanese name was changed (Tainan gongye zhuanmen xuexiao 台南工業專門學校) while the original English name was retained. In February 1946 the name Taiwan Provincial Tainan Junior College of Technology (Taiwan shengli Tainan gongye zhuanke xuexiao 台灣省立台南工業專科學校) was adopted, and in October the same year the school was elevated to Taiwan Provincial College of Engineering (Taiwan shengli gongxueyuan 台灣省立工學院), restructured as Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University (Taiwan shengli Chenggong daxue 台灣省立成功大學) in August 1956 and reorganized in its current form in August 1971.

NCKU presidents since 1946

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2/1946—8/1951Wang Shih-an 王石安N/AAnhui
8/1951—2/1952 @Yeh Tung-tse 葉東滋b. 1911, d. N/AJilin
2/1952—7/1957Chin Ta-chun 秦大鈞N/AJiangsu
8/1957—12/1964Yen Chen-hsing 閻振興1912-2005Henan
1/1965—7/1971Lo Yun-pin 羅雲平1915-1984Liaoning
8/1971—7/1978Ni Chao 倪超1907-1996Anhui
8/1978—7/1980Wang Wei-noon 王唯農1934-1980Anhui
8/1980—7/1988Hsia Han-min 夏漢民b. 1932Fujian
7/1988—7/1994Ma Che-ju 馬哲儒b. 1931Hebei
8/1994—6/1996Wu Jin 吳京1934-2008Jiangsu
6/1996—2/1997 @Huang Ting-chia 黃定加N/AN/A
2/1997—5/2000Weng Cheng-i 翁政義b. 1944Taiwan
6/2000—1/2001Weng Hung-shan 翁鴻山N/AN/A
2/2001—1/2007Kao Chiang 高強N/AN/A
2/2007—1/2011Michael M. C. Lai 賴明詔b. 1942Taiwan
2/2011—1/2015Hwung Hwung-hweng 黃煌煇b. 1946Taiwan
2/2015—Su Huey-jen 蘇慧貞b. N/AN/A

The NCKU has the following colleges, administrative offices and research centers:


  College of Bioscience and Biotechnology (shengwu kexue yu keji xueyuan 生物科學與科技學院),
  College of Electrical Engineeering & Computer Science (dianji zixun xueyuan 電機資訊學院),
  College of Engineering (gongxueyuan 工學院),
  College of Liberal Arts (wenxueyuan 文學院),
  College of Management (guanli xueyuan 管理學院),
  College of Medicine (yixueyuan 醫學院),
  College of Planning and Design (guihua yu sheji xueyuan 規劃與設計學院),
  College of Science (lixueyuan 理學院), and
  College of Social Sciences (shehui kexueyuan 社會科學院).

Since Nov. 11, 2007 the NCKU also operates its own museum, the National Cheng Kung University Museum (guoli chenggong daxue bowuguan 國立成功大學博物館).

NCKU on Sept. 24, 2021 opened Taiwan’s first carbon-negative factory (futanpai shifan gongchang 負碳排示範工廠) to promote carbon removal technology across various industries in Taiwan. On Oct. 22, 2021 the Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufacturing (zhihui bandaoti ji yongxu zhizao xueyuan 智慧半導體及永續製造學院) under NCKU was inaugurated in the presence of ROC President Tsai Ing-wen. Furthermore, on Dec. 29, 2021 NCKU and Quanta Computer Inc. signed an MOU on the founding of the Quanta-NCKU Joint Artificial Intelligence Research Center (guangda chengda lianhe AI yanjiu zhongxin 廣達 - 成大聯合AI研究中心). And on Aug. 26, 2022 the NCKU inked an MOU with the Lienchiang County Government to establish a “micro academy” (Mazu weixueyuan 馬祖微學院) on Matsu Island that will serve as an NCKU extension school.

Administrative offices

  Office of Academic Affairs (jiaowuchu 教務處),
  Office of Finance (caiwuchu 財務處),
  Office of General Affairs (zongwuchu 總務處),
  Office of International Affairs (guoji shiwuchu 國際事務處),
  Office of Research and Development (yanjiu fazhanchu 研究發展處),
  Office of Student Affairs (xuesheng shiwuchu 學生事務處); and
  Secretariat Office (mishushi 秘書室).

Furthermore, the NCKU website lists a Center for Occupational Safety & Health and Environmental Protection (huanjing baohu ji anquan weisheng zhongxin 環境保護暨安全衛生中心).

NCKU research centers

  Center for Micro/Nano Science and Technology (weinaimi keji yanjiu zhongxin 微奈米科技研究中心),
  Center of Applied Nanomedicine (naimi yixue yanjiu zhongxin 奈米醫學研究中心),
  Center of Infectious Disease and Signaling Research (chuanranxing jibing ji xunxi yanjiu zhongxin 傳染性疾病及訊息研究中心),
  Hierarchical Green-Energy Materials Research Center (kuawei lüneng cailiao yanjiu zhongxin 跨維綠能材料研究中心, abbrev. Hi-GEM),
  International Center for Wound Repair and Regeneration (guoji shangkou xiufu yu zaisheng yanjiu zhongxin 國際傷口修復與再生研究中心),
  Medical Device Innovation Center (qianzhan yiliao qicai keji zhongxin 前瞻醫療器材科技中心, abbrev. MDIC),
  Research Center for Energy Technology and Strategy (nengyuan keji yu celüe yanjiu zhongxin 能源科技與策略研究中心),
  Research and Services Headquarter (yanjiu zong zhongxin 研究總中心),
  Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences (renwen shehui kexue zhongxin 人文社會科學中心),
  Sustainable Environment Research Laboratories (yongxu huanjing shiyansuo 永續環境實驗所),
  Tainan Hydraulics Laboratory (shuigong shiyansuo 水工試驗所), and
  University Center for Bioscience and Biotechnology (shengwu keji zhongxin 生物科技中心).

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National Chung Hsing University (NCHU)

National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) 國立中興大學
Taichung main campus 台中校本部: No. 145 Xingda Road, South District,
Taichung City 40227, Taiwan ROC [40227 台中市南區興大路 145 號]
Nantou campus 南投校區: No. 3 Hushan Road, Nantou City,
Nantou County 54045, Taiwan ROC [54045 南投縣南投市虎山路 3 號]
🌏 NCHU – Web link

The NCHU (guoli zhongxing daxue 國立中興大學, 🏁—xiaozhang 校長) was established in 1919 by the Japanese as Advanced Academy of Agronomy and Forestry (Taiwan zongdufu nonglin zhuanmen xuexiao 台灣總督府農林專門學校). Between 1928 and 1943 it was a subordinate department affiliated to Taihoku Imperial University before it moved to central Taiwan and became an independent entity again as Taichu Advanced College of Agronomy and Forestry (Taizhong gaodeng nonglin xuexiao 台中高等農林學校). After Taiwan was taken over by the ROC, the school was first reorganized as a junior college and upgraded to Taiwan Provincial College of Agriculture (Taiwan shengli nongxueyuan 臺灣省立農學院) in 1946. It was reorganized as Taiwan Provincial Chung Hsing University (shengli zhongxing daxue 省立中興大學) in 1961 and gained its current status in 1971.

NCHU presidents since 1961

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1961—6/1963Lin Chih-ping 林致平1909-1993Jiangsu
6/1963—11/1966 Tang Hui-sun 湯惠蓀1900-1966Jiangsu
11/1966—6/1972Liu Tao-yuan 劉道元1902-1996Shandong
8/1972—7/1981Lo Yun-pin 羅雲平1915-1984Liaoning
8/1981—7/1984Li Chung-tao 李崇道b. 1923Shanghai
8/1984—7/1988Kung Ku-shen 貢穀紳b. 1921Jiangsu
8/1988—9/1994Chen Ching-yih 陳清義1928-1997Taiwan
10/1994—9/1997Huang Tong-shong 黃東熊b. 1932Taiwan
10/1997—9/2000Lee Cheng-shang 李成章b. 1936Taiwan
10/2000—2/2001Peng Tso-kwei 彭作奎b. 1947Taiwan
2/2001—10/2001 @Hsiue Ging-ho 薛敬和N/AN/A
11/2001—7/2004Yan Tsung 顏聰N/AN/A
8/2004—7/2011Shaw Jei-fu 蕭介夫b. 1948N/A
8/2011—7/2015Lee Der-tsai 李德財b. 1949Taiwan
8/2015—Shieu Fuh-sheng 薛富盛b. 1959Taiwan

The colleges, administrative units, selected research centers and other units of NCHU are listed below.


  College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (nongye ji ziran ziyuan xueyuan 農業暨自然資源學院),
  College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (dianji zixun xueyuan 電機資訊學院),
  College of Engineering (gongxueyuan 工學院),
  College of Law and Politics (fazheng xueyuan 法政學院),
  College of Liberal Arts (wenxueyuan 文學院),
  College of Life Sciences (shengming kexueyuan 生命科學院),
  College of Management (guanli xueyuan 管理學院),
  College of Science (lixueyuan 理學院),
  College of Veterinary Medicine (shouyi xueyuan 獸醫學院), and
  International College of Innovation and Industry Liaison (chuangxin chanye ji guoji xueyuan 創新產業暨國際學院).

Administrative units

  Office of Academic Affairs (jiaowuchu 教務處),
  Office of General Affairs (zongwuchu 總務處),
  Office of International Affairs (guoji shiwuchu 國際事務處),
  Office of Research and Development (yanfachu 研發處),
  Office of Student Affairs (xuewuchu 學務處);
  Office of Accounting (zhujishi 主計室),
  Office of Personnel (renshishi 人事室),
  Office of Physical Education and Sports (tiyushi 體育室),
  President Office (xiaozhangshi 校長室),
  Secretariat Office (mishushi 秘書室),
  Vice President Office (fuxiaozhangshi 副校長室);
  Library (tushuguan 圖書館);
  Alumni Center (xiaoyou zhongxin 校友中心),
  Art Center (yishu zhongxin 藝術中心),
  Center for Academia-Industry Collaboration and Intellectual Property management (chanxueyan lianjie zhongxin 產學研鏈結中心),
  Center of Education (shizi peiyu zhongxin 師資培育中心)
  Computer and Information Network Center (jisuanji ji zixun wanglu zhongxin 計算機及資訊網路中心), and
  Safety and Health Control Center (huanjing baohu ji anquan weisheng zhongxin 環境保護暨安全衛生中心).

Selected NCHU research centers

  Agricultural and Natural Resource Policy Research Center (nongye zhengce yanjiu zhongxin 農業政策研究中心, abbrev. ANRPRC),
  Agricultural Automation Center (nongye zidonghua zhongxin 農業自動化中心),
  Agricultural Extension Center (nongye tuiguang zhongxin 農業推廣中心),
  Animal Disease Diagnostic Center (dongwu jibing zhenduan zhongxin 動物疾病診斷中心),
  Biotechnology Center (shengwu keji fazhan zhongxin 生物科技發展中心),
  Center for Advanced Industry Technology and Precision Processing (xianduan chanye ji jingmi zhicheng yanjiu zhongxin 先端產業暨精密製程研究中心),
  Center for Contemporary China Studies (dangdai Zhongguo yanjiu zhongxin 代中國研究中心),
  Center for Global Peace and Strategic Studies (quanqiu heping yu zhanlüe yanjiu zhongxin 全球和平與戰略研究中心),
  Center for Japan and Korea Studies (Ri Han zonghe yanjiu zhongxin 日韓總合研究中心),
  Center for Research and Development of Engineering Technology (gongcheng keji yanjiu zhongxin 工程科技研發中心),
  Center for Research and Development of Metal Materials (jinshu yanfa zhongxin 金屬研發中心),
  Center for Studies on South Asia and the Middle East (dangdai nanya yu zhongdong yanjiu zhongxin 當代南亞與中東研究中心),
  Center for the Integrative and Evolutionary Galliformes Genomics (niaoqinlei yanhua yu jiyinti yanjiu zhongxin 鳥禽類演化與基因體研究中心),
  Center of Science Education (kexue jiaoyu zhongxin 科學教育中心),
  Cornerstone Center for Academia-Industry Research (panshi chanxue yanjiu zhongxin 磐石產學研究中心),
  Deer Cultural Heritage Center (luming wenhua zichan zhongxin 鹿鳴文化資產中心),
  Environmental Restoration and Disaster Reduction Research Center (huanjing baohu ji fangzai keji yanjiu zhongxin 環境保育暨防災科技研究中心),
  Food and Livestock Product Inspection Center (shipin ji xuchanpin anquan jiance zhongxin 食品及畜產品安全檢測中心),
  Initiative & Referendum Research Center (chuangzhi fujue yanjiu zhongxin 創制複決研究中心),
  Innovation and Development Center of Sustainable Agriculture (yongxu nongye chuangxin fazhan zhongxin 永續農業創新發展中心),
  Intelligent Automation and Precision Machinery Research Center (zhihui zidonghua ji jingmi jixie yanjiu zhongxin 智慧自動化暨精密機械研究中心),
  International Agriculture Center (guoji nongye zhongxin 國際農業中心),
  Language Center (yuyan zhongxin 語言中心),
  Pesticide Residue Analysis Center (nongyao canliu jiance zhongxin 農藥殘留檢測中心),
  Research Center for Animal Medicine (dongwu yixue yanjiu zhongxin 動物醫學研究中心),
  Research Center for Global Change Biology (quanqiu bianqian shengwuxue yanjiu zhongxin 全球變遷生物學研究中心),
  Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences (renwen yu shehui kexue yanjiu zhongxin 人文與社會科學研究中心),
  Research Center for Sustainable Energy and Nanotechnology (yongxu nengyuan yu naimi keji yanjiu zhongxin 永續能源與奈米科技研究中心),
  Rong Hsing Research Center for Translational Medicine (rongxing zhuanyi yixue yanjiu zhongxin 榮興轉譯醫學研究中心), and
  Soil Survey and Testing Center (turang diaocha shiyan zhongxin 土壤調查試驗中心).

Other units

  Agricultural Experiment Station (nongye shiyanchang 農業試驗場),
  Agricultural Machinery Workshop (nongye jixie shixi gongchang 農業機械實習工廠),
  Experimental Animal Farm (xuchan shiyanchang 畜產試驗場),
  Experimental Forest Management Office (shiyanlin guanlichu 實驗林管理處),
  Machine Workshop (jixie shixi gongchang 機械實習工廠),
  Pilot Plant of Food Science and Biotechnology (shipin ji shiengji shixi gongchang 食品暨生技實習工廠),
  Plant Teaching Hospital (zhiwu jiaoxue yiyuan 植物教學醫院), and
  Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (shouyi jiaoxue yiyuan 獸醫教學醫院).

On Sept. 13, 2022 an Academy of Circular Economy (xunhuan jingji yanjiu xueyuan 循環經濟研究學院) was formally set up under NCHU on the Nantou campus.

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National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU)

National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) 國立中山大學
No. 70 Lianhai Road,
Gushan District, Kaohsiung City 80424, Taiwan ROC
[80424 高雄市鼓山區蓮海路 70 號]
🌏 NSYSU – Web link

The NSYSU (guoli zhongshan daxue 國立中山大學, 🏁—xiaozhang 校長) was established in 1924 (classes began on Sept. 19, a dedication ceremony took place on Nov. 11) by Sun Yat-sen as National Kwangtung University (guoli Guangdong daxue 國立廣東大學), after Sun's death on March 12, 1925 the school was renamed in his honour in October that year. After the retreat of the ROC government to Taiwan in 1949, several decades passed until the university was re-established there. A preparation office was set up in June 1979, and its first president formally took office on July 1, 1980.

NSYSU presidents since 1980

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1980—5/1984Lee Huan 李煥1917-2010Hubei
6/1984—6/1987Chao Chin-chi 趙金祁1927-2016Shanghai
7/1987—6/1996Lin Chi-yuan 林基源N/AN/A
7/1996—10/2002Victor W. Liu 劉維琪b. 1952<Greece>
11/2002—9/2008Chang Chung-cheng 張宗仁b. 1945Taiwan
10/2008—5/2016Yang Hung-duen 楊弘敦b. 1956Taiwan
8/2016—Cheng Ying-yao 鄭英耀b. N/AN/A

The colleges, administrative units and selected research centers of NSYSU are listed below.


  College of Engineering (gongxueyuan 工學院),
  College of Liberal Arts (wenxueyuan 文學院),
  College of Management (guanli xueyuan 管理學院),
  College of Marine Sciences (haiyang kexue xueyuan 海洋科學學院),
  College of Science (lixueyuan 理學院), and
  College of Social Sciences (shehui kexueyuan 社會科學院).

Furthermore, the NSYSU website lists a Center for General Education (xiwan xueyuan 西灣學院).

Administrative units

  Office of Academic Affairs (jiaowuchu 教務處),
  Office of General Affairs (zongwuchu 總務處),
  Office of Global Industry-Academe Collaboration and Advancement (quanqiu chanxue yingyun ji tuiguangchu 全球產學營運及推廣處),
  Office of International Affairs (guoji shiwuchu 國際事務處),
  Office of Library & Information Services (tushu yu zixunchu 圖書與資訊處),
  Office of Research and Development (yanjiu fazhanchu 研究發展處),
  Office of Student Affairs (xuesheng shiwuchu 學生事務處);
  Office of Accounting (zhujishi 主計室),
  Office of Personnel Services (renshishi 人事室),
  Office of Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室),
  Office of Senior Vice President (fxiaozhangshi 副校長室),
  Office of the President (xiaozhangshi 校長室);
  Alumni Service Center (xiaoyou fuwu zhongxin 校友服務中心),
  Art Center (yiwen zhongxin 藝文中心),
  Center for Quality Assurance (xiaowu pinzhi baohu zhongxin 校務品質保證中心),
  Environmental Protection and Safety Center (huanjing baohu ji anquan weisheng zhongxin 環境保護暨安全衛生中心); and
  Baroque Camerata (baluoke duzoujia yuetuan 巴洛克獨奏家樂團).

Selected NSYSU research centers

  Aerosol Science Research Center (qijiao kexue yanjiu zhongxin 氣膠科學研究中心),
  Asia Pacific Ocean Research Center (Yatai haiyang yanjiu zhongxin 亞太海洋研究中心),
  Assessment Research Center (pinggu yanjiu zhongxin 評估研究中心),
  Center for Emerging Contaminants Research (xinxing wuranwu yanjiu zhongxin 新興污染物研究中心),
  Center for Japanese Studies (Riben yanjiu zhongxin 日本研究中心),
  Center for Marine Policy Studies (haiyang zhengce yanjiu zhongxin 海洋政策研究中心),
  Center for Southeast Asian Studies (Dongnanya yanjiu zhongxin 東南亞研究中心),
  Center for the Humanities (renwen yanjiu zhongxin 人文研究中心),
  Cloud Computing Research Center (yunduan yunsuan yanjiu zhongxin 雲端運算研究中心),
  Engineering Technology Research & Promotion Center (gongcheng jishu yanjiu tuizhan zhongxin 工程技術研究推展中心, abbrev. ETRPC),
  European Union Centre (Ouzhou lianmeng zhongxin 歐洲聯盟中心),
  Frontier Center for Ocean Science and and Technology (haiyang qianzhan keji tuizhan zhongxin 海洋前瞻科技推展中心),
  Functional Polymers and Supramolecular Materials Research Center (gongnengxing gaofenzi ji chaofenzi cailiao yanjiu zhongxin 功能性高分子及超分子材料研究中心),
  Intelligent Electronic Commerce Research Center (zhihui dianzi shangwu yanjiu zhongxin 智慧電子商務研究中心),
  Lee Teng-hui Center for Governmental Studies (Li Denghui zhengfu yanjiu zhongxin 李登輝政府研究中心),
  Management Studies Research Center (guanli xueshu yanjiu zhongxin 管理學術研究中心),
  Research Center for Creativity and Innovation (chuangyi yu chuangxin yanfa zhongxin 創意與創新研發中心),
  Research Center for Promoting Civic Literacy (gongmin suyang tuidong yanjiu zhongxin 公民素養推動研究中心),
  Research Center of Sport and Health Industry (yundong jiankang chanye yanjiu zhongxin 運動健康產業研究中心),
  Social Enterprise Development and Research Center (shehui qiye fazhan yanjiu zhongxin 社會企業發展研究中心),
  Southern Taiwan Industry Promotion Center (nanqu cujin chanye fazhan yanjiu zhongxin 南區促進產業發展研究中心),
  Sun Yat-sen American Center (Zhongshan Meiguo zhongxin 中山美國中心),
  Sun Yat-sen Research Center for Social Sciences (Yixian shenhui kexue yanjiu zhongxin 逸仙社會科學研究中心),
  Telecommunication Research and Development Center (dianxin yanjiu fazhan zhongxin 電信研究發展中心, abbrev. TRDC), and
  Wireless Broadband Communication Protocol Cross-Campus Research Center (wuxian kuanpin tongxin xieding kuaxiao yanjiu zhongxin 無線寬頻通信協定跨校研究中心).

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National Chung Cheng University (CCU)

National Chung Cheng University (CCU) 國立中正大學
No. 168 University Road Sec. 1,
Minxiong Township, Chiayi County 62102, Taiwan ROC
[62102 嘉義縣民雄鄉大學路 1 段 168 號]
🌏 CCU – Web link

The CCU (guoli zhongzheng daxue 國立中正大學, 🏁—xiaozhang 校長) was established on July 1, 1989.

CCU presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1989—9/1996Lin Ching-jiang 林清江1940-1999Taiwan
10/1997—10/2000Cheng Kuo-shung 鄭國順b. 1946Taiwan
5/2001—5/2007Ren C. Luo 羅仁權b. 1949N/A
2/2008—1/2016Wu Jyh-yang 吳志揚b. 1962Taiwan
2/2016—Fong Zhang-hua 馮展華b. N/AN/A

The colleges, administrative units and research centers of CCU are listed below.


  College of Humanities (wenxueyuan 文學院),
  College of Education (jiaoyu xueyuan 教育學院),
  College of Engineering (gongxueyuan 工學院),
  College of Law (faxueyuan 法學院),
  College of Management (guanli xueyuan 管理學院),
  College of Sciences (lixueyuan 理學院), and
  College of Social Sciences (shehui kexueyuan 社會科學院).

Furthermore, the CCU website lists four additional academic institutions.

  Center for General Education (tongshi zhongxin 通識中心),
  Center for Language Studies (yuyan zhongxin 語言中心),
  Center for Teacher Education (shizi peiyu zhongxin 師資培育中心), and
  Ching-Jiang Learning Center (qingjiang xuexi zhongxin 清江學習中心).

Administrative units

  Office of Academic Affairs (jiaowuchu 教務處),
  Office of General Affairs (zongwuchu 總務處),
  Office of Information Technology (zixunchu 資訊處),
  Office of International Affairs (guojichu 國際處),
  Office of Research and Development (yanfachu 研發處),
  Office of Student Affairs (xuewuchu 學務處);
  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Office of the President (xiaozhangshi 校長室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室),
  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室);
  National Chung Cheng University Library (tushuguan 圖書館);
  CCU Counceling Center (fudao zhongxin 輔導中心),
  Environmental Hygiene and Safety Center (huan'an zhongxin 環安中心),
  Physical Education Center (tiyu zhongxin 體育中心);
  Center for Teaching Excellence/Teaching Excellence Center (gaodeng jiaoyu shengeng jihua bangongshi 高等教育深耕計畫辦公室), and
  Office of Institutional Research (xiaowu yanjiu bangongshi 校務研究辦公室).

CCU research centers

  Advanced Machine Tools Center (xianjin gongjuji yanjiu zhongxin 先進工具機研究中心),
  Aging & Education Research Center (gaoling jiaoyu yanjiu zhongxin 高齡教育研究中心),
  CCU Innovation Incubation Center (zhongxiao qiye chuangxin yucheng zhongxin 中小企業創新育成中心),
  Center for E-Manufacturing and E-Commerce (zhishang zhenghe yanjiu zhongxin 製商整合研究中心),
  Center for Innovative Research on Aging Society (gaoling kuayu chuangxin yanjiu zhongxin 高齡跨域創新研究中心),
  Center for Nanotechnology Design & Prototyping (naimi sheji yu yuanxing yanjiu zhongxin 奈米設計與原型研究中心),
  Center for Nano Bio-Detection (naimi shengwu jiance keji yanjiu zhongxin 奈米生物檢測科技研究中心),
  Center for Research in Cognitive Science (renzhi kexue yanjiu zhongxin 認知科學研究中心),
  Center for Telecommunication Research (dianxin yanjiu zhongxin 電信研究中心),
  Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences (renwen yu shehui kexue yanjiu zhongxin 人文與社會科學研究中心),
  Crime Research Center (fanzui yanjiu zhongxin 犯罪研究中心),
  Elegant Power Application Research Center (jingzhi dianneng yingyong yanjiu zhongxin 精緻電能應用研究中心),
  Human Research Ethics Center (renlei yanjiu lunli zhongxin 人類研究倫理中心),
  Instruments Center (guizhong yiqi guanli zhongxin 貴重儀器管理中心),
  International Leadership Institute for Education, I-LIfE (qianzhan jiaoyu lingdao guanli yanjiu zhongxin choubeichu 前瞻教育領導管理研究中心籌備處),
  Leading Edge Processing Rolling and Forging Technology Research Center (jianduan zhicheng yu yaduan jishu yanjiu zhongxin 尖端製程與軋鍛技術研究中心),
  Research Center For Precision Molding (jingmi moju yanjiu zhongxin 精密模具研究中心),
  System on Chips Research Center (jingpian xitong yanjiu zhongxin 晶片系統研究中心), and
  Taiwan Legal Information Institute (Taiwan falü zixun zhongxin 台灣法律資訊中心).

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National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST)

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) 國立台灣科技大學
Main campus 校本部 / 公館校區: No. 43 Keelung Road Sec. 4,
Daan District, Taipei City 10607, Taiwan ROC
[10607 台北市大安區基隆路 4 段 43 號];
Chubei campus 竹北校區: No. 748 Fuxing Road,
Chubei City, Hsinchu County 30285, Taiwan ROC
🌏 NTUST – Web link

The NTUST (guoli Taiwan keji daxue 國立台灣科技大學, 🏁—xiaozhang 校長) was established on Aug. 1, 1974 as National Taiwan Institute of Technology (guoli Taiwan gongye jishu xueyuan 國立臺灣工業技術學院), the MOE approved the institution's upgrading to university status on Aug. 1, 1997.

NTUST presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/1974—1/1978Chen Li-an 陳履安b. 1937Zhejiang
2/1978—7/1981Mao Kao-wen 毛高文b. 1936Zhejiang
8/1981—7/1990Shih Yen-ping 石延平1932-1996Guangdong
8/1990—7/2000Liou Ching-tien 劉清田N/AN/A
8/2000—12/2000Chen Shi-shuenn 陳希舜b. 1950Taiwan
12/2000—1/2005Chen Shun-tyan 陳舜田N/AN/A
2/2005—2/2013Chen Shi-shuenn (second time)
2/2013—Liao Ching-jong 廖慶榮b. N/AN/A

The colleges, administrative units and research centers of NTUST are listed below.


  College of Applied Sciences (yingyong keji xueyuan 應用科技學院), original name before February 2015: Honors College (jingcheng rongyu xueyuan 精誠榮譽學院),
  College of Design (sheji xueyuan 設計學院),
  College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (dianzi xueyuan 電資學院),
  College of Engineering (gongcheng xueyuan 工程學院),
  College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (renwen shehui xueyuan 人文社會學院), and
  School of Management (guanli xueyuan 管理學院).

Furthermore, the NTUST website also lists a General Studies Commission (gongtong jiaoyu weiyuanhui 共同教育委員會) under its academic subdivisions.

Administrative units

  Office of Academic Affairs (jiaowuchu 教務處),
  Office of General Affairs (zongwuchu 總務處),
  Office of Industry-Academia Collaboration (chanxue yingyunchu 產學營運處),
  Office of International Affairs (guoji shiwuchu 國際事務處),
  Office of Student Affairs (xuesheng shiwuchu 學生事務處),
  Research and Development Office (yanjiu fazhanchu 研究發展處);
  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Office of Environment and Safety (huan'anshi 環安室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室),
  Secretariat Office (mishushi 秘書室),
  Sporting Education Office (tiyushi 體育室);
  Continuing Education Center (tuiguang jiaoyu zhongxin 推廣教育中心),
  Computer Center (diansuan zhongxin 電算中心),
  Language Center (yuyan zhongxin 語言中心),
  Taiwan Tech Center for Humanities and Arts (renwen yishu zhongxin 人文藝術中心);
  Taiwan Tech Library (tushuguan 圖書館); and
  Hsinchu Campus Provisional Office (Xinzhu xiaoqu choubeichu 新竹校區籌備處).

Selected NTUST research centers

  Automation & Control Center (zidonghua ji kongzhi zhongxin 自動化及控制中心),
  Broadband Communication Technology Center (kuanpin tongxun gongye jishu yanfa zhongxin 寬頻通訊工業技術研發中心),
  Center for IoT Innovation (wulianwang chuangxin zhongxin 物聯網創新中心),
  Center for the Study of Lottery and Commercial Gaming (Taiwan caiquan yu bocai yanjiu zhongxin 台灣彩券與博彩研究中心),
  CMP Innovation Center (jingyuan pingtanhua chuangxin yanjiu zhongxin 晶圓平坦化創新研究中心, abbrev. CIC),
  Color Technology Research Center (caise keji yanjiu zhongxin 色彩科技研究中心),
  Communication and Electromagnetic Technology Center (wuxian tongxun yu dianci xiangrong jishu yanfa zhongxin 無線通訊與電磁相容技術研發中心),
  E-Learning Research Center (wanglu xuexi yanjiu zhongxin 網路學習研究中心),
  Ecological and Hazard Mitigation Engineering Research Center (shengtai yu fangzai gongcheng yanjiu zhongxin 生態與防災工程研究中心),
  Intelligent Robot Center (zhihuixing jiqiren yanjiu zhongxin 智慧型機器人研究中心),
  Materials Science & Technology Center (cailiao keji yanjiu zhongxin 材料科技研究中心),
  Nano Technology Center (naimi gongcheng zhongxin 奈米工程中心),
  NTUST Center of Computer Vision and Medical Imaging (diannao shijue yu yixue yingxiang xiaoji yanjiu zhongxin 電腦視覺與醫學影像校級研究中心),
  Opto-Mechatronics Technology Center (guangjidian jishu yanfa zhongxin 光機電技術研發中心),
  Power Electronics Technology Center (dianli dianzi jishu yanfa zhongxin 電力電子技術研發中心),
  Sustainable Energy Development Center (yongxu nengyuan fazhan zhongxin 永續能源發展中心),
  Taiwan Building Technology Center (Taiwan jianzhu keji zhongxin 台灣建築科技中心),
  Taiwan Information Security Center (zitong anquan yanjiu yu jiaoxue zhongxin 資通安全研究與教學中心), and
  Taiwan Tech Industry 4.0 Implementation Center (gongye sidianling shizuo zhongxin 工業4.0實作中心).

TOP   HOME    [◆ Universities]

Chang Gung University (CGU)

Chang Gung University (CGU) 長庚大學
No. 259 Wenhua 1st Road,
Guishan District, Taoyuan City 33302, Taiwan ROC
[33302 桃園市龜山區文化一路 259 號]
🌏 CGU – Web link

The CGU (changgeng daxue 長庚大學, 🏁—xiaozhang 校長) was established in April 1987 as Chang Gung Medical College (changgeng yixueyuan 長庚醫學院) and expanded to Chang Gung College of Medicine and Technology (changgeng yixue ji gongcheng xueyuan 長庚醫學暨工程學院) in January 1993. In July 1997 the private institution was upgraded and renamed to CGU.

CGU presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1997–1999Chang Chao-hsiung 張昭雄b. 1942Taiwan
1999–2000 @Delon Wu 吳德朗N/AN/A
2000–2003Kuo Nan-hung 郭南宏b. 1936Taiwan
2003—Pao Chia-chu 包家駒b. N/AN/A

The colleges, administrative units and research centers of CGU are listed below.


  College of Engineering (gongxueyuan 工學院),
  College of Management (guanli xueyuan 管理學院), and
  College of Medicine (yixueyuan 醫學院).

Administrative units

  Office of Accounting (kuaijishi 會計室),
  Office of Environmental Safety and Hygiene (huan'anshi 環安室),
  Office of Personnel (renshishi 人事室),
  Office of Physical Education (tiyushi 體育室),
  Office of President (xiaozhangshi 校長室),
  Office of Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室),
  Office of University Social Responsibility (daxue shehui zeren tuidong bangongshi 大學社會責任推動辦公室);
  Office of Academic Affairs (jiaowuchu 教務處),
  Office of General Affairs (zongwuchu 總務處),
  Office of Research and Development (yanjiu fazhanchu 研究發展處),
  Office of Student Affairs (xuewuchu 學務處),
  Office of Technology Development and Industry Liaison (jishu hezuochu 技術合作處);
  Center of Innovation and Incubation (chuangxin yucheng zhongxin 創新育成中心),
  Center of Instructional Resource (jiaoxue ziyuan zhongxin 教學資源中心),
  Center of International Academic Cooperation (guoji xueshu jiaoliu zhongxin 國際學術交流中心),
  Center of Sponsored Research and Collaborations (jianjiao hezuo zhongxin 建教合作中心),
  Center of Technology Licensing and Patenting (jishu yizhuan zhongxin 技術移轉中心),
  Computer Center (zixun zhongxin 資訊中心),
  Core Istrument Center (guiyi zhongxin 貴儀中心),
  Institutional Research Center (jiaowu yanjiu zhongxin 校務研究中心),
  Laboratory Animal Center (shiyan dongwu zhongxin 實驗動物中心),
  Language Center (yuwen zhongxin 語文中心),
  Microscopy Center (xianweijing zhongxin 顯微鏡中心);
  Library (tushuguan 圖書館);
  Art Committee (yiwen weiyuanhui 藝文委員會),
  Gender Education Committee of CGU (xingbie pingdeng jiaoyu weiyuanhui 性別平等教育委員會); and
  Formosa Plastics Group Museum (Tai su qiye wenwuguan 台塑企業文物館).

CGU research centers

  Center for Biomedical Engineering (shengyi gongcheng yanjiu zhongxin 生醫工程研究中心),
  Center for Molecular and Clinical Immunology (fenzi ji linchuang mianyi zhongxin 分子及臨床免疫中心),
  Centre of Reliability Science and Technologies (kekaodu kexue jishu yanjiu zhongxin 可靠度科學技術研究中心),
  Clinical Informatics & Medical Statistics Research Center (linchuang zixun yu yixue tongji yanjiu zhongxin 臨床資訊與醫學統計研究中心),
  Green Technology Research Center (lüse keji yanjiu zhongxin 綠色科技研究中心),
  Healthy Aging Research Center (jiankang laohua yanjiu zhongxin 健康老化研究中心),
  Institute for Radiological Research (fangshe yixue yanjiuyuan 放射醫學研究院),
  Microbiota Research Center (weisheng wuxian yanjiu zhongxin 微生物相研究中心),
  Molecular Medicine Research Center (fenzi yuxue yanjiu zhongxin 分子醫學研究中心),
  Research Center for Emerging Viral Infections (xinxing bingdu ganran yanjiu zhongxin 新興病毒感染研究中心),
  Research Center of Industry Innovation for the Senior Citizens (yinfazu chanye fazhan yu yanjiu zhongxin 銀髮族產業發展與研究中心), and
  Research Services Center For Health Information (jiankang ziliao yanjiu fuwu zhongxin 健康資料研究服務中心).

TOP   HOME    [◆ Universities]

China Medical University (CMU)

China Medical University (CMU) 中國醫藥大學
Taichung campus 台中本部: No. 91 Hsueh-shih Road,
North District, Taichung City 40402, Taiwan ROC
[40402 台中市北區學士路 91 號];
Beigang campus 北港分部: No. 123-1 Xinde Road,
Beigang Township, Yunlin County 65152, Taiwan ROC
[65152 雲林縣北港鎮新德路 123-1 號]
🌏 CMU – Web link

The CMU (Zhongguo yiyao daxue 中國醫藥大學, 🏁—xiaozhang 校長) is a private university that was established on June 6, 1958 under the name China Medical College (Zhongguo yiyao xueyuan 中國醫藥學院, abbrev. CMC), and on April 28, 2003 the MOE announced that the school's upgrade to CMU had been approved effective for the academic year 2003. It was the first academic institution in Taiwan where Chinese medicine and pharmacy programs were provided.

CMU presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1958–1959Tan Chin 覃勤1906-1981Hunan
1959 @Chow Pan-tae 周邦道1898-1991Jiangxi
1959–1960 @Chang Chi-min 章啟民N/AN/A
1960–1964Chiu Hsien-tien 邱賢添1901-1990Taiwan
1965–1968 @Hsu Tso-chou 徐佐周N/AN/A
1968–1969Yang Yen-fei 楊燕飛1910-1997Taiwan
1970–1972John-ming Fong 方中民N/AN/A
1972–1980Cheng Tung-ho 鄭通和1899-1985Anhui
1980—1/1987Kuo Jung-chao 郭榮趙b. 1930Hunan
2/1987—6/1987 @Wang Ting-fu 王廷輔N/AN/A
7/1987—7/1996Mason Chen Mei-sheng 陳梅生1923-2004Zhejiang
8/1996—7/1999Kuo Sheng-chu 郭盛助N/AN/A
8/1999—7/2002Hsieh Ming-tsuen 謝明村b. 1939Taiwan
8/2002—1/2003 @Chen Wei-te 陳偉德N/AN/A
2/2003—7/2005Yeh Tsu-fuh 葉純甫b. 1942Taiwan
8/2005—1/2014Huang Jong-tsun 黃榮村b. 1947Taiwan
2/2014—1/2019Lee Wen-hwa 李文華b. 1950Taiwan
2/2019—Hung Mien-chie 洪明奇b. 1950Taiwan

The colleges, administrative offices, centers, committees and affiliated institutions of CMU are listed below.


  College of Biomedical Engineering (yixue gongcheng xueyuan 醫學工程學院),
  College of Biopharmaceutical and Food Sciences (shengming kexueyuan 生命科學院),
  College of Chinese Medicine (zhongyi xueyuan 中醫學院),
  College of Dentistry (yayi xueyuan 牙醫學院),
  College of Health Care (jiankang zhaohu xueyuan 健康照護學院),
  College of Humanities and Sciences (renwen yu keji xueyuan 人文與科技學院),
  College of Medicine (yixueyuan 醫學院),
  College of Pharmacy (yaoxueyuan 藥學院),
  College of Public Health (gonggong weisheng xueyuan 公共衛生學院); and
  Center for General Education (tongshi zhongxin 通識中心).

Administrative offices

  Office of Academia-Industry Cooperation (chanxue hezuochu 產學合作處),
  Office of Academic Affairs (jiaowuchu 教務處),
  Office of General Affairs (zongwuchu 總務處),
  Office of Global Affairs (guoji shiwuchu 國際事務處),
  Office of Graduate Affairs (yanjiusheng shiwuchu 研究生事務處),
  Office of Research and Development (yanfachu 研發處),
  Office of Student Affairs (xuewuchu 學務處),
  Teaching Excellence Project (gaojiao shengeng zhixingchu 高教深耕執行處);
  Office of Admission (zhaoshengshi 招生室),
  Office of Environmental Safety and Health (huan'anshi 環安室),
  Office of Finance (caiwushi 財務室),
  Office of Human Resources (renli ziyuanshi 人力資源室),
  Office of Institutional Research (xiaowu yanjiu bangongshi 校務研究辦公室),
  Office of the President (xiaozhangshi校 長室),
  Physical Education Office (tiyushi 體育室); and
  CMU Library (tushuguan 圖書館).


  Academic Ethics Center (xueshu lunli zhongxin 學術倫理中心),
  Center for Faculty Development (jiaoshi fazhan zhongxin 教師發展中心),
  Center of Continuing Education (tuiguang jiaoyu zhongxin 推廣教育中心),
  Chinese Medicine Research Center (zhongyiyao yanjiu zhongxin 中醫藥研究中心),
  Drug Development Center (xinyao kaifa yanjiu zhongxin 新藥開發研究中心),
  Information Center (zixun zhongxin 資訊中心),
  Research Center for Chinese Herbal Medicine (zhongcaoyao yanjiu zhongxin 中草藥研究中心),
  Research Center for Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture (zhongyi ji zhenjiu yanjiu zhongxin 中醫暨針灸研究中心),
  Research Center for Tumor Medical Science (aizheng shengwu yanjiu zhongxin 癌症生物研究中心), and
  Research Ethics Center (yanjiu lunli zhongxin 研究倫理中心).


  Committee of Gender Equity Education (xingbie pingdeng weiyuanhui 性別平等委員會),
  Committee of Radiation Safety (fushe fanghu guanli weiyuanhui 輻射防護管理委員會),
  Fundraising Committee (mujuan weiyuanhui 募捐委員會), and
  Research Ethics Committee (yanjiu lunli weiyuanhui 研究倫理委員會).

Institutions affiliated to CMU

  China Medical University Hospital (Zhongguo yiyao daxue fushe yiyuan 中國醫藥大學附設醫院/Taizhong fushe yiyuan 台中附設醫院, abbrev. CMUH),
  CMU Beigang Hospital (Beigang fushe yiyuan 北港附設醫院),
  CMU Cultural and Creative Gift Center (wenchuang lipinbu 文創禮品部),
  CMU Hsinchu Hospital (Xinzhu fushe yiyuan 新竹附設醫院),
  CMUH Fengyuan Branch, Fengyuan Medical Office (Fengyuan fenyuan, zhongying zhensuo 豐原分院、中英診所),
  CMUH Taichung Eastern District Branch (Taizhong dongqu fenyuan 臺中東區分院),
  CMUH Taipei Branch (Taibei fenyuan 臺北分院),
  CMUH Tsaotun Branch (Caotun fenyuan 草屯分院),
  CTSP Employment Clinic (zhongbu kexue yuanqu yuangong zhensuo 中部科學園區員工診所), and
  Lifu Museum of Chinese Medicine (Lifu zhongyiyao bowuguan 立夫中醫藥博物館).

Furthermore, the CMU has been entrusted to build and operate the Tainan Municipal An-Nan Hospital (Tainan shili annan yiyuan 臺南市立安南醫院). Please note that another senior position in CMU is chairperson (dongshizhang 董事長), see the following list.

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1958–1961Tan Chin 覃勤1906-1981Hunan
7/1961—7/1964Yang Chao-chia 楊肇嘉1892-1976Fujian
1964–1969Wang Teh-pu 王德溥1897-1991Liaoning
1969—6/1972Shieh Tung-min 謝東閔1908-2001Taiwan
1972 @Lin Ching-yi 林敬義N/AN/A
1972—2/2001Chen Li-fu 陳立夫1900-2001Zhejiang
2/2001—Tsai Chang-hai 蔡長海b. 1949Taiwan

TOP   HOME    [◆ Universities]

Taipei Medical University (TMU)

Taipei Medical University (TMU) 台北醫學大學
Main campus 校本部: No. 250 Wu-hsing Street,
Xinyi District, Taipei City 11031, Taiwan ROC
[11031 台北市信義區吳興街 250 號];
Daan campus 大安校區: No. 172-1 Keelung Road Section 2,
Daan District, Taipei City 10675, Taiwan ROC
[10675 台北市大安區基隆路 2 段 172-1 號]
🌏 TMU – Web link

The TMU (Taibei yixue daxue 臺北醫學大學, 🏁—xiaozhang 校長) is a private university that was established on June 1, 1960 as Taipei Medical College (Taibei yixueyuan 臺北醫學院, abbrev. TMC). On Sept. 8, 2000 the MOE approved TMC to be upgraded and renamed. TMU research focuses on traumatic brain injury, regenerative medicine, cancer, reproductive medicine, biomedical materials, and dental research.

TMU presidents

Tenure started Name Born/Died Native Province
8/1960Hsu Chien-tien 徐千田1913-1992Taiwan
8/1973Huang Chin-chiang 黃金江1910-1997Taiwan
11/1978Shieh Mung-shiung 謝孟雄b. 1934Taiwan
10/1983Tung Ta-cheng 董大成1916-2008Taiwan
10/1986Chiang Wan-hsuan 江萬煊1922-2013Taiwan
11/1990Hu Chung-hong 胡俊弘b. 1942N/A
8/2002Chung Y. Hsu 許重義b. 1944N/A
8/2008Chiu Wen-ta 邱文達b. 1950Taiwan
8/2011Yen Yun 閻雲b. 1954N/A
8/2017—Lin Chien-huang 林建煌b. 1960N/A

The colleges, administrative offices, centers and affiliated institutions of TMU are listed below.


  College of Biomedical Engineering (yixue gongcheng xueyuan 醫學工程學院),
  College of Humanities And Social Sciences (renwen ji shehui kexueyuan 人文暨社會科學院),
  College of Interdisciplinary Studies (kua lingyu xueyuan 跨領域學院),
  College of Management (guanli xueyuan 管理學院),
  College of Medical Science and Technology (yixue keji xueyuan 醫學科技學院),
  College of Medicine (yixueyuan 醫學院),
  College of Nursing (huli xueyuan 護理學院),
  College of Nutrition (yingyang xueyuan 營養學院),
  College of Oral Medicine (kouqiang yixueyuan 口腔醫學院),
  College of Pharmacy (yaoxueyuan 藥學院), and
  College of Public Health (gonggong weisheng xueyuan 公共衛生學院).

Administrative offices

  Office of Academic Affairs (jiaowuchu 教務處),
  Office of Business Development (shiye fazhanchu 事業發展處),
  Office of Continuing & Extension Education (jinxiu tuiguangchu 進修推廣處),
  Office of Data Science (shujuchu 數據處),
  Office of Environmental Protection and Occupational Safety (huanbao ji anquan weishengchu 環保暨安全衛生處),
  Office of Finance (caiwuchu 財務處),
  Office of General Administration (zongwuchu 總務處),
  Office of Global Engagement (guoji shiwuchu 國際事務處),
  Office of Human Research (renti yanjiuchu 人體研究處),
  Office of Human Resource (renli ziyuanchu 人力資源處),
  Office of Information Technology (zixunchu 資訊處),
  Office of Legal Affairs (fawuchu 法務處),
  Office of Physical Education Affairs (tiyu shiwuchu 體育事務處),
  Office of Public Affairs (gonggong shiwuchu 公共事務處),
  Office of Research and Development (yanjiu fazhanchu 研究發展處),
  Office of Secretariat (mishuchu 秘書處),
  Office of Student Affairs (xuewuchu 學務處); and
  Library (tushuguan 圖書館).


  Center For General Education (tongshi jiaoyu zhongxin 通識教育中心),
  Center for Management and Development (guanli fazhan zhongxin 管理發展中心),
  Health and Clinical Research Data Center (jiankang ji linchuang yanjiu ziliao jiazhi zhongxin 健康暨臨床研究資料加值中心);
  Biostatistics Center, Office of Data Science (shujuchu tongji zhongxin 數據處統計中心), and
  Institutional Research Center, Office of Data Science (shujuchu xiaowu yanjiu zhongxin 數據處校務研究中心).

Institutions affiliated to TMU

  Taipei Medical University Hospital (beiyi-fushe yiyuan 北醫–附設醫院);
  Hsin Kuo Min Hospital (beiyi-xin guomin yiyuan 北醫–新國民醫院),
  Shuang-Ho Hospital (beiyi-shuanghe yiyuan 北醫–雙和醫院),
  Wanfang Hospital (beiyi-wanfang yiyuan 北醫–萬芳醫院);
  Ningbo Lihuili Hospital, East (beiyi-ningbo yiliao zhongxin 北醫–寧波醫療中心),
  Taipei Cancer Center (beiyi-Taibei aizheng zhongxin 北醫–臺北癌症中心), and
  Taipei Neuroscience Institute (beiyi-Taibei shenjing yixue zhongxin 北醫–臺北神經醫學中心).

The administration of TMU includes a board of trustees (dongshihui 董事會) headed by a chairperson (dongshizhang 董事長), see the following list.

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1960–1979Hu Shui-wang 胡水旺1911-2016Taiwan
1982–1985Lin Shan-chung 林山鐘1915-1996Taiwan
1985–1987 Kuo Chung-huan 郭宗煥1911-1987Taiwan
1988–1991Hsu Chien-tien 徐千田1913-1992Taiwan
1992–2001 Hsieh Hsien-chen 謝獻臣1924-2000Taiwan
2001–2007Wu Cheng-wen 吳成文b. 1938Taiwan
2007–2014Lee Tsu-der 李祖德b. 1950Taiwan
2014—Chang Wen-chang 張文昌b. N/AN/A

TOP   HOME    [◆ Universities]

National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU)

National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) 國立臺灣師範大學
No. 162 Heping East Road Sec. 1,
Daan District, Taipei City 10610, Taiwan ROC
[10610 台北市大安區和平東路 1 段 162 號]
🌏 NTNU – Web link

The NTNU (guoli Taiwan shifan daxue 國立臺灣師範大學, abbrev. shida 師大, 🏁—xiaozhang校長) was set up on June 5, 1946 as Taiwan Provincial Teachers' College (Taiwan shengli shifan xueyuan 臺灣省立師範學院) which was based on the Taiwan Provincial College (Taiwan zongdufu gaodeng xuexiao 台灣總督府高等學校) established by the Japanese on April 1, 1922 and renamed to Taihoku College (Taiwan zongdufu Taibei gaodeng xuexiao 台灣總督府台北高等學校) on May 13, 1927. The current name of the institution was adopted on July 1, 1967.

NTNU presidents since 1946

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
5/1946—6/1948Lee Chi-ku 李季谷1985-1968Zhejiang
6/1948—6/1949Hsieh Tung-min 謝東閔1907-2001Taiwan
1949–1957Liu Chen 劉真1913-2012Anhui
1957–1966Tu Yuan-tsai 杜元載1893-1976Hunan
1966–1971Sun Kang-tseng 孫亢曾1989-2002Guangdong
1971–1978Chang Chung-liang 張宗良1905-1986Anhui
8/1978—6/1984Kuo Wei-fan 郭為藩b. 1937Taiwan
1984–1993Liang Shang-yung 梁尚勇1930-2015Shanxi
2/1993—1/1999Leu Hsi-muh 呂溪木b. 1940Taiwan
7/1999—7/2004Chien Maw-fa 簡茂發b. 1941Taiwan
8/2004—3/2005Huang Kuan-tsae 黃光彩b. 1953Taiwan
3/2005—2/2006 @Huang Shong 黃生N/AN/A
2/2006—2/2010Guo Yih-shun 郭義雄b. 1941Taiwan
2/2010—Chang Kuo-en 張國恩b. 1958Taiwan

The colleges and administrative units of the NTNU are listed below.


  College of Arts (yishu xueyuan 藝術學院),
  College of Education (jiaoyu xueyuan 教育學院),
  College of International Studies and Social Science (guoji yu shehui kexue xueyuan 國際與社會科學學院),
  College of Liberal Arts (wenxueyuan 文學院),
  College of Management (guanli xueyuan 管理學院),
  College of Music (yinyue xueyuan 音樂學院),
  College of Science (lixueyuan 理學院)
  College of Sports and Recreation (yundong yu xiuxian xueyuan 運動與休閒學院), and
  College of Technology and Engineering (keji yu gongcheng xueyuan 科技與工程學院).

Please note that the NTNU website also lists a Program of Learning Sciences (xuexi zixun zhuanye xueyuan 學習資訊專業學院) under the College of Education, and a School of Life Science (shengming kexue zhuanye xueyuan 生命科學專業學院) is mentioned as well.

An internationally renowned institution under the NTNU is the Mandarin Training Center (guoyu jiaoxue zhongxin 國語教學中心, abbrev. MTC) which was established in the autumn of 1956 and today is the oldest and largest school for Chinese language instruction in Taiwan.

Administrative units

  Office of Academic Affairs (jiaoyuchu 教務處),
  Office of General Affairs (zongwuchu 總務處),
  Office of International Affairs (guoji shiwuchu 國際事務處),
  Office of Research and Development (yanjiu fazhanchu 研究發展處),
  Office of Student Affairs (xuesheng shiwuchu 學生事務處),
  Office of Teacher Education and Careers Service (shizi peiyu yu jiuye budaochu 師資培育與就業輔導處);
  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Athletic Department (tiyushi 體育室),
  Office of the Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室);
  Higher Education Sprout Project Office (gaodeng jiaoyu shengeng jihua bangongshi 高等教育深耕計畫辦公室);
  Library (tushuguan 圖書館);
  College of Teacher Education (shizi peiyu xueyuan 師資培育學院),
  NTNU Extension, School of Continuing Education (jinxiu tuiguang xueyuan 進修推廣學院);
  Division of Preparatory Programs for Overseas Chinese Students (qiaosheng xianxiubu 僑生先修部);
  Environmental Safety and Hygiene Center (huanjing anquan weisheng zhongxin 環境安全衛生中心),
  Information Technology Center (zixun zhongxin 資訊中心); and
  Affiliated Senior High School of NTNU (fushu gaoji zhongxue 附屬高級中學).

In addition, the NTNU operates the following centers:

  Center for Educational Research and Evaluation (jiaoyu yanjiu yu pingjian zhongxin 教育研究與評鑑中心, abbrev. CERE),
  Center for General Education (tongshi jiaoyu zhongxin 通識教育中心),
  Cultural & Creative Industries Center (wenhua chuangyi chanxue zhongxin 文化創藝產學中心, abbrev. CCIC),
  Digital Archive Center for Music (yinyue shuwei diancang zhongxin 音樂數位典藏中心, abbrev. DACM),
  French Center (shida fayu zhongxin 師大法語中心),
  International Taiwan Studies Center (guoji Taiwan yanjiu zhongxin 國際台灣研究中心, abbrev. ITSC),
  Physical Education Research and Development Center (tiyu yanjiu yu fazhan zhongxin 體育研究與發展中心, abbrev. PERDC),
  Research Center for Psychological and Educational Testing (xinli yi jiaoyu ceyan yanjiu fazhan zhongxin 心理與教育測驗研究發展中心, abbrev. RCPET),
  Science Education Center (kexue jiaoyu zhongxin 科學教育中心), and
  Special Education Center (teshu jiaoyu zhongxin 特殊教育中心, abbrev. SEC).

On Oct. 4, 2019 the NTNU and the US-based Haskins Laboratories which are affiliated with Yale University established the NTNU-Haskins Joint Laboratory of Brain Development and Learning (guoli Taiwan shifan daxue ji yelu daxue hasijin shiyanshi danao fazhan yu xuexi lianhe shiyanshi 國立臺灣師範大學暨耶魯大學哈斯金實驗室大腦發展與學習聯合實驗室). Furthermore, two subordinate units should be mentioned:

  Division of Preparatory Programs for Overseas Chinese Students (qiaosheng xianxiubu 僑生先修部), and
  Office of Teacher Education and Careers Service (shizi peiyu yu jiuye fudaochu 師資培育與就業輔導處).

TOP   HOME    [◆ Universities]

National Changhua University of Education (NCUE)

National Changhua University of Education (NCUE) 國立彰化師範大學
Jinde campus 進德校區: No. 1 Jinde Road,
Changhua City, Changhua County 50007, Taiwan ROC
[50007 彰化縣彰化市進德路 1 號];
Baoshan campus 寶山校區: No. 2 Shida Road,
Changhua City, Changhua County 50074, Taiwan ROC
[50074 彰化縣彰化市師大路 2 號]
🌏 NCUE – Web link

The NCUE (guoli Zhanghua shifan daxue國立彰化師範大學, 🏁—xiaozhang校長) can trace back its roots to Qing-dynasty Taiwan when its predecessor, the Baisha Academy (baisha shuyuan 白沙書院), was set up in 1745. Based on that institution, the Japanese in 1943 established the Changhua Youth Normal School (Taiwan zongdufu Zhanghua qingnian shifan xuexiao 台灣總督府彰化青年師範學校). In August 1971 the Provincial Taiwan College of Education (Taiwan shengli jiaoyu xueyuan 臺灣省立教育學院) was founded, upgraded to National Taiwan College of Education (guoli Taiwan jiaoyu xueyuan 國立臺灣教育學院) in August 1980 and renamed to NCUE in July 1989.

NCUE presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1971–1974Stephan Hsu 許智偉b. 1931Shanghai
1974–1983Chang Chih-shan 張植珊b. 1929Fujian
1983—10/1992William Hsieh-chi Yeh 葉學志N/AN/A
10/1992—12/1998Chen Zhuo-min 陳倬民b. 1944Guangdong
12/1998—5/1999Lee Wei-xiong 李威熊N/AN/A
5/1999—10/2004Kang Tze-li 康自立N/AN/A
10/2004—7/2005 @W. K. Wang 王文科N/AN/A
8/2005—7/2012Chang Huey-por 張惠博b. 1949Taiwan
8/2012—Kuo Yen-kuang 郭艶光b. 1959Taiwan

The colleges, administrative units, and selected centers of NCUE are listed below.


  College of Arts (wenxueyuan 文學院),
  College of Education (jiaoyu xueyuan 教育學院),
  College of Engineering (gongxueyuan 工學院),
  College of Management (guanli xueyuan 管理學院),
  College of Science (lixueyuan 理學院),
  College of Social Science and Physical Education (shehui kexue ji tiyu xieyuan 社會科學暨體育學院), and
  College of Technology and Vocational Education (jishu ji zhiye jiaoyu xueyuan 技術及職業教育學院).

Administrative units

  Office of Academic Affairs (jiaowuchu 教務處),
  Office of General Affairs (zongwuchu 總務處),
  Office of International and Cross-strait Affairs (guoji ji liang'an shiwuchu 國際暨兩岸事務處),
  Office of Library & Information Services (tushu yu zixunchu 圖書與資訊處),
  Office of Research and Development (yanjiu fazhanchu研究發展處),
  Office of Student Affairs (xuesheng shiwuchu 學生事務處);
  Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
  Athletic Department (tiyushi 體育室),
  Office of the President (xiaozhangshi 校長室),
  Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室),
  Secretary Office (mishushi 秘書室);
  Center for General Education (tongshi jiaoyu zhongxin 通識教育中心),
  Center for Institutional Research (xiaowu yanjiu zhongxin 校務研究中心),
  Center for Public Relations and Career Development (gonggong shiwu yu zhiya fazhan zhongxin 公共事務與職涯發展中心),
  Center for Teacher Education (shizi peiyu zhongxin 師資培育中心),
  Center of Protection & Occupational Safety and Health (huanjing baohu ji anquan weisheng zhongxin 環境保護暨安全衛生中心),
  Center of Teaching Excellence (jiaoxue zhuoyue zhongxin 教學卓越中心),
  E-Learning Center (shuwei xuexi zhongxin 數位學習中心),
  Language Center (yuwen zhongxin 語文中心),
  Student Psychological Counseling & Guidance Center (xuesheng xinli zishang yu fudao zhongxin 學生心理諮商與輔導中心);
  College of Extension Education (jinxiu xueyuan 進修學院); and
  Affiliated Industrial Vocational High School of NCUE (guoli Zhanghua shifan daxue fushu gaoji gongye zhiye xuexiao 國立彰化師範大學附屬高級工業職業學校).

Selected centers

  Behavioral Therapy Consultation Research Center (xingwei fudao yanjiu fazhan zhongxin 行為輔導研究發展中心),
  Center for Nano Science and Technology (naimi keji zhongxin 奈米科技中心),
  Chinese Career Net (huaren shengyawang 華人生涯網),
  Community Counseling & Human Development Service Center (shequ xinli zishang ji qianneng fazhan zhongxin 社區心理諮商及潛能發展中心),
  Data Research Center of NCUE (shuju yanjiu zhongxin 數據研究中心),
  Innovation Incubation Center (chuangxin yucheng zhongxin 創新育成中心),
  Research Center for GIS and Disaster Prevention (kongjian zixun yu shehui fangzai yanjiu zhongxin 空間資訊與社會防災研究中心),
  Research Centre for Global Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and management Technology (quanqiu chuangyi chuangxin chuangye ji guanli keji yanjiu zhongxin 全球創意創新創業暨管理科技研究中心),
  Science Education Center (kexue jiaoyu zhongxin 科學教育中心), and
  Special Education Center (teshu jiaoyu zhongxin 特殊教育中心).

TOP   HOME    [◆ Universities]

Fu Jen Catholic University (FJCU)

Fu Jen Catholic University (FJCU) 天主教輔仁大學
No. 510 Zhongzheng Road,
Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City 24205, Taiwan ROC
[24205 新北市新莊區中正路 510 號]
🌏 FJCU – Web link

The FJCU (tianzhujiao furen daxue 天主教輔仁大學, abbrev. fuda 輔大, 🏁—xiaozhang 校長) was established in 1925 in Beijing. After the Chinese Communists seized power in China, FJCU was incorporated into Beijing Normal University (Beijing shifan daxue 北京師範大學) on May 19, 1952. When ROC FM Yeh Kung-chao 葉公超 visited the Holy See, he stressed the importance of FJCU to be re-established in Taiwan on Feb. 4, 1957. On Nov. 3, 1959 Vatican authorities announced the appointment of Paul Yü Pin as new FJCU president, and a Preparatory Office for the Re-establishment of FJCU (furen daxue fuxiao choubeichu 輔仁大學復校籌備處) was set up on Dec. 8, 1960. A ceremony for the reopening of FJCU was held on Sept. 20, 1961.

FJCU presidents since 1960

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1960–1978 Paul Yu Pin 于斌1901-1978Heilongjiang
1978–1992Stanislaus Lo Kuang 羅光1911-2004Hunan
1992–1996Gabriel Chen-ying Ly 李振英b. 1929Tianjin
1996–2000Tuen-ho Yang 楊敦和b. 1941N/A
2000–2004John Ning-yuean Lee 李寧遠b. 1945N/A
2004–2012Bernard Li 黎建球b. 1943Jiangxi
2012—Vincent Han-sun Chiang 江漢聲b. 1950Taiwan

The colleges and administrative units of FJCU are listed below.


  College of Art (yishu xueyuan 藝術學院),
  College of Communication (chuanbo xueyuan傳播學院),
  College of Education (jiaoyu xueyuan 教育學院),
  College of Fashion and Textiles (zhipin fuzhuang xueyuan 織品服裝學院),
  College of Foreign Languages and Literatures (waiguo yuwen xueyuan 外國語文學院),
  College of Human Ecology (minsheng xueyuan 民生學院),
  College of Liberal Arts (wenxueyuan 文學院),
  College of Medicine (yixueyuan 醫學院),
  College of Science and Engineering (ligong xueyuan 理工學院),
  College of Social Sciences (shehui kexueyuan 社會科學院),
  School of Law (falü xueyuan 法律學院),
  School of Management (guanli xueyuan 管理學院); and
  School of Continuing Education (jinxiubu 進修部).

Administrative units

  Office of Academic Affairs (jiaowuchu 教務處),
  Office of General Affairs (zongwuchu 總務處),
  Office of International Education (guoji ji liang'an jiaoyuchu 國際及兩岸教育處),
  Office of Research and Development (yanfachu 研發處),
  Office of Student Affairs (xuewuchu 學務處);
  Office of Accounting (kuaijishi 會計室),
  Office of Development and Fundraising (zijinshi 資金室),
  Office of Human Resources (renshishi 人事室),
  Office of Institutional Research (xiaowu yanjiushi 校務研究室),
  Office of Internal Audit (jiheshi 稽核室),
  Office of Legal Affairs (fawushi 法務室),
  Office of Military Instruction (junxunshi 軍訓室),
  Office of Public Affairs (gonggong shiwushi 公共事務室),
  Office of Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室),
  Physical Education Office (tiyushi 體育室),
  University History Office (xiaoshishi校史室);
  Center for Research Ethics (yanjiu lunli zhongxin 研究倫理中心),
  Center of the Arts (yiwen zhongxin 藝文中心),
  Environmental Protection, Health and Safe Center (huan'anwei zhongxin 環安衛中心),
  Faculty Development & Instructional Resources Center (jiaoshi fazhan yu jiaoxue ziyuan zhongxin 教師發展與教學資源中心),
  Fu Jen Laboratory Animal Center (shiyan dongwu zhongxin 實驗動物中心),
  Information Technology Center (zixun zhongxin 資訊中心),
  Student Counseling Center (xuesheng fudao zhongxin 學生輔導中心),
  FJU/School of Professional and Continuing Education (tuiguangbu 推廣部); and
  Library (tushuguan 圖書館).

Furthermore, there is a radio broadcasting unit called Voice of Fu Jen Catholic University (fuda zhi sheng shixi guangbo diantai 輔大之聲實習廣播電台). Two additional schools are affiliated with FJCU:

  Keelung Fu Jen Sacred Heart Elementary School (fuda shengxin xiaoxue 輔大聖心小學), and
  Keelung Fu Jen Sacred Heart Senior High School (fuda shengxin gaozhong 輔大聖心高中).

The FJCU website also lists a Board of Trustees (dongshihui 董事會) which since 1960 was chaired by the following persons:

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1960–1967 Thomas Tien Ken-sin 田耕莘1890-1967Shandong
1967–1992Soong May-ling 宋美齡1897-2003Shanghai
1992–1993Paul Shan Kuo-hsi 單國璽1924-2012Hebei
1993–1999Joseph Ti Kang 狄剛b. 1928Henan
1999–2008Paul Shan Kuo-hsi (second time)
2008–2009Joseph Wang Yu-jung 王愈榮1931-2018Jiangsu
2009—Peter Liu Cheng-chung 劉振忠b. 1951Taiwan

TOP   HOME    [◆ Universities]

National Formosa University (NFU)

National Formosa University (NFU) 國立虎尾科技大學
No. 64 Wunhua Road,
Huwei Township, Yunlin County 63201, Taiwan ROC
[63201 雲林縣虎尾鎮文化路 64 號]
🌏 NFU – Web link

The NFU (guoli Huwei keji daxue 國立虎尾科技大學, 🏁: xiaozhang 校長) was established in July 1980 as Provincial Yunlin Institute of Technology (shengli Yunlin gongye zhuanke xuexiao 省立雲林工業專科學校) and renamed National Yunlin Institute of Technology (guoli Yunlin gongye zhuanke xuexiao 國立雲林工業專科學校, abbrev. NYIT) in 1981. The English name was changed to National Yunlin Polytechnic Institute (NYPI) in 1991, the school was then renamed again in 1997 to National Huwei Institute of Technology (guoli Huwei jishu xueyuan 國立虎尾技術學院, abbrev. NHIT). Another name change came in 2004, this time to National Huwei University of Science and Technology (guoli Huwei keji daxue 國立虎尾科技大學, abbrev. NHUST), and the current English name was finally adopted in 2005.

NFU presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1980–1989 Chang Tien-chin 張天津 N/A N/A
8/1989—6/1999 Yu Cheng-kuang 余政光 N/A N/A
1999 @ Chen Feng-tsun 陳豐村 N/A N/A
10/1999—10/2005 Lin Chien-chang 林見昌 b. 1941 Taiwan
2005–2006 @ Tsay Yeong-ley 蔡永利 N/A N/A
2/2006—7/2013 Lin Jenn-der 林振德 N/A N/A
8/2013— Jywe Wen-yuh 覺文郁 b. 1962 Taiwan

The colleges and administrative units of NFU are listed below.


College of Applied Arts and Sciences (wenli xueyuan 文理學院),
College of Electrical and Computer Engineering (jianji zixun xueyuan 電機資訊學院),
College of Engineering (gongcheng xueyuan 工程學院),
College of Management (guanli xueyuan 管理學院);
Center for General Education (tongshi jiaoyu zhongxin 通識教育中心); and
Language Teaching Center (yuyan jiaoxue zhongxin 語言教學中心).

Administrative units

Accounting Office (zhujishi 主計室),
Personnel Office (renshishi 人事室),
Physical Education Office (tiyushi 體育室),
President’s Office (xiaozhangshi 校長室),
Secretariat Office (mishushi 秘書室),
Vice President’s Office (fuxiaozhangshi 副校長室);
Academic Affairs Division (jiaowuchu 教務處),
General Affairs Division (zongwuchu 總務處),
Office of International Affairs (guoiji shiwuchu 國際事務處),
Office of International Industry-Academia Service (guoji chanxue fuwuchu 國際產學服務處),
Research and Development Division (yanjiu fazhanchu 研究發展處),
Student Affairs Division (xuesheng shiwuchu 學生事務處);
Art Center (yishu zhongxin 藝術中心),
Career Center (zhiya fazhan zhongxin 職涯發展中心),
Center for Teaching and Learning Development (jiaoxue fazhan zhongxin 教學發展中心),
Center of Environment Health and Safety (huanbao ji anquan weisheng zhongxin 環保及安全衛生中心),
Computer Center (diansuan zhongxin 電算中心),
Development of the Administrative Affairs Center (xiaowu fazhan zhongxin 校務發展中心),
Smart Machine and Intelligent Manufacturing Research Center (zhineng jixie yu zhihui zhizao yanjiu zhongxin 智能機械與智慧製造研究中心);
Library (tushuguan 圖書館); and
Xing-Zhong Division Preparatory Office (xingzhong fenbu choubeichu 興中分部籌備處).

TOP   HOME    [◆ Universities]

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◆ Leading research institutions

The following research institutions are presented below:

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Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)

Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) 工業技術研究院
No. 2 Xin'an Road,
North District, Hsinchu City 30016, Taiwan ROC
[30016 新竹市北區新安路 2 號]
🌏 ITRI – Web link

ITRI (gongye jishu yanjiuyuan 工業技術研究院, abbrev. gongyanyuan 工研院) is a private corporate entity which was established on July 5, 1973 by a merger of the Union Industrial Research Laboratories (lianhe gongye yanjiusuo 聯合工業研究所), the Mining Research & Service Organization (lianhe kuangye yanjiusuo 聯合礦業研究所), and the Metal Industrial Research Institute (jinshu gongye yanjiusuo 金屬工業研究所). The two top positions are chairman (dongshizhang 董事長) and president (yuanzhang 院長).

ITRI chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1973—6/1978Wang Chao-chen 王兆振1914-2012Jiangsu
7/1978—12/1988Shu Shien-siu 徐賢修1912-2001Zhejiang
12/1988—3/1994Morris Chang 張忠謀b. 1931Zhejiang
3/1994—11/1995 Lee Ta-hai 李達海1919-1995Liaoning
11/1995—8/2000Sun Chen 孫震b. 1934Shandong
8/2000—3/2001Lin Hsin-yi 林信義b. 1946Taiwan
3/2001—9/2004Weng Cheng-i 翁政義b. 1944Taiwan
10/2004—6/2008Lin Hsin-yi (second time)
6/2008—9/2008Shih Chin-tay 史欽泰b. 1946Taiwan
10/2008—2/2010Chang Jin-fu 張進福b. 1948Taiwan
2/2010—7/2016Tsay Ching-yen 蔡清彥b. 1944Taiwan
7/2016—10/2017Wu Tsung-tsong 吳政忠b. 1955N/A
10/2017—C. K. Lee 李世光b. 1959Taiwan

ITRI presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1973—7/1978Wang Chao-chen 王兆振1914-2012Jiangsu
8/1978—8/1985Fang Hien-chee 方賢齊1912-2015Fujian
8/1985—12/1988Morris Chang 張忠謀b. 1931Zhejiang
12/1988—4/1994Otto C. C. Lin 林垂宙b. 1938Guangdong
4/1994—8/2003Shih Chin-tay 史欽泰b. 1946Taiwan
8/2003—4/2010Johnsee Lee 李鍾熙b. 1950Taiwan
4/2010—1/2015Shyu Jyuo-min 徐爵民b. 1954Taiwan
1/2015—2/2018Liu Jonq-min 劉仲明b. 1952Taiwan
4/2018—Edwin Liu 劉文雄b. N/AN/A

ITRI has not only been conducting groundbreaking research but also serves as an important incubator for high-tech start-up businesses like Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), a dedicated independent semiconductor foundry which was initiated on Feb. 21, 1987 at ITRI and became a major global player under the leadership of its chairman Morris Chang.

The following are laboratories and centers under ITRI:

  Biomedical Technology and Device Research Laboratories (shengyi yu yicai yanjiusuo 生醫與醫材研究所)
  Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories (lüneng yu huanjing yanjiusuo 綠能與環境研究所)
  Material and Chemical Research Laboratories (cailiao yu huagong yanjiusuo 材料與化工研究所)
  Mechanical and Mechatronics Systems Research Laboratories (jixie yu jidian xitong yanjiusuo 機械與機電系統研究所)
  Information and Communications Research Laboratories (zixun yu tongxun yanjiusuo 資訊與通訊研究所)
  Electronic and Optoelectronic System Research Laboratories (dianzi yu guangdian xitong yanjiusuo 電子與光電系統研究所)
  Center for Measurement Standards (liangce jishu fazhan zhongxin 量測技術發展中心)
  Service Systems Technology Center (fuwu xitong keji zhongxin 服務系統科技中心)
  Industrial Economics and Knowledge Center (chanye jingji yu qushi yanjiu zhongxin 產業經濟與趨勢研究中心, abbrev. IEK)
  Computational Intelligence Technology Center (juliang zixun keji zhongxin 巨量資訊科技中心, abbrev. CITC)
  Intelligent Machinery Technology Center (zhihui jixie keji zhongxin 智慧機械科技中心)
  Smart Microsystems Technology Center (zhihui weixitong keji zhongxin 智慧微系統科技中心)
  Laser and Additive Manufacturing Technology Center (leishe yu jiceng zhizao keji zhongxin 雷射與積層製造科技中心)
  Technology Transfer and Law Center (jishu yizhuan yu falü zhongxin 技術移轉與法律中心)
  Commercialization and Industry Service Center (chanye fuwu zhongxin 產業服務中心)

Furthermore, there are the following subordinate institutions:

  ITRI International Center (guoji zhongxin 國際中心)
  ITRI College (chanye xueyuan 產業學院)
  ITRI Central Region Campus (zhongfenyuan 中分院)
  ITRI Southern Region Campus (nanfenyuan 南分院)

TOP   HOME    [◆ Research institutions]

Institute for Information Industry (III)

Institute for Information Industry (III) 財團法人資訊工業策進會
11 F., No. 106 Heping East Road Sec. 2,
Daan District, Taipei City 10622, Taiwan ROC
[10622 台北市大安區和平東路 2 段 106 號 11 樓]
🌏 III – Web link

The III (caituan faren zixun gongye cejinhui 財團法人資訊工業策進會, abbrev. zicehui 資策會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on July 24, 1979 as a non-profit NGO through the joint efforts of public and private sectors, to support the development/applications of the information industry as well as the information society in Taiwan under the supervision of the MOEA. Another senior position in the III is president (zhixingzhang 執行長).

III chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1979—7/1982Li Kwoh-ting 李國鼎1910-2001Jiangsu
7/1982—8/2000Wang Chou-ming 王昭明1920-2015Fujian
8/2000—8/2003Huang Ho-ming 黃河明1948-2019Taiwan
8/2003—11/2006Lin Ferng-ching 林逢慶b. 1947Taiwan
11/2006—12/2007Wu Jing-shown 吳靜雄b. 1942Taiwan
12/2007—7/2009Steve Chen 陳瑞隆b. 1948Taiwan
8/2009—8/2012Shih Chin-tay 史欽泰b. 1946Taiwan
8/2012—5/2016Chang Jin-fu 張進福b. 1948Taiwan
5/2016—8/2016Lo Ta-sheng 羅達生N/AN/A
8/2016—9/2017Kuo Yau-hwang 郭耀煌b. 1959Taiwan
10/2017—C. K. Lee 李世光b. 1959Taiwan

III presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1979—8/1981Fang Hien-chee 方賢齊1912-2015Fujian
8/1981—5/1984Kuo Yun 果芸b. 1925Hebei
6/1984—1991Irving T. Ho 何宜慈1921-2003Fujian
1991 @Chou Cheng-kwei 周誠寬N/AN/A
1991–2000Kuo Yun (second time)
2000–2003Lin Ferng-ching 林逢慶b. 1947Taiwan
8/2003—2/2007Ke Jyh-sheng 柯志昇N/AN/A
2/2007—2/2008Chen Ming-syan 陳銘憲b. 1959N/A
2/2008—7/2010 @Ke Jyh-sheng (second time)
8/2010—9/2012C. K. Lee 李世光b. 1959Taiwan
10/2012—11/2012 @Ke Jyh-sheng (third time)
12/2012—5/2016Wu Ruey-beei 吳瑞北b. 1957Taiwan
5/2016—10/2017Liu Jonq-min 劉仲明b. 1952Taiwan
11/2017—Yu Hsiao-pin 于孝斌b. N/AN/A

The following are research and development (R&D) institutes under III:

  Smart Network System Institute (zhihui wangtong xitong yanjiusuo 智慧網通系統研究所, abbrev. SNSI)
  Innovative DigiTech-Enabled Applications & Services Institute (chuangxin yingyong fuwu yanjiusuo 創新應用服務研究所, abbrev. IDEAS)
  Advanced Research Institute (qianzhan keji yanjiusuo 前瞻科技研究所, abbrev. ARI)
  Cloud System Software Institute (yunduan xitong ruanti yanjiusuo 雲端系統軟體研究所, abbrev. CSSI)
  CyberTrust Technology Institute (zi'an keji yanjiusuo 資安科技研究所, abbrev. CTTI)
  Digital Education Institute (shuwei jiaoyu yanjiusuo 數位教育研究所, abbrev. DEI)
  Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute (chanye qingbao yanjiusuo 產業情報研究所, abbrev. MIC)
  Science & Technology Law Institute (keji falü yanjiusuo 科技法律研究所, abbrev. STLI)

TOP   HOME    [◆ Research institutions]

National Applied Research Laboratories (NARL)

National Applied Research Laboratories (NARL) 國家實驗研究院
3 F., No. 106 Hoping East Road Sec. 2,
Daan District, Taipei City 10622, Taiwan ROC
[10622 台北市大安區和平東路 2 段 106 號 3 樓]
🌏 NARL – Web link

NARL (guojia shiyan yanjiuyuan 國家實驗研究院, abbrev. guoyanyuan 國研院), established on June 2, 2003 by the then-National Science Council (NSC), has combined eleven national laboratories into an independent non-profit institute. Another common English abbreviation is NARLabs. The two leading positions are chairperson (dongshizhang 董事長) and president (yuanzhang 院長), the chairperson usually being the sitting NSTC minister.

NARL presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
6/2003—8/2006Louis Lee 李羅權b. 1947Taiwan
9/2006—4/2009Chuang Che-nan 莊哲男b. 1945Taiwan
5/2009—4/2012Chen Wen-hwa 陳文華N/AN/A
5/2012—9/2013Chen Liang-gee 陳良基b. 1956Taiwan
9/2013—10/2016Lo Ching-hua 羅清華N/AN/A
10/2016—5/2020Wang Yeong-her 王永和b. 1956N/A
5/2020—11/2011Wu Kuang-chong 吳光鐘N/AN/A
12/2011—5/2022 @Lin Bou-wen 林博文N/AN/A
6/2022—Lin Faa-jeng 林法正b. N/AN/A

The following are subordinate laboratories under the NARL:

  Instrument Technology Research Center (yiqi keji yanjiu zhongxin 儀器科技研究中心, abbrev. yike zhongxin 儀科中心 in Chinese and ITRC in English)
  National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (guojia zaihai fangjiu keji zongxin 國家災害防救科技中心, abbrev. NCDR)
  National Center for High-performance Computing (guojia gaosu wangle yu jisuan zhongxin 國家高速網路與計算中心, abbrev. guowang zhongxin 國網中心 in Chinese and NCHC in English)
  National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (guojia dizhen gongcheng yanjiu zhongxin 國家地震工程研究中心, abbrev. NCREE)
  National Laboratory Animal Center (guojia shiyan dongwu zhongxin 國家實驗動物中心, abbrev. NLAC)
  National Space Organization (guojia taikong zhongxin 國家太空中心, abbrev. NSPO)
  Science & Technology Policy Research and Information Center (keji zhengce yanjiu yu zixun zongxin 科技政策研究與資訊中心, abbrev. STPI)
  Taiwan Ocean Research Institute (Taiwan Haiyang keji yanjiu zhongxin 台灣海洋科技研究中心, abbrev. TORI)
  Taiwan Typhoon and Flood Research Institute (Taiwan taifeng hongshui yanjiu zhongxin 台灣颱風洪水研究中心, abbrev. taihong zhongxin颱洪中心 in Chinese and TTFRI in English)

Furthermore, a Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (Taiwan bandaoti yanjiu zhongxin 台灣半導體研究中心, abbrev. TSRI) was established on Jan. 30, 2019 and merged with the National Chip Implementation Center (guojia jingpian xitong sheji zhongxin 國家晶片系統設計中心, abbrev. jingpian zhongxin 晶片中心 in Chinese and CIC in English) and the National Nano Device Laboratories (guojia naimi yuanjian shiyanshi 國家奈米元件實驗室, abbrev. NDL). On Oct. 17, 2019 NARL announced that the platform Taiwan Computing Cloud (Taiwan jisuanyun 台灣計算雲, abbrev. TWCC) had started commercial operations.

TOP   HOME    [◆ Research institutions]

Automotive Research and Testing Center (ARTC)

Automotive Research and Testing Center (ARTC) 車輛研究測試中心
No. 6 Lugong South 7th Road,
Lukang Township, Changhua County 50544, Taiwan ROC
[50544 彰化縣鹿港鎮鹿工南七路 6 號]
🌏 ARTC – Web link

ARTC (cheliang yanjiu ceshi zhongxin 車輛研究測試中心, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established in October 1990 by the MOEA together with the MOTC, the EPA and representatives of the enterprises based on the Automotive Industry development Policy (qiche gongye fazhan zhuan'an 汽車工業發展專案) which had been approved by the Executive Yuan on March 15, 1985. Its objectives bear upon the R&D of related technology, the improvement of product quality and internationally recognized testing and certification services, as well as assisting the government in stipulating and managing regulations and standards. Another senior position in ARTC is president (zong jingli 總經理).

ARTC chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1990—3/1992Yang Shih-chien 楊世緘b. 1944Shanghai
3/1992—1997Wu Hwei-ran 吳惠然b. 1934Taiwan
1997—10/1999Lin Hsin-yi 林信義b. 1946Taiwan
10/1999—10/2005Wu Hai 吳海N/AN/A
10/2005—1/2009Huang Wen-cheng 黃文成N/AN/A
1/2009—7/2018Liu Hsing-tai 劉興臺b. 1953Taiwan
7/2018—Chen Chao-yih 陳昭義b. 1954N/A

TOP   HOME    [◆ Research institutions]

Institute for Biotechnology and Medicine Industry (IBMI)

Institute for Biotechnology and Medicine Industry (IBMI) 財團法人國家生技醫療產業策進會
16 F., No. 3 Park Street,
Nangang District, Taipei City 11503, Taiwan ROC
[11503 台北市南港區園區街 3 號 16 樓]
🌏 IBMI – Web link

IBMI (caituan faren guojia shengji yiliao chanye cejinhui 財團法人國家生技醫療產業策進會, abbrev. shengcehui 生策會, 🏁—huizhang 會長) was founded in March 2002 as a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the biotechnology and medical industry in Taiwan. IBMI is associated with the Research Center for Biotechnology and Medicine Policy (shengji yiliao keji zhengce yanjiu zhongxin 生技醫療科技政策研究中心, abbrev. shengce zhongxin 生策中心 in Chinese and RBMP in English, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) which resides in the same building as IBMI and also shares the IBMI website.

IBMI chairmen

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/2002—2009Wang Jin-pyng 王金平b. 1941Taiwan
2009—6/2016Chen Wei-jao 陳維昭b. 1939Taiwan
6/2016—Simon Chang San-cheng 張善政b. 1954N/A

TOP   HOME    [◆ Research institutions]

Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE)

Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE) 財團法人醫藥品查驗中心
3 F., No. 465 Zhongxiao East Road Sec. 6,
Nangang District, Taipei City 11557, Taiwan ROC
[11557 台北市南港區忠孝東路 6 段 465 號 3 樓];
second office 第二辦公室: 5 F., No. 19-2 Sanchong Road,
Nangang District, Taipei City 11501, Taiwan ROC
[11501 台北市南港區三重路 19-2 號 5 樓]
🌏 CDE – Web link

The CDE (caituan faren yiyaopin chayan zhongxin 財團法人醫藥品查驗中心, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on July 13, 1998 by the DOH as a non-government and non-profit organization to assist the FDA in performing review of medical products and related services. It has been playing the role of bridging the government agencies and the biopharmaceutical industry as well as medical device industry, providing a communication platform and offering advisory services to the industry throughout the new medical product development process. On Feb. 2, 2017 the ROC government approved a draft bill to upgrade the CDE into a financially independent national organization named guojia yiyao shencha zhongxin 國家醫藥審查中心 in Chinese.

CDE chairpersons

Tenure started Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1998Chen Ying-lin 陳瑩霖N/AN/A
12/1999Hsiao Mei-ling 蕭美玲b. 1949Taiwan
7/2004Chen Tzay-jinn 陳再晉N/AN/A
7/2010Hsiao Mei-ling (second time)
11/2012Lin Tzou-yien 林奏延b. 1948Taiwan
4/2014Hsu Yong-nian 徐永年N/AN/A
3/2015Hsu Ming-neng 許銘能N/AN/A
7/2016—Ho Chi-kung 何啟功b. N/AN/A

TOP   HOME    [◆ Research institutions]

Agricultural Technology Research Institute (ATRI)

Agricultural Technology Research Institute (ATRI) 農業科技研究院
No. 1 Lane 51, Dahu Road,
Xiangshan District, Hsinchu City 30093, Taiwan ROC
[30093 新竹市香山區大湖路 51 巷 1 號]
🌏 ATRI – Web link

ATRI (caituan faren nongye keji yanjiuyuan 財團法人農業科技研究院, abbrev. nongkeyuan 農科院, 🏁—yuanzhang 院長) was established by the COA on Jan. 1, 2014 to strengthen the commercialization and industrialization of agricultural research results. Another leading position in ATRI is the chairperson of the board of directors (dongshizhang 董事長).

ATRI presidents

Tenure started  Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2014Yeh Ying 葉瑩N/AN/A
5/2015Yang Ping-cheng 楊平政N/AN/A
5/2016 @Lin Jiunn-horng 林俊宏N/AN/A
6/2016Lee Wen-chuan 李文權N/AN/A
11/2017 @Chang Chih-sheng 張致盛N/AN/A
7/2018—Chen Jen-pin 陳建斌b. 1956N/A

ATRI board chairpersons

Tenure started  Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2014Chen Bao-ji 陳保基b. 1953Taiwan
6/2016Wu Ming-ming 吳明敏b. 1948N/A
3/2017Lin Tsung-hsien 林聰賢b. 1962Taiwan
1/2019—Chen Chi-chung 陳吉仲b. 1966N/A

ATRI has the following administrative subdivisions:

  Administration Department (zong guanlichu 總管理處), and
  Auditing Office (jiheshi 稽核室).

Furthermore, ATRI has the following centers:

  Agricultural Policy Technology Research Center (nongye zhengce yanjiu zhongxin 農業政策研究中心),
  Animal Technology Research Center (dongwu keji yanjiu zhongxin 動物科技研究所),
  Aquatic Technology Research Center (shuichan keji yanjiu zhongxin 水產科技研究所),
  Business Promotion Center (chanye fazhan zhongxin 產業發展中心), and
  Plant Technology Research Center (zhiwu keji yanjiu zhongxin 植物科技研究所).

TOP   HOME    [◆ Research institutions]

Chung-Hwa Nuclear Society (CHNS)

Chung-Hwa Nuclear Society (CHNS) 社團法人中華民國核能學會
Room 302, Tsen-Min Lee Building, No. 101 Guangfu Road Sec. 2,
East District, Hsinchu City 30013, Taiwan ROC
[30013 新竹市東區光復路 2 段 10 1號,國立清華大學李存敏館 302 室]
🌏 CHNS – Web link

Please note that CHNS shares the address with the Nuclear and New Energy Education and Research Foundation (caituan faren heneng yu xin nengyuan jiaoyu yanjiu xiejinhui 財團法人核能與新能源教育研究協進會) in the Tsen-Min Lee Building—aka Green Energy Research and Education Building (lüse ditan nengyuan jiaoxue yanjiu dalou 綠色低碳能源教學研究大樓)—of National Tsing Hua University (NTHU).

CHNS (shetuan faren Zhonghua minguo heneng xuehui 社團法人中華民國核能學會, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) was established on May 25, 1973 as a non-profit organization, and it consists of more than 550 individual members and 17 organizational members. The purpose of CHNS is to study nuclear-related science and technology, and it is committed to the development of nuclear-related applications.

CHNS presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/1974—12/1979Cheng Chen-hua 鄭振華N/AN/A
1/1980—12/1980Tseng Teh-lin 曾德霖N/AN/A
1/1981—12/1981J. P. Chien 錢積彭1923-1986N/A
1/1982—12/1983David S. L. Chu 朱書麟b. 1918Zhejiang
1/1984—12/1985Chen Chen-hua 陳振華N/AN/A
1/1986—12/1986Lee Yu-hao 李育浩N/AN/A
1/1987—12/1988L. K. Chen 陳蘭皋b. 1914Guangdong
1/1989—12/1989Liu Kuang-chi 劉光霽b. 1933Beijing
1/1990—12/1990Lin Ying 林英N/AN/A
1/1991—12/1992Su Ching-shen 蘇青森b. 1930Guangdong
1/1993—12/1993Hsia Der-yu 夏德鈺b. 1949Taiwan
1/1994—12/1995Hsu Yih-yun 許翼雲b. 1930Jiangsu
1/1996—12/1996Tsai Mao-tsun 蔡茂村N/AN/A
1/1997—12/2002Hu Ching-piao 胡錦標b. 1943Guangdong
1/2003—12/2008Ouyang Min-shen 歐陽敏盛b. 1949Taiwan
1/2009—1/2012Tsai Chuen-horng 蔡春鴻b. 1950Taiwan
1/2012—1/2018Pan Chin 潘欽N/AN/A
1/2018—Lee Min 李敏b. N/AN/A

CHNS has the following subdivisions:

  General Assembly (huiyuan dahui 會員大會),
  Secretariat xingzheng mishu xiaozu 行政祕書小組), and
  Women's Committee (funü weiyuanhui 婦女委員會).

Furthermore, there are academic committees (xueshu weiyuanhui 學術委員會) and functional teams (gongneng xiaozu 功能小組). CHNS currently does not maintain its own website.

TOP   HOME    [◆ Research institutions]

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◆ Think tanks

The following think tanks are presented below:

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Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER)

Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER) 台灣經濟研究院
No. 16-8 Dehui Street,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10461, Taiwan ROC
[10461 台北市中山區德惠街 16-8 號]
🌏 TIER – Web link

The TIER (Taiwan jingji yanjiuyuan 台灣經濟研究院, abbrev. Taijingyuan 台經院, 🏁—yuanzhang 院長) was established on Sept. 1, 1976 as the first private independent think tank in Taiwan. Before September 1989 TIER was called Taiwan Economic Research Institute (Taiwan jingji yanjiusuo 台灣經濟研究所). Another senior position at TIER is chairman of the board (dongshizhang 董事長).

TIER presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1976–1980Tsiang Sho-chieh 蔣碩傑1918-1993Hubei
1980–1981John C. H. Fei 費景漢1923-1996Beijing
1982–1993Liu Tai-ying 劉泰英b. 1936Taiwan
1994–2005Wu Rong-i 吳榮義b. 1939Taiwan
2005—12/2014David S. Hong 洪德生b. 1939Taiwan
1/2015—Jeff Chien-fu Lin 林建甫b. N/AN/A

TIER chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
5/1976—8/1989Huang Shao-ku 黃少谷1901-1996Hunan
9/1989—2/1993Koo Chen-fu 辜振甫1917-2005Taiwan
3/1993—11/2012Jeffrey Koo Sr. 辜濂松1933-2012Taiwan
11/2012—12/2018 Chiang Pin-kung 江丙坤1932-2018Taiwan
12/2018—Wang Chih-kang 王志剛b. 1942Hebei

The organizational structure of TIER includes the following units:

  Department of Administration (xingzhengchu 行政處),
  Department of Industrial Development (chanye fazhanchu 產業發展處),
  Department of Information Technology (diannao zhongxin 電腦中心),
  Department of International Affairs (gouji shiwuchu 國際事務處);
  Research Division I (yanjiu yisuo 研究一所),
  Research Division II (yanjiu ersuo 研究二所),
  Research Division III (yanjiu sansuo 研究三所),
  Research Division IV (yanjiu sisuo 研究四所),
  Research Division V (yanjiu wusuo 研究五所),
  Research Division VI (yanjiu liusuo 研究六所);
  Biotechnology Study Center (shengwu keji chanye yanjiu zhongxin 生物科技產業研究中心),
  Information Service Center (zixun fuwu zhongxin 資訊服務中心),
  Regional Development Research Center (quyu fazhan yanjiu zhongxin 區域發展研究中心),
  Survey and Statistics Center (diaocha zhongxin 調查中心); and
  Taiwan Industry Economics Services (chanjing ziliaoku 產經資料庫).

Furthermore, the Office of the President (yuanzhangshi 院長室) of TIER has its own subdivisions:

  Climate Change and Policy Response Research Center (qihou bianqian zhongxin 氣候變遷中心),
  Cross-Strait Development Study Center (liang'an fazhan yanjiu zhongxin 兩岸發展研究中心),
  Economic Development Strategic Planning Center (guojia jingji fazhan zhanlüe zhongxin 國家經濟發展戰略中心),
  Emerging Markets Development Study Center (xinxing shichang fazhan yanjiu zhongxin 新興市場發展研究中心),
  Intellectual Property Valuation Service Center (zhihui caichan pingjia fuwu zhongxin 智慧財產評價服務中心),
  Macroeconomic Forecasting Center (jingqi yuce zhongxin 景氣預測中心);
  Industrial Development Advisory Council (chanye fazhan zixun weiyuanhui 產業發展諮詢委員會); and
  Southern Taiwan Program Office (nan Taiwan zhuan'an bangongshi 南臺灣專案辦公室).

In addition, an Auditing Committee (jiheshi 稽核室) and an Advisory Committee (guwenshi 顧問室) report to the TIER president.

TOP   HOME    [◆ Think tanks]

Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER)

Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research (CIER) 中華經濟研究院
No. 75 Changxing Street,
Daan District, Taipei City 10672, Taiwan ROC
[10672 台北市大安區長興街 75 號]
🌏 CIER – Web link

The CIER (Zhonghua jingji yanjiuyuan 中華經濟研究院, abbrev. Zhongjingyuan 中經院, 🏁—yuanzhang 院長) was established on July 1, 1981 as an international policy think tank for economic and industry-related research. Another senior position in CIER is chairman (dongshizhang 董事長).

CIER presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1981–1990Tsiang Sho-chieh 蔣碩傑1918-1993Hubei
1990–1996Yu Tzong-shian 于宗先b. 1930Shandong
1996–2003Mai Chao-cheng 麥朝成b. 1943Taiwan
2003–2005Chen Tain-jy 陳添枝b. 1953Taiwan
2005–2006Ko Chen-en 柯承恩b. 1952Taiwan
2006–2011Shaw Dai-gee 蕭代基b. 1951N/A
2011—Wu Chung-shu 吳中書b. 1958N/A

CIER chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2/1981—5/1983T. K. Chang 張茲闓1900-1983Guangdong
7/1983—6/1990Chang Chi-cheng 張繼正1918-2015Sichuan
8/1990—6/1993Tsiang Sho-chieh 蔣碩傑1918-1993Hubei
9/1993—6/1996John C. H. Fei 費景漢1923-1996Beijing
8/1996—6/2002Samuel C. Shieh 謝森中1919-2004Guangdong
7/2002—7/2007Vincent Siew 蕭萬長b. 1939Taiwan
7/2007—6/2008Ko Chen-en 柯承恩b. 1952Taiwan
7/2008—3/2011Cyrus C. Y. Chu 朱敬一b. 1955Taiwan
3/2011—6/2016Liang Chi-yuan 梁啟源b. 1946Taiwan
6/2016—7/2018 Hu Sheng-cheng 胡勝正1940-2018Taiwan
>>> [vacant] <<<
8/2018—Tsaur Tien-wang 曹添旺b. N/AN/A

The organizational structure of CIER includes the following units:

  First Research Division (diyi yanjiusuo 第一研究所),
  Second Research Division (dier yanjiusuo 第二研究所),
  Third Research Division (disan yanjiusuo 第三研究所);
  Center for Economic Forecasting (jingji fazhan zhongxin 經濟展望中心),
  Center for Energy and Environmental Research (nengyuan yu huanjing yanjiu zhongxin 能源與環境研究中心),
  Center for Financial and Economic Strategies (caijing celüe zhongxin 財經策略中心),
  Center for Green Economy (lüse jingji yanjiu zhongxin 綠色經濟研究中心),
  Center for Science and Technology Policy Evaluation and Research (keji zhengce pinggu yanjiu zhongxin 科技政策評估研究中心),
  Center for Small and Medium Enterprises Research (zhongxiao qiye yanjiu zhongxin 中小企業研究中心),
  Economic Law Research Center (jingji fazhi yanjiu zhongxin 經濟法制研究中心),
  Japan Center Sub-Committee (Riben zhongxin 日本中心),
  Regional Development Study Center (quyu fazhan yanjiu zhongxin 區域發展研究中心),
  Taiwan ASEAN Studies Center (Taiwan dongnanya guojia xiehui yanjiu zhongxin 台灣東南亞國家協會研究中心),
  Taiwan WTO & RTA Center (WTO ji RTA zhongxin WTO 及 RTA 中心);
  Secretarial Section (mishuchu 秘書處);
  Data Processing Office (ziliao chulishi 資料處理室);
  Publications Office (chubanshe 出版社); and
  Library (tushushi 圖書室).

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Commerce Development Research Institute (CDRI)

Commerce Development Research Institute (CDRI) 財團法人商業發展研究院
4 F., No. 303 Fuxing South Road Sec. 1,
Daan District, Taipei City 10665, Taiwan ROC
[10665 台北市大安區復興南路 1 段 303 號 4 樓]
🌏 CDRI – Web link

The CDRI (caituan faren shangye fazhan yanjiuyuan 財團法人商業發展研究院, abbrev. shangfayuan 商發院, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on Dec. 25, 2007 and positioned as national-level services research think-tank. In addition to its Taipei HQ, it also operates a southern branch in Tainan, and a central Taiwan branch in Taichung is in preparation. Another senior position in CDRI is president (yuanzhang 院長).

CDRI chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
12/2007—7/2008Steve Chen 陳瑞隆b. 1948Taiwan
7/2008—10/2010Seetoo Da-hsian 司徒達賢b. 1948Taiwan/Guangdong
10/2010—10/2012Kuan Chung-ming 管中閔b. 1956Taiwan
10/2012—11/2016Hsu Chung-jen 徐重仁b. 1949Taiwan
11/2016—Hsu Tain-tsair 許添財b. 1951Taiwan

CDRI presidents

Tenure (started) Name Born/Died Native Province
5/2008—8/2008Shih Jun-ji 施俊吉b. 1955Taiwan
8/2008—12/2010Chang Kuang-cheng 張光正b. 1946Shandong
12/2010—12/2012Chen Ho-ming 陳厚銘N/AN/A
12/2012—Hsu Yin-chieh 許英傑N/AN/A
8/2015—Hsieh Lung-fa 謝龍發b. N/AN/A

CDRI has the following subdivisions:

  Business Model Innovation Research Division (jingying moshi chuangxin yanjiusuo 經營模式創新研究所),
  Commerce Development and Strategy Research Division (shangye fazhan yu celüe yanjiusuo 商業發展與策略研究所),
  Commerce Talent Development Research Division (shangye rencai fazhan yanjiusuo 商業人才發展研究所),
  Commerce Technology Application Research Division (shangye keji yingyong yanjiusuo 商業科技應用研究所),
  Marketing and Consumer Behavior Research Division (xingxiao yu xiaofei xingwei yanjiusuo 行銷與消費行為研究所);
  Digital Innovation Service Center (shuwei chuangxin xitong fuwu zhongxin 數位創新系統服務中心),
  Halal Research, Coaching, Development Center (qingzhen yanjiu fudao fazhan zhongxin 清真研究輔導發展中心),
  International Development Center (guoji fazhan zhongxin 國際發展中心);
  Administration Division (xingzheng guanlichu 行政管理處), and
  Comprehensive Programming Division (zonghe qihuachu 綜合企劃處).

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Institute for National Policy Research (INPR)

Institute for National Policy Research (INPR) 財團法人國策研究院文教基金會
7 F., No. 11 Zhongshan South Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10048, Taiwan ROC
[10048 台北市中正區中山南路 11 號 7 樓]
🌏 INPR – Web link

INPR (caituan faren guoce yanjiuyuan wenjiao jijinhui 財團法人國策研究院文教基金會, abbrev. guoceyuan 國策院, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established in January 1989 as National Policy Research Information Center (guojia zhengce yanjiu zhongxin 國家政策研究中心), a subsidiary of the Chang Yung-fa Foundation (Zhang Rongfa jijinhui 張榮發基金會). It was the first completely privately funded public affairs research organization in Taiwan and the country's first non-partisan think tank. Since its reorganization in January 1998 INPR is an independent foundation and not under the Chang Yung-fa Foundation anymore. Another leading position in the INPR is president (yuanzhang 院長). Research priorities include democratic development and consolidation, national security, cross-strait relations, and Asia-Pacific affairs.

INPR chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/1989—1991Tsai Tun-ming 蔡墩銘1932-2014Taiwan
1991—Tien Hung-mao 田弘茂b. 1938Taiwan

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Taiwan Research Institute (TRI)

Taiwan Research Institute (TRI) 台灣綜合研究院
29 F., No. 27 Zhongzheng East Road Sec. 2,
Danshui District, New Taipei City 25170, Taiwan ROC
[25170 新北市淡水區中正東路 2 段 27 號 29 樓]
🌏 TRI – Web link

The TRI (Taiwan zonghe yanjiuyuan 台灣綜合研究院, abbrev. Taizongyuan 台綜院, 🏁—yuanzhang院長) was established in March 1994 by a group of leading members of the business community in Taiwan. It is a think tank with a research focus on international relations, strategic and security studies as well as cross-strait issues. Another senior position in the TRI is chairman (dongshizhang 董事長). On May 22, 2000 former ROC President Lee Teng-hui 李登輝 assumed the position of honorary chairman (rongyu dongshizhang 榮譽董事長).

TRI presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/1994—7/2008Liu Tai-ying 劉泰英b. 1936Taiwan
7/2008—Wu Tsai-yi 吳再益b. N/AN/A

TRI chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/1994—2/1995Wang Tso-yung 王作榮1919-2013Hubei
3/1995—3/2009Lo Chi-shuan 羅吉煊b. 1924Taiwan
4/2009—Huang Hwei-chen 黃輝珍b. 1954Taiwan

The organizational structure of TRI includes the following units:

  Board of Directors (dongshihui 董事會);
  President's Office (yuanzhangshi 院長室);
  Administration Section aka General Affairs Department (xingzhengchu 行政處);
  Research Division I (yanjiu yisuo 研究一所),
  Research Division II (yanjiu ersuo 研究二所),
  Research Division III (yanjiu sansuo 研究三所);
  National Development Research Center (guojia fazhan yanjiu zhongxin 國家發展研究中心),
  New Generation Resource Research Center (xin shidai ziyuan yanjiu zhongxin 新世代資源研究中心),
  Public Policy Research Center (gonggong zhengce yanjiu zhongxin 公共政策研究中心),
  Sustainable Development Research Center (yongxu fazhan yanjiu zhongxin 永續發展研究中心);
  Consultative Committee of Financial and Securities Investment (caijing zixun weiyuanhui 財經諮詢委員會); and
  Library (tushuguan 圖書館).

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Institute for National Defense and Security Research (INDSR)

Institute for National Defense and Security Research (INDSR) 財團法人國防安全研究院
No. 172 Boai Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10048, Taiwan ROC
[10048 台北市中正區博愛路 172 號]
🌏 INDSR – Web link

The INDSR (caituan faren guofang anquan yanjiuyuan 財團法人國防安全研究院, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on May 1, 2018 as a semi-official think tank responsible for studying and offering advice on national security issues to the government.

INDSR president

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
5/2018—10/2019Kent Feng 馮世寬b. 1945Jiangsu
10/2019—Huoh Shoou-yeh 霍守業b. 1943Henan

INDSR has the following subdivisions:

  Division of Advanced Technologies and Warfighting Concepts (xianjin keji yu zuozhan gainian yanjiusuo 先進科技與作戰概念研究所),
  Division of Chinese Politics and Military Affairs (Zhong gong zhengjun yanjiusuo 中共政軍研究所),
  Division of Cyber Warfare and Information Security (wanglu zuozhan yu zixun anquan yanjiusuo 網路作戰與資訊安全研究所),
  Division of National Defense Resources and Industries (guofang ziyuan yu chanye yanjiusuo 國防資源與產業研究所),
  Division of National Defense Strategies and Policies (guofang zhanlüe yu zhengce yanjiusuo 國防戰略與政策研究所),
  Division of National Security and Decision-Making (guojia anquan yu zhengce yanjiusuo 國家安全與決策研究所),
  Division of Non-traditional Security and Military Missions (fei chuantong anquan yu junshi renwu yanjiusuo 非傳統安全與軍事任務研究所); and
  Center for Quantitative Analysis and Decision-Making Simulation (lianghua fenxi ji juece tuiyan zhongxin 量化分析暨決策推演中心).

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Taiwan Space Union (TSU)

Taiwan Space Union (TSU) 臺灣太空科學聯盟
No. 300 Zhongda Road,
Zhongli District, Taoyuan City 32001, Taiwan ROC
[32001 桃園市中壢區中大路 300 號]
🌏 TSU – Web link

The TSU (Taiwan taikong kexue lianmeng 臺灣太空科學聯盟, 🏁: zhuxi 主席) was established on Nov. 20, 2020 by the National Central University (NCU), the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) and Academia Sinica with the aim to facilitate the development of space research in Taiwan. Although the TSU’s headquarters are located on the NCU campus, the think tank is not a subordinate unit of the NCU, and its management is under the responsibility of the Department of Natural Sciences and Sustainable Development (ziran kexue ji yongxu yanjiu fazhansi 自然科學及永續研究發展司) in the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). The TSU works in partnership with the Taiwan Space Agency (TASA).

TSU chairman

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
11/2020—Ip Wing-huen 葉永烜b. 1947Jiangsu

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Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF)

Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF) 台灣亞洲交流基金會
Room 1107, No. 136 Renai Road Sec. 3,
Daan District, Taipei City 10657, Taiwan ROC
[10657 台北市大安區仁愛路 3 段 136 號 1107 室]
🌏 TAEF – Web link

TAEF (Taiwan yazhou jiaoliu jijinhui 台灣亞洲交流基金會, abbrev. taiyahui 台亞會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was formally set up on April 3, 2018, an official launch ceremony took place four months later on Aug. 8 together with the inauguration of the Asia Engagement Consortium (yazhou shengeng lianmeng 亞洲深耕聯盟, abbrev. AEC). The establishment of the government-funded think tank was administered by the MOFA. TAEF is tasked with implementing the New Southbound Policy (xin nanxiang zhengce 新南向政策) of the ROC government and strengthening engagement with Taiwan's Asian neighbours. Furthermore, it will organize the annual Yushan Forum (yushan luntan 玉山論壇) which was initiated in October 2017 as a platform for regional dialogue. Another senior position in TAEF is executive director (zhixingzhang 執行長).

TAEF chairman

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/2018—Michael Hsiao 蕭新煌b. 1948Taiwan

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National Policy Foundation (NPF)

National Policy Foundation (NPF) 國家政策研究基金會
No. 16 Hangzhou South Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10052, Taiwan ROC
[10052 台北市中正區杭州南路 1 段 16 號]
🌏 NPF – Web link

The NPF (guojia zhengce yanjiu jijinhui 國家政策研究基金會, abbrev. guozheng jijinhui 國政基金會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established in May 2000 and is a pro-KMT think tank.

NPF chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
5/2000—1/2015Lien Chan 連戰b. 1936Shaanxi/Taiwan
1/2015—5/2016Eric Chu 朱立倫b. 1961Taiwan/Zhejiang
5/2016—Hung Hsiu-chu 洪秀柱b. 1948Taiwan/Zhejiang

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Taiwan Competitiveness Forum (TCF)

Taiwan Competitiveness Forum (TCF) 社團法人臺灣競爭力論壇學會
3 F., No. 3 Lane 1, Zhenjiang Street,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10051, Taiwan ROC
[10051 台北市中正區鎮江街 1 巷 3 號 3 樓]
🌏 TCF – Web link

The TCF (shetuan faren Taiwan jingzhengli luntan xuehui 社團法人臺灣競爭力論壇學會, abbrev. Taiwan jingzhengli luntan 台灣競爭力論壇, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) was established on Aug. 15, 2007. The NGO is a think tank which is considered close to the blue camp, a major focus of its work are cross-strait relations. Another senior position in TCF is CEO (zhixingzhang 執行長).

TCF presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/2007—11/2010Jeff Chien-fu Lin 林建甫N/AN/A
11/2010—2016Thomas Peng 彭錦鵬b. 1952Taiwan
2016—Pang Chien-kuo 龐建國b. 1953Taiwan/Guangdong

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Taiwan Thinktank

Taiwan Thinktank 財團法人台灣智庫
8 F., No. 9 Aiguo West Road,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10042, Taiwan ROC
[10042 台北市中正區愛國西路 9 號 8 樓]
🌏 Taiwan Thinktank – Web link

The Taiwan Thinktank (caituan faren Taiwan zhiku 財團法人台灣智庫, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on Dec. 30, 2001. The inauguration ceremony in Taipei was attended by then-ROC President Chen Shui-bian 陳水扁, then-ROC Premier Chang Chun-hsiung 張俊雄, several cabinet members, then-DPP Chairman Frank Hsieh 謝長廷 as well as then-TSU Chairman Huang Chu-wen 黃主文 and others. The Taiwan Thinktank is regarded as a pro-DPP research institution. Other leading positions in this NGO are CEO (zhixingzhang 執行長) and honorary chairperson (rongyu dongshizhang 榮譽董事長).

Taiwan Thinktank chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
12/2001—6/2002Lin Jong-shong 林鐘雄1938-2006Taiwan
6/2002—5/2012Chen Po-chih 陳博志b. 1949Taiwan
6/2012—Lin Chia-lung 林佳龍b. 1964Taiwan

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New Society for Taiwan

New Society for Taiwan 社團法人台灣新社會智庫協會
3 F., No. 1 Lane 7, Jinan Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10051, Taiwan ROC
[10051 台北市中正區濟南路 1 段 7 巷 1 號 3 樓]
🌏 New Society for Taiwan – Web link

The New Society for Taiwan (shetuan faren Taiwan xin shehui zhiku xiehui 社團法人台灣新社會智庫協會 aka Taiwan xin shehui zhiku 台灣新社會智庫, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) is a think tank that became active in late September 2008. Its membership by and large is recruited from the New Tide Faction (xin chaoliu xi 新潮流系) of the DPP.

New Society for Taiwan chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2008–2009Wu Nai-jen 吳乃仁b. 1947Taiwan
2009–2011Hsu Chia-ching 徐佳青b. 1967Taiwan
2011–2012Lin Si-yao 林錫耀b. 1961Taiwan
2012—Cheng Wen-tsan 鄭文燦b. 1967Taiwan

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Taiwan Brain Trust (TBT)

Taiwan Brain Trust (TBT) 新台灣國策智庫有限公司
3 F., No. 42 Minquan East Road Sec. 2,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10469, Taiwan ROC
[10469 台北市中山區民權東路 2 段 42 號 3 樓]
🌏 TBT – Web link

The TBT (xin Taiwan guoce zhiku youxian gongsi 新台灣國策智庫有限公司, abbrev. Taiwan guoce 台灣國策, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) aka New Taiwan Trust was established in January 2010 as a pro-independence think tank. In May 2012 TBT was incorporated into the New Taiwan Peace Foundation (caituan faren xin Taiwan heping jijinhui 財團法人新台灣和平基金會), and on Sept. 1, 2016 it incorporated into the Ketagalan Foundation (caituan faren kaidagelan jijinhui 財團法人凱達格蘭基金會). Furthermore, TBT is linked to the International Committee for a Democratic Taiwan (minzhu Taiwan guoji weiyuanhui 民主台灣國際委員會, abbrev. ICDT).

TBT chairmen

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2010—5/2012Koo Kwang-ming 辜寬敏1926-2023Taiwan
5/2012—Wu Rong-i 吳榮義b. 1939Taiwan

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New Frontier Foundation Think Tank

New Frontier Foundation Think Tank 新境界智庫
8 F., No. 30 Beiping East Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10049, Taiwan ROC
[10049 台北市中正區北平東路 30 號 8 樓]
🌏 New Frontier Foundation Think Tank – Web link

The New Frontier Foundation Think Tank (xin jingjie zhiku 新境界智庫, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on Feb. 23, 2011 by the New Frontier Foundation (xin jingjie wenjiao jijinhui 新境界文教基金會, abbrev. NFF) and is a DPP think tank. It has a Security and Strategy Research Center (anquan yu zhanlue yanjiu zhongxin 安全與戰略研究中心) and an Economic and Social Affairs Research Center (jingji yi shehui yanjiu zhongxin 經濟與社會研究中心). The NFF itself had been founded on July 15, 1999. Another leading position in the New Frontier Foundation Think Tank is CEO (zhixingzhang 執行長).

New Frontier Foundation Think Tank chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2/2011—7/2012Tsai Ing-wen 蔡英文b. 1956Taiwan
7/2012—8/2014Su Tseng-chang 蘇貞昌b. 1947Taiwan
8/2014—1/2023Tsai Ing-wen (second time)
1/2023—Lai Ching-te 賴清德b. 1959Taiwan

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Thinking Taiwan Foundation (TTF)

Thinking Taiwan Foundation 財團法人小英教育基金會
7-3 F., No. 23 Chang'an East Road Sec. 1,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10441, Taiwan ROC
[10441 台北市中山區長安東路 1 段 23 號 7 樓之 3]
🌏 TTF – Web link
Alternative logo: 

The TTF (caituan faren xiaoying jiaoyu jijinhui 財團法人小英教育基金會, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) is a think tank which was established on Aug. 6, 2012 by Tsai Ing-wen as an educational organization aimed at developing charity projects and public policy. Funded from the NT$120 million election subsidy Tsai received, the foundation was intended to be free from political ideology and partisanship, and at the founding ceremony its first CEO (zhixingzhang 執行長) Lin Chuan 林全 also pledged that TTF would 'try to avoid political influence'. After Tsai Ing-wen won the ROC presidential election on Jan. 16, 2016 as the DPP candidate, the English section of the Thinking Taiwan website was suspended effective May 20, 2016 as part of TTF's overall post-election reorganizational plan. Another major post in TTF is supervisor (jianshi 監事).

TTF chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/2012—6/2014Tsai Ing-wen 蔡英文b. 1956Taiwan
6/2014—Chien Chi-chong 簡志忠b. 1955Taiwan

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Institute for Taiwan-American Studies (ITAS)

Institute for Taiwan-American Studies (ITAS) 台美關係研究中心
Suite 405, No. 419 7th Street NW,
Washington DC 20004, USA
🌏 ITAS – Web link

The ITAS (Tai Mei guanxi yanjiu zhongxin 台美關係研究中心, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on July 1, 2015 and is a US-based independent, non-profit academic institution. As a think tank based in Washington DC, ITAS aims to facilitate better interaction and exchange between Taiwan and the US by carrying out academic research and public awareness activities. Also, it aims to strengthen dialogue with American universities, research institutions, and the media as well as private and governmental organizations.

ITAS president

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/2015—Yeni Wong 王燕怡b. N/AFujian

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Global Taiwan Institute (GTI)

Global Taiwan Institute (GTI) 全球台灣研究中心
1836 Jefferson Place NW,
Washington DC 20036, USA
🌏 GTI – Web link

The GTI (quanqiu Taiwan yanjiu zhongxin 全球台灣研究中心, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on Sept. 14, 2016 in Washington DC as a non-profit think tank with the aim of promoting Taiwan–US relations and perpetuating the goal of strengthening bilateral ties. The GTI, set up with donations from Taiwanese expatriates based in the US, is the first think tank in Washington DC that focuses primarily on Taiwan affairs and research on related policy issues. Its vision is to raise awareness, deepen affinity, and create opportunities for strengthening the relationship of Taiwan, its people and culture, with the international community. Another senior position in the GTI is executive director (zhixingzhang 執行長).

GTI chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
9/2016—4/2018 Robert Y. Lai 賴義雄1940-2018Taiwan
>>> [vacant] <<<
9/2018—2021Chen Wen-yen 陳文彥b. 1940Taiwan
2021—Jennifer Hu 胡兌昀b. N/AN/A

GTI executive director

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
9/2016—Russell Hsiao 蕭良其b. N/AN/A

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◆ Major trade organizations

The following trade organizations are presented below:

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Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA)

Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) 中華民國對外貿易發展協會
5-7 F., No. 333 Jilong Road Sec. 1,
Xinyi District, Taipei City 11012, Taiwan ROC
[11012 台北市信義區基隆路 1 段 333 號 5-7 樓(國際貿易大樓)]
🌏 TAITRA – Web link

TAITRA (Zhonghua minguo duiwai maoyi fazhan xiehui 中華民國對外貿易發展協會, abbrev. waimao xiehui 外貿協會 or maoxie 貿協, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) is a non-profit government co-sponsored trade promotion organization in the ROC. It was founded on July 1, 1970 with the English name "China External Trade Development Council"; the current English name was adopted on Jan. 5, 2004. Initially, "CETDC" was used as the official English abbreviation, that was changed to "CETRA" in the late 1980s.

TAITRA chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1970—6/1978Sun Yun-suan 孫運璿1913-2006Shandong
7/1978—10/1988Chang Kwang-shih 張光世b. 1913, d. N/AJiangsu
10/1988—11/1996Wang Chang-ching 王章清1920-2001Hubei
11/1996—9/1997Wang Chih-kang 王志剛b. 1942Hebei
9/1997—12/2000Lin Chen-kuo 林振國b. 1937Fujian
12/2000—7/2003Shea Jia-dong 許嘉棟b. 1948Taiwan
7/2003—7/2008C. J. Hsu 許志仁b. 1951Taiwan
7/2008—8/2014Wang Chih-kang (second time)
8/2014—12/2016Francis Liang 梁國新b. 1951Taiwan
12/2016—1/2017 @Wang Mei-hua 王美花b. 1958Taiwan
1/2017—James Huang 黃志芳b. 1958Taiwan

TAITRA secretary-generals

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1970—10/1983Wu Kuan-hsiung 武冠雄b. 1921Jiangsu
10/1983—10/1988Chiang Pin-kung 江丙坤1932-2018Taiwan
10/1988—12/1993Liu Ting-tsu 劉廷祖N/AN/A
12/1993—9/1996Huang Hsing-kuo 黃興國b. 1929Taiwan
9/1996—4/2001Ricky Y. S. Kao 高一心b. 1942Hebei
4/2001—11/2002Huang Chih-peng 黃志鵬b. 1951Taiwan
11/2002—7/2013Chao Yuen-chuan 趙永全b. 1948N/A
7/2013—1/2017Peter W. J. Huang 黃文榮N/AN/A
1/2017—Walter M. S. Yeh 葉明水b. 1955N/A

Please note that TAITRA uses the English title "President & CEO" for its secretary-general (mishuzhang 秘書長). TAITRA has the following departments and subdivisions:

  Auditing Office (jiheshi 稽核室),
  Research & Evaluation Committee (yanjiu kaohe weiyuanhui 研究考核委員會),
  International Trade Institute (guoji qiye rencai peixun zhongxin 國際企業人才培訓中心);
  Exhibition Department (zhanlan yewuchu 展覽業務處),
  General Administration Department (xingzheng yewuchu 行政業務處),
  Market Development Department (shichang tuozhanchu 市場拓展處),
  Market Research Department (shichang yanjiuchu 市場研究處),
  Planning & Finance Department (qihua caiwuchu 企劃財務處),
  Strategic Marketing Department (xingxiao zhuan'anchu 行銷專案處),
  TWTC and Exhibition and Convention Operation Department (Taibei shimao zhongxin zhanhui yingyunchu 台北世貿中心展會營運處);
  IT Services and Data Management Center (zixun ji shuju zhongxin 資訊及數據中心),
  Nangang International Exhibition Center (Nan'gang guoji zhanlan zhongxin 南港國際展覽中心),
  Service Industry Promotion Center (fuwuye tuiwu zhongxin 服務業推廣中心), and
  Trade Net Center (wangle xingxiao zhongxin 網路行銷中心).

In addition to its Taipei HQ, TAITRA operates 64 offices around the world—4 in Taiwan (Hsinchu, Kaohsiung, Taichung, Tainan), 11 in the PRC (Beijing, Chengdu, Dalian, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Nanning, Qingdao, Shanghai, Wuhan, Xiamen; Hong Kong), and 49 in 38 other countries (see below).

  • Asia (16 offices/12 countries)
  • Bangladesh (Dhaka)
    India (3—Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai)
    Indonesia (Jakarta)
    Japan (3—Fukuoka, Osaka, Tokyo)
    Kazakhstan (Almaty)
    Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)
    Myanmar (Yangon)
    Philippines (Manila)
    South Korea (Seoul)
    Thailand (Bangkok)
    Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City)
  • Middle East (3 offices/3 countries)
  • Iran (Tehran)
    UAE (Dubai)
  • Europe (15 offices/13 countries)
  • Bulgaria (Sofia)
    France (Paris)
    Germany (2—Düsseldorf, Munich)
    Hungary (Budapest)
    Italy (Milano)
    Netherlands (Rotterdam)
    Poland (Warsaw)
    Romania (Bucharest)
    Russia (2—Moscow, St. Petersburg)
    Spain (Barcelona)
    Turkey (Istanbul)
    UK (London)
    Ukraine (Kyiv)
  • Africa (5 offices/5 countries)
  • Algeria (Algiers)
    Egypt (Cairo)
    Kenya (Nairobi)
    Nigeria (Lagos)
    South Africa (Johannesburg)
  • North America (7 offices/2 countries)
  • Canada (2—Toronto, Vancouver)
    USA (5—Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco)
  • Latin America (2 offices/2 countries)
  • Brazil (São Paulo)
    Mexico (Mexico City)
  • Oceania (1 office/1 country)
  • Australia (Sydney)

TOP   HOME    [◆ Trade organizations]

Taiwan Visitors Association (TVA)

Taiwan Visitors Association (TVA) 台灣觀光協會
8-1 F., No. 285 Zhongxiao East Road Sec. 4,
Daan District, Taipei City 10692, Taiwan ROC
[10692 台北市大安區忠孝東路 4 段 285 號 8 樓之 1]
🌏 TVA – Web link

The TVA (Taiwan guanguang xiehui 台灣觀光協會, 🏁—huizhang 會長) is a non-profit organization and was established on Nov. 29, 1956. It is aimed to cohere tourism resources of the Taiwan area, promote the development of pollution-free tourism, a flourishing economy, and bring benefits to the people.

TVA presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
11/1956—12/1971 Yew Mi-kien 游彌堅1897-1971Taiwan
12/1971—12/1978 E. T. Tsu 朱倚天b. N/A, d. 1978N/A
12/1978—11/1985 Yuen Chung-shan 袁仲珊b. N/A, d. 1985Zhejiang
12/1985—10/1990 Chao Ching-chang 趙慶璋b. N/A, d. 1990N/A
11/1990—2/1995 Kuo Min-hsing 郭敏行b. N/A, d. 1995N/A
5/1995—6/2003Stanley Yen 嚴長壽b. 1947Shanghai
7/2003—8/2009Chang Shuo-lao 張學勞b. 1937N/A
8/2009—7/2012Chou Ching-shyong 周慶雄b. 1936Taiwan
7/2012—4/2013Chang Chia-juch 張家祝b. 1950Liaoning
4/2013—1/2017Janice Lai 賴瑟珍b. 1952Taiwan
1/2017—7/2024Yeh Chu-lan 葉菊蘭b. 1949Taiwan
7/2024—Chien Yu-yien 簡余晏b. 1967Taiwan

TOP   HOME    [◆ Trade organizations]

Chinese National Federation of Industries (CNFI)

Chinese National Federation of Industries (CNFI) 中華民國全國工業總會
12 F., No. 390 Fuxing South Road Sec. 1,
Daan District, Taipei City 10656, Taiwan
[10656 台北市大安區復興南路 1 段 390 號 12 樓]
🌏 CNFI – Web link

The CNFI (Zhonghua minguo quanguo gongye zonghui 中華民國全國工業總會, abbrev. gongzong 工總, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) aka National Federation of Chinese Industries is an industrial association representing the majority of manufacturing businesses in Taiwan. It is a nonprofit organization consisting of 159 member associations which represent their respective specific line of manufacturing, such as steel, textile, IT, chemicals, automotive etc. CNFI can be traced back to the Chinese National Association of Industries (Zhongguo quanguo gongye xiehui 中國全國工業協會) which was set up in 1942, the current name was adopted in September 1948. The organization moved to Taiwan in 1949.

CNFI chairpersons since 1949

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1949–1957Dao Quer-ling 陶桂林1891-1992Jiangsu
1957–1965Soh Yun-chang 束雲章1887-1973Jiangsu
1965–1975Pan Yang-shang 潘仰山1895-1982Zhejiang
6/1975—9/1981Lin Ting-sheng 林挺生1919-2006Taiwan
9/1981—12/1987Koo Chen-fu 辜振甫1917-2005Taiwan
12/1987—1/1994Hsui Sheng-fa 許勝發b. 1925Taiwan
1/1994—4/2000Kao Ching-yuen 高清愿1929-2016Taiwan
4/2000—4/2003Lin Kun-chung 林坤鐘1934-2004Taiwan
4/2003—4/2006Hou Chen-hsiung 侯貞雄b. 1939Taiwan
4/2006—4/2012Chen Wu-hsiung 陳武雄b. 1944Taiwan
4/2012—4/2018Rock Hsu 許勝雄b. 1943Taiwan
4/2018—William Wong 王文淵b. 1947Taiwan

CNFI's highest body is the General Meeting of Representatives (huiyuan daibiao dahui 會員代表大會), while administrative functions are discharged by the Board of Directors (lishihui 理事會) and the Board of Supervisors (jianshihui 監事會). There are the following administrative departments:

  Secretariat (mishushi 秘書室);
  Business Department (yewuchu 業務處),
  Integrated Planning Department (zonghe qihuachu 綜合企劃處);
  Administration Section (xingzhengzu 行政組),
  Financial Section (caiwuzu 財務組),
  Foreign Affairs and Trade Section (guoji jingmaozu 國際經貿組),
  Information and Data Service Section (zixun fuwuzu 資訊服務組),
  Intellectual Property Section (zhihui caichanquan zu 智慧財產權組),
  Member Affairs Section (huiwuzu 會務組), and
  Section of Taiwan Investors in Mainland China (dalu shiwuzu 大陸事務組).

Furthermore, there are the following committees:

  Chinese Taipei–Hong Kong–Macau Business Cooperation Committee (gang'ao shiwu weiyuanhui 港澳事務委員會),
  Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility (qiye shehui zeren weiyuanhui 企業社會責任委員會),
  Committee on Energy Policy (nengyuan zhengce weiyuanhui 能源政策委員會),
  Committee on Environment & Work Safety (huanjing ji anquan weisheng weiyuanhui 環境及安全衛生委員會),
  Committee on Fair Trade & Consumer Relation (gongping jiaoyi yu xiaofeizhe guanxi weiyuanhui 公平交易與消費者關係委員會),
  Committee on Financial Affairs related to Public Relations (gongguan caiwu weiyuanhui 公關財務委員會),
  Committee on Industrial Policy (chanye zhengce weiyuanhui 產業政策委員會),
  Committee on International Affairs (guoji shiwu weiyuanhui 國際事務委員會),
  Committee on Mainland China Economic Affairs (dalu shiwu weiyuanhui 大陸事務委員會),
  Committee on Parliament Relations (guohui guanxi weiyuanhui 國會關係委員會),
  Committee on Promotion of Federation Activities (gongye tuanti fazhan weiyuanhui 工業團體發展委員會),
  Committee on Self Discipline Judgement (zilü kaoping weiyuanhui 自律考評委員會),
  Committee on Service to Hsien–City District (xianshi quyu fuwu weiyuanhui 縣市區域服務委員會),
  Committee on Small and Medium Enterprises (zhongxiao qiye fazhan weiyuanhui 中小企業發展委員會),
  Committee on Taxation and Financial Policy (fushui yu jinrong zhengce weiyuanhui 賦稅與金融政策委員會),
  Committee on Trade Development (maoyi fazhan weiyuanhui 貿易發展委員會),
  Intellectual Property Committee (zhihui caichanquan weiyuanhui 智慧財產權委員會),
  ROC Employers Committee (guzhu weiyuanhui 雇主委員會), and
  Youth Committee (qingnian weiyuanhui 青年委員會).

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Third Wednesday Club / San San Fe

Third Wednesday Club / San San Fe 中華民國三三企業交流會
2 F., No. 85 Bade Road Sec. 4,
Songshan District, Taipei City 10561, Taiwan ROC
[10561 台北市松山區八德路 4 段 85 號 2 樓]
🌏 Third Wednesday Club – Web link

The Third Wednesday Club / San San Fe (Zhonghua minguo sansan qiye jiaoliuhui 中華民國三三企業交流會, abbrev. sansanhui 三三會, 🏁—lishizhang 理事長) was established in July 1999 as a business organization to promote concerted efforts between the government and the business community so as to successfully meet the challenges of accomplishing Taiwan's economic transformation and industrial restructuring.

Third Wednesday Club chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1999—2000Koo Chen-fu 辜振甫1917-2005Taiwan
2000—10/2012Jeffrey Koo Sr. 辜濂松1933-2012Taiwan
10/2012—7/2018Chiang Pin-kung 江丙坤1932-2018Taiwan
7/2018—Rock Hsu 許勝雄b. 1943Taiwan

San San Fe has the following subdivisions:

  General Assembly (huiyuan dahui 會員大會);
  Board of Directors (lishihui 理事會),
  Board of Supervisors (jianshihui 監事會);
  Advisory Board (guwenqun 顧問群);
  Business Department (yewu jiaoliuchu 業務交流處),
  Secretariat (mishuchu 秘書處);
  Cross-Strait Development Section (dalu yewu fazhanzu 大陸業務發展組),
  Cross-Strait Exchange Section (dalu yewu jiaoliuzu 大陸業務交流組),
  General Affairs Section (shiwuzu 事務組),
  International Affairs Section (guoji yewu jiaoliuzu 國際業務交流組), and
  Taiwan-Japan Exchange Section (Ri Tai yewu jiaoliuzu 日台業務交流組).

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◆ Privatized former state-owned enterprises

The following privatized former state-owned enterprises are presented below:

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CSBC Corporation Taiwan

CSBC Corporation Taiwan 台灣國際造船公司
No. 3 Zhonggang Road,
Xiaogang District, Kaohsiung City 81234, Taiwan ROC
[81234 高雄市小港區中鋼路 3 號]
🌏 CSBC – Web link

CSBC Corporation Taiwan (Taiwan guoji zaochuan gongsi 台灣國際造船公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was founded on Nov. 11, 1973 under the name "China Shipbuilding Corporation" (Zhongguo zaochuan gongsi 中國造船公司, abbrev. zhongchuan 中船 in Chinese and CSBC in English) and has been a state-owned enterprise (guoying shiye 國營事業) of the ROC since July 1977.

It can be traced back to June 1937 when Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Corporation (sanling zhong gongye zhushi huishe 三菱重工業株式會社) founded the Taiwan Dockyard Corporation (Taiwan chuanqu zhushi huishe 台灣船渠株式會社) which after Japan's defeat in WWII was merged with Taiwan Steel Works (zhushi huishe Taiwan tiegongsuo 株式會社台灣鐵工所) and Toko Kogyo Corporation (dongguang xingye zhushi huishe 東光興業株式會社) by the ROC government in May 1946, thus constituting the Taiwan Machinery and Shipbuilding Company (Taiwan jixie zaochuan gongsi 台灣機械造船公司). That company was split in April 1948 into two separate state-owned companies—Taiwan Machinery Corporation (Taiwan jixie gongsi 台灣機械公司, abbrev. taiji 台機) based in Kaohsiung and Taiwan Shipbuilding Corporation (Taiwan zaochuan gongsi 台灣造船公司, abbrev. taichuan 台船 in Chinese and TSBC in English) based in Keelung. TSBC was absorbed by CSBC in January 1978. The corporation's current name was adopted on March 1, 2007. Another senior position in CSBC is president (zong jingli 總經理).

CSBC chairpersons

Tenure started Name Born/Died Native Province
1973Wang Hsien-teng 王先登b. 1914, d. N/AAnhui
12/1981Wei Yung-ning 韋永寧1915-2004Jiangsu
12/1986Louis C. Lo 羅錡b. 1927Guangdong
10/1994Lee Ying-ming 李英明b. 1934Beijing
7/1997Yu Chen-nan 余辰南N/AN/A
7/2002Chiang Hsu 徐強b. 1950N/A
6/2005 @Fan Kuang-nan 范光男N/AN/A
9/2005Frank F. H. Lu 盧峰海b. 1948N/A
6/2007 @Fan Kuang-nan (second time)
9/2007Cheng Wen-lon 鄭文隆b. 1952N/A
12/2010Paul Tang 譚泰平b. 1946N/A
7/2012Robert Lai 賴杉桂b. 1955Taiwan
6/2016—Cheng Wen-lon (second time)

CSBC presidents

Tenure started Name Born/Died Native Province
1/1974Wang Hsien-teng 王先登b. 1914, d. N/AAnhui
1/1978Yen Hai-po 宴海波N/AN/A
9/1980Wu Ta-hui 吳大惠N/AN/A
11/1985Feng Chia-chen 馮家溱b. 1922Taiwan
1/1988Yeh Man-sheng 葉曼生N/AN/A
3/1992Yu Chen-nan 余辰南N/AN/A
7/1997Chang Hsu-yung 張旭勇N/AN/A
11/2000Chiang Yuan-chang 江元璋N/AN/A
11/2002Fan Kuang-nan 范光男N/AN/A
2/2008Li Chih-cheng 李志城N/AN/A
2/2010Paul Tang 譚泰平b. 1946N/A
12/2010Huang Shun-chang 黃順章N/AN/A
8/2012—5/2021Chen Lie-lin 陳豊霖N/AN/A
5/2021—Wei Cheng-tzu 魏正賜b. N/AN/A

Please note that Yen Hai-po served as TSBC president for four years from Jan. 1, 1974.

The following companies are affiliated with CSBC:

CSBC Coating Solutions Co., Ltd. (Tai chuan fangshi keji [gu] gongsi 台船防蝕科技(股)公司)
Taiwan Offshore Wind Farm Services Corporation (Taiwan li'an fengchang fuwu [gu] gongsi 台灣離岸風場服務(股)公司)
Blue Ocean Wind Power Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited (lanyang fengdian gongcheng [gu] gongsi 藍洋風電工程(股)公司)

Furthermore, a Submarine Development Center of CSBC (Tai chuan qianjian fazhan zhongxin 台船潛艦發展中心, abbrev. SDCC) was established on Aug. 1, 2016.

TOP   HOME    [◆ Privatized SOEs]

China Steel Corporation (CSC)

China Steel Corporation (CSC) 中國鋼鐵股份有限公司
No. 1 Zhonggang Road,
Xiaogang District, Kaohsiung City 81233, Taiwan ROC
[81233 高雄市小港區中鋼路 1 號]
🌏 CSC – Web link

The CSC (Zhongguo gangtie gufen youxian gongsi 中國鋼鐵股份有限公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on Dec. 3, 1971 in Taipei as a non-governmental company with ROC government approval. Its HQ were moved to Kaohsiung on Sept. 15, 1975. CSC was transformed into a state-owned company on July 1, 1977 and re-privatized on April 12, 1995.

CSC chairpersons

Tenure (started) Name Born/Died Native Province
12/1971Chao Yao-tung 趙耀東1915-2008Shanghai
9/1975—8/1978Ma Chi-chuang 馬紀壯1912-1998Hebei
8/1978—12/1981Chao Yao-tung (second time)
12/1981—12/1983T. K. Liu 劉曾适N/AN/A
12/1983—9/1985Fu Tze-han 傅次韓1917-2002Hunan
9/1985—9/1990Ching Mao-hui 金懋暉N/AN/A
9/1990—9/1993Hsiang Chuan-chi 向傳琦N/AN/A
9/1993—5/2001Wang Chung-yu 王鍾渝b. 1945N/A
5/2001—12/2002Kuo Yen-tu 郭炎土b. 1937Taiwan
12/2002—11/2005Lin Wen-yuan 林文淵b. 1952Taiwan
11/2005—7/2007Chiang Yao-chung 江耀宗b. 1952Taiwan
7/2007—8/2008Lin Wen-yuan (second time)
8/2008—6/2010Chang Chia-juch 張家祝b. 1950Liaoning
6/2010—9/2015Tsou Jo-chi 鄒若齊b. 1951Taiwan
10/2015—Andrew Sung 宋志育b. N/AN/A

CSC presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
12/1971—1/1981Chao Yao-tung 趙耀東1915-2008Shanghai
2/1981—12/1983Fu Tze-han 傅次韓1917-2002Hunan
1/1984—9/1985Ching Mao-hui 金懋暉N/AN/A
9/1985—9/1990Hsiang Chuan-chi 向傳琦N/AN/A
9/1990—9/1992Chang Yen 張岩N/AN/A
9/1992—9/1993Wang Chung-yu 王鍾渝b. 1945N/A
9/1993—11/2005Chen Chen-jung 陳振榮N/AN/A
11/2005—2/2010Chen Yuan-cheng 陳源成N/AN/A
6/2010—2/2012Ou Chao-hua 歐朝華N/AN/A
2/2012—10/2015Andrew Sung 宋志育N/AN/A
10/2015—6/2016Lin Horng-nan 林弘男N/AN/A
6/2016—10/2016Wong Chao-tung 翁朝棟b. 1954N/A
10/2016—3/2018Liu Jih-gang 劉季剛N/AN/A
3/2018—9/2019Lin Horng-nan (second time)
9/2019—Wang Shyi-chin 王錫欽b. 1957Hunan

TOP   HOME    [◆ Privatized SOEs]

Taiyen Biotech Co. Ltd.

Taiyen Biotech Co. Ltd. 臺鹽實業股份有限公司
No. 297 Jiankang Road Sec. 1,
South District, Tainan City 70263, Taiwan ROC
[70263 台南市南區健康路 1 段 297 號]
🌏 Taiyen Biotech Co. Ltd. – Web link

The origins of Taiyen Biotech Co. Ltd. (Tai yan shiye gufen youxian gongsi 臺鹽實業股份有限公司, abbrev. taiyan 臺鹽, 🏁: dongshizhang 董事長) go back to the year 1919 when the Japanese founded the Taiwan Salt Manufacturing Company (Taiwan zhiyan zhushi huishe 台灣製鹽株式會社), and in 1938 the South Japan Salt Company (nan Riben yanye zhushi huishe 南日本鹽業株式會社) was established. After the ROC took over Taiwan in 1945, the Taiwan Salt Manufacturing Co. and the South Japan Salt Co. were merged to Tainan Salt Company (Tainan yanye gongsi 台南鹽業公司). In 1952, the Taiwan Salt Works (Taiwan zhiyan zongchang 臺灣製鹽總廠) were formally set up as a state-run enterprise and placed under the authority of the Directorate-General of the Salt Administration (caizhengbu yanwu zongju 財政部鹽務總局) in the MOF a year later. In 1980 the MOEA assumed control and reorganized it as Taiwan Salt Corporation (Tai yan shiye gufen youxian gongsi 臺鹽實業股份有限公司) in 1995. Privatization was completed by Nov. 14, 2003, the current English name was adopted the same year. In May 2002, Taiyen ceased domestic salt poduction and focussed on the skin care and cosmetics sector instead, and it has also become a player in the field of biotechnology since.

Taiyen chairpersons since 1990

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1990—3/2002Yu Kuang-hwa 余光華N/AN/A
3/2002—8/2005Cheng Pao-ching 鄭寶清b. 1955Taiwan
8/2005—12/2005Chiu Wen-an 邱文安N/AN/A
12/2005—7/2007Lin Ching 林靖N/AN/A
7/2007—7/2008Wu Chi-chang 吳啟章b. 1943N/A
8/2008—10/2008Wu Chun-i 吳俊億b. 1943Taiwan
11/2008—3/2015Hung Hsi-yao 洪璽曜b. 1951Taiwan
4/2015—6/2015Yang Chiu-hsing 楊秋興b. 1956Taiwan
6/2015—2/2021Chen Chi-yu 陳啟昱b. 1965Taiwan
2/2021—4/2021 @Tseng Wen-sheng 曾文生b. 1969Taiwan
4/2021—Wu Jung-hui 吳容輝b. N/AN/A

Taiyen presidents since 2003

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
6/2003—5/2006Chiu Wen-an 邱文安N/AN/A
6/2006—7/2015Henry C. H. Lau 劉中行N/AN/A
7/2015—9/2016Chang Man-cheng 張曼成N/AN/A
9/2016—Selina Wu 吳旭慧b. N/AN/A

Taiyen Biotech Co. Ltd. lists Taiyen Green Energy Co. Ltd. (taiyan lüneng gufen youxian gongsi 臺鹽綠能股份有限公司) as domestic subsidiary (guonei zigongsi 國內子公司) with a shareholding percentage of 66.75 percent and Taiyen (Xiamen) Import & Export Co. Ltd. (taiyan Xiamen jinchukou youxian gongsi 臺鹽(廈門)進出口有限公司) as overseas subsidiary (haiwai zigongsi 海外子公司) with a shareholding percentage of 100 percent. The company’s internal noteworthy subdivisions are as follows:

Board of Directors (dongshihui 董事會) with a Remuneration Committee (xinzi baochou weiyuanhui 薪資報酬委員會) and an Audit Committee (shenji weiyuanhui 審計委員會),
Chairman’s Office (dongshizhang shi 董事長室) with an Auditing Office (jiheshi 稽核室),
President’s Office (zong jinglishi 總經理室);
Biotech Business Division (shengji shiyechu 生技事業處),
Branding and Marketing Department (pinpai xingxiaochu 品牌行銷處),
Corporate Development Department (qiye fazhanchu 企業發展處),
R&D Department (yanfachu 研發處),
Salt and Water Business Division (haihua shiyechu 海化事業處);
Biotech Cosmetics Factory (shengji zhuangpinchang 生技妝品廠),
Biotech Health Products Factory (shengji baojianchang 生技保健廠),
Tung-Hsiao Electrodialysis Refined Salt Factory (Tongxiao jingyanchang 通霄精鹽廠);
Import Salt Storage and Transportation Office (jinkou yan chuyunsuo 進口鹽儲運所); and
Cigu Salt Plant (Qigu yanchang 七股鹽場).

TOP   HOME    [◆ Privatized SOEs]

Chunghwa Telecom

Chunghwa Telecom 中華電信股份有限公司
No. 21-3 Xinyi Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10048, Taiwan ROC
[10048 台北市中正區信義路 1 段 21-3 號]
🌏 Chunghwa Telecom – Web link

Before its privatization on July 1, 1996, Chunghwa Telecom (Zhonghua dianxin gufen youxian gongsi 中華電信股份有限公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was operated under the name Directorate-General of Telecommunications, MOTC (jiaotongbu dianxin zongju 交通部電信總局, 🏁—juzhang 局長). Another senior position in Chunghwa Telecom is president (zong jingli 總經理).

Chunghwa Telecom chairpersons

Tenure (started) Name Born/Died Native Province
8/1943—Chu Yi-cheng 朱一成1900-1957Jiangxi
8/1948—1/1969Chien Chi-shen 錢其琛1900-1973Jiangsu
1/1969—8/1978Fang Hien-chee 方賢齊1912-2015Fujian
8/1978—9/1984Liang Keng-ping 梁賡平N/AN/A
9/1984—3/1986Chen Yu-kai 陳玉開b. 1923Fujian
3/1986—2/1989Jose Liu Shih-hua 劉詩華b. 1924Jiangxi
2/1989—2/1993Lee Ping-yao 李炳耀b. 1928Taiwan
2/1993—4/1993Hsueh Cheng-pi 薛承弼N/AN/A
4/1993—8/2000Steven Y. Chen 陳堯b. 1934Taiwan
8/2000—1/2003Mao Chi-kuo 毛治國b. 1948Zhejiang
1/2003—8/2008Hochen Tan 賀陳旦b. 1950Hunan
8/2008—4/2013Lu Shyue-ching 呂學錦b. 1949Taiwan
4/2013—12/2013Lee Yen-sung 李炎松b. 1949N/A
12/2013—12/2016Rick Tsai 蔡力行b. 1951Taiwan
12/2016—4/2019Cheng Yu 鄭優b. 1953Taiwan
4/2019—Hsieh Chi-mao 謝繼茂b. N/AN/A

Chunghwa Telecom presidents since 1996

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
7/1996—8/2008Lu Shyue-ching 呂學錦b. 1949Taiwan
8/2008—8/2012Chang Hsiao-tung 張曉東N/AN/A
8/2012—4/2013Lee Yen-sung 李炎松b. 1949N/A
4/2013—12/2016Shih Mu-piao 石木標N/AN/A
12/2016—5/2019Hsieh Chi-mao 謝繼茂N/AN/A
5/2019—Harrison Kuo 郭水義b. N/AN/A

TOP   HOME    [◆ Privatized SOEs]

First Bank

First Bank 第一銀行 / First Commercial Bank 第一商業銀行 (FCB)
No. 30 Chongqing South Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10005, Taiwan ROC
[10005 台北市中正區重慶南路 1 段 30 號]
🌏 First Bank – Web link

The First Bank (diyi yinhang 第一銀行, abbrev. yiyin 一銀, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was originally established on Nov. 26, 1899 as Savings Bank of Taiwan (Taiwan zhuxu yinhang 臺灣貯蓄銀行) during the Japanese colonial period. In 1912 it was merged with the Commercial and Industrial Bank of Taiwan (Taiwan shanggong yinhang 臺灣商工銀行), retaining the name of the latter, and in 1923 again merged with the Chia-I Bank (Jiayi yinhang 嘉義銀行) and the Hsin-Kao Bank (xingaov yinhang 新高銀行). In 1947 its name was changed to Taiwan Industrial and Commercial Bank (Taiwan gongshang yinhang 臺灣工商銀行), and in 1949 it was renamed First Commercial Bank of Taiwan (Taiwan diyi shangye yinhang 臺灣第一商業銀行). In 1976 the name First Commercial Bank (diyi shangye yinhang 第一商業銀行, abbrev. FCB) wasv adopted in order to strengthen the operating strategy of business internationalization, but usually the institution is simply called First Bank. On Jan. 22, 1998 the bank was transformed from a government entity into a private bank. After the establishment of the First Financial Holding Co. (diyi jinrong konggu gufen youxian gongsi 第一金融控股股份有限公司, abbrev. yijin 一金) on Jan. 2, 2003, the FCB became a subsidiary of the First Financial Group (diyi jinkong jituan 第一金控集團). Another senior position in the First Bank is president (zong jingli 總經理).

First Bank chairpersons since 1947

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2/1947—7/1972 Huang Chao-chin 黃朝琴1897-1972Taiwan
10/1972—9/1976Chen Chi-ching 陳啟清1903-1989Taiwan
9/1976—2/1979Kao Tang-pan 高湯盤b. 1910, d. N/ATaiwan
2/1979—3/1985Liang Kuo-shu 梁國樹1929-1995Taiwan
3/1985—5/1987Chen Pao-chuan 陳寶川b. 1917Taiwan
5/1987—8/1994Chen Hsiao-ao 陳曉鰲b. 1924Taiwan
8/1994—1/2000Huang Tien-lin 黃天麟1929-2021Taiwan
1/2000—10/2000Chen An-chyr 陳安治N/AN/A
10/2000—8/2003Jerome Chen 陳建隆N/AN/A
8/2003—4/2005Steve Shieh 謝壽夫b. 1938Taiwan
4/2005—1/2006Chao Yuan-chi 趙元旗N/AN/A
1/2006—7/2008Michael Chang 張兆順N/AN/A
7/2008—5/2010Chen Yuh-chang 陳裕璋b. 1955Taiwan
5/2010—7/2010Chien Ming-jen 簡明仁N/AN/A
7/2010—11/2017Tsai Ching-nain 蔡慶年b. 1953N/A
11/2017 @Grace M. L. Jeng 鄭美玲N/AN/A
11/2017—Ray Dawn 董瑞斌b. N/ATaiwan

First Bank presidents since 1947

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/1947—8/1965Chou Pu-ti 周菩提b. 1894, d. N/ATaiwan
8/1965—7/1975Kuo Chien-ying 郭建英1907-1979Fujian
7/1975—2/1979Chen Chung-ching 陳忠卿b. 1921Taiwan
2/1979—11/1980Wu Wei-wang 吳維綱N/AN/A
11/1980—1/1982Sheu Yuan-dong 許遠東1927-1998Taiwan
1/1982—7/1984Lee Hung-ao 李洪鰲N/AJiangxi
7/1984—10/1985Chen Ssu-ming 陳思明N/AN/A
10/1985—12/1992Tseng Wen-chien 曾文謙N/AN/A
12/1992—8/1994Huang Tien-lin 黃天麟1929-2021Taiwan
8/1994—1/2000Chen An-chyr 陳安治N/AN/A
1/2000—2/2001Lee Yin-kui 李銀櫃N/AN/A
2/2001—7/2001Tseng Chien-cheng 曾建成N/AN/A
8/2001—12/2003Tsai Jer-shyong 蔡哲雄b. 1945Taiwan
12/2003—4/2006Liao Long-i 廖龍一N/AN/A
4/2006—9/2008Wu Ching-yun 吳清雲N/AN/A
9/2008—12/2009Lin Ying-hsiung 林英雄N/AN/A
1/2010—7/2012George T. Y. Lin 林佐堯N/AN/A
7/2012—9/2013Chiang Jin-der 江金德N/AN/A
9/2013—8/2017Chou Po-chiao 周伯蕉N/AN/A
8/2017—Grace M. L. Jeng 鄭美玲b. N/AN/A

TOP   HOME    [◆ Privatized SOEs]

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◆ Noteworthy commercial enterprises

The following commercial enterprises are presented below:

++++++++++   TOP   HOME   [previous chapter]   ++++++++++

SMEs and big corporations listed by Forbes

Taiwan is an economic powerhouse in the Asia-Pacific region and the whole world. While the backbone of Taiwan's economy are small and medium-sized Enterprises (zhongxiaoxing qiye 中小型企業, abbrev. SME), there are also several larger Corporations which are worth mentioning. In the ranking Forbes Global 2000 which was published on May 13, 2021, the following Taiwanese companies were included among the first 1,000 listed corporations.

Global Rank Company (Name in Chinese) Assets (US$ billion) Market Value (US$ billion)
66Taiwan Semiconductor/ TSMC (台積電)98.3558.1
94Hon Hai Precision (鴻海科技集團)130.860.4
209Cathay Financial (國泰金控)389.423.2
211Fubon Financial (富邦金控)328.421.7
395CTBC Financial (中信金控)235.515.3
543MediaTek (聯發科技)1954.4
615Nan Ya Plastics Corp. (南亞塑膠)20.825.2
632Quanta Computer (廣達電腦)23.613.3
671ASE Technology Holding (日月光投資控股)20.817.1
687Formosa Petrochemical (台塑石化)13.634.3
758Chunghwa Telecom (中華電信)1831.2
771Shin Kong Financial (新光金控)155.14.4
777Mega Financial Holding (兆豐金控)137.215.4
788Formosa Plastics (台灣塑膠)17.124.5
794Uni-President (統一企業)17.614.7
813Pegatron (和碩聯合科技)24.46.9
851Delta Electronics (台達電子)1227.2
852China Life Insurance (中國人壽)794.3
866China Development Financial (中華開發金控)122.25.9
878Formosa Chemicals & Fibre (台灣化學纖維)18.919
918Yuanta Financial Holding (元大金控)98.210.6
965E.Sun Financial (玉山金控)105.812
999Asustek Computer (華碩)14.110.2
999United Microelectronics (聯華電子)13.423.7

The most important Taiwanese corporations are shown in this chapter. Additionally, other famous Taiwanese companies which were not included in the Forbes List are introduced as well: Evergreen, HTC, Acer, Giant, the Farglory Group etc. Please note that Formosa Petrochemical, Formosa Plastics, Formosa Chemicals & Fibre and Nan Ya Plastics all belong to the Formosa Plastics Group (FPG).

In this context it is worth mentioning that Forbes also published a list showing "Taiwan's 50 Richest", the top ten of 2022 were as follows:

Rank Name(s) Company Worth (US$)
1 Zhang Congyuan 張聰淵 (b. 1948) Huali Industrial Group (華利實業) 12.1 billion
2 Tsai brothers—Tsai Hong-tu 蔡宏圖 (b. 1952), Tsai Cheng-ta 蔡政達 (b. N/A) Cathay Financial Holdings (國泰金控) 10.5 billion
3 Daniel M. Tsai 蔡明忠 (b. 1956) + Richard Tsai 蔡明興 (b. 1957) Fubon Financial Holding (富邦金控) 9.6 billion
4 Tsai Eng-meng 蔡衍明 (b. 1957) Want Want Holdings Limited (旺旺集團有限公司) 7.1 billion
5 Suhon Lin 林書鴻 (b. 1928) Chang Chun Group (長春集團) 6.9 billion
6 Terry Gou 郭台銘 (b. 1950) Hon Hai Precision (鴻海科技集團) 6.8 billion
7 Wei brothers—Wei Ing-chou 魏應州 (b. 1954), Wei Ying-chiao 魏應交 (b. 1955), Wei Yin-chun 魏應充 (b. 1957) + Wei Yin-heng 魏應行 (b. 1959) Tingyi [Cayman Islands] Holding Corp. (康師傅控股有限公司) 6.4 billion
8 Jason C. S. Chang 張虔生 (b. 1944) + Richard Chang 張汝京 (b. 1948) ASE (日月光半導體製造股份有限公司) 6.0 billion
9 Barry Lam 林百里 (b. 1949) Quanta Computer (廣達電腦) 5.5 billion
10 Samuel Yin 尹衍樑 (b. 1950) Ruentex Group (潤泰集團) 5.4 billion

TOP   HOME    [◆ Commercial enterprises]

Foxconn Technology Group

Foxconn Technology Group 鴻海科技集團
No. 2 Ziyou Street,
Tucheng District, New Taipei City 23678, Taiwan ROC
[23678 新北市土城區自由街 2 號]
🌏 Foxconn Technology Group – Web link

The origins of Foxconn Technology Group (honghai keji jituan 鴻海科技集團, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) aka Foxconn date back to Feb. 20, 1974 when Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (honghai jingmi gongye gufen youxian gongsi 鴻海精密工業股份有限公司) aka Hon Hai was established. Foxconn, a manufacturer of electrical components (notably electrical connectors for computer components), is a subsidiary of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. and was originally a trade name of Hon Hai.

Foxconn Technology Group chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2/1974—6/2019Terry Gou 郭台銘b. 1950Taiwan
6/2019—Liu Young-way 劉揚偉b. 1956N/A

TOP   HOME    [◆ Commercial enterprises]

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd. (TSMC)

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd. (TSMC) 台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司
No. 8 Lixing Sixth Road, Hsinchu Science Park,
East District, Hsinchu City 30078, Taiwan ROC
[30078 新竹市東區新竹科學園區力行六路 8 號]
🌏 TSMC – Web link

TSMC (Taiwan jiti dianlu zhizao gufen youxian gongsi 台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司, abbrev. Tai ji dian 台積電, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on Feb. 21, 1987 as the world's first dedicated semiconductor foundry. Today it is the world's largest dedicated independent (pure-play) semiconductor foundry. On July 28, 2023 TSMC inaugurated its new global R&D center at Hsinchu Science Park to further its development of next-generation technologies, including 2-nanometer and beyond.

Before Morris Chang's retirement in 2018, the second most senior leading position in TSMC was president (zong jingli 總經理), afterwards the president's title was changed to zongcai 總裁 in Chinese. Another position in TSMC's top management is CEO (zhixingzhang 執行長).

TSMC chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2/1987—6/2018Morris Chang 張忠謀b. 1931Zhejiang
6/2018—Mark Liu 劉德音b. 1954N/A


Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1987–1988James E. Dykes1938-2013 <USA>
1988–2005Morris Chang 張忠謀 b. 1931Zhejiang
2005–2009 Rick Tsai 蔡力行b. 1951Taiwan
2009–2018Morris Chang (second time)
2018—C. C. Wei 魏哲家b. 1953Taiwan

TOP   HOME    [◆ Commercial enterprises]

Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd. 富邦金融控股股份有限公司
No. 237 Jianguo South Road Sec. 1,
Daan District, Taipei City 10657, Taiwan ROC
[10657 台北市大安區建國南路 1 段 237 號]
🌏 Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd. – Web link

Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (fubang jinrong konggu gufen youxian gongsi 富邦金融控股股份有限公司, abbrev. fubang jinkong 富邦金控, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on Nov. 28, 2001 when the following firms decided to jointly form a holding company: Fubon Asset Management (fubang touxin 富邦投信), Fubon Insurance Co. Ltd. (fubang chanxian 富邦產險), Fubon Securities (fubang zhengquan 富邦證券), Fubon Bank (fubang yinhang 富邦銀行), Fubon Life (fubang renshou 富邦人壽), and Fubon Bank [Hong Kong] Limited (fubang yinhang [Xianggang] 富邦銀行[香港]). The entire conversion formalities were completed on December 19, 2001.

Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd. chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
11/2001—7/2004Yu Cheng 俞政b. 1930Jiangsu
7/2004—10/2016Daniel M. Tsai 蔡明忠b. 1956Taiwan
10/2016—Richard Tsai 蔡明興b. 1957N/A

Apart from the companies mentioned above, Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd. today has the following additional subsidiaries: Fubon Bank [China] (fubang huayi yinhang 富邦華一銀行), Fubon Futures (fubang qihuo 富邦期貨), Fubon Securities Investment Services (fubang tougu 富邦投顧), Fubon Direct Marketing (fubang xingxiao 富邦行銷), Fubon Financial Holding Venture Capital (fubang jinkong chuangtou 富邦金控創投), and Fubon AMC (fubang zichan guanli 富邦資產管理).

Please note that the Fubon Bank merged with the government-owned TaipeiBank (Taibei yinhang 台北銀行) on Jan. 1, 2005 and was renamed Taipei Fubon Bank (Taibei fubang yinhang 台北富邦銀行). Fubon Insurance dates back to 1961 when it was founded as Taiwan's first privately-run property insurer and the first member of the Fubon Group (fubang jituan 富邦集團).

On Sept. 20, 2022 Fubon Financial Holding Co. Ltd. announced that its merger with Jih Sun Financial Holding Co. Ltd. (risheng jinrong konggu gongsi 日盛金融控股公司) was expected to be completed by the end of 2022. It also envisions a merger of Taipei Fubon Commercial Bank (Taibei fubang yinhang 台北富邦銀行) and Jih Sun International Bank (risheng yinhang 日盛銀行) in the first half of 2023.

TOP   HOME    [◆ Commercial enterprises]

Quanta Computer Inc.

Quanta Computer Inc. 廣達電腦
No. 211 Wenhua Second Road,
Guishan District, Taoyuan City 33377, Taiwan ROC
[33377 桃園市龜山區文化村文化二路 211 號]
🌏 Quanta Computer Inc. – Web link

Quanta Computer Inc. (guangda diannao 廣達電腦, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established in 1988.

Quanta Computer Inc. chairperson

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1988—Barry Lam 林百里b. 1949Shanghai

TOP   HOME    [◆ Commercial enterprises]

Cathay Financial Holdings

Cathay Financial Holdings 國泰金融控股公司
16 F., No. 296 Renai Road Sec. 4,
Daan District, Taipei City 10633, Taiwan ROC
[10633 台北市大安區仁愛路 4 段 296 號 16 樓]
🌏 Cathay Financial Holdings – Web link

Cathay Financial Holdings (guotai jinrong konggu gongsi 國泰金融控股公司, abbrev. guotai jinkong 國泰金控, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on Dec. 31, 2001.

Cathay Financial Holdings chairperson

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
12/2001—Tsai Hong-tu 蔡宏圖b. 1952Taiwan

Today, Cathay Financial Holdings has the following subsidiaries:

  • Cathay United Bank Co. Ltd. (guotai shihua shangye yinhang gufen youxian gongsi 國泰世華商業銀行股份有限公司),
  • Cathay Century Insurance Co. Ltd. (guotai shiji chanwu baoxian gufen youxian gongsi 國泰世紀產物保險股份有限公司),
  • Cathay Life Insurance Co. Ltd. (guotai renshou baoxian gufen youxian gongsi 國泰人壽保險股份有限公司),
  • Cathay Venture Inc. (guotai chuangye touzi gufen youxian gongsi 國泰創業投資股份有限公司),
  • Cathay Securities Corporation (guotai zonghe zhengquan gufen youxian gongsi 國泰綜合證券股份有限公司),
  • Cathay Securities Investment Trust Co. Ltd. (guotai zhengquan touzi xintuo gufen youxian gongsi 國泰證券投資信託股份有限公司), and
  • Cathay Conning Asset Management Co. Ltd. (guotai kangli zichan guanli youxian gongsi 國泰康利資產管理有限公司).

Some of these companies have themselves own subsidiaries.

Please note that Cathay's chairman Tsai Hong-tu is the son of Tsai Wan-lin 蔡萬霖 (1924-2004, Taiwan). The elder Tsai had founded Cathay Life Insurance Company in 1962, which at the time of his death was the largest life insurance company in Taiwan, and Tsai himself died as Taiwan's richest man in Taipei's Cathay General Hospital (guotai zonghe yiyuan 國泰綜合醫院) which he had founded in 1977. Tsai Wan-lin's younger brother Tsai Wan-tsai 蔡萬才 (1929-2014, Taiwan) was the founder of the Fubon Group and father of Daniel M. Tsai 蔡明忠 (b. 1956) and Richard Tsai 蔡明興 (b. 1957).

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Formosa Plastics Group (FPG)

Formosa Plastics Group (FPG) 台塑集團
No. 201 Dunhua North Road,
Songshan District, Taipei City 10508, Taiwan ROC
[10508 台北市松山區敦化北路 201 號]
🌏 FPG – Web link

The origins of the Formosa Plastics Group (taisu guanxi qiye 台塑關係企業, abbrev. Tai su jituan 台塑集團, 🏁—zongcai 總裁) date back to July 1954 when the Fumao Plastics Company (fumao sujiao gongsi 福懋塑膠公司) was established. It was renamed to Formosa Plastics Corporation (Taiwan sujiao gongsi 台灣塑膠公司) in April 1957.

FPG chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1954—6/2006Wang Yung-ching 王永慶1917-2008Taiwan
6/2006—William Wong 王文淵b. 1947Taiwan

FPG today is a vast conglomerate of diverse interests, including biotechnology, petrochemical processing and production of electronics components, comprising dozens of companies and organizations. The most important ones are the following:

  • Formosa Chemical & Fiber Corp./FCFC (Taiwan huaxue xianwei gufen youxian gongsi 台灣化學纖維股份有限公司)
  • Formosa Petrochemical Corp./FPCC (Tai su shihua gufen youxian gongsi 台塑石化股份有限公司)
  • Formosa Plastics Corp./FPC (Taiwan sujiao gongye gufen youxian gongsi 台灣塑膠工業股份有限公司)
  • Nan Ya Plastics Corp./NPC (nanya sujiao gongye gufen youxian gongsi 南亞塑膠工業股份有限公司)
  • Formosa Taffeta Co., Ltd./FTC (fumao xingye gufen youxian gongsi 福懋興業股份有限公司)
  • Formosa Daikin Advanced Chemicals Co., Ltd./FDAC (Tai su dajin jingmi huaxue gufen youxian gongsi 台塑大金精密化學股份有限公司)
  • Formosa Asahi Spandex Co., Ltd./FAS (Tai su xutanxing xianwei gufen youxian gongsi 台塑旭彈性纖維股份有限公司)
  • Tah Shin Spinning Corp. (daxing xianwei gufen youxian gongsi 達興纖維股份有限公司)
  • Nan Ya Technology Corp. (nanya keji gufen youxian gongsi 南亞科技股份有限公司)
  • Nan Ya Printed Circuit Board Corp. (nanya dianluban gufen youxian gongsi 南亞電路板股份有限公司)
  • Inotera Memories Inc. (huaya keji gufen youxian gongsi 華亞科技股份有限公司)
  • Formosa Sumco Technology Corp. (Tai su shenggao keji gufen youxian gongsi 台塑勝高科技股份有限公司)
  • Formosa Advanced Technologies Co., Ltd. (fumao keji gufen youxian gongsi 福懋科技股份有限公司)
  • Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (changgeng jinian yiyuan 長庚紀念醫院)
  • Chang Gung University (changgeng daxue 長庚大學)
  • Chang Gung Institute of Technology (changgeng keji daxue 長庚科技大學)
  • Ming Chi Institute of Technology (mingzhi keji daxue 明志科技大學)

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Mega Financial Holding Co.

Mega Financial Holding Co. 兆豐金融控股公司
No. 123 Zhongxiao East Road Sec. 2,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10058, Taiwan ROC
[10058 台北市中正區忠孝東路 2 段 123 號]
🌏 Mega Financial Holding Co. – Web link

Mega Financial Holding Co. (zhaofeng jinrong konggu gongsi 兆豐金融控股公司, abbrev. zhaofeng jinkong 兆豐金控, 🏁— dongshizhang 董事長) was formed on Feb. 4, 2002 when the state-controlled Chiao Tung Bank (jiaotong yinhang 交通銀行) and international Securities Co. Ltd. (guoji zonghe zhengquan 國際綜合證券) exchanged shares and were listed and traded on the Taiwan Stock Exchange as Chiao Tung Bank Financial Holding Co. (jiaotong yinhang jinkong 交通銀行金控). [Chiao Tung Bank had been etablished in 1908 in Beijing.] On Aug. 22, 2002 the company acquired a 100 percent equity stake in Chung Hsing Bills Finance Corporation (zhongxing piaoquan 中興票券) and Barits Securities Corp. (peili zhengquan 倍利證券) through a share swap. The conglomerate adopted its current name on Dec. 31, 2002 when the international Commercial Bank of China (Zhongguo guoji shangye yinhang 中國國際商業銀行, abbrev. ICBC) and Chung Kuo Insurance Co., Ltd. (Zhongguo chanwu baoxian gufen youxian gongsi 中國產物保險股份有限公司) were acquired through a share swap.

On Jan. 31, 2003, two subsidiaries—International Securities and Barits Securities—were further combined with the sub-subsidiary Chung Hsing Securities Corp. (Zhongxing zonghe zhengquan 中興綜合證券) to become Barits international Securities Co., Ltd. (peili guoji zonghe zhengquan gufen youxian gongsi 倍利國際綜合證券股份有限公司). The Central Securities Investment Trust Corporation (zhongyang guoji zhengquan touzi xintuo gufen youxian gongsi 中央國際證券投資信託股份有限公司) became the conglomerate's direct subsidiary through cash purchase of controlling shares on May 29, 2003.

Mega Financial Holding Co. chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
2/2002—1/2008Cheng Shen-chih 鄭深池b. 1951N/A
1/2008—7/2008Joseph C. Lyu 呂桔誠b. 1956Taiwan
7/2008—6/2010Wang Rong-jou 王榮周b. 1946Taiwan
7/2010—3/2016McKinney Tsai 蔡友才b. 1951Taiwan
3/2016—8/2016 @Wu Hann-ching 吳漢卿N/AN/A
8/2016—9/2016Shiu Kuang-si 徐光曦N/AN/A
9/2016—Michael Chang 張兆順b. N/AN/A

Today, Mega Financial Holding Co. comprises eight subsidiaries:

  • Mega International Commercial Bank Co. Ltd. (zhaofeng guoji shangye yinhang gufen youxian gongsi 兆豐國際商業銀行股份有限公司),
  • Mega Securities Co. Ltd. (zhaofeng zhengquan gufen youxian gongsi 兆豐證券股份有限公司),
  • Mega Bills Finance Co. Ltd. (zhaofeng piaoquan jinrong gufen youxian gongsi 兆豐票券金融股份有限公司),
  • Chung Kuo Insurance Co. Ltd. (zhaofeng chanwu baoxian 兆豐產物保險),
  • Mega International Investment Trust Co. Ltd. (zhaofeng guoji zhengquan touzi xintuo gufen youxian gongsi 兆豐國際證券投資信託股份有限公司),
  • Mega Asset Management Co. Ltd. (zhaofeng zichan guanli gufen youxian gongsi 兆豐資產管理股份有限公司),
  • Mega Life Insurance Agency Co. Ltd. (zhaofeng renshen baoxian dailiren gufen youxian gongsi 兆豐人身保險代理人股份有限公司), and
  • Mega Venture Capital Co. Ltd. (zhaofeng chuangye touzi gufen youxian gongsi 兆豐創業投資股份有限公司).

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ASUSTeK Computer Inc.

ASUSTeK Computer Inc. 華碩電腦股份有限公司
No. 15 Lide Road,
Beitou District, Taipei City 11259, Taiwan ROC
[11259 台北市北投區立德路 15 號]
🌏 ASUSTeK Computer Inc. – Web link

ASUSTeK Computer Inc. (huashuo diannao gufen youxian gongsi 華碩電腦股份有限公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長), established on April 1, 1989, is a computer hardware and electronics company.

ASUSTeK Computer Inc. chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1989–1993Tung Tzu-hsien 童子賢b. 1960Taiwan
9/1994—Jonney Shih 施崇棠b. 1952Taiwan

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CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd. 中國信託金融控股
No. 168 Jingmao 2nd Road,
Nangang District, Taipei City 11568, Taiwan ROC
[11568 台北市南港區經貿二路 168 號]
🌏 CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd. – Web link

CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (Zhongguo xintuo jinrong konggu 中國信託金融控股, abbrev. zhongxin jinkong 中信金控, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on May 17, 2002. Its origins can be traced back to March 14, 1966 when the China Securities and Investment Corporation (Zhonghua zhengquan touzi gongsi 中華證券投資公司) was founded, renamed to Chinatrust Investment Company Limited (Zhongguo xintuo touzi gongsi 中國信託投資公司) on July 9, 1971 and transformed into Chinatrust Commercial Bank (Zhongguo xintuo shangye yinhang 中國信託商業銀行) on July 2, 1992. On Oct. 15, 2015 the company announced it had completed the acquisition of Taiwan Life Insurance Co. Ltd. (Taiwan renshou baoxian 台灣人壽保險).

CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd. chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
5/2002—12/2012 Jeffrey Koo Sr. 辜濂松1933-2012Taiwan
12/2012—Yen Wen-long 顏文隆b. 1940N/A

Today, CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd. has the following subsidiaries:

  • CTBC Bank (Zhongguo xintuo yinhang 中國信託銀行),
  • CTBC Life (Zhongguo xintuo renshou 中國信託人壽),
  • CTBC Securities Co. (Zhongguo xintuo zhengquan 中國信託證券),
  • CTBC Insurance Brokers Co. (Zhongguo xintuo baoxian jingjiren 中國信託保險經紀人),
  • CTBC Venture Capital Co. (Zhongguo xintuo chuangtou 中國信託創投),
  • CTBC Asset Management Co./AMC (Zhongguo xintuo zichan guanli 中國信託資產管理),
  • CTBC Investments (Zhongguo xintuo touxin 中國信託投信),
  • CTBC Security (zhongxin baoquan 中信保全), and
  • Taiwan Lottery (Taiwan caiquan 台灣彩券).

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Uni-President Enterprises Corp.

Uni-President Enterprises Corp. 統一企業股份有限公司
No. 301 Zhongzheng Road,
Yongkang District, Tainan City 71001, Taiwan ROC
[71001 台南市永康區中正路 301 號]
🌏 Uni-President Enterprises Corp. – Web link

Uni-President Enterprises Corporation (tongyi qiye gufen youxian gongsi 統一企業股份有限公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長), established on Aug. 25, 1967, is an international food conglomerate and the largest food production company in Taiwan as well as Asia.

Uni-President Enterprises Corp. chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1967–2003Wu Hsiu-chi 吳修齊1913-2005Taiwan
2003—11/2013Kao Ching-yuen 高清愿1929-2016Taiwan
11/2013—Alex C. Lo 羅智先b. 1956Taiwan

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Chang Chun Group

Chang Chun Group 長春集團
7 F., No. 301 Songjiang Road,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10483, Taiwan ROC
[10483 台北市中山區松江路 301 號 7 樓]
🌏 Chang Chun Group – Web link

Chang Chun Group (changchun jituan 長春集團, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was founded in 1949 by Suhon Lin, Liao Ming-kun 廖銘昆 (1928-1999) and Tseng Shin-yi 鄭信義 (1928-2016) as a small plastics producer and is now one of Asia's largest petrochemical companies, with plants in Taiwan, China and Southeast Asia.

Chang Chun Group chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1949–2014Suhon Lin 林書鴻b. 1928Taiwan
2014—Liao Long-shing 廖龍星b. 1952Taiwan

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Yageo Corporation

Yageo Corporation 國巨公司
3 F., No. 233-1 Baoqiao Road,
Xindian District, New Taipei City 23145, Taiwan ROC
[23145 新北市新店區寶橋路 233 之 1 號 3 樓]
🌏 Yageo Corporation – Web link

Yageo Corporation (guoju gongsi 國巨公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established in June 1977 and is an electronic component manufacturing company.

Yageo Corporation chairman

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1977—Pierre Chen 陳泰銘b. 1956Taiwan

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Largan Precision

Largan Precision 大立光電股份有限公司
No. 11 Jingke Road,
Nantun District, Taichung City 40852, Taiwan ROC
[40852 台中市南屯區精科路 11 號]
🌏 Largan Precision – Web link

Largan Precision (dali guangdian gufen youxian gongsi 大立光電股份有限公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was founded in 1987 and became a major supplier of camera lens modules for smartphones, tablet computers, and digital cameras, among other devices. Main subsidiaries are Largan Digital (dayang keji gufen youxian gongsi 大陽科技股份有限公司), established in 1998, and Largan Medical (xing'ou yinxing yanjing 星歐隱形眼鏡), founded in 2004.

Largan Precision chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1987–2010Scott Lin 林耀英b. 1933N/A
2010–2013Tony Chen 陳世卿N/AN/A
2013—Lin En-chou 林恩舟b. 1958N/A

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Grand Hotel Taipei

Grand Hotel Taipei 圓山大飯店
No. 1 Zhongshan North Road Sec. 4,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10461, Taiwan ROC
[10461 台北市中山區中山北路 4 段 1 號]
🌏 Grand Hotel Taipei – Web link

The Grand Hotel (yuanshan dafandian 圓山大飯店, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established in May 1952 and is owned by the Duen-Mou Foundation of Taiwan (caituan faren Taiwansheng dunmu lianyihui 財團法人台灣省敦睦聯誼會). Another senior position in the hotel's leadership is general manager (zong jingli 總經理).

Grand Hotel Taipei chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1961–1963 Yin Chung-jung 尹仲容1903-1963Hunan
1963–1988Chow Hong-tao 周宏濤1916-2004Zhejiang
1988–1998Hsiung Wan 熊丸1916-2000Sichuan
1998–2002Koo Chen-fu 辜振甫1917-2005Taiwan
2002–2008Christine Tsung 宗才怡b. 1948Jiangsu
2008–2010Chang Shuo-lao 張學勞b. 1937N/A
2010–2011Huang Ta-chou 黃大洲b. 1936Taiwan
2011–2016Lee Chien-jung 李建榮N/AN/A
2016—9/2018Chang Hsueh-shun 張學舜b. 1960Taiwan
9/2018—3/2019Wang Kwo-tsai 王國材b. 1959N/A
3/2019—8/2024Lin Yu-sheng 林育生b. 1957N/A
8/2024—Yeh Chu-lan 葉菊蘭b. 1949Taiwan

The iconic Chinese-style main building, completed on Oct. 10, 1973, is one of Taipei's most famous landmarks. With an overall height of 87 meters, it was Taiwan's highest structure upon completion until 1981.

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Taipei Financial Center Corporation (TFCC)

Taipei Financial Center Corporation (TFCC) 台北金融大樓股份有限公司
59 F., No. 7 Xinyi Road Sec. 5,
Xinyi District, Taipei City 11049, Taiwan ROC
[11049 台北市信義區信義路 5 段 7 號 59 樓]
🌏 TFCC – Web link

The TFCC (Taibei jinrong dalou gufen youxian gongsi 台北金融大樓股份有限公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) is a privately held company engaged in financial activities. It was established on Oct. 14, 1997 and owns Taipei 101 (Taibei yilingyi 台北 101), at 508 m officially the world's tallest skyscraper between its completion in October 2003 and January 2010. Another senior position in TFCC is president (zong jingli 總經理).

TFCC chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
10/1997—9/2000Cheng Shih-sung 鄭世松N/AN/A
9/2000—4/2003Lee Chung-ying 李仲英b. 1931Taiwan
4/2003—9/2003Benny Hu 胡定吾b. 1949Zhejiang
9/2003—5/2004Chiao Yu-lon 焦佑倫b. 1958N/A
5/2004—12/2008Diana Chen 陳敏薰b. 1970Taiwan
1/2009—9/2012Harace Lin 林鴻明N/AN/A
9/2012—12/2012 @Wei Ying-chiao 魏應交b. 1955N/A
12/2012—12/2015Christina Sung 宋文琪b. 1954Taiwan
12/2015—9/2018Chou Te-yu 周德宇b. 1967N/A
9/2018—8/2024Chang Hsueh-shun 張學舜b. 1960Taiwan
9/2024—Janet Chia 賈永婕b. 1974Taiwan

List of the tallest buildings in Taiwan since 1919

Source: Wikipedia (English and Chinese).

Period Name of building Location Height
3/1919—7/1972 Office of Japan's Governor-general [台灣總督府] Taipei City, Zhongzheng District 60 m
7/1972—10/1973 Hilton International Taipei [台北希爾頓大飯店] Taipei City, Zhongzheng District 71 m
10/1973—8/1981 Grand Hotel [圓山大飯店] Taipei City, Zhongshan District 87 m
8/1981—7/1982 First Commercial Bank Building [第一銀行總行大樓] Taipei City, Zhongzheng District 87.7 m
7/1982—7/1988 Taipower Building [台電大樓] Taipei City, Zhongzheng District 127.4 m
7/1988—2/1991 International Trade Building [國貿大樓] Taipei City, Xinyi District 142.6 m
2/1991—4/1992 Tuntex Tower [東帝士摩天大樓] Taipei City, Daan District 143.4 m
4/1992—2/1993 Asia-Pacific Financial Plaza [宏總亞太財經廣場] Kaohsiung City, Lingya District 169.8 m
2/1993—12/1993 Chang-Gu World Trade Center [長谷世貿大樓] Kaohsiung City, Sanmin District 221.6 m
12/1993—1997 Shin Kong Life Tower [新光人壽保險大樓] Taipei City, Zhongzheng District 244.8 m
1997—10/2003 85 Sky Tower [高雄 85 大樓] Kaohsiung City, Lingya District 378 m
10/2003— Taipei 101 [台北 101] Taipei City, Xinyi District 508 m

Notes: The former Hilton International Taipei today houses the Caesar Park Hotel Taipei (Taibei kaisa dafandian 台北凱撒大飯店). The former Tuntex Tower is now called Tunnan Tower (dunnan motian dalou 敦南摩天大樓).

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Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TSEC)

Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TSEC) 臺灣證券交易所股份有限公司
3 F. and 9-12 F., No. 7 Xinyi Road Sec. 5,
Xinyi District, Taipei City 11049, Taiwan ROC
[11049 台北市信義區信義路 5 段 7 號 3 樓、 9 至 12 樓(台北 101 內)]
🌏 TSEC – Web link

The TSEC (Taiwan zhengquan jiaoyisuo gufen youxian gongsi 臺灣證券交易所股份有限公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) is a financial institution that manages the Taiwan Stock Exchange (Taiwan zhengquan jiaoyisuo 臺灣證券交易所, abbrev. TWSE), today located in Taipei 101. It was established on Oct. 23, 1961 and began operating as a stock exchange on Feb. 9, 1962. It is regulated by the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC), and its index is the "Taiwan Capitalization Weighted Stock Index" (= Taiwan Weighted, jiaquan gujia zhishu 加權股價指數 or jiaquan zhishu 加權指數 in Chinese, abbrev. TAIEX). Another leading position in the TSEC is president (zong jingli 總經理).

TSEC chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
10/1961Koo Chen-fu 辜振甫1917-2005Taiwan
9/1964Chao Kuan-pai 趙觀白N/AN/A
11/1976Tsai Tong-yu 蔡同嶼b. 1913, d. N/AZhejiang
6/1986Yao Ku-huai 饒谷懷b. 1920Hunan
6/1989C. F. Wu 吳祺芳b. 1919Hubei
10/1991Chen Ssu-ming 陳思明N/AN/A
5/1995Lee Chung-ying 李仲英b. 1931Taiwan
6/2001Lin Jong-shong 林鐘雄1938-2006Taiwan
3/2002 @Sean C. Chen 陳冲b. 1949Taiwan/Fujian
6/2004Wu Nai-jen 吳乃仁b. 1947Taiwan
8/2006 @Gordon S. Chen 陳樹b. 1954Taiwan
6/2007Wu Rong-i 吳榮義b. 1939Taiwan
9/2008Schive Chi 薛琦b. 1947Fujian
2/2013Samuel J. S. Hsu 許仁壽b. 1954Taiwan
2/2013Lee Sush-der 李述德b. 1951Fujian
7/2016Shih Jun-ji 施俊吉b. 1955Taiwan
9/2017Lee Chi-hsien 李啟賢N/AN/A
11/2017—Hsu Jan-yau 許璋瑤b. 1951Taiwan

Please note that Chen Ssu-ming was acting chairman between October 1991 and June 1992, and Lee Sush-der is sometimes spelled Lee Shu-te in English.


The TAIEX (ticker symbol: ^twii) is one of the most important stock market indices in Asia. The following tables show the monthly development of TAIEX's historical prices (close) since 1997, source: Yahoo! Finance [Historical Data]

[TAIEX 1997–2001]  [TAIEX 2002–2006]   [TAIEX 2007–2011]
[TAIEX 2012–2016]   [TAIEX 2017–2021]  [TAIEX since 2022]

TAIEX 1997–2001

Month 1997   1998   1999   2000   2001
January N/A 8,085.47 5,984.00 9,744.89 5,936.20
February N/A 9,202.56 6,318.52 9,435.94 5,674.69
March N/A 9,091.16 6,881.72 9,854.95 5,797.92
April N/A 8,304.21 7,371.17 8,824.36 5,381.67
May N/A 7,903.34 7,316.57 8,939.52 5,048.86
June N/A 7,548.81 8,467.37 8,265.09 4,883.43
July 10,066.40 7,653.51 7,413.11 8,114.92 4,352.98
August 9,827.49 6,550.11 8,157.73 7,543.96 4,509.44
September 8,708.83 6,833.95 7,598.79 6,432.36 3,636.94
October 7,313.40 7,101.46 7,706.67 5,544.18 3,903.49
November 7,797.19 7,177.22 7,720.87 5,256.93 4,441.12
December 8,187.27 6,418.43 8,448.84 4,743.94 5,551.24

TAIEX 2002–2006

Month 2002   2003   2004   2005   2006
January 5,872.14 5,015.16 6,375.38 5,994.23 6,532.18
February 5,696.11 4,432.46 6,750.54 6,207.83 6,561.63
March 6,167.47 4,321.22 6,522.19 6,005.88 6,613.97
April 6,065.73 4,148.07 6,117.81 5,818.07 7,171.77
May 5,675.65 4,555.90 5,977.84 6,011.56 6,846.95
June 5,153.71 4,872.15 5,839.44 6,241.94 6,704.41
July 4,940.38 5,318.34 5,420.57 6,311.98 6,454.58
August 4,764.94 5,650.83 5,765.54 6,033.47 6,611.77
September 4,191.81 5,611.41 5,845.69 6,118.61 6,883.05
October 4,579.14 6,045.12 5,705.93 5,764.30 7,021.32
November 4,646.69 5,771.77 5,844.76 6,203.47 7,567.72
December 4,452.45 5,890.69 6,139.69 6,548.34 7,823.72

TAIEX 2007–2011

Month 2007   2008   2009   2010   2011
January 7,699.64 7,521.13 4,247.97 7,640.44 9,145.35
February 7,901.96 8,412.76 4,557.15 7,436.10 8,599.65
March 7,884.41 8,572.59 5,210.84 7,920.06 8,683.30
April 7,875.42 8,919.92 5,992.57 8,004.25 9,007.87
May 8,144.95 8,619.08 6,890.44 7,373.98 8,988.84
June 8,883.21 7,523.54 6,432.16 7,329.37 8,652.59
July 9,287.25 7,024.06 7,077.71 7,760.63 8,644.18
August 8,982.16 7,046.11 6,825.95 7,616.28 7,741.36
September 9,411.95 5,719.28 7,509.17 8,237.78 7,225.38
October 9,711.37 4,870.66 7,340.08 8,287.09 7,587.69
November 8,586.40 4,460.49 7,582.21 8,372.48 6,904.12
December 8,506.28 4,591.22 8,188.11 8,972.50 7,072.08

TAIEX 2012–2016

Month 2012   2013   2014   2015   2016
January 7,517.08 7,850.02 8,462.57 9,361.91 8,080.6
February 8,121.44 7,897.98 8,639.58 9,622.1 8,411.16
March 7,933.00 7,918.61 8,849.28 9,586.44 8,744.83
April 7,501.72 8,093.66 8,791.44 9,820.05 8,377.9
May 7,301.50 8,254.80 9,075.91 9,701.07 8,535.59
June 7,296.28 8,062.21 9,393.07 9,323.02 8,666.58
July 7,270.49 8,107.94 9,315.85 8,665.34 8,984.41
August 7,397.06 8,021.89 9,436.27 7,824.55 9,068.85
September 7,715.16 8,173.87 8,966.92 8,181.24 9,166.85
October 7,166.05 8,450.06 8,974.76 8,554.31 9,290.12
November 7,580.17 8,406.83 9,187.15 8,320.61 9,240.71
December 7,699.50 8,611.51 9,307.26 8,338.06 9,253.5

TAIEX 2017–2021

Month 2017   2018   2019   2020   2021
January 9,447.95 11,103.79 9,932.26 11,495.10 15,138.31
February 9,750.47 10,815.47 10,389.17 11,292.17 15,953.80
March 9,811.52 10,906.22 10,641.04 9,708.06 16,431.13
April 9,872.0 10,657.88 10,967.73 10,992.14 17,566.66
May 10,040.72 10,874.96 10,498.49 10,942.16 17,068.43
June 10,395.07 10,836.91 10,730.83 11,621.24 17,755.46
July 10,427.33 11,057.51 10,823.81 12,664.80 17,247.41
August 10,585.78 11,063.94 10,618.05 12,591.45 17,490.29
September 10,329.94 11,006.34 10,829.68 12,515.61 16,934.77
October 10,793.8 9,802.13 11,358.71 12,546.34 16,987.41
November 10,560.44 9,888.03 11,489.57 13,722.89 17,427.76
December 10,642.86 9,727.41 11,997.14 14,732.53 18,218.84

TAIEX since 2022

Month 2022   2023   2024   2025   2026
January 17,674.40 15,265.20 17,889.56 23,525.41
February 17,652.18 15,503.79 18,966.77
March 17,693.47 15,868.06 20,294.45
April 16,592.18 15,579.18 20,396.60
May 16,807.77 16,578.96 21,174.22
June 14,825.73 16,915.54 23,032.25
July 15,000.07 17,145.43 22,199.35
August 15,095.44 16,634.51 22,268.09
September 13,424.58 16,353.74 22,224.54
October 12,949.75 16,001.27 22,820.43
November 14,879.55 17,433.85 22,262.50
December 14,137.69 17,930.81 23,035.10

TOP   HOME    [◆ Commercial enterprises]

Taiwan Depository and Clearing Corporation (TDCC)

Taiwan Depository and Clearing Corporation (TDCC) 台灣集中保管結算所股份有限公司
11 F., No. 363 Fuxing North Road,
Songshan District, Taipei City 10543, Taiwan ROC
[10543 台北市松山區復興北路 363 號 11 樓]
🌏 TDCC – Web link

The TDCC (Taiwan jizhong baoguan jiesuansuo gufen youxian gongsi 台灣集中保管結算所股份有限公司, abbrev. jibao jiesuansuo 集保結算所, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was created on March 27, 2006 when two companies were merged: Taiwan Securities Central Depository Co., Ltd. (Taiwan zhengquan jizhong baoguan gongsi 台灣證券集中保管公司, abbrev. TSCD), established on May 1, 1989, and Debt Instruments Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. Taiwan (Taiwan piaoquan jizhong baoguan jiesuan gongsi 台灣票券集中保管結算公司, abbrev. DIDC), started preparatory operation in April 2004. TDCC completed a merger with Taiwan Integrated Shareholder Service Company (Taiwan zonghe guwu ziliao chuli gufen youxian gongsi 台灣總合股務資料處理股份有限公司, abbrev. TISSC) on March 24, 2014. Another senior position in TDCC is president (zong jingli 總經理).

TDCC chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/2006—8/2008Fortune Ju 朱富春N/AN/A
8/2008—7/2010Tony Fan 范志強b. 1951Taiwan
7/2010—1/2016Ding Kung-wha 丁克華b. 1953Taiwan
1/2016—Sherman Lin 林修銘b. 1965N/A

TDCC presidents

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/2006—1/2016Sherman Lin 林修銘b. 1965N/A
1/2016—Meng Ching-li 孟慶蒞b. N/AN/A

As for the organizational structure of TDCC, there are two committees under the Board of Directors (dongshihui 董事會):

  Research, Development and Fee Committee (yanjiu fazhan ji feilü shenyi weiyuanhui 研究發展及費率審議委員會), and
  Risk Control Committee (fengxian kongguan weiyuanhui 風險控管委員會).

Furthermore, the TDCC website lists the following subordinate units:

  Finance (caiwushi 財務室),
  Intermediaries Compliance & Inspection (jiheshi 稽核室),
  Labor Safety (laogong anquanshi 勞工安全室),
  Legal & Compliance (fazun ji fawushi 法遵暨法務室);
  Corporate Strategy & Public Affairs (qihuabu 企劃部),
  Equity Services (yewubu 業務部),
  Equity System Development (zixun guihuabu 資訊規劃部),
  Fixed Income Services (jinrong yewubu 金融業務部),
  Fixed Income System Development (jinrong zixunbu 金融資訊部),
  Fund & Global Services (jijin ji guojibu 基金暨國際部),
  General Administration (guanlibu 管理部),
  Issuer Services (guwubu 股務部), and
  IT Infrastructure (zixun zuoyebu 資訊作業部).

TOP   HOME    [◆ Commercial enterprises]

Evergreen Group

Evergreen Marine Corporation 長榮海運公司
No. 166 Minsheng East Road Sec. 2,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10423, Taiwan ROC
[10423 台北市中山區民生東路 2 段 166 號(長榮海運大樓)]
🌏 Evergreen Group – Web link

EVA Airways Corporation 長榮航空公司 (EVA Air)
No. 376 Xinnan Road Sec. 1,
Luzhu District, Taoyuan City 33801, Taiwan ROC
[33801 桃園市蘆竹區新南路 1 段 376 號]
🌏 EVA Air – Web link

The origins of the Evergreen Group (changrong jituan 長榮集團, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) date back to Sept. 1, 1968 when Evergreen Marine Corporation was established. Evergreen Group is a conglomerate of shipping, transportation, and associated service companies.

Evergreen Group chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
9/1968—1/2016Chang Yung-fa 張榮發1927-2016Taiwan
2/2016—3/2016Chang Kuo-wei 張國煒b. 1970N/A

The Evergreen Group comprises the following corporations and organizations:

  • Evergreen Marine Corporation (changrong haiyun gongsi 長榮海運公司)
  • Evergreen International Corporation (changrong guoji gongsi 長榮國際公司)
  • EVA Airways Corporation (changrong hangkong gongsi 長榮航空公司)
  • UNI Air (lirong hangkong gongsi 立榮航空公司)
  • Evergreen Air Cargo Services Corporation (changrong kongyun cangchu gongsi 長榮空運倉儲公司)
  • Evergreen Airline Services Corporation (changrong hangqin gongsi 長榮航勤公司)
  • Evergreen Aviation Technologies Corporation (changrong hangtai keji gongsi 長榮航太科技公司)
  • Evergreen Sky Catering Corporation (changrong kongchu gongsi 長榮空廚公司)
  • Evergreen Security Corporation (changrong jingbei baoquan gongsi 長榮警備保全公司)
  • Evergreen Logistics Corporation (changrong wuliu gongsi 長榮物流公司)
  • Evergreen International Storage & Transport (changrong guoji chuyun gongsi 長榮國際儲運公司)
  • Evergreen International Engineering Corporation (changrong guoji jidian gongsi 長榮國際機電公司)
  • Evergreen International Hotels (changrong guoji liansuo jiudian 長榮國際連鎖酒店)
  • Chang Yung-Fa Foundation (caituan faren Zhang Rongfa jijinhui 財團法人張榮發基金會)
  • Evergreen Maritime Museum (changrong haishi bowuguan 長榮海事博物館)
  • Evergreen Symphony Orchestra (changrong jiaoxiang yuetuan 長榮交響樂團)

Note: Evergreen Group chairman Chang Yung-fa died on Jan. 20, 2016. In his will he had named his fourth son Chang Kuo-wei 張國煒 (b. 1970) as his successor. The elder Chang's three other sons—eldest Chang Kuo-hua 張國華 (b. 1959), Chang Kuo-ming 張國明 (b. N/A) and Chang Kuo-cheng 張國政 (b. N/A) who jointly hold majority shares in the business group—challenged that decision. In March 2016 Chang Kuo-wei was ousted as chairman of EVA Airways and also lost is post on Evergreen Marine's board of directors, while the top management division of the Evergreen Group was terminated. The chairpersons of the group's major subsidiaries since the death of Chang Yung-fa are listed below.

Evergreen Marine Corp.

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
10/2013—Anchor Chang Cheng-yung 張正鏞b. N/AN/A

Evergreen International Corp.

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
4/2011—3/2016Chang Ming-che 張明哲N/AN/A
3/2016—Ko Lee-ching 柯麗卿b. N/AN/A

EVA Airways

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/2013—3/2016Chang Kuo-wei 張國煒b. 1970N/A
3/2016—Steve Lin 林寶水b. N/AN/A

Please note that after being ousted as EVA Airways chair, Chang Kuo-wei launched a new airline named StarLux Airlines (details see below).

Evergreen International Storage & Transportation Corp.

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
11/2013—3/2016Chen Ching-piao 陳清標N/AN/A
3/2016—Hong Ping-kun 洪秉琨b. N/AN/A

TOP   HOME    [◆ Commercial enterprises]

StarLux Airlines

StarLux Airlines 星宇航空公司
15 F., No. 382 Nanjing East Road Sec. 6,
Neihu District, Taipei City 11470, Taiwan ROC
[11470 台北市內湖區南京東路 6 段 382 號 15 樓]
🌏 StarLux Airlines – Web link

After Chang Kuo-wei was ousted from EVA Airways in March 2016, he announced on Nov. 30, 2016 that he had registered the new StarLux Airlines (xingyu hangkong gongsi 星宇航空公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長). StarLux was issued an official business registration certificate by the ROC MOEA on May 2, 2018 and received its Air Operator's Certificate (AOC) from the CAA under the MOTC on Dec. 16, 2019. Its first three flights were launched on Jan. 23, 2020 to Penang (Malaysia), Da Nang (Vietnam), and Macau.

StarLux Airlines chairperson

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
5/2018—Chang Kuo-wei 張國煒b. 1970N/A

TOP   HOME    [◆ Commercial enterprises]

High Tech Computer Corp. (HTC)>

High Tech Computer Corp. (HTC) 宏達國際電子股份有限公司
No. 88 Zhongxing Road Sec. 3,
Xindian District, New Taipei City 23144, Taiwan ROC
[23144 新北市新店區中興路 3 段 88 號]
🌏 HTC – Web link

HTC (hongda guoji dianzi gufen youxian gongsi 宏達國際電子股份有限公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on May 15, 1997 and is a manufacturer of smartphones and tablet computers. Another senior position in HTC is CEO (zhixingzhang 執行長).

HTC chairperson

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
5/1997—Cher Wang 王雪紅b. 1958Taiwan

TOP   HOME    [◆ Commercial enterprises]

Acer Inc.

Acer Inc. 宏碁股份有限公司
8 F., No. 88 Xintai Fifth Road Sec. 1,
Xizhi District, New Taipei City 22181, Taiwan ROC
[22181 新北市汐止區新臺五路 1 段 88 號 8 樓]
🌏 Acer – Web link

Acer Inc. (hongji gufen youxian gongsi 宏碁股份有限公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on Aug. 1, 1976 and is a hardware and electronics corporation. Other leading positions at Acer are CEO (zhixingzhang 執行長) and president (zongcai 總裁).

Acer Inc. chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
8/1976—12/2004Stan Shih 施振榮b. 1944Taiwan
2005—11/2013J. T. Wang 王振堂b. 1954N/A
11/2013—5/2014Stan Shih (second time)
6/2014—George Huang 黃少華b. 1949Taiwan

TOP   HOME    [◆ Commercial enterprises]

Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Inc. (ASE)

Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Inc. (ASE) 日月光半導體製造股份有限公司
No. 26 Jingsan Road,
Nanzi District, Kaohsiung City 81170, Taiwan ROC
[81170 高雄市楠梓區經三路 26 號]
🌏 ASE – Web link

ASE (riyueguang bandaoti zhizao gufen youxian gongsi 日月光半導體製造股份有限公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on March 23, 1984.

ASE chairperson

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
3/1984—Jason C. S. Chang 張虔生b. 1944Shanghai

TOP   HOME    [◆ Commercial enterprises]

Trend Micro Inc.

Trend Micro Inc. 趨勢科技
8 F., No. 198 Dunhua South Road Sec. 2,
Daan District, Taipei City 10669, Taiwan ROC
[10669 台北市大安區敦化南路 2 段 198 號 8 樓]; USA headquarters—225 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 1500; Irving, Texas 75062, USA
🌏 Trend Micro Inc. – Web link

Trend Micro Inc. (qushi keji 趨勢科技, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長), a network security solution provider, was founded in 1988 in Los Angeles (USA). Another senior position in the company is CEO (zhixingzhang 執行長).

Trend Micro Inc. chairman

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1988—Steve Chang 張明正b. 1954Taiwan

TOP   HOME    [◆ Commercial enterprises]

Giant Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Giant Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 捷安特股份有限公司
No. 901 Zhongshan Road Sec. 2,
Dajia District, Taichung City 43767, Taiwan ROC
[43767 台中市大甲區中山路 2 段 901 號]
🌏 Giant Manufacturing Co., Ltd. – Web link

Giant Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (jie'ante gufen youxian gongsi 捷安特股份有限公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on Oct. 27, 1972 and is currently the world's largest bicycle manufacturer.

Giant Manufacturing Co., Ltd. chairperson

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
10/1972—12/2016King Liu 劉金標b. 1934Taiwan
12/2016—Bonnie Tu 杜綉珍b. 1949N/A

TOP   HOME    [◆ Commercial enterprises]

Taiwan Aerospace Corporation (TAC)

Taiwan Aerospace Corporation (TAC) 台翔航太工業股份有限公司
5 F., No. 143 Chongqing South Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10045, Taiwan ROC
[10045 台北市中正區重慶南路 1 段 143 號 5 樓]
🌏 TAC – Web link

TAC (taixiang hangtai gongye gufen youxian gongsi 台翔航太工業股份有限公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established in September 1991 with the assistance of the ROC government as part of a strategy to develop aerospace industries in the private sector.

TAC chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
9/1991—4/1992David H. Huang 黃孝宗b. 1920Hubei/Fujian
4/1992—2/1994Hou Chen-hsiung 侯貞雄b. 1939Taiwan
2/1994—6/2006Jack T. Sun 孫道存1949-2021Taiwan/Hebei
6/2006—5/2010Jing Deh-pu 金德溥N/AN/A
10/2010—11/2012Wang Yea-kang 汪雅康N/AN/A
11/2012—2/2014Alex Wang 王耀德N/AN/A
5/2014—8/2015Chang Sze-wei 常四偉b. 1957Fujian/Anhui
8/2015—12/2015Wan Tung 宛同N/AN/A
1/2016—2/2019Tien Tsai-mai 田在勱N/AN/A
2/2019—Lu Tien-lin 盧天麟b. 1960Taiwan

TOP   HOME    [◆ Commercial enterprises]

Yulon Motor Co. Ltd.

Yulon Motor Co. Ltd. 裕隆汽車製造股份有限公司
No. 39-1 Bogong Keng, Xihu Village,
Sanyi Township, Miaoli County 36743, Taiwan ROC
[36743 苗栗縣三義鄉西湖村伯公坑 39 號之 1]
🌏 Yulon Motor Co. Ltd. – Web link
Old logo

Yulon Motor Co. Ltd. (yulong qiche zhizao gufen youxian gongsi 裕隆汽車製造股份有限公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on Sept. 10, 1953 and has been the most noteworthy company in Taiwan's automotive industry. In 1957 a partnership with the Japanese automobile manufacturer Nissan began. In May 2008 Yulon created the first Taiwanese auto brand "Luxgen" (nazhijie 納智捷). The original Romanization of the company's name is "Yue Loong", but in September 1992 the company renewed its logo and switched to the shorter Yulon name.

Yulon Motor Co., Ltd. chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
9/1953—3/1981 Yen Ching-ling 嚴慶齡1909-1981Shanghai
3/1981—7/2007Vivian Wu 吳舜文1913-2008Jiangsu
7/2007—12/2018Kenneth Yen 嚴凱泰1965-2018Taiwan
12/2018—Lilian Chen 嚴陳莉蓮b. 1965Taiwan

Note: When company founder Yen Ching-ling suffered brain damage in 1976 resulting from a fall, his wife Vivian Wu took over the duties of leading the firm but was formally named chairwoman only after her husband's death in 1981. At age 93 she stepped aside in favour of her son, Kenneth Yen, who had been involved in Yulon's management as an executive since 1989.

Major vehicle producers in Taiwan

The following are other noteworthy companies in Taiwan's automotive industry.

  • Sanyang Motor Co., Ltd. (sanyang gongye gufen youxian gongsi 三陽工業股份有限公司), established in 1954
  • Hotai Motor Co., Ltd. (hetai qiche gufen youxian gongsi 和泰汽車股份有限公司), est. April 25, 1955
  • Kwang Yang Motor Co., Ltd./KYMCO (guangyang gongye gufen youxian gongsi 光陽工業股份有限公司), est. March 22, 1963
  • China Motor Corporation (Zhonghua qiche gongye gufen youxian gongsi 中華汽車工業股份有限公司), est. June 13, 1969
  • Kuozui Motors (guorui qiche 國瑞汽車), established in 1984
  • Thunder Power Co., Ltd. (changwei gufen youxian gongsi 昶洧股份有限公司), established in 1987
  • AEON MOTOR Co., Ltd. (hongjiateng dongli keji gufen youxian gongsi 宏佳騰動力科技股份有限公司), established in 1998
  • Gogoro Inc. (ruineng chuangyi gufen youxian gongsi 睿能創意股份有限公司), registered in August 2011

TOP   HOME    [◆ Commercial enterprises]

Chi Mei Corporation (CMC)

Chi Mei Corporation (CMC) 奇美實業股份有限公司
No. 59-1 Sanjiazi, Sanjia Borough,
Rende District, Tainan City 71702, Taiwan ROC
[71702 台南市仁德區三甲里三甲子 59 之 1 號]
🌏 Chi Mei Corp. – Web link

CMC (qimei shiye gufen youxian gongsi 奇美實業股份有限公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on Jan. 11, 1960 as Taiwan's first acrylic producer. Today, CMC is the largest maker of ABS resin in the world and one of the leading global suppliers of plastic and rubber materials.

CMC chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1/1960—6/2004Shi Wen-long 許文龍1928-2023Taiwan
6/2004—6/2012Frank Liao 廖錦祥1938-2022N/A
6/2012—Hsu Chun-hwa 許春華b. 1949N/A

TOP   HOME    [◆ Commercial enterprises]

Tatung Company

Tatung Company 大同股份有限公司
No. 22 Zhongshan North Road Sec. 3,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10435, Taiwan ROC
[10435 台北市中山區中山北路 3 段 22 號]
🌏 Tatung Co. – Web link

Tatung Company (datong gufen youxian gongsi 大同股份有限公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was founded in 1918 under the name Xie Zhi Business Enterprise (xiezhi shanghao 協志商號). In 1939 Tatung Iron Works (zhushi huishe datong tiegongsuo 株式會社大同鐵工所, 🏁—shezhang 社長) was established and renamed Tatung Steel and Machinery Manufacturing Company (datong zhigang jixie gongsi 大同製鋼機械公司) in 1945. Its current name was adopted in 1968.

Tatung Company chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1918–1942Lin Shang-zhi 林尚志1893-1971Taiwan
1942–1972Lin Ting-sheng 林挺生1919-2006Taiwan
1972—2/2018W. S. Lin 林蔚山b. 1946Taiwan
2/2018—11/2020W. Y. Lin 林郭文艷b. 1950N/A
11/2020—12/2020Lin Wen-yuan 林文淵b. 1952Taiwan
12/2020—Lu Ming-kuang 盧明光b. 1948N/A

Tatung Company holds three business groups, which include six business units (BU) such as Power Equipment BU, Motor BU, Smart Solution BU, System Integration BU, Advanced Electronics BU, and Home Appliances BU. One of the iconic products manufactured by the firm was the famous Tatung rice cooker (datong dianguo 大同電鍋).

A subsidiary of Tatung Co. is Chunghwa Picture Tubes Ltd. (Zhonghua yingguan gufen youxian gongsi 中華映管股份有限公司, abbrev. huaying 華映 in Chinese and CPT in English), a manufacturer of flat panels founded on May 4, 1971. CPT filed for bankruptcy protection on Dec. 13,2018.

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Far Eastern Group

Far Eastern Group 遠東集團
No. 207 Dunhua South Road Sec. 2,
Daan District, Taipei City 10602, Taiwan ROC
[10602 台北市大安區敦化南路 2 段 207 號]
🌏 Far Eastern Group – Web link

The Far Eastern Group (yuandong jituan 遠東集團, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established in 1937 on the other side of the Taiwan Strait and grew to one of the biggest conglomerates in Taiwan after 1949.

Far Eastern Group chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1937–1993Y. Z. Hsu 徐有庠1912-2000Jiangsu
1993—Douglas Hsu 徐旭東b. 1941Shanghai

Today the Far Eastern Group is doing business in areas as diverse as petrochemicals and energy, textiles and synthetic fibers, cement and building materials, retail and department stores, financial services, sea/land transportation, communications and the internet. The group has also substantial business activities in the PRC. It comprises dozens of subsidiary companies, including the following:

  • Oriental Union Chemical Corporation (donglian huaxue gufen youxian gongsi 東聯化學股份有限公司),
  • Chiahui Power Corporation (jiahui dianli gufen youxian gongsi 嘉惠電力股份有限公司),
  • Far Eastern New Century Corporation (yuandong xin shiji gufen youxian gongsi 遠東新世紀股份有限公司),
  • Everest Textile Company Limited (hongyuan xingye gufen youxian gongsi 宏遠興業股份有限公司),
  • Oriental Resources Development Limited (yadong chuangxin fazhan gufen youxian gongsi 亞東創新發展股份有限公司),
  • Far Eastern Fibertech Company Limited (yuandong xianjin xianwei gufen youxian gongsi 遠東先進纖維股份有限公司, abbrev. FEFC),
  • Asia Cement Company Limited (Yazhou shuini gufen youxian gongsi 亞洲水泥股份有限公司),
  • Far Eastern Department Stores Company Limited (yuandong baihuo gufen youxian gongsi 遠東百貨股份有限公司),
  • Ya Dung Department Store Company Limited (yadong baihuo gufen youxian gongsi 亞東百貨股份有限公司),
  • Far Eastern Ai Mai Company Limited (yuanbai qiye gufen youxian gongsi 遠百企業股份有限公司/aimai 愛買),
  • Pacific SOGO Department Stores Company Limited (taipingyang chongguang baihuo gufen youxian gongsi 太平洋崇光百貨股份有限公司),
  • Ding Ding Integrated Marketing Service Company Limited (dingding lianhe xingxiao gufen youxian gongsi 鼎鼎聯合行銷股份有限公司),
  • Far Eastern City's Super (yuandong duhui gufen youxian gongsi 遠東都會股份有限公司),
  • Far Eastern International Bank Co., Ltd. (yuandong guoji shangye yinhang gufen youxian gongsi 遠東國際商業銀行股份有限公司),
  • Far Eastern International Leasing Corporation (yuanyin guoji zulin gufen youxian gongsi 遠銀國際租賃股份有限公司),
  • U-Ming Marine Transport Corporation (yumin hangyun gufen youxian gongsi 裕民航運股份有限公司),
  • Fu-Ming Transportation Company Limited (fumin yunshu gufen youxian gongsi 富民運輸股份有限公司),
  • Far Eastone Telecommunications Company Limited (yuanchuan dianxin gufen youxian gongsi 遠傳電信股份有限公司), and
  • New Century InfoComm Tech Company (xin shiji zitong gufen youxian gongsi 新世紀資通股份有限公司).

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Farglory Group

Farglory Group 遠雄企業團
29 F., No. 1 Songgao Road,
Xinyi District, Taipei City 11073, Taiwan ROC
[11073 台北市信義區松高路 1 號 29 樓(遠雄金融中心)]
🌏 Farglory Group – Web link

The origins of the Farglory Group (yuanxiong qiyetuan 遠雄企業團, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) date back to 1969 when Farglory Land Development Co. (yuanxiong jianshe shiye 遠雄建設事業) was established. The business activities of the Farglory Group today comprise property development and construction, finance and insurance, air cargo logistics, recreation and leisure, commercial development, internet service, charitable activities and medical care as well as overseas investments.

Farglory Group chairperson

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1969—Chao Teng-hsiung 趙藤雄b. 1944Taiwan

On Oct. 28, 2022 the Taipei District Court sentenced Chao Teng-hsiung to seven years in prison for cases involving the Taipei Dome (da judan 大巨蛋), land development in New Taipei City, kickbacks to local politicians and local government officials, and the depletion of funds from Farglory Life Insurance Inc.

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SinoPac Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

SinoPac Financial Holding Co. Ltd. 永豐金融控股公司
8-13 F., No. 306 Bade Road Sec. 2,
Zhongshan District, Taipei City 10492, Taiwan ROC
[10492 台北市中山區八德路 2 段 306 號 8~13 樓]
🌏 SinoPac Financial Holding Co., Ltd. – Web link

SinoPac Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (yongfeng jinrong konggu gongsi 永豐金融控股公司, abbrev. yongfeng jinkong 永豐金控, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on May 9, 2002 following the merger of Bank SinoPac (huaxin yinhang 華信銀行), National Securities (jianhong zhengquan 建弘證券) and their subsidiaries. Before July 20, 2006 its Chinese name was jianhua jinrong konggu gongsi 建華金融控股公司.

SinoPac Financial Holding Co., Ltd. chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
5/2002—5/2005Richard Hong 洪敏弘b. 1941Taiwan
5/2005—12/2005Edward Chien 簡鴻道N/AN/A
1/2006—6/2017S. C. Ho 何壽川b. 1945Taiwan
6/2017Paul Chiu 邱正雄b. 1942Taiwan
6/2017—Philip Wen-chyi Ong 翁文祺b. 1960N/A

The Taipei District Court on Nov. 20, 2020 sentenced former SinoPac Financial Holdings Co. chairman S. C. Ho 何壽川 to eight years and six months in prison for illegal loans.

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Want Want Holdings Limited

Want Want Holdings Limited 旺旺集團有限公司
No. 72 Xining North Road,
Datong District, Taipei City 10342, Taiwan ROC
[10342 台北市大同區西寧北路 72 號]
🌏 Want Want Holdings Ltd. – Web link

Want Want Holdings Limited (wangwang jituan youxian gongsi 旺旺集團有限公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) is the largest rice cake and flavored drinks maker in Taiwan. It began operations in 1962 under the name I Lan Foods Industrial Company Limited (Yilan shipin gongye gufen youxian gongsi 宜蘭食品工業股份有限公司) in Yilan County. In 1976 the firm was taken over by the Tsai family, the trademark "Want Want" (wangwang 旺旺) was introduced in 1979. In 1987, it became the first Taiwanese operator to apply for the registration of the "Want Want" trademark in the PRC, and in 1992 it started its business on the other side of the Taiwan Strait.

Want Want Holdings Limited chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1962–1976Liu Chuan-chih 劉傳枝N/AN/A
1976—4/1987Tsai A-shih 蔡阿仕N/AN/A
4/1987—Tsai Eng-meng 蔡衍明b. 1957N/A

The company is also active in the media industry. After it bought the China Times Group (Zhongguo shibao jituan 中國時報集團)—which included the newspaper China Times (Zhongguo shibao 中國時報)—on Nov. 3, 2008, the Want Want China Times Media Group (wangwang zhongshi meiti jituan 旺旺中時媒體集團) was created in 2009.

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Formosa Television (FTV)

Formosa Television (FTV) 民間全民電視公司
Taipei HQ—14 F., No. 30-36 Bade Road Sec. 3,
Songshan District, Taipei City 10559, Taiwan ROC
[10559 台北市松山區八德路 3 段 30 至 36 號 14 樓];
Kaohsiung HQ—24 F., No. 366 Boai 1st Road, Anhe Borough,
Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City 80757, Taiwan ROC
[80757 高雄市三民區安和里 21 鄰博愛一路 366 號 24 樓]
🌏 FTV – Web link

FTV (minjian quanmin dianshi gongsi 民間全民電視公司, abbrev. minshi 民視, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on March 21, 1996 as the first privately-owned TV station in Taiwan and began broadcasting on June 11, 1997. Chai Trong-rong stepped down as FTV chairman to comply with ROC President Chen Shui-bian's policy of removing political influence from the media. Another senior position in FTV is general manager (zong jingli 總經理).

FTV chairpersons

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
4/1996—8/2003Chai Trong-rong 蔡同榮1935-2014Taiwan
8/2003—5/2016Tien Tsai-ting 田再庭b. 1929Taiwan
5/2016—3/2019George P. Kuo 郭倍宏b. 1955Taiwan
>>> [vacant] <<<
4/2019—Wang Ming-yu 王明玉b. 1946N/A

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OBI Pharma Inc.

OBI Pharma Inc. 台灣浩鼎生技股份有限公司
19 F., No. 3 Yuanqu Road,
Nangang District, Taipei City 11503, Taiwan ROC
[11503 台北市南港區園區街 3 號 19 樓]
🌏 OBI Pharma Inc. – Web link

OBI Pharma Inc. (Taiwan haoding shengji gufen youxian gongsi 台灣浩鼎生技股份有限公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established on May 2, 2002 as a subsidiary of the US-based enterprise Optimer Pharmaceuticals which in turn had been founded by Wong Chi-huey 翁啟惠, Michael Chang 張念慈 and others in 1998. A major shareholder in OBI Pharma Inc. is Samuel Yin 尹衍樑, chairman of the Tang Prize Foundation.

OBI Pharma Inc. chairman

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
5/2002—Michael Chang 張念慈b. 1951Taiwan

The company made headlines when it was disclosed in early 2016 that Wong Chi-huey, then president of the renowned Academia Sinica, was implicated in an insider-trading scandal involving OBI Pharma. Wong offered his resignation as Academia Sinica head on March 29, 2016 which was approved by ROC President Ma Ying-jeou on May 10, 2016. On Dec. 28, 2018 the Shihlin District Court found Wong not guilty of insider trading.

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I-Mei Foods Co. Ltd.

I-Mei Foods Co. Ltd. 義美食品股份有限公司
10 F., No. 88 Xinyi Road Sec. 2,
Daan District, Taipei City 10641, Taiwan ROC
[10641 台北市大安區信義路 2 段 88 號 10 樓]
🌏 I-Mei Foods Co. Ltd. – Web link

I-Mei Foods Co. Ltd. (yimei shipin gufen youxian gongsi 義美食品股份有限公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was founded in 1934 as a traditional Taiwanese confectionary. Over time the company developed to become one of the biggest food companies in Taiwan, with an extensive range of products including biscuits, candies, snacks, beverages, frozen prepared foods, ice cream, etc.

I-Mei Foods Co., Ltd. presidents

Tenure started Name Born/Died Native Province
1934Kao Fan-wang 高番王N/ATaiwan
1937Kao Teng-chiao 高騰蛟1922-2010Taiwan
2010—Luis Ko Chi-beng 高志明b. 1949Taiwan

Please note that sometimes English-language media refer to Luis Ko as CEO or general-manager of I-Mei Foods.

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Ching Fu Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. (CFS)

Ching Fu Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. (CFS) 慶富造船股份有限公司
No. 69 Binhai 1st Road,
Gushan District, Kaohsiung City 80443, Taiwan ROC
[80443 高雄市鼓山區濱海一路 69 號]

CFS (qingfu zaochuan gufen youxian gongsi 慶富造船股份有限公司, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) was established in 1989 by Chen Ching-nan based on the experiences of his father Chen Shui-lai 陳水來 who in 1965 had founded two related companies—Fong Kuo Fishery Co. Ltd. (fengguo yuye gongsi 豐國漁業公司) and Fong Kuo Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. (fengguo zaochuan gongsi 豐國造船公司). CFS was the first private shipyard in Taiwan to build international standard product carriers and multi-purpose ships. The Chen family also owns a large portion of Kwang Yang Industries Co. Ltd. (guangyang gongye gongsi 光陽工業公司, abbrev. KYMCO).

CFS chairperson

Tenure Name Born/Died Native Province
1989—Chen Ching-nan 陳慶男b. N/AN/A

Making headlines

CFS started grabbing nationwide attention when it became public that the company had defaulted on loans and was suspected of defrauding banks in connection with an ROC navy contract. In October 2014 the firm had won an MND contract worth NT$ 35.29 billion to build six minesweepers as part of the nation's indigenous ship building and upgrade program, but the MND terminated that contract on Dec. 13, 2017. On May 30, 2013 the CGA had awarded a contract to build 28 search and rescue boats worth NT$ 3.74 billion, of which 13 completed vessels were delivered; after CFS failed to meet an already extended deadline on Nov. 26, 2017 to deliver the 14th vessel, CGA terminated that contract and announced it would demand NT$ 1.2 billion in compensation from the shipbuilder for all of its losses. The Kaohsiung District Court impounded the CFS headquarters on Nov. 22, 2017. CFS has suspended operations since January 2017, and its website, still functional in August 2017, was offline in November 2017. On Sept. 27, 2019 the Kaohsiung District Court sentenced Chen Ching-nan to 25 years in prison for loan fraud, the court also ordered the company to pay a fine of NT$ 280 million.

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The Ting Hsin International Group and its opaque leadership

Ting Hsin International Group 頂新國際集團
84 F., No. 7 Xinyi Road Sec. 5,
Xinyi District, Taipei City 11049, Taiwan ROC
[11049 台北市信義區信義路 5 段 7 號 84 樓]
🌏 Ting Hsin International Group – Web link
Alternative logo

The Ting Hsin International Group (dingxin guoji jituan 頂新國際集團, 🏁—dongshizhang 董事長) has its roots in the Ting Hsin Oil Plant (dingxin zhiyou gongchang 鼎新製油工廠) which was established by Hede Wei 魏和德 (1921-1978) in Yongjing Township 永靖鄉 (Changhua County) in 1958. The small firm's Chinese name was changed to dingxin zhiyou gongsi 頂新製油公司 in 1974. After the founder's death, his four sons started exploring the mainland China market in 1988. In August 1992 the company successfully launched the Master Kong (Kang shifu 康師傅) brand of instant noodles in China. A trademark application for Ting Hsin international Group was filed in October 1995 in Canada and formalized a month later. In July 2009 Ting Hsin became the largest private shareholder in the Taipei Financial Center Corporation (TFCC) which owns Taipei 101, controlling a 37.17 percent stake.

The Ting Hsin International Group has the following subsidiaries:

  • Tingyi Cayman Island Holding Corp. (dingyi Kaiman qundao konggu youxiangongsi 頂益(开曼群岛)控股有限公司), set up in 1992
  • Wei Chuan Foods Corporation (weiquan shipin gongye gufen youxian gongsi 味全食品工業股份有限公司), acquired by Ting Hsin in 1998
  • Cheng-I Food Co. Ltd. (zhengyi gufen youxian gongsi 正義股份有限公司), acquired by Ting Hsin in 2005
  • China Network Systems (zhongjia wanglu gufen youxian gongsi 中嘉網路股份有限公司, abbrev. CNS), acquired by Ting Hsin in 2014

Band of brothers?

Unlike most other commercial enterprises in Taiwan, the Ting Hsin International Group is not offering any information about the history of its leadership, and no complete list showing successive chairpersons since the establishment of the group can be found online. Letters of inquiry about the matter from the chief researcher to the Ting Hsin International Group remained unanswered. Despite this uncommon lack of transparency, it seems clear that the chairmanship of the Ting Hsin International Group is usually held by one of the four Wei brothers who had developed the company together and have the close-knit relationship of a traditional Hakka family, apparently forming a kind of collective leadership. According to Taiwanese media reports the four Wei brothers together own a majority stake of Ting Hsin.

The four Wei brothers are:

  • Wei Ing-chou 魏應州 (b. 1954),
  • Wei Ying-chiao 魏應交 (b. 1955),
  • Wei Yin-chun 魏應充 (b. 1957), and
  • Wei Yin-heng 魏應行 (b. 1959).

Tainted oil scandal

The Ting Hsin International Group made headlines in 2014 due to a food safety scandal involving tainted cooking oil. Although Wei Yin-chun was acquitted by the Changhua District Court on Nov. 27, 2015, the events had a significant impact on the reputation of the company in Taiwan and China, and the group decided to withdraw completely from Taiwan's cooking oil market. The case also kept Taiwan’s courts busy for years.

Wei Yin-chun was found guilty of defrauding consumers and breaching food safety laws by the Taipei District Court on March 25, 2016 and sentenced to 4 years imprisonment. On April 27, 2017 the Intellectual Property Court found Wei Yin-chun guilty of fraud and of violating laws regarding food safety and hygiene, sentencing him to 2 years in prison in a final ruling. Wei started serving his sentence on July 28, 2017 in Taipei Prison, was transferred to Bade Minimum-Security Prison in Taoyuan City’s Guishan District on Dec. 15 that year and released on Dec. 17, 2018.

In related news, Wei Yin-chun was sentenced to 3 years in prison for tax evasion by the Changhua District Court on Feb. 23, 2017. The Taiwan High Court Taichung Branch overturned the Changhua District Court's 2015 not-guilty verdict and imposed a 15 years prison term on April 27, 2018, and on Nov. 6, 2019 the ROC Supreme Court upheld the guilty verdict on seven counts in a final ruling, ordering Wei to serve 5 years and 9 months in prison. Wei started serving his sentence on Jan. 8, 2020 in Taipei Prison and was released on Jan. 19, 2021.

Wei Yin-chun’s legal troubles did not end there. On July 29, 2022 the ROC Supreme Court sentenced him to nine years and two months in prison for his involvement in the 2014 tainted cooking lard oil scandal, with four years and 10 months to be spent behind bars and four years and four months commutable to a fine in a final verdict. The Taiwan High Court’s Taichung Branch on June 7, 2023 ruled that Wei’s 10-year, two-month prison sentence could be commuted to a fine of NT$ 3.71 million (NT$ 1,000 per day of the prison term), the High Prosecutors’ Office declined to appeal.

On Oct. 28, 2022 the Uni-President Group announced that it had reached a settlement agreement with Ting Hsin concerning the tainted cooking lard oil scandal in a civil lawsuit, including payments of Ting Hsin to Uni-President subsidiaries in the amount of NT$ 170 million.

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