Judicial Yuan
- Overview
- Leadership and structure
- Constitutional Court and ROC Supreme Court
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✉ Judicial Yuan 司法院 |
No. 124 Chongqing South Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10048, Taiwan ROC [10048 台北市中正區重慶南路 1 段 124 號]
🌏 Judicial Yuan – Web link |
The Judicial Yuan (sifa yuan 司法院) was established on Nov. 16, 1928 and operates the court system of the ROC.
Composition and main duties
In the political system of the ROC, the Judicial Yuan is one of the five Yuan on the central
level. It comprises a president, vice president and (as of June 2014) thirteen grand justices (da faguan 大法官) which
constitute the Council of Grand Justices (da faguan huiyi 大法官會議), also called "Justices of the Constitutional Court" in English.
These fifteen persons are nominated and appointed by the ROC president with the consent of the ROC
Legislative Yuan. In their function of Constitutional Court (xianfa fating 憲法法庭) which was
established on Feb. 3, 1993 and began operation on Oct. 22 that year, they interpret the constitution and have the power to unify the
interpretation of laws and regulations. They also preside over impeachment trials of the ROC president or VP if the Legislative Yuan
passes an impeachment resolution.
Division of labour
As general principles of modern democratic systems apply in the ROC as well, the basic difference between the Judicial Yuan and the
Ministry of Justice (MOJ) can be described as follows.
- The Judicial Yuan operates the court system of the ROC, interprets the Constitution and is vested with disciplinary power. Courts
on different levels adjudicate legal disputes between parties and carry out the administration of justice in civil, criminal, and administrative
matters in accordance with the rule of law. As justice is supposed to be blind, courts are independent from government interference and must
remain neutral in terms of party politics.
- The MOJ is an institution of the executive branch, i. e. part of the central government with authority in matters concerning the legal
system, prosecution, the correctional system and other duties. It has no authority to interfere in court proceedings and trials (especially
in reaching a verdict and rendering judgment).
Since amendments to the Ministry of Justice Organization
Act (fawubu zuzhifa 法務部組織法) were passed in 1980, the administration of the courts and the prosecution have been separated. This
arrangement was devised in order to draw a clear line between the judicial power and the administrative power by placing the prosecution and
judgment under the jurisdiction of two different branches. |
[◆ Overview]
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The Judicial Yuan is headed by a president (yuanzhang 院長), the other two most senior positions are vice
president (fu yuanzhang 副院長) and secretary-general (mishuzhang 秘書長). The president of the Judicial Yuan,
his/her deputy and the grand justices are appointed by the ROC president.
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Tenure |
Name |
Born/Died |
Native Province |
11/1928—6/1931 |
Wang Chung-hui 王寵惠 |
1881-1958 |
Guangdong |
6/1931—1/1932 |
Wu Chao-shu 伍朝樞 |
1887-1934 |
Tianjin |
1/1932—6/1948 |
Chu Chen 居正 |
1876-1951 |
Hubei |
6/1948—3/1958 † |
Wang Chung-hui (second time) |
6/1958—12/1971 † |
Hsieh Kuan-sheng 謝冠生 |
1897-1971 |
Zhejiang |
12/1971—3/1977 † |
Tien Chung-chin 田炯錦 |
1899-1977 |
Gansu |
4/1977—7/1979 |
Tai Yen-hui 戴炎輝 |
1908-1992 |
Taiwan |
7/1979—5/1987 |
Huang Shao-ku 黃少谷 |
1901-1996 |
Hunan |
4/1987—9/1994 |
Lin Yang-kang 林洋港 |
1927-2013 |
Taiwan |
9/1994—2/1999 |
Shih Chi-yang 施啟揚 |
1935-2019 |
Taiwan |
2/1999—9/2007 |
Weng Yueh-sheng 翁岳生 |
b. 1932 |
Taiwan |
10/2007—7/2010 |
Lai In-jaw 賴英照 |
b. 1946 |
Taiwan |
7/2010—10/2010 @ |
Hsieh Tsay-chuan 謝在全 |
b. 1944 |
Taiwan |
10/2010—10/2016 |
Rai Hau-min 賴浩敏 |
b. 1939 |
Taiwan |
11/2016—10/2024 |
Hsu Tzong-li 許宗力 |
b. 1956 |
Taiwan |
11/2024— @ |
Shieh Ming-yan 謝銘洋 |
b. 1957 |
N/A |
During the Legislative Yuan's confirmation hearings in October 2016, blue-camp legislators objected the appointment of Hsu Tzong-li on constitutional grounds as the president
and vice president of the Judicial Yuan automatically serve as grand justices, and Hsu had already been grand justice between 2003
and 2011. Article 5 of the ROC Constitution's Seventh
Amendment stipulates that 'Each Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Judicial Yuan shall serve a term of eight years, independent
of the order of appointment to office, and shall not serve a consecutive term. The Justices of the Constitutional Court serving as President
and Vice President of the Judicial Yuan shall not enjoy the guarantee of an eight-year term.'
The Tsai Ing-wen administration argued that Hsu was not 'taking another term' (lianren
連任) but was 'being reappointed' (zairen 再任), meaning there was a time gap between the two terms and not two consecutive
terms back-to-back, hence Hsu's return as grand justice would not violate the constitution.
After Lai Ching-te took office as ROC president, the majority of oppositional lawmakers
in the Legislative Yuan on Dec. 24, 2024 rejected Lai's nominees for Grand Justices which were
supposed to take office on Nov. 1, 2024—Chang Wen-chen 張文貞 for Judicial Yuan president, Yao Li-ming 姚立明 for vice president,
and Wang Pi-fang 王碧芳, Fort Liao 廖福特, Liu Ching-yi 劉靜怡, Her Lai-jier 何賴傑 and Chen Yun-tsai 陳運財 for grand justices.
[◆ Judicial Yuan leadership / structure] [Presidents]
Tenure |
Name |
Born/Died |
Native Province |
11/1928—1/1932 |
Chang Chi 張繼 |
1882-1947 |
Hebei |
1/1932—3/1932 |
Chu Chen 居正 |
1876-1951 |
Hubei |
3/1932—4/1947 † |
Tan Chen 覃振 |
1885-1947 |
Hunan |
4/1947—7/1948 |
Li Wen-fan 李文範 |
1884-1953 |
Guangdong |
7/1948—5/1950 |
Shih Chih-chuan 石志泉 |
1886-1960 |
Hubei |
5/1950—6/1958 |
Hsieh Kuan-sheng 謝冠生 |
1897-1971 |
Zhejiang |
6/1958—7/1965 |
Foo Ping-sheung 傅秉常 |
1896-1965 |
Guangdong |
7/1966—4/1972 † |
Hsieh Ying-chou 謝瀛洲 |
1894-1972 |
Guangdong |
7/1972—4/1977 † |
Tai Yen-hui 戴炎輝 |
1909-1992 |
Taiwan |
4/1977—7/1979 |
Han Chung-mo 韓忠謨 |
1915-1993 |
Anhui |
7/1979—5/1987 |
Hung Shou-nan 洪壽南 |
1912-1997 |
Taiwan |
5/1987—5/1993 |
Wang Tao-yuan 汪道淵 |
1913-2011 |
Anhui |
5/1993—8/1998 |
Lu Yu-wen 呂有文 |
1926-1999 |
Sichuan |
2/1999—4/2006 |
Cheng Chung-mo 城仲模 |
b. 1938 |
Taiwan |
10/2007—7/2010 |
Hsieh Tsay-chuan 謝在全 |
b. 1944 |
Taiwan |
10/2010—10/2016 |
Su Yeong-chin 蘇永欽 |
b. 1951 |
Taiwan |
11/2016—10/2024 |
Tsai Chiung-tun 蔡烱燉 |
b. 1953 |
N/A |
11/2024— |
>>> [vacant] <<< |
[◆ Judicial Yuan leadership / structure] [Vice Presidents]
Tenure started |
Name |
Born/Died |
Native Province |
7/1948 |
Tuan Mu-kai 端木愷 |
1903-1987 |
Anhui |
6/1949 |
Yang Chao-yun 楊肇熉 |
b. 1893, d. N/A |
Sichuan |
5/1950 |
Ma Shou-hwa 馬壽華 |
1893-1977 |
Anhui |
9/1952 |
Wang Huan 王煥 |
b. 1893, d. N/A |
Hubei |
3/1968 |
Chow Ting-yu 周定宇 |
N/A |
N/A |
8/1972 |
Cheng Teh-shou 程德受 |
1920-1991 |
Zhejiang |
7/1979 |
Fan Kuei-shu 范魁書 |
1911-1998 |
Hebei |
5/1987 |
Wang Chia-yi 王甲乙 |
1926-2015 |
Taiwan |
2/1993 |
Ko Yih-tsair 葛義才 |
1928-2016 |
Zhejiang |
9/1994 |
Chu Shih-yen 朱石炎 |
N/A |
N/A |
3/1997 |
Lin Kuo-hsien 林國賢 |
b. 1936 |
Taiwan |
3/1999 |
Yang Jen-shou 楊仁壽 |
b. 1942 |
Taiwan |
10/2003 |
K. C. Fan 范光群 |
b. 1939 |
Taiwan |
10/2007 |
Hsieh Wen-ting 謝文定 |
b. 1948 |
Taiwan |
7/2010 |
Shen Shou-ching 沈守敬 |
N/A |
N/A |
10/2010 |
Lin Chin-fang 林錦芳 |
b. 1950 |
N/A |
11/2016 |
Lu Tai-lang 呂太郎 |
b. 1959 |
N/A |
10/2019—5/2023 |
Lin Huei-huang 林輝煌 |
N/A |
N/A |
5/2023—9/2024 |
Wu San-long 吳三龍 |
N/A |
N/A |
10/2024—11/2024 @ |
Huang Lin-lun 黃麟倫 |
N/A |
N/A |
12/2024— @ |
Wang Mei-ying 王梅英 |
b. N/A |
N/A |
Both Huang Lin-lun 黃麟倫 and Wang Mei-ying 王梅英 had the formal position of deputy secretary-general (fu mishuzhang 副秘書長).
[◆ Judicial Yuan leadership / structure] [Secretary-generals]
▶ Civil Department (minshiting 民事廳)
▶ Criminal Department (xingshiting 刑事廳)
▶ Department of Administrative Litigation and Discipline (xingzheng susong ji chengjieting 行政訴訟及懲戒廳)
▶ Family and Juvenile Department (shaonian ji jiashiting 少年及家事廳)
▶ Department of Judicial Administration (sifa xingzhengting 司法行政廳)
▶ Clerk Department of the Constitutional Court (dafaguan shujichu 大法官書記處)
▶ Secretariat (mishuchu 秘書處)
▶ Department of Information Technology (zixunchu 資訊處)
▶ Office of Public Relations (gonggong guanxichu 公共關係處)
▶ Department of Personnel (renshichu 人事處)
▶ Department of Accounting (kuaijichu 會計處)
▶ Department of Statistics (tongjichu 統計處)
▶ Department of Civil Service Ethics (zhengfengchu 政風處)
▶ Office of the Counselors (canshishi 參事室)
▶ Office of the Spokesperson (fayanrenshi 發言人室)
Judicial training and education
The following two institutions are under the supervision of the Judicial Yuan as well. Both were established on March 1, 2001.
- Judicial Personnel Study Center (sifayuan sifa renyuan yanxisuo 司法院司法人員研習所)
- Judges Academy (faguan xueyuan 法官學院)
[◆ Judicial Yuan leadership / structure] [Departments]
In general, the ROC court system comprises three main levels—the local level with district courts, the next higher level with the Taiwan High Court and the Fuchien High Court, and on top the level of the ROC Supreme Court.
▶ Supreme Court (zui gao fayuan 最高法院), est. 1927
▶ Supreme Administrative Court (zui gao xingzheng fayuan 最高行政法院), est. June 23, 1933
▶ ▶ Taipei High Administrative Court (Taibei gaodeng xingzheng fayuan 臺北高等行政法院)
▶ ▶ Taichung High Administrative Court (Taizhong gaodeng xingzheng fayuan 臺中高等行政法院)
▶ ▶ Kaohsiung High Administrative Court (Gaoxiong gaodeng xingzheng fayuan 高雄高等行政法院)
▶ Disciplinary Court (chengjie fayuan 懲戒法院)
▶ Intellectual Property and Commercial Court (zhihui caichan ji shangye fayuan 智慧財產及商業法院), est. July 1, 2008
▶ Taiwan Kaohsiung Juvenile and Family Court (Taiwan Gaoxiong shaonian ji jiashi fayuan 臺灣高雄少年及家事法院)
▶ Taiwan High Court (Taiwan gaodeng fayuan 臺灣高等法院), est. Nov. 1, 1945
▶ ▶ Taiwan High Court Taichung Branch Court (Taiwan gaodeng fayuan Taizhong fenyuan 臺灣高等法院臺中分院)
▶ ▶ Taiwan High Court Tainan Branch Court (Taiwan gaodeng fayuan Tainan fenyuan 臺灣高等法院臺南分院)
▶ ▶ Taiwan High Court Kaohsiung Branch Court (Taiwan gaodeng fayuan Gaoxiong fenyuan 臺灣高等法院高雄分院)
▶ ▶ Taiwan High Court Hualien Branch Court (Taiwan gaodeng fayuan Hualian fenyuan 臺灣高等法院花蓮分院)
▶ Fuchien High Court Kinmen Branch Court (Fujian gaodeng fayuan Jinmen fenyuan 福建高等法院金門分院)
Please note that a Fuchien High Court (Fujian gaodeng fayuan 福建高等法院) in the ROC was first established
in April 1927. Furthermore, after the Japanese took over Taiwan, a three-level court system was introduced in 1896, and
the Taiwan Governor’s High Court (Taiwan zongdufu gaodeng fayuan 台灣總督府高等法院) was established on July 15
that year. Between July 1898 and August 1919 Taiwan had a two-level court system without a High Court.
Before the Disciplinary Court was set up on July 17, 2020, its predecessor was known as Public Functionary Disciplinary
Sanction Commission (gongwuyuan chengjie weiyuanhui 公務員懲戒委員會).
[◆ Judicial Yuan leadership / structure] [Courts]
District courts in Taiwan and Fujian
▶ Taipei District Court (Taibei difang fayuan 臺北地方法院)
▶ New Taipei District Court (Xinbei difang fayuan 新北地方法院), before Jan. 1, 2013 called Banciao District Court (Banqiao difang fayuan板橋地方法院)
▶ Shihlin District Court (Shilin difang fayuan 士林地方法院)
▶ Taoyuan District Court (Taoyuan difang fayuan 桃園地方法院)
▶ Hsinchu District Court (Xinzhu difang fayuan 新竹地方法院)
▶ Miaoli District Court (Miaoli difang fayuan 苗栗地方法院)
▶ Taichung District Court (Taizhong difang fayuan 臺中地方法院)
▶ Nantou District Court (Nantou difang fayuan 南投地方法院)
▶ Changhua District Court (Zhanghua difang fayuan 彰化地方法院)
▶ Yunlin District Court (Yunlin difang fayuan 雲林地方法院)
▶ Chiayi District Court (Jiayi difang fayuan 嘉義地方法院)
▶ Tainan District Court (Tainan difang fayuan 臺南地方法院)
▶ Kaohsiung District Court (Gaoxiong difang fayuan 高雄地方法院)
▶ Pingtung District Court (Pingdong difang fayuan 屏東地方法院)
▶ Taitung District Court (Taidong difang fayuan 臺東地方法院)
▶ Hualien District Court (Hualian difang fayuan 花蓮地方法院)
▶ Yilan District Court (Yilan difang fayuan 宜蘭地方法院)
▶ Keelung District Court (Jilong difang fayuan 基隆地方法院)
▶ Penghu District Court (Penghu difang fayuan 澎湖地方法院)
▶ Fuchien Kinmen District Court (Fujian Jinmen difang fayuan 福建金門地方法院)
▶ Fuchien Lienchiang District Court (Fujian Lianjiang difang fayuan 福建連江地方法院)
[◆ Judicial Yuan leadership / structure] [Courts]
Reforms of the ROC judiciary were not limited to constitutional amendments. A national conference on judicial reform
(quanguo sifa gaige huiyi 全國司法改革會議) convened July 6–8, 1999 and was attended by 125 persons. After taking
office as ROC president in May 2016, Tsai Ing-wen announced that a second national conference on judicial reform would be
staged in the first half of 2017, and it would endeavor to incorporate more public opinion rather than being dominated by
experts. The first meeting of the Presidential Office Organizing Committee for National Conferences on Judicial Reforms
(zongtongfu sifa gaige guoshi huiyi choubei weiyuanhui 總統府司法改革國是會議籌備委員會) took place on Nov. 25, 2016
with Tsai as convener (zhaojiren 召集人). Please note that the national conferences on judicial reforms are sometimes
called "National Congress on Judicial Reform" in English.
[◆ Judicial Yuan leadership / structure] [Reform conferences]
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✉ ROC Constitutional Court 憲法法庭 |
No. 124 Chongqing South Road Sec. 1,
Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10048, Taiwan ROC [10048 台北市中正區重慶南路一段 124 號]
🌏 Constitutional Court – Web link |
While the institution of ROC Grand Justices has been in place since 1948, the term “constitutional court” (xianfa fating
憲法法庭) came into use after 1993. As legal instrument governing constitutional review, its legal foundation today is the Constitutional Court Procedure Act
(xianfa susongfa 憲法訴訟法) which was promulgated on Dec. 18, 2018. Amendments which came into effect on Jan. 4, 2022
resulted in the renaming of the “Council of Grand Justices” to “Constitutional Court” as a full-fledged judicial body. The
Justices exercise jurisdiction in four situations:
- Interpretation of the Constitution (including the ROC Constitution and the Additional Articles),
- uniform interpretation of statutes and regulations,
- impeachment of the ROC President and the Vice President, and
- dissolution of unconstitutional political parties.
The following two paragraphs were copied directly from the website of the Constitutional Court (Chinese characters and
links/URLs added by the chief researcher).
Court composition
The Justices (dafaguan 大法官) of the Judicial Yuan comprise the Constitutional Court.
The Chief Justice, who serves as the President of the Judicial Yuan, shall be the presiding
Justice (shenpanzhang 審判長) of the proceedings. If the Chief Justice is unable to preside over the proceedings due to any
cause, the Justice who serves as the Vice President of the Judicial Yuan shall act as the presiding
Justice instead. If neither of the two Justices is able to preside, the most senior Justice sitting in the proceedings shall act as the
presiding Justice; the eldest Justice shall otherwise preside over the proceedings in the case of equal seniority.
Chambers of the Constitutional Court
The Constitutional Court may set up several Chambers (shenchating 審查庭). Each Chamber shall consist of three Justices
and exercise powers in accordance with the Constitutional Court Procedure Act. The President and the Vice-President of the Judicial
Yuan shall sit in and preside over one Camber, respectively. Each of the other Chambers shall be presided over by the most senior
Justice, or in the case of equal seniority, the eldest Justice, thereof. Chamber membership shall be altered every two years.
[◆ Top courts] [Constitutional Court]
The First Term (diyijie dafaguan 第一屆大法官) 7/1948—9/1958:
Hong Wen-lan 洪文灡, Hu Pou-yeh 胡伯岳, Huang Yu-shun 黃右昌, Liou Ker-jun 劉克雋, Shen Jia-yi 沈家彝, Wong Jing-tang 翁敬棠, and Yuan Shu-tang 燕樹棠 (all completed the full term); Chang Shi-yi 張式彝 (out in 11/1948); Chang Yu-shun 張于潯, Lee Pou-shen 李伯申, and Lin Pin 林彬 (out in 1951); Shiang Jer-jun 向哲濬 and Su Shi-shun 蘇希洵 (appointed in 4/1949); Yueh Jai-jun 葉在均 (appointed in 4/1951); Han Jun-jei 韓俊傑, Ho Wei 何蔚, Hsu Pu-yuan徐步垣, Huang Cheng-ming 黃正銘, Tsai Chang-lin 蔡章麟, Tseng Shau-shun 曾劭勳, and Wang Fong-hsiung 王風雄 (appointed in 4/1952); Hsia Chin 夏勤 and Wei Da-tong 魏大同 (4/1949—1950).
The Second Term (dierjie dafaguan 第二屆大法官) 1958—9/1967:
Chin Shi-ding 金世鼎, Ching Tso-kang 景佐綱, Chu Ger-lu 諸葛魯, Hong Ying-jau 洪應灶, Hsu Pu-yuan 徐步垣, Hu Pou-yeh 胡伯岳, Huang Cheng-ming 黃正銘, Huang Yien-wou 黃演渥, Lin Ji-dong 林紀東, Shih Shang-kwan 史尚寬, Shih Yien-cheng 史延程, Tseng Fan-kang 曾繁康, and Wang Ji-jong 王之倧 (all completed the full term); Tseng Shau-shun 曾劭勳 (out in 1/1964); Hu Han 胡翰 (appointed in 7/1962); Huang Liang 黃亮 and Wang Chang-hua 王昌華 (appointed in 9/1964).
The Third Term (disanjie dafaguan 第三屆大法官) 1967—1976:
Chang Jin-lan 張金蘭, Chin Shi-ding 金世鼎, Ching Tso-kang 景佐綱, Hong Ying-jau 洪應灶, Hu Pou-yeh 胡伯岳, Huang Liang 黃亮, Kuan Ou 管歐, Lee Shueh-teng 李學燈, Lin Ji-dong 林紀東, Ouyang Jing-yu 歐陽經宇, Tseng Fan-kang 曾繁康, and Wang Ji-jong 王之倧 (all completed the full term); Chen Teh-kuang 程德光 (out in 12/1969); Huang Cheng-ming 黃正銘 and Huang Yien-wou 黃演渥 (out in 1971); Tien Chung-chin 田炯錦 (7/1971—12/1971); Tai Yen-hui 戴炎輝 (7/1971—7/1972); Chen Pu-sheng 陳樸生, Fan Shun-shiang 范馨香, Chen Shih-ron 陳世榮, and Weng Yueh-sheng 翁岳生 (appointed in 7/1972).
The Fourth Term (disijie dafaguan 第四屆大法官) 1976—1985:
Chai Shau-hsien 翟紹先, Chang Yi-po 鄭玉波, Chen Pu-sheng 陳樸生, Chen Shih-ron 陳世榮, Fan Shun-shiang 范馨香, Jeang Chang-wei 蔣昌煒, Liang Heng-tsang 梁恆昌, Lin Ji-dong 林紀東, Tu Huai-yin 涂懷瑩, Weng Yueh-sheng 翁岳生, Yang Yu-ling 楊與齡, and Yiau Wei-kuang 姚瑞光 (all completed the full term); Hong Shun-shin 洪遜欣 (out in 12/1981); Lee Ruen-yi 李潤沂 (out in 10/1982); Yang Zu-zan 楊日然, Yang Chien-hua 楊建華, Lee Chung-sheng 李鐘聲, and Herbert Han-pao Ma 馬漢寶 (appointed in 6/1982).
The Fifth Term (diwujie dafaguan 第五屆大法官) 1985—1994:
Chai Shau-hsien 翟紹先, Chang Cheng-tao 張承韜, Chang Chien-tsai 鄭健才, Chang Teh-sheng 張特生, Chen Rui-tang 陳瑞堂, Lee Chih-peng 李志鵬, Lee Chung-sheng 李鐘聲, Liu Tieh-cheng 劉鐵錚, Herbert Han-pao Ma 馬漢寶, Shih Shen-an 史錫恩, Weng Yueh-sheng 翁岳生, Wu Geng 吳庚, Yang Chien-hua 楊建華, and Yang Yu-ling 楊與齡 (all completed the full term); Fan Shun-shiang 范馨香 (out in 11/1987); Yang Zu-zan 楊日然 (out in 7/1994).
The Sixth Term (diliujie dafaguan 第六屆大法官) 1994—2003:
Chen Chi-nan 陳計男, Lin Young-mou 林永謀, Liu Tieh-cheng 劉鐵錚, Su Jyun-hsyong 蘇俊雄, Sun Sen-yen 孫森焱, Vincent Sze 施文森, Tai Tong-schung 戴東雄, Tseng Hua-sun 曾華松, Tung Hsiang-fei 董翔飛, Wang Ho-hsiung 王和雄, Wang Tze-chien 王澤鑑, Wu Geng 吳庚, Yang Huey-ing 楊慧英 (all completed the full term); Lin Kuo-hsien 林國賢 (out in 3/1997); Cheng Chung-mo 城仲模 (out in 7/1998); Weng Yueh-sheng 翁岳生 (out in 2/1999); Hsieh Tsay-chuan 謝在全 and Hwang Tueh-chin 黃越欽 (appointed in 2/1999); Lai In-jaw 賴英照 (2/1999—10/2000 and 6/2002—9/2003).
Former grand justices appointed on Oct. 1, 2003:
Yang Jen-shou 楊仁壽 (out in 2/2006); Cheng Chung-mo 城仲模 (out in 4/2006); Liaw Yih-nan 廖義男, Lin Young-mou 林永謀, Tseng Yu-tien 曾有田, Wang Ho-hsiung 王和雄, Weng Yueh-sheng 翁岳生, and Yu Syue-ming 余雪明 (out in 9/2007); Peng Feng-zhi 彭鳳至 (out in 12/2008); Hsieh Tsay-chuan 謝在全 and Lai In-jaw 賴英照 (out in 10/2010); Peggy Pi-hu Hsu 徐璧湖, Hsu Tzong-li 許宗力, Hsu Yu-hsiu 許玉秀, and Lin Tzu-yi 林子儀 (out in 9/2011).
Former grand justices appointed on Oct. 1, 2007:
Chih Chi-ming 池啟明, Li Chen-shan 李震山, Lin Sea-yau 林錫堯, and Tsay Ching-you 蔡清遊 (all out in 10/2015).
Former grand justices appointed on Oct. 1, 2008:
Chen Chun-sheng 陳春生, Chen Ming 陳敏, Chen Shin-min 陳新民, Huang Mao-zong 黃茂榮, and Yeh Pai-hsiu 葉百修 (all out in 10/2016).
Former grand justices appointed on Oct. 1, 2010:
Rai Hau-min 賴浩敏 and Su Yeong-chin 蘇永欽 (both out in 10/2016).
Former grand justices appointed on Oct. 1, 2011:
Huang Hsi-chun 黃璽君, Lo Chang-fa 羅昌發, Beyue C. Su 陳碧玉, and Dennis Te-chung Tang 湯德宗 (all out in 10/2019).
Former grand justices appointed on Oct. 1, 2015:
Huang Horng-shya 黃虹霞, Lin Jiun-yi 林俊益, Tsai Ming-cheng 蔡明誠, and Wu Chen-huan 吳陳鐶 (all out at the end of 9/2023).
Former grand justices appointed on Nov. 1, 2016:
Chan Sen-lin 詹森林, Chang Chiung-wen 張瓊文, Hsu Chih-hsiung 許志雄, Hsu Tzong-li 許宗力, Huang Chao-yuan 黃昭元,
Remington Huang 黃瑞明, Tsai Chiung-tun 蔡烱燉 (all out at the end of 10/2024).
[◆ Top courts] [Grand justices]
Name |
Birth year |
Native province |
Date of appointment |
Lu Tai-lang 呂太郎 |
1959 |
Taiwan |
Oct. 1, 2019 |
Shieh Ming-yan 謝銘洋 |
1957 |
Taiwan |
" |
Tsai Tzung-jen 蔡宗珍 |
1965 |
N/A |
" |
Yang Hui-chin 楊惠欽 |
1960 |
N/A |
" |
Chen Chung-wu 陳忠五 |
1963 |
N/A |
Oct. 1, 2023 |
Ju Fu-meei 朱富美 |
1957 |
N/A |
" |
Tsai Tsai-chen 蔡彩貞 |
1957 |
N/A |
" |
Yu Po-hsiang 尤伯祥 |
1968 |
N/A |
" |
Note: Grand justices
of the ROC are usually appointed for an 8-year term. The official title of a grand justice in English is "Honorable Justice".
[◆ Top courts] [Grand justices]
The following list shows all 126 ROC Grand Justices since 1948 in alphabetical order (with Hanyu Pinyin in square brackets), the figures in the round brackets represent their term(s) of office.
Chai Shau-hsien 翟紹先 [Zhai Shaoxian] (1976–1994)
Chan Sen-lin 詹森林 [Zhan Senlin] (2016–2024)
Chang Cheng-tao 張承韜 [Zhang Chengtao] (1985–1994)
Chang Chien-tsai 鄭健才 [Zheng Jiancai] (1985–1994)
Chang Chiung-wen 張瓊文 [Zhang Qiongwen] (2016–2024)
Chang Jin-lan 張金蘭 [Zhang Jinlan] (1967–1976)
Chang Shi-yi 張式彝 [Zhang Shiyi] (1948)
Chang Teh-sheng 張特生 [Zhang Tesheng] (1985–1994)
Chang Yi-po 鄭玉波 [Zhang Yubo] (1976–1985)
Chang Yu-shun 張于潯 [Zhang Yushun] (1948–1951)
Chen Chi-nan 陳計男 [Chen Jinan] (1994–2003)
Chen Chun-sheng 陳春生 (2008–2016)
Chen Chung-wu 陳忠五 [Chen Zhongwu] (2023—) incumbent
Chen Ming 陳敏 [Chen Min] (2008–2016)
Chen Pu-sheng 陳樸生 (1972–1985)
Chen Rui-tang 陳瑞堂 (1985–1994)
Chen Shin-min 陳新民 [Chen Xinmin] (2008–2016)
Chen Teh-kuang 程德光 [Chen Deguang] (1967–1969)
Cheng Chung-mo 城仲模 [Cheng Zhongmo] (1994–1998, 2003–2006)
Chin Shi-ding 金世鼎 [Jin Shiding] (1958–1976)
Chen Shih-ron 陳世榮 [Chen Shirong] (1972–1985)
Chih Chi-ming 池啟明 [Chi Qiming] (2007–2015)
Ching Tso-kang 景佐綱 [Jing Zuogang] (1958–1976)
Chu Ger-lu 諸葛魯 [Zhu Gelu] (1958–1967)
Fan Shun-shiang 范馨香 [Fan Xinxiang] (1972–1987)
Han Jun-jei 韓俊傑 [Han Junjie] (1952–1958)
Ho Wei 何蔚 [He Wei] (1952–1958)
Hong Wen-lan 洪文灡 (1948–1958)
Hong Shun-shin 洪遜欣 [Hong Xunxin] (1976–1981)
Hong Ying-jau 洪應灶 [Hong Yingzao] (1958–1976)
Hsia Chin 夏勤 [Xia Qin] (1949–1950)
Hsieh Tsay-chuan 謝在全 [Xie Zaiquan] (1999–2010)
Hsu Chih-hsiung 許志雄 [Xu Zhixiong] (2016–2024)
Peggy Pi-hu Hsu 徐璧湖 [Xu Bihu] (2003–2011)
Hsu Pu-yuan 徐步垣 [Xu Buyuan] (1952–1967)
Hsu Tzong-li 許宗力 [Xu Zongli] (2003–2011, 2016–2024)
Hsu Yu-hsiu 許玉秀 [Xu Yuxiu] (2003–2011)
Hu Han 胡翰 (1962–1967)
Hu Pou-yeh 胡伯岳 [Hu Boyue] (1948–1976)
Huang Chao-yuan 黃昭元 [Huang Zhaoyuan] (2016–2024)
Huang Cheng-ming 黃正銘 [Huang Zhengming] (1952–1971)
Huang Horng-shya 黃虹霞 [Huang Hongxia] (2015–2023)
Huang Hsi-chun 黃璽君 [Huang Xijun] (2011–2019)
Huang Liang 黃亮 (1964–1976)
Huang Mao-zong 黃茂榮 [Huang Maorong] (2008–2016)
Remington Huang 黃瑞明 [Huang Ruiming] (2016–2024)
Huang Yien-wou 黃演渥 [Huang Yanwo] (1958–1971)
Huang Yu-shun 黃右昌 [Huang Youchang] (1948–1958)
Hwang Tueh-chin 黃越欽 [Huang Yueqin] (1999–2003)
Jeang Chang-wei 蔣昌煒 [Jiang Changwei] (1976–1985)
Ju Fu-meei 朱富美 [Zhu Fumei] (2023—) incumbent
Kuan Ou 管歐 [Guan Ou] (1967–1976)
Lai In-jaw 賴英照 [Lai Yingzhao] (1999–2000, 2002–2010)
Lee Chih-peng 李志鵬 [Li Zhipeng] (1985–1994)
Lee Chung-sheng 李鐘聲 [Li Zhongsheng] (1982–1994)
Lee Pou-shen 李伯申 [Li Boshen] (1948–1951)
Lee Ruen-yi 李潤沂 [Li Runyi] (1976–1982)
Lee Shueh-teng 李學燈 [Li Xuedeng] (1967–1976)
Li Chen-shan 李震山 [Li Zhenshan] (2007–2015)
Liang Heng-tsang 梁恆昌 [Liang Hengchang] (1976–1985)
Liaw Yih-nan 廖義男 [Liao Yinan] (2003–2007)
Lin Ji-dong 林紀東 (1958–1985)
Lin Jiun-yi 林俊益 [Lin Junyi] (2015–2023)
Lin Kuo-hsien 林國賢 [Lin Guoxian] (1994–1997)
Lin Pin 林彬 [Lin Bin] (1948–1951)
Lin Sea-yau 林錫堯 [Lin Xiyao] (2007–2015)
Lin Tzu-yi 林子儀 [Lin Ziyi] (2003–2011)
Lin Young-mou 林永謀 [Lin Yongmou] (1994–2007)
Liou Ker-jun 劉克雋 [Liu Kejuan] (1948–1958)
Liu Tieh-cheng 劉鐵錚 [Liu Tiezheng] (1985–2003)
Lo Chang-fa 羅昌發 [Luo Changfa] (2011–2019)
Lu Tai-lang 呂太郎 [Lü Tailang] (2019—) incumbent
Herbert Han-pao Ma 馬漢寶 [Ma Hanbao] (1982–1994)
Ouyang Jing-yu 歐陽經宇 (1967–1976)
Peng Feng-zhi 彭鳳至 (2003–2008)
Rai Hau-min 賴浩敏 [Lai Haomin] (2010–2016)
Shen Jia-yi 沈家彝 (1948–1958)
Shiang Jer-jun 向哲濬 [Xiang Zhejun] (1949–1958)
Shieh Ming-yan 謝銘洋 [Xie Mingyang] (2019—) incumbent
Shih Shang-kwan 史尚寬 [Shi Xiangkuan] (1958–1967)
Shih Shen-an 史錫恩 [Shi Xi’en] (1985–1994)
Shih Yien-cheng 史延程 [Shi Yancheng] (1958–1967)
Beyue C. Su 陳碧玉 [Chen Biyu] (2011–2019)
Su Jyun-hsyong 蘇俊雄 [Su Junxiong] (1994–2003)
Su Shi-shun 蘇希洵 [Su Xixun] (1949–1958)
Su Yeong-chin 蘇永欽 [Su Yongqin] (2010–2016)
Sun Sen-yen 孫森焱 [Su Senyan] (1994–2003)
Vincent Sze 施文森 [Shi Wensen] (1994–2003)
Tai Tong-schung 戴東雄 [Dai Dongxiong] (1994–2003)
Tai Yen-hui 戴炎輝 [Dai Yanhui] (1971–1972)
Dennis Te-chung Tang 湯德宗 [Tang Dezong] (2011–2019)
Tien Chung-chin 田炯錦 [Tian Jiongjin] (1971)
Tsai Chang-lin 蔡章麟 [Cai Zhanglin] (1952–1958)
Tsai Chiung-tun 蔡烱燉 [Cai Jiongdun] (2016–2024)
Tsai Ming-cheng 蔡明誠 [Cai Mingcheng] (2015–2023)
Tsai Tsai-chen 蔡彩貞 [Cai Caizhen] (2023—) incumbent
Tsai Tzung-jen 蔡宗珍 [Cai Zongzhen] (2019—) incumbent
Tsay Ching-you 蔡清遊 [Cai Qingyou] (2007–2015)
Tseng Fan-kang 曾繁康 [Zeng Fankang] (1958–1976)
Tseng Hua-sun 曾華松 [Zeng Huasong] (1994–2003)
Tseng Shau-shun 曾劭勳 [Zeng Shaoxun] (1952–1964)
Tseng Yu-tien 曾有田 [Zeng Youtian] (2003–2007)
Tu Huai-yin 涂懷瑩 [Tu Huaiying] (1976–1985)
Tung Hsiang-fei 董翔飛 [Dong Xiangfei] (1994–2003)
Wang Chang-hua 王昌華 (1964–1967)
Wang Fong-hsiung 王風雄 [Wang Fengxiong] (1952–1958)
Wang Ho-hsiung 王和雄 [Wang Hexiong] (1994–2007)
Wang Ji-jong 王之倧 [Wang Zhizong] (1958–1976)
Wang Tze-chien 王澤鑑 [Wang Zejian] (1994–2003)
Wei Da-tong 魏大同 (1949–1958)
Weng Yueh-sheng 翁岳生 [Weng Yuesheng] (1972–1999, 2003–2007)
Wong Jing-tang 翁敬棠 [Weng Jingtang] (1948–1958)
Wu Chen-huan 吳陳鐶 [Wu Chenhuan] (2015–2023)
Wu Geng 吳庚 (1985–2003)
Yang Chien-hua 楊建華 [Yang Jianhua] (1982–1994)
Yang Hui-chin 楊惠欽 [Yang Huiqin] (2019—) incumbent
Yang Huey-ing 楊慧英 [Yang Huiying] (1994–2003)
Yang Jen-shou 楊仁壽 [Yang Renshou] (2003–2006)
Yang Yu-ling 楊與齡 (1976–1994)
Yang Zu-zan 楊日然 [Yang Riran] (1982–1994)
Yeh Pai-hsiu 葉百修 [Ye Baixiu] (2008–2016)
Yiau Wei-kuang 姚瑞光 [Yao Ruiguang] (1976–1985)
Yu Po-hsiang 尤伯祥 [You Boxiang] (2023—) incumbent
Yu Syue-ming 余雪明 [Yu Xueming] (2003–2007)
Yuan Shu-tang 燕樹棠 [Yan Shutang] (1948–1958)
Yueh Jai-jun 葉在均 [Ye Zaijun] (1951–1958)
Some of the names in above list have alternative spellings.
- Chan Sen-lin 詹森林 aka Jan Sheng-lin
- Chang Chiung-wen 張瓊文 aka Chang Chong-wen
- Huang Chao-yuan 黃昭元 aka Hwang Jau-yuan
- Remington Huang 黃瑞明 aka Huang Jui-ming
- Tsai Chiung-tun 蔡烱燉 aka Tsai Jeong-duen
[◆ Top courts] [Grand justices]
✉ ROC Supreme Court 中華民國最高法院 |
No. 6 Changsha Street Sec. 1, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 10048, Taiwan ROC [10048 台北市中正區長沙街 1 段 6 號]
🌏 ROC Supreme Court – Web link |
ROC Supreme Court presidents
Tenure (started) |
Name |
Born/Died |
Native Province |
11/1927 |
Hsu Yuan-kao 徐元浩 |
1878-1955 |
Jiangxi |
11/1928 |
Lin Hsiang 林翔 |
1882-1935 |
Fujian |
1/1932 |
Chu Chen 居正 |
1876-1951 |
Hubei |
7/1935 |
Chiao I-tang 焦易堂 |
1879-1950 |
Shaanxi |
1/1941 |
Li Pei 李茇 |
1878-1958 |
Hunan |
2/1945 |
Hsia Chin 夏勤 |
1892-1950 |
Jiangsu |
7/1948—1966 |
Hsieh Ying-chou 謝瀛洲 |
1894-1972 |
Guangdong |
1966–1968 |
Cha Liang-chien 查良鑑 |
1904-1994 |
Zhejiang |
1968–1972 |
Chen Pu-sheng 陳樸生 |
1910-2000 |
Fujian |
7/1972—1987 |
Chien Kuo-cheng 錢國成 |
1912-2010 |
Jiangsu |
1987–1993 |
Chu Chien-hung 褚劍鴻 |
1919-2006 |
Jiangsu |
2/1993—1996 |
Wang Chia-yi 王甲乙 |
1926-2015 |
Taiwan |
1996–1998 |
Ko Yih-tsair 葛義才 |
1928-2016 |
Zhejiang |
1998–2001 |
Lin Ming-teh 林明德 |
1931-2022 |
Taiwan |
9/2001—9/2007 |
Wu Chii-pin 吳啟賓 |
1937-2018 |
Taiwan |
9/2007—2/2012 |
Yang Jen-shou 楊仁壽 |
b. 1942 |
Taiwan |
2/2012—10/2015 |
Yang Ting-chang 楊鼎章 |
b. 1945 |
Taiwan |
10/2015—3/2020 |
Cheng Yu-shan 鄭玉山 |
N/A |
Zhejiang |
3/2020—5/2023 |
Wu Tsan 吳燦 |
b. 1953 |
N/A |
6/2023— |
Kao Meng-hsun 高孟焄 |
b. 1959 |
N/A |
The ROC Supreme Court (Zhonghua minguo zuigao fayuan 中華民國最高法院, 🏁—yuanzhang 院長)
was established in 1927 based on the Dali Yuan 大理院 which had been founded in 1907 by the Qing as the highest
adjudicative institution of last instance. The Law of the Supreme Court of the National Government (guomin zhengfu
zuigao fayuan zuzhifa 國民政府最高法院組織法) was promulgated on Nov. 17, 1928. The ROC Supreme Court is under the
jurisdiction of the Judicial Yuan, not the MOJ.
[◆ Top courts] [Supreme Court]
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